l r ?' With Minimum S5.00 Purchase "U Fin 11 0 I7 n n I 1 t t (meats excepted) v ; , U &s &&x a' 1 Wn rio & CT f 5h UIJ r: I YOUR CHOICE V , n S SW UjfilOfl 1 n 5 Q COFFEE Mellorine -p U UCttUlg J 3 LlU UUUUi -- " H Gallon M J yr Baby F w 5 5 3 v c MMfV'f" Swift's Premium Whole Bodied t00 Pillsbury Cake Mix White, Choc, Yellow, Double Dutch Apple Spice Oscar Meyer Vienna jj$00 Hcrshey's Reg. 69e 1 -lb. Tin Sperry's 'ancake Mix - Reg. 1.59 0-lbs. 303 tin COTTAGE OCut Green Beans OCorn Wholt Kernel Green Peas Mix or Match (a) F 0 R $ Bits 0' Honey Walla Walla Quolity Pack PARkl Creamed or LUnll Whole Kernel 303 tins PEAS 1 $ Lipton TeaMQes Adds aliiinct to an ivirydiy ulinill SoHrJ coppr CD MP fL Wilnut fi'rs- finish jAr hindlw yyyyr Bran YOUR CHOICB 2 QUART FAMILY SIZE SOVlIu! 1 QUART CASUALSIZE OSS t te.9 Value AND A LIPTON TEA BOX TOP MAIL TO: LIPTON TEA, BOX 5810 ft. Paul 4, Minn. Vi-ib. 79 c 48-Bag 59 Swift's Premium Trayed Fryers 35; aeon Swift's lean streaked Oriole, k Chops Pork toast ft AND ir-v jpare Urns .lausage Thick juicy center cuts Loin Cut Pork Country Style. Leon and Meaty. Big-Y Country Style Ocean Fresh Red Snapper 35?" Rib Steaks V Large Sweet Novell Fancy, Golden Hand BANANAS Oranges Tomatoes Carrots Hearts Lemons Ree) Ripe Slicert Fresh, Green Topped Celery Sr.oboy Pk9. Medium Site Juicy 2i$1oo 29, 2 - 25' 29 15 We'll Pay You 50tT&3 Golden Ladle SPAGHETTI SAUCES Sund thf paehaii linnts 1rom nth of thi thre riitfexnt Golden Ladli So Chef ti Siucei We II und ysu 50c by return matl. orient the packeit Iroms from 2 of the 3 dif ferent Golden lartit vaneliet.Wi'll tend you 25c. Mail to: GOLDEN UDLE,iiiS)Ji.UfiHM HURRY! Offer eolrt April 30. 19W (Limit O" letvftej Per Petmityl PUH I rllA SPAGHETTI UUIUCII LdUIC SAUCES TANGT MRINaR STYLE MHO AMERICAN STYLE WITH MUSHROOMS PKG SERVES POUR l.iViila I 3:89 Medford Freeitone Sliced 39- I LOCKER BEEF 3 5 i Cut and Wrapped : Fully Guaranteed Locally Hind,4o.slb.59i! VStBeef ". 49c! ROUND of BEEF I You far epproiimarelyr 30-lbi. of round ereok, ( rump raosr and around aflEak round. It', a cut, BJC wrapped and quick Iroi- II an (whan datiradl ready if Jh tor your fraatar or lock- ' LOIN of BEEF Toko home appraiimata- 8', lr 40-lbi. of tirleln M - 1 itaak, f-bona iroakl, lir. fiR&Jf ' of - i loin tip raait and ground II. flC ; beef. W. cut if and W 10. $ a JJj 1 1 wrap it for you. Pay only 4?1 flfl I b 1 NOW ONLY 13ilj0 hj 59e H2tMTr:.....4n.oo 5oap5.",7!..a7 King Size Water AA Softener w 77 Del Minte 20-Oi Catsup Dog Food Cling Peaches HS& Please Tall Tim Chocolate Drops H', D'i"':M3s1.00 Shortening F,u" (RC9 85e) 3 5.59c Cat Food iTin...8r...8?1.00 Milk cTrc 3139c French Dressing lloidh h7hi2"d"eo 29c French Dressing Tobr..D,,.u" 29c Paper Napkins 8ZoeeCoUn. 2123c Chocolate Bars He,,X. 30?1.00 Elastic Starch 27c Margarine Re;:f!.5cAwa:d ib. 29c Folger's Coffee 1, 1 or 3-lb. Tins Ib. 53c 10-oz. Instant 1.19 Modoc Peaches r LLOO Bartlett Pears rT'n' Ho,vr4?1.00 Spinach Bi'3o3T:.ney 811.00 Purex viG.net, 39c Tuna tor Ki,t L'9hf Meat Chunk Styl" 29c Toilet Tissue 49c Spreckels Sugar 10-Lb. Bog .... 89c Whit. King VI)r( Cleanser White King ylfl( Bleach Tabs 4" Sierra Pine Deodorant IRef. bare) Soap Complexion Site Lemon Soap c lb. Shop BIG-Y For The Best In Guaranteed, In-Season Produce! TfiMhnfii r ; " n'i if ttvoid impiy ind 4 lIPTOf SOUP IOX (ONtS. nne frfttn Alphabtt Vgttabl Soup thi th bo froMi tiv 3 DifMRtNT IIP ION SfjlJP VPlf TltS 11 LiriANSOtlf, I0t bill 11 PHI 4. MINN. I lure I t-tlwfJe rv'"l" e"tl 4'it. HUMY Offrtpi'eMeir 11,13 iMMrf 0e f ettxe eax e"'r Lipton Soup Specials ALPHABET 2 VEOtTABLE pack CHICKEN 2 NOODLE pack ONION GIEEN pea cac Mil ar March 3?89c 3?89c 3?89c 2 3AQQ 2 pack BIG-Y Variety Dept. Mix or Match Crystal ' Glassware Tumbler., Sherbett, Itc. USE FIRST NATIONAL BANK MONEY ORDERS UP TO $300 20c Each Household Rubber Gloves Etro length with reeriible cuffi. Non ilip roughening on fingers. Glovei eon tain Hexochlorophene to kill germ, re main troth. Right Reserved to Limit Closed Sundays 4710 So. 6th