a u IT 1c R ti it rr cl il n b P ri o rl b b 4 PAGE-C HERALD AND SEWS, Kltmath Falli. Ore. Thund.y. F.bruiry 7. 1963 , - - ...MMHy ... ..,,, g..,, m, ni....' --"HIim ,, , , , Mgl.', -Ht "TJ ' "ISTWW'W . -( i,; j I h Order feirtra the salad and are a good taste accompaniment, too. : 44 tUf2Qw 6 0 Ji 0 1 fl If I Q J I CT I T I C It's raspberry sherbet topped with canned fruit cocktail term,, "rr- .4 J"r3 I l f I II II I lt I f jJ S. for dessert. i. 1 I I l U I U il SCI U .3 I LJ 1 1,4 1-- - J " HEARTY TASTY ELEGANT Here is a salad main course you'll invite to luncheon or dinner. It is Molded Tuna Loaf. It's family fare and company fare as well. Marinated canned asparagus spears look so pretty with SALAD SUPPER IS FILLING When the men in your family say that salad meals are for Jadies just give them a knowing smile and watch them consume Molded Tuna Loaf with gusto. This salad mold is made hearty with tuna, milage cheese and mayonnaise. The wonderful flavor of the salad is enhanced by specially chosen seasonings. Serve it with canned asparagus marinated in bottled French dressing two hours or overnight. For dessert Raspberry Frosted Fruit is a refreshingly tasty fi ll a 1 e. It's raspberry sherbet topped with canned fruit cock tail. MOLDED TUNA LOAF 2 envelopes unflavored gela tin l'j cups water 1 teaspoon salt U cup canned or bottled lem on juice I teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 1 cup mayonnaise 2 cups creamed small curd cottage cheese i cup chopped green onions 2 cans 6'i to 7 oz. each I tuna Sprinkle gelatin over water in a saucepan to soften; heat slowly until gelatin is dissolved, stirring. Add salt, lemon juice and Wor cestershire sauce; cool. Add may onnaise, cheese, onion and drained flaked tun'a; chill until partially thickened. Pour into a loaf pan; chill until firm. Unmold on a serving plate. Serve cut into slices. Twelve servings. Now is time to opies OF THE 1963 ANNUAL fFlfrk Edition of the Herald and News PUBLICATION DATE -- SUNDAY, FEB. 24th ' li k , . 5,',' i , V,. , " v" ?,r, f ,' .v v X: . . vv 7v'"' i -iiiwi wiiiiiik 'mfceli-. ..... . t ri-ii"Miif ' I Order Progress Edition Copies Mailed To -A- Business Associates Business Prospects Friends Relatives Use the form at right - The Herald and News will take care of packag ing, postage and mailing. 1 M ailed Anywhere in the U.S...50C SOME LIKE IT CHRISTMAS And iomo like ham on taster, but most of us vot for ham ny time during th year. Ono good rule In buying ham Is not to undoresti. nute rtppetitos. Count on two servings To the pound of bone. In meet and four servings to the pound of boneless meat. Better buy plenty for seconds and some for "planned-overs." Orange-Apricot Sauce is delicious with ham. See story Paae 4-C ....... - ... ,. T v t..WWrxlllyWgw;,,l ,mm. J,,.,.;!,,, .yy , . .4 I wxw T'"' r""ru.i " " s , " . .... .... ..;,... . . I ' , ' ' ... .. , ' ' " '.. . - :: v: ;T Tdr fiX:,,;: , . y y : t;J - v.. ' ' , v . -, ; : : .-" :.. . v ' v i 1 ' ' ., 't - 1 ' . - ; . . - - -l y - - ." r -! - :, . ' Business Firms- there stiH is time to place Advertising in the 1963 Progress Edition For information on rates, services and coverage phone the advertising department, TU 4-8111. Use this handy coupon form to tend copies to your friends, relatives and business . associates elsewhere. Just fill out the form and mail with your payment of 50c per copy to the Herald and News P. 0. Box 941 Klamath Foils, Ore. and all wrapping and moiling will be hondled for you. Mail To: Name Address Moil To: Name .... Address .. Mail To: Nome ... Address Moil To: Nome ... Address Moil To: Name Address ALL WRAPPED UP Turkey in blanket" takes care i end turns left over fowl, (use chicken instead of turkey ct leftover New Year's turkey In tasty fashion. Its "blan. if yours Is a small family that didn't buy a big bird I into kct crust is spiced with instant minced onion and sage I a glamour dish, good for a party. See story Page 4-C i "d- izzzzzzz: " S 1 I ZTrk , .V P.O. box 94i . yZ'-l Yl ''' T'phon. Orden Accepted TU 4-811) Srimu tzm&zmLi