HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls. Ore. Thurday, February 7. ISM PAGE 3-C Vogue STAINLESS STEEL 'WATERLESS" COOKWARE it TTV H f . u . fc PC; vt J ' 44x f L .-ix..- l---.v. , - t?", - ,iJrfV'r 'I A TREAT Pretty to the eye end good to taste ! this easy-to-make cherry parfait ,tauce served as topping for wedges of light angel rood cake. , CHERRY PARFAIT Give your dessert making bgnst and your family a treat with a very special Cherry Parfait i&auce to serve over wedges of feathery light anpel food cake. Flavorful canned sweet cherries ad whipped sour cream are fold ed into cooled cherry gelatin mix ture. The sweet good juice drained from the cherries is used for part of the liquid in the gelatin, of Bourse, along with the peppy ad dition of grated orange peel. Either plump juicy light canned cherries, the Royal Annes, or deep dark red Bings or Lamberts may ,he used in Cherry Parfait Sauce. This inter-change of light and dark sweet cherries is true in most recipes using sweet canned cher ries. Picked at the peak of the season in the Pacific Northwest, the excellent quality of this su perior fruit is preserved by can ning for year-round enjoyment. You'll love the cheerful deep pink and smooth delicate texture of Cherry Parfait Sauce. It's quick to make, too, since the gel atin only needs to chill briefly before folding in the sour cream and cherries. The sauce can be held at room temperature, until serving time since you want it to be thick but not set. CHKRRV PARFAIT SAl'CE 1- can (1 lb.) light or dark sweet cherries m 1 package cherry - flavored gelatin 1 cup sour cream 1 tamespoon grated orange peel Angel food cake wedges Drain cherries, reserving syrup. Add water to syrup to measure Vt cups. Heat cherry syrup and wa ter. Add gelatin and stir until dis solved. Chill' briefly until cooled but rot thickened. Fluff sour cream with a fork or beat until smooth. Stir into cold gelatin mix ture along with grated orange peel. Chill 15 minutes; fold cherries. Chill 5 minutes, then hold at room temperature until ready to serve on angel food cake wedges. Makes 8 to 10 servings. PRINCESS SANDRA Dairy Sand Princess ra Tibeau 1 . "Happy birthday, Oregon was the greeting ol American Dairy Princess Sandra Lee Ti beau (Tee-bowl as she arrived at Governor Mark Hatfield's office in Salem to begin her official visit to the state. Princess Sandra presented Gov ernor Hatlield with an ice cream birthday cake" from the dairy in dustry in commemoration of Ore gon's lMth anniversary. Princess Sandra practices what she preaches evidenced by the beauty and vitality she exudes, To keep pace with the busy chedule of public appearances that she faces in every state. Princess Sandra admits that she couldn't do all the things she does without a good well-balanced diet which always Includes at least three glasses of milk daily, not to mention the other delicious dai ry products. While in Oregon for only four ac tion-packed days. Princess Sandra will speak at the Oregon Dairy Industry's annual banquet in Cor- vallis; attend the O.S.I). U. of 0. game; make numerous radio. television and newspaper inter views in Corvallis, Eugene, Mc Minnvillo and Porlland: allcnd and speak at "Dairy Day" at the Portland Boat Show, and speak at several other meetings while In the state. Miss Tibeau was selected from 31 slate finalists representing some 30.000 initial entiants dur ing the Sth annual princess con test held in Chicago, 111. Just turned 20. Princess Sandra is 5 ft., 7 in. tall, weight 130 lbs., has light brown hair and blue eyes. She has three younger sisters, Deanna, 17. Chci i. 12. and Toni, 11. Their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alex A. Tibeau, of Auburn. Wash., operate a 292 acre farm with 41 head of registered Hol- sleins producing 450,0110 lbs. ol milk per year. During her reign. Princess San dra will travel over 100,000 miles visiting some 45 states a.v the official spokesman for the dairy farmer-members of the American Dairy Association. By "speaking up" for milk and milk products on radio and television, address ing food conventions, banquets and meetings, working wilh newspa pers to generate interest in dairy foods and the dairy industry. In addition to becoming a full-time employe of the association the Princess receives complete ward robe and' a cash scholarship award of $1,000. Sandra was editor of her high school paper, member of the honor society every year and selected for membership in "Who's Who in American High Schools Today." She was a 4-H member for nine vears and reigned as Chapter Sweetheart of Future Farmers tor four years. Currently a college sophomore, she has taken a year's leave from the Cornish School of Allied Art in Seattle. Wash., to serve the dairy industry. Princess Sandra s Oregon lour is sponsored by the dairy farmers through their Oregon Dairy Prod ucts Commission. Note to new cooks: Don't store onions or potatoes In the refrig erator. 'EClAL-w -WEEK OFFER Start with a handy 1 qt. Open Sauce Pan for only 39 EASIER, TASTIER COOKING AT LOW COST I Excitingly beautiful and different! Wonderful new Vogue cookware odds glamour to your kitchen , .' . makes cook ing easier and tastier cleansNwith amazing ease. Foods may be prepared the "waterless" way over "low" ' heat. This method saves fuel helps to preserve min erals, vitamins and rich, natural flavors. Each matching piece is superbly styled in brilliant stainless steel with) heat-resistant bakelite handles that won't turn or loosen. Hang-up rings save storage space. It's the ultimata in cookware makes favorite recipes even mors delicious. 2nd WCEK BUILD YOUR VERY OWN COMPUTE MATCHED SETl Ord O WICK 2 qt. Covered Sauce Pan 4 It mem qf. Open Sauce fan (Cor fto 2 q. Till tMi pal) ts-r Double BoHr Iruet (fin 2 . por) nuetc.AWAY" covins I Simply Invtrt iK n and thty fit IntM tiSa mm. Krutbt turn prtjtKtvd . pofM may bt itocUd GUARANTEED by tk manufaturtr agolmt rJaftttfs In motriall K work-monihlp. rlth T "' 10 in. Open Fry fan ' (Dutch Ovn obvr flu (hll V ' 6 qt. Dutch Oven 16 x 11 xJVfc In. Roasting Pan 9 th Wll 1 ! 3 qt. Covered ' I 1-3-3 qt. I ; qt. Singing "i t ; Sauce Pan ' I' . Mixino Bowl St-.' ' I .. Tea Kettle . it; SEE IT ON DISPLAY IN OUR STORE SEASONING'S THE THING Many cooks are discovering the use of canned soups for giving that extra touch that delights the palate. These meat patties are nestled in a sauce made with canned onion soup. Serve Party Meat Patties Me.it patties aie a favorite of (HI! They're even a welcome to Hie palate of the most discrimin aline pnurmet when cooked in a jesly sauce. For the sauce, use versatile canned onmn soup mix and ketchup. This handy soup mix is a manic inciedient in all of your rooking. From simple everyday dishes to party fare, it uil! pne you prue winning re "iu!L. For dinner lomcht lealure Par ty Meal Patties as the entree anil (or des.-ert floatins island pud dins. PAItTY MEAT PATTIES 1j pounds ground heef LINCOLN BIRfiERS Here's an ensy way to lins tjjr culinary hell at a Icen-acers' jrty: Cut niM nines ir.lo uedc A; (cimhuie with srniind berl. catsup. .(!t. pepper, instant minced onion and a h;l of mar joram. Shape inlo x I - inch "logs," Broil or pan-!ry. turning -woe. to desired donencss. Serve TS lonj h"t huttered buns. i Sliced almonds will fne an oth-! erwtse sunpie layer eke t h e glamor and appeal 01 a rnr: doeuvre. Whether ou u-e blanched or unWanthe.) aimonds. 1 them a hfht oven-toasting Spread them Ihmlj.- in a pie pan. pop tnto a slow tn moderate oven and wakh carefully fr a pa!e j.'fldrn cior (n devcln" 1 cup waler 1 can i Pi ounces i onion soup mix "4 cup ketchup Mix pound beef wilh two ta Uespoons onion soup mix; shape inlo six patnej In skillet. bron patties: pour off excess drippings Slir in water, soup mix. and ketch up. Cover: cook over low heal for 15 minutes, Stirling now and Ihen. I'ncover. rook until desired consistency. Makes six seivings. Wilh canned onion soup mix . . . turn thinly sliced vea! into a sn"r net's delight, too: SAICV VE.M. AU ORATIN I'j pounds' thinly sliced veal cut let 3 tablespoons flour 2 tablespoons huller or mar garine l'; cups w;i!er 1 can 1 P ouni rs onion rot in ... tool ruou ...ran nun MARKET BASKET 9tfc nd Pm Strttti Klamath Falli soup mix 2 tablespoons parmenan Cmikod riff Cut into sorvinc-M.f pirccs Pound tlour into veal with meat hammer or eHpe of heavy mucpf. In killct. brown meat in butter, add water, 5oup mix, and cheese ("over and conk over low heat (or 15 minutes or until trnder. Stir now and then. Serve with rite Makes six ser.viniiV LOOK! NO WIRES! Put it all in Your Dish Pan! J.,W EH3 a a . . oil Lm r I t -i i'.iTiuv'h" 'ssak I ' -- " Easiest to Clean 30" RANGE exclusively by - Westinghouse ALL the burners pull out for easy cleaning A special purchase far this Cal-Ort League Bonus avenr hat mad these pull-out burner ranges available le ui. Never before at such a low, low price! Only Westinghouse has it compart! TOTEM HOME TODAY Easy Quick Tasty IS SKI Don Kirkpetrick shows how all the burners, rings, drip pans, oven elements, both top end bottom, oven door, storage drawer, racks end control knobs can be removed for thorough, easy cleaning. It's the easiest to clean renge you O Free Delivery , OFree Installation OFree Service Plus GREEN STAMPS Special Purchoi Pric 279.95 Ltis Avtrag Trade-in 60.00 Lest Col-Ore Bonus Trade-in .. 20.00 $ Z X?&' - You Pay Only u (0(p95 No Money Down No Paymenis Till April 1st! (On Apprevtd Credit) With clock, timer, appliance outlet, porcelain drip pans, por celain broiler pan, hiejh speed Corox units "Fry Pan Con trolled," fine tuning switch. Porcelain pans won't stain, won't warp, and are easy to clean. Other WESTINGHOUSE RANGES As Low As With Qualified Trade URKPATRICK' $15995 fcaJdSids. Poi It Lett Than 1 Block from Our Store! OA Corner 7th and Klamath Ph. 4-8886 J