M Co se m ici Hi " m m wi cb in; re be Pc I ad re of m be bi wi po in bi 15 fit ta r it pe lb nu dl CO CD w th ar al w ED FOOD o LE1 ExtiaQ Sliced No. 1 flat 303 tins a a STOCK UP ON QUALITY FOODS! n, 51 Q! 5-$l 2t59c -jj m a mi 3t89c g 2t79c S 51.! 51 2 5?51 E kl A ITCvrarn3 FINE FOODS I A 1x1 I l! 53 ti IS A Sl ' 1420 E$P,anad Ph. TU 2-251 1 LJ 'IS U II CUil X"l 01 plentY of Free Poking m0sWjrmm k i ll LJlIi k) ! f"- J Right to Limit Reserved! : 1 V j V ".T'r.r J bififLLJl """J Prices Effective Thursday Noon I --SJ TOM'S MEAT MARKET ? SUM0,tif '-'irfctft$ Enjoy the convenience of "service meats" where, there it alwoys a butcher on duty to show you both &W'tf-' VJfca tMet of the meat you buy. We feature U.S.D.A. Grade "Choice" steaks and roasts. ..tit'-r-: viX" KiVx,T : 1 Whole, peeled, 303 tins 303 tins Freestone halves 2'2 tins 303 tins &w Pineapple sm Applesauce sw Apricots s Fruit Cocktail CSS f t ti Sections, 303 tins " urapeiruir sw Peaches smf Pears H'""' 303 '"" sm Purple Plums Asparagus Sliced Beets fPeas 5 Cream Corn sCorn sw Spinach -fefl J D - Oven Baked, w Kidney Beans C?75 T Li P Pineapple Juice44"" 3?89c b F' Tomato Juice 46 " . 41 nnnnnnnnnnnnn m .'V:Ww fl LETTUCE J ; l?4v"7M. Crisp. Solid Heads Q 111? rf n V ft "I V ' ? U.S.D.A. "Good" and "Choice" Standing Rib 131 ROAST All green, 303 tins 303 tins i i 303 tin 303 tins t Whole Kernel, 303 tins Chopped, 303 tins . Solid Pack, 303 tins -oz. 303 tins PURETA Old Fashioned Smoked HAM: SHANK CUT (5 Center Cut Slices 89fb Thick, Thin or Medium Slices Rib Steaks Mew York Steaks Top Sirloin Steak Boneless Stew Pork Steaks Spare Ribs U.S.D.A. Good ond Choice. Cut and trimmed to perfection. 9 c lb. U.S.D.A. "Choice." The kind you con cut with o fork. Boneless U.S.D.A. "Choice" Aged For Tenderness Lean and tender, loaded with flavor. Eastern, Corn Fed Pork Thick arid juicy. Lean, Meaty 79 lb, 49 lb. Lean. Try this tor flavor. From "Choice" Beef 63 49 39 59 C lb. lb. C lb. c lb. 7n s 751 a Light meat chunk style, J Cf Q If I Ground Chuck DDDDDDDDDDD c 11 I I S&W 1 and 2-lb. drip or regular Pillsbury's white, chocolate, yellow, double du'ch, d'vils, applesauce, spice. 16-oz. 0 Each vBoDif-on7 W HnA nrn ft u lbs. Tube a C n Swift's Condlclight Froxen fl fk9 Chicken, sliced ham, Salsbury, turkey Ortt? " Dinners ' 39 C J rjllll Dennison's with beons c 5 Ketchup "Zr N.Chow k- f Mfhnn ... - 9lf59c Wax Paper .z 1WI VIIHp Evaporated, tall tins no 1 c Z J or I' C3 a a a n Olympia or Roinier 6-Pack. Aflf U Crescent eeer ssrss. ?o cashews Chicken Fricassee Lynden 29-Oi. Reg. 93c ! 5-oz. 49 Fresh, Green Slicing Cucumbers Tubed for your convenience omatoes tconomy Pock U.S. No. 1's ia fi ii ib. tj h ii r 8 'T' Potatoes H 3 Ketchuo -- 2s59( Lunch w cj rrostings sr-.. Peanut Butter 2) H Pretzels ir.0-,v- ' 4T lar-TnnntannnraiaracaaannunrannranannnannnQnnancannnnnnannnnnn Off n Schilling's 69 ? ALLSPICE 4?59e n IVi-ox. 29 T ll C Ancera Clear Green . "TAff U dy 0ok Turtle Soup it a mushrooms Ralston Cereal 33e S 1 37 c . . . fAe personal service store that saves you money! GROCERY PRICES GOOD THROUGH WEDNESDAY, WHILE STOCKS LAST MEATS AND PRODUCE THROUGH SATURDAY Open 7,30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Closed Sundcys wlli