mem MAKE YOUR OWN mil i-timmmmmmmmmmABmmeSimmm I VALENTINE'S DAY HEART CAKE EASY Why nol get foolishly romantic about your family this Valentine's Day. Shower them with hearts and (lowers as dessert ! In less than an hour, you ran hake a double heart cake, place it on your best platter ar.J ring it with a cloud of confetti like coconut. Candy or real pink rosebuds 31d tiny loving touches. You don't have to buy special baking pans either. They can be simply made from heavy duty iluminum foil. And afterwards. the pans are disposable. keep this aluminum foil tip in mind for all heartfelt occasions- such as engagements, bridal show ers, weddings and anniversaries. To create the special' pan, eul Should you not have a heart-shaped Dan in which to bake your Valentine cake, do not dispair make one from aluminum foil to bake a "iweet" calce for your family's Valentine Day. pecialtl By RUTH KING HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath Falls, Ore. v' til Ihursday, February 7, 196.1 c i i t- -J 4 V t" 4. . COMPANY COMING? Highlight your company dinner with Zwieback Cherry Torte (or dessert. This piece de resistance won't be passed up after a hearty meal. Make it ahead and chill no more thoughts until serving time. Cherry Dessert Par Excellence How could you possibly refuse hen there's Zwieback Cherry Torte on the menu. Not only is tins dessert a pieasin; iM in the eve. it is taste-tempt ing to the palate. Bright red tart pitted cherries are Dienaea wnn . oiKiarH.uMir rream mixture and nestled in a zwieback crumb crust. It's rich and delicious -teamed with eoflee. the perfect finishing touch to an elegant meal. ZWIEBACK CHERRY TORTE l'n cups fine zwieback crumbs ' cup sugar 1-3 cup butler, or margarine 1 ran (1 lb.1 water pack red lart pitted cherries 3 eggs 'i cup sugar '4 teaspoon salt I cup dairy sour cream Mix crumbs, sugar and melted butter thoroughly. Press around Veal In Noodles 1 1 cup butler '4 cup flour 2 cups milk 1 teaspoon sail Few grains of pepper 2 cups diced, cooked veal I cup diced, cooked celery 1 cup cooked peas 2 tablespoons butter teaspoon thyme 'optional i ' cup minced parsley 4 cups cooked noodles Melt '4 cup butter in a sauce pan: blend in flour. Add milk, stirring constantly; cook until smooth and thickened. Add salt and pepper. Cook live minutes, sllrring occasionally. Add veal, celery and peas Season more if necessary. Combine two table spoons butter, thyme, and par sley: add to hot noodle; mix weil. Press into bullered ring mold t'nmold on hot serving plate: fill center wilh veal mix ture Garnish with parsley. Makes eight srrvinCs. A regular cnrnmeal muffin mixture can be baked in corn stick pans. Ask about daily "Business Cati" SPOT ADS TU 4-1111 bottom and sides of a deep 9-inch pie pan or shallow baking dish. Put drained cherries in bottom of crumb crust. Beat eggs. Add su gar, salt and sour cream: mix well. Pour over cherries. Bake in a moderate oven '350 degrees' about 40 minutes, until firm Chill. One 9-inch torte. COMPANY DINNER Clam Juice Cocktail Roast Turkey Mashed Potatoes Giblet Gravy Brussels Sprouts Cranberry Sauce Ripe Olives Pickles Hot Rolls Butter Zwieback Cherry Torle Coffee EAST INDIAN CARROTS Add curry to canned carrots for an interesting dinner vegetable Season a bit of the liquid (mm canned carrots with curry now der and lemon juice to taste: stir until smooth. Add drained carrots and butter: heat. Season with salt and pepper. GRAPE SHRl'B Save the syrup from canned piced peaches to prepare Grape Shrub either for an appetizer or light dessert. Mix a 1 pt. bottle grape juice, 'i cup canned lem on juice. I nip canned orange juice and 1 cup syrup from canned spiced peaches Chill For dessert, add a scoop of sherbet to each serving. QliCKY BEEF CASSEROLE Time at a premium? Dinner will be on the table in minutes with Quicky Beef Casserole. Com bine canned beef slew and canned French fried onions. Add chili sauce to taste; put into a baking dish. Bake in a hot oven until healed through. READ "Our Crazy Farm & Food Problem" Try Jh"3 A 1 IM t i? l nrsicv Nakcs iscuits i h ft i vi to (Iff L I, Rf wt th'y're Ostfit Pi'V't fvm' 4 ti'X'i tw ft J lf,n sor "ant" Pi ti. ft U't 1 in rnu'ir !i 0? I -n. J, CRESCENT JOHN STROHM farmer, global report er, adviser to government chiefs. The man who got inside Red China tor an American newsman's first report from behind the Bamboo Curtain now digs deep inside Ameri ca's biggest and most baff ling domestic (and world) is sue: OUR CRAZY FARM AND FOOD PROBLEM It starts Feb. 11 in a cardboard pattern in the de sired shape. You can cut a double heart shape, or two overlapped hearts, to use a complete, two layer cake recipe or lull package 01 mix. Each heart should measure at least eight inches across the wid est section. Heavy duty aluminum foil trans forms the cardboard pattern into a metal baking pan. Simply tear off two sheets of 12 or 18-inch wide heavy duly aluminum foil lo overlap the cardboard at least three to four inches on all sides. Place the pattern between the two foil sheets and turn up all edges lo form the pan. Where necessary, cut off jagged peaks of foil to eliminate bulky spots in the next step. Top foil edges of the pan should be gently folded donn toward the outside, evening off the rough' edges, to form two-inch high sides of the pan. Crush fou tightly and smooth. When the pan is completed, grease it lightly and place it on a baking sheet for extra support before adding batter. Bake the cake according lo rcc- ie or mix instructions, or for 35 40 minutes in a 375 degree oven. When baked, top wilh marma lade while warm and sprinkle with pink-tinted coconut or cool and ice wilh fluffy frosting. Serve in the sparkling foil pan. then toss it away when the last crumb of your romuilic dessert is gone. With these simple directions, you can make baking pans from super Cow Belles At Convention Eddie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds Frank Sinatra and seven Klam ath County Cow Bellts, among others, shared the Las Vegas strip lor a fun-filled and busy Ihree and a half days during the Ameri can National Cattlemen's and Cow Belle annual meetings recently. Monday evening the Cow Belles held a reception at which presi dents of the 24 Cow Belle groups reported on activities. Tuesday was the luncheon and fashion show fur all women attending (lie convention. Wednesday morning was the Cow Belle breakfast and main business meeting. Thursday strength aluminum foil in any shape you desire for all holidays and special occasion morning the General Council, con sis! ing of officers, chairmen and stale presidents, met at break fast to map plans for the coming year. The National Cow Belles, as Mrs. C'laridgc of Atizona, the; president, stressed, are the auxil iary of the American National Cattlemen's Association, carrying out their aims and purposes. It is a rather loosely-knit group of over 6.001) individuals and 24 af filiated slate groups and serves to siearhead beef promotion pro grams and act as a clearing house lor new ideas working their way up from the local groups and as disepnscr of ideas and materials In r.'iiTv mil ni-nm-nm nl all lou. ... I O" " els. ' They depend heavily on the Na-' lional Livestock and Meat Board for technical help and to the new ly formed Beef Industry Council 'of that group for promotional leadership. Oregon and the Cow Belles are proud to have Mrs. Tom McEIaiy of Vale as the first. iand now one of the three women members on the council. Principal programs siionsored by the National Cow Belles cur rently are Beef for Father's Day, Beef Cook Book, Beef Education, i carried on already in nine states and adopted as a national pro gram last year', general beef promotion projects and public re lations projects such as helping in farm-city week programs and wilh safety campaigns. (Continued on 4-C) PEANUT BUTTERT TiW thlSW DUNDEE RICH RED TASTY 22 .... 5 c c JARS J CLAM CHOWDER SN0- 249c ASPARAGUS PEARS TOMATOES CORN NOR-PAC No. 300 cans CRATER LAKE BARTLETT HALVES No. 2Vz DUNDEE No. 303 DUNDEE -CREAM OR KERNEL No. 303 3M9c 3 ""69c 4-59c 4 -59c QC A C Fancy Hudson Perfection ZO It A J No. 303 cans J cans 0 jC APRICOTS GARDEN No. 2Vi 3 cons 57c i rl 1sV. - ulv W oil- W mm 3KIDNEY BEANS 3 ""43c No. 303 STANDBY Pureta Smoked USDA "Good T-Bone Steaks Fryers Bologna Fresh Oysters Soran's - Local. Fresh Frozen l34-lbs. eoch Scott's Pure-Pak By the Piece 98c 69c -39c all Pint FIRESIDE CREME COOKIES 1 12 ;b, 29c VAN. - CHOC. - LEMON DUNDEE - Mb. PKGS. MARGARINE 3 49c Real Gold 6-01. Concentrated ORANGE JUICE 3 - - 49c 1 .1 .Til ki 1 r ij 1 1 1 in 1 am i JUICY SWEET CALIFORNIA ORANGES 5m PoiatoesSO 9ff Smoothie Carrots a 2:119' FRESH CALIFORNIA DATES ' 2" 49' HOSTESS - QUALITY FOODS PEAS - MIXED YEGS. CORN - SPINACH-BROCCOLI-FRENCH FRIES C : Oft. Peas & Carrots J qj V BANQUET 8-INCH SIZE a wm BLUEBERRY PIE- J 5 BANQUET CHEESE & MACAKUNI DINNERS 2V BIRDSEYE 14'2-oz. FISH STIX 18 IN PKG. 59' BEST-BET EGG NOODLES 1 12 35c GOLD LABEL INSTANT MASHED Potatoes 8-oi. pkg. make 15-3-oi. Serving A 2 pkg,. y FINER FLOUR 10 LB. BAG 1 HERSHEY'S COCOA 49c ib. tin Maxwell House Drip or Reg COFFEE 21" Adamsdale - Assorted Flavors ICE CREAM Vi Gal. 79c ADAMSDALE Half Gallon Orange, Grape or Punch JUG "1 mmtVlaf ar- DRINK 27 Fresh Creamery, Brookfield BUTTER Ib. 59c "WIZARD - SPRAY" HOUSEHOLD DEODORANT Spice, Evergreen, Spring Bouquet, etc. KITCHEN HOUSE OR BATH LARGE SIZE YOUR CHOICE PRESTO-LOGS 16 "for 100 POST OFFICER CONVENIENCE AMU)