MGK 4-B HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Thursday, February 7, 19C3 Quest For Air Link To Reno Renewed By Chamber Move Another effort by the Klamath County Chamber of Commerce to seek the establishment of a com mercial airline passenger serv ice Unking Klamath Falls and Iteno was renewed Wednesday, as the chamber approved a recom mendation of -the aviation com mittce that it discuss the matter with representatives of other chambers of commerce at a meet ing here Tuesday, Feb. 26. The proposal was one of two resolutions approved by the cham ber at its weekly meeting in the Pelican Cale. The other recommendation was adopted by the chamber upon the request of Floyd Wynne, director of the local and state affairs com mittee, who urged that the mem bership oppose the passage of a bill before the legislature which would require that employers re port monthly the state withhold ing taxes of their employes. The bill would affect companies with 15 or more employes or those firms with monthly withholding! taxes totaling $1,000 or more. Wynne reported that the bill, if it becomes Jaw, would triple pa per work for firms affected by tire change, as well as treble the number of clerical workers han dling payroll records in some companies. Following a brief dis cussion of the proposed bill, Wynne presented the resolution in the form of a motion and it was Seconded by Brooks Dickerman and approved by the chamber. ; He stated further that the local and state affairs committee was breaker bill but would defer mak ing a recommendation on the pro posed legislation until it came out of committee." The subject of an airline flight connecting this city with Reno was introduced by Jim Bocchi, direc tor of the aviation commitcc, who urged the chamber to reaffirm a decision it made two years ago endorsing the proposal. Bocchi said the plan was not accepted by the CAB at that time because the chamber had little backing for its proposal. Since that time, the CAB has become more familiar with the need for such a service. Last year, Joe Sawyer, manager of the municipal airport, remarked on the possibility of establishing the flight with some CAB repre sentatives, who appeared to be interested in the subject, Bocchi explained. The informal discussion occurred in Portland during a public hearing the CAB held on another matter. In order to obtain support for initiating the flight, Bocchi said the aviation committee .would hold a no-host meeting Tuesday. Feb. in which representatives of chambers of commerce from Med ford, Grants Pass, Ashland. Sa lem, Reno, and Bend Redmond would be invited. The meeting is slated so the aviation committee may seek the endorsement of those chambers which would benefit by such an airline service, he stated. It was also disclosed that Su- 6anville might be proposed as a In other business, George Calli son, chamber manager, comment ed on the Pacific Northwest Tour ist Association meeting he attend ed with Jim Monteith, chamber president, in Spokane Saturday through Tuesday, Feb. 2 5. Callison reported that the asso ciation is conducting a promotion program to encourage tourists to visit the Pacific Northwest and to retrace their steps in ensuing years. Callison also related the con tents of a letter he received from Stale Sen. Anthony Yturri, chair man of the Senate Highway Com mittee, in reply to opposition ex pressed by the chamber to the financing of highway projects through the issuing of bonds. The senator stated that he also opposed the financing of such projects through the bonding pro cess and would do what he could to "discourage any proposal which suggests that means of financing." On another matter of state gov ernment, Monteith said that he Hobo Party Scheduled ALTURAS - The Alturas Alla manders square dance group will hold its fifth annual Hobo Party at the Alturas Elementary School all purpose room Feb. 9. Danc ing will begin at 8 p.m. with Hank Fields master of ceremonies, ac cording to chairman Lyle Dunn. In past years up to 24 squares have participated in this old-fash- ioned "hoe down," with dancers coming from Redding, Reno, Klamath Falls, and most of the inter-mountain area. Cash prizes will be awarded for the best dressed hobo couple, the best dressed hobo woman, and the best dressed hobo man. Chairman Dunn emphasized that square dancers and callers from any locality are welcome and in vited to the annual affair. A pot luck dinner will be served at 11 p.m., and Callison stopped in Salem while returning Irom hpoKane Tuesday and discussed the pro nnsed four-cent ciearctle tax with representatives Carrol Howe and George Flitcratt. The legislators expressed the view that the tax bill would be passed and placed 'on the next ballot. also studying the anil - strike Ischedulcd stop on the flight. Park right in front of our door. Leave the kids while you shop T&C, they'll be all ready by the time you are through shopping. Prices are right, too. . . ' ADULTS 1.50 - CHILDREN 1.25 SUBURBAN BARBER SHOP Bob Soys - Look af THESE Valentine Values BOB SCHOLL Certified Watchmaker Elgin "Embraceable" With brocaler band. A beau tiful 17-Jewel wotch with un breakable mainspring. Shock proof, too. Our regular price It 49.95. Look at this low price 25" plus tax Man's Elgin Automatic Waterproof, shockproof, unbreakable main spring. Cal endar dial. Complete with expansion M M Q band. A regular 59.50 watch you can rjierA buy ot Bob's for only . ' T.I. THREE-SOME RING SPECIAL Gat tha matching groom's ring free when you buy this 8- diamond wedding set in your choice of white or yellow gold mounting. A reg ular $249 value for only plus to WEDDING SET SPECIAL 7 fltiH.ring diamond! weighing a total of 1 full carat. Com par tntta ringi anywhar at S9J. 01 80 iuil slut toi W I U 13745 WE TIME THE AIR FORCE FOOD AT ITS BEST- Plon your lunch with the gang while you shop Town and Country. It's o pleasant way to take a shopper's break and the food is delicious! BINGS Town t Country Shopping Center $15 TRADE-IN BONUS For Your Old Water Heater On Any New Fast Recovery FOWLER Electric Water Heater 52-Gal. Fowler Upright Enjoy all the hot water you want with this fast-recovery, glast-lfned water heater by Fow ler. 70yr. warranty. Rust resistant construe tion. 100 heat transfer - the units heat the water direct. Look at the savings when you trade in your old heater any kind, regardless of condition. Reg. Price 89.50 CalOre League Trade Allowance 15.00 74 50 Pay Only I f? 50-Gal. Table Top Install it right in your kitch.n. Tha 1-pc. porceloin top with splash panel blends right in with othor cobincts. All tha lama features as tha heater mentioned obova. Trod, in your old heater and sova. Reg. Pries 109.50 CalOre League Trade Allowance IS. 00 Pay Only 94 CALORC ELECTRICAL IIAGUI ONUS QUALIFICATION rou oio Of nt irri ipoliei o Qurchas of lew electric fouioment Vifv ffcfi h m tltvlrtrat tpottf4 bvrn ttetwt ellswnme tjtul h m aciditta) to (it tmyl rwmhw tooltm Appratttxt valve of your a I el (quipmMt, awbrKt N conditions pofd with the tolling doolt. CWtr Mod fK ft A .Mil 2lt vlitt W tvtSoriifxj Woguo mtnb odv ADMIRAL ELECTRIC RANGES REG. 199.95 ELECTRIC RANGE Less Col-Ore League Allowance 179.95 Plus hberol eitro tredt-in allowance from Shorter lite cfric. Come in and let us show you haw little it will coit to own new Admiral Electric Range. REG. 279.95 ELECTRIC RANGE Lets Col-Ore Ltague Allowance 259.95 Plus we're giving extra hig trades at Shaffer's. Corns in and let us tell you how much ettra your old range Is worth on a new Admiral! Town end Country Shopping Confer GiftsforMen ll .j ARROW SHIRTS 450 from He'll look and feel his best in a crisp, new white shirt by Arrow. We've the complete Arrow line in all popular collar styles. Co easy on yourself, too buy the new Arrows that let you throw away the iron. They prac tically iron themselves. We'll do the gift wrapping, too! WEMBLY TIES Every man's favorite. All the new spring patterns ore In. Moke your selection from ties priced from i Is!. 2 50 INTERWOVEN SOX Be sure and tuck in a few pair in his favorite pattern ond color. Priced from ust 1.00 ign H7 If it's for the man on your list, we've got it. We'll help you select everything he would like, ond then gift wrap your purchases expertly and beau tifully. Easy to buy, too. Just charge it on a regular 30-day charge account or a revolving charge account with up to 6 months to pay! k0r . j Packaged I VALENTINES jp ' 1 Assortments complete ' 1 w,,n envelopes ond Valentine Packaged j ""n,,n' far . . , Priced from Cotys f 26.0,29c. LAIMANT f Vwr Mist , 3.50 ff. ; JZT- Skin Perfume .1.85t : hand Perfumed Bath Oil 3.50 1 .. j LfpTil?.N Measured Mist 5.00 p,':: D Bath Powder .2.00S , - I If m lually promotes heal- 1 Perfume de Toilette and purse size per- 1 I '"9: Mcdicolv fume in heart shaped gift box . . . 4.50 I """!n' Hi plus tax. K V $2.50 Valua VALENTINE CANDIES In exquisite heart shaped boxes by f&7Q T"7C ' Brown & Haley, Soylors and Whitman. Tjj J J . M I J I A A big selection priced from B m iV c W 1 u . . ' 1 New Lipstick in shape, length and idea. HALO 1 The imperial lipstick With the sculptured tip. Refillable! Colors and outlines per- DRY HAIR SHAMPOO fy- . , ,. m ' i 75 plus -; and spray net combina- 0 v tion. Get both for only .. 1 ,ax f APC plus M ' 1 25 H D M Ref'H I plus tax Open 365 days a year . . , 366 on leap years. Open 9 till 10 ... 9 to 9 on Sundays & Holidays Druggist On Duty at All Times Current charge customers may charge anything except Camera Dept Mdse., in the Suburban Drug Bldg. ot the prescription counter. ATTENTION: Ladies In White The Shoe You've Always Wanted NEW GOLO "PERMA-WHITE" SHOES s Jlrrt t twnh wtth damp cloth keot th nw Gololrta "Prrm. wst- (wvic shoe too. Ingwhit bright ipotlery pro($ionll Mad of wonderful nw patent leather. WorTt crac or peell "Perma Wh,te" are ,o and supple for the eu.hioned comfort you want "flrL TJ; V '" h c,v. support you need. -' w Kiru vi wtwuiB trroe) Tooayi 9 i Town & Country Shopping Center AA-A-B-C 4 i to 10 1295 Supply Limited! Special Orders Gladly