Biology Students Work At 'Own Speed' In Dunsmuir School IS niTVMI'm Ctnrltnls liUinnlan arrinnnmanl ni-nuinn hinhlvl AKilitv trt Unrk uithntlt CtinPf. biology class. It enables serious Drake volunteered lo set up the advanced course when the school administration decided to add a third laboratory science course to the curriculum. Both Drake and his students are enthusiastic over its success. The class atmosphe'e is relaxed and informal. Each student keeps a record of daily work and com pletes required reading according lo a study outline. Projects arc part of the course requirement, and students are given a choice of various phases of biological study such as parasites, insects, fish, mammals, or plant culture. biology II at Dunsmuir Joint Un- satisfactory according to Duns- vision is a required qualification ion High School are "on their own"muir High School authorities. Ilor enrollment in this selective students to study at Iheir own speed and work along special in terest lines, without the distrac tions of having less interested persons in the class. Progress is checked from lime to time through quizzes and class discussion but Ramey Drake, class instructor, explains this is not just another lab class in biology. PASSES BEDTIME BILL TRENTON, X.J. (ITU - The New Jersey Assembly passed a bill Monday lo allow children to stay up past their bedtime. The bill would permit children Students are encouraged to con tribute to the classroom collec tions of specimens and assist in their preparation and preserva tion. The class members also maintain class terrariums and care for living specimens such as "The students plan to continue science courses at the college lev el and the class is designed to pre pare them (or advanced methods of science study," Drake states. At present the eight juniors and under 8 years of age lo work pro beetles, lizards, and snakes. seniors taking biology It arc fcssionally in theatrical produc tions, movies or television be tween the hours of 7 a.m. and 11:30 p.m. "There is very little need for classroom instruction." Drake con cluded, "and no need for disci pline in this class." classifying mammals according to kull structure, and each student is working on an independent proj - .:;fi do 8 0 o)o ) ect. EXPERIMENTAL COURSE An arrangement to allow selected students to study at their own speed without supervision is being successfully conducted at Dunsmuir Joint Union High School. Studying the structure of mammals in the special biology II class are, from left, Bob Vaughn, Bob Baldo, Sandra Reynolds, and Joan Bisagne. HERALD AM) NEWS. Klamath Falls, Ore. Wednesday, February 6, 19f3 PACE A Income Tax Drives Accountant Crazy CHEYENNE. Wyo. LT1 An accountant who went berserk while making nut his income tax return was captured today by po lice in a four-hour duel with gun shot and tear gas. ' The power company accountant. Dennis Clinton Rice. 21, wounded three police officers before courageous patrolman. Mike Coo- lihan, climljed to Rice's rooftop hideout and persuaded him to sur render. None was injured seri- ouslv. Rice holed up in his apartment with a rifle and shotgun before taking to the roof when police the apartment after his wife and mother fled in terror. Police said Rice began arguing with his wife while figuring out his fax return and ran amok. Po lice cut off traffic in blocks around the apartment and flooded it with While the course follows stand :ud subject matter, emphasis is placed on local animal and plant life, Drake explains. The students are encouraged to identify the biological life as it exists in their immediate surroundings. The study of algae and fungi under the microscoie w ill be done with specimens collected by the students. "We hav to wait for warm weather for this phase of the course," Drake said. Because the corns- is an elec tive offered to college prepara tory students. Drake has been given the privilege ol restricting the enrollment. Only those stu dents with no grade less than a B are recommended and none are eligible that have grades below C. SHOES! SHOES! Rice, 21, wounded lobbed tear gas through the win- searchlights. Rice held off police. I John n. fficers before a dows. He sprayed police with rifle firemen and highway patrolmen ilIlLL olman. Mike Coo- and shotgun fire when they ringed from 10 p.m. until nearly 2 a.m. GSSE! 3jjt - - '-r'":.j 2 F0R 1 NOW IN PROGRESS t I Hove Yov Own Clj H . H'l'lT'll'M-f gT B MEDICARE II 0 ISXfiMit I H JT 525 MAIN I SBa Lmmm wii.ii I V- f K 46 ELECTRIC APPLIANCES . 1 r- . L - .-sh lid . .ik . ; h-f . 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