Wed.. Feb. 6, 1963 Page 4A Herald A News Klamath Falls KUHS Spring Concert Set February 19 The first IfUHS Spring Concert will be given Tuesday. Keb. 19. at 8 p.m. in Mills Auditorium by Lie a cappella choir and Madri gal Singers. This will be the first in a series of fiva concerts planned by the music department The second performance will be the band's "Pop Concert," which will be Tuesday, March 5. This event will he held in Pelican Court. The third concert is slat' ed for Thursday evening, March 23, and will feature the symphony orchestra. The fourth concert, scheduled for Tuesday, April 15, will fea ture the symphonic bar.d, and the linal production, Tuesday, April 30, will be given by the concert band and freshman choir. The a cappella choir and sym phony orchestra are under the di rcction of M. Dale Hallack and assisted by Don Herbig. The sym phonic band Is under the direc tion of LaMar K. Jensen and as sisted by Muryl Dnnks and Kpluaim Hackett. The concert band is under the direction of Ephraim Hackett, and the fresh man choir is under tho direction of Don Herbig. Admission to each concert will be 50 cents, and the money will be used to help defray the ex penses of the various musical groups attending the Spring Mu sic Festivals which will be held in Ashland and Roseburg. Grangers Mold Meet At Eastside NEW PINE CREEK-Thirleen juvenile grangers and 21 mem bers were present for Ihe hot sup per and meeting of the Eastside Grange Saturday night. Victor Mulkey was voted in as a new member, and Mrs. Hilda Lenkcit's reinstatement was accepted. The chairman of the Home Ec Club, Nina Baly, reported on the Thursday meeting of the group, with Mrs. Florence Butler as host ess. She said the women voted to have the proceeds Iron the next regular card parly, Keb. 23, go to the March of Dimes, and they rie elded to order needlewoi k fur the fall bazaar. Mrs. Baty also brought up the matler of a fund raising project for the Home Ec Club, either a dinner or a public dancj, in which all Ihe grangers would participate Grange members vnleil to back the women's organization In any type of project. Carroll Cloud was appointed by the grange master to contact ".Snonky" Bishop and Mrrcel Cap ik. the committee in charge ol the proposed NPC High School student reunion In be held .Inly 4. Cloud will cooerato with the committee as a representative ol Ihe grange. The reunion was pro posed by a former resident, Mrs Dcirdre Dibble Meyer, now of fifil 5. Market St., Empire, Ore. She is interested in obtaining the ad dress of as many former students a Hissibte. In the absence of the lecturer. Velma Newcomlie, Alice Allen gave a leading, "Teddy Bear lllues," and there was Mime clis cussinn un pai hamentary prored lire. The members also vnlcd lo the hall to Shirleno Lawson tn hold a benelit project for the Heart Fund drive of which she ik chairman. 4-H Leader Session Set Officers and Junior Leaders In Klamath County's 4-H clubs will participale in an office! training session from in am. lo 2 pm on Saturday, Feb. 9, at Ihe Alta moot Junior High School, an nounced Beverly Howe.- and Fran cis Skinner, county extension ascitis The 4-H Officer Training will give each olficer an opportunity li, Icain Ihe duties and responsi bilities of their olfice. The junior leaders will explore Ihe poten tials ol Ihe leadership protect and discuss ways of assisting the adult leader with project maiermls and club activities. Mis Koala Macy Young. Ore gon International Farm Youth Exchangee to Luxembourg will share her recent 1FYE experienc es at the allernoon session. Any Interested 411 club members are invilrd tn hear Mrs. Young at 1 p m The offic ers will be grouped with discussion leaders as follows: Presidents and vice presidents. Francis Skinner; secretaries, Bev erly Bower: recreation and song leaders. Mrs. l-av II. ckleman. former Lake County Extension Agent, and junior leaders. Martha Tuhach. former 4-H Club member Willi 10 years rompleled club work. mm Ml You Can Count on Us... Quality Costs No More at Sears iurs. - m. - 5ot. SHOP ALL DEPARTMENTS SAVE SAVE - SAVE BIG PRICE REDUCTIONS THROUGHOUT THE STORE. SAVE FEBRTJSBY Q) Pilgrim Styling Assures You of Snug Comfort Men's Reg. 69c Cotton Underwear Shirts, Shorts, Briefs, T-Shirts Stock Up Now For Ycor Round Wear Shorts: ality Combed Cotton - S, M, L, XL resistant clastic waistband XL SAVE ALMOST 5 FineQu f Briefs , l Heat ,7 i Sixes S, M, L, Shorts: Choice of Boxer or Yoke Front Styles Sizes 30 - 40 T-Shirts: Tubular Band Collar, Hemmed Sleeves & Bottom. Sires S-M-L-XL. IS Ml DURING BARGAIN NO MONEY DOWN ON Sears Easy Payment Plan "Yes, Sears Has It" Over 200,000 items available through our Catalog Sales Department. Use our tele phone shopping service Phone 2-4481 or shop personally at your convenience at our Catalog Sales Department located on the first floor adjacent to the shoe department. Wed.. Feb. 6, 1963 Page 5-A Herald & Neva Klamath Falls DAYS Flatties Repeat of a Sell-Out! Second Time Offered! 1 2 OFF Charge All Your Shoes Cn Sears Revolving Charge SAVE Almost Vz Choose from four of our most popular styles. Add to your casual shoe wardrobe at this low price. Sizes 5 to 9. 77 Stainless Steel Set Reg. 5.98 Starglow pattern Won't tarnish, stain Needs no polishing Ideal for every day use. 24-pc. set o)99 Set Service for six SPECIAL PURCHASE! Fun Tops In Color Mad Print Cotton BLOUSES Roll Sleeves Button Down Front Sears Low Price 100 Cotton Print Sanforized Sizes 32 - 38 $ 11 100 Durene Cotton usters Sears Low Price 44 As fresh looking as tomorrow. Loose stylo duster of 100 cotton. Choose from an assortment of checks of print. Sanforized, machine washable. Sizes S-M-L. I ' ' I -' ! : ill $ Hi 1 Textured Cotton Cap ri Pants In 10 Top Fashion Colors Sears'! RjjfJ Low j Vtark Vv price iJnyy Neatly tailored with self belts, loops & concealed side zipper. Cotton min iature random cord that washes beautifully, always looks cracker crisp, Sixes iu to lo. Glamour-Styled Stitched Bras Iahv Vrivol Cool, washable cot Ion. Glamorous circu lar stitching. White. Si7rs 32 -10. ABC cup. CHARGE ALL YOUR PURCHASES on Sears Revolvjn9 plan SEAMLESS NYLONS xM if I' r j r J' r' 1 Demi AS S Run Resistant Mesh! Ultra Sheers SAVE 27c fm C J Pr. Heel and Toe Royal Beige Taupette izes 9-1 OV2 Stock Up Now At This Low, Low Price The items on these pages are only a few of the many money saving items specially priced for this Bargain Days Sale. HURRY IN TOMORROW FOR COMPLETE ASSORTMENT SAVE Vi MULTI-COIL Mattress or BOX SPRING Beginning Monday price will be 29.95 each piece cither size. Hundreds of resilient steel coils. Well padded. Sturdy ticking. Roll edge Box Springs Same Low Price Twin Size 19.88 ea. Matt, or Box Genuine CRAFTSMAN Sander Reg. 14.99 Save $3 Guaranteed. Medium-duty reciprocating sander. 3x6 inch pad. Rubber mount keeps handle from vibrating. No oiling needed. No belts, brushes to wear out. a 0 n n n n a 11 ia n a a Reg. 14.99 Saye $3 DDES ;; Hobbyists, Beginners ::Jig-Sqw PRICE H k i Mattress or j Box Spring mm Full Siie UL Approved V I '4 ' Jin m I. , 1 Sabre Saw 88 MARY LYNN FENIMORE Lakeview Girl Wins Wool Award MKEVIEW Mary Lynn Feni- more, daiiRhler of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kenimore of Lakeview, was recently named recipient of a top Oregon Wool Growers Aux iliary award. A participant in the 1962 Ore eon State Fair, Mary Lynn ex hibited the best all-wool ensem ble and will receive a $21 check from the auxiliary for lirst place honors. According lo John Klesow, county extension agent, she is presently enrolled in her ninth year of 4-H Club work and has completed projects in knitting, sewing, junior leadership, sheep, photography, rifle, garden and health. Handles most home workshop sawing projects. Cuts plywood, 2x4's - Built-in blower. Makes its own starting hole. ESS E3 E33 E3 E3 E3 ESI E3 E3 ESI E3 E3 D E3 E3 E3 HI E3 EH D D E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 S3 VS n El 11 n n Safe for young woodworkers to operate. Minimum stroke with no belts or pulleys. Cuts up to 1 inch in soft woods, plywood, masonite, thin brass. Table 6Va x 8V2 inches. n si a n n n 11 n n El .EL. Genuine CRAFTSMAN Electric t rr V4 Reg. 14.99 Saye $3 Drill 11188 Guaranteed to develop 1 18 H.P. Powerful enough to handle most accessories. Rugged sectional aluminum alloy housing. Craftsman key chuck. MONEY DOWN on anything you buy at Sears on Credit Pit Control Plan Studied ALTURAS - Long sought-after federal flood control of the Pit River through Alturas is now under study by the Army Corps of Engineers, according to Har old T. "Bizi" Johnson, United States congressman. The Army Engineers are pre paring a reconnaissance report on the Hood control problems cre ated by the Pit River in the vi- cinity of Alturas. A field inspec tion of the problems that have pro duced evidence of floods here for the past 70 , years Initialed the reconnaissance study under the small Hood control project. "1 expect to discuss the mat ter furtlier and in detail with the engineers at a special meeting lo be held early in February." Johnson said. According lo Johnson, a recon naissance report is the first ma jor step toward possible construe, lion of a small flood control prol- eel. If (lie report indicates that an economically feasible project can be developed, a detailed re- )ort can be developed. A favorable report could serve as the basis for authorization of a project by tlie chief of engi neers, Johnson said. "Although it may appear that the government moves slowly and cautiously In tlie preparation of its reports before any money is allocated, you ran rest assured that just as aoon as the detailed report is authorized, construction will begin immediately," he went on. Just what that construction will lie. possibly tlie rerouting of the Pit River around Alturas, will not be determined until the report is finished. FREE CANDY LITTLE GIRLS CAPRIS h 77 Little or no iron cotton poplin, otrrn or cord with elastic bock waist. Many colon. Siict 2 to 6. Boys' jjjl Blue m t Scars Low Price SHOP and COMPARE Heavy 1334-oi. Denim Jeans 2 Sanforiicd cotton in trim Western styling. Proportioned liies from 6 to 16. Long wearing. Cotton Terry Washcloths R Scars Low Price 1 Sott absorbent cotton. Big 12 x 12 inch site, assorted solid colors, extra hcovy weight. Still NO-IRON Furniture Throws Scors Low Price Throw over furniture. Use as bed spreads, table cloths. Cotton and ray on. 72 x 60 inches. Ironing Covers Price Jf fl Silicone trcotcd cotton reflects heat, is lint free. Damp cloth cleans eosily. 1 latex FREE Point Paddle with each gallon LATEX Flat Paint Scars Low Price Gal. Roll or brush on smoothly. It hides wet). Tools clean fast in soapy water. Drips flat in 30 minutes. Vinyl or rubber Floor Tile Sears Low Price I Ea. Your Choice Assorted marblciied Patterns, inch. 9x9 Amazing Hew Kenmore Vacuum earner Dust Bags Cleaner CI Reg. 74.95 SAVE $15.00 THIS SALE ONLY Weight just 12 pounds. Compact Kenmore has all the power of previous models weighing much more. Carries with ease and cleans so deep. Uses replacable filter bags. Other Vacuum Cleaners As Low As 29.95 5. FREE 3 ) Gates Open For Seniors EUGENE The Chancellor's Of lice of the OreRnn Stale System of Higher Education has an nounced that for the second year Oregon high school seniors whose grades average C plus or better will be granted admission to system institutions without wait ing for final grades and gradua tion. According to Dr, Fiancis B. Nickerson, assistant to the chan cellor, early admissions forms have been mailed to all high school principals In the state. Qualified students should apply for early admission through their principals or guidance counselors. The early admissions plan was lirst used in I9fi2 with notable success. M8ny students were able lo begin admission procedures early in the year, thus establish ing their admission and permit ting more orderly planning and processing on the campuses. Shop Friday Until 9:00 P.M. "Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back" SEARS Open 9:30 till 3:30 133 So. 8th St. Friday till 9 Phone TU 2-4481 SHOP ALL DEPARTMENTS AND SAVE Ex-President Takes Vaccine PALM SPRtNTiS, Calif. UP! Former President Dwight D. Eis enhower joined scores of local resident Sunday at the Indian Wells golf course and tndk tha tyr Ml Sabnl oral polio vaccine. Eisenhower and his wife are spending their winter at this desert resort. Elsenhower was a spec tator at the final round of th Palm Springs Golf Classic.