Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 06, 1963, Page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesday, Fehruarr I. 19S3
i Birthday r
HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath Falls, Ore.
o A
Is Observed ir
Mrs. Henry r . D. Louise Loh- aj'
mever rplphralrvt hor ftRth hirth. -4
day on Saturday, Jan. 26. Two
daughte rs. Mrs. Richard Dam- u ;
man Sr. of Portland, and Mrs. JjL
ueorge nnnseu sr. ot laenma , rik
day, Jan 25 to be present at the
annual gathering of funds and
The daughters gave a reception
honoring Mrs. Lohmeyer on Sun
day, Jan. 27, in the Zion Luthei
an Church parish hall, following
worship service, for the congre
gation. Mrs. Norbert Dey and f
Mrs. Art Kirkpatrick Forvod at
the reception table. Mrs. Loh
meyer has been a falliful mem
ber of Zion Lutheran Church
since l!)3fi.
Mr. and Mrs. lohmeyer came
to Klamath Kails in 111.16 from
Kansas. He died 19 years ago in
February, 1344.
Mrs. Lohmeyer has four grand
children and three gieat-grand-children.
all living in the Port
land and Tacoma' areas.
WM Jr v w .. r -sj Yj
MARKS 88th YEAR Mrs. Henry F. D. (Louise) Loh
meyer celebrated her 88th birthday on Saturday, Jan.
26. The following day a reception at Zion Lutheran
Church honored Mrs. Lohmeyer. Photo by Kettler
Judy Ha Heads Lodge
was recently installed as
president of Theta Theta
Rho Club No. 8.
Theta Theta Rho Club No. 8 of
Klamaih Falls held public instal
lation of officers Jan. 4. The in
stallation was presided over by
Donna Graham, retiring presi
dent. Ruth Ann Leib was the install
ing officer. Her staff included
aomi Fay. marshal: Georgia
Mills, musician; Relha Kirby.
Tile new officers are Judy Hall.
president; Carol Warren, vice
president; Donna Gossett, record
ing secretary; Sidney Swift, fi
nancial secretary: Fayrene Hall
treasurer; Kay Wilson, marshal;
Cheryl Ralhmacker, conductor;
Terri Deots. warden: Lynn Kir
by, chaplain: Maria Clark, inside
guardian: Ruth Ann Leib, right
support to the president: Linda
Mess? It's In The Bag
Newspaper Enterprise Assn.
- DEAR POLLY A plastic bag!
placed over the bottom of a food
chopper or grinder, secured with
,a rubber hand, is my handiest
gadget. Catches crumbs or juice
from moist foods.
MRS. G.W'.M.
GIRLS No Vmger will I have
to gn through thai cu'tnmary rnu-
tine of wiping up the floor beneath
the grinder every time I use it.
thanks to Mrs. O.W.M.
DEAR POLLY Hi re is a tip
for mothers w ith 111 lie ones w ho
want to play with the telephone.
Plare a large rubber band over
the phone cradle to insure a free
line even when the phone itself
has been taken off the cradle
'hooks. The hand is not too much
trouble to remove when you an
cr the phone.
i MRS. H H.
' DE R POLLY The letter about
the discarded bunk ladder gave
me this idea for using one. I had
painted it black to match my
living room tables and hung it
horizontally on the wall to use for
a knickknack shelf. On each end,
I nailed a brass planter. Between
rungs 1 hung small wall plaques
My living room now has a new
look and my husband Ihinks I am
GIRLS Slick with us and all
your husbands will be amazed at
the clever Ideas you will he put
ting to use. What Is ordinary rou
tine to you may be extraordinari
ly new to the rest of us. Keep on
charing with us.
DEAR POLLY You start out
rearing children and in a few
years you find you are also rais
ing turtles, birds, cats, dogs and
even a horse. Feed the turtles and
birds mashed hard-boiled eggs.
When raising puppi.'S, keep sev
era! pieces of old fur in the bos
and when the puppies leave for a
new home, give the owner a piece
of the lur with each pup and he
Linville. left support to the presi
Mrs. Ketha Kirby is the adviser
and Naomi Fay. assistant advis-
Board members are Olive
Hanna, Genevieve Pierce, Char
lotte Anderson, Edna Hall. Jim-
mie Lou Graham and Ruth Law
Terry and Mickey Ronningen at
tended the guest hook; Garry Wil
son was in charge of programs
and Bernice Low and Ronnie Ron-
ninccn were candlelighters. All
are cousins of the new president
Judy Hall introduced her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fay Hall and
sister Favrene.
In accordance with Judy's
theme, "Somewhere Over the
Rainbow," the hall was decorat
ed with streamers of blue and
white and girls wore hlue sheath
dresses thev had made and cor
sages of hlue and white. The
theme song was sung by Linda
Perrigo, Vickie Hunt and Sue Ann
After the ceremony, refresh
ments were served. Olive Hanna
served coffee. Edna Hall, cake
and Jimmie Lou Graham, punch
Coeds Plan
Pancakes and sausages will be
served at the "Kountry Kitchen"
silver offering breakfast Sunday.
Feb. 10, from B:J0 to 11 a.m. at
the Delta Delta Delta chapter
house in Corvallis. An open invita
tion is extended to all alumnae,
parents and friends.
Klamath rails girls assisting
with the breakfast are Jean Gas
perini. Ann Jcndiv.ejcwski and
Patty Propst.
Funds received during t h e
breakfast through the silver of-
Ini-ind uill hn ;-nnlrihntirl In the
chapter's scholarship program. I
Scholarships will then bp awarded
spring term to two deserving
women on campus. Last year's
winners were Barbara Bauer and
Crystal Stephenson.
Scholarships are the main phil
anthropy of Delta Delia Delta
and are available to unv eligible
woman student on a campus
where there is a Tri Delta chap
What could be more intriguing
on a cold winter day than (or
your home to be scented with the
fragrance of a . spring garden
This is easily and inexpensively
l)ssihle with a new push-button
spray. Ynu can even have your
choice of scent.
Club To Hear
AFS Student
DUNSMUIlt Carnlos Leiva.
American Field Service exchange
student from Chile, will speak at
the February luncheon meeting
of the Dunsmuir Women's Club
Tuesday. Feb. HI. at the Travel
ers Hotel.
Carlos is attending Dunsmuir
High School this year and mak
ing his home with the Roger El
lis family. He will compare life
the United Slates with lile
in Chile. ,
i w
Fruit-full new idea from Armour.. .Ham Ambrosia
Have you ever discovered, a
short while before dinner, that
you've forgotten to take the food
out of the freezer? If you stand
it in front of an electric fan.
it will defrost in half the usual
Here's how to make It:
"Ham What Am" by Armour or Armour Star
Canned Ham
Topping Ingredients:
J 13vi-ounce can pineapple tidbits
2 large oranges, sectioned (about Vt cup)
Vi cup shredded or flaked coconut
2 teaspoons cornstarch Vi teaspoon ginger
Slice ham, thinly, to within Winch of the bottom.
Do not cut through. Combine topping Ingredients.
Cook until slightly thickened, about 5 minutes.
Spread topping evenly over ham. (Or, spoon between
slices.) Heat according to directions on ham can.
Armour Star Canned Ham
The world's most popular canned ham, for good
reasons. It's all lean, tender meat. We remove the
shank, the bones, and all the skin. Then
we trim it to leave only enough fat lor flavor.
And tenderness.
"Ham What Am" by Armour
A ham that's even better than our Armour Star,
because it's even leaner. More of the Interior as
well as the exterior fat is trimmed away. And
this ham Is hickory smoked. A bit more
expensive. But almost as economical to serve.
To make it even nieir, Armour offers. v
you the ilicer! Stainless steel hollow
only 50( with a copy ot the raised
serial numbers from the front of an
Armour Star or "Ham What Am" can,
(To make copy, place paper over numbers
and rub with a pencil.)
Just mail your 50$ (coin or money
order) and copy of the serial numbers,
together with your name and address to:
Ham Sheer, P. 0. Box 527, Utlca 1, N.
will be happy in his new home.
The fur smells just like his moth
er. W hen kitty needs to he rioclored
and refuses, spill the medicine
liberally over her fur. She will
lick it off and improve. When
the horse langles with barbed
wire, don't panic: just get an oil
can. nil wiin medicine lor tne
cuts and aim in the right direc
tion. MRS. G F.
Mrs. G.F. sounds like t h e
voire of experience, doesn't she?
My children added hamsters to
their list.
For Professional
Baker's Nursery
Call TU 2 5553
rr rplf 4 at htclnnlnr f tny
iriMnih. Fr n lnipriint- fwr
Ing rarcrr In I mMitlojy . .
r tt '-mi
Klamath Beauty College
Derby's Music Co.
Proudly Introduces the
In mi Hindi f " I " --J'MiMaiMiMw''M'MiM',,,, "
(i . - '1
t y-'M - vi
The ultimate in portable re
corders. Actually a complete
sound system functioning as a
basic recorder and stereo tape
sound reproducer with inputs
(or stereo record changer and
or AM-FM and FM stereo
tuner. Multiple adjustment
head locates and aligns for 4
track stereo record play, 2
track stereo playback and 4
track monaural record, play.
Dual speakers. Automatic
shut-off. Tause lever. Dual
head, prc-amp, and power amp
outputs. High torque motor.
3-i4, 74, and 15 IPS. Six low
impedance stereo outputs.
Tlus other features we'd be
happy to demonstrate.
1 'i) -i
February Jj
sss mmm
fr$Cv ... ,
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4 Days Only
Save M9.',0,5"
JjCWWUA Widish
Usually to 14.98
Sav to 4.99
Usually 17.9S
Sv. 5.99
LaPointe's first time ever sole of
these fomous maker dresses! Ma
chine washable and dryable. Sizes
10 to 20, 2V to 2lVi. 4 days to
Dcphfi Music Co.
126 No. 7th
Ph. TU 4-5121