17 NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS AH htlo wanted ad published m m Htrtia & Newj r ctptM in tjooO fith tht the jobs oHered c at tta In the advertising copy. We are nor re sponsible tor the integrity of our adver titers, but e make every ettort to ait cover and reject alt misleading advertis ing. Anyone answering help wanted ad and finding it to be misleading is asked to report it to tne Claused Ad vertising Department of the Hera id i SITUATIONS WANTED 1 a 1 doi mmg. weeK eayj and nights, my; LICENSED CHtLO CARE by hour, day, wee Monday through Friday, a a.m. to i p.m. 1328 Carlson Drive, TU 2-514 IRONING, Washing, Pickup, Deliver. Ex perienced, Reasonable i TU 4-13. CHtLO care, your hem or mine any- lime. TU 7-1778, TU 2-27 11. ROOMS FOR RENT DOWNTOWN, clean housekeeping room.! tu manga, jit rme, IU 2-J4B7 CLEAN, comfortable rooms 2 blocks from Main, S5 a. up. TU 4-425. STEAM heated, quiet, sleeping rooms. 310 South Fifth - TU 2-0214 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 24 ONE or two bedroom, furnished, heat water paid, 825 Grant, TU 2-4719. NICE two bedroom, unfurnished, 2235 Wiard, TU 4-3577. ONE bedroom furnished, utilities paid, S65, adults. TU 2-2742. SMALL apartment, electric heat, wash ing facilities, close in, TU 4-730. FURNISHED 7 room bachelor apartment, $30, 2114 Reclamation. TWO bedroom rental, 140 per monlh call TU 2-3471. ATTRACTIVE one bedroom apartment, $40 per month, call TU 2-3471. NICE bachelor apartment, furnished, J25, iee Vrs. Adams, 514 High. PLEASING, 5th & pine, furnished t bed room, adults, US, TU 4-5010. NICE targe one bedroom apt. furnished, close In, no pets, adults, TU 4-8418. 2 BEDROOM & 3 bedroom apartment, unfurnished, also 2 bedroom house, TU 4-546. ALPHA APTS. Desirable downtown, fur nished, heat free, adults, 559.50. TU 4-4522, ONE bedroom apartment, range, refrig erator. Garage. Adults. 1406 Martin. MILLS "Addition, closB to market, $40 ft S45, 2340 White. TU 2-47. evening. CASH for farm equipment you ant te tll cornea fast when you use low cos want Ads. 0at TU J-lttl. SNAPPY, close In, adults, $4 Gun Store. PLEASANT, downtown, furnished, large 3 rooms, extra bath, free heat, adults. MS. Alpha Apts., TU 4-4522. NEW furnished apartment, Upham St. TU 4-9907. ? BEDROOM deluxe unfurnished apart ment. Immediate occupancy. TU 2-6500. RENT 155. Large 2 bedroom newly dec orated, furnished family apt. Living room, fcitchen, bath. 3 bedrooms, service room including washer & dryer. 1604 Lexing ton before 8 p.m. CLEAN, furnished, hea'ed, rage, adults, 203 Washington. THREE room, furnished apartment, 201 White. FURNISHED 3 rooms. Close in, aduits only, no pets, laundry facilities. 802 Lin coln. NICE clean furnished apartment, close In, TU 2-2531, TU 4-e9aa. THREE room completely furnished apart mtnt, 9H Walnut, TU 4-5472. DUPLEX i block off highway, Weyer. haeuser Junction, all electric. TU 2-312. UNFURNISHED two bedroom duplex apt. on California Ave. $69.50, TU 4-92M. UNFURNISHED two bedroom apartment, inquire 2519 Apptegate. MODERN 2 bedroom furnished p!. $45 per month, TU 4-54?2. $67.50 FURNISHED large close In, TU 3-0368. ONE and two bedroom ol., furnished or unfurnished. TU 2 1324 or see at 5779 Fargo. CLEAN studm, downtown, couple tingle, utilities. $55, G'eer Apts., 4-467B. CONSTRUCTION workers welcome! Near new OT I site, furnished, TV available, weekly rates. Pelican Motet, TU 2-25. NICELY furnished, three rooms and bath, garage, private entrance TU 2-i2)4. APARTMENT ner Weyerhaeuser fur. nished. Utilities, steam heat, $40, TU 4-1313. ONE bedroom furnished apartment, 333 So. lllh FURNISHED I room apt., $40. utilities paid. 419 No, 101th rntJ.Pi FTFl Y turniihed studio aoart- ment, all utilities paid, 115. a week or available by the month, washer-dryer, Villa Marquis Apartment (under new management! 1330 Oak. 1U 4-5W5 before 11 em. or TU 4-7851 after 7 pm. EWAUNA - DOWNTOWN Klamath i mos! modem, (yrrmhed. 71 50. Hi TU AUDLEY APARTMENTS Ntce. furnished one bedroom pt. 303 S. im near post otfice. $36 to $58:50 COMFORTABLE LtVtNG AT LOW COSTt 1-3-3 b'jdroom eoH.. furolihed or mhir nnhtd. Permaneni m)fitennte ifKiuued Vondey throuflh Friday SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS Itt? WASHBURN WAY TU -n QH.ce houri f a.m. to i p m RICKFALLS APARTMENTS t MOTEL 2660 Shasta Wav I One and Two Bedroom opts. Furnished and Unfurnished 1 S69.50 to S89.50 Doily, Weekly Motel Rates ' TU 2-3577 Wi A A 4 A TLi CAt I C C I klCCT tNW-MvirMn r-viuj ( 111-1 7?44 U"!o 1 Sdroom unuraNM t eedfOOm yhjrrnhd Snet aut Roems Tastefully OefB'd Wetl to wall Carpetmo Swimming Poof Hentsi me'uflti elf rvtcei ereot tiohone end elct'icfv p'f Va" ft i '-ftTf RNT 26 houses for NOT SPP'NC-S oe Bedroom furnished OJle Call TU 4-4379. CLEAN 1 Oroom fumhM nar htgh KhOOt. 141J Creicent, TU 2 3 '7 j LARGE I beO'Ocm u"tu"'.ied wt ' besement, garage. $37 I5C2 Ca'omtt bNEe0r"onmlu"rniSned, I52 SCT33JS Gar den Ave tu 3-3it? H"iv Oiitrcf, Clef, foil 0( SwtUirtj.j TU "74. FUpVTsmEO 'rrt'iler Km,'., 'o3u! 0i j rQ trtquiFi J4U lapriflnce c TUI 5-2ty j WODEPN ii-yr'iert brl'or. 1'" : 'tf. tft't'ty rfwn. eiC"': cr fl0iJ! tf'C". a4'q. TU 2f TU 2 IfcJ WOT JPPtNGS b'X'" uJMrt Ho- i infl room w n M . Wi Cr5('. TWO DM'WH ii" Pert:nd. T LI MiW 30 l-V:rJ Vr-S- 1 rv;-' r 1V, tt- Mr rM. r iti. tu ; eir- P E n't-SrV ('i- .l j TU 441 M t'tzn'.t 4'tl'vf ir . s: 'o ) M w t'f"t ' PT .2M...J;t 1 I h--w A 4.Sf HUP WANTfO HOUSES FOR HINT 26 SMALL 2 bedroom fvrnishWT"wa?ef. 8r bage. 42 SO TU 4-9005. aifer 5 7U 2-2C CLEAN two bedroom unfymished tcept torstovM, SSO, TU 4-UU; TU 2-2717. LARGE two bedroom unfurnished duplex, tike new, iSS. 5H3 Siskiyou, TU -7SU. ONE bedroom, unfurnished except elec- rrtc range, free heat and water. aduJH no pets, i6Q. TU 4-755 ONE bedroom turni jhed duple . water paid. Nice neighborhood, TU 2-us. T'A'0 bedroom furnished, fenced. CLEAN 2 bdrocm unfurnished, garage. Newiy painted, S7S- TU 4-23. VODERN newiy decorated partly fur- msnea on bedroom home, ioum ivbur ban, close Jo shopping, JSi, TU 3-HSL CLEAN three bedroom unfurnished. I mites noffh of Ktmm Fails, cftfidrtn, pets ok. US, TU 2-4590. CLEAN we bedroom furnished cabin, J35, 1235 Adams, TU 4-54. TU 4i4. ...22:TREE bedroom heme -n restricted dis- - - CLEAN t bedroom. $50. Stoves, rtfrtg ertor.714 StFrancii, TU 2-&M3. FURNISHED clean ? room cabin, etee- tncity, water paid, $32 50. TU 2-654?, TU! 4-t241. I UNFURNISHED I bedroom duplex ir Mills Addition, electric tieat. washer-dry er nooKup, garage, s, iu eve nings or weekends. ' FURNISHED I bedronm, gas or d, 1 or 2 children o.k. Tu 2-3732 I TWO bedroom house, furnished. $30, see : Mrs. Adams, 5t4 High. j ONE bedroom nturnihd ditnl. wn er-dryer hookup, circulated iirenice, ! harowood floors, Urge, ciean, TU 4-8263. . -rr --; r - - -t - CLEAN unturn.shed two bedroom house, ! L , t ciecinc neai, sss mo one ,,J TWO bedroom unfurnished house, cor ner Upham and Ueritngs. $45. Inquire next door, south. CLEAN 2 room nicely tyrnisned cottage Close in at 1920'7 Main St. ONE bedroom furnished dupiex, aauUi, no dogs. S4S, TU 4-4281. ATTRACTIVE Unfurnished 2 bedroom. Electric he'. garage. Washer, dryer hookup. Very? MISC. PROPIHTY TO LET 27 r J OFFICE space or sice rentals avail? able across from Courthouse, TU 2-650O, FOR lease 140 acres ievei ground under i Irrigation, Macdoel area. 20 acres good Or will sen or trade. 2-4137. j Natural hot water het. targe family .Sg!! j room. Three sed?oomv separie din- REAL ESTATE WANTED 28 room- Replace. Two bam. . 1 . ; car garage, fruit trees. J9,X. WANTED My sum lo4n- D) , 4 j.. .. Scbroeder Realty Co. Piece to posture 4-H qirl st realtors - u main mnrP Cmt frt 1 ft 1 A FiWrt.iTU 4-9254 Anytime TU 7QW rado. Contact Jack Thom as, Thomas Dodge. 424 So. 6th TU 4-7716 -s WANT TO SELL??? STRANGE AS IT MAY SEEM, I sell hooves even in the winterf (We can't alt go south with the ducks J And right now: m snon of listings. 5o if you are think ing of telling, give me a call, t'tt be glad to come out and discus your prob lem. No cost, no obligation. DON SLOAN Reaf Estate 10? SO. ?th St. TU 4-5658 Anytime HAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 29 WILL trade equity In house for pickup or whet-havt-yeu, TU 4-325. DO you have a $3,000 paid up home Would you like to trade for either an $8,000 home or 3 rental units? Write Bn 444SC Hera'd It News. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE .30 THREE bedroom home, bath and half, hardwood floors, fireplace. Built in oven and range, disposal. Two - car garaoe. covered patio and fenced back yard. Call TU 2-I4J2 for appointment to tee. Gt or FHA financing. REAL nice home on Homedalt Rd. Sev en rooms end bath. Beautiful trees and shrubbery. Nearly two acres land. C'ty water, also hat Irrigation wafer and pump. On sewer. Cloe In. Only about three blocks from S Mh. Owner; Vmm Nerval, Box 314. Ch.ioqu'n. ph. 28J-24S6 9 a.m. to $ p.m. 2 BEDROOM home on 'j acre in south suburbs dose Ferguson School. Newiy sainted with fenced back yard and pas ture Wall to wall carpet in tlvinti room Garaoe and chicken houi. Very good neighbor hnod Assume FHA loan or re finance. Shown by appointment only. Phone TU 2-5C69. Price $13,000. OLDER 3 bedroom suburban home Built in kitchen, carpeting, gaa$ smalt iot 19,000. TU 4-7312. 15 ACRES, unimproved, pved road, beau-: .tifttt building vie, Henley School Dmnet, $4,500. TU 4-7114. EW (JrQ? home lsr!jm fof . OTf d hm0ni. dayiiohf base- men. ooointmert onfy. TU 3-CS?3 NEW HOVE ,1,,, fin;hrf. 5 l-vc) ftiock from Moh Mtoot Sutil for tAtNnq tjt'ty nd ecom- 'o't hy iocf bulder, Cerpeted living; 'oo-ri, nM, no iwo Oforwim?. (.nermmo LfffQ 'mi)y room, p-iho. swn set, birch kitchen wih bu!lm awHantes. PfHiiflrge oouhie oa'rtoe Trrtiic ve' or wait heiqht fireplace with cobbled prvoniy $19,700. Good terms, hearth. You can't beal fhs tow, !ow ortre' of si?,50G. P'ease cell TU I-3J01 anytime. OLDf-R 3 bedroom Hoi Soring! home D'hwaiher, basement, t'j bstht, doubt! qaraoe $11,750. TU 4-37W NORTH StDE ftfan. (aro. comorfab(e I bdrftrn home Firpptace. tnrwJ harfcvarS, 1?.(XX! W'!t take any tyoe loeo. TU 3 053. TU ? 4335. FOR Quality, beauty and va'ne. call n to e tr.ii brand new 2 tvl 3 bert'oom modern home Family room. 7 hath. I fireplaces, doibte qaraoe "d many nth . er desirable (mature Rasfrictd ubur- ban location. Rock bottom price $21,000 Termj, ! 4 BEDROOM f i t vou need room at mod''e pr.ee j thu ft it. 50rate dnmg room. loi Of s'tfegi, aood suhurban location U,3 0f,!y )i0M dowtl, oa imencinof STILES RFALTY Wt.VfiEP tNTFBNATtONAL TRADERS C.U6 ' taroet. Iiraiace. 3 fca'Hs, m Snyth 9th Sf'Mt Pnofl TU 7-4Ji3' bu'it n ovpi. ove. Many Tuct-r TU 49?2ofrer convenient feature $;s.756. Mcmer Stftei TU 4-W4! - - n attei. clos in, fenced iiWi. iw STILWELL & CO Presents: 'NCOVE PROPE rty wne eorf Bar- tafiy fvrnisea aea'tmenf. $!3.l. j faR t, WEVf OMt5USfcR-r"H, 1 !l acartmenij $7,36. NORT SIOE--'mmacu'a1 t"'t " had'Oom j WEST K LAMA' pr morin ws c'HC). STILWELL & CO. V n S'ri TU -5l3' 1 If ra cti TU ' ttrut,ftn 1 H M8thft Q'3 C'0r tm MtH r r E't n-efl i'8- ''yr AM ! f'9 1C M to' , ji P'.cM ct. Stn 6 KCrO'i"' Or". t PULt C. S' M w - r 04'9Orn li rtfB Midland Empire I FEALTY s . tl , , . , . fJ O Svi'l fn TU REAL E5TAT! FOR SAlt . 3 BV OWNER, one bedroom, 742 CHor nia. Of wtlt rent, TU 2-2854. FOR lalt 3 bedroom house, TU t WK. VIEW Of Ktamatn Lae from this a! tractive 3 bedroom home. Ne carpet. shStng glass floors onto covered patio, nutii-tn httcnen appiances. ttrtfUtct, tenced yard, piay room-garage AAsny other features. $15,200- Any kind ot nsnemg. Phone TU 4-?30ft. U ACRE HENLEY Hi One large bedroom. Two smalt bedrooms, ttr large living room, separate dining room, music room, fireplace and lathed garage. Total pnee, $10,250. INCOME CLOSE IN Three good rental houses en East Mn Street. Will consider irati m Mifij Ad dition up to $s,oca. NORTHSEDE Ccmtortab ftre bedroom home wifh gas heat, carport. Situatea on 2 Sots, To la! pnee $f.B. McATEE REALTORS 33? , Main Sa'M Staff Eves. Evelyn VcAtee MLS Multiple Listing Service MEDFORD COUNTRY ESTATE ton two acres 10 miles north of Medferd. Beautiful view from too of a ttneii mf e w ,iiS Xcqu River Vai- ley. This spacious home is available be- M5 the ewner wants to move to Kiam a(h pati5 ana cJas, )o ver Ktamath iixk if h iwn tir&)AEs. three &e3 rooms, double garaqe and many other in teresting features. Will consider trade tor Klamath property. Prtce sze.iue. PEYTON Member tnternationai Traders Ctub 835 Market TU 4-5U9 E venings Harold M. Ruih TU 2-4t?3 HOT SPRINGS HOMES Three bedrooms, siidmg door wardrobes. Two bain j, hardwona tioors, conv Dicteiv remodeled. Iron Fireman Furnace. Close f& all schools. Qnfy 114,500. Owner wilt carry contract. ONE ACRE NEAR HtNLt Y bL-riUUL PLUS TWO HOMES WHAT AN OP-i PORTUN1TY. One hice two bedroom home and a one- bedroom guest house er rental unit. PLUS room tor 4-H Ammais. LOW TAX LOOK AT THIS today. Only $i5,950. Terms, WILL TRADE 3 BEDROOM home located In Hsmedat district Price sS,590 for smaller home $5,000 or lets. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY to GET CASH FOR YOUR EQUiT Y. CALL NOW TO SEE THIS. DO YOU WANT t. LASGE LIVING ROOM WfTH THICK WALL TO WALL CARPET. 2. LARGE DiNING ROOM FOR FAM ILY DINNERS. 3. KITCHEN WITH BREAKFAST fvOOK. 4. t'? 8ATHS 5. LARGE WASTER BEDROOM . !8 it by 22 tt. Pi AY ROOM 7. ALL ON ONE FLOOR 8. PAVED STREET 9. GOOD SUBURBAN LOCATION 1 CLOSE IN 10. $!3.500 PRICE IK GOOD TERMS Then CALL RfGHT NOW to SEE this Parm.y home. D eane Sacher REALTOR 1037 Main TU 4-4127 SALESMEN; ROllfN TUTER LACSY BRSOO tu 4.tttUtLOtNG TU 4 414 ANNE WASON TU 7-7 m :BOB BA2IL1US 54-?it Bonanza Coetl Daylight Basement! i DON'T MISS SEEING this brnd oew !3 bdroom home on me north tide. titxt fc.rhn with hi.,l( 1ft ssiinc- ... ftrflood ttoorj, ! firevife. 3 bhs,l economic! forced air he t to If room LEONARD REALTY TU 4-753! O' TU 4 tu sm Joe Leonard Joe Perry Aucey Kee"x TU 4-4iS STROUT REALTY 54? S. fth Ph. tu m fj f, Dehimgr Man Hotmen am-hc 3 hd'Oom hm n acre i Suburban D !rfCt. O'! Hest $'C,y Spacioy 3 bed"m home Etcet'rnt Sub- iu'Ran area Paved trt Lafoe iot dOn DUPLEX SI 40 Per Mo. income icttf t?ffe t on Nor''tde Gn) eff j at Ae 0nr w tak $1 tYfj Do" i or cf-iOar TRADE on caperly e' paper. C't nw 0-y DUPLEX i".yf cotriK n f t I E- Deane bach er REALTOR 11037 Mam TU 4-4127 i-SO AAVX) T U 7X IU -SH ROS ft Multipft Listing Service MLS FOURPLEX r fTi-rt. P"CJ lor BRUCE OWENS flr Aari TU it? 3 FOR tale three-year-old two bedroom house, grave t root, hrepiattv builtjn range, Qarb-SQ dttpeul. electric heat. iarge (ot. Sacrifk my equity for smaii down payment, TU 4-4l or TU 4-fl. SMALL down payment, rew three bed room. 3 fuit baths, wa'f to wait carp throughout, corsSr iJ moaii car tor eatity. TU NORTHSiDE, A RAPE FfND Ectiient eider 2 bearoom, V 1 oath, caroet, fireplace, Roseway, t?.?S& TU 4-5551. Multiple Listing Srvie MLS iV HOT SPRINGS BEDROOM SPECIAL! TERRiFiC VIEW SiTE plus the permanent a vantages et ojov9 desirable time proven chaic neighborhood. Comtort-t-ttoor living, pacits livtng room wim iirtpiace, partes cancreie St Xi DOW?t FMA p'us clas.ng; easy Gi 4 conventional loan terms, too. 1' SHOPPERS SPECIALS!! HAL ESTATf F SAtf $523 SHASTA WAV - WtlH ('? ACRES.IfOR ufe AKC registered Afdal pp prtvate weii for irrtgafton. SeJidty p!es iU Tuieiafee MMti?. o'tin s nearcKHTi name, on nitjr groono. ASKING 59,500, WITH REASON ABLE CONTRACT TERMS. 2t!S VINE AVE. Just J50O down, easy payments, for this mmacusate cen trally located evtra-targe 1 bedroom heme with attached garag. Only $7,500. 54S7 INDEPENDENCE AVE. No bet ter soiidiy built 2 bedroom home anywhere, far just r?.75S, LARGE GARAGE - WORKSHOP. Qnty $600 down, OR WiLL T RAl'E FOR YOUR 3 OR 4 BEDROOM HOME, UP TO S?4,0u0. city or suburbs. 2235 WHITE AVE. Jut $550 DOWN, and S5?5S per month, MOVES YOU IN TODAY, t 000 so. ft. of comfort able living are. ONLY $7,758. Chilcote and SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO m N, ftti St, Phone TU 4-?7?t 514 Personnel; SIR Chifcot Ph TU 4-328) Evei.' Tom Rabbitt Ph TU 2-4S Eves. Ed Ch.ito, Atsaciat Broker Bob Chilcote, Srofcef BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 32 NOTJCE TO PUBLIC ?itie fnveif'gae tterouotiiy rsy iovt- mtni of morteyi in mereharidSse- vsrtsu er'ierprijes or busmess epoofhmiHe fee- tore frtvesffng your capita! Tne Keraidi and Nevi maket every eMort fs reject ait irauduief or mijieadino edvertijifiQ, however, we ere not responds tor ir inteortty of the firm Of tfwiMdutf ha pife advertitmg m oyr DuODcaJian. Any jiesrms to be t?ttduiert or mjiieedsne sfHKitd be reporiea (e tne tsWHd a- yer'itfng Depeftmtnt of the HfSd and Newj FINANCIAL - LOANS WE SERVE! WHAT WILL YOU HAVE? Auto loon, trailer loan, personal service, ioo FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER Wp Fine nee New & Uird Cars Furniture Note Automobile Convemenf Locotiori Convenient to Bartow Convensenf ro Poy Private Auto Safes Financed Locaity Owned (or 33 Veari Motor fnvestment Co. 513 Sn 6rH TU 4-7781 KIMODILINS 36 FOR SALE, STORE FIXTURES ! Three tf. teng waii r4, got condt 'ticn. Se f B t S Radio i Eiectrtc, ! HOUSEHOLD GOODS J7 m, ee Bea-iLVOST er Monarch -nge, LAR&E Mf ld bed. t empStlt, T U 3-i;. KEN WORE eyfamatic .hr. Trd tor livestock w best otter, TU -s"K pmLCO"Teirsrstsr for j!f. $ EcT. lent cond'tiort. TU 4-ISH ZENITH Jf cortiole TV. s(o5 rocker, both m oood CSnd'fCrt, TU 5-34?. ! FT upright freerer, I year e!d. $33i. TU 3-JSt. 44t Sibee t-VEAR CR18 TU ? 3W KEN VORE eiSometie wether. Eietric tio'he dry. Good tood tioo. TU e-3Si Vir, AOW1RAL TV! "red, pr;no coflla combnatOR, Kenmer auiomatic wshr, very oood cond'tioft. TU 3-?3, GUA ANTi F EDUSE DR ANGEi - RE F R iG R A TORS - WASHERS DRYERS WATER HEAt fti Coscode Home Furn. Vain TO 4-8MJ For Sale G.E. Mobil-Maid PfjrfaMe QA C.ih VVcsHer LiiVe New. CoM Mr. Jack 7fVm(Ht IS 10 ESdorodo Phnne TU 4.4J04 whTrlpooiT" Dryer ... 07 Guo'an teed KfRKPATRICK'S Eoi Ssde App!ionrts 1 32 So 7th TU 4-rHH& ALMOST NEW REPOSSESSED SINGER ; ZiG-ZAG PORTABLE Deluxe Vacuum Cleaner i SINGER "' ' FLRMITURE APPLIANCES HOUSEWARES BUY THEM TODAY! AT THF ruil HiiTINS ...II Mtr UFL 1. urwM. M'' c At t CLt p vnr fry Pt4 tr ft KMt'" 0 W(M prfxr OpM U WW 3 $ $ iy ! tu i rmt FUEL - HIATINS 31 GOOD rd tir body a oca if$ rd, de-; itveree, s ru 2-4212. OAKLAND wood heater, ties burner, Hoe, TU &t. COLD DAYS AHEAD!!! STANDARD HEATING OILS WOOD COAL Finest Oil & Wood Stove? -FO i.t tOUH FUEL NEEDS" Fronkford Fuel Co. No. 8 St. 7U ?-4U E SIV6 &OLO SOKD STAVES NEW FRANKLIN HEATERS The RESALE HOUSE 3899 So. Sxfh - G005 TH1HSS TO lAT BEEF, PORK, wo!esfe custom butctv ersng, cyttsng. curing, Sfsmrscfc Meat Shasta Way. Tf Tit ?-?s. BbH - Part - 5 port 1 . Hast,,t g HURRY, tmiy 3 ittt. Reg. bf collie aupcies, TU 4-5W!. DACHSHUND puoptes, AKC re?., red J males, $35, TU 4-8579 or TU 4-5G2. THE PRi POODLE, Cijtom croeming. TOT aooCKSimrw, t t-iS'V j WELSH Terrier pups, champion tred. DOG Kf cat boarding, TrasHinj, groom ing, baming. O031 and pupsies tor sale SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS- past Mer-rtti-Lakevtw jon-rtton atf Merrill Hah- way on Sooth Road. Ri. 2 Sox $04, 1 V WANTED: Qid or ynmuat duck and geese decoys, Piease stats type, materi at. prsce, age, and source where o os sicle. Writ Sox 449C. cr of Herald News- RADIO - TV . MUSIC 41 BRAND new Magnton Sme amp!itir Fender precision base gwitar. TU 2-i45. ELECTRIC guitar and amptsfser, $iao or $80 seoaratety. TU 2-44tt( est, 324, or et, 52 ttr 6 p.m. MAHOGANY upright pJans and bench, A-t condiHort, 2833 HcmeoaJe Rd. t2 VOLT automatic UntvtrseJ car or pick' up radio. 5. TU 4-54S9. RENT n 8aidwir piano, W a month. No deMvery charge. Bodtn Muitc Co. t30 MeiB, TU 2 4113. r$, advarKed, Startche Mapes, TU 4-3Sa. CASH fOUic6PtKS OERSY'S MUStC TU 4-4131 USED PtmOS & ORGANS BALDWIN - HAWWOND H. F. MILLER Easy Terms BOWDEN MUSIC CO. t &3in TU 2-4SI3; & MUSIC Lessons & Sales Guftd t Eoiehen Gutters - Sonofe Ac cordtcn fd Lowrey Orsafss. "Rent A9 34ipi ts ParcoaM." Klamath Music Center 515 E. Mam TU 4-3360 Television Service HOUSE CALLS $4.75 DERBY'S MUSIC CO, "28 Yeoti on 7th St." ; 126 No, 7th TU 4.5S2i & POULTRY BABY CNJCKS Bebcock W. Cemi Cress. Free ttdr. w$iwr Hit"rry, Lyons, Ore. Pft. S5M5S3. iri i.fAiTH PROVED SiRE SERVICE TU 4-4455, TU 2-iiSSt TM 4-453 TU 3 1S? FOR fe Jersey mi tw fd kid pony. 337i Horn edaie. A NFW Joed ery Tyeey CALVES to? Mit. !4S Ofify phoo TU 8A8V taives tor Ml er aoe, TU 4-38?f! 23i3 Ayymft. BONANZA erfiffct! fBiem1sJff Mrvic. TU 1-6745. SenSM HWJli. PROTEIN BLOCKS CATTLE & snap 40 16 8Sf 15.0Gf units vifemln A per m. tJ is pr Bfect ilS or motef PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM 4 GARDEN STORE 462! So. 6th TU 2-4555 KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. oHers you EFFICIENCY ECONOMY TOP PRICE CONSIGN NOW! Coil "Woodv" Guecfe, Owner-Mgr TU 4-4103 SALE EVERY MONDAY ot I p.m. sttsro Rt. 3. Box 44 KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S Commission Company, Inc. Midland &Gd Safe TUESDAY - 1 p.m. Th BEST of SERVICE To CONSIGNORS & BUYERS Mete You' Pfan New to Comtqn to the Stocfcmen Morkef. Tuesday it al doy in th Kiomath Boitn, jVERN HOWARD, Mgr. Oftt 4-9667 Horn 4-9436 MACHINIST TD 14 STRAIGHT DOZER SPECIAL ..... 1 j. C. Equipment Co. th ?, Hth&d TU 2-2051 lor korf, by rf, month or jrM fern 2010 Wheel Lfwder i vtih r-r f?Hout cockho iJoho De' 1010 oned 440 C'0l. t ith jen iJ-hn Dee't 1010 Oofer Loorff Ireixrter H Ifcrtch 5 ft. deep! 12 ft. wide Catertvl!"' Don Potter Machinery Co. Phr TU 2-SS7I 7376 South Sntth St. TwSeiai Ph. 7-i2IJ I MISC. FOR RENT .4S' We Rent Almost Anything Floor Polishers Coffee Makers Punch Bowls Sfiver Services VALLEY RENTAL W3 Mttt TU 4-682! M?5C. WANTSS 44! ViSC, FOR SAU St 8ASY b4inet and &ad. electric jer eretof end tcv. TU 3-4i5. USED CLOTHING NEW WETHOD CLEANERS MASON and, fit! &?t, jer-dv m, Zit 3rs. Pelican Send. TU Aif7. WANT D$ - (llHOOt htpr! tsi fruy, iU, twts. enf fere, stti Tl$ ALFALFA end oat hi-t, bai or ton, TU; DRAI rocfc, $r.f, eJ rs3wy mi feri!- TU 4-568V GEO. ft. STACV CO TOPSOiL, concrete sareoate dr iwewi msttriiit dram txk. j. M. Barnes, TU ROLL TOP DESK Esceltent condition faeautffui solid ONLY $95.00 The RESALE HOUSE 3899 So. SiKlh TSTAN CKAJN SAW $65. HOMELiTE CHAW SAW $75. GUARANTEES OsM COFER'S EXCHANGE 2i SUamafh TU n&. Tricomatte COFFEE MAKERS M,tu tnm t to 3 cup ExceHent for clubs, lodges, porties. 'pHice buffdings, tic. OnSy $I88 VALLEY RENTAL SPECIAL OFFER FREE FLOWER SEEDS TAKE YOU PICK STOP IN T0D4YI GOODYEAR STORE TSAitSRS ..SI 35' VAGASONO Ef Sttfitt tre.l muutn, n.m, iy 4-hs? of tu e? WJe. S. TU 2455. m? EL CAR IS 4S trailer. ?; ooodi codHiert. Wmf& corsder t $ m trde, TU -sn?. HOUSE TRAfLER REPAIR, Er CFf, till Wml Ave. TU FACTORY trfi(J mn & ltmrg miai turnsce timsfc IU 3. TRAILERS WANTED Uo e 35 t. eny s or 'e, etc. CA$H: wailfsg, tred u? or nownt SELL YOUR TRAILER DON'T GVE IT AWAY See Dol of "SHine." DALE'S USED CAR LOT 333 So 6th TU AUTO MISCtttAHIOUS Si Main Street Garage TUNS-UP TO SSiMO OVERHAyi. iNsict Doer Bsiawin RiCK-ALLEN CAR WASH Fast and $2 ieffkient wftfk 222 Spring TU 2-41661 MOTORCYCLES tGE SELECT IO ? Serf? TU Cecil Cok Garage Meter Overw? sr Vfv GfSftd Tun Uciii SstCi!ty 2it Wmtt C TO -3Sj USD CARS AND TRUCKS 55 S4 PONTIJfcC 5rfeif Ctatom C MraE. N tr fcr?. M'H CHEVROLET 5-Too truck f 1 rfil )SS. WHi Ty -ftTt 4 Brr Ort. l7 CHEVSOi Ef V-t BEL S OOO HARDTOP RADtO. M6ATSS, $Tfc Sfr T WICHANtCALtr PERFECT, !J Ut Sim, C WtE G??l &r HEyy duty 30S i-c Uneftte wttr ; Mm. SH3 tVPALA Sypr SoorJte MXtd TU 4 ij? TOM TIMMONS AUTO SALES We'll buy your cor or equity for cosh Come in Today! 7th & Plum TU 2-4714 RATED USED CARS SPECIAL BUYS' 54 Olds S8' 4-Dr $ 53 'S3 Buick 4-Dr i!33 53 Olds '88' 2-Or $ 93 4? Pont. 2-Dr. 83 -42 Oldimobil SS 2-Dr. Mordtoe 2W4 62 Otdsmobil F-8S Cutloti Coup 52643 SO Chev, Corvaor Clb Cpe $125 ! 60 Pontioc Starch.el 2-Dr. $193; 60 OMimobil 88 4-Dr. Ar eondifsomng .. ,,$2223. 60 Chev. V-8 Bet Air 4.&w $'3 m fni4 V.S 4-0r 2S3i 59 Olds S 88 4-0r. .... $1673 59 ford V 4-Or $1393; i9 Fcrd Gotex. V-8 Hdip. $1293; S7 Chevrnlet 6 Station Waoon $ 793 S7 Che. 210 V 8 4-Dr. $ ?93 ;'S7 Plymouth 4-Dr. $ 513; S6 OI(tmhil 98 4 Or. .,$ 643; 55 CodiHot 4-Door $ 763 5 Ford V 8 Hotdtnp $ 493! 53 OWs 98 Hdtss 363; 53 Olds 98 40 ... $ 243; S3 Chevrolet 2-Dr . ..... 23 'it Buick 4 Df IWj St W.llvj im Station Wajon 44 $ 443; 50 Buk 4 Dr 11 47 Chev. Sedan t 3 Dick B. Miller Co. 7th i Klamath TU 4 4154 HERALD ASO SEWS. Kbatsth USEO CAH5 AND TRUCKS SSf WAITED i? I &Sr cset. Cfl Aol Saies, TU TU 2-2254. CASK 5, , fJ P'CKyps. BETTER BUYS 2 Cvreit !mpi ? Dr. ho?&. S3?5. 3 ford HdJp, LA '? Ponittc t Dr, x owner, Leaded? ;S 'J Pofd CayRJy Sedan ... im & iza&aS 2 Or. Hats. i2i?5 DEAL RiTE MOTORS Er 05l TU You Nome The DEAL WILEY Make's em REAL!; SPECIAL 59 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE CAMPER' Heaief. tadto, toble. bed. ke box, cteiefs, vatet siosoge. luaaage rack. A ksca tmt owner fig. shek od cean end ready to go if i QCj '59 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. Sdam 6 cvder engme, overdrive. becier. rodso. in to corah ttoo. Wos $ $1095. Now only 895 '42 Umvefssji iecp 4-wheei drive. Irt ?rj condi tion. Was $595. $ -5QC: Now Of?ty Wilson WILEY BUiCK Mom Goroge i 330 Mom TU 4-3 Ui Cor Lot No. 2 429 So ?th TU 4-9203 CHEVY CENTER O.K. GUARANTEED USED CARS 62 Chev. fmpolo Sport Stson V-8, radio, hjotsr, loaded 62 Chev, Bel Air 4-Dr. Ssdsn Rodjo, heater,. $: $2498! Power -Glsde 62 Chew, fmpolo Sport Cos. Radto, heoier, ttckt O"7Q0 61 Mercury Come! 4-Df. Radio, heaier, $ stick shift 1698! 61 Ford 4-Dr, Rado, heater, big $ ! enatns, sisck 1798 60 RomMer 4-Df. 6 cylinder wth $ overdrive , 1398 60 Chev, Corvsir 4-Dr. 3-ipeed, $ radio, heoier 1398! 59 Chev, Parkwood Sir Wogooi V-8, rsdss, heater, $ 18! power i?eerng '59 Chev, Impoio Spar? Coupe RodKj, heater, power steering,! Sr. $I798 62 G M.C. 44 Hfovy-Duty Pitkvp, 3.000 ecfifs ml$. tie new for $AOO only DUGAN & MESH TRADE BEST! 6th to 7ih on CommefcM TU 4-310? CHECK and COMPARE! See These Fine Older Model Specials J6 OLDS '88' 2-DOOR SEDAN Heater, HyoVametie, "5Q"7 56 FORD 2-DOOR SEDAN Rodso, heoter, 107i startd. trarre 55 FORD FAIRtANE 4-DR. SDN, Radio, heater, Fardomattc. power stcermg, power QTI teat, ihorp Off 55 PONT, STARCHIEF HDTP, COUPE Radio, heater, Hydra- metic, power steering, $4 47 power erodes , iff S5 CHRVSLER 4-DR. STATION WAGON OQ7 Loaded 54 DeSOTO 4-DR, SDN, Radio. heater, automatic Ijoos power iteertng, pitlrlf OA7 btakei, r-eMent . . '54 FORD CUSTGMUNE 4-DR, SEDAN Radio, heater. Ford- omotic. A OA.? aood Ford Jt i 54 PACKARD 4-DR, SEDAN Rado, heater, auto. matic transm'.iTfr 147 "53 OLDS '98' CONVT. $ 97 97: 77 Lneded. it even yns 52 CHEV. 2-DR. SDN. $ Stavlard trans 52 CHEV. 4 DR. SDN. $ Heater, standard trans. 51 CHRYSLER 4-DR. Radio, heater, $ outr. tram 97 67 197 57 50 PLVM, 4-DR, SDN. $ if rum, frjf '54 CHRVSLER 4-DR. $ LnoaVd .. . '49 CHEV. 4-DR. $ Standard tians Cnll one of our Salesmen You'll be GLAD you dtd Dick Floyd Sill Cunninghoir Pet Stride) .... TU 2-S8V? TU 4-717? TU 2 049! TU 2-1401 Russ Cotter ., . gtrt Thomson 8(l Hotfh.m ... TU 4 oH, TU 4-4SSI ECCLES MOTOR CO. 604 Sa. 6 TU 4 8124 Fall. Or. WMisfsday, USIB CARS AND TtUCKS Si 555 STMOESAKER m ray?Bt, TU J-454?, LOOK! A Real Top Value SPECIAL 196) CROWN IMPERIAL 4-DOOR SEDAN Full ptmsr, leather mt&i&r, ordl lty 30,000 oclucl mile. We iioid ths& cor new ai $ht cost of S6,4?i.&5. Buy it re-& for the low, low pHce of only , . . $3445 JIM OLSON MOTORS Used Car Lot 7th t. Gsmme.ooi TU 2-5646! Late Model PICKUPS! 61 emotional Tor Pkkud vao4 $pqs; 61 Mfefnaisnal Tos Picfei CTO, 3-soeed 1 073 '6Q CNsvrcer H Ton Fkkup Long wheeibose, $ j QCl '60 lf?J?atonQi Te?i Pickis; B&nus toad. $ V-S engine 1495 JUCKELAND MOTORS, INC. llth&Ktemoth TU 2-25S1 BALSIGER MOTOR CO. FEBRUARY SPECIALS ON o i 1 j der Model wars PRICES DRASTICALLY REDUCED 1953 CHEVROLET 4-DR. SEDAN Look! Only 1953 FORD 'e' 2-DR. SEDAN Fardomottc 1952 POMTIAC 2-DR. CATALINA HARDTOP Radio, Hvdrsmstic . ....- . 1944 BUICK SEDAN Radio 1952 FORD V-8 VICTORIA Radio 1952 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON Radio, Pover-Gllde 1953 FORD V-8 2-DR. STATION WAGON Radio, Fordomaflc ,. , 1953 FORD V-8 2-DR, SEDAN Fordomotic 1955 PLYMOUTH 2-DR, STATION WASON Radio , 1953 PONTIAC STARCHIEF HARDTOP Hydtomotic 1955 PLYMOUTH V-8 CONVERTIBLE Radio, power steering, pemff ssf, sufofnette transmission .. 1954 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1953 CHRYSLER 2-DR. SEDAN Radio, automatic transmission S955 PLYMOUTH 6 SEDAN Radio ... 1954 CHEVROLET SEDAN Radio, Power-Glide 955 MERCURY HARDTOP Radio, Mereomatic 1955 FORD V-8 COUNTRY SEDAN Radio, automata transmission 1956 FORD V-8 COUNTRY SEDAN Radio, FordomatiC - , 1958 FORD V-8 FAIRLANE 500 SEDAN Radio, Fordomafic 1957 FORO V-8 FAIRLANE SEDAN Radio, Fofdomattc 1956 PONTIAC V-8 4-DR. STATION WAGON Radio, Hydramatie , ., One-Owner roao v-s fairlane skan 9U FOD V-S 2m, RANCH VVAGON Sodfa, Fap?feppa?c, On 0f 1954 FOSD V-S 2 RANCH WAGON Rodwi, Ovefd?jv, 0 Owf 1955 LCOtN CAPRI HARDTO1 Radfo, HYdtom&tK, pcwf itnngr Cm 0f . 1956 POm V-S COUNTS V SEDAN 9-0Q5f; todtft. One .... t956 FORD V-S COUNTRY SEDAN 195? PONTIAC V-S 2-DR, SEDAN Rad?, HydFSolk, Ow?if 1956 BUICK 5P0 At NARDIL R1to, Dynsfte, por srst C' 0nf ..... , , , POPO V-S CUSTOM SSDAN Radof Fsismcc, 0 Owntr ;, LOT NO. 1 TOWN & COUNTRY SHOPPING CENTER TU 2-3866 BALSIGER'S REPRESENTATIVES BALSIGER MOTOR COMPANY AIwoy lh Fait$f Deoi Main & Eiptamseta FfcfBrj , 196J PAGE -S USfB CASS ANB TSOCKS SI mn m cih csr. m PICKUP VALUES! S? Ood; V-S W Too Pskap . 4 spetd, fcsis $ 'JOO wSweitess i rO '5? Ford '6 Pickup 4 - speed. WiEsgslde, shsrt woy Cruiser Czsmpet end itew 6-piy $ I OOQ rytAer . . Thomas DODGE Soles and Service Used Car Lot : ?th 4 CwwnsrcW TU 4-42? Joe Fisher's : SAFE-BUY Used Cars 60 Ford FofeoEi 4-Dr. Radio, haster, 5Q7 siond, Uani. li 62 fctercury 2-Dn Hardtop Rad3, heetw, Mercsfsotk power steers power brofees, c owner, SOOQ"? reel jhors i '60 Bomfafer 4-&. RiJdio, heater, $ j t rtTF 62 Studebafcer V 4-Dr. odso. hesfgfj storsdord trds- or owrser ' Qjf '62 Fd V-S J4 Too PkSius Reel mtesse - SALESMEN :DsIe Sechrist TU 2-5720 , TU 4-S54I TU 2-6S3? TU TU 4-5? 1 1 . TU 2-395? to Padsett Jta Ehreth .., IMtjr Arnold . :rsstram Dovts . JOE FISHER LINCOLN MERCURY COMET JEEP 677 So. 7th TU 4-3W4 II j-N, 83 $ 99 99 I33 I55 mi $222 288 $3I1 $344 344 $388 $388 $488 $488 .-- , $533 $633 $677 $688 SPECIALS $488 433 ,.$388 J388 $588 $588 $688 $688 $677 , LOT NO. 2 2152 M SOUTH SIXTH TU 4-4354: , , Th Finest Product TU 4-3121