PAGE S-B Wednesday, February 6, 19(13 lll'RALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. TAURUS APR. 21 MAY 21 J 9-10-18-77 HV44-71-8: STAR GAZER Ami yy3 mar. 22 APR. 2 Oi20-J6.30.3d 'y 5,-69-75 OIMIM MAY 22 JUNE 22 W51-70-76 CANCER JUNE 23 JULY 23 ?- 8-12-ld -7ir AA 70 Afll uo JULY 2 AUG. 23 HU65-77-ai-90j VMGO AUG. 24 ttPT 22 3-1 5-29-34 W- 57-68-7- -By CLAY R. POLLAN- JK Your Doily Activity Guidm JK According fo iht Sfori. if To develop message for Thursday, read words corresponding to numbers of your Zodiac birth iign. 1 Bewort 31 for ol And" 2 fine 32Talentt 62 Worried 3 Going's 3.1 Get 6 1 Your A Someone 34 But 64 Upsets SWami 3fror 65 It 6 Of 36 Much 66 For 7 To 37 Develop 67 And 8 Day 38 In 6 W.rh 9Thtngt 39 Home 69 You lOMov OAftecfino 70Urv-rloin 1 1 You'v 41 tmoiiorvjl 71 Before, 12 For 4? Keen 72 Ajyxit 13 Look, 43 AM 73 Better 14 See 44 Just 74 It 15 Slow 4.SNigM 75Todny 16 Romonet 46 Aftoir 76 Short-cuts 17 Your 47 Your 77 You 18 Look -H? Driving 78 Is 19 Some 49 Pitch 79 Intimote 20Well-wfshrj 50 That 80 Matters 2 1 Wonderful M Or R I Won 22 Persoool 52 Them B? The 23 And 53 Turn A3 Silver 24 Smiling 54 For 84 Buvneis 25 Out V Cloud fi5So.n 26 Con MExpeniM 86 Up 27Dok 57 Stay 87Cniit "28 Special 58 Down 88 Lined 29 Now 59 You 89 Down 30 Do ' 60 And ?0RttlJM ()Gorx. (Adverse jNcum! SCORPIO OCT. 24 UJ. 42-47-56-58T 61 -63-85-86 lla (A -EPT 23 rTf OCT. 23 A- 5- 7-UfT 17-24-3) SL SAGITTARIUS OEC. 22 f 2( bO-55-59-62 Fii7 8-83-88 CAPRICORN DEC. 23 -cT JAN. 20 CX Shasta Soroptimists To Offer Scholarship MOUNT SHASTA The Soropti mist Club of Alount Shasta is of fering a vocational scholarship to graduating senior girls at the -Mount Shasta, Dunsmuir, Weed and McCloud high schools. This scholarship is open to all gradual ing senior girls seeking higher education of a vocational nature, and selection will be made by a iff v T FRED N.TAYLOR Fred Taylor Appointed The appointment ol Kred Taylor '. as principal of Fairhaven Kle mentary School for (lie Wfvl-frt school year was announced by Cliff Robinson, county supcrinlen- dent of schools, after action taken by the Klamath County School Board. Taylor, who is tlie principal al Kcno Elementary School, has been in the county system lor 12 years Taylor will replace H. C. Shaipe who is taking A. C, Olson's place as principal at Ferguson. Olson reached retirement age. Taylor received his junior high school teaching civdcntials from Soulhorn Idaho Collece of F.du cation in lull. He took his KS al Southern Oregon College in ItVMi and his masters at SOC in vxn. Taylor's wile. Velma, is teaching in the munty school sys tern. panel of judges consisting of three Soroptimist members and base on the following rules and re ouiremenls: Application lorm completely filled out and submitted to Chair man, Soroptimist Scholarship Committee, P.O. Box M5. Mount Shasta, Calif., postmarked no later than April 15. Application must be accompanied by four-year high school scholastic records and three letters of character rccom mendation, one of which is to be from high school principal relied ing opinion of teachers; the other two from other than school personnel. Applications will be judged on Uie following basis: Need, 30 per cent; character, 30 per cent; activities, 20 per cent scholarship, 20 per cent. The amount of the scholarship is flexible, up to a maximum of $150 and is an outright grant. Announcmenl of the recipient ol the scholarship will be made at high school graduation exercises and payment of the fund will bel made upon receipt by tlie Soropti mist Club of Mount Shasta of proof of registration in a voca- ional training school. To qualify for application a stu dent must he a graduating fe male high school senior; be a citi 7en of the United Stales; have a minimum attendance of one year at a high school within the terri lorial limits of tlie Soroptimist Club of Mount Shasta, which in eludes Mount Shasta, Dunsmuir. Weed, and McCloud high sclionls. have no marital status prior tu entrance in vocational school enter vocational training within six months of graduation Irom high school. THE DOCTOR'S MA1LBAQ &&jSimple Operation Aid Asthmatics Hy W. G. RKANDSTADT, M.C Written lor Newspaper Fnterprise Assn. Q I have heard that there i an operation for asthma Is this true? If so. who does this oper ation? A There have indeed been some exciting reports about an operation first performed about 15 years ago in Japan for the relief of asthma. In this country. Dr. R. H. Overholt of Boston treated a series of 157 asthmatics hy this operation. The procedure is a simple removal of the carotid body, a nerve center in the neck This operation was performed un der local anesthesia and the relief was instantaneous. Three of Ihose operated on by Dr. Overholt needed a repeat op eration on the opposite side be fore they got relief. All of these sthmalics had the disease for a long time and had tried desensili zation to the offending pollen drugs In dilate the bronchial tubes in the lungs, change of climate, hormones, psychotherapy, and va- ious other types of treatment without getting relief The nerves severed by the sur geon were those that caused the bronchial tubes to constrict, mak ing it difficult to get air into the lungs. Q I seem to be hypersenst live to cold, drafts, and changes the weather. I can't tolerate ny kind of air-conditioning. I ide with all car windows closed can t sit or sleep near any open windows or doors if there is the slightest draft summer or win I- d cr. 1 haven't been able to sun- jalhe or take a walk in the open iir for over two years. If I do mv nose clogs up and starts to run; I cough, and my eyes wa ter. How can I get some relict A The symptoms described would (it an allergic reaction. Al though most allergies are caused by inhaling a foreign protein or eating some food to which a per son is sensitive, there are a few unfortunate people who get t h same reaction from exposure to cold or to sunlight. It is possible that you suffer such a reaction from both types of exposure. If this is a true allergy the antihis tamine drugs used for hay fever and asthma should help you. Your doctor will recommend a suitable drug and tell you how much to take. In some persons with this type of allergy larger than average doses of antihistamines may be required. If this type of drug. does not help you your doctor should make a thorough study of your case to discover the cause it is indeed a great hardship to be so unusually sensitive Q My wife has had myasthenia gravis for about two years. No one knew what was wrong until last May. She spent 10 days in line nospnai ana now sne is strong er, but she can t take enough of the medicine because it causes her to have diarrhea. What can she do? A Myaslhenia gravis is a com plcx disease of the nerves that causes great weakness in the vol untary muscles. It is often diffi cult for persons with this dis ease to keep their eyes open and the slightest exertion causes marked fatigue. Although the drug neostigmine is the one usually tried first, there are several related drugs that can be given if the sulierer cannot tolerate neostigmine. On the oth er hand the undesirable side ef fects produced by neostigmine can usually be controlled hy giving atropine. More than half of the persons who have this disease have a lumor of the thymus gland. If such a tumor is present, surgi cal removal or treatment by X-ray is strongly advised. U.S. Plans Hands Off WASHINGTON (UPD T li r United Stales will stay out of the Canadian election campaign if the government of Prima Minister John Piclcnhaker is dissolved, in formed sources said today. The campaign, whether called by Diefenhaker on his own initiative or forced on him by a defeat in the House of Commons, would be fotiRhl around char Res nf U.S. interference in Canadian affairs. CECIL LAKE Lake Named As Director Cecil Lake has been appointed member nf the board of direc tors of the Crater Lake Natural History Association, Inc. Proles- snr L'ike has been on the Oregon Tech faculty since IH53 and has been associated with the school since l!M!l when he came In Klam ath Falls as an instructor on the veteran's on-farm training pro gram. Tlie responsibilities nf the CLNHA Board are both advisory and administrative. The board as sists in the scientific, education al, historic, and interpretive ac tivities concerning Cralcr Lake Park and Oregon Cne. Lake is an avid, well-informed. and active sporlsmat.. Please send your questions and omments to Dr. Wayne 0 Rrandstadt, M l)., in care of this paper. While Dr. Rrandstadt can not answer individual letters, he will answer letters of general in Iciest in future columns. COS Schedules Forestry Study WEKD The College o.' the Sis- kiyous will institute n terminal wo-year course in forestry next which will allow students to ransler to a four-year institu ion for an A.B. degree in fores- y. The course, granting on A. A. legree, will give a background in Knglish, science, and math as well as forestry. Harry Heck, dean nf instrur- lon, invited a tentative group ol Siskiyou County proless'onals in elated fields to help lormulate he program. The first meeting was held ,lan. 29. V- i ROBERT TAYLOR jr - r- i , t v ; r ; DENNIS C. BALL i JERRY D. WAGNER JOHN L. CROCKER Service News Airman Basic Dennis C. Ball, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Willie A. Sherman, 723 Shasta Avenue. Dunsmuir, is being reassigned to Lowry Air Force Base, Colo., for technical training as a United States Air Force missile electron ics specialist. Airman Ball, who completed the first phase of his military Grant Accepts Tulelake Post TULELAKE Fred L. Grant ol Hanlord. Calif., succeeds Harold Westerhold as manager of tlie 'ulelake office nf tlie California Motor Vehicles Department. Wes lerhold has been transferred to the Oceanside oflice as assistant man ger. Mrs. Grant 'Barbara I and the couple's family, Fred, 17. high chool senior; Ginia, 19, L'niversi- ty ol California student; Chuck a sixth grader, and Christine a fourth grade student, will re main in Hanlord until the end of the school year. Park Rink ce Used 75 Days The Parks and Recreation De partment announced thai a total nf 15 days of ice skating were en joyed by 4.927 people at the Moore Park rink during the recent cold pell. Also, a total of 587 lessons ere given to women and chil- Iren. Tolal receipts from admissions and lessons were $7RR. This mon- along with the $iilO obtained 'om admission charges last year irings tlie ire rink improvement fund total to $l..t. Present plans e to begin an improvement pro gram al the nnK I ins coming immor with the funds now avail- No. training, was selected for the specialized course on tlie basis of; his interests and aptitudes. The airman is a 1962 graduate of Dunsmuir High School. Airmail Basic Robert A. Tay lor. son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Clark. Mount Shasta, is being reassigned to Syracuse Universi ty for technical training as a Unit ed States Air Force communica tions analysis specialist. He is a 19T2 graduate of Mount Shasta High School. Airman Basic .lorry D. Wag ner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin D. Wagner, 512 Florence Avenue, Dunsmuir, has been selected to attend the United States A i r Force technical training course for communications equipment re pairman. Wagner is a 19R2 graduale of Dunsmuir Joint Union High School. Airman Basic John L. Crocker. son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H Crocker Sr., 122 Vernie Street, Dunsmuir, is being reassigned to Chanute Air Force Base. III., for technical training as an aircraft mechanical equipment repairman. He is a 19B2 graduate of Duns muir High School. LEGAL NOTICE EQUITY NO M? SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY MILIA BELLE MATTINEN, Platnttff, v. HENRY O. MATTINEN, Defendant TO: HENRY 0- MATTINEN, Oefendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OP OREGON, you ere hereby reouired to appear ana answer in complaint tiled aqainst you In the above-entitled suit for divorce on or before the 18th dv of February, 193, and If you fall to so appear and answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court lor the retlef prayed for In her complaint tiled herein, to-wit: for decree of absolute divorce of and from you on the grounds of cruel and Inhuman treatment, (or custody of Janice Merlene Mattinen and teresa Ann Mattinen, for child suooort 'n the amount of S100.00 per month during me minority 01 lata cnnaren ana tor at torney fees In the amount of S25O.O0. This summons Is serv-d upon you by publication pursuant to an order of the Honorable Donald A. W. Piper, Judge of 'he above-entitled Court, laid order be ing dated the mti day o' January, 1963, end by publication hereof for a period oi tour consecutive and successive weeks The date of the first publication i Janu ary U. 1963, and the date of the last publication is February 13, 1963. SMITH AND CARD Attorneys for Plaintiff 53S Main Street Klamath Falls, Oreqon No. Ml, Jan. 14, 23, 30, Feb. e, 13, 1943. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In the Mailer of the Estale of SEA TRICE HOUSE GUTIERREZ, Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned has been appointed Adminis trator of the Estate of Beatrice House Gutierrez, Deceased, by the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oreqon for the County of Klamath. All persons having claims against the Estate are hereby required to present them to The United States National Bonk of Portland (Oregon) Trust Department, K I am a t h fans Branch, Klamath Falls, Oreaon, with proper vouchers within six (1 months from the date nf this notice. DATEO this 15th day of January, 1963. The UNITED STATES NA TIONAL BANK OF PORT LAND (OREGON! ADMINIS TRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF BEATRICE HOUSE GU TIERREZ, DECEASEO W. R. BRADSHAW 621 Main Street Klamath Falls, Oregon. No. 892, Jan. 16, 33 and 30, Feb. 6, J9 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notfce ft hereby given that I have filed my final account at administrator of the Estate of Irene Paine Keisev. also known as Emma Irene Keiey. deceased, in the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Klamath, ana (hat the Court has set February 38" 1963, at the hour of 10 00 a.m., as tne time for the hearing of ofelect'ons said final account and settlement tnereo GORDON M. KELSEY Administrator O'NEILL & McLAREN Attorneys for administrator No. 911, Jan. 30, Feb. 6. 13, 2Q. 1963, NOTICE TO MINING CLAIMANT Published pursuant to section 5 of the ACI 01 JUly 33, 1955 (69 Slt. 367). To whomever It may concern: PRO CEEDING NO. FS 6!-?0 (Oregon 012331). Notice is hereby given in pursuance or a prooer request for publication here tofore filed In accordance with section 5 of the Act of July 23, 1955 (69 Stat. 367), ana me requianons thereunder U3 CFR 185.123-185.137). 1. That on February )?, 1962, the Chief, Forest Service. Department of Agricul ture, whose address is Washington 35, D. C., filed In the Land Office nt ihm Bureau nf Land Management, Depart ment of the Interior, at 710 N. E. Holla day, Portland 12, Oreqon, a reauest for publication of notice to all mineral loca-i tors or any person claiming under them involving a mining clam or claims lo cated on lands owned by the United States and under the jurisdiction of the Forest Service In the County of Klamath, State of Oregon, described as follows, to wit: Oregon 012331 (FS 62-301, the Sugar Pine Area, 6-SR-301, Winema and Fre mont National Forests, Klamath County, Oregon. Willamette Meridian, Oregon T. 34 S., R II F: Sec. 31; SE'4 Sec. 31; SW'4 Sec. li; SE' Sec. 35; Sec. 34. T. 25 S., R. 9 E: Sees. 24 to 27 incl.; Sees. 33 to 3 Incl. T. 25 S,, R. 10 E Sees. 13 to 36 incl. T. 35 S-, R. 11 E: Sees. 1. 3; W'i. SE'i Sec. 3; Sees, t to 15 Incl.; Sees. 18 to 35 Incl. T. 26 5., R. 9 E: Sees. 1 to 5 Incl.; Sees. 7 to 36 Incl. 1, 26 5.. R. 10 E: Sees. 1 to 15 incl.; Sees. 17 to 36 Incl. T. 26 S . R. 11 E: Sees. 1 to 15 incl.; Sees. 17 to 33 incl ; Sees. 35. 36- T. 27 S.. R. 9 E Sees. 1 to 15 tncl.; Sec.. 17 to 36 inel T. 27 S , R. 10 E: Sees. 1 to 36 i"rl T. 27 $., R U E : Sec. t; Sees. 4 tr 14 Incl.; Sees 17 to 22 Incl.; Sees. 2J to 35 incl. T. 38 S , R E: Sees l to 1 incl. T. 31 S Events Planned By O'Neill PTA After a quiet beginning. PTA events at Lucile O'Neill School are coming in quick succession. On Jan. 2fi. Grace Whitlow cooked her special turkey noodles and hot rolls for the annua! dinner en joyed by more than 300 people. February R-9 is the date set for the rummage sale ai Clyde's Tott ing. Contact Mrs. W. C. Caster. TU 4-44r.1. for donations nf goods and offers of help. The Founders Oav Tea will lie held Feb. 18 in the school library Mrs. Victor .ucilci O'Neill will he the hon ored guest at the silver tea. To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 8 a.m. to 4 30 p.m. weekdays I am. to noon Saturday Count five words per tine Ads under lines count same as 2 lines. 3 6 10 1 Lines Time Times Times Wonth 3 17 . 50 Si 00 iSOQ 8 9 00 3 3.35 5.00 6 50 11.50 4 4.00 6.00 8 00 14.00 i 4.75 7.00 9.50 16.50 Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT per advertisement, if paid tn advance. Above rafes are tor consecutive inser lions, without change of copy, for pri. vaie inaiviauats. Advertising must dear and understandable to be produc live. All words must be spelled out. Autos offered for sale by private indi victuals cash wm copy. DEADLINE 4:30 p m. day before pubil- CANCELLATtONS 1 CORRECTIONS- On same schedule, except on Monday lese are taken 'til 9:30 a.m. Please read first Insertion of your The Herald & Newt wMl give one extra run for typographical error. "Business Builder" WANT ADS I column Inch, $35 per month with 12 50 discount tor payment on or before the 10th. W Inch, SI9 wtth Si .SO discount for payment on or before the 10th. Based on one copy change per month. BOX SERVICE 50 Cents per d. C.RD OF THANKS, and IN MEMORIAM S2.59 PHONE TU 4-8111 FOR COMMERCIAL RATES GENtRAL NOTICES WHERE WEATHER S WETTEST, DRIEST, HOTTEST, COLDEST, MOST, LEAST J J VIRKHI NORTHERN HEMISPHERE'S LOWEST TEMPERATURE -W f OlMtKON 119311 AND VERKHOYANSK (1192), ,1 BIKIA ALASKA S LOWEST TEMPERATURE .76" F TANANA, JANUARY 1RRS NORTH AMERICA'S LOWEST TEMPERATURE 81 f ft. J, 1947, SNAG, YUKON U S GREATEST 24 HOUR TEMPERATURE FALL 100 ' F FROM 44" F TO -56' F JAN. 2) 24, 1916 BROWNING, MONTANA NORTHERN HEMISPHERE'S UNOFFICIAL LOWEST TEMPERATURE -lOS" F OlMtKOM, SIBERIA TAIWAN'S GREATEST 2 DAY RAINFALL 66 INCHES JULY II 19, 1911 FUNKIKO U S GREATEST AV. ANNUAL PRtCIPITATION (IXCLUDING HAWAII) ISA INCHIS WYN0OCHIE, WASHINGTON U S. GREATEST SINGLE SEASON SNOWFALL 10001 INCHES PARADISE RANGER STATION WASHINGTON, 19SS 56 WORLD S GREATEST AV. ANNUAL PRECIPITATION 472 INCHES MT. WAIAIEALE KAUAI, HAWAII S Ck I AUSTRALIA S I I HIGHEST TEMPERATURE 127 F 1 JAN. 16. ISM C10NCURRY, QUttNSLAND WORLDS GREATEST 24 HOUR RAINFALL 46 INCHES JULY 14 15. 1911 IAGUIO, LUZON AVERAGE ANNUAL THUNDERSTORM DAYS 122 IUITENZORG, JAVA AUSTRALIA S LARGEST RECORDED HAILSTONE 12-INCH CIRCUMFERENCE IAN 26. HSR.BOWENVIUf I GREENLAND'S 1 : EUROPE'S GREATEST :: WORLD'S GREATEST LOWEST ?J AV. ANNUAL PRECIPITATION 20-MINUTE RAINFALL r I TEMPERATURE V 183 INCHES INCHES I ? I r I f IUOU3LAVIA I : IIUKI tA-Ut-AKUt, HUMftnm " I JAN 2) 24, 1916 T '820 FEET I 1 .: . 1 , 1 I JULY 7. H89 U t V I . "OWNIN&, MONTANA ) l DEC. , 1949 t WORLD'S HIGHEST I I J J S ( ) I , -.1- V tSLe. . I' SURFACE WIND SPEED I r . 1FE. , 1947, SNAG. YUKONl . , nvmT TtuT 1 KT . 2MMFM . Af A f vj 'VTV "1 V -, .sJ U ,'lUU'r'U ' h MT. WASHINGTON NM f"V ' . H lrSl r A W CHERRAPUNJI, INDIA J f v I U.S. GREATEST ( V. JULY 1861 VjS-k 2 MINUTE TEMPERATURE RISE AJ (J j CHERRAPUNJI. INDIA HaT ". ZXA . FROM -4" F I. 4S F U S. GREATEST , J 12 5 FEET OF J " S GREATEST JAN. 22. 194 , 24 HOUR SNOWFALL M ' WJ U'N "1,??.. '"'0D l f AV. ANNUAL PRtCIPITATION SPEARFISH. SOUTH DAKOTA f . ' '"C"li. H? fff AUGUST 1841 "'.y IrCS SILVER LAKE,' COLO 3Sl TNf. WORLD'S GREATEST LjS E 22 ' wyoYrw x y,Tr. Sooinm rA 3- X 3 3J INCMlS ( LW Af WORLD'S HIGHEST I W gj 1 I """tlN ISLANP v. I WORLDS LOWEST I :.. A i AV ANNUAL RAINFALL I WORLD'S HIGHEST j' N AV 02 INCH AV. ANNUAL TEMPERATURE j I "ICACH'Lt I I . 1 LUGH FERr'a'nd'i. SOMALIA UoU?o',oil I wadi malfa, Sudan vff.t HAD NO RAIN IN A 19 YEAR ' 14 ,t" I RECORD OF OBSERVATIONS f -li I WORLDS LOWEST TEMPERATURE 1 Un.. UIC.HIST TEMPERATURE 1 I If VOSIOK ANTARCTICA L A2IZIA, IHYA I I ) j AUGUST I90 j SEPT 1.11922 I II I 11 U.S. HIGHfST TtMPtRATURt JULY 10, 191J DEATH VALLtY, CALIFORNIA U.S. LONGIST DRY fLRlOO 7fS7 PAYS OCT, 112 NOV 1914 IAG0AO CAllfONU SOUTH AWfRICA S GREATEST AV ANNUAL RAINf ALL 41) (NCHtS CUIBDO COtOMllA AUSTRALIA'S GRUTfST 24 HOUR RAINFALL )S INCHES Ftl 17 18 FINCH HATTOM AHIA f t L IX, CHtLF. HAS AN AVERAGE OF J2S PAYS A EAR VtlTH RAIN ANTARCTIC t inwftT ANNUAL AV TfMPlRATURE -7I1 F SOVItTSKAlA 02 200 Ff tT Wnthrr rxIrfniM round (he world irr hon on N map, which lit hasfd on data complied hv Ihr fcarth Science Diiaionv Quartermaster Itcscarth and engineering torn- mnnd of th? V.S. Army. The ficiirrn are officially accepted record, thonqh It . probahle thai morf fitreme value hate occurred at different timet nd not been recorded. On the other hand. ?omf recorded extreme haf not been accepted a official because of Incomplete information and some of the official extremes are under queMion. 10 E- Sees. 1 to 34 incl , R. It E : Sees. 3 to 6 incl , 9. 10. 14. 15. 17, la,- Sees. 20 to 31 incl ; Sees. .14, 15. T. 29 S , R. 9 F Sees. 1 to 6 incl, T. 29 S., R. 10 E: Sec. 1 to 6 incl. T. 29 S, R. 11 E: Sees. 2 to 5 Incl. i 2. That If any person claiming or as serting under, or hy virtue of any un patented mining claim located prior to July 23, 1955. any right, title, or Infer-; et In the vegetative surface resource.! and other surlace resources, under such mining claim, conlrary to or in conflict with the limitations or restrictions speci fied in section 4 of said act, as to me above-described lands or any part there of, shall fait to file in the Land Office of the Bureau nf Land Management at 710 N, E- Holladay, Portland 17, Oregon, and within 1 SO days from the helnw stafert date of first publication of thi Notice, a verified statement which shall let forth as to such mining claims: (11 The date of location; (?) The hook fd page of recordation of the notice or certificate of location;! (3) The section or sections of the our-; lie land surveys which embrace siKhj mining claim; or if such land are un- surveyed etther the section or sections ; j which would probably embrace such mm. j ing claim when the public land survey! are extended to such lands or a tte bv courses and rtitances to an approved United States mineral monument; (4) Whether such claimant is a Itva tor or purchaser under such location; ; and ft) The name and arirtrets nf surh claimant and names and addres' o far as known to the claimant of any Otner person or persons claiming ny inieret or Interests in or under such un patented mining claim; such failure shaU; he enne'usively deemed ID to constitute a waiver and relingmshment by stxh; m-n-na Claimant nt any nqht, title, or' interest under such minlnfl c'aim con trary to Or tn contlief witn the limitation ; or rrtrictlon specified in section 4 nf t the Act Of July 73. 1955 (69 Stat 3671, a i to unpatented claims located alter thtj date, and (iil fn constitute a consent hv such mining claimant that such unoatent i ed mining claim hall be subject to j said limitations and restrictions, and! (nt) to preclude thereafter, prior to i-t 1 suance o' patent, any assertion pv surhj 1 mining claimant nf any right or title! to or interest in or under such mining ! ,rlaim contrary to or In conflict with sjurl limitations nr restriction Section 4 pro ' vdes, generally, that unpatented mmmg claims located atter Juty JJ, m, h.n : not be used fer purposes other than prospecting, mining. or ftroee"iia operation, or ues reasonably incident thereto; that such claims will he ubieet I to the right of the United States to man-1 Jaoe and dispose of the vegetative sur face resource thereof and to man lege other urtace resources thereof, end! that, escafit tn the etrnt reouired nr mining opr'tion end use reartuin'v incident the'etft O' to orovirte clearance tnr such operations or use, tla'mm I nf uch Claims salt no' ue or dipnei of vegetative or other surface reu'ce! the'eo'; nfl that. eeept tor e'ea'ance for iK.h purpose, any permitted evera"c I o- removal of umber mul be in c i rorrtance with sound principles of tee: I menQf -nent Said section 4 a'p pro-1 1 vdes 'hat any ue of the irtr oft ny such mining ( laim hv the Umted 5Ute. ts permittee or licensee, hVt; he ueh a not to endanoer nr matenaMyj interfere wth the prnoecting. mimnj, i processing or reaOnably Incident ues bvj the mm mg c laimant The date of first puhiication of iti Nntife shall be Jn 9. 193. Dated Der 5. tf? O f Le.ghtner i Chie. M-nerai ;tion I Ri.reU fi L"d Vn0mt Depart mpnt o' interior -rrrtiann, Oregon tirst ovhHcat'on Juf'v 9 Ne Jan f. JJ. 10, Fh . 15 j 70. 7'. Marrn a. ita Airman Lost During Flight j HAMILTON A KB. Calif ITI' 1 search wa under av in Orp t.on itxiav fnr an At Knrve rn itrd man misinc on a f!uiit m a pmatr piaiw. ihe cirrn Atr j Re -cue Center reported i The pilot was Airman X' Hon jald P Mvers. whn left Portland I Saturday morninc en route to Wil jiiams Air Korea Ba-e in ti7 r,, He !oik nff m severe air hirhu , Irpt'C and freemi r.ii. HAVE YOU any of these things TO SELL? They'll bring you EXTRA CASH! GUNS 7V BOATS vV TENTS 7V STOVES fr RADIOS 7:r PIANOS ?V BOOKS TV TOOLS it SKATES vV TRUNKS PLANTS fr JEWELRY ;r LIVESTOCK FISH POLES -V TV SETS v!r BICYCLES ;- CLOTHING Or, 1,001 other items too numerous to mention! LET PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT IT. PUT YOUR AD WHERE THEY CAN SEE IT! Coll Herald & News WANT ADS TU 4-81 1 1 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO ALL PERSON IN TERESTED AS CREDITORS OR BENE FICIARIES IN THE ESTATE OP MOL LETTE JENNINGS, also known as Vof lette Reames Jentvng. aeceased, pend ing probate proceeding in the Supeno' Court of the State of California in and for the City and County of San Francisco. Pvnvsnl to the provisions of Chapter 17. Oregon Laws 1961, Or, Rev. Slat. 114.1(6 (3) (al, notice Is hereby given lo ail persons Interested as creditors or beneficiaries in the above entitled es tate lhat the undersigned foreign execu trix, duly appointed and qualified by the above entitled Court as such for dece dent't will, will, upon the expiration of ninety (90) days from the date of first publication hereof, request payment and delivery trim First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Klamath Falls. Federal corporation, of the sum of 15100 00, which moneys are on deposit with and in the possession of said association in its account No. 3714 in the name of decedent. Any person objecting to said payment and delivery is hereoy directed fo atve written notice to his objections thereto to said First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Klamath Falls, 540 Mam Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, on or be fore the expiration of ninety (901 days from the date of first publication hereof, which date is January 23, 1963, Verena M. Jennings, Executrix No. 901, Jan. 23, 30. Feb. 4. 13. CARD OF THANKS Y heartfelt thanks to all the kind and thoughtful friends who have been so aoort to my family and to me following my icte-if flu-niem. rviry t. nacin. FUNERAL HOMES C WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home. 925 High Street. Phone TU j.ii LOST & FOUND ... . 2 LOST Southern Pacific pa;s issued to Mrs. L. C. Pratt, phone TU 4-4104. LOST boy's glasses, brown plastic' rims rea case, i u 4-fBi5 PERSONALS CARE for elderly pensioners, board, room and laundry. TU 2-3506. KLAMATH .Alcoholics Anonymous, TU 4-3591, TU 4-87Q4, Friend.y help anyflme. GRAHAM'S licensed home for the aoed. private rooms or ward care, special diet, personal interest assured, TU 2-3i65. OVERTU RE TREND 163 shaninn jmrt curling. Your hair not becoming to vou? tou snouio oe coming to Ktm and Anona, Studio of Beauty. TU 4-7151. BEGINNER SALANON, friendly help for families of alcoholics. TU 4-7139 at Til 7-5740. P.O. Box 105 SERVICES DRIVEWAY material, crushed r o tfk. drain rock. Joe Bart, TU 4-9755. THE FtX-tT SHOP Sharpening service. Small repairs New, used bicycles, parts. T A C Shopping Center, 3724 So. 6th, TU 4-3749, SNOW plowing, tractor equipment, ptu i j -oor anytime, em t orney. CUSTOM BUTCHERING At your place, deliver to processing plant r wave ai your piece At stoit, TU 6126. REMODELING and repairs, all kinds. easonaoie, reterences, iu 2-538S. CHAMBERS HOUSE MOVING, founda- tfons, leveling, TU 2-0816 or TU 1-1014. TREE topping, pruning. Insured tree grooming. Lakeshore Nursery, TU 4-6955. HOUSE remodeling, cabirets our sueciai 'y, please check our references. TU 4-4079. Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring - alterations tor men, women, children. AM work guaranteed. Reason able price. Gene's Mens Wear 517 Main DENTAL PLATES" Repaired while you waft. New Plates Made From Your Off PERSONAL DENTURE SERVICE 1033 Main TU 4-3.'M Fuller Brush TU 2-5972 PROVANCE TREE SERVICE Licensed Insured professional service. Trees topped or removed. PHONE TU 4-9MH CARBIDE ft SAWS TOOLS LOCAL SHARPENING By FACTORY TRAINED PFRSONNEL fr FRANKS TAfKL5 & GRINDING 5ERVICE 620 E. MAIN TU 2-47M WANT ADS Bring Results! TU 4-8 I I I HEALTH . ... 12 NUTRt-810 vitamins, mineral, protem. 1'et Z'Plf 'meyrr. TU 2-37 HELP WANTED, MALE U MANAGER for Irrigation district. T4,f!00 acres. State experience and gualificet'ons in first letter. Address letters to- T. J. Albert, Rt. 1, Bonanza. Ore. For per onal Interview, call Lorella 4245. EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY. Train- ng on-fhe-lob with manaoer. We will in terview men regarding very fine pn- .ition in eastern Oregon, Automobile ts equired. No Sat. or Sun. work. You wdl b home Your salary will Start with training, if interested, write to Munatitr of Personnel, P O. Bo 1594, Portland, Ore Include full name, address, phone number and age in tetter. BKER wanted Experienced bread man. Weed Bakery. Apply Immediately! Yellowstone 1-4471 or 1-4549. PIANO and organ salesman. FuM t'ri lit wtth a tunire 'or me rigni man Some music background deirahf bt't not mandatory. Apply by tetter to Her ald and News Bo 447C. 117.000 PLUS NEW CAR AS BONUS an over 40 in Ktama'h Fall re. Ue nr tor short trips to contact custome-. te V A. Sears. Pre . Americn Lub mt Co, Bn 6?6. nytnn t. Oh0 Used Car SALESMAN Ece,riry;i 0rfirrpH. Kur nnl ob Vliute'v nerptirfirv. Mtjt hiv? had -omp orevinus so'f work. PosttiCrt is with IfXot Irrtmchised rier Qnd "fr, on pxeef'ent opportunity for odv once men t it yru'r nmb'Tioui nnri willing tn wnrl. Mfiny frirfj hnefits Write AAP,C, qjvtng noe, quotificntmn-,, rno'ifnt strjtuv Heitest, and phnne numr, BOYS! scahgeol EARN Vacation Money by selling the Herald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contoet Herald & News. Circulation Dept , 1301 Esp!onod FHCNE TU l 8111