Jacob On Bridge WEST VQJ109 85 MOKTH e A A J 103 843 K63 KQJ EAST 4.4 763 QJ 107 A10873 86513 SOUTH (O) 4KQ9862 A K 8 4 AB42 ! Nona Both vulnerable South West North Eut 1 4 Pass 3 4 Para 6 A Pass Pass Pass Opcnlngjead VQ Ruff Would Lose Sam By OSWALD JACOBY Written for Newspaper Enterprise Aswi. ; Boris Koytchou of the New York Card School faculty says South ms a very sound opening bid and that his partner's jump raise im- proves his hand. In general, when you have unbalanced distribution i raise increases the distribution il value of your hand. I A great expert playing with a favorite partner might continue with a series of scientific bids to feel out the possibilities of a grand slam, but the drd School lecls that going right to six spades is just about as good and may well be better. Should West elect In open his ace of cluns against ine spatic slam South would have no prob lem, but West will almost surely select the queen of hearts as his opening lead. South will win the trick and draw trumps with two leads. Then he will nolo that there are potential losers in both red suits. t If he is alert he wi'l see that (he best way In get rid of those losers will be on dummy's clubs. He will have to lose a trick In the ace, but he can afford one los ing trick and will leid the king of clubs from dummy. East will play low, South will discard a red card and West will take his ace. Later, South will discard luo more red cards on the remaining clubs and make his slam. Institution Seen Aid For Retarded Child Dear Ann Landers: I'm a wife and mother, married 10 years and am approaching M. Maybe O The bidding has been: Wrst North Fit Booth 1 4 Double llcdbl 1 You, South, hold: 894 32 4433 J74Jl i. What do you do? A Bid two clubs. Ton have live elub and thia should he the test place to ret out of trouble. ; TODAY'S QUESTION You bid two clubs. West dou bles, your partner bids two hearts and East double. What da jots do sow? ' Aiwwep Tewirrow By ANN LANDKRS Dear Ann: My letter will sound like a soap opera but every word is true. I'm a widow 27, with an year - old so n I have no rela tives that I know of, having !ecn raised an orphanage My husband was killed in a bunt ing accident three years ago. His parents who are well-to-do and so cially prominent live in another city. The last time I saw them was at my husband i lunerai They have shown no interest in me or their grandchild, not even letter to inquire how we are getting along. I'm sure they w ish to ignore us because Danny retarded. I attend night school and work part-time as a stenographer. I'm unable to hold a regular lob be cause of Danny. My pastor and doctor are aware of the physical strain and the financial struggle They have suggested I put Danny in an institution. I don t want to do it. Danny needs my love and besides he's all 1 have. Shall I write my father-in-law (whom I haven't wen or heard from in three years! and ask for financial help? I don't want to heg for charily hut what can I do? KLLKN Dear Kllen: You can do as your pastor and doctor advise, 1 suspect you are hanging on to your child for your sake, rather than his. It may well be that Danny would be happier in ai Institution. Your In-laws have demonstrate rd they have no interest In you or your son. This Is about as low as people can get and I would not demean myself hv asking such heartless rlods for help. if I see this letter in print the pure disgust of it will cure me. I've been day-dreaming about former sweetheart whom I have not seen in 11 years. The day dreaming started about six months ago when I heard "our" song on the radio. I just sat there like a ninny and all the warm mem ories washed over me like a glo rious wave. Now I can't seem to get the guy out of my mind, The old boy friend was a heel, Morally he isn't fit to shine my husband's shoes and nobody knows this better than I do. How can I shake this shameful, adoles cent habit? LOOSE BOLT Dear Bolt: The one who got away always looks better. In fact they look better 'away" t h they ever did when they were there. When you feel a day dream coming on. substitute in its place one of those heellsh incidents which persuaded you to marry someone else. Court Records Dear Ann lenders: I am mak ng this easy for you because 1 know you have a lot of letters to cad. Just put a check mark In 'ither one of the boxes below. One s marked you pay, the other is marked she pays. My cleaning lady is the dumb est cluck who ever lived. She has worked for me six years, which entitles me In a medal for pa- ience. Yesterday she overloaded my washing machine. She said she was trying to save soap.l The motor is now burned out and the epair bill is going lo he a lulu. Is she responsible and should I insist that she pay? Or do 1 pay? Thank you. ckaxy lath- KRINE Dear Catherine: If It's legal advice von want, see a lawver. If it's my opinion you want, am checking you pay. Kvcryone who employs help ex' pects broken glassware, knick- knacks and appliances over a pe- iod of time, (And would you he lieve It, some women actually break things themselves.) PACE 4-B HKRAI.D AND NEWS, Klamath Fall., Ore. Wednesday, February t, 19K3 i t" A?? .C '...- t i r yntm?-mmi-fmzt eln ';.," it,,, I JI-: , t , v w. r Aid For Health Training Needed, Says Celebrezze WASHINGTON (UPI) - Secre tary Anthony J. Celebrezze testi fied Tuesday that federal aid for training in the health professions was essential to build up this country's increasingly short sup ply of medical personnel. Celebrezze told the House Com merce Committee that hospitals, communities, research laborator ies and the armed forces were all competing for the annual output of medical, dental and other schools. The Secretary of thj Health, Education and Welfare Depart ment appeared in behalf of a pro posed construction' and student loan program. He noted that the administra tion had reservations aiwiut cer tain points in the bill such as providing loans instead of schol arshipsbut he said the govern ment it was far more important now to complete the action on thia legislation than to consider anew the various alternative approach es to our common goal." Celebrezze's job was to con vince the lawmakers )f the need lor a 10-year, $755 million spe cialized construction program. l n tler the proposal, grams would be given to help build medkal. dent al, pharmaceutical, ojinmetric. podiatric. nursing, osteopathic and public health teaching h.vilities. trying for more than one month to batter down the walls of the old U.S. Bank building in Grantt Pass. The 15 inch concrete reinforced by steel bars even knocked the "eye" off one 2,000 pound steel ball last week. UPI Telephoto HomeKeededone Purchase Slated By Dunsmuir AFS Student Scout Leaders To Be Honored KLAMATH FALLS MUNICIPAL COURT Ftb. 1 Jm WaM, drunk, 2S or tlw or IP rtem Wlll(m C Bluttloud, drunk. Hi or tlv or 10 dAVft. Ruben Hejgrirt, drunk, Hi or iivt or id dv. Euqtnt Admi, disorderly conduct, HOC And JO dy. KLAMATH COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Fb 1 TRAFFIC CASES William Ellii F-Iica. '! " vieW r'Oh' 1 wav, not gullly pl. trlAl without urv "I 'or FtD- H. MiK Charm KHv o wnMi covvrt, QlltllV dIia. 1 SO tint Pel id RoMrl Frank vicforin, oiooym inp ftlgn, guilty pita, .10 dm PAid. Dltk CAr McDonAlrl, improoAr 1111 light, quIUv dIaa, St tint PAid HArvtv RolHt BMnk. improptr muniii. gullly pica, it SO tin palrl. Willlsm Doyn Hnutnn, vlnlntt hailc rule, gutlty pit. S70 lm PAid Ellfn Ruth Dowty. IaM to v''d rlghl of way (privAtc dnvi), S0 H"t PAid Frank ChrlM Hngu, improper tignAi guilty plA. it V) (In pA'd. WAd Fill JOIW. Oiorva nP "3"' guilty plA, SIS Itnt paid Frd Euatf Whiit, tour in nrivfr i if At. guilty pita. SIS lint PM MAAhon Finn Jarohttn. d'nt)vM uai ic mgnal, auilty pi. SO lnt paid Jtrrv OAvid Skalton, holding ipd con t, guilty pie. SW (ln pflld. and TO day Miiptnulon of driver'! Itranw William Franklin mhi. nnMHiritq rear vlilon, gullly pita, S7.SO Una paid. r.frid L f.AZEl.U5-Huw Sciuil Irnd.'is s ill he honnrod fll the annual Sis ktyou Silverlip nnxipnitinn Ban unci at the (iarlle ii-mcp Hall on the rvenina of Frh. lfi. npv. Max Aikrn. Histt ut aittvi Crs rlian man, is in t-harc? n( din urr arranmrnts, and l. krts will 6p available at the Kehruarv puimdup, Krh. 7, at the (Iranyrj Dill. Sprrial rrrntnitinn v;M Im kv rn the district den mothers who have taken special training. There uill also he awards fnt unit lead ers Inr their accomplishments rMith in traininc and unit work New Lagle Vout in (lie divine will he introduced .tt Ilir rimner The turkey dinner, tnstmi; $2 S from vr wrstn. will lw .served at ,'n p m. On The Youths Held In Car Theft Tuo teen-ae youths, implii-at- ci in tlie (hell of an automobile (rom the Holiday Bowl Parking I jot alKtul 1:30 p ni. Monday, uere apprehended hv stale imhee at :S p.m. in .Merrill. The two bos are leing held in the city jail juvenile section .luailmi; disposition hy the coun ly juvenile oflicers. The car. 0cialed by Norma Hansen, 2A50 Iterlamation, appar ently was lelt unlocked. Mrs Hansen said she may have left her poekelhiMik with a duplicate set o( keys in the car. Dal Heed, duel ol imlice in Merrill, observed the youths driv ing around in Merrill and kept hem under surveillance until 'late police arrived. DUNSMUIR A home for s ireiiin student for l'Mi4 is be ng .sought by Ine Dunsmuir cnap- er of the American Field Service. The chapter has raisjd funds for ransxirlation and administration costs for Dunsmuir s sixth for eign student. "The community cannot con tinue to participate 'ti the pro gram unless a family is willing lo 'adopt' a student for a year's stay," Mrs. Sam Burton, chapter president explained. The host family must he able In provide a bed for the student and meet his borne needs. The family should also havo children f high school age. The American Field Service of fers a unique plan for widening world friendship, Mrs. Birlon said. he AFS student becomes a mem ber of an American family for a year and takes home first-hand knowledge of attitudes, customs.1 and economics of the I' n i t e d Slates. The students also share their knowledge of Iheir i,wn coun-l tries with their foster families :ind schoolmates. Thus far Dunsmuir has hosted; students from Sweden, Denmark. (iermany, and Switzerland. Car los feiva of Santiago, ('bile, is currcnlly making his home with the finger Ellis family. The local AFS chapter will hold the annual election of oflicers at its February meeting. WASHINGTON (UPI 'The Airquantitics of the Phantoms lo Force today disclosed plans to buy 1,000 Navy F4H Phantom jet fighter planes at a cost of more than $1.5 billion over the next five years. Air Force Lt. Gen. Gabriel P. Disosway, deputy chief of staff for programs and requirements, said the Navy plane is the "best in the world" and will become the Air Force's main troop sup port and general purpose jot. The 1,000 planes will be formed into 14 wings of about 75 fighters each, including 14 reconnaissance squadrons with about 25 planes each. The balance of the troop support, or tactical force, will consist of seven wings of r 105 lighlers. Defense Secretary Robert S. MeNamara said previously that the Air Force would buy large save the cost of developing a new plane. Disosway told a news confer ence the Air Force version of the Phantom will be a two-man-plane pilot and a radar operator. He said it will carry cither nuclear or conventional weapons at more than- twice the speed o( sound. The land version of the plane will cost between $1.5 and $1.7 million each, he said. The daily mean lemperalure in San Francisco is 56.5 degrees. RECORDING TAPE Blank ond Pre-Recorded including Columbia & Capital 3"-5"-7" Rolls. Tape Lerton! LEO'S CAMERA SHOP 836 Main KITIII.lt THAT OR WALK SIIF.RMAN. Tex. tUPH-Austin College coeds think twice about accepting dates wilh pre med stu dent John Daniels, 21. He works for a funeral home nd sometimes calls for a date ii a hearse. SHOES' SHOES! FOR NOW IN PROGRESS IM'IMMH W at metw &S2S MAIN warn tr- tmnwi iwjwji rji -ww- u mi i .mm. -iz':i t'OKsri ML m W -friwRS. - fri. - sat. P v (il j " Jwfflj "MarieWa" 100 Wool 4-oz. EJTT KS yfflllllV se'n- Over 25 colors to li a C fflllHI 'l100 ''Ofn. Reg. 1.29. New- fjf CROCHET I THREAD II M "KNIT-CRO-SHEEN White Only 400 YDS. Reg. 49c ASSORTED COTTONS Light- & Dark Patterns To 10 yd. Lengths. Values ro 47e yd. NOW ONLY CHOCOLATE HEARTS Pure Milk Chocolate Hollow Mold 1 Qc & QQc YOUR NAME FREE in Frosting 1 VALENTSNE CANDIES Red and white gum drops, jelly beans, spice hearts. Reg. 37c. Big 20-oz. bag HEART BOXED CHOCOLATES "BRACH'S" Mb. Box. Reg. 1.19 SPECIAL SCHOOL PKG. - REG. 69c SO Assorted Cards (or Boys and Girls and 1 for the Teacher jj.NtofoiAfca 825 Main St. 5? KLAMATH COUNTY OIVOHCIt PILSO rnpfTi-nofn w W'Him iiAVOV Anil Jovft v L''i DAVIS Vttrnall R V. flQi LAWSUIT! PILCR Puriiir n fll run htAd of cutut itru'h by loin, motivt?. C f lr-Jent CnMwfmn Srvtt v. El Eirrtr ,ylfr jmhI D(Trltv Svlff v Pul Whillnlch Mnd tn.M, r Whllr)lh M,1IX oeiiernl niMl sp ' rteieqs. pim tost. reulmg Irom rlrtirjr' to hnm Dlniir A S'on W MAtp IndiivlrUI Atrlrtnl C.ommHtiAn, comrrnitttrn inr ln(lulrl acc iclrnl ...................... ,:FllEE-ilrlirinu: ;i,imir nn iris; The Soviet I'ninn has become the world's larcest producer ol horse meal. Dept. K r.0. Bo25CT, Portland 3, Oie. JEWELRY 717 Moin After 17 Klamath our doors Feb. 7. years in business in Falls, we are closing forever, Thursday, Repair Work and LayAways In The Store Now Must Be Picked Up By THURSDAY at 5:30 IE"" - m N. ... 1 1 UMl il il inr " ----- I i. I I i in ill II I Record hr " ,f"I 1 HAFTtR'S ENTIRE STOCK l-VJLjJJ SpXAJ&&KAJ Z)sjSXJ i SALE PRICED 0 11 nW7 (TfTfOTl nn Vriitons. " r-. jt.t 1.3 e w f i t rv. Jt -f I IL T 1 i.y m n r i I J "j r : J '. :U A v iS : 1 11 ei u..i n'ji I I ki..i- If""" ' litf II J n r w v in. ifuoiDruiuum Luup rue nyiuii REMNANTS m VV : 1 1 W FL V ' '!r: ,,"d,,IJ ... 1 Several colors ?! t I JJJ Jf- & ' X ' ' k '" V'"" $60 0 I ?t( , I 1 my m It rmiiiilllUtui vJ AAA Cninnau III S In. Vll. A AO mV ' fj 11 A p I U NOW ,,,A NOW IZ rr-"- M iit, J V J Continuous Filament Nylon M ' V ' V-VV--.'. 70 Wool, 30 Nylon 100 Nylon Br'dloom 1 ssiSSS $88 l Sflir-IL I I ' 1 I"""- 1 ;". i ""'' T : MP ; J Pi m I f m m combineilien of wool nej nslen Solid eolort and tte4i in m m . 1- Jf ''' 1 ' ' fSf mm ' or mort ,Mut lonjr -tr! loop eil nlon! Thichly covered fj it E I ' Jt m m ' ,( Tweed end iohd colon! Woven lurtace rhor won't pock er Kow X.t,,mmmwm99mmr uftmtttmmmuM ft 1 1 I Ir1 S r n hiejh-tnw leeo pile with toerprmit. Deep brown pnd Mor- -ikmW1lll,ltmm,lltJ'i' 9 1 I ! W f ' bk. Remnonri: t-nt Tweed. Solid colon. i ; 1 -V I7r, 7 98 l"6"" '")98 1 lll-tel Wilton urpei f.rf y L . "sCP v - rai " I .... S5"2 b ? ' I s 1 1 " M -y4 100 I I nPtrleWyD1SSWSWMWI--' I w.tt. rrl"u I ,i