M ixed Reactions Greet California's $3.2 Billion Spending Proposal For '63 SACRAMENTO H'P1 - Gov. Edmund G. Brown's $3.2 spending proposal for lisval l."-64 was greeted wilh mixed reactions by republicans and Democrats in tbe legislature today. The huge budget largest (or any state in history was intro duced in both houses yesterday. It became ABSOO in the assem bly and AB500 in the Senate. On the surface. Brown's plan to establish a slate pay-as-you go income tax starting July 1. 1054. appeared to be in serious trouble. Even some leading members of his own party failed to support the withholding tax plan. Sen. Hugh M. Burns, D-Fre.Mio. one of the Democrats' most im portant members in the legisla ture as upper chamber president pro tempore, had this to say: "1 have heard and noticed growing opposition at the local level from businessmen and tax payers with respect to the with holding of personal income taxes This will be difficult to sell and 1 am not yet convinced that I can support such a program." Assembly Speaker Jesse M. I'h ruh said he supported the broad general outline of the budget but reserved Die right to "perhaps quarrel with specific items." The two chairmen of money committees in the legislature were also apparently in broad agreement but undecided specifics. Chairman George Miller, D-Mar- tinez, of the Senate Finance Com. mitlee said he had "serious doubts" that the proposed tax in creases will pay for state services adequately during the next two vcars. AssembKman Robert V. Crown, D-Alameda. chairman of the lower chamber Ways and Means Com mittee, said it was "basically a good budget." He coupled that statement with a request to the governor for more information on revenue and expenditure forecasts for the next five years. Republicans left no doubt that they intended to oppose the with holding tax vigorously. Sen. John F. McCarthy, R-San Rafael, upper chamber minority floor leader, charged that the tax proposal was merely "bookkeep ing" that will "just postpone the problem another year." Assemblyman Charles J. Con rad. R-Sherman Oaks, the lower chamber minority floor leader, said the budget "does not solve California's problems, it merely postpones the day of reckoning." And assemblyman Don Mul ford, R-Oakland. GOP caucus chairman, said the withholding plan "repudiates Brown's promise not to raise taxes." In his budget message. Brown proposed two major tax reforms about. the withholding principle and elim ination of the installment pay ment privilege on Jan. 1, 19M. He said these and other reforms were "long overdue" and suggest ed that to make the lax more palatable the state's taxpayers be given a 25 per cent "forgive ness" for taxes during calendar 19(14. "If California is to avoid levy.ja "reasonable chance" that there Itax. He said the bill embodiedj Housselot Former Rep. Johnjwas contemplated. The former ing new taxes," he said, "it mustjwill be no need for additional I proposals approved recently receive full and equitable return from its present revenue struc ture and this is the only satisfac tory way to insure full compli ance at a reasonable cost." The governor told the lawmak ers in his budget message that if his reforms are adopted there is taxes during his second four-year term in office. Other developments in the leg islature: Education Assemblyman Charles B. Garngus introduced a $121 million school finance bill in cluding a countywide equalization the state board of education Narcotics Sen. Donald Grun sky, R-Watsonville, introduced a bill to legalize evidence found by police during a search of homes and automobiles admissible in court for narcotics violation convictions. by'Rousselot offered to appear before !a liaison committee of the Repub lican caucus designed to help uni fy the party. But committee chair man George W. Milias, R-Gihoy, said no investigation that would require Rnusselot's appearance congressman recently was ap pointed western coordinator (or the John Birch Society. Diploma Mills Senator G run sky introduced twn measures aimed at so-called "diploma mills" at the request of the state department of education. Bills introduced in the legis lature yesterday: .SB.'iflO Miller: Th budget bill. SB4.V1 Christensen: Changes name of California National Guard Reserve to tlie State Military Reserve. IIKRAM) AM) NKWS, Klamath Falls. Ore. Wednesday, February 6, 1963 PAGE 3 B llllIMwtllj1,t)J1ttt,,iaiaQijajaiiiaJiJiJiJiJiJiaiJiJiJT,i Wmi. ' ALKA - SELTZER SSvSt OQjtXi'i ifSf 9C Vw MEDICATED SKIN CREAM u irv heart box fBt'tmMzfm. fik HI 3,LL y R U s. size a Ml ASSORTED ifflffimtWml ricABANrF "ASIIC c0.i:1 ,LSW- -4 IS CHOCOLATES ImMMSil "---"0. XntIes PLAYING CARDS rTSm W UIUWLMILJ tW'MpmWJ PLAY PAL AMERICAN MADE T ' " REG. 69e Tl LOG WOOD Xjg mlmmfMmmi rain boots 1 1 00 mm r NUT B0WLS 1 ir?V l.'l "jsi'.W .-J 4 JA II FESTIVAL 52.52 n3 I ieD M ssssSM anally II m ir rv,x u i i 1 I "In IWtWNU TM Ui r OH "If YOU don't watch your figure, no one else Willi" Modoc Refuge Huniers Bag Few Birds In J 962 r.-njB All it I i k J Aii a . r 1 - SsT UNNAMUN KtP Htm Sag ZbCV t MINIATURE HsEctrCANDES 25cd 19 CONVERSATION HEARTS BBH 35rtT "vat fs-. ' JUMBO 26-Qt. TEXTURED PLASTIC WASTE BASKETS FESTIVAL 52S2 FLANNEL BACK TABLE COVERS "Moo T WOOLITE lm,-&fA Cold Water Soap FULL POUND SHULTON'S tf'.'.a FRIENDSHIP GARDEN HAND & BODY' BROWN & MLEY ROSE CORSAGE H EART BOX CHOCOLATES f25 Ct. VALENTINES .... 29c IB ITE SIZE MOUNDS or ALMOND JOY 2?c a tno WWW AI.Tl'RAS "There ere more dui ks and Reese, more hunters, and fewer birds hasped than last year." This is the report nf the "l9'.2 hunting season at the Mixloe Retupe Riven by manaRer Paul Steele "Balmy windless days that followed the October deluRe did not provide for Rood hunting con ditions," Steele said in explanation of the poor kill. Also he reported that there were Basin Briefs NEW PINK I'RKKK MR. AND MRS. DAN KOX. former residents nn of Rieber. Calif . were visitors here Satur day. They left alter sellinc their Shamrock Tavern seven years ago. MRS. nOK.I.AS many more hunters this year than last which produced an attendant number of skyscrapers uhe tye that stands in the open and blasts at anything that comes over. I Another deterrent to the kill. Steele reported, was that durine several weeks of the season, al most all of the birds using the refuge were concentrated on the unharvesled barley field just south nf Alturas and on the cln.-ed part of the refuge." A recent 1 aerial survey of the bird count on the reluue and Dor ris Reservoir shows an estimated bird population in excess of .i.DOO geese and .t.nno ducks. This is a considerable increa-e over the count for the past decade and an exceptional count for this time of year. The management of the bird refuse, which was purchased from the Dorri-es of Alturas twn years ago. savs that tbe increase in the , a ',p J i bird count far exceds their best GARDNER left Monday for Red-! , mis nf,.ea.e (, , ding to dispose of their hnrnc nf a d jn miRrfilory bjrri there Gardner tJ a timber fallrr on J ,hf 8nd and they plan to buy a nnmc Canada and live here. He has signed upj Vtf an eimxtrl .t,tii, for three years' work in ' ej hunter-days during the season f'"- 'compared with mo last year ". (Tlie estimated total kill was 1.120 M AI-1' I birds Ducks made ut) "i2 lier cent MRS. MERVVN n II. DF spent . . , . .. ' . . h, jkeveral days recently in Portland ,.,',: ,.M birri on a buvint trip. While there sue L,, attended an open house for her ,t.k'u Ba mrp ,h()n rinuh!c husband's grandfather C.ustav hjj VerU rnunJ vfn Wilde, on his 9"th birthday. Ijimn'to ;m .! nf .VB hunters, wi per rent MRS. M.J1U.M lvr.i" auu daughter. Cathy, visited Mrs. Ken yon's brother. Lester Cushman. in Medford one day last week Cushman is recovering (mm re cent back surgery. MR. AND MRS. JOE rf.LIAN spent the weekend in Eugene vis iting their son. Ricky, and family. SCOIT LEADERS were caiied In a special meetin! Feb. 1 to make plans for the Blue and Gold dinner to he held Sunday. Feb in, at the Malin Grade School gvm. n.!m to s.m Of .VB hunter were Irom outside Ine rnunty Modoc. 41 per cent; l Angeles 20 per cent: Bi-h'ip a'e.i. lfi per rent. San Francisco area, five jier cent: San D.egoarca, lour pel cent. Susanville area, three pei cent, and the Redding aie.i. three per cent. Why irGood-Time Charlie" Suffers Uneasy Bladder riiTr r.f miM. hut TiTrivl iiiw. ti - Tndkin fri r !, n nr-i unrnmf'T'hl'. And :f ril nig tin. Wl'h ntfTBinf r.rl,ch. hM'lurh or mil- trm nr fmntonl tifict, rt Brf-lift In ttr mif 'r-flrtn't wm-lr? D"n'i fill. Tnn PiMt irt wi 'or Bjrtv r ltf l-ThT hv a pnolhinf t on h'd4r trrutt"n. 2-Afl r"r'i' (non"'-lrt 1 po(1f. ho.d ltn j wonrf rini-tir n,..n thru ( nrtrt flrmlv To ft ind u.n tn J" , kMn, irir ?o mrri th oaipui of fAmfnrt. jut tprir.it ft iiUl TAS-;, nt k,1t(M (h. 80. t th TF.CTH OO Tour plti No (tintrrT. -Mm y,tJ,ry r!if frt!hn h noTl frxv, ptT tt fr IMltnt Cftf-" jr nv,r r rPrn. nr onnin-. buy Pl: Mor" 1 denture brtht . Oel lB. tiu f(t nAn' Piii tmUrt TAftTrrTH i tnv drvit counter Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With More Comfort j inn rnuwT HOUSEHOLD k Kmm aw I nTl f IV 1 1 01 . airurrr I 72.72 vintl I hMUh IIVI1 I ... I i ns F&l I 1 1 I I IIKiniNN B MZfc II WW FX H UlUb I IIUl IL. OIMI BUA 1 -in nk. W.TfT.IAvV. ( I. TO II I .vinr"i.w E I B 11 X!-?D1 I rJ HALEY "Jt- HJAUL CHOCOLATES 1.07 ? :V 1" Dd, , 00 iv wv,iJi -.. , xri. i l r -Ta i,m, imi...!, i y. iraUiilKr.tt'X I r' P X 'I. uumiimDmim ten III) PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORES II I JZZ Zsu ZZL ZZl N 1 4 I Ir BnBMBnMiBaaiMiHiHaMaaHaaiaMiiaaaaBWaaaaaaaiaawiianHaaa m .tit !-A I 1 aam - a. "i ' sal ;H u. for y I m i .i iw&r run 1 McKesson x VMMjtTliaaB ""Mi( POLISHED METAL I Wl A AA SOOTH SKIN VI FTlTSM0 COFFEE fys SZZLNG ffJOO fHiBOI)yiOTI0Nl rCANDYBARslp!? MUGS g STEAK 12100 J L 13 1 00 I I PLATTERS SSJlJ I: I :-V rw S.j '"-m-"'0 With Wood Strv.r! .' jwJfe'W1 tX'J ,rWtji I pJ. "(.Jp 1 . :y- 4'j I O 1 desert I vWTW g lUUpd DEODORANTS cups I PLAY SHOES jsgxSgi, 1 t 2-900 I 2100j REG , 2,$100 1.00 OFF! SIL 0m ( .uy, SAVE 1.00 NOW ON PAY LESS fj" ADORN latex paint sykI r PENICILLIN teuAm CDDAV fP gallons white and colors I r eiinn 1 2? HAIK nAT giant size Nescafe ' 5nn sheets -J k 5 l0i A I 1 C With FREE "teaser" INSTANT fOFFFF TYPING OR FILLER m H SgiW STYLE inn II b " " " PAPER k" i ISwJLI P$f ? comb f 00 BG fl0o BgV rp7 fcOMBIOTIC 1 PAIMOIIVF fflAP SIZE rTWlESS HUU .K: flflO J ? 1 00 I a3B 1.48 VALUE VJ Zl " . LtSLyJkvAL J kst B Si12l00 VITAMIN X' SWEATSHIRT SPECTACULAR! 7SiiL-L- ASCORBIC ACID ,h&fr S' ... . . nir " -sJoiisi WHITE! SOME withJ' RUBBER H Mss-issftwa shampoo ,3gs aoo &' - 2SSns SEW M L-JalrT . B J LESS U ztttI rT?!!Sd L'W boo?1 nchss f yCl nn 1 1 r 111:1 r -v.: .v uhw h v r-bD n Mir v p kuki iiiiii . i m .iw irrii t I SHEARS 1 rR0LL0N deodorant f FIGURINES If WLLZ WTH UYEnE f SHAMPOO 1 f KrN.. 11 Rei 7'e1AA I Re..87eamM I I ocr. io tl fifi J I rlAA ll I MSi1Aft C