Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 06, 1963, Page 11, Image 11

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    Mysterious Waves
Meet St. Mary's
By United Press International
It's fish or cut bait this week
for Pepperdine, the mystery bas
ketball team of the Pacific Coast.
The Waves last year piled up a
20-7 record, won the West Coast
Athletic Conference and almost
defeated Oregon Slate in the
NCAA regionals before losing
. 63-67. They achieved all this with
;t a man in the lineup over 6'
and one of last year's most
memorable sights was the 6-foot-5
Jiob Warlick jumping against 7-
Joot Mel Counts in that Pepper
'. tiine-Oregon State tussle.
'- With just about every starter
back this year, however, the
Waves are going nowhere. Pep
perdine is 9-7 on the season and
0-2 in league play.
In a trio of Bay Area basket
ball battles, the Waves meet St.
.Mary's 12-0) tonight, San Jose
State (2-2) Friday and USF (4-0)
Tonight's game will pit the
WCAC's two finest players with
-the outstanding playmaker and
Iscorer Warlick against Steve Gray
'.o! the Gaels, one of the deadliest
Scorers around.
; In more WCAC action tonight,
;Loyola (0-4) is at Pacific (0-3) in
a battle of have nots.
In action Tuesday night, Gon-
zaga built up a 40-15 half time
lead at the half and coasted in
80-40 over Eastern Washington.
Substitute John Rickman wound
up high scorer with 16.
Chico tamed Humboldt State
68-49 in Far West Conference ac
tion behind Jerry Miller's 19
points. Chico now has a 4-1 rec
ord and the Far We: Conference
title appears to be a battle among
the Wildcats, San Francisco State
'4-0) and Nevada (3-1). Chico
hosts San Francisco State Satur
Seven foot 1 Doug Willsie hit 16
as Occidental crushed Cal Tech
90-32 in Southern California Inter
collegiate Athletic Conference
play. The one-sided win gave the
Tigers a 4-1 loop record. Whittier
leads the league with a 5-0 mark.
The iPoeta won an 85-63 decision
over Pasadena in non-conference
action Tuesday night.
Roland Skelton hit 25 points and
grabbed 26 rebounds as Westmont
ripped Cal Lutheran 87-61.
Other scores: Los Angeles Pa
cific 76 Southern California Col
lege 53, Upland 76 Long Beach
Pacific 65.
West Virginia,
Duke Near Titles
By United Press International
West Virginia and Duke, those
perennial southern basketball pow
ers, are ready to tighten the bolts
again on two more conference
The Mountaineers all but assur
ed themselves another first-place
finish in the Southern Conference
I by rallying from a 10-point def
icit to overcome Virginia Tech,
:79-78, at Blacksburg, Va., Tuesday
night. West Virginia couldn't go
ahead for good until o jump shot
by Jim Mccormick gave It a 77-
"6 edge with just 36 seconds to
It will take just one more vic
tory In three remaining league
games to clinch the top spot for
the Mountaineers. Howover, they'll
still have to compete in a con
ference tournament at the end of
the season to decide the southern
representative in the NCAA cham
Duke, ranked No. 3 in the na
tion, faces its big test Wednes
day when it travels to Winston-
Salem, N.C., and a crucial meet
ing with Wake Forest. Duke is
currently on top of the Atlantic
Coast Conference standings with
an 8-0 record, but the Deacons
are close behind at 8-1.
As in the Southern Conference,
the ACC sponsors a post-season
tourney to select the NCAA rep
In another important league
clash Tuesday night, Texas took
a stronger grip on first place in
(he Southwest Conference by beat
ing Texas A&M, 70-59. The Long-
horns are now 6-0 while Texas
A&M, which had been in a Uirec
way tie for second p'ace. W
back with a 3-3 mark.
HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore.
Wednesday, February 6. 1963
1 " 7 Y If
NOT WAVING TO FANS That's no wave to friends in the fourth row by Golden
Glove aspirant Gary Tachell. Gary, competing in the 135-pound open division, is on
his way to the canvas end a first round TKO administered by opponent Victor Vella
in Chicago Tuesday night. UPI Telephoto
Seals Can Close Lead Gap
On Portland Bucks Tonight
By United Press International
The San Francisco Seals, wlio
trailed Portland by 15 points less
than four weeks ago, tan close
the gap to one point ;f they can
dump the Bucks in a big Western
Hockey League tussle at Portland
The rampaging San Francis
cans played their 12th straight
By United Press Inlernallnni.I
It's a rare day wlien the New
York Yankees are satisfied just
because they signed three pitch
ers who won a total of 14 games
the previous sea.snn.
And yet general manager Hoy
Harney and manager Ralph Houk
feel that way with the signing of
pitchers Luis Arroyo, Hector
Skinny ) Brown and Roland Shel
Arroyo posted only a 1-3 rec
ord In 1062 but the Puerto Rican
relief ace could be a vital force
tins vcar if he comes anywhere
nr his lOtil form when he had
a 15-5 record,
Brown, aciiuitcil Irom Ihc Bai-
limoro Orioles last Sepl. 7, had
'Klamafh Harrfwowji '? 37'
'..Shorty! Ftymo A W 1 39'
'-Crljpy Creme Donutt Wi '.,
. Franti Oil Filter! W i 4i i
Halls Signal Service 51
Elmeri Teco NT ' i
Ravi Harley Oivldton Se'ei SO
Weyerhaeuser 3'i ivi'
Johnnyi Flying A 3f'j ?' i
Cdih & Save Oil Co 31' j
Rejulli: Halli Signal Servkt 4. El
men Teco 1 1 Ravi Harlty Davidson
J, Weyerhanjier I; Shorty! Flylno A 5.
Franti Oil Mtrri 0; Johnny! Flvlng A 4.
Cat & Sav OH Co. 1 Klamath Hard-oo-1s
X Crispy Crra OonuU f.
Hi grt tram gamt, Cah & Sflva OH Co.
high ttam lerlti, Joinnyi Flvlng A
3i'8; high Ind. gani, Andy Andtrton IJa;
high Ind. sariti, Bill Hanan Jit,
W t
5A 34
5?' IV i
Duffi Ha 1 1 no
Dorrli Lumhar SO 34
Haaton SImi 9 35
Kimball Glati 4.1 41
Jtckt Color Chip 40 44
w.ft L Co. .It A
Pelican Mohll it as
Mttlcr Brother! 3D 4h
Umo.ua Mrkff H 4t
Klamath JC '
Nlon TV .14 SO
RaMilK. Oii'f! Hattno 3, Hcalnn Str
If Klamath JC 3. N'Koo TV 1; Amlrlrvii
Wftltr Bro. 1j Switt K Co. 4, Dnrri
Lumbar 0; Pallcan Mnhil 3. J nth
Color Chip 1 UnlQua Market 3, Klmbai
GImm t.
High team gama, Swltt ft To inn
high team aeriei, Swltt lb Co 3om Moh
Ind. game, Bumtf smilrt Jit) h-gh Ind
iarlei. Tarry Boyar SIT.
Finance 4. Drii
O'e. Aviation
Overhead Door
Putnami Logging
Tower Furmlurt, iv j 3J1 i
Rgt saiell.ie 44 M
h Y Varket 4J' W.l
CYrt Tolng 41 37
l.tmalh Auto Wreck'-! 42 It
' Jpnei 0Mca Supply 41 3
h'mtr BfO. 40 40
. 1 ahion Cleaner! M 42
f OAfien rgtic
O'e. Aviation
" r'itcil & Paifltl
onnyl Flying A
t im S'ore
5lu'tan Flnanrt
ft) S rf uit Sub,
rni & Pe4att Oi so.
!".)! 0; Putnam Loggtng 4. Bnwden
Wvi't Oj B g Y ht. 4. Jonai O'c
Fah.pn Clenneri 3, Johnny! Flyint
1: Klamn'h Au'rt Wrertttrt 3. Overheart
Ocr I, lrer furniture 3. C'vile! Tow
ini 1, Wetir friw. J, I Itm Store 2
High tfam onme, Vrtler BrOi, 'tt;
h'sjh team serk. loer FiirnHu'e 3IM;
h 'ti lv.i game, Vlrpin Wnrey JS4; high
iro leries, June vandt'hott if.
Auta"ii 4Vt iv
A D J'i 3V
S-rf-epf'i 4) .1!
in ia' i ir
f ""iwp.fkff 1! 11
The Biiid Four il t J'
4-Dnmahci J 43
: Tne Bin.
VutteOl 4. a-CamatK! 0; Hi Zumi ),
H jh team
trTi 'ie, Pfl'ihArKllr'i JjlS
XT-e ( rrn ), Sonny Heim MI
(mem. LerPV flron
Hme (women
-ipa. ieriM
h f)h lry
h nh (no1
lah Atwt 1S: h'oh
, Vary Wooniey 4C
Tach Room ss
K1. B'kh L Tltt M
Lei Hobark 47
Winema Hotel 44
Houie of Shoe 4i'i la' j
Klamath Lumber It 41
Freemani SaflflHry 4J' 3'"
BOO! lying A 40
Clyrtei Market is
Picketti Dairy
Big Y Market j!
Skyline Diesel i
Reiult!: Pit ketl 3. Wmema 1
Brlfh & Tilt J. 8g Y I; Teck Rnnm
3. Home ol Shoe! t: Skyline 3. Clyoet
l. Lumber J, Bobi li Lei Hoback
i, Freemani ).
High team game. Tack Room ff
high team erl, Tark Room. K Brie
R Tl'a 75": hiqH Ind nam. Mvrlre Kirr
Ml JJ3j high ind. !eri, Hyde K'mbnl
liifky Lane 49
Muornve Plumptng 4
Altamnnt r(roerv 4J
O Hair 1 Memnriel Chapel 41
P A WW Wk'O 4f
'ega Matfcet
Yanks Happy With Inking
Of Three Relief Pitchers
Mtt R(V
."'J 44',
Wood Hckji
h ni'
nlav Nn 4
fmtiiq f,
t gureie Fiv
U- Talent
Tt p--o
ReM..IH DeVn
B"ngi Si
"an ' Cluh
Merrill Vnn
feh 4 reiuitf Merrill Vrve 1,
a'eHite Pivm .1 if' C ib ' -. I
rtW Wrl .I1.-, Pategai ,arket J.
'V I 'H,t' 1" I; Miigrove Pliimh.rvj
J, Anemrail t.rrvery i; OHmri Vemor
al cna(ei 0, Lucky Lane 4
High tom game, Harry I anphear In
lu'ante hgh team tenet Lu k
Lanj 7407; hgh Ind. game. Bob Tetch
li), tvgh Ind teriet. Hob letch 41 i
Local Team
Leads Roller
Hockey Play
Somothmi: now li.is lipon adrtwl
In liic ilro,i(lv full sports scone
nnninu Klamath KalLs.
Tin- Kliimatli Kalis Holler Hock
ey team Ls leariuiR a six-team
league with 7-1 record. The
newest team in the lencuo, the
KK team, lias the i-eiond lead
mi; M-orer. also, in P. Johnson
with nine goals.
The Klam.il li team stopped
lioselmi (j. SO. and handed 1-onR-view.
Wash, its first deleat in
two years. 3 2. last week. 'Die
other teams competing are Salem.
Portland, tlrants Pas and Host'
lime All this week's Raines are to he
played at Ijmiiview. KoehurR
mvts ivtlem. lyonRview- takes on
Portland and tlrants Pavs and
Klamath Kalis tancle The second
Rioup oi Rames will hae .llem
ind Klamath miMUK. lxinRview
iRamst HoM'biiiR and Portland
iRainst (irants Pass. Tlie cames
were ilaved flt (Irants Pass last
lonc Koeliler scored m goals
n the two R.imes lasl week This
leacne. calks! tlie OreRon .Male
Ivol'.cr ll.K kc Uwniw. plays onK
once a nionlh. The net meet
wilti two RaiiH-s lor each team
is slated tin- liuMew, asll
March .t
6-7 mark last season but he
was 12-5 in 1!H0 and, like Arroyo,
could be a key reliever.
Sheldon, who won 11 games in
his rookie 1!W1 season, slipped lo
7-8 last season. However, he still
is regarded as a polenlial 15- to
25-Rame winner by the Yankee
high command.
The Yankees brougnt their sat
isfied list to in with the signing
of first-baseman Mike Hegan, son
of former Cleveland catcher Jim
Hegan. who hit .306 for the Yan
kees' Kort Lauderdale farm club
in 1W2.
The New York Mots announced
Ihc signing of veteran first-base.
rtian Hil (lodges, who appeared
in only 54 games last season but
is regarded as a potential 75- to
ino-gamo player for the forlorn
New York squad.
Catcher Pong Cam lh and rook
ies Sale Oliver. Pick Tracewski
Hick Calmus and Pick Scott
gned with the Los Angeles
Dodgers while catcher Bob Oldis.
lullie'.der Alex Johnson and
pitcher Hill Wilson agreed to
terms wilh the Philadelphia Phil
15 First Ward,
'I iLutheron Win
Nr 4 4 Top Dog'
ive ft. Wilrh
f Qre'et
tWo't 3. Wood Moflt t
3. i.nb'.ng 5
"?rt team jme. Fnmbl"n ) ei?; high
trm je'.et, M.fHirh'enn j h gh )nl
p ."ie, l im Pool 201 1 high Ind ienei,
John Tinker 5i
Sprague River
Wins 2 Games
The Spracuo Tuver Pucks eon
iimied tlieir winning ways Tues
day night Willi a douhleUvider
win over Uw ChiloquUi Pirates
and Crescent Motiawks.
The Ducks topped tl Tirates.
7M". as IVMerlc l.ytlo hil 24
mid P)on Devter 12 Ld Case
Uip'x-d llio Pirates Willi 21.
1ly beat lln Mohawks in Hie
second game. 7(140. Hutch Crume
led Llie wmwrs wilh 21 and l.tle
l:ad 13. Vincc Cumhy had 12 for
tiie losers.
Tho loiter Pay S.imls First
Ward and Hojv I.utlu'ian Itvinvs
earnistl wins Monday nii;!it in the
YMCA Church league lia-kclhal!
Tile Kirst W ard slopf Saliur
ban Christian five. Iv7, wilh IVn
ms Gooding and Hen Kerns each
hitting four points Kaiiiam and
Woixlard Ii.kI two eacli lor the
lloV Lullwiiaii trampled 1' u sl
Metldisl. .If), (iary Hill doubled
First Melhodist total scoring Willi
18 points for Uitln'ran. (lary Pu-li-ee
Iwid n'ne Handy Welih M
tlw Melliodtsls w ith four nint.s
Gun Club
Holds Shoot
The Klamath Gun Club held itsl
icekly shoot Sunday despite
.lightly damp weather. The at
tendance was good, including a
few visitors from the Sprague Hiv-
r Gun Club.
Tlie shooters .all sliot tln-ir ,i0
rounds practice from the li-yaid
line, llien they began on tlie handi
cap trophy slwioLs.
High scorer lor tlie .VI practice
rounds at lti yards was Hill Davis
with a perfect score o( 50. lob
owed hv 1'.. H Calioon. Paul
Hellm Sr. and Joe Cobiirn. all
tied with 411
High scorer for tlie handicap
event was K. 11. Gaboon wilh a
.core of 43 out of SO birds, giv
ng him a loial lor the day of
without a loss when Ihcy some
how pulled out a 5-4 overtime win
at Vancouver Tuesday night.
The Standings Jan. 13 showed
Portland ahead of Los Angeles
and San Francisco by 13 points
apiece. San Francisco's record
stood at 19-1S-0.
That 16 loss figure was un
changed today as the Seals boast
a 30-16-1 mark. Portland is 31-14-2.
The Seals seemed doomed Tues
day night as Vancouver moved
out in front 4-3 with seven min
utes to go. But Orland Kurten
bach blinked the red light at
17:47 and then veteran Len Haley
hit the clincher at 1:41 of the ex
tra stanza in a three-way power
play which saw Ray Cyr and Al
.Nicholson get assists.
The Seals have not only been
good during tlieir hot streak, they
have been lucky.
for instance, they tried to trade
Nicholson to Calgary Jan. 22. but
he refused to go. Coach Bud Poile
ingnly kept him because his
team was "too short now to sus
pend Nicholson."
Since then, Nicholson has hit
seven goals and three assists.
Another bit of Seal luck oc
curred Tuesday night '.'.hen Van
couver's Al Lebrtin tripped in the
second period and managed to
shove the puck into his own net.
In Tuesday night's only other
VYHL, action. Calgary broke an
eight-game losing streak with
9-5 romp over Los Angrles.
Veteran winger Gord Vejprava
hit his second hat trick of tlie
campaign to pace the Slamped-
Seattle is at Spokane and Los
Angeles al Edmonton tonight.
Win, Standings
By I nited J'ress Internalinnal
Southern Division
W I. T Pts C.F C.A
Portland 31 14 2 154 lRt'i I:
San Francisco .10 1(5 1 til 202 147
-os Angeles 23 17 2 52 136 l"fi
Spokane 20 22 1 41 136 142
Northern Division
W I, TrtsC.FC.A
Seattle 24 22 I 49 15 1M
Vancouver 20 20 3 43 142 143
Kdmonton 16 35 1 33 l.4 240
Calgary 14 34 1 29 154 200
Tuesday's Results
S F. 5 Vncver 4 (overtime'
Calgary 9 Los Angeles !
Wednesday's Schedule
San Francisco at Portland
Ijis Angeles al Edmonton
Seattle at Spokane
laseball Men Readying For Trip
To Camp With Mixed Emotions
STUART, Fla. (UPP-The men
whose business is baseball are
getting ready today to head south
for spring training and in every
camp they will run the gamut of
human emotions.
There will be veterans hoping
to hang on for one more year
and rookies brightly optimistic of
at last hitting it handsomely in
the big time of the majors. Sore-
armed pitchers will work and
wonder but as it gets under way.
at least, hope will burn brightly
in all of them.
Yet it is one of the most bit
ter periods of the year for a man
who still feels he should be
among them but long ago gave
up his dreams of diamond greatness.
"I should never have let them
operate on the arm," he grated
bitterly while almost automatical.
ly polishing the mahogany of the
bar behind which he presides. "I
might still be up there."
His name is Karl Spooncr and
the odds are that you still re
member mm when he was a
fledgling in the chain of the now
Los Angeles Dodgers
Spooner's future glittered with
promise a mere eight years ago.,
The husky kid from Oriskany
Falls, N.Y., could throw the ball
through a brick wall and he was
tabbed as sure-fire major league
timber even in his first season
wilh Hornell of the Pony League
in 1951.
They moved him around rapid
ly, giving him all the experience
youngster needs to earn his
way into tlie majors. In 1952 he
started with Miami and shuttled
then to Newport News and Green
wood, Miss.
By the time he was 20, Spooner
was with Elmira and Pueblo and
the following year, 1954, they had
him on the threshold of the big
leagues at Fort Worth. Before
the end of the season he was up
wilh the Dodgers because the
brass knew that no longer could
they keep him down on the farm.
It was no mistake, that move.
as Spooner demonstrated imme
diately. For the chubby-checked
young man pitched shutouts in
his first two games and set a
record wilh 27 strikeouts m two
ronsccutive games, fanning 15 in
a game against the Giants and
coming right back to strike out
12 against the Pittsburgh Pirates
It was great knowing you
were set w ith the big club in the
.pring of 1955," he reminisced.
'But I cut loose before I was
really ready, too enthusiastic.
mavbe. and I threw my arm
Spooner still had a 10-6 mark
that season but the ominous
handwriting was on the wall. He
couldn't throw that spring of 195ti
;it Vcro Beach, laid off a while
and then gave it one last hungry
try at St. Paul.
They operated on the arm nui
it lust never came hack, nc
said stoically, the hurt showing
mly in his eyes. If they hadn t
operated, it might eventually
have come around. But now it's
all over."
Snonner at 31 si, II looks III
enough for action. But a sore-Met mid-way up the East Coast I he. too, would be getting ready
armed pitcher who didn't last of Florida is his answer. to join the locker room reunions.
long enough to make his score, But his smile becomes a bit Even the veterans hoping to hang
has to work to keep four daugh- strained and fixed at this time on for another year have brighter
ters. Bartending in this tiny ham-1 of the year. Except for the fates, I hopes than spooner. He has none.
TB AM W I. T P tor Ainit
MmIS FeU 7lol
Lonjv. ? I 0 14 VI
l.ritnll PA t 4 0 I I
sr. I P :i
P0fll..(1 OU! IIP 7 'P
St.n S Pprtiaort 1
Hi",!, f alii Rpbuf9 0
lpnlv 4 (.ml Pt P
PftMind I Rofpnrq 0
r.fni ry I Sio-ii I
KIAma'S I 3 l'Ov- i
After Hie handicap shoot, the
men cniined slioolmng two back-
ersup lor steaks. Winners in the
last round were H"d Smith and
I-! H. Gaboon Wuinevs ot the sec
mid round were Joe Co burn
and Merle llanscom. Alter shoot
ing the backers-up. some of the
tlslumtcis lnod tlieir skill with
J'tlie continental trap and John
l.iilileiislerii finished on (op with
ja !citecl 23 buds, followed by
Paul Hellm Jr. wilh 2.1
People Read
you ore now.
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Manny Elias
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Manny Elias of PhocniN. Aril.
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a cut over Corona's left eye which
lie opened in the fourth round.
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