HERALD AM) NEWS, Klamath Falls, Or. Tufsdav, February S, ,4 iMfM ull:yii3 PAGE-7f n ? ur. rciKer Addresses STILL PRODUCING Miss D2, owned by Eldon Hoy of Weed, may be almost 22-years-old, bur she is still the queen of Herefords. The American Hereford Associa tion recently named her the oldest living producing Hereford in America, and she ex pects another calf in March her eighteenth. Agriculture Department Asks Housekeeping Bills The slate department of asricul lure expects to ask the current legislature to make housekeep ing amendments to five laws it administers and to repeal sections ol a sixth law, according to J. F Short, director, The department will ask lhat .several accounts entailed in ship ping point inspection services be consolidated into a single account. It will ask also for consolida tion into a single account of all fees and licenses received under ORS Chapter fi21, wh.ch include fluid milk, dairy products plant and ice cream and related licens es and fees. Both the account consolidation measures will reduce bookkeeping Kill Alfalfa Weevils with Heptachlor! Lowest Cost 1 for Control Returns $15 Extra Profit Per Acre! J. W. KERNS 734 So. 4th TU 4-T 97 costs. The shipping point services are entirely sclfsupportnig, the dairy activities only partially so, The department will seek ar amendment to the auction mark et act to eliminate a state bond when the market is federally bonded and posted, Another department - sponsored measure will ask permission to charge, at cost, for transporta-l tion certificates or books of these certificates. The department will also seek authorization to perform service: by request for other governmental agencies and be reimbursed or to seek services from other agen cies and pay for same. It w'ill ask for repeal of two out-dated sections of the grain warehouse law and repeal of a 1!I57 section which has proved unworkable; the latter deals with proof of storage based upon the filing of written documents. Heptachlor Lowest Cost Alfalfa Weevil Control -. GET IT NOW! Pacific Supply COOPERATIVE 1537 So. 6th TU 2-4456 Cow Captures Living Honors MOUNT SHASTA Eldon Hoy ol Hoy's Hereford Ranch at Weed. Siskiyou County, lias been noti fied his registered cow, HHR Miss t)2, has won top honors as the oldest living producing Here' ford in America. The announce' ment came from the American Hereford Association in Kansas City, aio. Entries in the contest came from 23 states. This bovine belle has 17 calves registered. Other entries have that number, but none are still carrying on at this cow's age, D2 will be 22 years old April 1, and she is expected to produce again in March. The reward another registered Hereford heifer for Hoy's Ranch. The presentation of her award will be made at the opening of a two-day sale of registered Here ford heifers in Denver Feb. 15-16. A total of 3,500 entries is expect ed. Symposium Or. Joseph T. Hiker. Klamath Kails veterinarian, spoke at -mposium on the treatment of white muscle disease in calves and lambs during the Jan. 26. 27 28 annual meeting of the Call fomia Veterinarians' Association held in Sacramento. His paper was on the results of use of selenium with Vitamin t in the control of the disease that attacks the heart muscles m calves and heart and leg muscles in lambs. over a period ol three years. Dr. Riker of KM South Sixth street, with Dr. Fred Wedam of the Klamath Animal Hospital, 2726 South Sixth Street, have had W 45 per cent favorable result in the treatment of over 47,000 ani mals in the Klamath Basin. Tlie treatment was developed by the Animal Husbandry Depart ment at Oregon State University, and was used here on an experi mental basis before anywhere in the United States. Dr. Riker and Dr. Wedam were nvited to appear at the annual meeting. Dr. Wedam was unable In attend. Headquarters of the sessions were in the Eldorado Ho tel. Sacramento. White muscle disease is de scribed as a mineral deficiency. Calves drop dead without warn ing. I .ambs usually are found tu be lame before the disease pro gresses to the final stage. 5 v V MARVIN SHEARER ' ' .mum w owl HOWARD CUSHMAN Fertilizer Trial Result To Be Reviewed At Meet Results of 1913 fertilizer trials with Hannchcn bailey and relat ed soil moisture studies will be eviewed Wednesday. Feb. 6, al a meeting scheduled by the Klam ath County agent's office. The Feb. 6 meeting, one of scries arranged by agricultural agents on subjects of importance to agriculture, is to be held at the county fairgrounds starting at 10 a.m. and continuing again it 1:30 in the afternoon. Howard Cushman and Marvin Shearer, soil conservation and tr- igation specialists from OSU, and Gene Gross, Klamath Experiment- Station superintendent, are scheduled to discuss fertility and eflcct of soil moisture on ferli lizer efficiency. Extension Officials Rap Salesman Charges OREGON STATE UNIVERSITYilhe cooperating state extension DKODORANT FOR CANINES LONDON (UPD Pet shops to day oflercd a spray deodorant for canines to neutralize doggy smells" at 56 cents per bottle. REMEMBER.' when it comes to a truck, see Bob or Juek Trucks are their business! JUCKELAND MOTORS, Inc. Your International Dealtr 11th I. Klm. Ph. 2-2581 Kill alfalfa, weevils witlx IHeptaclxlox! Make up U $15 per acre more from your alfalfa by controlling alfalfa weevils with Heptachlor. It costs about $1.00 per acre, but increases yields j ton or more. Early aeaaon control kills overwintering adultfl. This prevents larvae from damaging leaves and crowns later on. You get healthier, longer-lived stands, and more high protein hay. Available in spray or granular form. Easy to apply. Recommended for western stales. Costs loss than any other recommended insecticide. Apply Heptachlor now before new growth SPfe- of alfalfa exceeds 2 inches. Velsicol Chemical Corporation 2082 Center Street, Berkeley 4, California Lowest cost $1 for control returns $15 extra profit per acre! rears by some Oregon agri cultural leaders that Oregon State University Cooperative Extension Service will become a "salesman" for USDA farm programs are un founded, it was stated here to day. Administrators of OSU Exten sion Service see no change in pro grams as the result of recent as signment of Federal Extension Service to Assistant Secretary of Agriculturee John P. Duncan ,Ir. who also administers the Federal agricultural adjustment pro grams. Secretary Duncan has adminis trative responsibility for the Fed eral Crop Insurance Corporation. Agricultural Marketing Service, CnmmnHitv Kfhannp Anthnritv and the Agricultural Stabilization .LINER GETS OVERHAUL services have been the educa tion and information arm of the USDA and the State Agricultural Experiment Stations lor nearly 50 years. OSU Extension Service has worked closely with stale and county committees as different Federal farm programs have been established by Congress and ad ministered by organizations of USDA, Lear said. In all those years, there has has been no federal interference with administration of the state extension program in Oregon, and we have every assurance that our program will continue to operate wun mis treeaom, rrice ex plained. ' Open Range Law Studied What are the recognized beef breeds? Sounds like a simple question the state department of agricul ture has tossed to Walte.' Schrock, Prineville, and Lynn Bcckley, Glide, respective presidents of the Oregon Cattlemen's Association Oregon Livestock Association. But it may not be. An Oregon law provides lhat only purebred bulls of "a recognized beef breed" can run with cows on the open ange. And the law requires the department to define by regula tion the recognized beef breeds. Presently, the department rec ognizes Heretord, Angus and Shorthorn breeds undc.- the open range regulation. But SDA officials are pondering whether recognition should be giv- to other breeds found upon Oregon ranches and probably grazing allotments. For ex ample: Santa Gertrudis. Charn- lais, Beefmastcrs, Dcvons, Gallo wavs and Brahmans. The whole question will be the subject of a public hearing at a later date. Meantime the depart ment wants the suggestions from the two major livestock associa tions on amendments which should be proposed whon the hear ing is called. and Conservation Service. Some news analysts in I he na tion's capital have predicted re percussions in Congress and among certain farm groups as a result of Extension Service's as signment to Secretary Duncan. F. E. Price, director of OSU Extension Service, and (iene M. Lear, associate director, say con duct of the local extension pro gram will continue in Uie same high degree of independence as in the past in "serving as educators and not as farm program sales men or opponents." This view was also stressed by Secretary Duncan in accepting re sponsibility of I lie Extension Serv ice, staling that txtension can not and must not serve as sales man lor administrative pro grams." Extension must do its job "with complete objectivi ty. Secretary Duncan said. Oregon extension administra- tors (.aid it is not new for the Federal Extension Service to be assigned administratively to one of the assistants in the Secretary of Agriculture's staff. Federal Extension Service and mm mi&,A Canada geese are brownish gray, with boldly marked black heads, white cheeks and long black necks. J. W. KERNS 734 So. 6th TU 4-4197 HEADQUARTERS FOR NORTHRUP KING Alfalfa, Clover And Grass Seeds Lorge Quantities Ford Trucks Last Longer on Hit FARM Sm your Farm Truck Hoodquortort BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main Eie. Ph. TU 4-3121 GENE GROSS Cattle Owners Names Sought Livestock officials of the slate department of agriculture arc teaming up with county assessors throughout Oregon to gain a inn per cent record of names and ad dresses of all rattle owners in Oregon. ,. . The cooperative effort will help he department determine it it is getting tlie level of vaccination Hid testing needed to eradicate brucellosis (Ban's disease 1 in Ore- in. In other words, (lie assessor records will be checked agaimt the department lists to uncover my cattle, cither beef or dairy, that are being missed in the cleanup program. The cooperative effort will have some advantages lor assessors, loo, says SDA Assistant Director J. W. Southworth. It will give them a double check on location of herd owner and information on the movement of cattle into Ore gon, particularly as it applies to the border areas. VALLEY PUMP AND EQUIPMENT CO. COMPLETE PUMPING SERVICE ALL MAKES REPAIRED CALL TU 4-9776 Now at MerrilULokevicw Jet. Next to John Deero Oregon Angus Association's 45 Reg. Built Sifted & Graded jC IS Reg. Heifen K X HIGH-COUNTRY SALE I tt Infonnatfea A Cito loj: C h . O. Chrn, fit. 1, lot MO. Klamath Falls, Ore. March 2, Saturday NEW YORK lUPH-Tlie Queen Elizabeth arrived heie with 2,21: passengers Monday following i 3.1-day overhaul in Southampton, 20 TO EACH HIS OWN CHICAGO (UPD Timolhy Kcndrick, 4, who two years ago ale 40 specimens from his broth er s insect collection, nas gulped snails from his mother's England, which cost $1 million, 'aquarium shells and all. tco We Can Save You Money On FARM FIRE Insurance Set Bob Jonas ot Southern Oregon Insurance Agency -Inc. Your Safeco Agency 119 So. 6th TU 2-4671 We'ra going dancing tonight, kiddo Evar lince I bought that new mochinery I'm NEVER tired!" Winter Items - O FORD BLADES FORD TRACTOR LOADERS O MANURE SPREADERS X O FORD TRACTOR CABS O SEAT CUSHIONS See us for all your equipment needs Klamath Tractor & Implement Co. 5616 So. 6fh (gPI Ph- 2-5525 Service iitiiijl After the Sale fiiC!1 Featuring Stauffer dependable liquid and granular Q tTTi t rTT3 Heptachlor. Fresh carloads in weekly. Competitive jjr.l'm prices buy where volume brings you savings. Service IrjlN II1J--- on ground application and air application, or help you LjJj2li1l.J do it yourself with your own rig. Special 3-poinf attachment Ground Sprayer. Complete with booms, pressure regulotor, noxiles, pumps, all hoses. Will spray Heptochlor, $ J Q 50 groins, ditches, handle all sproying. Only IO for mIm, equipment tr6 know-how (hot loe von money, et OREGON AG CHEMICALS YOUR SPRAY CENTER OF THE KLAMATH BASIN Tuleloht 667. 2220 DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO YOU! Ranch Rite Buys! BATTERIES 1506 6-volt 24mo. Deo. 27.30 Ranch ftito . .. 6-volt 24-mo. Reg. 11 5 Ranch Ritt . .. Volkfwogen Battery Reg. 20 95 Ranch Rire NO TRADE NEEDED Grease and Lube Equip. 127 10" 12" ftcg. 2 25 Hend Pump Oil Con Reg. 4.95 Greate Gun. Ranch Rita Reg. 1.22 Univtriol Grcoif Gun Couplers . MANY OTHER GREASE & LUBE SPECIALS AT RANCH-RITE PRICES I 310 79 J. W. Kerns 714 So. 6th TU 4-4197 now mm FOR BUSINESS RANCH WHOLESALE SUPPLY Everything for Farm, Home, and Business at . . . LOW CASH and CARRY PRICES AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLIES - TRACTOR PARTS -TOOLS - PAINTS - TIRES-TUBES - BATTERIES -ANTI FREEZE BELTS - HOSE - SPARK PLUGS - DAIRY SUPPLIES - FARM EQUIPMENT - MUF FLERS - WATER SYSTEMS - PLASTIC PIPE -PLUMBING SUPPLIES - OILS-GREASES - FORKS SHOVELS - TWINE-ROPE - APPLIANCES - ELEC TRICAL - FENCING SUPPLIES - BOLTS-NUTS - PAILS - OIL FILTERS - MILK FILTERS - TARPS - PUMPS - SPRAYERS - JACKS & HOISTS - VET ERINARY SUPPLIES - HARDWARE - HOUSE WARES - CHAIN - ELECTRIC MOTORS - POUL TRY EQUIPMENT - POWER MOWERS - GAS ENGINES. STOP IN AND SEE US For The Best Buys In THE KLAMATH BASIN AMCU WHOLESALE SUPPLY "BUY THE Y" Herrill-Lakeview Junction The Farmer's Shopping Center ANNOUNCEMENT Basin Farm Chemicals Announces the appointment of ALKONGSLIE As General Manager DON PHILPOTT As Salesman NH ?- NITROGEN - NH 3 0 I w (PHIUIPS7 m M I t,t W y iajujwwa-i U J Most Experienced a Finest Applicators a Prompt Service Price Competitive Place Your Orders For Early Spring Application BASIN FARM CHEMICALS Bonanza 545-2188 Phones Tulelake 667-2697 Klamath Falls TU 2-2541