Revamp Of School Fund Distribution Suggested By Fiscal Officer PAGE-1I Editor's Note: A revamp of some of Oregon's most-established money procedures has been ug. Rested In report by the legis lature's own fiscal officer. By ANN H. PEARSON United Press International SALEM (UPI) - The Oregon Legislature is dealing with make believe figures when it makes its biggest appropriation of all, ac cording to the legislative fiscal officer. The legislature appropriated "$115 per census child" to the Bas ic School Fund for local schools during the 1961-62 school year. Actually, for a real child going to public school that year, the Hermiston School District re ceived $199.62 from the Basic School Fund. The Pendleton School District just 27 miles away in the same county, received $124.11 from the same fund for a similar child. Legislative fiscal officer Ken neth Bragg says it may be time for the legislature to stop dealing out school money blind. He says the legislature may want to take public school financ ing matters Into its own hands as explicitly as it has the rest ot the state's money matters. : The Basic School Fund was ere- ated in 1946, when the voters dc cided state-collected taxes should Jacoby On Bridge WEST A43 VQJ743 NOETIC l AK7 1062 10 9 8 AJ106 EAST A J 10 08 V K8 Q52 4843 873 Q942 SOUTH D) AQB92 V A05 AKJ7 K5 . No one vulnerable Erath West- North Eut IN.T. fast 3N.T. Pass Pass Past Opening lead 4 Nine Tricks Discovered By OSWALD JACOBY Written for NrwspiHwr Knterprltte Assn. New York's Card Si-hool points out that with 17 points and a balanced hand, .South lias a nor mal opening nn-trump bid, und North should raise to three. West opens the four of hearts He should lead fourth best at no- trump from n suit headed by niioen-tack-small. South must take nine tricks. Normally with 29 points and all suits stopped, South should have no trouble mak ing three no-trump. Vet, West has made the best opening lead and South ran only count on eight tricks in top raids. Still, there aro ways lo make that ninth trick. Spades might break three three, or (south can finesse the queen of clubs. Ho has a one way finesse against the queen of diamonds. As last resort he can bang out high cards and hope for the best. However, he has an absolute surefire place lor Ins contract and should accept it. South holds off twice in hearts, hut must win the third lead ol the suit. East will prooahly dis card a low diamond, hut all South Is interested in is that East Is out of hearts. Therefore, South can give East the lead without fear that he will be able lo do anything almnt the two good hearts in Hie West hand Hcnre, South lays dewn the king of clubs, continues with the five and finesses dummy's ten East is in with the quern and ran lead anything he wishes, hut South now has a third club trick to add to the eicht trie he start ed wilh. Q -The bidding has been: Writ North KmI Hnuth 1 A Double Kedht Pass rs INT. Uoublo 7 Yon, prtoth, hold: Ajt riosss What do you dn? A Bid two hrarU. Your rart nrr won't have any Ions suit and ahould have at lr.t three hrarla for yon o that thia will be tha beat plaoe to play the hand. TODAY'S QUESTION Attain your psrtnrr h doubled one gparic and hast has redoubled. Thia time you hold: AS54 fit 4I S7ll What do you do? Answer Tomorrow help pay the cost of local schools. It amounts to an estimated $127.5 million for the current bi- enmum, about one-third of all general fund money. Property Tax Offset Most of the fund represents the stale's share of the cost of public grade and high schools, offsetting the local property taxes that pay the balance. The Basic School Fund is the only one left in Oregon's general fund budget where the legislature makes a lump sum appropriation without saying how the money will be spent after that. It also is the only case where the legislature doesn't know ex actly how much it is appropriat ing. The legislature doesn't pro. vide a flat sum. It appropriates so much "per census child be tween the ages of 4 and 20." The final sum depends on the census. Bragg says the confusion multiplied because the census has nothing to do with the way the money is handed out and distributed. In the first place, it docs not even all go to the districts. The State Department of Education skims off its operating costs. So do some special programs. The FRIENDLY HELPFULNESS To Every Creed ond Purse WARD'S Klamath Funeral Horn Marguerite Word ond Sons IS Hith Ph. TU 2-4404 governor wants to include educa tional television. About 94 per cent that Is left does go to schools, but not on a per-census-child basis. For one thing, the census for mula counts childrei. between 4 and 20. Most child! en going to school are between 6 and 17. Of these, many are in parochial schools. Thus there are fewer chil dren, or more money per actual public school child. Small sums go to districts on the basis of growth and trans portation needs. More For Special Programs Districts wilh special programs for handicapped, gifted, migrant, and retarded children get special help. Of the bulk of the money that is left, 80 per cent goes to the dis tricts on a "per weighted pupil" basis. That means per pupil, ex cept a little more is added for high school students. Then 20 per cent goes for equal ization, to make sure each child gets an equal educational oppor tunity. Equalization is based on Ihe true cash value of property in each district. In other words, the poorer dis tricts get more than the richer ones. To put the whole thing in terms of Hermiston and Pendleton, each gets $104.63 in flat per pupil grants. But Pendleton, wilh true cash value of property at $29,613 per pupil, gets no equalization, while poorer Hermiston, with true cash value of $10,806 per pupil, gets $82.39 per pupil in equalization. Pendleton gets $6.64 per pupil for special programs for the gift led, mentally retarded and curricu lum improvement. Hermiston gets only $0.96 for the handicapped and curriculum improvement. Pendleton eel. cii 12 tor trans portation and $6.36 for growth. Hermiston gets $10.65 and $1.93. Bragg suggests that the legisla ture abolish the Basic school Fund. Instead, he says, the legislature! should make flat, separate appro priations for aid to local schools, the Department of Education, and Tuesday, February J, 1063 HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. each of the special programs. Then, says Bragg, the lawmak ers will know just what they are doing when they appropriate mon ey for public schools, and will be able to do what they intend. SALES and Phone 4-3873 HEATING OILS FURNACE SERVICE Don't Risk Running Our of Fuel! Use Our "CHECK and FILL" System WESTERN OIL AND BURNER CO. of Klamath Falls 1845 So. 6th Ph. TU 4-3873 It's NEW on most 1963 CARS ALTERNATORS hove been used for years on police and emergency vehicles where a fully charged battery is a must. Now avail able to modernize older vehicles for as low as $59.95 with a 3 year 30,000 mile warranty. Leece Neville DELCOTRON MOTOROLA SPECIALIZED SERVICE CO. 1434 Main Ph. 4-5103 JEW ELRY 717 Main CLOSES After 17 years in business in Klamath Falls, we are closing our doors forever, Thursday, Feb. 7. Repair Work and LayAways In The Store Now Must Be Picked Up By THURSDAY at 5:30 4 DAYS ONLY! BE EARLY TO CATCH THESE BIG VALUES! Store Hours 9:30 to 5:30 tfe 9th & Pine I rr ""Tl W Bt I 11 U If X R V ready to sew into full skirt- fiTM VM U h 1 VII I LVM Besses, blouses, cut, M H i EASY-CARE COTTON GINGHAMS AND POLISHED PRINTS REG. 2 YDS. 1.38 Spank- ing fresh prints and checks, ready to sew into full skirt- HI ed dresses, blouses, cute M togs for kiddies. All wash able, easy care. 36". SPRSNG DRESSES 4 DAYS ONLY . . . NEW STYLES IN MISSES AND HALF SIZES WARDS WONDER PRICE 44 all regulor 3.98 dresses sale- 3 Hurry in priced All ore new, oil are washable, all ore made (or Wards ORLON SWEATER CLASSICS SPECIAL PURCHASE! SOFT CARDIGANS IN BLACK, WHITE AND NEW PASTELS 99 CARDIGAN 2' SLIP-ON VALUE O Look! Matching short sleeve sweater. 34 to 42. 29 SPRING SHAPES REG. 2.98 PLASTIC CALF, PATENT Swing into spring with Wards smart black bags in butter soft plastic calf or shiny patent. And there's a surprise inside colorful contrasting plastic linings. plui Ftd. tai ! if i "'7 SAVE 2.07 NOW! 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