LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given lht I have lltd my final account at executrix of , 1he Eitatt of Kate Crowley, deceased, in the Circuit Court e the, state of Ore gon, for Klamath County, and that the lourr nat set t-eoruary nth, t93. the hour of io oo m .h. tim. irlOr the hearing of obiectlons thereto and settlement thereof, Dated this 15th dav of January, 1963. BETSY G. EFFMAN Executrix O'NEILL 4 MCLAREN Attorneys for executrix No. 889, Jan. 15, 22, 29, Feb. S. 19AJ. CARD OF THANKS OUR deep gratitude for the many ex pressions of sympathy, the beautiful flow ers and other kindnesses following the death of my beloved sister, Hope Lai sen of Eugene. Ruth King nnd Family. FUNERAL HOMES WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home. Hlnh Street. Phone TU 2-4404. 955 MEETING NOTICES Requtar Dinner Meeting KLAMATH FALLS SHRINE CLUB Wednesday, Feb. 6 Reames Country Club, Hospitality 6:30 Dinner 7:20 All Nobles cordially invited to, .attend, Al Nybock, Pres. SCOTTISH RITE BODIES Stated meeting Lodge; oT Perfection, Tuesday February 5th at 8p.m Herman Gisvold, Secy. LOST & FOUND LOST male wirehalred terrier. White with black spot. Reward! TU 4 5414. LOST boy's glasses, brown plastic rimstONE bedroom apartment, range, relrlg- red cne. TU 4-6 PERSONALS KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonymous, TU 4-3591, TU 4-8704. Friend. y help anytime. GRAHAM'S licensed home for the aged, private rooms or ward care, special diet, personal Interest assured, TU 2-3165 OVERTURE TREND, 1963 shaping and curling. Your hair not becoming to vou? You should be coming to kirn and Anona, Studio of Beauty, TU 4-7151. BEGINNERS ALANON, friendly help for families of alcoholics. TU 4-7129 or TU 7-5740. P O. Box 1065. 5ERVICES DRIVEWAY material, crushed rock, drain rock. Joe Bart, TU 4-9755. THE FIX-IT SHOP Sharpening service. Small repairs. New, used bicycles, parts. T & C Shopping Center, 3726 So. 6th. TU 4-3749. SNOW plowing, tractor equipment, TU 4-6467 anytime, Bill Forney. ph. CUSTOM BUTCHERING At vour place, deliver to processing plant or leae at your place Al Stoll, TU REMODELING and repairs, all kinds, reasonable, references, TU 2-53B8. CHAMBERS HOUSE MOVING, founda tions, leveling, TU 2-0816 or TU 3-1014. TREE topping, pruning, Insured tree grooming. Lakeshore Nursery, TU 4-6955. HOUSE remodeling, cabirets our special ty, please check our references. TU 4-4079. Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring - alterations for men, women, children. All work guaranteed. Reason able prices. Gene's Mens Wear 537 Main DENTAL" PLATES- Repaired while you wait. New Plates Made From Your Old PERSONAL DENTURE SERVICE 1033 Main TU 4-1184 Fuller Brush TU 2-5972. PROVANCE TREE SERVICE Licensed Insured professional service. Trees topped or removed. PHONE TU 4-988 & CARBIDE SAWS TOOLS LOCAL SHARPENING By FACTORY TRAINED PERSONNEL ft FRANKS ft TACKLE & GRINDING SERVICE 6?" E VAIN TU ?-4?(l 12 HEALTH NUTRI-BIO vitamins, mineral-,, protein, Marrj a ret Zigqelmfver, TU 7-TS3T HELP WANTED. FEMALE 14 , live In. Free room. HELP WANTED. MALE EXPERIENCED barber wanted Good lo cation. Joe s Barber Shop, 623 Main, TU 4-711. TU 2-373. PIANO and organ salesman. Full time iob with a future for the right man Some music background desirable nu1 not mandatory. Apply by letter to Her ald end News Box 447C. si7oo6plus ne"v7"car aT"bonus for man over 40 In Klamath Falls area. Use car for short trips to coniact customers Write V. A. Sears. Pre. American Lub ricants Co . Bn 676, Dayton 1, Ohio. Used Cor SALESMAN oreferrrd, hut not ob-j Excrnrnrp nlutely nrrssnrv. Muf hnvp hod some previous sales work. Position is with local fronchised dealer and rfrVs an excellent opportunity tor advancement if you're ambitious ond willinq to work. Mony fringe benefits. Write Box 448C, giving ceie, qualifications, marital status, address and phone number. BOYS! SCHOOL AGE EARN Vacation Money by selling the Herald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Herald & News, Circulation, Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4 8111 ' ' HELP WANTIO NOTICE TO JOB SEFKFSS AH nlo wanted M Dulvi1 rie te I am oered e-a 'ai in ve aavertiing coov we vwsib'e tor t i-fea'-'v 0' vr elver- ' ie-H, every "orT to d'- vtr 'Ml re(ect a iie8i-a adve" Aiyoe eis e'i ad and fiM it ti ae. ft 'erort ft t ve'tn'tf Department Nt. "0 a help w"'w , m ftMlwin it t C; at ) the He-ram SITUATIONS WANTED 18 HANDYMAN wants carpentry work, re- decorating, what have - you. Reasonable. ! TU 2-0262. i MARRIED man, aged It, with dtor.e, business administration and manage-! ment, desires permanent position. Knows office procedures and experienced In sales, wholesale credit, and holds current! ' "cense all lines insurance. Military obligation completed. Presently employed, write Box 445C care of Her ald and News. EXPERIENCED typist, bookkeeper, dic taphone operator warts work in home. TU 4-7329. BABY sitting. Week days and nights, my: home. TU2-20W. ; L ic E NSED "CHILD CA R E ' by hour, day, week Monday through Friday, tt a.m. to 6 p.m. 1329 Carlson Drive, TU 21844 ironing, Washlna. Pickuo, Deliver. Ex perienced, Reasonable! TU 4-9434. CHILD care, your homi or mine any time. TU 5-1771, TU 2-27II. ROOMS FOR RENT .21 OOWNTOWN, clean housekeeping room, utilities furnished, 317 Pne, TU 2-1487 CLEAN, comfortable rooms 2 blocks from Main, S5 a. up. TU 4-4159. STEAM heMtyi, nuiet, sleeping rooms. 310 South Fifth - TU 2-0214. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 24 NICE targe one bedroom apt. furnished, close in, no pets, adults, TU 4-8418. unfurnished, also 4-5686. FILL thjt vacant rente, fig Want Ad Slmplv d HOT SPRINGS one bedroom house. Call TU 4-4379. CLEAN 1 bedroom furnished near high school. 1412 Crescent, TU 2 3937. LARGE 1 bedroom unfurnished house,1 basement, garage. $37.50. 1502 California. ONE bedroom furnished, $52.50, 2335 Gar den Ave. TU 2-3112. VERY clean, nicely furnished I bedroom duplex. Parking space. 526 No. 9th, TU 4-5455. ALPHA APTS. Desirable downtown, fur nished, heat free, adults, $59.50. TU 4-4522. erator. Garage. Adults. 1408 Martin. MILLS Addition, close to market, $40 & $45, 2340 White. TU 2-4927, evenings. SNAPPY, close In, adults, $40, Gun Store. PLEASANT, downtown, furnished, large 3 rooms, extra bath, free heat, adults, $85, Alpha Apts., TU 4-4522. NEW furnished apartment, $42.50, 1030 Upham St. TU 4-9907. 2 BEDROOM deluxe unfurnished apart ment. Immediate occupancy. TU 2-6500. RENT $55. Large 2 bedroom newly dec orated, furnished family apt. Living room, kitchen, bath, 2 bedrooms, service room Including washer & dryer, 1804 Lexing ton before 8 p.m. 14 Riverside, CLEAN, furnished, hea'ed. rage, adults, 203 Washington. THREE room. White. furnished apartment, 2061 FURNISHED 3 rooms. Close in, adults only, no pets, laundry facilities. 802 Lin coln. NICE clean furnished apartment, close In, TU 2-2531, TU 4-6966. THREE room completely furnished apart- ment, 911 Walnut, TU 4-5473. DUPLEX 'i block-off highway, Weyer haeuser junction, all electric. TU 2-3129. UNFURNISHED two bedroom duplex apt. on California Ave. $69.50, TU 4-9264. LARGE clean one bedroom unfurnished duplex. Mills Addition, $60, TU 4-8263. UNFURNISHED two bedroom apartment, inquire 251? Appiegate. MODERN 2 bedroom furnished apts. $45 per month, TU 4-5692. $67.50 FURNISHED large close In, TU 3-0388, ONE and two bedroom aoti., furnished or unfurnished. TU 2-1326 or sea at 1779 Fargo. CLEAN studio, downtown, couple single, utilities, $55, Greer Aplf., CONSTRUCTION workers welcomel Near new OTl site, furnished, TV available, weekly rates. Pelican Motel, TU 2-9256. nFceLY furnished, three rooms and bath, garage, private entrance. TU 2-1214. APARTMENT near Weyerhaeuser fui rushed, utilities, steam heal, $40, T1 4-8313. ONE bedroom furnished apartment. 333 So. Ilth FURNISHED t room apt., paid. 419 No. 10th. COMPLETELY furnished studio apart ment, all utilities paid, $15. week or available by the month, washer-dryer, Villa Marquis Apartments (under new management) 1330 Oak, 1U 4-5995 before 11 a.m. or TU 4-BSS attar p.m. EWAUNA - DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, furnished. 219 So. IHft. TU 2-1062. AUDLEY APARTMENTS Nice, furnished one bedroom apl. 8th neai post office. $36 to $58.50 COMFORTABLE LIVING AT LOW COSTI l-J-3 bodroom aoti., furnished or unfur nished. Permanent maintenance Included. Mnday tnrougn Friday SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS I diituimu miv tii inn j Office houn a.m. to 5 9 m. j RICKFALLS APARTMENTS ond MOTEL 2660 Shosto Wov One ond Two Bedroom opt. Furnished ond Unfurni.hed $69.50 to $89.50 Doily, Weekly Motel Rates TU 2-5577 KLAMATH FALLS FINEST 2544 Union 1 Bedroom unlurn!hr1 I Bedroom untarnished Soanous Pwi Tastefully Dere'etei '.Veil to wall Carpeting Svlmmtno Pool Rente) mctudes elf iervet cept te'eohone ond electricity Pe'Ot"i Nia Ttj i.htm HOUSES tOK RENT 26 7' i BEDROOM home on paved Hreet in Hen it y District, clean, full of bu.llini.j TU 4-74. ; DUPLEX for rent, four rromi and hath, completely furnished. TU 7-U17 or see at. 7J35 Eberieln FUlNiSHED trailer house, doubi ga- rage Inquire 5414 Independence or J-7157 I MODERN unfurnished 4 bed'owns. fir piace, utility room, elecmc kitchen and heal. South Suburbs, TU 2-5915. ! DUPLEX. 3 room furried, excellent 10' i cation, garage, TU -?! TrtO bedroom furnished home. Mill Acfd'n, TU 2-i644 days. TU 4-5544 eves. AFbS are :i-o'rps neipt'Sl To buy. self. swap, rent, hire, cell tu lilt Two Bedroom un'urnisried House TU 3 ' TWO badrtjnm duCe. unfurnished, floor furnace, MHls Add'n, garage, TU 4-341. LOOK Two bedroom, furnished: tvo hrt rnnm, unfurnished, end three room, fur-,n-shed. Mills Addition, TU -VH '0jE b'd'oom furnished, gas heat. Phone ! TU J-3J6J. 1 Two bedroom. i.-e oe, in-of feiren' i'r?u jom?. ard Just ott Momedate Aveiieb' 3T SPRINGS J bedroom uos'-vs do ei. ururnia-NMl ece?t s'ovev lrO liv 3 room wh win to wail carpet, ga Ot. US. TU 4.4sfl ;Nice rw'uu-niiMd rjr Va pnoM TU 2-?4 Two Bed'Oom unturnu'erj. ftarnnt, i Portland. TU TWO bedroom heue, call TU 7-C39 NEW-bfck tririe araar'merit, tio in. NO ICn SI. TWQ iM-txyn wifuriheS, oarntj tee! vara. r!ies nor' ol Tewn, cr ere', n-m. o m. TU ET tr. tv f! vnn twr" nmm, tu1' batent, TU 4 M44 HOUSES FOR RENT 26: UNFURNISHED 3 bedroom duple, lull banment, fireplace, hardwood floor,! electric heat, seo e. $70 TU 2-UU tt. ,i before 5 p.m. TU 4-8267 after S. MODERN unfurnished 2 bedroom. At. ac had garage, fireplace, water, garbage paid. 3 mies north of town. S7S. TU 4 - 5647. CLEAN two bedroom unfurnished except for stoves, 150, TU i-UUi TU 2-2717. LARGE two bedroom unfurnished duplex. !!le new'i- 1813 Siskiyou. TU UNFURNISHED twobedroom duplex, ga rage, fireplace, 3011 Boardman, TU 2-090. TWO bedroom house, partly furnished, 165. Hilltop Station, 3021 Greensprings. CLEAN I bedroom (urnished house. Auto matic washer, 150. 2227 B'ehn, TU 2-1549. ONE bedroom, unfurnished except elec tric range, free heat and water, adults, no pels. WO. TU 4-7558. ONE bedroom furnished duplex, paid. Nice neighborhood. TU 2-1456. TWO bedroom furnished, fenced, SAO. TU 4-8508. unfurnished 2 bedroom, S55. TU 4-6267 evenings. CLEAN 2 bedroom unfurnished, garage. Newly painted, J75. TU 4-6023. MODERN newly decorated partly fur nished one bedroom home, south subur ban, close to shopping, $55, TU 2-1951. CLEAN three bedroom unfurnished, 1 miles north of Klamath Falls, children, pels ok. $65, TU 2-6590. CLEAN one bedroom furnished cabin, $35. 1335 Adams. TU 4-3854, TU 4-9754. THREE bedroom home m restricted dis Iricl, available Feb. 10. S98, TU 4-5516. LARGE two bedroom house. ' j acre, $77.50, 5510 Miller, TU 2-1245- CLEAN 1 bedroom, $50. Stoves, ret rig erator. 714 St. Francis, TU 2-0643. FURNISHED clean 2 room cabin, elec tricity, water paid, $32.50. TU 2-6547, TU 4-8261. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroomduplex ' in Mills Addition, electric heat, washer-dryer hookup, garage, $85, TU 4-5541 eve nings or weekends. FURNISHED 1 bedroom, gas or oil, 1 or i cnnaren o.k. iu i-iut. MIJC. PROPIRTY TO LIT 17 FOR lease 140 acres level ground under Irrigation, Macdoel area, 70 acres good spun ground, or will sen or iraae. tu 2-4137. REAL ESTATE WANTED 28 HAVE buyer for acreao on or neai lakes or streams. Has $5,000 for down payment. Strout Realty, TU 4-5281; 5429! REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE .. 29 WILL trade equity In house for pickup or what-have-you. TU 4-3268. DO you have a $3,000 paid up home? Would you like to trade for either an $8,000 home or 3 rental units? Write 4446C Herald & News. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ..39 NORTH SIDE Clean, targe, comfortable 2 bedroom home. Fireplace, fenced backyard, $9,000. Will take any type loan. TU 3-0552, TU 2-6225. OLDER 3 bedroom suburban home. Built in kitchen, carpeting, gat age, small lot. $9,000. TU 4-7312. 15 ACRES, unimproved, p&ved road, beau tiful building site, Henley School District, $4,500. TU 4-7814. NEW, large view home. Larqe lot, close lo new OTl and hospital, daylight base ment. Appointment only. TU 2-O570. NEW HOME Just finished, 5 level blocks from high school. Built for lasting quality and ecom- tori py iocs i puiiaer. carpetea living room, hall, and two bedrooms. Charming birch kitchen with bulltin appliances. I wall height fireplace with cobbled party hearth. You can't beat the low, low price of $12,500. Please call TU 2-3101 anytime, FOR sale 3 bedroom house, TU 4-9289. OLDER 3 bedroom Hot Springs home. Dishwasher, basement, "i baths, double garage. $11,750. TU 4-3798. VIEW of Klamath Lake from this at tractive 3 bedroom home. New carpet, sliding glass doors onto covered patio, built-in kitchen appliances, fireplace, fenced yard, playroom-garage. Many other features. $15,200. Any kind of )! nancing. Phone TU 4-9306. ft CLOSE IN ft We are now taking orders to build the home of your dreams in ELDORADO HEIGHTS WE HAVE 1,000's of home plan and choice lots with breathtaking view of lake and city. Wi are within walking distance to KU. Rea sonable tax rates. Best financing avail able. Comt In and see what awaits you. PAUL McATEE and ASSOCIATES, E. Main REALTORS TU 2-4046 Sales Staff Eves. Evelyn McAfee Eleanor Mahan FOR Quality, boauty and va'ue, call now to see this brand new 2 level 3 bedroom modern home. Family room, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, double garage and many oth er desirable features, Restricted subur ban location. Rock bottom price $21,000. Terms. 4 BEDROOM l vou need room at a moderate price, this is it. Separate (lining room, lots of storage, oood suburban location. Price H3.5IS. Only $1,000 down, no financing ""'STILES REALTY MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 133 South 9th Street Phono TU J-4740 Fred Tucker TU 4-9742 Homer Stiles TU 4-MOf Multiple Listing Service MLS A LOT . . of possibilities herefl! Comfortable three bedroom home with over an acre of ground. Detached garage, walk In cooler, large workshop, fruit frees, barn. Choice location. Price 111,400. WRIGHT REAL ESTATE MEMBEB INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 306 S. 6lh TU 7-27U TU 2-4173 TU j-MM STILWELL & CO. Presents: fNCOVE PROPERTY home and Pr. tteliy furnished apartment. 113.130. NEAR WE YE PH A E USER house & 4 furn i tried apartments V.toQ. WEST K L AM AT M near Weve'haemer, Bedroom home, J7S0 down- 150 per month on contract. STILWELL & CO. St v;n Street tu m Bruce Bmkiey j Ron Van Orman I If no answer ce'i TU 7 TU t-JV4 or TU Why Wo it Till Sprinq5?? ' K 3 COVE P ING, you'H ve to v vsr.". :;:,:,,rrt,:r;,TifT.! , ail trie Bui""" acfi'anr.M, an4 term that wH p'ea&t you. I'S, 'SO r-K i rt A A (l UvjN jLUAIN Ba.i ... 57 So V. TU 4-WMI Aoytime'liKiHe -vier voti Tu f-MHI REAL ESTATE fOR SALE 3t COW FORT ABLE year old. well built 3 bedroom. Fireplace with raised hearth, Electric heat, wall to wall carpet, hard wood noon, iois o iiorage. renceo back yard. $16,000. 4WS Bristol, TU 2-313. REAL nice home on Homedale Rd. Sev en rooms and bath. Beautiful trees and shrubbery. Nearly two acres land. City water, also has irrigation water and pump. On sewer. Close in. Only about three blocks from S. 6th. Owner: Vernon Norval, Box 336, Chiloqu'n, ph. 783-2416 9 e m. to 6 p.m. Three bedrooms, sliding door wardrobes. Two baths, hardwood floors, com pletely remodeled. Iron Fireman Furnace. Close to all schools. Only $16,500. Owner will carry contract, Natural hot water heat. Large family room. Three bedrooms, separate din ing room, fireplace. Two baths, 2 car garage. fruit trees. $19,000. May assume loan. Schroeder Realty Co, REALTORS - 434 MAIN TU 4-9254 Anytime TU 2-0161 " CONTEMPORARY Like new condition. Duplex, two bedroom units. Planner tor beau- I ty and convenience. Well deco rated. Custom made draperies Included. Electrically equipped. Baseboard heat. Carports. Sep arate storage units. $23,500. IMMACULATE Duplex, one bedroom units. Spa clous, attractively arranged. Pan elled living rooms witn circulating fireplaces and hardwood floors. Owner's apartment has separate dining room. Both units have sep arate utilities. Oil heat. Garages. $13,900. Dye Insurance Agency 130 South 5th A. E. Dye. Realtor, Virginia Brown, Sis. TU 4-7755 or TU 4-4357 ONE ACRE NEAR HENLEY SCHOOL PLUS TWO HOMES WHAT AN OP PORTUNITY. One nice two bedroom home end a one bedroom guest house or rental unit. PLUS room for 4-H Animals. LOW TAX RATE. LOOK AT THIS today. Only $15,950. Terms. WILL TRADE 3 BEDROOM home located in Homedale district, Price $8,500 for smaller home $5,000 or less. HERE 15 YOUR OPPORTUNITY to GET CASH FOR YOUR EQUITY. CALL NOW TO SEE THIS. DO YOU WANT 1. LARGE LIVING ROOM WITH THICK WALL TO WALL CARPET. 2. LARGE DINING ROOM FOR FAM ILY DINNERS. 3. KITCHEN WITH BREAKFAST NOOK. 4. I'i BATHS 5. LARGE MASTER BEDROOM 6. 18 It. by 22 ft. PLAYROOM 7. ALL ON ONE FLOOR 8. PAVED STREET GOOD SUBURBAN LOCATION CLOSE IN 10. $13,500 PRICE GOOD TERMS Then CALL RIGHT NOW to SEE this Femiiy home. Deane Sach er REALTOR 1037 Main TU 4-4127 SALESMEN; ROLLIN TUTER TU 4-5411 LARRY BARABOO TU 4-4616 ANNE MASON TU 2-2738 BOB BAZILIUS 545-2168 Bonanza Collect SOUTH Suburban three bedroom home on yi acres of very good grass pas ture. KID Irrigation. Large living room with wall to wall carpel and fireplace. Oil heat, double carport, workshop and storage shed. Very comfortable homo with acreage tor livestock Priced at $13, 500. Shown by appointment only. SACRIFICE tor quick sale 165 acres with three bedroom home, outbuildings, ma chinery, and 3i mile underground 6 inch irrigation mainline, j mile hand moved sprinkler pipe. 70 acres in alfalfa, miles from Klamath Falls. Priced $40,000. Owner will lake house with clear title at value of approximately $1,000 in part of equity. Midland Empire RFAl TY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker 1006 Main TU 5-51 Jim O'Dsnanue TU 4-9693 Doylight Basement! DON'T MISS SEEING 1M brand new 3 bedroom home on the north tide. Beau tiful Birch kitchen with built In aoclianc ei, hardwood floors, 2 fireplace!, 2 baths, economical forced air beat to all roorm. Large family room, pafio, tun deck, tergt double garage. Terrific value tor only 119,700. Good term. LEONARD REALTY TU 4-7521 Or TU 4-9MS TU 7-0577 Joe Leonard Joe Perry Audrey Keerln TU 4-5337 TU 4-5 STROUT REALTY Ph. Bob & Stella Dehlfnger Hank Hoimen TU 2-5601 TU 2-504B Attractive 3 bedroom home on acre Suburban District. Oil heat. I to, wo. Spacious 1 bedroom home Eiceiient Sub- urban area Paved street. Large lot, Wail to wall carpet, fireplace, 2 baths, bu-lt In oven, stove, dishwasher. Many other convenient features. HS.?W. 3 acres, close in, fenced. 15,V, lo DUPLEX $140 Per Mo. Income' located ce In on Northside. Good Rent, al Area Owner will take U.0O0 Down, or consider TRADE on smaller property or paper. Call now. Only I13.S0O. DUPLEX Ond construction. f,ch with FIRE PLACE I RASP WE NT. GOOD IN COVE. CLOSE IN ON NORTMStDE. LOW PRICE OF HO.KO. termi. Deane Sach er KtAL I UK 11037 Main TU 4-4127 ANNE WASON TU ? ?!! f0 ILIUS J-JUI Bonenla Collect! OOLLIN TUTER TU , MM Multiple Listing Service MLS fourplex FOURPLEX earn Mr mon.n. pncea tor quit im 121 9TX1 DDI IfT .OVACMC 1 uiwjVmL UttLMJ mi Na rth TU 4i1IfitWW M reporren to m CiatlH.eO aj. Bay wo'den TU -nr 3 SMALL down payment, new three bed room, J full baths, wall to wall carpet throughout, consioer late model car tor equity. TU 2-4880. NORTHSIDE. A RARE FIND Excellent older 2 bedroom, l'j baths, carpeting, fireplace, Roseay Dr., $9,750, TU 4-5558. NEW HOME Beautiful 3 bedroom, hardwood floors, fireplace, ceramic tile beih. forced air heal, patio, dining room. Exclusive Dis trict, $15,000. TU MilO. FARMS 85 ACRES. Gravity Irrlga'ed farm. Level. Good potato, onion or grain land. Some Improvements. Full price $40,000. Easy terms. 86 ACRE Homestead. Gravity irrigation. Level. Good black loam. Grows excellent crops. Nice location, paved road, mod ern home with itied. Full price $42,000, terms. 56 ACRES. AH In alfalfa. Gravity Irrl gated, paved road. Improvements consist of a nice 2 bedroom home, barn, chicken house, small shed. Full price only $24, 000. Easy terms. :,200 ACRES grating and farm land to lease. Will take share of calf crop or make us an offer) 3 to 5-year lease. Fenced and cross fenced. CHARLES BOLESTA REALTOR Tuteloke 667-2613 Multiple Listing Service MLS kV hot springs BEDROOM SPECIAL!! TERRIFIC VIEW SITE plus the permanent ad vantages of enjoying a desirable time proven choice neighborhood. Comfort able 1 -floor living, spacious living room with fireplace, partial concrete basement, GOING FOR JUST 117,800, $800 DOWN F HA p'us closing; easy Gl & conventional loan terms, loo, SHOPPERS SPECIALS!! 5523 SHASTA WAY WITH Tt ACRES, private well lor irrigation. Solidly built 2 bedroom nome, on htgn ground. ASKING $9,500, WITH REASON ABLE CONTRACT TERMS. 2115 VINE AVE. Just $500 down, easy payments, for this immaculate, cen trally located extra-large 1 bedroom home with attached garage. Only 17,500. 5657 INDEPENDENCE AVE. No bet ter solidly built 2 bedroom home anywhere, for lust 17.750. LARGE GARAGE - WORKSHOP. Only $600 down, OR WILL T RAL'c FOR YOUR 3 OR 4 BEDROOM HOME, UP TO $14,000, city or suburbs. 2235 WHITE AVE. Just $550 DOWN and $57.50 per month, MOVES YOU IN TODAY. 1,000 SQ. It. 01 COmiOri' able living area. ONLY $7,750. Chilcote ond SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO 111 N. lh St. Phone TU 4-7771 Sales Personnel: Bill Chilcote Ph. TU 4-3281 Eves. Tom Rabbitt Ph. TU 2-6482 Eves. Ed Chilcote, Associate Broker Bob Chilcote. Broker MLS Multiple Listing Service MILLS ADDITION 2 Bedroom - $9750 Sure It's nice place to live In the newer part ot AMDs Addition. A quiet street, but that Is not all. If has garage for your car and a workshop for you. There's room lo park you boat and house trailer In the fenced backyard, with living space besides. We love money, but will consider an S wide two bedroom trailer for down payment. PEYTON Member Inlernellonal Trader Club Ki Market TU 4-5U" Evening! Harold M. Ruih TU 3-4173 Pat" Palone TU 3-0131 Multiple Listing Service MLS HENLEY DISTRICT ACREAGE. Brand new 3 bedroom home. Living room carpeted & has nice fireplace. Family room, dining room combination, paneled in mahogany. View from large picture window overlooking the valley. Kitchen has bullt-ln ranoe, oven A dishwasher Vi baths. Large 2 car garage AND 2 acres of good soil. 120,300. 3 SLOCKS FROM VAIN. 4 bedroom old er home in excellent condition. Lots of living spare for large family. Priced right at t)3.l. SOLID 1 bedroom home on Northslde. Gas heater & range included for only S4JS0. NEAT PUMICE BLOCK 2 bedroom home on Shasta Way. Newly painted inside. Large lot. Almost new floor furnace also electric wall heat. Attacheo qarege, coutd be converted to family room or 3rd bed' room, only 110,000. SALES STAFF Tina Reeder Butt Jones Clyde Williams Ernie Graves TU 4-714? TU 4-9M3 TU 4-173 TU 2-U9 I I A I I , I II I l I V I I N I REALTOR S0 So. t TU 4 ,131 or TU J-35S7 Ne.t to Hounay Bowl MLS Multiple Listing Service . HOME WITH A VIEW See this loeeiy three bedroom home with attached garage, located on Northside. Has nice living room with fireplace, din mg room, lovely kitchen, sliding glm doors that ODn onto patio. Hardwood floors throughout. Beautifully landscaped Only 115,500, terms. ORCHARD MANOR tmmacuia'e home. Has nice living room, dming room, loveiy mtfhen, utilitv room Either two bedroom and family room, or three bedrooms Hardwood floors. Priced nght, toe. Only 1 11,400. Andy Silani REALTOR HI s Wilee, TU ? Ea wuch,. TU 5 IM3 Afy TIJ ' business opportunities 32 NOTICE TO PUBLIC Piteie Invettioete Thoroughly any Irt vest- j;;. ramn., - " ' -"'- ' integrit of te fir mi or M'V'd'Jlt wt Jverttun in publtation. Ay jyefTiirg o wvn( opporiunmet etv I Pn rfl to t fraudulent rritieadg vef-nlr-e, Department f the HerahJ nd Newt. REAL ESTATE FOR SALI RUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 32 SMALL raitaurant, QOOd location. 11.000 nflnfli, TU .-JPOl evening FINANCIAL LOANS 34 WE SERVE! WHAT WILL YOU HAVE? Auto loan, trailer lean, personal loan . . . we make loans for ony worthwhile purpose. Confidential service, too! I FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER V Finance New & Used Cars Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Private Auto Soles Financed Locally Owned for 33 Years Motor Investment Co, 513 So. 6th TU 4-7783 BUILDING REMODELING 36 FOR SALE, STORE FIXTURES Three B tt. long wall cases, good condi tion, See at B & B Radio & Electric, 316 South rJlh. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 37 KENMORE automatic v livestock or best otter. iisher, Trade for TU 4-J981. PHILCO refrigerator for sale. $80. Excel lent condition, iu 4-8S?3 ZENITH 21" console TV, swing rocker, botn in good condition, TU 2-3W. II FT. upright freezer, 1 year TU 2-5688, 4641 Blsbee. 4-YEAR CRIB TU 2-3896 KENMORE automatic w.isher. Electric clothes dryer. Good condition. TU 4-3591 1" ADMIRAL TV, radi), phono console ombinatlon, Kennwe automatic washer, very good condition, TU 2-0763. GUARANTEED USED RANGES REFRIGERATORS WASHERS DRYERS WATER HEATERS Cascade Home Furn 412 Main TU 4-8365 WHIRLPOOL Clothes $IQ50 Dryer.... ' Guoronteed! KIRKPATRICK'S East Side Appliances 132 So. 7th TU 4-8886 ALMOST NEW REPOSSESSED SINGER ZIG-ZAG PORTABLE Deluxe Vacuum Cleaner Consider Trad. In p.ymams on as tittle ai 16 a month. SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Wain TU 2-2513 FURNITURE APPLIANCES HOUSEWARES BUY THEM TODAY! AT THE MERCHANDISE MART FUEL - HEATING .38 GOOD red llr body wood J15 cord, livered. TU 4-7671, TU 2-6212. OAKLAND wood hMfer, Alio 1 trash burner. 2964 Hope, TU i-4094. LODGEPOLE pin and red fir haaler wood, TU2-370S. FUEL Oil, Furnaces, Heateri Wtitern Oil fc Burntr, TU 4-3173 CALL CLIFF-YADEN For Praito Log a. Heating Oils Metered Propane Salet S It H Green Stamps Open 14 hours 2540 South Sixth TU 4 3411 and TU 3-92M COLD DAYS AHEAD!!! STANDARD HEATING OILS WOOD COAL Pines! Oil & Wood Stove "tO ALL YOUR FUEL NEEDS" Frankford Fuel Co. O. eiflhn SI. TU 7-4,44 WE GIVE GOLD BOND STAMPS WOOD HEATERS Excellent Condition Large 5upply - Low Price The RESALE HOUSE 3899 S 6th GOOD THIN TO IAT 3 BEEF, PORK, wholesale, custom butch ering, cutting, curing. Shamrock Meals. 437 srmta Way, T l l -7 in. tu 7-or,g. Boot! - Pet - $ ports - Hofebtat 40 HURRY, only 3 left, Reg, sable collie Dupples, TU 4-5991. FOR sale AKC registered Airedale pup pies. 614 Fifth, Tulelake M7-S13'. DACHSHUND Duppiet, AKC rg , red te males, S3S, TU 4 I57t or 1 U 4-5C78. THE P TmPOOD L ETc7istorn g roornTna tor appointment, TU 4 ;. WELSH Terrier pups, champion sired, AKC registered. TU 2-1H3. DOG and cat boarding. Training, groom. Ing, bathing. Dogs and puppies tor tale. SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS, past Mer rlll-LaMview Junction off Merrill Hinh way on Booth Road. Rte. 2 Bo 504E, TU 4-V)1t RADIO . TV . MUSIC 41 ELECTRIC guitar and amplifier, 110 or l separately, TU 7-44M, ext. 334, or ext. SI2 alter 6 p.m. MAHOGANY upright piano ard bench. A-l condition, 7IJ3 Homedale Rd. tJV0L f"au toma tic Universal car or pick up radio 5. TU 4-SAW. RENT a new Baldwin D'eno, V(t a month. No delivery charge Bowden Music Co. 130 Main, TU 2-4M1. EXPERIENCED pie learner. MQ-nn art, advanced, Blanche Mopes, TU 4 3069 f ASH FOR USEO PIANOS DERBY'S MUSIC, TU 4SI7I CLEARANCE!!! ORGAN TRADE-INS 1 HAMMONDS I.OWREY - THOMAS BALDWIN DEMONSTRATORS Save up to TERMS AVAILABLE EOWDEN MUSIC CO. &M0 Mom TU 2-4883 ENT'VNfW" WURLITZER SPINET PIANO $7.95 A Mo. (NO DELIVEBY CHABCEI DERBY'S MUSIC CO. "28 Yeem on 7th St." 12 No 7ih TU 4-5121 STEREOS NOW IN STOCK AT Klamath Music Center S I S F Mnm 711 4.3360 LIVISTOCK 'OULTT 41 TU 4-4400, TU Mllsi TU 4-4SS. TU HERALD AM) NEWS. Klamath LIVtSTOCK & POULTKY FOR t'e Jersey milk cow and kid's pony, 3937' i Homedale, NEW load every Tuesday. BABY CALVES for sale, U4S Gary, phono TU 2-588. BABY calves for sale or Itade. TU 4-3407, 12)2 Autumn. BONANZA artificial Insemination service. TU 2-0741, Bonania MWJIl, PROTEIN BLOCKS CATTLE & SHEEP 40 lb. BlOCkS 40 Protem 15.000 unlls vitamin A per lb. $7 85 per block 110 or more i PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM & GARDEN STORE 4621 So. 6th TU 2-4555 KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. offers you EFFICIENCY ECONOMY TOP PRICE CONSIGN NOW! Coll "Woody" Gueck, Owner-Mgr, TU 4-4103 SALE EVERY MONDAY ot ) p.m. sharp Rte. 3, Box 44 KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S Commission Company, Inc. Midland Rood Sale TUESDAY - 1 p.m. The BEST of SERVICE To CONSIGNORS & BUYERS Make Your Plans Now to Consign to the Stockmens Market. Tuesday is sole day in the Klamath Basin. VERN HOWARD, Mgr. Office 4-9667 Hom 4-9436 MACHINERY TD 14 STRAIGHT DOZER special 1 J. C. Equipment Co. 6th 8, Hilyard TU 2-2051 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY Al BABY CHICKS-Babcock W. L.. Cornish Crostei. Free folder, Wllioni Hatchery, Lyom, ore. Ph. bswsh. FOR sel. registered Hereford bull. serv Ice age. See at Wocus Salves. Yard Qr pnone I u yi i j. MISC. FOR RENT 45 We Rent Almost Anything Floor Polishers Coffee Makers Punch Bowls Silver Services VALLEY RENTAL 1003 E Mnln TU 4-6812 MISC. WANTED 4 WANTED anllqudi, anything old I C11 TU ?-TM days or TU 4 0110 vt. WISC. FOR SALE J! ALFALFA ind oel hay, ball or Ion, TU 2-lwz. HAY lor salt, L. E. Furbar, Millar li- land Road, ph. TU 2-3S68. DRAIN rock, (jravtl, artj roadway ma. larlal, TU 4-3561. GEO. ft. STACY CO. TOPSOtL, concrala aograQata drlvaway malarial, dram rock. J. M. Barnai, TU 4-7659. LIKE NEW HOSPITAL BED $75 The RESALE HOUSE 3899 So. Sluth TITAN CHAIN SAW . $65. HOMELITE CHAIN SAW $75. GUARANTEED Quality Plus Lowest prices In town at COFER'S EXCHANGE (S7S Klamath TU 4-716 Tricomotic COFFEE MAKERS Makes from f to U cups Excellent for clubs, lodges, parties, office buildings, etc. $ I Q88 Ontv VALLEY RENTAL 1001 E. Main TU 4-&II1 r SPECIAL OFFER FREE FLOWER SEEDS TAKE YOUR PICK Your, For Tha Aiklnf STOP IN TODAY I GOODYEAR STORE 51 TRAILER houta lor rani, 140, also trail r loaca, S?Q. TU 1-4034. I5 EL CAR 10 41 It. Irallar. Vary QOOd condition, would conildar 10 traflo TU 4-sn?. HOUSE TRAILER REPAIR, 44? Wlnlar Ava. TU 2-1163. FACTORY Irainad Colaman ! Inlarnal'l rtihllf tufwe ,vlra. I)flr., Ttl A 16 AUTO MISCILIANIOUS SI Main Street Garage TUNE-UP TO MAJOR OVERHAUL LARRY LEWIS IS Main TU I-)?U Evai. TU 4-flN (Nj,t Door lo Baldwin Hoialt RICK-ALLEN CAR WASH Fast and efficient work ........ $2 222 Spring TU 2-4166 MOTORCYCLES NFYV K USlrD LARGE IELFCTION Pay's Harlav Davidson Salts I North tU J-tt Cecil Cox Garage Motor Overhaul Of Valve Grind Tune Up Is Specialty 3851 Altamnnl Call TU 4-Cl) "OVTO TO VFAS frvpfffipMrF USED CARS AND TRUCKS SS CASH In, Cars and PiCKUDS. Carland'l 110i E. Main, TU 3-0441 CARS WANTED W nod vo"' rur . , , , ih wit ligt Pfymtntt too Mohf Tr4 Into (Miirtr cr or ttl I vour Multy. SELL YOU CA DON'T GIVE IT AWAT Dai or "Ihlrta" DALE'S USED CAR LOT I01 155 10 " TU I-4TI Falls. Ore. Tufsday, USED CARS AND TRUCKS ...JS '54 PONT I AC Starchlef Custom Catallna Hardtop. New tires, brakes, seat Inserts. Completely reconditioned engine. Power, Hydramatic. TU 2-5859. DRIVE MORE MOTORS Will pay cash for cars. 1 U 4-3579. 1950 STUDEBAKER ax;ellent condition all around, TU 2-4517. TOM TIMMONS AUTO SALES We'll buy your cor or equity for cash Come In Today! 7th & Plum TU 2-4784 VV BEST BUYS ft '62 Ford Glaxle 4 Dr. Hdlp. low mileage SI495 '61 Chevrolet 2 Door Hardtop Vim 61 Ford Glaxle 4 Door 1 ?5 61 Chevrolet Bel Air 4 Door Sedan S1895 60 Ford Falcon 2 Dr. Std. Healer S1095 DEAL RITE MOTORS 7387 SO. 6th Erv Dowfy TU 4-9445 TU 4-9730 LOOK! A Real Top Value SPECIAL 1961 CROWN IMPERIAL 4-DOOR SEDAN Full power, leather interior, and bnly 30,000 actual miles. We sold this cor new at the cost of $6,471.65. Buy it now for the low. low price of only , . . $3445 JIM OLSON MOTORS Used Car Lot 7th & Commercial TU 2-5646 PICKUP VALUES! 59 Dodge V-8 Vi Ton Pickup 4-ipted, long $ I OQQ wheelbose 1 L 0 57 Ford '6' Pickup 4 - speed. Wideslde, short wheelbose. Including High way Cruiser Camper ond new "My $ I OOQ rubber 1 i70 Thomas DODGE Soles and Service Used Car Lot 7th & Commercial TU 4-4627 VALUE RATED USED CARS SPECIAL BUYS! '54 Oldi '88' 4-Dr S 53 '53 Buick 4-Dr S133 '53 Olds '88' 2-Dr $ 93 '47 Pontioc 2-Dr $ 83 'A2 Oldimobll 88 2-Dr. Hardtop $2993, 62 Oldsmoblle F-85 Cutloss Coup $2cS43 60 Olds. 88 Hdtp. 2-Dr. $1993 60 Chev. Corvolr Clb. Cpe. $1263 60 Pontine Storchlf 2-Dr. $1943 An nidtmobilo 88 4-Dr. Air conditioning $2223 '60 Chev. V-8 Bel Air 4. Door $1493 60 Ford V-8 4-Dr $1283 59 Olds S-88 4-Dr $1673 59 Ford V-8 4-Dr $1393, 59 Ford Goloxle V-8 Hdtp. $1293 57 Chevrolet 6 Station Wagon $ 57 Chev. 210 V-8 4-Dr. $ 793 793 513 643 763 493 363 57 Plymouth 4-Dr $ 56 Oldsmoblle 98 4-Dr. ..$ 55 Codillac 4-Door $ 155 Ford V-8 Hardtop $ '53 Olds 98 Hdlp $ 53 Olds 98 4-Dr $ 53 Chevrolet 2-Dr $ 243 273 '51 Buick 4-Dr $ 193 '51 Willys Jeep Station Wagon 4x4 .$ 643 S 193 '50 Buick 4-Dr '47 Chev. Sedan $ 83 Dick B. Miller Co. 7th & Klamath TU 4-4154 CHEVY CENTER O.K. GUARANTEED USED CARS 62 Chev. Impolo Sport Sedan V-8, radio, heater, 2798' '62 Chev. Bel Air 4-Dr. Sedon Radio, healer, 94QR Pnwr.Glid. 4i70 62 Chev. Impolo Sport Cpe. Rodio, healer, stick, S07QQ 61 Mercury Comet 4-Dr. Radio, heater, stick shift 61 Ford 4-Dr. Rodio, healer, big engine, slick 60 Rambler 4-Dr. 6 cylinder with overdrive $I698 1 798 1 398 '60 Chev. Corvair 4-Dr 3 speed, S I -igo radio, healer ... 'J'O '59 Chev. Parkwood Stn. Wagon v-8, rodio, heater, $ I iLQQ oower slcerina .... ' U'O '59 Chev. Impolo Sport Coupe Radio, healer, power steering, Power- '1798 Gltde 62 G.M.C 4x4 Heovy-Duly Ptcttup. 3,000 actual milei Likt new for 3098 only DUGAN & MEST TRADE BEST! 6th to 7th on Commerclol TU 4-3101 February 5, 1963 PAGE 11 USED CARS AND TRUCKS SS 1958 RAMBLER American. 2 Dr., drive. TU 2-0412 after S p.m. WANTED '57 & older cars. Central Auto Sales, TU 2-1130, TU 2-KQ4. TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS! 51 Plymouth Sedon $125 54 Oldsmoblle 2-Dr $395 '53 Chrysler N. Y. Sdn. $395 51 Buick 2-Dr $1?5 55 Plymouth Sin. Wagon $250 JUCKELAND MOTORS, INC. TU 2-2581 1 1 1 K & Klomoth You Name The DEAL WILEY ; Make's 'em REAL! SPECIAL '59 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE CAMPER! Heater, radio, table, bed, Ice box, closets, water storage, luggage rack. A local one owner rig, slick ond clean and ready to go $0 I QC camping. SPECIAL 1 7J '59 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. Sedan 6 cylinder engine, overdrive. heater, radio. In top condi tion. Was $ 895 $1095. Now only 42 Universal Jeep 4-wheel drive. In top condi tion. Wos $595. $ 385 Now only Wilson WILEY BUICK Main Gorage 1330 Main TU 4-3141 Cor Lol No. 2 429 So. 7lh TU 4-9203 SEE i JOE FISHER'S: JEEPS! :; 56 Willys Jeep Pickup One owner, A-l shope. Was 1097, 0Q7 now only O 7 61 Willys CJ5 Jeep Full convos top, low mileage. Was $2197, now only . 1 897 60 Willys CJ5 Jeep Full cob. Was 1.407 $1697. Now only n7 60 Willys Jeep Station Wagon l-ront end winch, good rub ber. Wos $2097. $ I QQ7 Now only I O 7 Many, many NEW and Good Used 4-Wheel Drive SNOW BUGGIES at your JEEP HEADQUARTERS SALESMEN Dol Seehrist TU 2-5720 Roy Rinehart TU 4-9541 loe Podgett TU 2-0637 Jim Ehreih TU 2-0149 Mortin Arnold TU 4-571 1 Elnathan Davis TU 2-3957 JOE FISHER LINCOLN MERCURY COMET JEEP 677 So. 7th TU 4-3104 CHECK and COMPARE! See These Fine Older Model Specials 56 OLDS '88' 2-DOOR SEDAN! Heater, Hydramatic, one owner Oil 56 FORD 2-DOOR SEDAN Rodio, heoter, "XQI stand. Irons O 55 FORD FAIRLANE 4-DR. SDN. Radio, heater, Fordomatic, power steering, power $0Q"7 seat, sharp Oil, 55 PONT. STARCHIEF HDTP. COUPE Radio, heater, Hydra matic, power steering, AA power brokes ' ' ' '55 CHRYSLER 4-DR. STATION WAGON 0O7 Loaded l I '54 DeSOTO 4-DR. SDN. Radio, heater, automatic trons. power steering, power $947 brokes, excellent .... '54 FORD CUSTOMLINE 4-DR. SEDAN Radio, heoler, Ford- omotic. A 247 SEDAN I47 07 good Ford '54 PACKARD 4-DR. Radio, heater, auto matic transmission .... '53 OLDS '98' CONVT. Loaded. It even runs! 52 CHEV. 2-DR. SDN. $ Standard trans '52 CHEV. 4-DR. SDN. $ Heater, standord trons. '51 CHRYSLER 4-DR. Radio, healer, S outo. trons '50 PLYM. 4-DR. SDN. $ 1 97 77 $ 97 J 67 $I97 $ 57 It runs, too! .. .. '54 CHRYSLER 4-DR. Loaded '49 CHEV. 4-DR. Standard trons. .. Call one of our Salesmen You'll be GLAD you did! Dick Floyd TU 2-5859 Bill Cunningham .... TU 4-7177 Pele Stride TU 2-0491 Russ Cotter TU 2-1403 Bui Thompson .. TU 4-6618 Bill Hotchk.n TU 4-4551 ECCLES MOTOR CO. 606 So. 6th TU 4-8124 . f