PAGE It HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Monday, February 4, 196.1 1 it tr V ( , 7' J1, .$amwr t r- I ' 'r?' : . ' in th ' XiSt "- "Sw fl t! , e it YARDS FLOODED Residents aram msir yaras mar riooaea rriaay auring The neavy storm. Many rivers I were flooded and bridges along U.S. 40 were threatened by the high water. ; UPi Telephoto south city limits of Redding, dig trenches to nd creeks Jacoby On Bridge NORTH 4 A952 VK1082 4AK4 Q63 YIEST EAST AKQJ8 A 1074 74 VA 10869 J8732 A64 10852 SOUTH (D A A83 V Q J 8 653 Q KJ7 Both vulnerable Sontb Went Norlb Eaat 1 Pass 3 V Pass 4V ' Pass Pass Pass Opening lead K South Must 'Take Trick By OSWALD JACOB Y Wrlttrn for ' NrwApaprr Kntrrprisr Assn. The Card School in New York is a partnership of throe of the country' best bridge players who are united together to teach in Mead of lo play bridge. I'eter Lev- enlritt is a member of this year's American team which will com pete for the World's Championshi this Himrner. Boris Koytchon and Krigar Kaplan each have won nu merous titles. All have been good partners of mine on occasion and .tough opponents at other times. They do mosl of their teaching through sample hands and (his weeks series will deal with some of them. North and South have no trou ble getting lo four hearts and South should easily make the con tract. He wins the spade ojening and notes that he has two poten tial spade losers and must also I lose tlie aces of clubs and hearts, j He has to do something about one of those sjiade losers and there is a convenient place In park one. South must lead his quern of diamonds and overtake with dummy's king. Then he can discard one spade loser on the ace of diamonds and go alxml the business of knocking out the ace of trumps. There is a na tural disinclination to waste the potential trick represented by that queen, but South must overcome his. If he doesn't overtake he Mill wind up with the ace and king of diamonds in dummy and no way to use them. Q The biHdins his been: tt North Fa! South 1 A Double Hcdbl ? You, Smith, hold: 4M VIQR6& 4 4 3 S 7 4 What do you do'. A rM. l,f l your partner work hit way out or thli. With no redouble you would have bid two heart. TODAY'S Ql'KSTION Thf bidding continue with h pass by West, one no-trump by North and double by East. What do you do now? Answer Tomorrow Potpourri ACROSS 1 Number 4 Felinet II 2001 Roman) 1) Hurried 12 Building addition 14 Not in 15 Incomplete (ab.) 10 To express audibly 17 Female saint (ab J IB Hindi 20 tlie Pall ' 22 Noun suffix 24 Cylinder (ao.) 25 Wagers 28 Hare 32 Above .1.1 Acquire 34 Place for research (ab.) .IS Doze .17 I'iMol filang) Attractive ,10 Not anywheri 42 Sign 43 Mortar-carrying trough 44 Tear Ad Base 49 Not ever S.I Boy !4 Drawing room f.8 Soft drink 59 Ixive (Latin) fiOKIude HI Hed or Rlack 62 Through fi.1 Pitcher 64 finis DOWN 1 Journey 2 Decrease 3 Formerly 4 Produce an effect 5 1'iamire 6 Explosive 7 Kspy 8 Lion's share 9 Dumb 10 Koman road 13 Eleptromnxnptir No Help For Reds Seen In French Action The earth s magnetic field seems to be weakening and icien lists do not know uhy. PAULS lUPh It Soviet Pre mier Nikita S. Khrushchev hopes to cash in on the present turmoil in the Western camp he will get, no help from P'rcnch President Charles de Gaulle. Talk of a "Paris-Moscow axis" has made headlines since De Gaulle blew up the Common Market negotiations in Brussels last Tuesday. It was fanned by a visit paid by Soviet Ambassador Scrfici Vinogradov to De Gaulle the same evening. Khrushchev him self added to the speculation by claiming this week De Gaulle had told him France is not interested in Berlin. Announcement of a new French- Soviet trade pact in Moscow Fri day was interpreted as a further sign. But aides, who should know, say nothing in fact is further from De Gaulle's mind than a deal with the Russians now at the ex pense of the Western alliance. Kremlin Concerned According lo the best available information Vinogradov himself asked to sec De Gaulle to voice the Kremlin's concern about the treaty of alliance signed recently by De Gaulle and West German Chancellor Koprad Adenauer. There was no men! ion of a pos sible Paris - Moscow deal. sources said. As for De Gaulle's purported statement to Khrushchev, observ ers here are skeptical he ever made it. In any case, they said there had been no direct contact between the two since Khru shchev's Paris visit in 1960. Finally, the trade treaty be tween the French and Russians had been in the works, for months. The fact it was signed this week was no indication of De Gaulle playing footsie-footsie with the Kremlin, French officials insist. In fact, all the talk of a "Paris- Moscow axis," as with similar rumors of a "Paris-Madrid axis'" the in the making, has annoyed rrench officials. Sources close to De Gaulle in sist "his hostility to communism is as great as it ever has been." Still For Alliance French sources also said De Gaulle was still convinced nf the need of a strong Western alliance and cited the fact that in the Cuban crisis De Gaulle told Ken nedy France would be in any war on the American side if the United Stales became involved in a war with Russia. French officials sa:d De Gaulle believes that in the long run Ruia will throw iu lot in with the rest of Europe. He sees Russia as mellowing and becom ing gradually less i ability Com munist while the West becomes more "socialist." He believes the rift with Com munist China w ill speed this pro cess. French officials also have pooh poohed the idea of a Paris Madrid axis despite an obvious strengthening of ties between the two countries. LIQUORS Oppii Sunday! fl:M la 1:110 Wrtkdati 11:00 to :HI Jock's Super Marker Tuleloke, Calif. mo urn .. tW 81 Vk I It SfW OtNUINI I UJfllfB muse Amtriee't tatgiit SWmg TOILET TANK BALL Hit tfficitnt Watt. Montr inttontly iIobi tli. flow of wotor altar each flvihing. 75t AT HARDWADl STORtS Man Oh Man... Do We Have Big Buys During Our FIRST OF THE WEEK SPECIALS radiations 19 Speech impediment 21 Virus disease 2.1 Manly 24 Small vessel 25 Prohibit 26 Famous English srnooi 27 Hustle 2!) Close 30 Ahtnnernt s ii list a nee .11 Tardy 35 nickname 38 Lone 'ilk mantle 40 Pronoun 41 Steed 45 Within 46 Move wings 47 Ornamental fabric 46 Scent 50 Hollow Teasel 51 Paradise -h'l I'emse 65 Street (ab.) 56 Government principles 57 Poem T"Z 3 4 5 6 7 I 8 9 10 il 12 13 I 14 Hi ,i6 7? 18 19 ' ' 1 J20 21 22 23"l 24 25 1 26 27 28 29 30 131 32 3l --' 34 35 56 r 37 38 3l 40 Ul 142 J I I 43 ri 44 45 I 46 T I l 49 pO 515T" 53 54 55 156 57 58 53 50" (J1 S2 6l 64 , SERVE MRS- WR' v BISCUITS 1 i shrike' J ustopeni F fl IW. C 1 1 Ready to baKC. JJ ma the carton, PP the k 0 )) oven, ular or Butte, R 1 milk. 8 Ox. Pkg- J "IJrHn4, Here ore a few examples of the money-saving val ues we hove waiting for you. Shop Safeway and save MORE! PA Superb Pork Medium size ribs from mid-wesfern porkers. lb. Facial Tissue KLEENEX Lovely soft pastel pink and aqua, as well as pure white. Box of 400 5r100 Peanut Butter REAL ROAST For a really super sandwich. Tastes like real peanuts. 18 oz. Tariff PPu'ar Orange flavored 0C I Uliy breakfast drink 21 oz. 7jC Liquid Diet S:Se7i: 489c Hunts Trading Stamp Measure Eyed SVLKM I ITI' Trading slumps wore on the legislative huriiin aain. Hop. (lone llulell. I) . Kuconr. siiid he siMin Mould intiiHliiie a hill In nulliiw ranihiscs on llio Irailinj; stamps. That would mean any merchant could have them ill he wanted In. ' A similar hill raised a row hul i lailed to get anywhere at the past session. Y7 Oregon Woman Dies In Crash STlltlil.l'.KIKl.I). III. UTI - Tlte uile o( an Oiocon man was killed in a headon eoilismn Fn-! day with a car driven by a U ! year-old lndianaolis. Ind., youth j The accident occurred near here ! on U.S. 40. j lrad i Mrs. Calhrvn ('alter.' 2(1, wile o( Don Carter, 2.1. Ilrook i.'iC. Ore. Carter miflered venous iniuries. A ear driven by tlalph C. In raMer, 14, nillided headon with the Carter vehicle CHRYSIE 11 I I rttrrte-TrL1 mm . . More Meat Items . . Lunch Meats Ao" ff Bologna, Pickl Pimcnm, Hf R I II If Oliv Lol. 6 oi. pk9. u "W Bockwurst TO 59: Pottage of 4 w ' 59 Del Monte. A pre Lenten taste treat. Chip Steaks Williion't. For a quick meal, Smoked Sausage Rath, frtihly imohfld. Brcaktait trot. i 10 ot. pkr) Tift Ti Fovonte dinner hevcrnqe I ITtC ICO Pkg. of 48 bags c lb ca c ca Tomato Catsup 'ur.,? 2s45c Tomato Paste 3?29c Tomato Paste X .Fresh,2 ... 2?35c Nylon Mefasl'Ui U.S. No. 1 North Dakota led Potatoes n lbs. "fl(0C Aik about daily "Buiineti CarJ" a SPOT ADS TU 41 HI JUST LOOK AT THE STYLING! Ihc rnsp, ne. custom look nl Cluyslei hi! Hulr l hy Iciilm; slylinj; e'Ms . . . it's .lltenly setlun m' lvliiij; tifinls' JUST LOOK AT THE VALUE! lust inujinp1 A lull si.'p t'luysl"! N' poi t 4 (loot sed,in lot J."1.' 1 with choice ( hivsici Icitmos' Ihrip s Kitten ssunc llenutoi . . . i Ins I uetnilt V S encuie (inns on nviii.n. loo) . . . smooth inline tmsion h,n susif mmom . . . s.iln.1 Unihuy cnnstitiction. And, these jic just i If ol the v,ilu sinpii's yon II 1 1 n (1 ' DinrA DIiia Laundry detergent 67c 77c Surf Detergent lyfL 72c Condensed "AH" detergent 24 oi. 45c h:.L....LA. "All" For electric dish- UlbllrVdbiltri Mil c voshrrs 20 Ot. 'factory delivered price. Freight charges to Klamath Falli '$185. Bate price includn duectional signolt, pare tire, foam rubber cuihiont, dual electric twipei, dual lun viiort and ether accetioriet oi ttandord equipment. Plui Our Famous 5 YEAR -50.000 MILE WARRANTY! Just Grcot! Jus! Drive it and See at JIM OLSON MOTORS S22 So. 6th Th. TU 4 $126 - "All" For Imrst vsashr'. 3 lb. pkg. 49c 89c 49' Here's the mokin's for a real "He Man" Breakfast Pancake Mix Kitchen Craft, for lightest hot cakes. 4-lb. pkg. Smothered with PACK TRAIN Syrup The flavor hit in any outfit. Save 5c. 8 oz. 4?R I MORE PRODUCE ITEMS Avocados 7??QC Fuerte Variety rich Em Mm M Cauliflower Hcod 7QC ' Snowy white, good quality Am M Beefs Bun 11QC Bm Mm M Rich color and flovor. Fluffy "All Heavy Duty "All" L,qu'!a .... 83c Handy Andy L,qu,d c,fQnf2r, ... w. 75c -iov. Frh A thru Si'f c in K i.imoih Trill' Wf rrrtt thf B tfciBMMIBfc (llTIWl WlMWiMWttKMM ! ( I LMI IMMHMIHIIMI- II unrM effiEfS2sa you ft? V!7 iavc OOLD BOND Sbmnd You save two wavs with Safewav. Lew, low pnecs, plus Gold Bond Stamps.