Jacoby On Bridge WEST A None VAKQJ972 AKQJ83 None NORTH (D) tl AQJ84.S V6S None KQJ105 EAST A1075S V 10 4 7548 98J SOUTH AK9j 83 10 0 8 A733 Kb one vulnerable North Ernst Sooth West Pass Pass 1 4k Double 4 4 Pass Pass 6 6 4 Pass Pass 6 Pass Pass Double Redbl Pass Pass 6 7 V Pass Pass 7 4 Double Pass Pass Pass Opening lead K PAGE C-A HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Sunday, January 27, 1963 i Lucky Lead Nets Slam By OSWALD JACOBY Written for Newspaper Enterprise Assn. No series of articles on the tryanny of the spade suit would , be complete without my own fa vorite hand. The game was rub- . bcr brideo and I had a conserva . live partner. Hence, my third opening of one spade on a mere four card suit. West might have jumped to sev en hearts. He would make it all by himself, but West felt certain that a seven heart bid would pro duce a seven spade sacrifice so he merely doubled. My partner jumped to four spades and naturally enough 1 passed. West continued his de- ccptive tactics by bidding five . hearts. My partner bid five fpades. West continued to six , hearts and after North and East passed I fell right into West's trap and doubled. At this point West could have settled for a small slam doubled with an ovcrtrlck, but West be came greedy. He decided to re double. North passed. 1 had dou bled and I should get out of my own mess. I wanted out and ran to six spades. West went to seven hearts and when the bid got back to me I was convinced that West was sitting there with 13 red cards. 1 went to seven spades. West dou bled and opened the king of dia monds. I rutted with dummy's! r-iuht, led the four of spades and finessed my six spot. 1 rutlcd a second diamond high. ld the three of spades and finessed my . pine then ruflcd my last diamond Returning to my hand with the are of clubs, I drew fcast's last two trumps and eventually dls carded my two losing hearts on dummy's clubs to make (he luck iest grand slam in history. ' 4 ' ' '.I'LL ' V, tk hn A f . yd A sv ' ?!.." ,: - J T . f J Tom And Jerry Trade Logical For Girls STEEL SUPPORT A compact nuclear reactor for space will be mounted at the top of this eight-foot long stainless steel support cone as part of the SNAP I OA system being developed for the Atomic Energy Commission by Atomics International, a division of North American Aviation. SNAP will provide 500 watts of electricity for use in space vehicles and satellites. UPI Telephoto Navy Certain Polaris Subs Can Avoid Enemy Detection By ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: My girl friend and I are both 16. She goes with a fellow named Tom I go with Jerry. They are both nice guys, but tliey have com- p 1 e t e 1 y opposite personalities Tom is quiet and reserved and Jerry is the life of the party and full of jokes We got talking seriously about our fellows the other night and it turns out that I admire Tom and she goes for Jerry. I'm fed up on Jerry's jokes and she is bored with Tom s quiet ness. We would like to trade. This thought has crossed my mind be fore but I never had the nerve to mention it. Now that I know she feels the same way, how do you think we should go about it? FAIR EXCHANGE Dear Fair: You can't just trade steadies as if they were stuffed monkeys. Since both of you obviously are dissatisfied with your boy friends why not simply break up the steady arrangement (which is for the birds anyway). With a little luck Tom may come your way and Jerry may go hers. 18 Q Tho bidding has been: South West North, East 14 Pass IV Pass 2 Pass 3 Pass 3 V Pass 4 Pass 4 Pass 4 pass 7 Yon, South, hold: 4AK107 M97 4KQlti What do you do7 A Bid four no-trump. Tour partner eould have bid four hurls rtihl over three, but those to make a elub bid first, lie must be Interested In slam, TODAY'S QUESTION Your partner bids five hearts to show two aces. What do you do now? Answer Monday WASHINGTON (UPI I - The Navy is completely confident that the U.S. fleet of Polaris missile submarines can escape detection by any scientific means developed so far. Commenting on statements at tributed to French government circles that the locations of the subs probably would be known to an enemy before a war started, a Navy skesman siid he doubt cd whether even one of them would be detected. President Kennedy told his news conference Thursday that Polaris submarines would be deployed in the Mediterranean and that this weapon Was "very good." but tho United Slates was not placing sole reliance on the sca-launchcd missiles. The Navy spokesman said there were two or three ways in which a Polaris submarine, even though it remained submerged, might be detected. One way would be provided II the submarine were lorccd by an emergency, such as Ihc .serious illness ol a crew member, to transmit a radio message. An alert enemy might trace tho message back lo its sources. "1 can't swear thai there hasn been an exrcnlion, but I doubt whether a Polaris submarine on palrol has ever yet transmitted a radio message, although Ihey re ceive messages continuously on very low frequency broadcasts thai can be heard underwater," tho spokesman said. Another conceivable means of detection would be a radar- equipped piano flying overhead at about tho hour of twilight when Polaris submarine is likely to raise its periscope in order to get a fix on (lie stars, for navigational purposes. 'A periscO)c Is a very dilficult radar target, but if the plane hap pened lo be on exactly the right course it could be picked up," the spokesman said. However, the point here would be that I lie plane pilot would know where the submarine was for a few seconds, bul not where it would be in the next few minutes." The spokesman explained that. through Ihc use of a "star-finder" Dear Ann Landers: I was dis turbed by the letter signed, "Lon don Observer." He made the statement that Enclish and Euro- manual lo set a periscope sextant iDean children show more respect in advance, the period of cxnosurcifor adulls than American chil- thought we married. would have to get I was willing to do Uie decent thing but she said she'd marry me only u it was absolutely nec essary because her freedom meant too much. One day Joyce nanded my fraternity pm back to me and said, Tve lost interest (jooaoye ana good luck. I was deeply hurt. 1 haven't seen her since Novem ber and have healed nicely, thank you. I m dating several nice gals and am not involved with any one. Yesterday Joyce phoned and said she misses me and wants to get married at once. The tone of urgency in her voice suggested she might be in a tough spot. 1 feel an obligation to Joyce be cause 1 was her first serious boy friend, but 1 have no desire to marry her. Am I a heel? LOOSE HANGER Dear Loose: If you haven't seen Joyce since November the 'tough spot" she may be in has nothing to do with you. Consid er yourgelve lucky to have un wound from this girl and let this be a lesson to you as well as to others. Confidential to TONS OF TROUBLE: Some people who have tons of trouble grow wings and fly above it. Others get crutches and join the ranks of the crippled. You can take your choice. Day-Long Flight In Space Set To Blast Off April 2 CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (UPI I America's next manned orbital flight into space, a day long mission by astronaut Leroy Gordon Cooper, Jr., 35, is sched uled for April 2, it was learned today. The flight could last even long er than a day. Tentative plans are to send the Air Force major 22 times around the world, a flight that would take 34 hours. This is nearly four times farther than any U.S. astronaut has flown in space. At the minimum, space officials hope to keep Cooper aloft 24 hours. Informed sources said the April 2 launching date looks "fairly firm," but emphasized that "there always is a possibility of a slip in the schedule. Another source said he expect ed that "while we may not make it on that exact date, for Schirra's Sigma 7 capsule lastl October. Schirra's six-orbit trip current ly is the record for U.S. space men, but Russian cosmonauis Andrian Nikolaycv and Pavel Popovich far outstripped that in their "dual orbit" flight last October. Scientists plan to permit Cooper, to sleep once and possibly twice during the long voyage. No Amen- Jet Bomber Crash Seen BROWNVILLE JUNCTION, Maine (UPH Air rescue teams spotted the wreckage of a Strate gic Air Command B52 jet bomber in the central Maine wilderness today and dropped paramedics to aid survivors. Four parachutes and at least I think wpUwo members of the nine-man will come pretty close." Cooper will be hurled aloft aboard the same type spaceship1 that carried Mercury teammates John H. Glenn Jr., M. Scott Car penter and Walter M. Schirra Jr. into orbit last year, it is a bcll shaped space capsule atop a mod ified Atlas missile booster. On Hie basis of a 22-orbit trip. Cooper would land somewhere in the Pacific Ocean near Midway Island, close to the landina site crew were spotted by the Arctic trained Air Force teams which converged on the area in a score of planes and helicopters at dawn. One man reportedly had a broken leg. can astronaut has ever taken a nap in space, although the last three Soviet cosmonauts did so. Otherwise, Cooper will have plenty of work cut out for him. He will be asked to: Release a five-inch ball with flashing lights and follow it by eye. This experiment is expected to determine how far a man can see in space, and should be use ful in later flights that will in volve bringing two objects in or bit close together. Inflate a balloon behind the spacecraft in flight lo see how much drag or air friction there is at orbital altitude. 1 ins experi ment was attempted by Carpen ter last May, but failed when the balloon did not inflate u!ly. Test a new fuel system for the control unit. This will not be a part of the spacecraft's mission control system, but will cause a change in tho capsule s altitude control system when used. Photograph objects through the spacecraft's window with spe cial filters. This is a continuation of filming done by Schirra dur- his six-orbit flight. Pickup & Rclivery Call Sparkle Car Wash 4023 S. eth Ph. TU 4-S543 GUARANTEED REPAIR SERVICE AT WARDS Hi-U phono, radio. TV, appliance . . . a Wards technician is lust a phone call awav! Voo'll like the service . . . and Ine price! Call today! MONTGOMERY WARD SERVICE DEPARTMENT TU 4-JIU th A Pins can be reduced to a small frac tion of a minute. Ten Polaris subs have been commissioned so far, and nine have been deployed secretly. Funds already appropriated or re quested will complete by mid-IWiii fleet of 41, each carrying 16 nuclear-lipped missiles. African Republic Answer to Previous Punla 353 ACROSS 1 Town Is eit of Parliament of Republic ttt South Africa S Tho rand is . monetary unit 8 Merino U one of tU major infatuation 31 New Guinea port 32 Plant seed S3 Wine cup 34 Wharf 36 Woary 3fl Big boy 40 Frozen water 4,1 uura oroducui 12 Bread spread 13 Obscure 14 Shield bearing 15 Ventilates IB Number 17 Pheasant brood IB Hawaiian wreath Id Imnloro 21 Above, (poet.) 45 Onager 46 Alpine neak 48Arlifiritl channel 4fl Dinner ilm UN Chapter Meeting Set President Paul Meiers of (he Klamath Kails Chapter of Hie Orofion United Nations Avsocia tinn announces Jan. 2!) as date for the annual chapter meeting lo he lield nl llio First Presbyterian ClHtrvh, this city. A potlui k dinner start inn nl fi:30 p.m. Mill be followed by the business meeting and prop-am. Those not wishing lo attend the dinner should le present not later than 7:30 (or llie remainder of the session. A brief hir-incvs meeting Is scheduled. The program, to be deadline for filing address report! provided by a lireat IWisinns panel, will lie on "The Common Alien Signup Date Jan. 31 . PORTLAND District Director Alfred J. I'rhano of li lmmi ration and Naturalization Serv ice reminded aliens in Oregon1 that Thursday. Jan. Si. Is the 3 Disintegrate 29 Periods ot time 4 Goddess ottlM 31 Pillar 51 Fourth Arabian 5 y,7" , ZlT"" 'EKE? ?K',,W !,;?" MBUIurdterm loot Kreatett sge Ji i?";. 11 Malign looks 42,""J7D,",, IV It lis 24 Arid SiC:I?..i k.i.. sdmtnliUstive 25 1.Ke-MTlnU , rapllal XTVIr (ab.) DOWN 20 Kxploilvs 2S Fragment 1 Auttralian 23 Rub out 2ft Soviet negatres marsupial (var.) 27 Morning caliph 52 Feminine appellation 53 Withered 6 Scatter bs Mave on SO (.ortde of 2 Koreiflners moisture of a sort 44 Fixed look 47 Ocean movement M Tiny 52 Reverential fear fl 2 3 4 15 16 17 I F8 9 110 111 12 il 14 15 16 17 18 !"H iT" 20 "" li 22 23 J24' 25 126 27 mmm 28 29 30 31 32 33 pT 35 36 37" 38 39 " W 41 "iTY" 43 4 45 46 47 "j4fl 49 &0 51 "b2 53 54 55 56 57 58 I I y, dren. The expression he usedi was "less cheeky." ! I've had experience with both crouos and it is my belief that while English and European chil dren may seem better behaved il is a hypocritical type ol benav- ior which does not reflect their truc feelings. They are more ter rified than respectlul. American children communi. cate more easily with aauns. They arc not slifled by an atmos phere of rigid authority, iney feel free to be frank and out- sDoken which is a healthier cli mate for an adolescent, ine beaulifullv mannered" children often seethe underneath with hos tility. Their problems come lat er. NICHOLAS J. P. Dear Nickey: 1 agree that "re spect" rooted in fear may Be flattering to the adult Dul can m damaging lo the child. Children should not he terrified ol their Barents. But neither should narcnts be terriiied of their children. I believe in give and take relationship, but the narenls shouldn't take too much guff, that is. Dear Ann Landers: I started to date Joyce in my freshman year of college. We were inseparable lor Iwo and a half years. As you can imagine, we became 100 inu mate for our own good and on three separate occasions I HOME -AUTO-FIRE INSURANCE H 0 LOOK IN ON BOB JONES Southern Oregon InswancerVn.lnc ll So 6th TU2-4t7 Your SPtfECO ferity V forms as required under provi sions of the I'l.'a Immigration and Kalionality Act. The Immigration official urged ' aliens who have not yet filed their ' address reports to do so no later "than Jan. 31 to avoid possible ' penalties. Failure to comply with the re- Market in Europe." Those who plan to attend either llio dinner or meeting or both, are asked lo call '111 2i"75 as soon as possible to aid Mi s. E. A. deary and tier committee in plan ning for tlw potlmk. Tlwse plan ning lo bo pifsent for the dinner nuircments can mean a fine, Jail'may take a caverole. salad or sentence and deportation for a'dessort. Tablet service mid cof willful violation. I foe will be pmvHled r NOTICE! Miller's Dept. Store And The Town Shop Will Be Closed Until Monday at 1:00 In Order To Complete Our Inventory REMEMBER- For the convenience of those unable to take advantage of our specials during the weekend, all our grocery and vari ety prices will remain in effect through Wednesday, while stocks last! Shop Big-Y Monday Through Saturday For Cash Sayings! Use First National Bank Money Orders, Up to 300.00 20c 4710 So. 6th Right Reserved To Limit Closed Sundays .SrpS? SOF-PLY : 39c VALUE i '0 j UJgU T0ILET 1 "pan" ml FAB FTA'I mmt7i tissue sT "g-gr K jUpsi 7"- SPECIAL! AT PAY LESS I I IsTl iMfe 29'11 17'li ..i.ii... a . aWaHBaHaWHM FREE! 4-ei. 91 'i ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL With Each Bottls INSULIN AT PAY LESS SUNDAY 11 'til 6 Open Nites 'Til 9 6 FEET LONG! 100 Rayon Foom Bock RUG RUNNERS Sovoi Carp ttt & Floori 24-in. wide 1 oc VAl. Z, 199 M 17 TEK TOOTH BRUSH SPECIAL! REG. 69c BRUSHES FOR Oc Mm Sl'JSmSfi ROOM SIZE 9'x 100 NYLON PILE LUXURY RUGS mB&6 BiAL 12' "5g 1 THICK FOAM BACK - NO PAD NEEDED! I ELEGANT NEW COLORS IN. CLUDING THE NEW LAVEN. I DER AND BLUE AND GREEN ii$hkm TWEEDS! 11 TOU MUST Sec THEM! iVftfcil Lay-Away gjJtor 10.00 H SOAP! C A ?S U ; VI -I- I on f "T- For CT 3777 J 3 M Jkf 21x30 100 Thick fHROW RUGS Foam rubber back. Will Not Skid! 1 Nylon Pile 99 HANKSCRAFT ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC VAPORIZERS Ont Filling Lai'i AH Night 6.95 VALUE QUILTED VINYL Card Table Covers C:. mm mm 32 in. ft I & Uf Tables. 99 m 400 COUNT SOF-PLY t FACIAL TISSUES May flffc: WW Discount a rK I Pric. B S );' 1m (yaaeuMM . Ill t ' " ' If K M COMBS P ah shim A W'"Ar Zs I "sasmi a.. tlZ V'T--17 ' J Wwd Hondlt 4Pil DFIIIYF l?i. Jl 147 '7& 1 fe ALL CAPRIS ! 1 QO ASSTO. COTTONS 1 1Q 1.0 Ladies Prints & Ploin 1.17 20) ASSTD. COTTON-RAYON 1 .00 Lodics & Misses 1.00 311 LADIES PLAIN COLOR ) Iff .00 CORDUROYS Z.I 7 307 LADIES & MISSES O 44 .11 ASSTD. CORDUROYS l.TT 4QQ LADIES FANCY Q .77 CORDUROYS 0.00 607 LADIES FINEST Q Q7 .01 HEAVY COTTONS 0.0 FRESH ANSCO 8 COLOR MOYIE I FILM With Paid Processing 4.70 Vol. 2" 16x20 WOODEN PICTURE FRAMES WITH GLASS At Pay Less 2 t SUPPLIES! MONOFILAMENT FISH LINE 100 Yds. - 49c Vol. 4-6-8-10-12-lb. test. 1 PC. SOLID RUBBER CAR MATS COVERS ENTIRE FRONT CHOICE OF COLORS aT 144 3.95 L 29c I CHEWY BOB DRIFTERS Sure-Fire Bait. Pkg. of 3 - Reg. 1.3S 98c Woodtn Handlt DELUXE HAIR BRUSHES Ladies or Men'i. REG. 2.98 PHANTOM MIRACAST 9Rc99s 487 JUST ARRIVED! FULL SIZE MELLO BONGO DRUMS 4.95 VALUE