Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 26, 1963, Page 5, Image 5

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    Sunday, January !7. 1963
HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath Falls, Off.
Don't be surprised if someday
you see the headline "Oregon
Tech Graduate Makes Contour
Maps of Muscling in Bulls." We
picked up an interesting squib
from the Union Pacific Railroad's
"Tracks Ahead" publication for
January and February which
cites a potential new area of em
ployment for Oregon Tech grad
uates and also indicates the im
portance of the team approach
by scientists and technicians in
accomplishing scientific projects
A process has been developed
whereby a photogrammetnc cam
era can be used to measure the
round, loin, and rib thickness of
a live animal with no less than
f W per cent accuracy. Two cam
eras are used to take the pic
ture. A photogrammctry ma
chine facilitates reading the im
age in three dimensions width,
heighth and depth.
Oregon Tech's students in the
civil technologies become profici
ent in the use of the photogram-
metry machine and photogram-
metric processes while making
land contour maps. The new proc
ess will aid in selecting bulls with
high quality carcasses something
which has not been possible in
the past until the animals were
The scientific group required to
carry out the above project, ac
cording to the article, includes a
geneticist, physicist, veterinarian,
biological statistician, chemical
statistical analyst, photogramme
trist, civil engineer, and animal
husbandman. An Oregon Tech stu
dent might well be the photo
grammetrist on the team.
Accounting Professor Max
Saunders received a letter last
week from one of his graduates
in the Los Angeles area. A few
quotes will indicate the nature of
the positions of several Oregon
Tech graduates from accounting
"1 received a letter from M. . .
M. . . . last week. She is work
ing in Los Angeles for the State
of California, Department of In
surance as an auditor. She's
earning MRS a month, same as
Dave. She'll go up to $390 asj
soon as she's worked a year.
"II. . . W. . . . put in a good
word for me down in data proc
essing, and I got the job. As 1
understand from my boss, they
are quite pleased with Harry, and
since I graduated from the same
college, they are going to take a
chance on me. I'm working on
swing shift 4 to 12. This is my
first job as an accountant since
I've graduated, and it sure makes
me happy, especially since I'm
now earning $2.51 an hour 12
cents more an hour than before.
I've got a feeling I'll be staying
with this job quite awhile. Every
job so far has been good expert'
ence though."
"Gary is making $2.33 an hour
Ken is making $2.78.
Monroe R. Wolters from the
Humble Oil and Refining Com
pany at Los Angeles was on cam
pus Thursday to recruit a sur
veying student for a special po
sition in his company. "I am cer
tainly pleasantly surprised at the
quality of students 1 have seen
today," he said. "I didn't even
know one week ago that this
school existed and then to come
up and find an institution like
this is a most pleasant surprise."
Mr. Wolters went on to say that
industry is becoming more
aware of the use it can make of
students with this type of educa
tional background. "What they
do to us is make our engineers
more effective they are more or
less like a right arm to an engi
neer, he continued, ne used to
use young engineers for this type
of work but we can't hue them
any more."
When asked how he happened
to come hero, he answered.
'About a year ago the eastern
office listed this as a school we
should visit, litis week I had a
need, and the opportunity to come
and I am here."
Frank Stanko, director of place
ment, became a member of the
Pacific Northwest Personnel Man
agement Association last week
and Professor Cecil Lake was ap
pointed a member of the Board
of Directors of the Crater Lake
Natural History Association, Inc.
The Circle K members on cam
pus arc creating a lot of enthu
siasm for the donkey basketball
amc which will be played in the
Oregon Tech gym on Feb. 4 at
30 p.m. The donkeys will wear
padded shoes and the players will
have to handle the ball and shoot
trom the donkey's back. The cam
pus crew will play the downtown
Kiwanians and we surmise that
it will require tile services of
practically cverv Kiv.anian in
both downtown clubs to get clear
throueli the game.
ir . - II .11 I ..' .1 I Ik
; ..a Ls i
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Coinword Puzzle Explanations Reveal Key To Answers
1. Talk of SEDATION or the
administering of sedatives could
be a plot against the captain which
might cause him to cancel a voy
age. In tlie case of SEDITION
or incitement to rebellion, a cap
tain would probably merely re
place tlie rebellious crew mem
bers. 3. A promising BID could be
Ing if the child understood the
10. The quality of a food prod
uct depends upon who CONS or
understands quality. The quality of
a food product would not depend
upon wIkj CANS it, if it were
not put up in CANS.
11. TUTS or sounds of objection
thats toush.'
SOC Offers Four-Year
BS Degree In Business
Southern Oregon College now
lias a four-year bachelor of sci
ence degree program in business
and has been granted 8J addition
al course hour offerings by action
of the Oregon State System of
Higher Education Board at its'
Portland meeting Jan. 22. For
mal notification of the new course
is expected from the chancellor's
office by the end of the week.
With the additional 53 hours
granted to fulfill the courses nec
essary to round out the business
degree curriculum, SOC gained
142 hours. Some hours were
dropped in order to eliminate
courses no longer necessary.
Dr. Loy Prickett, chairman of
tlie business department, com
mented that the new degree was
"a very sound degree and one
nTH a rn nTi c rjwT
Ir.'n mi S
Arm ,.
interesting to a women's garden
club studying a particular flow
er. A promising BID could be in
teresting to four players at a
bridge club, but' not the entire
7. Candy has a tendency to make
children REACH for it. They
would only RETCH or regurgi
tate if they ate too much of it.
9. Each NOON has the definite
meaning that a child will soon
have a lunch break. Each NOUN
would only have a definite mean
Guide Book
Earns Cash
White House guide book, illustrat
ing the changes in the executive
mansion made by Mrs. Jacque
line Kennedy's restoration project,
has earned nearly $164,000 dur
ing its first six months on sale.
Published by the White House
Historical Association, the 132
page book has been on sale since
July 4, 12.
The association was established
by Mrs. Kennedy la further the
project and is under the direction
of David E. Finley. chairman of
the group's board of directors
Tlie White House Thursday, aft
er an audit of the association's
books, said the best selling guide
book, now in its third edition, had
earned $163.6118.17 since it first
went on sale.
are usually annoying. Many TOTS
are just the opposite.
12. Magazines might find it
profitable to feature a politician's
RUSE or stratagem unknown to
its, readers. It would not be pro
fitable to feature his RISE that
undoubtedly had been reported in
newswpers long before.
16. A good person FEEDS his
pet. A man who NEEDS his pet
could be bad.
18. One should look forward to
setting a TRIP as such would be
a pleasure. A TRAP is notliuig to
look forward to.
19. The proven PROCESS or
special method of an inventor
would be his best security, since
it would undoubtedly be profi
table. His proven PROWESS or
skill might fail him and offer no
1. Upsetting a STEIN, a bar
maid could blame it on one of her
many customers. Willi many cus
tomers she would hardly be knit
ling or fouling around with a
SKEIN of yarn.
2. No housewife would know
ingly overlook a dangerous OVEN.
Many housewives would have no
belief in an OMEN or prophetic
4. A silly guest may be dis
turbed by her host's harmless
DOG. Being silly, she might not
appreciate or even understand his
DIG or caustic comment.
5. We should be careful how
we ACCENT words so that we
speak correctly. We may ACCEPT
any words we wish.
8. A man might skip an ap
pointment after lie has WAITED
an Iwur. After he has WASTED
an hour, he might be ready to
keep an appointment.
6. Weddings call lor suitable
BANDS or rings. They do not al
ways call lor tlie reading ol
BANNS or previous announce
ments. 10. A new CARTON usually
makes a good impression. A new
CARBON always makes a good
13. A quick STEP involves mo
tion that is usually prolonged
and, therefore, entails increasing
energy. A quick STOP might en
tail no energy, as when one slops
Sea Your Rcliabl Income
Auditing - Bookkeeping
120 N. 10th
TU 4-S473
which was badly needed by the
college in order to continue serv
ing Southern Oregon as a truly
regional institution of higher edu
cation." "In our program," he contin
ued, "the emphasis will be on
small business a direct result of
several years of planning by fac
ulty members and consultations
with local businessmen."
"In 1955, the SOC adv isory com
mittee, composed of citizens in
the area, suggested that the re
gional college function would be
better met by instituting such a
degree, and in 1957 the College
Educational Policies Committee
approved the function, clearing
the way for its presentation to
the board."
14. ER is an expression of hesi
tation. 15. A mast is invariably a
SPAR to a new sailor, although
a SPAR may also be a yard,
boom, or gaff. It is not always a
SPUR or stimulus to a new sailor
w!k might be afraid to climb it.
17. A farmer might rei'use to
raise a stubborn SON who gave
him constant trouble. He would
not refuse to raise a stubborn
SOW, if tlie animal were lying in
a road or somewhere contrary to
the law.
Available to vou without a doetor'i prj
scrlptlon, our drug called ODRINEX.
You must lcn up'V M In 7 days or
your moony btc. No strenuous exercise.
axetlvei, muige or taking of so-called
educing candles, crnrksrs or cookies, or
chewing gum. ODRINEX Is a liny tablet
and easily swallowed. When you take
ODRINEX, vou Mill en loy your meals,
still eat the foods vou like, but you
simply don't have the urqe for extra
portions because ODRINEX depresses
your appetite and decreases your desire
(or food. Your weight must come down,
because as your own doctor wlt tell
vou, when you eaf less, vou weigh less.
Get rid of eacess fat and live longer,
ODRINEX costs 13.00 and Is sold on
this GUARANTEE: If not talis tied for
any reason lust return the package o
your druggist and got your full money
back. No questions asked. ODRINEX It
sold with this guarantee by:
Payltit Drug Stora tOI Main
Mill Orders Filled
Sentences Meted Pair
On Bad Check Charges
Two men who entered pleas of
guilty to issuing worthless checks
in as many unrelated cases last
week were each sentenced to
serve two years in the Oregon
.Stale Penitentiary, in two of four
matters brought before Judge Da
vid P.. Vandenlicrg in circuit
court Friday.
Sentenced were Louis Trenton
Utter. 32. Walla Walla. Wash..
and Owen McKinely Hodge, 59.
Klamath Kalis. Hodge was
(harped with publishing a frau
dulent check in the amount of
SCO to the Payless Drug Store,
last Nov. 28.
As IMge appeared before the
bench Friday morning, lie told
,lud:e Vandenlicrg through his at
torney that he would make res
titution to the drug store for the
fraudulent check, in addition
to a second check he passed to
another firm beiore Ins arrest.
The judge receded Ih: court for
10 minutes so tlie deputy district
attornev could determine if
Hodge had a prior police record.
Indue Vandenberg later pro
nounced tlm sentence when he
iearncd that Ilodte had been
previously convicted o! writing
other worthless checks.
Utter had originally been ar
estcd in Walla Walla on charges
of non-support and was held (or
the Klamath County Sheriff's Of
fice when it was learned he was
sought here on the check charge.
In two other matters. Judge
Vandenberg set 10 a m.. Jan. 28,
as the time he would hear argu
ments on demurrers filed for
two men charged with burglary
in a dwelling.
The demurrers were filed for
Arlin Lcc Ilich, 31, accused ol
the New Year's Day burglary of
firearms and meat at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Leach.
4vvj Bryant Street, and Leon
Pearson. T7, charged with the
burglary of the residence of Cleo
Williams. "Ill North Thud Street,
last Nov. 22.
Pearson was one nf three per
sons named on scitcI indictments
returned by the (irand Jury,
Jan. n.
Model SKP-50
It 4-1 1-1 9 5 1
Only 53.32 Week
is WW
World's largest privately owned
urban bus system is in New Voik
Citv The line has 2.i'0 bii-cs.
Klamath Anima
2727 So. 6th Ph. 4-4400
Wishes To Announce
the Association
There's no scraping or pre-rinsing necessary It's
casy-to-load . . . just mix dishes of all sizes and shapes
for bst results Exclusive Roll 'N Load rack rolls
out of way for easier loading of lower rack Wash
pots and pans right along with all your dishes No
complicated controls . . . just one knob, one setting
docs it Ui.-ihes are power-scrubbed with constantly
filtered water Two complete washes . . . four rinses
Washes cleaner than by hand, because water is too
hot for hands . . . helps safeguard your family's health
Can wash an entire day's dishes at once . . . and
keeps dirty dishes out of sight 'til they're ready to
be wa.-hed Rolls to table or sink . . . Lake it with
you if you move. , 'lmk-
UH t,e,hi K CA kt wlhHeeel Ceea mm4
l tCA WH'tiPOOl ei,eoci. wonf er Cpmm
While They Lasf
All Thurs. Grocery Prices Good Through Wed.
303 tin
Cut 303 tin
Del Monte
o Applesauce
Green Beans
corn Cr"m,d ' in
Peas 303 rin
Tomatoes 303 ,in
Tomatoes s,,w,d' 303 ,in
Zucchini Squash
303 tin
Del Monte Lady Elberta
Freestone Peaches
Luncheon Meat
U jf ABnedenTAddeSS
H A4f Been Added
V Iti
Tins laUM R J
mvm dm
Del Monte
Argo Figs
Sauerkraut 303 ,in
Spinach 303 ,in
Tomato Sauce 300 ,in
Catsup 14
12-oz. Tins
fiWovf Brand Large, Old Fashioned
Sausage Rolls
illow Brand
Asst. Flavors
1A fL
I mm I
Tender Aged!
All Cud Includtd
3 J29
Del Monte
Fruit Cocktail
5 Pi
Del Monte
Chunk Style
Vt Tins
Town and Country Shopping Center
3800 So. 6th
Washington Red Delicious
Yellow Dry
ib. 5'