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To meet the challenge, (he publishers of 8 nations have joined together to sponsor one of the most ambi tious educational projects of our time. These publishers have commissioned a task force of outstanding scholars and artists to tell the story of Man's I"""" Tim-1! k 1 BP) I I I '.siO' tA I taarl ' ' ' IX I ZM. JL fc with life in the world today ... to nrewe for the world IL :r -T y N T- -p-- I f fj youngmuptottieectgeotMans Men Irnrnrd to mivifMte nearly 10,000 yrarcugn. J L THI WOULD tlOINNINO I hr hiith nl our r.inli I (h mir.M Ir ol lilr lMiiimnmi Dugon hLr ue.i lure ol l.iml. mm .mil .hi I hr prelmtntic inoimcii triii nptt-itir THI COMtNO Of MAN I lie tit t men of thr lit- I hinkiitx tit4ii, iittrtiliir .mil aitnl M.nt' (luin.tiii of l.i in I. m j jnil jm I lie (Milt iviti.itiom VmiRr hiiiiik-hl mrit ilnwr itnlici I no iiiHrr hr1trii tuitlv tn.inkincl I hr ihut- ni.iin racr ul nunkiixl I hr win Id r;ik with tiiiiti- Mjii ami Im l.iiih FLORA AND FAUNA Animal Mr in thrOM Vol hi IM.mim, the iilr null-mil IihnI I h- iMttlr .iirn.1 ol I hi' ilrrp MAN SURVIYS HIS WORID I dm men loin.ip ihr wmlil I itnling ilh M ii" Ihr njxn XihliiiK . Ni m hi In thr Old I 111- I.Hl gUMl OlltlHAOM C JIlll DIVILOPINO THI lARTH'S RfSOURCIS Iliiiimk Ihr I.tcr of I lit KiMpinv ihr li.mrii of l.ind anil mm " I Ik- Mniir htitm" I lir tumid I ne I ih.H triolntioiiirtl lilr How man Im h.n iii-inil ii.iiui i-'k fnmi I ilr in ihr i.t l,tim I .inil". 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