Dress-Coal" Cnmnrminns rnm Fnr nrinrt n i ill 1 i .'k.'rMr-Sl'ik k V II.J- , ' . - ;I ; ' fir8-,-! . I I ?V 1 SW-K lift f--sv:M cXL-ifeJ.f 1 "Pit - i Hand Stitching Sets Pace In Men's Shoe Fashions NEW YORK (UPSt Americans calf tee bat a pebble-grassed up-: men's shue masafaeturers are lis-jper with fee Sies; a pebble slip wg so much bsmi Pitching 08 She i on by Jarmaa svish almost a 1 8EEALO AX& SEWS, Kumjiti FBi Ort. Sssiay, Jassary ST, I9SI PASS S-B spring shoes this year they are running eat of people who know hew ta da hand stitching asd have matie fissssi!; a coarse grain hla cher by Freeman with tie aad tas sels ts dark brows with a black been forced to conduct courses in sole, British Walker showed a twa-j the ancient art, J tie with tassels is pebble grain The pace - setters are light weight moecasis stySe Hand sewn, of course either in shpons or hhicher ties bat made of light- ier ieathers which wear as well as the heavier. This is achieved! .4 1 " t' . libv relanmnc !he leaiher with bark i -?Li latter it has been tanned in the SPRING COMPANIONS Made for each other, but smart enough to succeed alone are these handsom spring two-piece costumes. Matching color and con trasting textures are the keynotes of this pale blue en semble, left. Silk pongee dress has three-quarter sleeves and gently blouied bodice. The sweater-coat is fluffy cotton-mohair. Biacic and white houndstooih-eheeic coat, center, has a slight flair, and double-breasted closing. It is teamed with a slim sleeveless shift of white jersey. Quad knit coat, right, is worn over a double-knit shift with round neckline. Coat collar stands out slightly to re veal full npektine of shift. NEW YOJiK (NEA) Last spring the coat-dress ensemble enjoyed some popularity. This sea son, with better lines, more luxur ious fabrics and a range of excit ing colors, fashion bows in on the double again. In many of these ensembles the fabric and color are the same in both dress and coat. In the knits, for example, sleeveless, rol- larless shifts will be seen under; coats with standout collars that reveal dresses' round necklines. Other dress-coat teams are done in malching shades, but the fashion keynote is the contrasting lexlurcs of the fabrics. Paste! silk dresses are shown wi!h coats in the same shade, styled in fluf fy mohair. Bold black and white checks in lightweight woo! top slim white sifts. Although most of thee com panion dresses are sleeveless, some designers following I h e trend from Paris are showing sleeves. Every coat style for spring is represented in the two-piece en sembles, from slim coats with a gcnlle amount of front shaping and controlled back fullness. through capelike swing co3is and: bathrobe ties. Colors arc iivelv and young. shading from hot pinks and creamy pastels to She ever popu lar biaek and white. Bright, sun ny yellow is seen in every coilec-:tkm. : The new dress-coat teams can take you through -a day and eve ning in faultless taste, and in a colorful manner. POUy'S POINTERS How Hair Is 'Teased' P01.IV CRAMER Newspoper Enterprise Assn. DEAR POLLY I read where froro mv doctor which has worked Jamie has a new method for heaufifully to help a one-year-old teasing hair w ith a tooth brush but really, how is hair teased? OUT-OF-STYLE 01 T-OF-STVI.E Perhaps you and 1 are of the same genera iinn. In my younger days, "teas ing" was known as "roughing" or "raiting" (he hair. You take Si a section at a time and lift It up. Brush or comb the strand toward the sralp. Then, smooth the top for a fuller look to the hairdo. POLLY DEAR POLLY Mv two ideas with self-spoon feeding is to sit at his right side 'assuming he is right-handed 1 and feed baby w ith your hand over his on the spoon to guide htm. This is much easier for a baby to imitate than when vou sit in front of him end jsoke the spoon straight at his mouth. Knitters who are always em barrassed by dropping needies at meetings or in public places can knit even a straight piece back and forthi on a circular needle. Then there is no other needle to drop and if also ends the fear of poking tiie person sitting next to you. MRS. R. S. L DEAR POLLY Can anyone give suggestions for ways which to increase the humidity in a house with a hot air furnace? MRS. M. L. Perhaps some of the other girts w bovs know a belter answer but my home-made remedy has always are really worlds apart. A hint been to keep open pans of water near the register or radiator. This is a lot of troubie and can be messy but other than having a humidifier installed fn the tur- nace. II s the nest suggestion I can oifer. POLLY DEAR POLLY Other moth ers ot preschool children may find my hint helpful, f have solved the problem ot a red shirt, blue overalls and brown socks. My oldest preschooler likes to dress himself but is not color conscious so I arranged his draw er with matching overalls, shirt and socks, in sets and now he se lects a set each day and everything matfiies, ffe is learning his colors, too, by selecting a blue set, brown set and so on. A. T. DEAR POLLY When sewing, keep a bobbin filled with nylon thread to use when gathering. The thread slips more'easily and is almos! impossible !o break. Most any color thread can lie used on any colored fabric because it is on the bofiom side and if ' very much material is gathered, it is almost completely covered. MRS. .). Share your taverite homemak ing ideas . . . send them to Polly in rare of Heraid and N'ews. You'll receive ft bright, new silver dollar it Polly uses your ideas in Poitv's Pointers. APPROVES IDEA WASHINGTON (UPSi - Presi dent Kennedy says he would be 'delighted" io see Sir Winston Churchill given honorary U.S. ci! izenship. He marie the sfatemen! at his news conference Thursday when asked about hills now- pending in the House and Senate to make the British leader an honorarv American eilijcn. jiuiua! way with ehreme salts. The hand-sews moccasin was She most popular shown for spring: but there were new styles to smooth, grain and brushed lea ther, ranging from newer versions! of She dress brogue to casuals mi uaed or brushed leather sad chukka boots in brushed leathers. The hamf-sewn shoe has moved out of tiie informal category into the ranks of slvle leaders and is shown in highly polished black and brows leather or finely grained antiqued brown and olive. Classics are Back The old classics are back and up-dated but there also are a lot of new gimmicks. Some manufac- lureres show jumbo-size perfora tions, straps and buckles and ex aggerated stiehisg on wingtips. The general shape fends toward a long, slim look to wear with narrower trousers. Ties are often placed high up to make the foot look slimmer. Black eoatiaaes to outpace ail other colors but there is strong competition with new browa shades and cordovan, either real ior fake, fn summer shoes the old.' black and white classic is seen in some lines but casuals tend toward a natural color. Some of the shoes show n by the Shoe fashion Service of Leather industries ot America include a lijion, five-tie plain toe biucher and a wingiip in light California saddle leather by Bales and a plain toe three-fie in perforated dark brown charcoal by Ameri can Gentleman. in Glove Leather Freeman's Perfinos is in glove leather w ith "mudguard construc tion" She sole comes up on the side where it Is joined with very smc stitching to She upper. Over at the National Shoe Insti tute there were these highlights: A formal looking shoe by Bos- tonian with a very shiny plain1 wish natural crepe sole Hash Puppies showed a sawn- colored, very light three-fie lei-; sure shoe with perforations on the top of the Soe and She upper. For! real leisure Wellea showed a shoe! with stretch woven sides and ai plain toe and a hat weather shoe! with a nylon mesh toe and woven! eiastictad sides. Mast casual was! Jaunters wrap around boot of soft! leather which sort af folds around tise foot. Ami for a Scen-agerj who wanSs batten shoes Pedwts! showed a sharp and shiny siipsn1 with three bnSSons on one side! and a gore on the other. t'ntted Press Utternatlsnaf The "chse sheik" look makes the deepest impressions on spring millinery, The look, inspired by the Knight of Arahy, brings back draped turbans, fezzes and cliiifon swathed helmets. Aaother hat favorite for spring; the sailor, mduded big sailors, perky small sailors and slouch sailors, like the hat of She Ssuth American gaucho. Saede's in the parade of prints! Party Honors Malm Family MALfS Mr. and Mrs. Vera Taylor and his mother, Mrs, Eva Tayior, were honored recent iy wises srsends ana refattves eatss- erea ts welcome them m their newly remodeled home. The social evenine included dancing and a smorgasbord din ner. Guest were Mr. and Mrs. Bard fogSc, Mr. aad Mrs. Albert Seott, Mr. assd Mrs. Jim Cock rnm, son Jtmmie; Mr. and Mrs. Royal Taylor, Mrs. Daisy Bryden NeSse Fogie, Mr, and Mrs. Mii- ford Webb, Mrs. Vic Loasignoni, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mat-fees, Mr. aadt Mrs. John Bargoyae, Mr, and Mrs. Dfck Stevenson. Mrs. Teddy Walker and Patricia, Mr. and Mrs. liebert Byrne, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Grove and Mary Jane, Mr. and Mrs, Don Macken, De teres and Marvin, Mr, aad Mrs. Cecil Zeiders, Mr, and Mrs. John Haney, Maria and Gail, Mr. and Mrs. Bud FaireSo. FASHIONEITES PLASTKR KNeW-HSW Sites yoa're plastering cracks in a wall, add the plaster ts wa ter instead of water ta plaster, and She msxtare wist sot be lumpy. that will be going fa milady's! head in the spring. Jacques Contsux's abstract de signs are the basis for a callee tson of space-inspired jewel for spring to be laaaehed in Par s fey American jeweler Fred Wander. The clusters of missile, star and! moos silhouettes combine precious! and semi-precteas siorses. Or sample; iapis-larall and jads are combined with rock-like surface idufied gold, Diamond stars set ss lapis laiiili make another brostcn. A third claster, titled explosion, lesmbsses lapis, slatisus! and dia ; meads. Church Rites' Unite Couple In a late mensine ;eeres!ios5y Saturday, Jan. S9, st She First MethedisS Church, Cares 23g?er and Robert G, Cask STsre snifed in marriage. The Rev. Ralph H. Richardson serfbrtned the double ring ceremem? at tt a'clack fn the presence sf refe fives and friends of the cesspie. The brsda a wfeis wtm sheath dress and carried a nose gay sf archils. Maid of honor was Patricia Morris and best man was Wil liam Bavnes, All are stodests af Oregoa Technical tasihafe. The bride is the daughter sf Mr. Kid Mrs. BesaSd Zigter ef Prssevilfe. The brideBom's bams is i EVEN GREATER SAVI Shoes Regrouped & Repriced For This Sole! IA omen 5 ta s7-$9 Dress Sheet by Johansert, Haturaiirsn, Caresja, Ufa Stride Men s m 890-1090-f 2 90 Many Other ScfssafbrtaS Shoe Savings Harryi SHOES 617 Msm S " A.' i I'm JtM .-ri w 5 Cm KIRK Our Daddy Soys . , STAY HEALTHY but see about our guaran teed non-cancciiabfc Hos pital Plan, JIM CRiSMON Firtr Notional Bank Stag. Sut: 2-3454 K: 4-442t Great-West Life O-m "Yauf Ftfiur t My Sutiftttft Tftisy" ortsweair Ve've just received o nice orroy of popular sportswear. Colorful Capns in o host of exciting colors and pot terns . . . Blouses styled for every particular taste ; . , Sweaters in the soft miracfe fabrics that are so popular. Come, See and Buy your New Sportswear where selections are complete ' and prices tiny. V Knit Capris Stretch Capris Cotton Capris Smashing go-with color hued. BLOUSES scr t 2 Tuck in or ocr ttytct from $P98 from 3 $P98 from 3 from J rv Low, Low Prices Plus Green Stamps Buy on Revolving Charge or Loy-4way m iit Luscious It Luxurious SWEATERS So OcliCOSeiy Styled irt o Host of Wonderful, Weorobie Colors, SLIP OVERS from S3JS CARDIGANS S5JS ft DAYTIME km DRESS? L v SHE FOR WE$ M W Well Soon Be MOVIKG to Our Mew Store at knm & Shasta Way! We don't want ts curry off this merchandise ever there , , . ss WE'VE SLASHED PRICES ta the bene, Many wonderful fsshieits now Slashed BELOW COST! Quantities ere fimifed ert many items so; be here eariy! v $5.00 Rack DRESSES Otse 4 Two ?s is Waoii & CoWoBt. Values t $24.95. No Sip $7,00 Rack DRESSES McHoin, Wools, Cat ron Knit t C s a ff C a j u a f 1, Vaiust ta $27,95, Now , , , $J00 One Rack Ladies' Skirts OFF! & 0t iaaat m coats 1 2 OFF! $3,00 Tab! Eloatetj LaRglm En, hifditt, Slack asi Pa-famai, 2.M TABLE 6bait, Mf Slip, Ess & Giwn iiti, Knir LA Host Eeaof iful Styles Is Velveteens, Wools, Metaies Casual I Dressy Styles Values $0J $flfl $ To $42,00 1 U KNIT DRESSES 3 OFF FAMOUS N4ME 1 LADIES' LINGERIE Brat, &ira1 & fonty Qirihi i Bf ONE TABU NOW 2 I liCS CHILDREN'S WEAR Peignatr Sets, Net aH VrTT Gfris Dresses, Skfrts, Steates 1 2 Off! 2 Pe Maternity Drcif Vstset ta $J & 57, MBtrsty SMrt were $4,25 $2,?? Ca prtt wtr 4,79 $3.00, LADIES' JEWELRY and HAND BAGS Vl OFF EXTRA SAVINGS WITH "S&H" GREEN STAMPS All Solsi Finol - Ho Rsfuncii or Exchsrsges 3 In The Town & Country Shopping Center SI0 BUYS! $1.00 TABLE HOSIERY BLOUSES SCARVES SLIPPERS "The Pick of tht Smorttjt Faihion For Home, Camsut it Career" 4480 South 6th Next to Oregon Food t f