Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 26, 1963, Page 22, Image 22

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HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath FalU, Ore.
, Sunday, January 77, 1963
"iReno Chapel
Novs the time
to order copies
of the 1963
Wedding Site
LAKEVIKW At a candlelight
ceremony on Dec. 29, at 2 p m.,
in the Parks Wedding Chapel at
cno Sheila Maureen Gilbert and
if fit
RECENT BRIDE Mrs. Ronald Woods !s the former
-Sheila M.ur.en Gilbert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. How
ard A. Gilbert of Lakeview. Her husband Is fhe son of
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Woods of Alturas. They were mar
ried Dec. 29 in Reno.
Ronald Woods were united in mar
riage. The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Howard A. Gilbert of
Lakeview, and the bridegroom
.-, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Woods of Alturas.
Attendants for the couple were
his brother, Alton, and wile, Pa
tricia, whose wedding ceremony
had just been xrformcd in Ihe
chapel. The clergyman for both
weddings was tlve Rev. Warren
D. Ward of 'Reno.
Baskets of pink and white roses
with pink ribbon bows marking
the pews made up tiie decora
tions for the chapel.
The bride wore a white chiffon
street length dress, with white
lace jacket. A short veil on a
headband made up her headdress.
Her corsage was a purple or
chid. She later changed to a
beige wool dress and coat worn
with beige accessories.
The parents of both young peo
ple were among the 24 members
vho made up the wedding party.
The bride is a graduate of
Lakeview High School and has
been employed in Ihe olfice of the
district attorney. He was gradu
ated from Modoc Union H i g h
School in Alturas. They are mak
ing their home in Alturas where
he is a linotype operator for the
Modoc Record.
" "if
r v. v
ANNOUNCEMENT MADE Former residents of Klam--th
Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Green Jr., now residing
in North Hiqhlands, Calif., announce the engagement
of thoir daughtor, Bonnie Louise, to Robert Zine, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Zine of Elvorta, Calif, The bride
delect is altendlnq Sacramento School of Beauty on a
'scholarship. Her fiance is employed by Tenco Tractor in
Sacramento. A spring wedding is planned.
OES Reports
t;i i mrrtins m W1 for
S5,u.r.di.iii Chapter 172. Older ofi
llislcrn Mar, was conducted iHv.
by Wula Scribner. worthy mil
lion, mid William K. Aiulerson,
wmlJ.y patron.
' The annual w.t m.ilion and
pa Irons mht a hold on
.lii 9. Honored at that time
uMt Virginia Itrnwn and Walter
Hmwii. I' 10. Thelma . CwswoU.
1f.l; Vera r'ntch, l.'i2; Helen
"Mi tin.i k. I't.Vt; (iooixianna
Oark. V'.ifi - ,77; Marion (ir.tnt
i? 7-;. ,lady.s Ohuhh and Wil
!t)mi I'. Ander.vm. l.i.'R,,Vi; Nina
Hall, la.'t; 1nTiie Mcfnllnm mid
V l-tolo Howell, and lns
Murphy aii;l Klnier Vincent, I1
'u fiinai llrnun Ciivr an inter
e.Mns arcnunl f trials, hard
HOSPITAL GIFT Mrs. Richard Newman, right, president of American Association
of University Women, and Mrs. Murdo Morrison, left, representative of the group,
present a check for $350 to representatives of the Intercommunity Hospital Fund
Drive. Jim Stilwell, fund drive chairman, accepts the check as Quinn Hawley watch
es. In doing so, AAUW joins other non-profit organizations in contributing to this
Community-wide drive.
ubo was making his odicial visit
He is a menilier of Orienl.il Chap
lor, lakeview.
Henry Rergtom c.ac a itixmI
on the Kaslorn St .if Home in
Portland (or .sriimr nn-iiiliois and
tsked for nntinucd Mipixnt of
Hie Iwmr.
I'.nieriainnK'nl iiu Union mini
Ivis by pntar sinciputs from
Klamath Music Center ami an
aorolKltic hal!M numler by ier
.ildine ll.nllry. gr.inild.nishter of
lirry Kit.siininons.
"Did Kather Time" presented
Verda Si-nhncr with a ' New Year
ll,ib" and M,u v nderson pro
vided a c.ike for oltu-eis to dec
orale with roses and laudles in
honor if Mi s. Sci ibnri s bu tll
la .
Roll ehnienls were seivisl by
Ruth ll.itom.in. Alu-o Maiburn,
Sarah McMillan, .)occ Iwinphear,
tilenn ll.iyenian and Wayne M.il-
All meniU'is are urgisl lo at
tend Ihe next nirt'ling on .!,ui
Job's Bethel
Nancy McClure was installed
;is honored queen of Job's Dauch
teis Bethel 61, Dec. 29, at the
Scottish Kite Temple. "Queen
Nancy" in silver letters, red
tapers and .silver fern ai-ran'e-
ments decorated the ea.sl.
InsIallinR officers were Hetirinc
Honored Queen Cheryl Hall; guide.
Susan ParisoUo; marshal,
Susa n It unc : recorder, Nancy
Nicol; chaplain, Patty B nit ton;
musician, Janice laGrande; solo
ist, Sue -Ann Owens; senior custo
dian, Susan Cannon; junior cus
todian, I-aurio nruns. Candlelifiht
ers we Belty Holmes and Lin
da Warren. Steven and Teresa
Lundjaen were the Kihle l)ear
crs. Janice McCoinack was in
char ui! of the puesl btntk and
All oUiceis carried emblematic
bouquets of lily-of-the-valley. In
stalled were honored queen, Nan
cy McClure; senior princess, Sal-
Hanville: junior princess. Jane
Neecc; tfi'icle, Suana W'hytal; mar-
.hal, Annette Krwhickson; chap
ain, Jody Hedord; U'easurer Cher-
vl Hmuham; recorder, Sharon
Handle; librarian, Susan Douglas;
musician. Nancv Clark; first mes-i
ener, Carolee Weslvold; second
messenger, Susan Lusk; third,
messenger, Stephanie Gudcrian: 1
louith niessciiHer. Cheryl Kccles;
liflh messenger, Jacqueline Tesch;
senior custodian. I'amela Keys;
Hinior custo)ian, Myrna l.ichten-
stern; inner guard; Cicorian
iates; outer puard. Carol I.eib;
isMstant recorder .Marilyn Whit
ney, historian, .lanu-e Sc hoi ton
g urn?' A
it my
' Si
' 'I
' 1
McCfure is the new hon
ored queen of Job's Daugh
ters Bethel No. 61. Instal
lation ceremonies were
Dec. 29 at the Scottish
Rite Temple.
Photo by Guderian
shipful master, ("rater Uike Ixxli;e
o. 211; Charles R. I.eib, emin
ent commander of Knights Tem
plar: Kdward R. Trotter, past as
sociate Ruardian, and Mrs. Umra
Trotter. asl puardian Irom Huena
Park, ( alir.: Mrs. Kilty Hanville.
Mrs. Hetty Ball and Mis. Vir
Rinia McClure. past euaidians of
Bethel No. 61. Queen Nancy intro
duced her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
I nomas X. McClure Jr.. and her
brother, Larry McClure. Guar
dian and associate guardian "(
Bethel No. HI are Mrs. Helen
Mi-Cornaik and Ralph Darmody.
I-oIIowhir Ihe installation a re
ception anil Ihe queen's ball Mere
held in the dinirn; room, decor-
lady of Ihe lights, Vn pinia Van jfted in Ihe red and siKer Ihrme ol
I'ell; soloisl; S.india Kuconich; lhe newly uist.illeil queen
Mac. tiearer. l.unla Warren.
limine the ceremonies. Sue Ann
Owens accompanied by Janice l.a
(irandc. sang "My Task" ami
"The lord's Praser." The Klam
ath Kails Chapter of the order
ol (he DeMnlay under the direc
lion of John Otterbein. master
councilor, assisted in Hie inslalla
lion ceremonies
Introductions included Mrs. C.e
nea Svwlt. roval matron nt
Knendhip Court. Order of the
Amaranth, who piesented Queen
Nancy with her white Bible; O K
Alle. associate guardian of Belli
el No. h. Thomas C. Barnes, wnr
The new year 196.1 finds tlie
Alturas Garden Club looking for
ward to a busy year and looking
back on a year of accomplish
ment in 1962.
The Christmas meeting was
held at the home of Mrs. C. W
Carstens. which was beautiful in
its holiday decor. Refreshments
were flaming plum puddings.
Reports of the holiday festival
in November told of a most suc
cessful affair.
Twelve members were present
at the January meeting at the
home of the president, Airs. Russ
Enderlin. Reports were heard on
the Christmas lighting program
and thanks given to Pacific Pow
er and Light Company. Copco
Division for its sponsorship with
the chih. Club members urge all
residents to plan in advance for
next year so that the display will
lie even better than the one just
A letter was read from Kd Gas-
saway. former resident ol Allur
as now living in Texas. He told
how he. as an employe of the
NCO Railroad, had moved Ihe
building which is now the club
house to its present location.
Mis. Roliert Schluter sliowed
slides taken by Kathryn Decker.
past president, of flower arrange
ments shown m former shows
staged by Ihe Alturas Garden
Plans were formulated for a
card party late in February.
NKW YORK U'PD - The na
tional chairman for L'niled Com
munity Campaigns of America has
announced the collection of a rec
ord $."20 million in this season's
United Fund and Community
Chest drive.
Oliver G. Willils mane Ihe an
nouncement al a meeting Tues
day during which volunteer lead
ers from various segments of the
population were honored for their
services in the campaign launched
iasl SeptemtHT.
Bridal Shower
CHILOQUIN A bridal shower
honoring Cindy Martinez was giv
en Jan. 17 at the home of Doris
Kircher. Hostesses were Doris
Kircher, Donna Kircher, Jinny
Lynn Doak, Dianne Haas, Judy
David and Pearl Adamo.
Games were played by Ihe 25
guests and prizes were won by
Phyllis Bickers and Jo Chase.
The guest of honor was present
ed with a wishing well after each
guest made a wish and dropped
a penny into the well.
Oul-of-lown guests were Mrs.
David Bigby and Mrs. Harold
Li of Klamath Falls.
LOW in calories.
HIGH in vitamins.
HIGH in Proteins.
LIGHT in body.
rhips and rewards of tl cbaiter 2. which will be mitiatmn iitphl
mrmbors when Mananita hecamr
a chapter.
Tin Gland Chapter was rrpre
rented bv rYan-rs Kalma, iirand
Ada and member of rro.vpenH
Cliaplcr, Malm, and Henry Here
lrwni, paiul committee nirmlcr
i'l I Im- Home Endowment Kund.
MATH. Maine U I'l '-The pud
ed nubile frigate Many lv ai -nell
leaves here today for tlir
Bnstim naval 5lnpaid where il
will be turned oer In the Navy
T!it- .vU.foii e--rl will be cm
mi?nned Feb 2
?1. DEAN
rjiil DEWITT
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Insurance Agency
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