Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 26, 1963, Page 20, Image 20

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    Iflflardliad Case Uc
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RECENTLY WED Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Marshall were
married Dac. 29 at the First Presbyterian Church. Mrs.
Marshall is the former Caroline Case. Photo by Kettler
.Lodges Stage Joint Rites
The first joint installation of of
ficers for the Ladies Auxiliary
and Canton of Crater No. 7, Pa
triarchs Militant of Oregon was
lield on Thursday, Jan. 10, at the
IOOT Hall.
Preceding the ceremony regu
lar meetings of both orders at 8
p.m. were conducted by George
Blanas, captain of Canton Crater
IVo. 7 and Lady Margaret Bidcn,
president of the Ladies Auxiliary.
At !) p.m. the ceremony of in
stallation was opened for mem
bers and guests of the order. The
Jndr was decorated with purple
and gold and emblematic wall
wnels displayed above the old
icrs' chairs.
Installing officers were Lady
the1 auxiliary and Brig. Gen
Herbert Munscll, department
onmrnandcr of Oregon, who were
agisted by Ladies Helen McCor
nVkj. adjutant: Zclma Jogorski,
tiirte. Harriette Estcs. chaplain:
AlsTgaret Bidcn, musician, and
Edilh Wiard, sentry.
Lady Margaret Bidcn, retiring
president and Capt. George Blan-
ht, were presented with their re-
tiring jcucl and commission, then
seated as junior past ollicers,
Elective ollicers installed for
the auxiliary were Ladies Sylvia
Jones, president; Bernice McCrac
krn, vice president; Francis Mun
cll, sccrclai-y; Vera Fritsch.
treasurer. For the Canton the fol
io" ing commissions were read
and Charles Lcib was installed
as captain; Robert Anderson, lieu
tenant; Ldpar Hoffman, ensign,
and Tom (Jrunh as clerk.
Appointive o I f i c c r s installed
vere Ladies Charlotte Anderson,
cliicer o Hie day; Helen Mc
l ornack. odicrr of the guard; Hel
en Blanas. color sergeant; l.cla
Molt, color bearer; Uuth Hcdiuk.
nlor guard; ls Kamtra, ch.ip
lam; lona Mac Wells, scntiv; Ha-
7 McNeil, right aide to presi
dent; Louise O'Brien, lei I aide to
president; Zclma Jogorski, right
aide to vice president; Francis
killian, left aide to vice presi
dent: Anna Bean, right aide to
ihaplain: Sally Hoffman, lett aide
tn chaplain: Stella Dryden. right
a'de to past president; Sylvia
Tilton. led aide In past president;
Mae Anderson, Lina Motsehen
bacber and Edith Wiard, honor
guards. For the Canton, Frank
M'Cnniack was installed as ban
ner bearer; Louis Kandra. chap
lam; Brig. Gen. Herbert Munsell
guard; George Blanas. sentinel.
following the installation, gilts
rre presented by l-arly Sylvia
Jones to Lady Margaret Bidcn (oi
lier service to the auxiliary,
Refreshments were served in
the dining hall. The buffet table
was decorated with a pink and
white floral arrangement in hon
or of the birthdays of Ladies Syl
via Jones and Mae Anderson
Lighted birthday cakes were pre
sented to both. In charge of the
refreshments were Helen McCor
nack and Isabel Foster.
Men's Tailors
Preview Styles
gallant little band of men's tailors
Helen Blanas, past president of got their chance today to display
MMJN - Hie VFW Social Pi-
no-hie Club mot Jan. 16. at the
home o( Huth Morrows in Klam
ath Falls, with II members pres
ent. High prize went to Kalhenne
hensee, low to Blanche Bel
diaine. Katherine Kensee will host
I February meeting at her
their wares in the feminine world
of the Italian spring-summer fash
ion shows.
After five days of feminine
finery, four tailors joined to give
international buyers and the press
some clues about what fashionable
escorts will be wearing next season.
Even so. the men were out
numbered two to one on the final
day before the fashion scene shifts
linm Florence to Pans Friday
Four designers of masculine
high fashion Rrionl, Fianzonl.
Lelrico and Fatti vied for attention.
The Florence lintel was the
scene of the men's fashion show,
rather than the while ballroom of
Pitli Palace that serves as a show
case (or dresses.
The Medici family, once the
rulers ol Florence and former res
idents of Pitli Palace, would have
enjoyed the Giolica collection
Wednesday night. The Meduis had
a scicntilic turn of mind that led
to hobbies like the study ol poi
sons and mechanical toys.
Gtolica gave carelul study to the
engineering problem ol how- to ex
pose the maximum ol hare back
without having the dress fall down
in limit.
One solution was to construct
bodices with (routs and a set ol
loops. The arms lilted through the
narrow loops to anchor the dress
in place and leave an uncluttered
expanse of skin from the back ol
the neck to the waist.
Giolica varied the more classic
solution ol the halter neckline by
suspending the dress from chunky
Aztec necklaces.
Once the problem ol baring the
back was solved, Giouca's collec
tion concentrated on a line of Az
tec inspiration awiurl with cai1.
("oats came in shades ol apricot
and amber or in big hoiindstooth
checks with neat c.tW-co!lar that
cnveicd the up!cr aim lor ee-ning
)esigner Eleanoia Gainett used
tiny waists, full skirts and cape
backs for a collection with an
aura ol floating lemintnitv. She
not only showed capos tint cape
coals, caie-J a c k e t s and cape-dresses.
Marriage vows between Mrs
Caroline H. Case and Harry J
.Marshall were exchanged Dec. 29
at the First Presbyterian Church
at 2 p.m. A pink and white theme
was effected with the use of glad
ioli, carnations and chrysanthe
mums with lighted pink tapers in
floor candelabra.
Officiating at the dbunle ring
ceremony were the Rev. Robert
C. Groves and the Rev. Laing
Sibbet of Peace Memorial Pres
byterian Church.
Mrs. A. F, Hcrringshaw was
the organist and accompanist for
the soloist, Mrs. William Daven
port. The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Purl V. Helton of
San Carlos, who were unable to
be present for the wedding.
Dr. and Mrs. Harry J. Marshall
of Santa Barbara attended their
son's wedding.
The bride designed and made
her wedding gown of mauve im
ported Belgian brocade, fashioned
with three quarter sleeves
and scoop neckline. Unprcssed
pleats gave soft fullness to the
short skirt. A net float veil was
held by mauve feather clips. A
double strand of pearls was a gift
of the bridegroom. She carried a
nosegay of pink rosebuds and fca
thered white chrysanthemums.
Matron of honor, Mrs. Charles
Heaton, wore a frock of mauve
and off-white French imported
brocade made similarly to the
bride's gown, but with sheath
skirt. Her nosegay was a smaller
version of the bridal bouquet.
Best man was the bridegroom's
brother-in-law. Dr. Harry H. Ba
ley of Pullman. Ushers were
John L. Christie of Asloria and
9n ?j)eceinlter
Rohert L. Pryor, formerly of As
toria, now residing in this city.
The bridegroom's mother chose
for the occasion a pale green wool
dress worn with flowered hat ol
green and amber tones and a
reen cymbidium orchid corsage.
The reception was held in the
church parlors which were deco
rated in the pink and white wed
ding decor. A three tiered cake
was decorated with pink roses
and topped with pink bells. Pink
candles in silver candelabra
Hanked the cake, which was
served by Mrs. Lee Brasseur.
Mrs. Sam Raymond presided at
the collce service and Mrs. War
ren Pechman served punch.
The ncwlyweds spent their hon
eymoon in Southern California.
Mrs. Marshall changed to a trav
el outfit of chocolate brown dou
ble knit suit with white hat and
white orchid corsage.
She attended Oregon State Uni
versity and recently was an em
ploye of First Federal Savings
and Loan Association.
The bridegroom is a graduate
of Drake University and Iowa
Slate University and is a mem
ber of the Society of American
Foresters. He is piesently unit
lorcstcr with the Oregon State
Forestry Department. The couple
will make their home at 4824 La
verne Street in this city.
Special guests at the wedding
were Dr. and Mrs. Harry H
Batcy, Tom, Sheila, Ann and
Barbara of Pullman; Mrs. Rich-
aid R. Schreibcr, Malibu, Calif.;
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Chrislie
and family, Astoria; Mrs. Doug
las Dondson and family, Jack
sonville, Ore.; Mrs. John Ward
and Betsy, La TUirada, Calif.
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BRIDE-TO-BE Announced this week in Tulelake by
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Fairclo is the engagement of their
daughter, Margie, to Gary L. Walker, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Chalmers Walker of Portland. The bride, also the
daughter of Austin Lewis of Portland, is attending Ad
vertising Art School in that city. Her fiance is present
ly serving as second class corpsman in the Coast Guard,
stationed at the USCG Academy Hospital in New Lon
don, Conn. No wedding date has been set.
Lions Aux. Sponsors
Institutes For Blind
Two institutes for parents and
visually handicapped children are
being held in the Portland area
These are sponsored by the Ore
gun Stale School for the Blind
and the Oregon Slate Lions Aux
The first "Living Skills Insti
tute" will he held at St. Ma
thews Lutheran Church in Beav
erton on Jan. 26. Older blind stu
dents attending the Oregon Stale
School or the Blind and their par
ents will he working together cook
ing on gas stoves, ironing, bed
making, and dusting. Younger
children and their parents will
work together to develop living
skills in dressing themselves,
brushing teeth, hanging clothes
and playing games.
Tile second institute will be held
at Ml. Tabor School in Portland
on Feb. !t. Children attending pub
lie schools in Portland will he
working with their parents at this
Emphasis this year is nn en
couraging parents to work with
their children in developing living
skills to lead as normal a life as
possible. "Strengths to be Devel
oped" will he the topic for the
discussion ficriod.
I mil three years a;o these in
slilules were held in Salem, hut
now (ive are held each year in the
dillcrent areas in the state. It is
tell in spreading them throughout
the stale more parents have an
opiHirtiinily to attend and learn1
how they can help their children
grow into responsible adults
Two institutes have been held
so far. The lust was on Nov. .1
at Medford with 72 attending
w here one little boy started leach
lug his lather to play chess. The
second was in Springlield Nov. 17
wilh Ml in attendance.
The linal one will be held May
4 in Salem, at the Oreeon State
School (or the Blind This insti
till e will include all pre-school
The Oregon Stale Lions Auxil
iary adopted the Parents Institute
program in 1950 and provides the
luncheons, accommodations and
baby sitting facilities. Mrs. Rob
ert Schcrcr is state Lions Auxil
iary president and she is work
ing with Mollie Vlasnik, parent
counselor and C. C. Woodcock.
su)criiitendcnt of the Oregon Slate
School or the Blind planning the
The clubs cooperating in the
ione al Beaverlon arc the auxil
iary clubs of West Hills, Cedar
Hills and Beavcrton. Roseway and
Columbia clubs are responsible
lor the institute in Portland.
Guests Visit
In Bonanza
BONANZA Recent guests al
the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. M
llesclline and Mrs. Jennie Hare
were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stabler
and family, Alameda, formerly
of Medford.
Fred Stabler is connected witli
the Bureau of Internal Revenue
and is being transferred to Wash
ington, DC.
Mrs. Stabler is the former l-ois
Hare, daughter of Mrs. Jennie
Hare and sister of Mrs. Hascl-
Ime She is a graduate ol Bonanza
High School and has been a teach-1
or in the Medford school svslem
the past six years.
The Stablers w ill visit her niece
and hdsband. Mr. and Mrs. Hon
t nance and daughter at Lincoln.
Neb., and an uncle. L. E. Camp
bell and family at Constance,
Iowa, en route to their new home
at Arlington. Va.
7 " r
I' 4J i I
Tlw tmip to repUue a loose
button is More it drops off the
co-1 time. M;ike reeular wardrobe
check, ami tighten buttons npht
NEWLYWEDS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ronald SandaM
were married Dec. 8 in the Firtt Baptist Church of Pay
ette, Idaho. She is the former Echo Diane Jimerson,
dauqhter of Mrs. Jan Johnson of Bend and Earl Jimerson,
Payette. The bridegroom is the son of C. P. Sandahl,
Pender, Neb. He is well-known in the Klamath Falls area,
having been employed by Weyerhaeuser Company for
many years. He is presently at Camp No. 9. The couple
will make their home In Bend at 137 St. Helens Street.
Semite Korean Relations Com
mittee Wednesday approved the
nomination of David K. Hell, for
mer hudpet director, to head the
(nreifin aid program.
The committee aIo approved
the nomination of tnrmer Secre
tary of State Christian A Herter
to he President Kernedy's repre
sentative in tariff nrotiations un
der the new Foreign Trade Act.
MAUN - Mrs. Charles .John
son was hoMess Tuesday. Jan. 7,
H her home to the Happy How
iliidj;e Club. Two tables were in
play w ith hiiih score joini? to Mm.
tobert Hull ami second hiyh .n
Mrs, Ixvster Seltremer.
(Mhets playing were Mis. (i. C.
Illohm, Mrs Con .lohnson. Mrs
Charles Hamilton. Mrs. tt C Dal
ton Sr. Mrs. .1. Perrv Halcv
and Mrs. A K Street.
Big Savings Now During
Final January
Charge Now Pay In March
The books or cloid. All chorg purchasci
made boljnce of (hit month will nor bt due un
til March 10th.
for tX
I Inclusively fi'r Children
tit Mm . W, 0... Grtrn Stompt (rViVtfuf)
WHILE CV WAIT, cur present lenses con be
mounuvl in beautiful new domes ot verv little
COM Sfs les change, but more important so
do vour eves Dr. No!cs Optometrists hove safe
quonled the sight of Oregonians for over 53 veors
While nv-vjemiiina vour homes, have vour eves
examined, too. No crpomtment needed.
Cmpl.it tyt Eiomlnalitn
- Convtnint Crtdit
Wt give H'fC Orttn Jfomp
730 Moin TU 4-7121
"Dm. Omer J. Noltl t'i RoMrt Ptti
HERALD ANT) NEWS, Klamath f alls. Orr.
Sunday, January S7, 1JJ
Emblem Club Stages Luau
LAKEVIEW Flower leis. muu
muus, pineapple, palm trees and
papaya provided so much atmos
phere for the party staged Sat
urday night, Jan. 19. by the Lake
view Emblem Club that it seemed
almost like a luau had been trans
ferred (rom theaiiutdoors o( the
Hawaiian Islands to the confines
of the local Elks Club rooms.
The party marked the close of
a membership drive with the los
ers as hostesses. The husbands of
the ladies were invited to join in
the festivities which included a
smorgasbord style serving and
dancing to records of Hawaiian
Alma Middlebrooks was chair
man of the arrangements, and
she Wjis ably assisted by Mer
ceille Bell. Bea Gilbert, Lois fing
ers. Bcthcn Fctsch and Joycelin
The 11 new members added to
the club include Nell Wells, Mary
Sanborn. Jean Jonas, Darlene
Watson, Bobbie Hughes, Emma
Moscr, Lois Jackson, Betty De
Witt. Bobbie Stapleton, Margaret
Buckhorn and Joycelin Decker.
Officers of the club are Bea
Gilbert, president; Mildred Hop
field, vice president; Peg Strieby,
financial secretary; Mary How
ard, recording secretary; Mary
Plato, corresponding secretary,
and Judv Wiseman, treasurer.
9th & PINE
TU 4-3188
' "cl
! - it l FASHION,
jr I VALUE j
Brentshire easy-care
Wards trio of instant mixers for
your casual way of life... at
our famous thrifty prices.
T, In-or-out shirt. Wash 'n wear
Wamsutta 'Ultrapoise' cotton.
While, colors. 32 to 38. 3.98
f. Belted unpressed pleated
skirt. Wamsutta Ultrapoise cot
ton. Black and colors. 8-1 8! 5.91
7 Galey and lord woven plaid
cotton pants. Self belt. Two
pockets. Concealed zipper.
Siies 8 to 20 5.91