HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Zany Gags Produced For Movie HOLLYWOOD (UPI Jlovie producer Stanley Kramer has spent $317,000 on such tomfoolery as a ruined gas station, a fire works explosion and the chance to dump Phil Silvers in a river. Kramer is producing the multi million dollar picture. "It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World" andl he's determined to make it as in sane as possible. To do so, Kramer must invent situations tor such clowns as Jimmy Durante, Milton Berle, Sid Caesar, Buddy Hackett, Mickey Rooncy, Dick Shawn and Ethel Merman. Kramer and his script writers get the zany ideas and then dump them into the lap of special ef fects man Danny Lee. It's up to Lee to figure a way to activate the 6ags. Lee and his staff of 20 assist ants worked hard and long figur ing out how to maneuver an empty automobile one mile down a highway and off a 500-foot cliff. I'ses Remote Control After hours of searching for in volved electronic equipment Lee built a do-it-yourself remote con-i Irol set for the automobile. When it was time to film the cliff scene Lee stood on a hillside a mile away from the car. Via remote control he started the en gine, steered the car, turned it off the highway and over a cliff. The scene calling for Phil Sil vers' car to sink in a river was complicated by the fact that Philj can t swim. With the use of pulleys, pon toons and lifeguards for Phil, thcl car was driven into the river, seemed to float away and sink. Actually, it was pulled under the water by cables. Fireworks For Caesar Other tricks were equally com plicated, like the one which placed Sid Caesar and Edic Adams in the middle of a fireworks explo sion. The slapstick atmosphere of the picture is reminiscent of old time comedy. One scene has a gang of actors on a collapsing fire escape while another puts the perform ers atop a swaying 100-foot fire enqinc ladder. One of the zaniest scenes shows a fight between Jonathan Winters and a couple of gas station at tendants. Lee had to build the service station so the whole struc ture would collapse as the three men fought around it. Lee. a 20-ycar veteran in special effects work, has been creating "Mad World's" tricks for the past 10 months. And after 217 tricks, he's finally finished. ' 7 IV.! 6 NEW YEAR STARTS Bugs Bunny, the famous Werner Brother's certoon character, and Connie Stevens, "Ha waiian Eye" television star, go on a mandarin kick to herald the Chinese celebration of the Year of the Hare which began Friday, Jan. 25, marking the first day of the year 4661 on the Chinese calendar. Connie and Bugs have obviously given up carrots for chow mein. UPI Telephoto British Theatre Leaves U.S. Actor Unimpressed CHICAGO i LTD A veteran of a famed American acting group returned from a two-month run in Iindon with some candid views on the British theater, most of them unfavorable. "From what 1 saw of them. Londoners love vulgarity." said Ilrl Close of the Second City Croup in Chicaso. considered the top improvisationa! theater in the Lnited States. "They ooh and ah at the word 'Rloody.' TVy're fonder of hear in; and uinj four-lctlrr word' tr.an American audiences and p'.iyf rs." Close was reminded that the British imace is one o( a tolerant, sophisticated nation which permits Naiis and CommuniMi to speak tiieir piece in any .-treet park. "That a mth. said lice ' Press t-"e British one ce.itimeterimillcd to piay "canned" music. Falls, Orr. Sunday, BELIEVE IT OR NOT It's John Wayne who is in trouble in this scene with Maureen O'Hara from their current movie, "McUntock!" Miss O'Hera's lively reaction to Wayne's peddling left him with scratches, bumps, and bruises. "Whoever wrote that scene didn't know Maureen O'Hara. I should have sued for damages when it was over," Wayne said following the filming. UPI Telephoto Red-Haired Dancer Most Eligible 'Old After Giving Sinatra Air By RAYMOND C. MEAN'S United Press International One of the country's must elig ible "old maids" is a 26-year-old, red-haired dancer from South Af rica named Juliet Prowse. She has beauty, poise, talent and appeal, but beware, Charlie, she also calls the plays. Frank Sinatra found out how hard Miss Prowse is to budge when she refused to give up her career for a television set and the fireside. Neither budged and their marriage plans dissolved last summer. At the time she was earning1 $300 a week at 20th Century Fox The contract has since been can celled, after she filed a $31.0001 suit. Miss Prowse recently com manded $25,000 for a weekend en gagement in Las Vegas and (eels the divorce from 20th Century Fox has been for the best. At 2fi, Miss Prowse says she would like to get married, "but not to settle down." past the point of their studied lot erance and liberalism and they get sullen and nasty." The Second Citv actor thinks the Enali'h are. in the main, maso chistic. He said the audiences his group plavcd to when thev swapped places with tlie Establish ment Club group of l.nndnn en couraced a "hit me harder it hurts nice" approach. According to Close, one Englishman, appar ently not hearing enough anti British remarks from the Amcri can group, yelled: "Now let's go after gond old Macmillan!" Close thought the British thea ters were "beautifully small" and ideal (or establishing audience rapport. He also thought British theater benefited bv kioer union regulations, such as U'ina per January 27. 1963 "I've been too active all my ifc." she said. But being on the go doesn't mean all the time. After a recent engagement at Art's Roaring 20 s! night club outside San Diego, Cat if., she expressed a desire to go home and rest. Home is a 20-ycar-old cottage in Benedict Canyon in Los An geles. It's something I've been look ing for lor ages, she said. It has w indow boxes, wood panelling and is very warm just right lor a single girl." But neither docs being home mean taking it easy. Besides keep ing her form and what have been called "the most beautiful legs in the world" in trim, she swims. recently learned to water ski ventures onto a tennis court once Pulitzer Prize Winner Happy Over HOLLYWOOD (LPD-Once novelist sells his book to the mov-i ics he covers himself with sack loth and ashes and screams like a man stricken w ith the bends. It is traditional. Movie companies, as authors see it, dismemher tneir novels rob them of artistic merit and generally frowze up the plot so as to make it unrecognizable. The only solace they find is in the boxcar it takes to haul away the money from the sale. Therefore it comes as s distinct1 hock to find a Pulitzer Prize winner who is delighted with what the movies have done with one of the best-selling books in rcccn publishing history. Tlie author is Harper Lee. The Ixxik: "To Kill A Mockingbird " Miss Ice, a southern gal. sal in on a star-studded preview of the screen version of her novel and came away smiling happily. It s a fantastically good mo tion picture." she said at a bullet supper alter the screening. "And t remained faithful to the spirit of the book. It was unpretentious. Nothing phony about it." Miss l,co left off to accept the congratulations of the stars 'Rock Hudson. Gregory Peck. N'alalie Wood. Paul Newman' and other celebrities who had aitended the screening. "I had one or two doubts about selling the hook to films." she said. 'But the decision was un emotional and done matlcr-of-fact "When I met Alan Pakula 'the producer1 I was Impressed with him. and then Bob Mulligan Ithe director" esuded confidence. Both men have excellent taste, and when Horlon Foote was signed to write the screenplay I had no mKeiunes whatever. "My first reaction to the sale was indifference. Aller all, I don't write deathless prose." There are tho-e who would ar :uc with Miss Lee on that point. Her book has been described as a great work of art. And the moie piomies In be one of the finest of the past detade "I'm still surprised about the1 success of the book." Mns Ijee1 a.d. 'It was my first, you know." Mis-, Ie is adamant in denmg thai any part of "To Kill A Mockingbird" is autobiographical. j SI is just as definite in her un-. 'tinting praise of the actors who hrouSl her story to hie. PAGE 5-C 4 Called Maid' in a while and also rides horses. She said she also loves to dance and rather than being bored by partners w ith apparently less skill she says, "some of the world's best ballroom dancers are non professionals." She said she pres ently has no serious romance. Miss Prowse is what you might! call a combination of the lady and the tiger. In her conversation she s demure but straightforward On the other hand, her dances how a wild abandon in which1 she purposely associates herself with Africa, where she was brought up. Her paramount object now is' Broadway. "I'd like nothing more than to do a Broadway show, but only if the right vehicle came along." she said. Film Effort "I thought Gregory Peck was absolutely right for the role of the father as soon as 1 met him," she said. "I felt the same way about Die children ( Mary Badham and Phillip Alford'. They had never acted before, but in this picture they are simply great." Informed that she was behav ing terribly unchic in her appro-1 bation of the picture, Miss Lee smiled broadly: "I'm a very sat isfied author. Maybe my exper ience with tlie movie version of my book will encourage other nov. elists to expect the same kind of treatment " TV NOTES -Nttt oiK 'LPIi-'My Un forgettable Teacher" is the sub ject for a sou-word essay contest lor men school students that of fers 10 college scholarships valued at M.ooo each in behalf of the CBS "G-K College Bowl" pro pram entries must be submitted iMJtorc March .11. Hallmark Hall of Fame" mil come up wan one ot us rare original dramas for its fourth of fenng of the season on MIC April 4. James Lee. who has a fine video record, is the author of this ork. which covers a phase of the life of British statesman Benjamin Disraeli. It does not yet have title or cast. Rod Sorting completed four of the first 13 scripts for his new hour-long version of "Tw light Z on CBS while conducting courses in plavwriting and mass media. as writer-in-residenre. late lat year at his alma mater. Anlioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio "Art Lmklrttor's House Tarty" program on CBS is reaching the venerable stage. It started in ra dio in VMS and had Us Iftih birth day in January. It has been on television for II vearv Richard Chamberlain of NBC's "Dr. Kildaie" is tlie latest lead ing man of a drama wne to have his vocalizing captured on a phonograph album. MGM has jut issued the big platter as a result of the success it had with two earlier single records by the ac tor. TV Schedules KBES-TV MIDFono, omoon Ctiannal I Pacific Standard Tlmt January V Ftbniary 1 Uatlaaa CMtalnaO haralft art aaalilha at a paalic aarvlca v tha Haral an Nava. Thia nawtaanar la nal raiaan Biala far arrara In tlmaa ar aratram aantanf aa laralanaa" ay tfia alaftan. frram liallaii aaaiact fa ahanfa vltnaaf nallca. Far aaalllaaal H(ar mafiafl aall fRa alatlan. St'NDAT ll:M Roller Derby 12:00 Challenge Golf 1:00 Adventures In Wed'tine 1:30 Higrtir Education & You 3:00 Oral Robert! ? 30 Sunday Sports SDeciacuJar 4:00 ChamplonshlD Bowling 5:00 Fathe K"0s Bftt S; CE College Bol :00 20th Century t X Password 7:00 Trt Jetsoni 7:30 Dennis The Menace I Ed Sullivan f:0f Reel McCoyi 9 1 r,,e. True Theater l:W Candid Camera 10: 30 Whflt'j My Lint 11:00 Newt 11:1$ S'Bn Off MONDAY 1:00 Captain Kangaroo f.00 Calendar :M I Love Lucy 10 00 McCoys )0 JO Pete and Gladys 11:00 Leva at Lite 11:74 CBS News 11:30 Search lor Tomorre 11:45 Guiding Light 12:00 Cslleqt Of the Air 12:30 A the World Turns 1:00 Password 1 : JO House Party 2:00 To Tell The Trulh 2:25 CBS News 2:30 Jane Wvman 3 00 Secret Storm 3:30 Edge el Night 4:00 Johnnie Linn Shew 4:30 Discovery '63 4:55 American Newsstand 5:00 Alvin 5:30 Rin Tin Tin :00 TV Weatherman 4:05 Channel S Report e:15 CBS News 6:30 McHale s Navy 7:00 My Three Sons 7:30 Dakotas 1:30 Lucille Bell Show :00 Danny Thomas 9:30 Andy Grillith 10:00 77 Sunset Strip ):KS ABC News Final 1:15 Report to the People 11:45 Sign Ott TUESDAY 1:00 Captain Kangaroo e 00 Calendar :30 I Love Lucy 10.00 The McCoys 10:30 Pete & Gladys 11:00 Love of Life 11:24 CBS News 11:30 Search For Tomorrow 11:45 Guiding Light 12:00 College of the Air 12 30 As The World Turns 1:00 Password 1:30 House Parly 2:00 To Ten The Truth 2:75 CBS News 2:30 Jane Wvman 3:00 Secret Storm 3:30 Edge of Nighl 4:00 Johnnie Linn Show 4:30 Discovery '63 4:54 American Newsstand 5:00 Sky King 5:30 Quick Draw McGrew t oo Your TV Weatherman Channel 5 Report 4:15 Walter Cronklte Newt 6: 30 The Deputy 7:00 Country Show 7 30 Marshal Dillon 8 00 Lloyd Brtdqt 1:30 Red Ski I ton :30 Jeck Benny I0:M Garry Moore 11:00 ABC News Final 1t:lS Sign Oil WEDNESDAY 1:00 Captain Kengero e 00 Calendar 9:30 I Love Lucy 10:00 McCoys 10:30 Pete end Gladys 11:00 Love of Life 11:74 CBS Newt 11:30 Search (or Tomorrow 11:4 Guiding Light 12:00 College of the Air 17 30 As the World Turns 1:00 Password 1:30 House Party I 00 To Tell the Trulh 2:25 CBS News 2:30 Jane Wvman 3:00 Secret Storm 3:30 Edge of Night 4:00 Johnnie Linn Show 4:30 Discovery '43 4:54 American Newsstand 5 00 Uncle Bill's Adventure Time S:31 Yogi Beer 4:00 TV Woelhtrman 4:05 News 4:15 CBS Newt 4:30 Hillbillies 7:00 Onie I Harriet 7:30 Wtran Train I TO Going My Way f:30 Dick Van Dyke It 00 Naked City 11:00 ABC News Final 11. 15 Sign On THURSDAY t oo Captain Kangaroo 9 00 Calender t il I Love Lucy It 00 McCoys 10 30 Pete and Gladys 11:04 Leva of Life 11:74 CBS News 11: It Search tor Tomorrow 1:45 Gudlng Light 12 Ot College f the Air J 30 A the World Turns 1 00 Peisword 1 It House Party 2 00 To Tell The Truth 2 75 CBS News 2 30 Jane Wyman 3:61 Secret Storm S: 30 tdge ef Night 4.00 Johnnie Linn Shew 4 30 Discovery '43 4 54 American Newsstand 5 GO Mightv Mouse S:9t Roy Rogers 4 00 Your TV Weethorman 4 tl Channel I Reeert 4 M Walter Cronhi'e 4 30 Sports Reundufj 7.0t R'flomex 7:30 Mr. bd 04 Parry Maton f 00 Twilight ?er 10 oo A'coe Premier It ft ABC Newt Pinal IS lop Star Bowling 1715 S gn Off FRIDAY I no Captain Kangaroo f 00 Calendar 9 30 l Lo-a Luey It 00 VcCOf 0 30 Pete and Giedyi n ot Love of Life 11 24 CBS Newt t 30 Searr.h lo' TamrrOW ii 4i Guidmg Light t2 00 Coi.eoe of t'e Air 17 t At the World Turns 1 00 Password 1 30 House Party 2 M To Tell The Truth 2 75 CBS Nrw 2 30 Jane Wvman 3 00 Secret Stm 3 30 tlge of H.gt 4 CO Johnny Linn ho 4 M DitQverv '41 4 54 mKKi heita"4 5 00 jnttt A ll 5 to Mwefcieoerry Hound 4 H Your T we'fran 4 05 enamel J Perort 4 '5 Wetter Cronime 4 V) S'O'V Of 7 Ot Leave if tt Beevtr 7 50 Pwh-d t Route 44 10 I'm OirUn! H' FfniUr It 00 Ai''d Hitehrer II 00 Aftr Nwi Fmal 1110 Lyl N0t Final tl 15 Stage 1 45 lgn Of SATIRDAY '7 M BiOS Pny 17 Vg.f La- 1 00 Vy Fr.er.fl Fl.rka t )0 A'PIX ,r aS-la-eMll' 1 s V't t wth City Pi'-fe 3 00 Cf,.imoioit',io Bridge 7 Cf-aiienoe GH 3 30 Pn)tSVOnl BflWters Tour 5 ffl Maimer -Tha-' You Mr, W 4 00 Oen Sm Report 4 15 Wanio f irum 7 00 -vt a S-Kret 7 The Defend t I 30 The De'eMf't 9 34 Hee Gin Will Trel It M Uuntmote II 00 Nei Fmai ii n vg 1 ' C'uy B-en" 17 45 S gn Off KOTI-TV KLAMATH PALLS, ORIBON Channel I Pacific Standard Time January 37 February 1 SUNDAY 11:30 Championship Bridge 17.00 Challenge Golf 1:00 Championship Bowling 2:00 Oral Roberts 2:30 Sunday Spot's Spectacular 4 00 Dan Smoot Report 4.15 Manion Forum 4-30 Alumni Fun 5 00 Ma i or Adams Trallmasler 4 00 70th Century 4:30 Trails West 7 00 Ensign O'ToolC 7:30 Jetsont 1.00 Sunday Night Movie "On the Beach" 0 00 Candid Camera 0 30 Howard K. Smith 1:00 Sunday News Sreciol MONDAY 0 00 College ot the Air 0 30 Queen For A Day 1:00 Jane Wvman l 30 Yours for a Song 2:00 Emit Ford 12:30 As ihe World Turns 1:00 Father Knows Best House Party 3:00 Day In Court 2:30 Seven Keys 3:00 Secret Storm 3:30 Edge ol Night 4:00 American Bandstand 4:00 Discovery '63 4 55 American Newsstand 5 00 Chaplain's Corner 5 05 Town & Country Workshop 5:30 Dennis The Menace 6:00 Your TV Weatherman 4:C5 Farm Market Report 4:10 Slock Market Report 4:15 ABC News 4:30 Local News 6 45 Scotty's Barks 'n' Bites (Spo 7:00 Mr, Ed 7:30 The Dakotas t 30 Rifleman 9:00 Stoney Burke 0:00 Ben Casey 1:00 ABC Final RenorT 1:15 Governor Hattifld Reports TUESDAY 0 00 College of the Air 0:30 Queen For A Day 1:00 Jane wvman Presents 1:30 Yours For A Song 2:00 Tennessee Ernie Ford 2:30 As The World Turns 1:00 Father Knows Best 1:30 House Party 2:00 Day In Court 7:30 Seven Keys 3:00 Secret Storm 3:30 Edge of Night 4:00 American Bandstand 4:30 Discovery '63 4:55 American Newsstand 5:00 Chaplain's Corner 5:05 Tech Talks 5:30 Quick Draw McGraw 4:00 Your TV Weatherman 4:05 Farm Market Report 4:10 Stock Market Report 6:15 ABC News 4:30 Local Newt 6:45 TBA 7:00 David Brlnkiey't Journal 7:30 Combat 1:30 Hawaiian Eye 9:30 Untouchable! 10:30 Bell & Howell Clostup 11:00 ABC Final Report WEDNESDAY 10:00 College el the Air 10:30 Queen For A Day 11:00 Jane Wyman 11:30 Yours For Song 12:00 Ernie Ford 12:30 At The World Turni 1:00 Father Knows Best 1:30 House Parly 2:00 Day In Court 7:J0 Seven Keys 3:00 Secret Storm 3:30 Edge or Night 4:00 American Bandstand 4:30 Discovery '63 4 55 American Newsstand 5:00 Chaplain's Corner 5:05 Fund-o-Rama 3:30 Yogi Beer 4 00 Your TV Weatherman 4:05 Farm Market Report 4:10 Stock Market Report 4:15 ABC News 4:30 Local News 4:45 Sportsman 7:00 Haiel 7:30 Wagon Train 1:30 Going My Way 9:30 Our Man Higgins 10:00 Naked City 11:00 ABC Final Report THURSDAY 10 00 College of the Air 10:30 Queen For A Day 11:00 Jane Wvman 11:30 Yours for a Song 17:00 Ernie Ford 12:30 As The World Turns 1.00 Father Knows Best 1:30 House Party 2:00 Day In Court 7:30 Seven Key 3:00 Secret Storm 3:30 Edge Of Night 4:00 American Bandstand 4:30 Discovery '63 4:55 American Newsstand 5 00 King Leonardo . 5:30 Bullwlnklo 4 00 Your TV Weatherman 4 05 Farm Market Report 4:10 Stock Market Report 4:tS ABC Evening Report 4:30 Local News 4:45 Scotty's Berks 'fl' littt 7:00 Deputy 7:30 Onle end Harriet 00 Story Of 1:30 Leave it Te Beaver 9 00 My Three Sont 9:30 McHale't Navy 10:00 Premiere 11:00 ABC Final Report 11:15 Top tier Bowling FRIDAY 10:00 College Of the Air It 30 Queen For A Day 11:00 Jane Wyman Presents I 30 Your t for a Song 17:00 Tennessee Em-e Ford 13:30 As Th World Turnt 100 Father Knows Beit 1' 30 House Party J Day In Court J 30 Seven Keys 3 00 Secret Storm Edge ef Night 4:00 American Randtlend 4 30 Discovery '41 4:S5 Americen Newsstand 5:00 Ore. Cel. Panorama 5:34 Huckleberry Heund 4 00 Your TV Weatherman 4 05 Farm Merhet Report 4:10 Stock Market Report 4 15 ABC Newt 4 30 Local Newt 4.45 Scotty's Bark 'n' fHt 7 00 Mr. Smith Geet to Washington 7: 30 Valiant Years t 00 Father Knows Beit I 30 Flintstonet 9.00 I'm Dickens-He'a Fernier 9:10 77 Sunset Strip 10 34 M Squad 11 00 BC Final Report 11:15 Showtime On Two SATURDAY 9 00 Captain Kangaroo 10 00 The Alvin Shew 10 30 Mighty Mouse Pioyhoute 11 M Top Cat It 30 Beany A Cecil 7 00 Bugs Bunny 1 3D Vagic I -d nf AMfraiam I 00 Vy Friend FliCke 1 30 Sky King 7 00 Davey fc Goi.eih 7 15 SKial Scun'y 2 30 C aile"ie Goif 2 JO PAA Bowling 5 on w.rje wond ef spent 4 JO Country SNtw 7 00 F'Oht Of me Week 7 W That Spare I 00 Gallant Men 9 00 Lewtrv-t yftk 10 r0 Gunsmoke l 15 Showtime on Two "Claudia" KMED-TV Channel It Ml OFORO. OMOON Pecifw standard Time January 3? Feferuery 1 SUNDAY it Vi Vqn On il 31 Scrt He' 11 45 Th Chnitnoneri 13 00 B'eaktnrough 13 10 W.d Wnrifl 0 Sfwtf Pan mfi Wlr Ski Chamr'OtMh'O ; World Barrel Jywp.rg r hamp.onth 'P J Oft Th .ov nl Thre trii-gs 4 m Wiw'ful World Of Goif 5 'fl Urtate 5 )0 ftitllavmtle 4 00 WM Tre P'-, 4 10 Wi keever a-vl the Ct'Onel 7 M Ensign O'Toe'a 7 10 D'sAey We"d f Ce'er I Yl Car 54. Where A't You 7 9 04 Benanre to 00 i"e Oeeth of Steim ll M hewt 11. OS I t" Off MONDAY 9 31 Sign On Morning Visit For The KM ED-TV 9 30 Continental Classroom 10:00 The Price Is Right 10:30 Concentration 11:00 Your First Impression 11:30 Truth or Consequences 11:55 NBC News 12:00 Merv Gnlfm Show 12:55 NBC News 100 Loretta Young 130 Young Dr. Malone 2 00 Tr-e Match oama 2 7S NBC News 2 30 Make Room for Daddy 3 00 Queen tor a Day 3 30 Who Do You Trust 4 00 Focal Poml 4: 30 Popeye Theater 5:90 King Leonardo 5.30 Our Gang 3:55 Weather Window 4:00 News reel 10 6: 10 Snorts HlqhllQhtt 4 15 Huntley Brinklay Report 6 30 Our Man Hiqgins 7 00 Valiant Years 7. 30 It s A Man s World I JO Stnts and Smnei t 9.30 As Caesar Sees It 10 00 Ben Caev 11:00 News T.n Niqht Report 11:15 Tonight Show 1:00 News, Weather. Sign Off TUESDAY 9:?5 Sign On - Morning Visit 9:30 Continental Classroom 10:00 The Price ts Right 10:30 Concentration 11:00 Your First Impression 11:30 Truth or Consequences 11:55 NBC News 13.00 Aery Gn't.n Show 12:55 NBC News 1 00 Loretta Young 2 00 The Match Game 1 ?S NBC News 2 30 Make Room For Daddy 3:00 Queen for a Day 3:30 Who Do You Trust? 4:00 Focal Point ' 4:30 Popeye Theater 5:00 Magic Ranch 5:30 Laurel and Hardy 5:55 Weather Window 4:00 Newsreel Ten 6:10 Sports H'qhlightt 6:15 Huntley Brinklay Report 6:30 Combat 7:30 Laramie 1.30 Empire 9.30 Dick Powell Show 10:30 Chet Huntley Reporting 11:00 Newsreel Ten Night Report 11:15 Tonight Show 1:00 News. Weather, Sign Off WEDNESDAY 9:25 Sign On Morning Visit 9:30 Continental Classroom 10:00 The Price Is Right 10: JO Concentration 11:00 Your First Impression 11:30 Truth or Consequences 11:'5 NBC News 12:00 Merv Griffin Show 12:55 NBC Newt 1:00 Loretta Young 1:30 Young Dr. Malone, 2:00 The Match Game 3 35 NBC News 7:30 Make Room For Daddy 3:00 Queen For a Day 3 :0 Who Do You Trusl? 4:00 Focal Point 4:30 Popeye Theater 5:00 Rufl end Reddy 5:30 Our Gang 5:55 The Weather Window 4; CO Newsreel 10 6:15 Huntley Brinklay Report 4 30 Sam Benedict 7:30 The Virginian 9 00 Perry Como 10 00 The 11th Hour 11:00 News Ten Night Report ii:ii lomgni bnow 1:00 News, Weather end Sign OK THURSDAY 9:75 Sign On Morning Visit 9:30 Continental Classroom 10:00 The Price It Right 10:33 Concentration 11:00 Your First Impression 11:30 Truth or Consequences 11:35 NBC News 13:00 Merv Grlflin Show 13:55 NBC News 1:00 Loretta Young , 1:30 Young Dr. Ma tone 7.00 The Match Game 2:25 NBC Newt 2:30 Maka Room For Daddy 3.00 Queen For A Day 3 30 Who Do You Trust 4 00 Friendship Circle 4:30 Popeye Theater 5 00 Fury 1:30 Laurel and Hardy 5:55 Weather Window 4:00 Newsreel Ten 4:10 Sportt Highlights 4:15 Huntley Brinklay 4:30 Feature Profile 4:35 Sports Special 7 00 Touchdown 7:30 Wide Country I 30 Dr. Klldere 9:30 Herel 10:00 Andy Williams 11:00 News Tan Night Report 11:15 Tonight Show 1:00 Newt, weather, sign Off FRIDAY 9:35 $lgn On Morning Visit 9.30 Continental Classroom 10:00 The Price It Right 10:30 Concentration 11:00 Your First Impression 11:30 Truth or Consequences 11:55 NBC News 17:00 Merv Griffin Show 12 55 NBC News 1:00 Loretta Young 3 00 The Match Game 7 IS NBC Newt 3 30 Make Room For Daddy 3:00 Queen For A Day 3:30 Who Do You Trust? 4 00 Focal Point 4 30 Popeye Theater 4 55 International Showtime 5 55 The Weather Window 4 00 Newsreel 10 4:15 Huntley Brink ley Report 4: 30 Stoney Burke 7 30 Gallant Men 30 Sing Along With Mitch 9 30 Don't Call Me Charlie 0 OH Jarfc Paar 1:90 News Ten Night Report 11.11 Tonight Show i.oo Newt, weather and signotf SATURDAY 1 OS Sign On 11:05 Minister's Round Table 30 E ploring 17: JO Watch Mr. Wuerd 1:00 Snarl Lewi! 1:30 Magic Midway 7 CO Saturday Matinee: "Sealed Cargo" 3.31 Sporlt Internationa' 5 00 AM Star Golf 4 00 NBC Newt 4 15 Local Newt 4 30 Wyatt Ears 7 00 Fight of the Week and Make That Spare I 00 David Brink lay's Journal I 30 Joey Bishop 9 M Saturday Night at the Movies; agara" "Ni- 11:00 Intermission Newt tl 05 Seven Arts Playhouse: Macao coo Newt, weather, sign on KVIP-TY RIDOINO, CALIFORNIA CHANNIL 7 January V February 1 SUNDAY It Ofl Fe'th For Irviay 11 30 Herald O T'uh 7 00 Challenge Golf I 00 TBA 1 W Meet the Rro'essor 7 00 Direction 6) ? Vt liiiiei end Answert 3.00 Forum 3 IS Den Smoot 3 Film Fare 3 4S Mednel Panel O'seusslon a 00 Sheds Wonderful World of C S no Valor Aflamt Tram Matter e 90 Mertr Rogers' Reports I W rVkever r4 the Colonel 7 00 Ensign O'laet 7 H Disney's Wonderful World ef I 70 Cer 54 Where Are Yew f 94 B onen la 10 on Unlrn n4 tlirlnna II 79 Howard K Smim U 00 David Brinkley il -m Tht It the wey. Religion. Leio Newt MOVDAT t9 Fducelionel 19 Price it R'tht )4 Jh Concentre i en ll 90 jana Wrmen 11 30 Vaurt For Se4 17 00 Tennestee Ernie Ford I? W Faincr Knnwt Best t 99 Lerette Young 1: TV Bingo J 99 Dey in Court 7 74 Midday Report 7 7 Ket 3 00 Oiteen For A Day 3 Who Do You Trust 4:00 Americen RendttenfJ 4 30 Discovery ') 4 W Raue-wl Newt 1 09 Breve S'e'iion 5 19 Mlcr-ey Matte C'r 9 99 Ne.heet Ne-m Hate a Mittvie Br'nitier a 19 Gana"t rVan 7 W t Devotat I )9 Rifleman Week - 9 OO Stoney Burke 10 00 Ben Casey 00 ABC Newt Final 10 Sportscest 11:15 Tonight 11:15 Late Newt TUESDAY 9 30 Educational 10 00 Price is Right 0 30 Concentration 11:00 Jane Wvman 11.30 Yours For a Song 12.00 Erme Ford Show i; 30 Father Knows Best 1 00 Loretta Young 1.30 TV Bingo 2:00 Day In Court 3.24 Midday Report 2 30 Seven Keys 3:00 Queen tor a Day 3 30 Who DO Ypu Trust 4 00 American Bandstand 4:30 Discovery 4:55 Bandstand Newt 5:00 Carloon Time 5:30 Mickey Mouse Club a:M Newsbeat Northtiate 6 15 Htfitley Brinkley 6:30 Laramie 7 30 Comoat 1:30 Hawaiian Eye 9:30 Untouchables 10:30 Don't Call Me Charlie 11:00 ABC News Final 11:10 Soortscast 11:15 Tonight 12:25 Late Newt WEDNESDAY 30 Educational to Price Is Right 30 Concentration 00 Jane Wyman 30 Yours For A Song 00 Tennessee Ernie Ford 30 Father Knows Best 00 Loretta Young 10 TV Bingo 00 Day In Court 74 Midday Report 30 7 Kays :00 Queen For A Day 30 Who Do You Trust 00 American Bandstand :30 Discovery 63 55 Bandstand News 00 Broken Arrow 30 Mickey Mouse Club 00 Newsbeat Norihstalo IS Huntley-Brlnkley 30 International Showtime 30 Weoon Train 30 Going My Way 30 Our Man Higgins 00 Naked City 00 ABC News Final 10 Sporlsca&t 15 Tonight Show 25 Lett News THURSDAY 30 Educational 00 Price Is Right 30 Concentration 00 Jena Wvman 30 Yours For a Song 00 Ernia Ford Show TV Service All maktt, ll kindi Pick up nd Delivery Servictj up to 8 pm daily 24 ytars of itrviee) to tho Klamath Baaln. Phono TU 4-5121 or 4.7241. 124 Na. 7th NELSON'S TV Packard-Boll TV & Radio k Channel Maittr Translator Radios We Service All Mokes of Radios ond TV's DAY OR NIGHT! (Excapt Sunday) All Work Guaranraod 300S Shaita Way TO 2-347 ACE TV ZENITH Sdes t Strr. F0 THE PWKT IH TV-JUMO SEKVKE PHONI TU 4-1M1 NOW!!!! Home Service Colli $4.50 1140 Rivgrtida Drive) Open 9 to 6 Moo. thru Sat. MONTGOMERY WARD 9rh & Pine TU 4-3188 AIRLINE.' PICTURE TUBE SALE On Popular 21" Tubei 00 Pin Yur vioj i www Tro do-In Initallod by Factory Trained Technician! Iniay iharo TV plcturoa with o tuptr olhtminiMd pictura toko . . . modo tor Warda oy a loodinfl tuba - -o-tacturtr. fioorontood far oao yoor. COMPARE AIRLINE QUALITY AND LOW PRICES ON ALL OTHER SIZE TUBES Ol READ CLASSIFICATION NO. 41 RADIO-TV-MUSIC" 12-30 Father Knowe Best 100 Lerette Young 1:30 TV Bingo 2:00 Day tn Court 3:74 Midday Report 230 Seven Keys 3:00 Queen For A Day 3 30 Who Do You Trust 4:00 American Bendttend 4 30 Discovery 42 4 55 Bandstand Newt 5:00 Super Car 3:30 Mickey Mouse Club 6 00 Newsbeat Northstelt 4:11 Huntley-Brlnkley 4:30 Father Knows Best 7:00 Guestwerd Ho 7 10 Adventures ol Otzle and Htrrlet 100 The Donna Reed Show I 30 Leave It To Beaver 9:00 My Three Sons f:30 McHale't Nvy 10:00 Fred Astafre Premiere 11:00 ABC Newt Final 11:10 Sportscest 11:15 Tonight Show 11:25 Lale News FRIDAY 9:30 10.00 Educational Price Is Right Concentration Jana Wyman Shew You re For A Song Tennessee Ernia Ford Father Knows Best 10:30 11:00 11:30 17:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 7:74 Loretta Young TV Bingo Day In Court Midday Report 7 Keys Queen Far A Dev Who Do You Trust American Bandstand Discovery 67 Bandstand Newt Jill's Parly Tim Mickey Moute Club Newsbeat Northstelt Huntley Brinkley Films of the Flttlet Flintstonet I'm Dlckant He's Fenster 77 Sunset Strip Rebel ABC Newt F:nal Sports Cast 2:30 3:t0 3:10 4:00 4:30 4:55 5:00 5:30 4:00 4:15 6:30 1:30 9:90 9:30 10:30 11:00 11:10 11:15 12:35 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Tonight Show Lata Newt SATURDAY Snarl Lawie King Leonardo Fury Magic Midway Top eel Matties Funnies Bugs Bunny Atakaiam My Friend Fllcka The Northerner Forum Den Smoot 17:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2.00 7:15 BEEEE'S TV and RADIO Service Packird-Btll t Sylvonl Soltt Grn Stampi lttf OraiM Ava. ah. 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Kadio Free Kurope is sup ported by private American Htizens. It is one of the Free World's strong weapons in the cold war. It need your help to be stronger still. Put your finger on that weak spot . . . send your contribution to Radio Free Kurope now. Giva as much as you can. Radio Fret Europe Bind Mi'i Vafca f Ctmmwthm t. O. tK I tea, Me-ttftf Yemen, N. Y. thiihd m fl ewMir eervfat i ewMir eerviee Jf"" fc. Mm via Tee rwi mM lee fc' -yj rVoiMfMpee B4" In The CLASSIFIED SECTION Of TODAY'S