By Jimmy Hatlo Poetry WHEN MY SONINLW CAME COURTING My son-in-law came courting, , Sunday, Jan. 27, 19G3 Page 4-C It was very plain to see; He was trying his level best. To make an impression on me. They'll Do It Every Time By Jimmy Hatlo kr, uow, inC'fc i )vh( SKA fv( l i 1 5ri THAT ONE- S"5iiS I RETURN HOME NOVV--WHA.T WCONNECT0) A-. I - fMM OuESYEf- V ,,' -"P5"- rsMUlf VOU ALWAYS - ABSOLUTELYNOT AH.W.9UT JCJ. AM-MS rg c? 7 ' N. ,W ,iSISr- c ,T MORE. , ' TELL ALVIU VJHtN HE: I. WELL T'LL eLCf 2Vrr 5 " WHEN VOU yi!US "t nA 8UY Mw A TJAzzuMS NEW BICYCLE- ILt JWihtTf g ''''' l 5 f 3 3lSTr LITTLE COMPACT JOB . STH 1 il LOODSK, A1A30R iSi I " '. he woerv was- ;??, Vj SJfWlIJTT T f n Vs". 'Iffrl' AND WIFEV WAS TO DO 1 y " " ;" ' 6fcffi'J' ; ' 5T' i j M'M IYCL tTst E ,rP' " .lllllllllllllllllllll'HIIIIIIIinilp h Ill'L HOW SWEET OF YOU, "I T3 THE GARBAGE-THROW W HUSBANDS U f J lluk iMF? VV -y, ESTHEODeSpV. ('f - C BLONCME --WHAT IS IT. IT IN THE CAN FOR. ME SHOULD T J MjUlJ5 M VX LAvE" Jg4 WwOOD-COMEOUt) V PLEASE -.f UNITE . -r A NICE PRESENT fj h7k ! -1 ?vf GfSi if Vif O O. O 5 J4L,-'a. tw" MiNWOW.W0A My KJPONt IS VOU WANf$ fH EH6MV t-i4 u i-vr ,mr...TMirN.ta jSf ncgtiMnfoxir.suf was? ; gmy escAiu 1 w know i"h& fwf mohth r -7, I 7 WHERE? jSj i , d C t Cfl I THAT AWFUL ITS THE DRAGCT4 ...AND NOW EVEN W ) I I YES, ANP ONCE HIS" I WHO KNOWS? TIME T JrjffS-H-' In ifJzs!r-J--- -l-m r VtOKilr THING OUT OF SILENE... IT GREAT CALIPH,' ANKLE MENDS, HE THEN THE U AND CIRCUMSTANCE . t-;rTrs.,,k-Cj Sta 'i I M 1 I C "l V THERE HAS US ALL MUST PEPENP A ALU A PROMISES TO RIO KAMAR IS CHANGE ALL S 1 11 BELEAGUEREP... ) ON THE SKILL I OOP J OUR LAN t OF I NOT HERE AS THINGS I .f. 1 1 : fsfSJiOM BRAZEN KOSUBl t!T I F If 1 KWOW EXACTLV HOW HELL MKT I'M PROUP TO KM APTW PUT, MV PSTi- I V, iV ,E, R'S--!0 ' 1HE BEAST! A A SUITOR? ' ' JTIa7N -HOr wC IVBU 6B3IWH 'LOOK WMEN HE'5 IWTENT ON PUTTIW3 OVER WORK ON A JObI NOW BWS IN THB 60V . 1 -y ALU OOP V. ir- f- ... ,T. , :. .. " haw MEtf vbwp till ir hobblb his bmiu! 0F ALL c0..-l -JSftfi.?! aTs . i i' A Sv" Crmt jf""!. JU t'l AJ r H : SSMi sy-cTi --isfiia m m-. 1 iiJIfiB' mmm. m&m a ium lAmv i & mlm ll I 8 " ," ' fL.. I 'V PLACE V UAVEO A 0AV XC N I W Jjl W IS LIKE FINP SOME oV' V TIGHTWAD! ) . , H, .-, , ii i Josser sove) an other , vJzA1, FVtX V, ; I M ffiWI tiilANOTHfN THfg I AMP 6HE CM TSaVJIABJlT I CAN TcU. THE SAiME THINS If ITS Fac.lM 6OIN0 'TO BE Uoal, V B Vcf A wav to vP; jiA -: (DJUWlff IB to WEJMR W'ffi LflOW5 WTO DOS DISH.. HvC'TnT ,M ll'IlrV . i1" -Okr7 i feoouesJ rK ,.'" .-til I HER CRVSTAL 1 IhO(N5TOS MAWCRSW... GOING T3 s 6AD... J ll A A SVfA. i-;5X.rM6L)SE (J..,, Sii 1 da 1 1 ce 1 i 1 y r --1 K'ifl ray 11 w frfrCHASE: 1 ; w i nz-j " for. -3 ftl lg-l h-L-l INTHEINTERESrSOF WAWRtGUT-OHW 1 I TtSt OUbl CAMb ROM ONuV FIR4T CLA44 ) I akI' Th' MOST AMERICAN f-J ZPf Lvk&.fc V 00S- '-"i'XC IMTERNATlONAL GCXJD-WluTS t , E RUS5IAM EMBAJSV.? WAV p TRAVEL IS f PLWE 1N &LL CREi,T10N IS k tv . 1 V- --J n-HlNKY0UW0pLDPERN1IT)l'Pr6AH'-l. TWO TICKETS TO MCSCOM 0 A AMERICAN M capkI EDD'E R'CKETYBACK5.''I f tVEPBODV V H5 CAN'T OBOVB V I CAN'T 6B IF I MMEW T ! 1 YOUR CHILDREN TO VISIT V HAFTA INVI'I E. J " t5 Ar? V IT WON TM' WAP. FO'US, HB SHOULD IFHg5HOULO WHVTHAT HADTORGHT J -''W MR. KHRUSHCHEV '.j 1 - , , ' JlJTJ-P V'N",;3-rL' - I UET1RS, BUT HEi CBTKaS-OR. NQH 7 5L)CH A HARD THAT GUV ' s L---Tk ' ' .J. VI I JLbZM - v 1 I I gjJX y jgg '-rrW". . ,riUhilegouVeoutNgf0a'J-feo'1' WU-'se mould W Come to think of it, ' " , "... . , ' ' I uiouldn't ay anijthina ( I thera ee if JNifsKlfind ths t Wallet be pamtin? H Fras,Nina ha I r" ' t f pocto cy seww ' ' ' ' "VOTt' aa--sk: satrvial I I wow please pojt I -tell" about Judu's condition to i 1 ou fan find I n1 V Paint fortheV the cnb,Arqe!a? been looking a bit 1 I i '2nl shocked at seeing the fvL tr'ckofoseasepaimt wov. some war. iisj-' ( ethe Wr". 7 v ' ' """I fwE RIDES THE SUBWAY AND TRIKING UP A CONVERSATION! ILL KEEP " ARE VOU I i f I I, "L .!., .'i 'J ' CETS C"51 T KM J WITH HIM IS LIK TRYING TO ON T17V1NO. RUILDINC. HIM NUTS.'.' A.'. X'VE 7 : I SrtOULCA FFIjoJE jes TO VsE!LrXr INTERVIEW .THE SHAH OF UNCLE PUNKYuPOR TEARING r jOi.Mr? PC s 16 SOCT ; 0OINE3 TS CBcScat i.'vOn lotJraSf rrW'rTT V L4V' Z ' fr t ts - " ii.iiiiiiii.i)iii i iiiimin i mnijijj f y mp 1 m i. I'Ltm JM.W'I . "!" 'B1 !LW? 1 TTjATC LlT.l . r -rv,'-1 1 1 L" 111 "HIMW yl " iHhi"iiiK POO? B(B MUST NOPE? EVIOENCE IS 1 F-CTtS,"6HACVT0a)N- (SpfjMPHl VI r Y!l IHAii him OVte J HEYJIFWESAlKEE HEssTiU, X I wnwJtcw wapdts-w. momdrI Move ken ArrocKto one oldgekzep. 1 1 poesnt haveuuvsnil. VDOffTsoyl II VVAMMA GO WACH MR. I" J7 -f IMERe-. SURiSErW AN INTlrCNl i V . -Tpu iJS bp iwe.oixiiWWNesi bva killep qanci mustabeenovei? ! I oaNtsi! ou anotme L------l EOWNrTMETpEE- OKAY Sl'SJAV IC'UmcZjp opnV-J PACTUED .SKULL, ANO O'OTVFllWNEPa BEVENTyCOOLSq j I ENFORCBU'GOTHiS WTH'KlO V SUReeCHOreRATCJprS, 7. v." oM?v v5L0 TNWf ) IWIT HAPPEN' 0NEGOTHI61ARVNXX06T II , FROM -WACKTOWN-l I TH' FOUR OF 'EM ! NECK "MOST BROKE MuSTA'GOT FPE-k? JK r ?; -f ONiY VvtJftWNTJ . k-fsfl r-v. n I howo it happen? crushsu but the docs J V WISH I COULD 9 AND A B40 CONCUSSION Thpougmwi-W -7t llrl IX J ii JfmBMi I'ni ia-. . f ' " v - J I r 1 1 . i i i i.ii . 1 irriiii ii i r ii.a t, j ' ' in-.a He had on his best clothes, And says a glad. "Hello"; He asked about my pains, As if he cared to know. 1 felt sorry for the guy. For his eye had a blank stare; Until. "How arc you doing?" 'I said) And I offered him a chair. Finally, lie asked about the farming. And allowed the crops needed rain; He told about all his money When he harvested all his grain. He came of course to ask me, For my sweet daughter's hand; But he stammered and stut tered. So I couldn't understand. Then J recalled another scene. When I was young aicl gay; When I asked my wife's dad If I could take his girl away. I simply grinned at him, and Tried to encourage the lad; For I sure could remember how I had worked on Mary's dad. C.J.H. SHE SET THE TABLE FOR TWO Mother's eyes are wet today, For she remembers when; The kiddies were all at home And she set the table for ten, Now the boys and girls are gone. the hardly knows what to do; For now when meal time comes around She sets the table for two. The span of life terminates. The years of life left are few; Sorrowfully she views the task Setting the table for two. In memory the children play. At the strings of a mother'i heart ; Then again her eyes are full When they have drifted apart. Again they are little tots. Praying at their Mother's knee But in leaving and going away This she could never see. Ture. most kiddies don't realize, When to manhood they grew; That a mother's heart aches today When she sets the table for two. C. J. H. OCR LOCAL PAPER Our paper conies at three. I always watch (he rural route; For you see I want to know What the news is all about. 1 know it is not much to brag about, But whenever it is late; I fret and cast about, At an awful rale. Hid Jones die, who was sick? Did the Browns move away? The clouds are gathcrinj, thick Will it rain today? How many babies were born? Who was married on the dol? Hid they set that robber free? Or five years he got? Some folks call it the scandal sheet. At Ye Editor they rant and roar. Rut if it don't come today How will I know the score? If the paper I did not see, Holy gee and I'll swan; How can I posted be or Know ihe goings on? Then I like In read the obituaries. Before I so to bed; And if my name i.'n't there. I'll know lor sure I'm not dead. C. J. II. OCR NEWSPAPER BOY I salute the man who brings, Our paper to our door; He makes his daily wage and, Does not ask for more. He is in hiiness for himself. And he watches every dime; It matters not the weather (or He is always right on time. He has to please his customers, And cater to every demand; And he must keep a record of Ml the cash on hand. I know he must sacrifice. A portion of his play; While attending another job. To keep ihe wolf away. V I thank our paper man. Who brings the news to me; And the very good job he does And to his punctuality. Some of our rmve successful men. They climbed that Golden Si air; Usons 'earned, on a papri loulr. And became a miiiionauf C J H.