PAGE 4-B k . - ' j , ft .- v 3 ' ' L. 4 - ? . ".r -' -'-v ;-v-: YTr K I 'I. INITIO ! ! llrfj uliL,JLIk HUNTERS, READ IT AND WEEP Not designed to help ngs of frustrated hunters, these pictures were taken by one of these a week after the close of the l62 deer season.-Don Wimer, while out driving with His family, saw this buck deor, with seven points on one ? X Many of our Wal archers arc I.imiiS advantage of this Iwaulmil wealhcr today and driving to Oak ridgc uliorc tlic Kir Ridge Arch ers are 5mMring an indoor in tournament. Registra- tion is from it a.m. to II a.m. so if ymi aic up and reading the paper early, there may htill bo tunc for Mime of you to make it Trophies will be given as prizes and I here Mill be a food booth op- erating all day io you won't have to worry about lunch. Fees arc $1.25 for adults and 75 cents for juniors under age 18. Now let nie know if any of you bag one of those prizes, will you? If ou rciiwnilx!, I h.ivo incti-j tmiiM a rntiple linics Hint Dale I Baxter of Farmers Uimlicr Com V'tny is olfcnuj; a half oWcn alu inimim avrmv.s to live arclior who ran improve his score every week ol lrapm sluHitina. (July one aivh rr is :Ull in Ihe running ior this aw anl and he is .lack I .yon, a rnemhor of tlie learn .slUKiluiy for ' U.S. National Hank. Jack was fairly new at archery (Jits year, ha vim; oVer hunled in Hie past but had not been an in iltMir tiiret jJiooler. Jlis witre was a hit low at (lie bcinnin of flic f-eason but has come up now ti where ho is giving some of (he old-time archers a bit of se rious competition. Stuk with it, .lack. You can do it for !cven more weeks. There ls no srecial award avail aMe but 1 Hunk there ouht to be for 11-year-old Imis who ovit-t-hoot llieir dad.-. Douji Keeves is Itepuning to draw a crowd every time lie shoots his Urn- and it's tin wonder, lie pulls back on that Uiw that k as bi as he is and liinse arums just head lor home In league comixMiluni la-t Wed- ucMlay m;:ht. Douj; shot a 1W while slnrtini aain-t bis ilad aiul nx'in's team and Pour's team wim the match, liaddy Hub tcees .vitot a I'.M hut lie was so proud of Horn; llv.(t I don't think he minded losing Hus dme. And liftlhrr Helen lieeves was just as proud. 'Hus au.un proves the Matement 1 hae made so many I 'lues, "n lri y tiuly i.-, a fami ly J 1HH I " limit in. til for srvk w,i l'.'ti .lonrs with a Minr of 2W Aihlicy Iaiv ht'li nn with Iht 178 TWiN work iti;uii. WW y,is In eh luntlHti Ir.tni wiih 7i'V .irwl Inli hci.itrh tram t-i iiifini Iu o : W I. VI W ft 1 J' tmrrs I,wmlrr in. r 1 AlU Sjnrts Onlrr 1 Kj-t Sh!o Klooli u- S 1 fMll.ll (Hi 2 (tfin 1'inkI -I 2 !ua;iH M-t .1 Kindly Kirld .1 :( .?h' .s Sjmiiins (imLs .1 .1 'I In ,shtmmhU 2 4 I S 1 . li'tUrts 1I.im1w.iip I Wrslrrn Auto r' Kl.illl.ltll K.HIHM.I l,r.ttio n c h rd ii I r for lhi wvirk liNiks liko Iiils. Mnml,i. .1.(11. 2n. Alt.l SHHS iVllltM' s j JOLLY JINX HAOUt lloltrrls llardw.'irc, Knlriiam Prv-.n s j;lr t: ir v .loc's S)orliiie ""1"' U ! Kl.ini.i'li k.-mx-r.'! v.-. Wo-lrrn 'h(v of v- ,Milo. WcIiirMl.iy. .I;m. i VKW frTZ. -. r;innri!s Kuinlvr Co, iHtu.m Miv is. Kmi:Uy l irl.l. Orr.:on, 1 t it i M.'lt Oil W I N,il"tl.H MilllK ... f ti, A . .i.j 1 hs Of lltOC m.iU'lH'S I iUll, CMWwIly looking (oi whuI lo mm - in.; next wrrk. hiiM is Ilto r'Ott team erle t rs n.-a. i ;j" 0-Itf-l t'OIUp-HH. Heir HV MX t' P flame. Agn, V'r.i'f !., r.UT i.0 i Air wvhrr .md tin nuleh is w.-,nf, Ptmer jcotn lo lo flo no. Vmi shrnllh Mivrioii thr f.,,; frill M lu teams dip ; I ion tmmi? of Ihr Anirmtln col lo I under t 1 t trn.-iim onir.s in l.iv HERALD AND ifr. - BOWING WITH f 4j 4 I J By BARBARA BAUMGARDNER and I wouldn't possibly even guess which one will win. The other teams that I am an xious to watch are Puaii Mcst and Kingsley Field. This is be cause Boh and Helen Reeves are going to match arrows with their Uncle Newt Weaver. This, again. ould lc a close one and one we will all enjoy watching. I've had several woplc ask me which night is pntluck again. Pol luck dinner for archers is always the first Wednesday of the month nnd the business meeting is the third Wednesday of the month.. I'll tell vou how I remember I which is which. I like to eat and so eating comes first ... on the first Wednesday of each month. So we will have another jxitluck on Feb. 6 at fi .'IO p.m. in the Twyla Ferguson School Gym. Seems like a long lime to wait. iloosn't it? Another question that a lot of people have been asking is how we ftlioot indoors; Irom what div taju es. and how do we M ore. Next Iweck 1 shall attempt to enlighten those of you who have boon won denng al unit this. SCORES WE VERHAEUSI ft LlAGllB W Prlt " Shinrmg Studs Stand-up Shed t No Accounts 4t'i Sawmill 41 Yard Birds Hardhoarrt Finishing Nu Loc Nuts 1 K.lot!s " Maintenance Super vito'S 14 Spoilers H' Olfice Overhead 13 Warehouse 10 (mtler Sn.pes 79 Lett Overs 7' .10 18 li W 47 41 S Jan. JJ results Mnitenane Super 7. Wi'tri Doctors 3 Nu tor Nuts 7: Samill 3 Hn A(cfHmts team game, Wnnrf Hogs Km. h'qh I; Bells 4. Warehnue 0; S'ad tip SHedjteam senev Wood Mogs 7'1; uwt 4. leu 0et 0. (ii't'fr Sn.pev 1. V"P uamc. tim Pool J4J. high md senes. 1 im pinq Studs 7, KiIowaMi j, Harohoa'-rt I Pool 599. ishmg 1, Yard B"ris 1. Oltue Overhead. I. SonMers 3. Beie Is l H.nh lam imt. No AcCOtMMS C1J I rir,n team series, K-wwaM 10 h gh nrt oame. l ane (treqory hgh . series. Randy Hanam 6J7 MINOR CLAS.MC LfeAGUF l aurei'lide i"a( sr Mt Kargs Potatoes 4 .W Dates tlody Sioi u J' Victors ' ' e nes Reaiin-i is e rnncete ) Meiaid H Nrw ' h of kiamath t ails . 4 a i a'e i' 4 Ptrsonal Oeitlure Service 4 j V(VIOC Lumper (n 1' Land'V Insu'aixr '8 Resu'is Lau'e-'lMie lin"(e .'. Per nentu-e Service l P. ngs (ale 4, I and'v insurance C. Dates Bvi Sh,-o 4 H'ute 0f"i Reaiinrs 0 Ba"h e mam an f alt 4. Mmtot Lu'"rer ( 0 At me t, Mr-aid 8, Nes I High learn game. Hera'ff K Kr 't hgh leant tfiri. Bings l,a"e hg'i game. Cha'tes ISrvolh n. high itnl series, Caries Bnolh n COMMERCIAL LIAGUI iS T. ( ty Center Lmja k-mes Plvmhi"( Pensi fma Sea-s ftoehix I i a eat No''em I a-fc"s lrnnnt Bc' 0 t ler-y s foorn Resui's Se.i-s fx 4. I ision C ly Cente' 3. S 4 t. Tea' 1 Pepsi 1 K unes T t. eat Nr-'tif ry s ? B-e-s J H'tjh team game (ea Nntr"n h nh team e'es. )atha t-i-ei Oil r-nh id game K th Warner J.i id. series, ket'h Vamfr bJ1 M Memei iurr -i p, 11 ' ' ' 1 Hf.riH ( ea e s ? ( ,N ,. vi.e O-eir' M S . n ? I win I r--me 4 s ... n i a Resvii I ( - i v -e C .' ' it f- eie a 4 Vmri f t p tuttl, y , lrilHfUfP,n4 , K;t l-,, c r,Tt v,-r ip - v p i-rm, '--s . r, , v.o-s n n i-fif v c Bftr x r((W , , t-fl te- r-.,e ve. v.-v NEWS, Klamath Falls. Or. side and four on the other, dead in the five-strand barbed wire fence on a Scott Creek ranch above Sand Creek on Sun Mountain Highway 232. The animal had not been dead very long and would weigh 190 pounds dressed, it was' estimated. cOres BASIN BOWLERS LEAGUE B'l & Q'i Grai Monkeys Lower Leri SI'J 34' t Alley Sliders 7i, nr., Lee. 76 31 H O'nn0m & Pas 33 43 Bowl Weevils .12 44 K-G'l 37 44 Open Frames 29 47 Team No. 7 29 47 Results: Open Frame 1, Alley Slid en 2; Team No. 7 0, & Os 4; Lees 76 0, K-Gs 4; GrnfJmj & Pas 1 Grease Monkeys 3; Lower Lakers I flow) Weevils 3. High team series. Grease Monkeys 3175, hioh fm am, Greaxe Monkeys 745 rnoh Ind. as me, L'oyd Ofhoy 70). Leon Quails 190j high Ind. series, Lloyd Debcy ill, Leona Quails 524. SPORTSMAN LEAGUE Drive More Motors Dorrts Lumber Victor Business Mach. Fashion Cleaners Local Loan Mobil Oil Co. Lucas Furniture Pelican Mobil Service, Ed Wharton S'gnal Stale Police Jordan Shell t Fuller Paint W. Kerns 3l'i 48'j 30 50 40 Club j. C. Renia Longs Chevron .,.,!,. . erf1 Wharton Signal 0; Victor Business Mach. I Cleaners I; Jordan Shell 3. Lucas Furnl- ture 1; Dorns Lumber 3. J. C. Renie 1; Mobil Oil Co. 4, Longs Chevron 0; Drive More Motors 3. Fuller Paint 1; J. W. Kerns 3. 40 Club 1. High team game, Dorns Lumber 1077 . high team series. Pelican Mohil 3010; high md. game, Wes McKaig 27; high md. series, wes Mcag tu'. TWILITt LEAGUK Inveness Cn Omiglas Service Klamath M.Ik Producers interstate Pump Dennis Shell W I J 49 77 7M 46 4 jui 46 30 1 Ranch Club Dick B. Miller Co. Blue Ox Shasta Richfield Oreoon Wash Telephone Parific Power ft Light 1ft 38 36 40 34 47 34 47 33 43, 78 48 17 59 Montgomery Wards Results: Pacific Power Light 0. Ranch Club 4; Oregon Wash Telephone 3, Montgomery Wards I; Interstate Pump 7, Douglas Service 2; Klamath MMk; Producers 4. Shasta Richlield 0; O-n-1 nis Shell 3, Dck B. MMler Co. I; Love- ness Co 3. Blue Ox I. High learn game, Klamath Milk Pro ducers lOfii; high learn series- Klamath Producers 7M; hign md game, Phil Anderson 768; high ind. series. Dal las Baldwin it). HOLIDAY JUNIOR LEAGUE Wond Hons 14 Hvpophrrnics J ' Witch Doclors .10 18 DeMolay No. 4 7-'' 76' t t umblinq 5 71' 76 j Eigureless Five 71 ?S lop Uogs m ii No laienl '7 16 Result F.qu'elevs s 4. DeVoiay No 1 0 No Taleit 4. 1-o Dogs 0. FumWmq f-ive 7. Wood Hogs 2. Hvpoohipincs t, allbt nan W .-eat Northern Railway .11 I nie Seoen Hulls Mrai.i'o Servn e Amidon Business fVartiines Antnioatir tians Serve hft k mma'h Hmei i ar i n Swan Lake Moulding fliue Oi C ate f ranklm Lite InsuraiK Crater Late Meats Sewing Ma hme ( enter VVnghi s Real I stale fnrt Mamalh Hotel l,"'r' 1 t)ui Heatinrj Seryne 2 tfime te-itrt J. Bti-e O La 1. sa" 1 ake Vciii(ii"Q 1 vvngriT s xeai hsiaie . Anio.naiic Trans Se'yiit O. ammnn Business Ma(hnes 4 f-ranMm Ll Insur me 0 t.reat Nnrtre-n Railway 4 tram game V'l s Mea'"g Se'v ire 9. iain senes. li-eat Nnrth-j em Railway ? h.oh iml gam'. Retly rvil h'flh ind S'ies. Maliean Lam- ph'rr CITY LEAGUE Boia,ts Ma'dware w I Walker Brc I (.ii'ina- r)s Siioe Repair Bly I CHlflino i KniQhts Ol Columhu Sears RoeniHk , Bain I agies I SKaiier ler trie ! Semite Ti-es tl S Nat Ba 'h i I ame'S V 1.. Se-yi n ST-e Pfra' i qMs e' 1 1-" i Nai Mial Bam l'v 1 r-ao ' f a v t--e me-M Maiiia'e t tj rmi.-e '" Se-wie P. a-S RnentK. 0 r-nj1 eair Dl. hoh m.1 ter-e Nfh SiMeece- 4.i LAOYftUO LIAGUK W L P-ive Vir Motors n IUCKY M.Lit II46VI ?A j) ,, , v,,. , .,. J r ,. ,. .,.', v (K-.tMh. - WQV) v'r M V.iMfi M,i why ., v;.:.x., :; i v 'i cr,t:.'f nt i , i.f h,..f,.i, i.f, r K Bv,,., w M . , , 4..., Sunday, January 27, l3 fed! 4 . Crtler Lake 39 37 Petersons Market 37' j 38' i Ethels Oept. Store 34 42 Thurstoni Dane Studio 33 43 Ctilf Yadens 31 45 Henley Store 29 46 mannies ill Jan. 74 results: Clt'r Yadens 4. Ethels Oept. Store 0; Cray Mitchell 7'i, Mannies I1; Henley Store 0, Thurslons Dance 4; Vanity Fair 3, Halls Constuction 1 Crater Lake 2, Arrow Fuel 2; Petersons Market 4, Coca Cola 0, High team game, Thurslons Dance 74 high team series, Thurslons Dance 2106; high ind. game, Marilyn Siqmond 200; hign ind. series. Marilyn Sigmond 513. SLOW POKE LEAGUE W Screw Balls 49' i 76 i Pin Busters 44' 3t' Wednesday Weepers 41 35 Lucky Belles 40' j 35' a Lonesome Four Trail Draggers 35' i 40' i Unpredictable 79 47 Lucky Strikes 78 48 Jan. 33 results: Pm Busters 4, Lucky Strikes 0; Lonesome Four 4, Wednesday Weepers 0; Screw Balls 3, Lucky Belles 1; Trail Draggers 3. Unpredictable I. High team game, Lonesome Four 733; hlgh learn series. Lonesome Four 7107; high Ind. game, Twila Metier 179; high tnd. series, Virginia waits 467. BEETLEBOMB LEAGUE Mould in ocrfllt Inc. Oregon Food Store Eagles Auxiliary Scmi'contrett 39'j 40' i 35 45 33' 4' j "nB Joe Fisher 33 47 40 Club 37 Results: Mnuldingcraft 4, Eagles 0; Acme 4, 40 Club 0: Bills X Joe Fisher 1; Orwjon Food J, Richfield 1. Htgh team game. Mmjldinicraft 919; high team series, Mouldmqcrat I 2609; hioh ind game, Nllie Shepard 203; high ind. series, Thflma Kallstrom 509. AMERICAN BANTAM LEAGUE W L Untourhahles 11 8 Alley Cats 21 19 nncorruptors IB 21 jelsnns Results- Untouchables 3, Alley Cats 0; Corrupters 3 Jetsons 0. High learn flame, CorrupIn'S 789; high team series. Corrupters 1483; high Ind. game. Scott McColiom 188; high Ind. se ries, Wayne Begg 311. To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONt TU 4-81 1 1 am. to 4 1ft p m weekdays 8 am. in noon Saturday Count five wisrrts per line Ads under 3 lines count same as 1 hnes. 10 T1-TM $4 ryi m hi Times M"'h' $, on 00 1 A 1 1 Sft riO 14M: 9 SO U SO Minimum Charge 1.50 per adve' lisement, It paid in advante Anove rates a' e for consecutive user. t.onv cimng oi copy, for pn-l 'vale individuals. Advertising must be1 ,-r riw.,. vidua is cash with copy. 0rAnLlNI -4Sn p day twin' putiN- aAT l0n Noon Saturday for Sunday and "-T- j f NCF LLAT IONS 1 COR R f. CT IONS joi sa-a iciMui. ecept on Voruay t,9 taKtn M f 30 m. Tieas real firt inerton rl fur art He'aid A News will give Oi elre tor lprgi arh'tal error. ' "Bljmhcss Builder" WANT ADS 1 ra'umn mrt, $15 per month $? SO fl Si Ovnt P' pm"l p-' er he'or t' a IP'h lch, $19 vth $1 W d s.-rnint for pa, meni ci ctr tie'o' i' tHh. Based on r Lnnv iaig rr month Pox it ovt t -ft ten's per ad. ( . r n iu thanks, ad IN VE VORiAM $7 PHONE TU 4-811 1 fOU CCWtRClAL RATCS CARD Of THANKS i mn' M It- a'l nt" n T vn"L nwrvsi j u a AUO 5 K " H.v,.t e;s m ... . ,.r. ( , -1 , MEETING NOTICES 1 Ktr - ih i ,..,e s At , am! LOST t FOUND 3 REWARD (or rtlurn of lCy't Urge bene colortd hndbg, with perwnal t'fecls inlet. TU 2-2Stl, Tylor. LOST ditmond studded ladv'i platinum wnir watch, reward TU 4-587. PERSONALS GRAHAM'S licenced homt lor the aged, privatt rooms or ward care. special diet, personal mtara.t assured, TU I 3HS OVERTURE TREND, 163 shaping and curling. Your hair not becoming to vou? You should M coming to Km and Anona. Studio of Beauty, TU 4-7l5lJ KLAAAATH Alcoholics Anonymous. TU 4-3591, TU 4-I7C4 Friendly hela anytime. SERVICES 10 REMODELING and repairs, alt kinds. reasonable, references. T U 7-Si89 CHAMBERS HOUSE MOVING. lounda lions, leveling, TU 2-0116 or TU 2-1014. DOLLS repaired, modern and antique. Reasonable prices. Lorna's Doll Hospi tal, TU 4-6992, 1434 Lakeview. TREE topping, pruning, insured tree grooming. Lakeshore Nursery, TU 4-6953. HOUSE remodelino, cabirels our special' ty. please check our references. TU 4-4079. TREE surgery, such as removal, prun. Ing, topping, grooming. TU 2-276H. CUSTOM BUTCHERING. At your place, deliver to processing plant or leave at your piece, ai aion, iu 4 6176. Jess' Tree Service Tru iMninn ranwinn anw kinrf Af tlean-up work. Fret estimates. ill 4-wn uon-i uuess " Fuller Brush TU 2-5972 PROVANCE TREE SERVICE Licensed Insured professional service Trees topped or removed. PHONE TU 4-988 DENTAL-PLATES Repelred wille vou wait. New Plates Made From Your Old PERSONAL DENTURE SERVICE 1033 Main TU 4-3784 Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring - alterations for men, women, children. All work guaranteed. Reason able prices. Gene's Mens Wr 537 Main HELP WANTED. FEMALE 14 WANTED: Christian woman for light housekeeping and babysitting, 3 days per week, 3 nrs. per day, iu 4-aviu. PERMANENT child care needed. home, adult only, part or full lime, write P.O. Box 564, Klamath Falls. WOMEN needed, Merrill, Malin, Bonanza Tulelake, and Lakeview. Earn while you learn. Career development program, in cludes Interior decoration and floral de sign. Write Box 440C Herald & News. r-'URSE fo manage office and assist doc tor, write Herald and News Box igC. HELP WANTED, MALE .16 RETIREO bachelor, handyman, free rent lor services, TU 4-9754. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR SALESMAN OVER 30 OBportunily for quick advancement and high commission earnings with a grow ing 59 year old company selling world famous Goodyear maintenance products. Many exclusive and noncompetitive re peat Items. Age no harrier. Diversified winter and summer line. We take care ol all financing, shipping and collections. New salesman O. M. Rath earned $358 commissions his second order. Paul Rausch, new salesman, earned $608 on one sale and now is No. 5 company vol-i ume leader. Fringe benefits include lite insurance, sales bonuses write consoli dated Paint 8. Varnish Corp., East Ohio Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. National concern offers opportu-1 mty selling soeclalired petroleum prod-l ucts Married man above 4. pre ferred. Musi have lale model car. Knowl edoe of tractors and machinery helpful Sales experience not necessary. We tram if hired. Drawing account when quati lied For personal Interview write quali fications, address, and phone number to Ernie L. Smith, Dept. 1A9. P O. Box 397. Dallas, Tex. PERMANENT POSITION For ambitious, hard working man Inter, ested in selling, who desires to increase 1 over present Income. We will (urmsh transportation, salary and commission, 7 weeks paid vacation 1st veer, retirement I plan, insurance and many opportunities (or advancement. Musi be neat and have pleasing personality APPLY TO MR. RONALD RAMSEY, MGR. Alter II SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Mom TU 2-2513 BOYS! SCE0L EARN Vacation Money by selling the He: aid & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Herald & News, Circulation ni 1 Tnl Ct... UffpT-, I JO I Esplanade PHOKlF Til A-R 1 I 1 HELP WANTED 17 NOTICF TO JOB SFFKFRS All help wanled arts published in ts ..llh h rt),, ... in iff advertising copy ye a' nr. re spnmtpie for the irlegnty of ru" adver tie-s. hut we make ee-y e'ort o tJi coer a"d reiect an m sieading advens ig Ai-vm-e an. it he'o wa"fd a.l and Imflmg if to r nvleadng afced to 'etior' it o t'-e (tass te,-! , .en.s ng Oeoarfment of t Her aid i SITUATIONS WANTED la wanted sma'l ca'e. tavern Mjve. moiet. contact Wanda Ham rer, T U ft4t MiHJStvtORK v !nq vour home r '"Tie. "a'Tpcr'at'On nrtfra fpr srort '"ve H.-skv ?lQi , (lJlilfr wf,c,i,1 le a sn. su rame it. Ut J jms VH L (in tn "d nt Kvukerr-ng .n m t-cme. E'Penened TU ) tS4 LICE Nl O CHILD CARE tlv hoeir da, wr't Vcv,iav t-ougi l--'fiav a m iMpn ' J.'ft , a ls,-n n,,,f j ; aaa iPON'Sr.. an n oe- fiej. Res?" CHILD tV-e "c. i'P. Of' ROOMS JO RINT i l I AS itprtah.e'itvv Ma.n.SS k vo IU Hi COV OrTaBI E.r,W" fi'a"(f par.a i;s S' AiftfVM. n"',f". 22 ' i ,"C Soi.t-i f- iM-i . l u : iv - . A A M rvm Stl"" k ' i r'ere t v. ci- hi q,1" , ARABTWINTS fOR RINT ... il5iit i ev.v,"0', jr cs !.-. e l OSS'Ri '' we c'-e' ea- j a e Jt 1 -v-e l a (" a O' i e -.-rsi 'V . a e - - . , -... - . ee. -a-?, r.f,.v-,.f ,u ;!uin fv- j'. e ' iRff r,t Z,l 7 1 "3 ,r 1 f -'w 'flUM ...a ,,..yf.f-(H. 24 FURNISHED partmcnfi, 1 Rvertidf. 10 2-4734, CLEAN, furrnhed, heo'ed, with garage- adults, 203 Washington. TWO three room furnished apartments. 806 E. Main, upstairs. Apt. 1. THREE room, furnished apartment, 2061 White. FURNISHED 3 rooms. Close in. adults only, no pets, laundry Utilities. 802 Lin coln. NICE dean furnished apartment, close In, TU 2-2531, TU 4-A96. 2 BEDROOMS furnished apts., carport. ru 2-4935 anytime, TU 4-3269 after THREE room completely furnished apart ment, 9)1 Walnut, TU 4-547?. FURNISHED large 3 rooms, clean, warm, rug. 145. inquire 1624 O'Visioo. DUPLEX 'j block o(f highway, Weyer haeuser junction, all electric. TU 2-3129. FURNISHED, heat free, outside entrance, bath. 1421 Esplanade, TU 2-2770. WARM, CLEAN, COMFORTABLE motel units with kitchens. Low winter weekly rates. 1605 Esplanade. AVAILABLE Feb. 1. Unfurnished apart ment. All electric heat. Washer, dryer. stove, refrigerator. TU 2-4153. FURNISHED downtown apartment, ' TU 4-6300 or TU 4-836. 423 Martin, TU NEAT, roomy apartment, 2 blocks to center of town. Heat lurnished, 155. TU 4-9254. UNFURNISHEO fwo bedroom duplex apt. on California Ave. W9.50, TU 4-9264. CLEAN studio, downtown, couple or single, utilities, S55, Greer Apts., TU 4-467B. NEWLY decorated, clean, close in, adults, V40 and J50, Gun Store. PARK APTS., S30 up, bachelor, natural hot Water, TU 4-9754, TU 4-3854. MODERN 2 bedroom furnished apts. $45 per month, TU 4-5692. APARTMENT near Weyerhaeuser fur nished. Utilities, steam heal, $40, TU 4-8313. . DUPLEX, 4 room furnished, excellent location, garage, laundry, UC. TU 4-3659. CLEAN, quiet, furnished, bath, steam heat, near courthouse, '15 Walnut. ONE bedroom furnished apartment. 333 So. 11th ATTRACTIVE 7th & Pine, furnished, free heat. Adults. $59.50, Alpha Apts., TU 4-4522. $15 TO $20 weekly rates, kitchens avail able, Johnny's- Moiei, 20d5 Bienn. EWAUNA - DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, furnished. So. Illh. TU 2-1062. BEDROOM deluxe unfurnished apart- ment. Immediate occupancy. TU 2-6500. BACHELOR apartment, $47.50, heat, wa ler, garbage service included, inquire 273 No. 6th, Apt. 107. FURNISHED 1 room apl., paid. 419 No. 10th. CLEAN, furnished or unfurnished. Call TU 4-7151. Call TU 2-020t, alter 5. COMPLETELY furnished studio apart ment, ail utilities paid, $15. a week or available by Ihe month, washer-dryer, Villa Marquis Apartments (under new management 1330 Oak, IU 4-5995 before tl a.m. or TU 4-7858 after 7 p.m. REX ARMS 1 OR 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS. CLOSE IN HEAT, WATER, GARBAGE PAID 274 BROAD - TJ 2-9217. $36 to $58.50 COMFORTABLE LIVING AT LOW COST! 1-3 tKrffroom apts., furnished or unfur nished. Permanent maintenance included. Monday through Friday SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS lair WASHBURN WAY TU 4-817? Office hours I i m. It s p.m. rTckfaLTs apartments ond MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way One and Two Bedroom opts. Furnished ond Unfurnished $69.50 to $89.50 Doily, Weekly Motel Rates TU 2-5577 KLAMATH FALLS FINEST 1S44 Union 1 Bedroom unfurnished 3 Bedroom unturmshed So a c.o us Rooms Tastefully Decorated '.Veil to Wall Caroeting Swimmmg Pool Rental includes all service ceot feieohon and electricity nee' Neian TU T-fli HOUSES FOR RENT 26 FURNISHED small house, also 2 bed room lurnished duplex. Inquire 31! Grant, 17H FLOORAOO. 3 hedroom, living - d room. Kitchen, ba'h, electric heat Honr rjinn Neat and clean Detached qa'aqe. Open Sunday. $'00 per mo. TU UNFURNISHED tvso hedroom house f-ast Ma-n. one Ch'ld, $S5, TU 4 '06 IHJFE bedroom, furn.shfd, 38S Oest LARGE 'ao bedroom house, W1 SO. 5J'0 V'Her. IU 7-II4S CLEAN 1 bedroom, i ator . 714 Si . f- ranc is FURNISHFD 3 mom cabtn, etr citv. vater paid. S3! 50. TU 7 S4, lu 8261. UNFURNISHED 2 bectronm triote. Flee iC t-eat, carport Near Town and Coun 'ry M0 4'8 Crotiy, T U 4 4Mt UNFURNISHED 7 fearocm dir'e i- is eiectr.c hear y,."er-drv hookup, aaraae. $85. ru 4-5561 eve as or w,eee"cn inc'uderJ gas or o l, 1 or TWO heT-oom hcu-e. parllv tu'm'hefl M- H ncn S'at.on, 3071 G'eensormgs FOR Irase tr Pfmanent ler-nant. two hed'OOm horri at 614 Conger Ave F piaie, hmrmriii ci lurnste, oarage At- I'aii-ve ya-ct wth 'reei lTrn. ""uh Avai'an e 'a"er oart p r-en. 1115 per mo IU , 'Jft' days tu 4sfi eiei-gt -ii dvoi" V.a ItNFURNiSHfn : pec-tvm hevse. a'f paid inQui' a' 1S44 L'a NEAT a-'d cean 3 e' rM ? wriv" iift,rnisre1 duP'e Sear tf. a"d re"g ' a'pr V Us A.Tj.'.O'i, 11 s 1 U J 4(,i TU 44 PL O ROOM pa:d S'ove. M APARTMENTS FOR RENT vate.PNf hed-pcr" lv"i ev1 i N've pelgo"'px1 l ho SPRINGS 2 b-fl'fv-rn nied ovp'e. gararje. .Kd hei'ie. Tg T s O hj-Pom UF PYW HOUSES FOt BENT LARGE Uo bedroom unfunmned duplex, I, La n. til 1111 tubiwMi Til A.T.H , , ONE bedroom unfurnished housa, 2139 Mam. Phone TU 2-286. MILLS, three room. Stoves and refriger ator. Washer, dryer hookup. TU 2-3152. UNFURNISHED two bedroom duplex, ga rage, fireplace, 3011 Boerdmen, TU 3-0990. OUTSTANDING 2 bedroom duplex on Leverne, electric heel, garage, fireplace, TU 2-4753. FURNISHED I bedroom, north side. 4-4268 after 4:30 p.m. and weekends. LOOK Two bedroom, furnished; two bed room, unfurnished, and three room, fur nished. Mills Addition. TU 4-9784. NICE two bedroom home, unfurnished, 5(5 TU 7-3587 days, TU 4-98SJ vn MISC. PROPERTY TO LET 27 FOR lease 140 acres level ground under Irrigation, Macdoel area. 70 acres good spud ground. Or wilt sell or Irade. TU 2-4137 Dtii ictitc WAkJTcn TWO or three bedroom In city under $17,500. Give details. Box 429C, Herald and News. XEAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 29 LARGE three bedroom house. Trade equity for smaller home, TU 4-3981 am o "TRADER ARE YOU? why sell when you can trade. Call DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member International Traders Cub Licensed - Ore. Cal. Ida. Wash. 1037 Main St. TU 4-4127 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3 NORTH SIDE Clean, large, comfortable 2 bedroom home. Fireolace, fenced hackyard, 19,000. Will take any type loan. TU 2-0552, TU z-azzs. COMPACT, firmly built home, one bed room, concrete foundation, paved street, garage. Electric range & oil healer in cluded for only S3, 950, terms $400 down. $50 monthly. EVERETT OENNIS. REAL TOR, ph. TU 4-8491 or TU 4-4578. THREE bedroom home for sale. 1749 j Summers Lane, TU 4-4539. OLDER 3 bedroom suburban home. Built in kitchen, carpeting, garage, small lot. $9,000. TU -4-7312. 15 ACRES, unimproved, paved road, beau tiful building site, Henley School District, $4,500. TU 4-7814. SELL or trade for Klamath Falls prop erly, 1 year old Central Point beautv. Three bedrooms, large living room with fireplace, all drapes included. Lovely dining room and kitchen. Double car port, lawn and shrubbery in. Available March 1st. Art Moorman TU 2-1238. LIKE NEW Suburban extra large two Dearoom nome, iirepiace, hardwood floors, garage, plus carport, 2-3's acre, garden spot, 1803 Hope. NEW, large view home. Large lot. close ment. Appointment only. TU 2-0570. to new OTl and hospital, daylight base- FOUR room house, paved street, near school, $4,800, small down, balance like rent, call mornings or evenings, TU 2-3540. THREE bedroom house, garage, outbuild ings. TU 4-9828, 2 BEDROOM home. Mills, electric heat. garage, storage, $6,500. Can be financed. TU 4-8856 days, TU 4-5207 eves. THREE bedroom home for sale. 4103 Sum mers Lane, TU 4-4539. NEW HOME Just finished, 5 level blocks from high school. Built for lasting quality and ecom- fort by local builder. Carpeted living room, hall, and two bedrooms. Charming birch kitchen wilh bui It in appliances. Full wall height fireplace wilh cobbled partv hearth. You can't beat the low, low price of S1P.500. Please call TU 2-3101 anytime. NEAR Peterson School, three bedroom, wail to wall carpet, fireplace, electnc heal, large fenced back yard, cement pat.o, 4645 Bristol Ave. TU 2-313'. HOT SPRING. Family tvoe home, wter heat, priced to sell. TU 4-7985. hot ACREAGE and large mobile home, priced1 to sell, terms available Inquire 2788 Crest after 5 pm. weekdays. $1,500 EQUITY for $700 in bedroom home, TU 2-5680. THREE room modern house with car port, storage, trailer space, $650 cash. 3103 Emerald St. TU 2-1335. THREE bedroom home, bath and a hall. hardwood floors, fireplace. Built In oven and range, disposal. Two car garage. covered patio and fenced hack yard. Call tu 2-1472 lor appointment to see. Gl or FHA financing. VIEW PROPERTY FOR SALE, 7 lots, ap proximately 96 ft. by 300 ft. suburban area. TU 2-1056. OLDE R 3 bedroom Hot Sprinos home. Dishwasher, basement. 1 j baths, double garage. $11,750. TU 4-379. NEW HOME Beautiful 3 bedroom, hardwood floors, fireplace, ceramic tile bath, forced air heat, patio, dining room. Exclusive Dis trict. 115.000. TU 2-2410. MOVING? We will "TRADE" your property where west of the Rockier! Call DEANE SACHER Realtor READY FOR IMMEDIATE POSSESSION This beautifyt new 3 bedroom home in south suhurbs Two full baths, wall to wan carpet throughout, orcuiat'ng lire o'ace. Alderwond cabinets, bu'it m an pi'rinces. lorcrrf ar oas oerimeler heal A real buy! $515 down plus closing. TOTAL PRICE $15,275 PAUL McATEE and ASSOCIATES. REALTORS 339 E Ma.n TU 2-446,' Sales S'alf Eves. Evelyn MrA'ee TU ?-ST5 - E'eanor Vean T U j-5jssj Art ypfl"nan TU J-UjI STROUT REALTY 54? 5 ath Ph. 7U 4 !?1 (- vP, Til 7. SAOt TU 2-5048' Two hedrprni hpm- cpmpleteiy remnd-1 eied. Oil heat y) Low down. op take! "'""" ! Sll-.n . .(.,, ,- Mwn hrr ..C",nt cCH'liim V." 'O .'! t.rof H ( Siv.o... Ru,. nrnugM o-t .'ly GcvyJ '--c'cp I'-.'fO Multiple Listing Service MLS Newer Suburban ,-'f:f ''e"-'v rarert livi"i o n tt t iTi.iir g ti-eo ace, icn --! n's ol ftu 1 1 .. di-ng a-a. ih-re b-i I eoms ha - doc1 Hoes tru-ouonut A-. aLtid garaje F-ufi price, in ' Suburban vev "efai e C-e'' ! rv ee ren'tyrrn. large iiv jii'm -a-Qt a r-rjlf S'J-a-if P'-c. $11 North Side T e'-cy--" a-se iv -o -ty, 11, a( ' ' e- k .'r-. rt i a , - 3 i'-f pieces fr pa'-v t-a-o Kv -m' f,,. s ,0 "" , j q., . Andy Siiani REALTOR .II, SAMAL tSTATt fOU SALI M FOR salt 3 ftedroom house, TU 4-9219. LOT overlooking Moore Park and Klam- 39,ath Lake. Owner will show. TU 4-79S3. I CORNER en Shasta Way, large houst, garage, workshop, 16.500, TU 2-1376. NORTH SIDE An excellent home and Income. Five apartments bringing in a fine return, Hardwood floors, oil heat. Only 3 blocks to Main. Only 816.500. This l truly a good investment. Owner will carry con tract. OTHER GOOD BUYS 84,750 - l'i Bedrooms - Completely lur nished - North Side. $5,500 - 3 Bedrooms Ideal for Weyer haeuser Emolove. 17,500 - 1 Bedrooms - Owner will Carry contract. 111,400 - Charming 3 Bedroom Picture Windows Mills Add'n. $16,000 - Appro. 5 Acres 3 Bedroom Home Outbuildings South. Schroeder Realty Co. REALTORS 434 MAIN :TU i-54 Anytime TU 3-0168 Multiple Listing Service MLS SUNDAY DRIVE BY Nimrod River Park. 4' i miles east of Sprague River. Big lots ail front on grav el road. 2,900 ft. of river to play on. $10 down, $10 per month. Total $1,200. ANDY SILANI REALTOR 314 So. 7th TU 2-4664 Salesmen- Wilene Welch TU 2-4137 Ed Mitchell TU 2-1683 Andy Silanl TU 4-5544 ST. FRANCIS PARK. Comfortable and well constructed 3 bed room home in excellent neighborhood. Fireplace, wall to wall carpeting, fur nace heat piped fo all rooms, insulated. All spacious rooms with separate dining area. Garage. 113,500 Terms. (FHA ap praisal. LEONARD REALTY TU 4 7521 01 1213 Main Joe Leonard TU 4.9005 TU J-05J7 Joe Perry Audrey Keerins TU 4-533? TU 4-4285 280 ACRES Irrigated, now In alfalfa, grain, grass. 3 bedroom modern home, machine shed, extra shed 200 ft. X 20 ft. 35 miles from Klamath Falls on paved road. Should carry 125 cows year around. Reasonably priced at $64,000. Approximately 1-3 down. 520 ACRES Dairy or stock ranch. 396 acres Irrigated, now in grass, hay and grain. Balance spring pasture. Fenced and cross fenced. Two 2 bedroom modern homes. Price $120,000. Approximately 1-3 down. 23 ACRES Close In adjacent to Lost River. All Irri gated, in alfalfa and pasture. Newly built modern home, barn and hay shed. Only miles from town. Price $31,800. 1-3 down. STILES REALTY MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 133 South 9th Phone TU 2-4740 Ralph Vaden Lorella 762-4163 Fred Tucker TU 4-9747 Homer Stiles TU 4-9904 Multiple Listing Service MLS BRAND SPANKING -n- NEW Enjoy the enmoanionship of your chil dren and friends In this very attractive, spacious home in Klamath Falls' newest addition. Three bedrooms, living room with fireplace, 2 baths. Complete built-in kitcren and lamily room with barbecue. Attached double garage. One of the best building contractors has combined many desirable features Into this home. Price 119,500. 10 per cent down to quali fied buyer. Owner will accept trade. JUST A LITTLE BIT ? BETTER s ir this I bedroom home In the south suburban area isn't just a little bt neat er, a little nicer landscaped and In just the right neighborhrod. With almost new washer, dryer and range included For the low, low price of $11,500. Would consider trading for 3 bedroom BRUCE OWENS Realtor 134 No 7th TU 4-3179 TU 4-9767 TU !-051 Ray Worden Lucille Anderson MLS Multiple Listing Service UNIQUE IMMACULATE - SMALL FARM ! io nedroom, completely redecorated In- pasture, garden araj,. fruit trees, cooler house, stcage build-ng, new double de tached garage and wo-kshon 2.000 sq it. o blacktop This is really a sparkier!!! Price H0.900 or will trade. WRIGHT REAL ESTATE MEMBE R INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 306 S Atrt TU I-?76 TU 4-117 TU ?-6'?3 MLS Multiple Listing Service . HOT SPRINGS 1 I a D'Gnicifd family residence featuring sol d b-iCK construction ad bedrooms SDaotius living and 0mng rooms and 3 roomy hedrooms eri mam 'toor The full bfsement is almost com- o'ftfty f inched with alditiona" artvan- ; taoes, including J adrt'tionat bed'ooms, 'nd betn, den, it x 30 It. parly room L"f' touhie garage Gcir-g Ire $?l.rjf. S V ALLE R HOME, GOOD LOCATION, i HARD TO FIND' 'SOLID. OLOF1 7 STORV , BEDOOOU, '"V'- ""' ' '' '' " ! I? h.'ris. 3r g,-,a, GOING NOW FO JU5T '' DO.VN FHA 1 UD OO.VS Gl. r.-"-.n.l cl0.g COiM. ACT QUICKLY HERE'! m MOVE IN NOW! Drive Bv . . . 56i' iSDfPFSDENCE AVE A terr ic buy at if. rso wenbi'iit J bed'oom t-ome. nr terguso- 5crCiOl Hyg oai-age-ors',(X) S- contract down pa-.rr--ir V, ILL TRADE POP GOOD OLDER 1 OR 4 Urnpmv MQVC I CITY OR SOU'M JUSUPBS. WMITF AVf -ONLY tAOO OOAM 1 EASV CONTRACT l0r t,s neat J red'fcm ('1le. going at tre low 1 prut 0' I'.fJO '4-3 D A ton ST -si. d j s'-'v 4 fei rfm t-mf pn c'P-e iT'Satei 'art ' ! LP.V DO "V N PAVVENT CONTRACT! TERVS JLSt II 000. 11 t I I . I J V I 1 I I I III - I lllwLC 1 Ond bMITH I SEl IS FO1? ISSL-RSCE. TOO It,' ti St Sa S PfM-n Mt E.f f 1 r IIAt ESTATi rOK SAH 3t FOR sale or rem two bedroom home on 1 acre, barn, giiagi, omer outbuildings. Will trade equity for older pickup In run ning condition, or what have you. TU 2-J422. STILWELL & CO. Presents: 4 BEDROOM HOWE on 'j acre. Excel lent neighborhood. Large living room with fireplace, dining room, natural wood kitchen with built-in equipment, 2 baths, attained garage A good family home. Reduced to II 8.500. PACIFIC TERRACE bedroom home, 1 block to Roosevelt School. Douoi garage, corner view location, good hot well. Price $21,500. Shown any time. $1,500 FULL PRICE on this solid, clean, 3 bedroom North side of town. Would lease for $75 per month. FOR LEASE - Modern 3 bedroom home, good location. $110 per month. STILWELL & CO. Realtors 519 Main Street TU 4-313 After 5:00 call Ron Van Orman TU 1-3697 Bruce Blnkley TU 4-3471 in no answer call TU 4-7PCA or TU 2-0444 LOW INTEREST RATE On this large 3 bedroom home (t vef old) in Moyina Heights. Excellent floor plan. Circulating fireplace. Glass doors lo palio. Sweeping view of Mt. Shasta. A steal at $15,750. Assume four per cent loan appro. $17,000. payable $83.00 per mo., or refinance. DON SLOAN Realtor 107 So. 7th St. TU 4-5658 Anytime NEAR ALAMEDA Two bedroom completely furnished homt. Warm and com fortable. No repairs needed. Sep arate utility, garage 24 x 74 ft., concrete floor. Cash or contract. $5,250. ACADEMY DISTRICT Pleasant, clean, furnished on bedroom home, ready to move Into. Terms. Discount for cash. $3,250. Dye Insurance Agency 130 South 5th K. E. Dye. Realtor, Virginia Brown, Sis. TU 4-7755 or TU 4-435? FINE home, beautiful view. Brick con struction. 1.696 sq. It. of living space. Large well appointed living room with fireplace. Three bedrooms, wall to wall carpet in living room, 2 bedrooms and hall. Attached garage with carport. In-. sulated fruit room. Baseboard diesel oil forced air heat. Early American light fixtures. All this on large 160 x 165 fl. with southerly view. Fully land scaped wilh underground sprinkler sys tem. Built In 1961. Priced at cost. $25, Shown by appointment only. SOUTH Suburban three bedroom horn on 3'? acres of very good grass pas lure. KID irrigation. Large living room wnn wall to waif carpel and nrepiac. Oil heat, double carport, workshop and storage shed. Very comfortable home with acreage for livestock. Priced at $13,- 500. Shown by Appointment only. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker 10M Main TU 2-34;i O'Donahue Eves. TU 4-9693 Multiple Listing Service MLS MILLS ADDITION For sale or trade for 3 bedroom larger home. This home is in a quiet neighbor hood near Kiwanis Park. Two bedrooms, 1 1 v 11 ft. dining room, tl x 20 It living room. Carpet in living room and one oedroom. Fenced yeid, neatly land scaped and well kept inside and out. This isn't just a place to live, it's a home! Price $12,500. PEYTON Member International Traders Club 35 Market TU 4-519 Evenings "Pat" Paione TU 2-083 Hao'd V RU' TU 7-413 lUSINISS OPPORTUNITIES 32 FOR lease Ideal Cafe. Macdoel. Calif.. Highway 97, 30 miles of Klamath Falls. Owner unable to work. Write Bo 72, Mt. Hebron. Calif. NOTICE TO PUBLIC Flease Investigate thoroughly any Invest. ment of moneys In merchandise, various enterprises or business opportunities be fore investing your capital. The Herald and News makes every effort to reect all fraudulent or misleading advertising, however, we art not responsible for tha integrity of Ihe firms or individuals who place advertising in our publication. Any advertising of business opportunities ap pearing to be fraudulent or misleading should De reported to the Classified 3 var'ising Department of the Herald and News. 330 FINANCIAL LOANS 34 FOR sale Real Estate contracts secured by Real Prooerty in amount of SI.OOC. drawing )i per cnt interest. Ect:'enl pay. Payments $110 per mo. Write Box 444C Herald and News NEED MONEY for PAYING BILLS? If noQqmg bills leeome o nuf ijrKe. aet nd of them! Check ouf courteous, confidential, cash loon p'on. You'll be glad you did FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER W Finance New 4, Ued Car Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Pnvate Auto Sales Financed Locally Owned for 33 Yeo-i Motor Invpstmpnr Cn tu 4.77-ii MOUStHOLD GOODS LARGE oak o't.ce wr-ti-i' Re-di flrvr. $35. F-.Q.dair 37 nn-n in pood COnd'tiO 4 g u a pant'e i rfu si b' ranc.f"? - REFRIGERATORS - VA$HtS DRYEPS WATER HEATERS Cascade Home Furn. "1 TU t tu SEWINGACHNNE 'V Tune Uo SPECIAL DE-LINT OIL ADJUST CM ALL MAKES For S2 95 SINGER SEW'NG CENTJI! 633 Vo.-y TU 2-;SU V