RCA VICTOR TV TRADE-IN SALE RCA VICTOR - ml DmmA cfwitmA By Helen Bechen PACK 8 A IIKKAM) AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Friday, January 25, 1963 """" ?; V'--if f'" i n.1 ffer J j VARIETY SHOW NCO Wivet Club members who recently sponsored a dance end variety floor show at Kingsley Field are shown in their costumes. Front row, left to right, are Mrs. George Himmelberger, Mrs. Don Eckert, Mrs. Howard Simmons and Mrs. Al Pennock. Second row, same order, Mrs. James MeDermott, Mrs. Eugene Hinds, Mrs. M. C. Harlow, Mrs. Thomas McGreevy and Mrs. Hugh Powell. Mrs. Don Ruble is not pictured. Music was provided by the Star-liter Trio. Mrs. MeDermott was chairman of entertainment. BIG BOY NOW Gary Derry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Derry of Malin, cele brated his t h i r d birthday on Dee. 29 at a party with guests, Janie and Mary Smalley and Linda and Georgia Rajnus. Also pres ent were his grandmothers, Mrs. Ted Evans and Mrs. Dick Derry. .... 'v ' - - V ft f " I ' I ON THE FASHION SCENE The fabric industry has cooked up a whole souffle of lightweights for spring. Elegantly sweeping into the foreground of the spring scone is this tweed coat from the 1963 collection of Monte-Sano and Pruian. With three-quarter sleeves, it features a princess line done in a Lesur tweed of grey, black and white colors that blend in a semi-flat texture. Three large novelty buttons dot the front closing. UPI Telephofo Feather Light Fabric Steals Fashion Scene NKVV YORK UPIi The fab-lo smooth, with loops, kernels, lies industry has cooked up a whole soulfle of- lightweights for spring The manufacturers of dresses, coats and suits talk ahout the neu fabrics in cstatic terms cloudlike, feather light, a consistently airy nothing to wear, foamy, bubbly, and the list goes on. The lightweight wools dominated for day in collections shown this week to visiting fashion report eis in New York for the 40th semi annual National Press Week." Its sponsor: the 22-mcmber New York Couture (iioup of Designers, plus an equal number of auxiliary members. Typical of the new wools were those used by the firm of Monte Sano Si Pruzan. which produced soullle tweeds, mohair wools and black on white block-checked wools "sheer enough to wear into summer. .Surface of the fabrics also pro vided interest, ranging from rough Imuclcs, nubs, puffs, and matte finishes. Mixtures included silks and wools, synthetics with the na tural. Chiffon far out ran any other labnc as a favorite for evening; runneiup for dress occasions, four ply silk crepc. Manufacturer Larry Aldrich, who is president of the couture group, showed a batch of late-day dresses in a new silk crepe with matte finish; others in a very lightweight cloque (pronounced clo-kay) silk had an uneven sur face. Al Aldrich. the major silhouette theme was the pullover, as it was in numbers of spring collections His chief designer, Marie McCar thy, cut the pullovers like roomy sweaters or workmen's shirts, ci ther straight or slouched, with sashes or belts. Always, the de signer showed a shoulder line getting wider. IS POLLY'S POINTERS 10-Minute Car Wash POLLY CRAMER Ntwjpoper Enterprise Assn. Printed Pattern Jnt3 50 Talking Doll V' 9185 'V Iff 1 Milt TAI.MNC. 1)01.1. New! rTom play to parly to bedtime, here's a ft-part waiilrnbel lor the new, 50-inch talking dol your little girl loves. Have fun1 ind save dollars sew clothes ol remnant St Printed Pattern lllli.i: Knr 2iv inch talking doll. See pattern for yardages. Kitty cents in coins for this p.il tern add in criUs (or each pal tern (or first-class mail, .Send to Marian Marlin, care of Herald and News. Pattern lVrt. 3.12 Wct IHIh SI.. New York It. X Y. Punt plainly name, addvrss with rnne. sire and slvle number. First time eer! ;l,mionm. movie star's waidiolie plus Unex citing s!lrs In sew in our new Kail Winter Pattern dialog .Send M ccnlv I'n si recorded Christmas ylc hratinn in North America was on Si Croix l-land. Maine, in HKH She" Redrew Hair r r DKAfi POl.l.Y I am a wife who hates a dusty or lirty ear. I lake a clean dust mop and dust away; il takes less than (wo minutes. If washing the car, I also use the dust mop to wash and dry. I can do a complete job in 10 minutes. MILS. I).C. (Illtl.S Tills letter mine as an answer from someone reading my mind. .My black ear shows every sHt of dust. Only a couple of days ago I Ihmighl: "Why hasn't fyimrnne made a long-han dled brush Dial would enable a woman In reach and wipe her own ear?" Iu he sure Dial mop has scratchy parts to mark Ihc car's paint job. POl.l.Y lKlt POl.l.Y - When a door slicks or needs a bit of sandini; ind you don't have lime 'or Ihc rncrgyi In remove it from the lunges, just put a piece of sand paper between sill and door at llie trouble area. Closing and ociiiiig several times usually will do the trick nicelv. MISS. I N Secure the sandpaper with a piece nl tape nr thumh lacks sn it will nnl slip away frnm where you want It. POl.l.Y DIvMt POl.l.Y - When I am about to lake a plane trip, I lie red. while and blue ribbons each handle of my luggage. At the baggage ramp my bags are easily and quickly identified. A M II. (;lltl.S-Tliis I shall do. The last lime I wailed for my luggage. there were three sets ii navy trimmed with red like mine. 1 win ready In grab the first two. Mine came last. The ribbon can be sHitlrd much farther away than initial nr idrnlilication tags. POl.l.Y (illtl.S io not believe the billowing idea will he taken up by many of you hut the Idler Is sn amusing I felt I must share It. It Is really good for more than one smile. POM Y UKAIt POl.l.Y - .lust when you are inindcnng oer all the silver dollars that have been paid lor suggestions for pulting "slull" in the refrigerator, I am submit ting another (nr the "deep Miietve!" My hairdresser advises lli.il freshly dressed wigs retain their Party Fetes Future Bride FORT KLAMATH Uicai mem bers of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Fort Klamath Community Church en tertaincd in tile C.I. Clubhouse on Saturday evening, Dec. 2!), at a miscellaneous shower compli menling bride-elecl Darla Dec Brewer. The holiday motif, including a decorated Christmas tree, was used for the occasion, with 25 present from Chiloquin and Fort Klamath. Assisting the guest of honor in opening her many gifts was Alissa Hill of Chiloquin, Boll) being graduates of Chiloquin High School, class of 10. The gift list was recorded by Mrs. William Rrcwer. Darla Dee is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Brewer long-time residents and ranchers of the Wood River Valley. .She was graduated Dec. 2(1 from the Rebekahs Give 50-Year-Pin Several members of ProsH?rity Rebokah Ixidge paid a visit to Minnie Robinson at her home Saturday. Jan. is. The noble grand, Charlotte Anderson, pre sented Mrs. Robinson with a 50 vear membership jewel, a gift from the lodge members. Mrs. Robinson joined the Prosperity Re- hckah l-odge in Klamath Fails in 1013 and has been a faithful mem ber for -this length of time until he became bedfast in recent years. The visiting group stayed to en joy cake and ice cream in ob servance of Mrs. Robinson's birth-dav. hane and gloss when kept under refrigeration. When we had to boose between space allowance for a turkey or a wig in our refrigerator, the former won the prelcrence and the latter suffered wilting effects in ordinary temper ature. I guess people who can af- lord wigs and wig-hairdos should be able to include a refrigerated wigwam." After all, Iwo-car and two-television set families might double up on refrigerators, too. Hoping to receive a silver dollar for a down payment on one. am, HKAIVY CLAMODRAMA (illtl.S If any of you wig wearers think of using this, re member it goes not in the freez er wrtion hut the odd part. 01 course, ynu good housekeepers would have It covered either with a plastic wrap or in its hn so that no moisture ran undo the hairdresser's work. Although this part of the refrlgralnr should have no moisture, it ran be created Just frnm uncovered dishes. POl.l.Y Share your favorite homcmak- ing ideas . . . send them to Pollv in care of Herald and News. -4 n -kI ' ' : - ' f L ' 4 Mi- -rrrW . Vfc J II III ill I nun HONORED Darla Dee Brewer, bride-elect of Fred Novak of Palo Alto, was feted at a bridal shower given by local members of the Women's Society of Christian Service of the "Fort Klamath Community Church, Northwestern School of Commerce in Portland, and is now employed in the office of the Western Sure ty Company in Palo Alto. Her finace is Fred Novak of Palo Alto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Novak of Omaha, Neb., where Novak Sr. was transferred in VM after having acted for two years as assistant superintendent of Crater Ijke National Park. major in electrical engineering, the bridegroom-to-be w ill be grad uated in June from Stanford Uni versity and a quiet wedding is planned there during Marc h spring vacation. At the close of the pre-wedding iffair given in honor of the bride- elect, refreshments were served to their guests by the hostesses, WSCS members Mrs. Richard H i Ada l Wilson, Mrs. Stewart Nich olson. Mrs. Richard 0. Varnum, Mrs. Lloyd Nicholson and Mrs. Bert Grav. THfe DANMOORE HOTEL 1217 S.W. Morrison St. Portland, Oregon All Trantlrnl r.ue.m. All Ibsit who tnr mum. RatF tint too hlch, nflt lew. FrrK KrnF, nrw Ifirilion 'i hlot-h from HnlH. Onrn nnltl in P. SI. TVi nd Ratlins. Ilrnulalinn Inr rlcan-llnr-". Chlldrrn ondrr BM-rn, no f-har-r. INCOME TAXES See Your Rcliobla Income TAX CONSULTANT CHAS. HATHAWAY Auditinq - Bookkeeping 120 N. 10th TU 4-5473 GUARANTIED REPAIR SERVICE AT WARDS Ml H phfirtrt rrttf TV pr1irx) . sA-Arrt ihnio-ri K i ust phrt" iaU tnnAv' Ynp II hiifi h Tvit . . . "ti th prit11 CjII MONTfiOMFBY WOD f VICt Ot PART WENT TU 4 HU lh A Ptn FINAL CLEARANCE! MATERNITY TOPS $99 Party Time .'.' ' ,ONf OUl ' -. uJJULJLJaA H iv v iff; only I .V formerly to 7.95 it th time to rc-icrve one of the 3 large banquet rooms at the Wincma Motor Hotel. Our experienced itaff con help give you plonning ideal for parties, reunions, club meetings or convention. Stop in anytime and let us help you! Wincma Motor Hotel irjrai I 1 L bl I . . PASTEURIZED AND BOTTLED FOR YOU FRESH right HERE in KLAMATH FALLS FROM YOUR D EfUER OR route mnn mark 3 mm TV h i) uvfJ n ii c of - '1111, I WkK-rV- Va&v lit rnngbri Special Series 213-F-10-M 260 q. In. picture If you've been thinking of ccfctr TV, oik anyone who owns one! only With Trade Only $6 A Week RCA's Lowest Priced Color TV Only 2 Color Controls High Fidelity Color ii r ' " Special Series 2I3-G-155M 260 sq. in, picture Only $550 With Trcde! RCA COLOR TV Proven in the homes of America for the past 8 years! Complete Home Entertainment Center by RCA VICTOR! I ' -). linn- i The FAIRFIELD Series 233-D-95-M 23" lube (overall diag.) 232 sq. In. picluro RCA VICTOR IkurViALa. TV . Complete Home Entertainment Center featuring four-speaker Total Sound Stereo System includinq Two New 8'' Acoustic Lens Mounted Speakers for Improved Stereo Sound Separation Breathtaking New Vista Te!evision Deluxe FM-AM Radio Tuner adaptable to FM Stereo Radio Reception Automatic 4-speed "Victrola"1 Phonograph R( upper Hon cirri - rMMtV f 1 f fl , tri ! himrrl rr prfrtin rrflrr an rl rp niml ipniiithlf IV rtrrntl I.. Mrr HfrtpeH Si olr! Vniy hlarlfil hi nil wirtnc Im rnrnr lnn mr ahMit r.rrnK s47 With Trade Money Sowing, Space Saving PORTABLE The "Modernette" 173-A-50M 95 $149 17 inth 'Overall Diagonal) 156 Sq. Inch Picturt Block 1 Wh.tr Sprciol The- "ADAIR" 233-B 602M J 178 With Trod 23" Toht 'O.cmll Doionoll 2tH $Cj. In. Picturo ri Klamath Basin COLOR TV Heada.:arf?rs 111) Main Street JfKAPCO. tffACt.& f" 0f For Dramatic Story See Poge 3 of Section A 1001 Main TU 4 8183 I I