f!f!f?'lfl iiiiiOiil' 1 1 m llli I. BP , ... p .. r. f;( J iii ijMijjrtj hAMYi i I imw.,lllt.in.iii'i - ,: ' -,, . AMONG THE RECIPIENTS The Klamath County Library was among eight libraries that recently received a gift of new scouting books through a trust fund in memory of Dr. F. C. Adams, former Modoc Area Council, president. The other recipients were libraries at Alturas, Lakeview, Bend, Redmond, Prineville and Madras. Irma , Matthews, children's librarian at the counly library, accepts the books from James Patterson. Legion Plans Initiation On Sunday A special meeting to initiate new members into the American Le gion, Klamath Falls chapter, will be held Sunday, Feb. 3, at 1 p.m. in the legion hall. Candidates for initiation are asked to come at 12: 15 p.m. A . potluck dinner will fdllow the meeting and all interested per sons are invited to attend. Included among the list of can didates are E. V. Allen, Archie Andrews, John Bakkila, Norman E. Baugh, Glen W. Bortis, J. Claude Bowden, Terranee Boyer, Elden Brown, Robert C a n o y, Arthur Clark,. Arthur Collier, Clee Crawford. Dale Cumpston. Stan ley Cwiek, J. R. Decker, Charles A. Dennison and Frank J. Detz. Others are John Fenning Jr., Ccorge B. Fosburg. Everett E. (livens, Paul Gregory, Robert E. Garrison, William L. Grooms, L. E. Halt. William Kuhn. Don , Libby, Maurice Malone. George E. O'Grady. Jack Owens, Earl It. Pcttit. Carl Prince, Paul Pride, Max Huge, Roliert R. Ross, Charles Samuelson, John Shelley, Arthur Street, Robert W. Troulman. Max Ward, R. H. Wil liams and Gary Woodard. TOUCHING SCENE HAMILTON. Ont. (UPP-Linda Revill, 9. was on her way to school in freezing weather Tues day, when she decided to put her tongue on a metal cross outside a church. A policeman warmed the cross with towels soaked in warm water to release Linda. THE DOCTOR'S MA1LBAQ Hormones Aid Paralysis Of Face (Editnr'a Note: A "handa off" warning from Malayan Premier Tengku Abdul Rahman to Indonesia is disclosed in the following exclusive interview with Mints Thomason, president of United Press International who is traveling In Southeast Asia.) By MIMS THOMASON KUALA LUMPUR, Malaya lUPD The Malayan premier, Tengku Abdul Rahman, renewed today his warning to Indonesia to keep your hands off Malaysia." In an exclusive interview with UPI at the tengku's attractive hilltop residence, he said frankly he is bewildered at the growing trouble between Indonesia and this Southeast Asian nation which be expanded bv summer's. end into the Malaysian federa tion. "I did not expect anything like this." the tengku said. The mild mannered premier, who will be f0 on Feb. 8, said: "But I cannot sit back when they go on talking. Finally I had By W. G. BllANDSTADT, M.D. Written for Newspaper Enterprise Assn. Q Last summer I developed Bell's palsy. My face is drawn to the left and I can t smile. My doc tor gave me a course of injections of vitamin B-12 and other kinds of medicine, is there any kind of ex ercise that will strengthen the muscles? A Facial paralysis may be due to various causes including in jury, exposure to cold, infection and tumors. More often than not the cause cannot be determined Although most persons with this condition recover spontaneously, electrical stimulation with a gal vanic current helps to keep the paralyzed muscles from wasting away while nature is restoring the nerves that control them. In acute cases adrenal hormones such as cortisone may help. Q I have a dry mouth and lips I have been under a doctor's care but I have not had any relief. Can I be helped? A Certain drugs, such as bella donna, will cause dryness of the mouth. If you have not been tak ing anv of these drugs, a search should be made for the cause. Re movinc the cause is always the most satisfactory method of treat ment. If the cause cannot be found, you will have to settle for palliative measures. Sometimes starting a meal wun a very sour pickle will start the flow of saliva. Be sure to clean votir mouth thoroughly after meals. If the dryness is especial yWJ MAR. 2? T 6-5544-73 STAR GAZERO ,f TAUIUS APR 21 t i-s? MAY 2) 7-19-30-41 Sy 51 -62-72 . CIMIN1 &?. "T B TV M '-55-34 J tl- 58-69 CANCII ff JUNE 21 MA 3-19-39 lL '61-71-79 851 uo ) JULY 1 . . AUG 71 V 8-17 76-391 500-81 -8q VWGO AUG 2i SEPT. 21 ;;rV7-73-3'-'6 -Br CLAY R. POLLAN- Yoor Daily Activity Guid According to th Stan. To develop message for Saturday read words corresponding to numbers of your Zodioc birth sign, '1 Eerfi5 31 trvjicnfl 2 Evtrvth.ng Hui 3 tWt 4 Up-t 7h- HI F Plor 9 Sh 10 FrJiCTW 1 I for 12 P 13 Gn l(STn 17 IS P lemony 3'i CoixJiliom ." To ,"i7V.lgr 41 BV 4 Trt 44 And 45 Frjvirt 47 O.tr 4 Try 49 Of 1 Ar1m,rer 61 Arfvf 62 Eni.ahren 64 Right fcS Tu'tneil'i 6 Actrvittfi 67 Commitment M Mirvt 70 Ycwr 7t C'rcumitoncr 72Dov 7.i D.d . 74rJ 75 Nr- 76 Ov'lvV 77 Sorti'n 7P. Na-ur 79 Oongei SO l 5?a3i B2-63-82- SAGITTARIUS NOV 23 m 9-16 27-38 A U9-70-78 l i P"-iHy 74 V,r- 1 Tf,. ?-4 Gn'i S7 Vc.jf 15 A1 27 S-y.eht 20 Div--jr3d i9 N- HSAriv ft? Ru.M f 3 Aoowk 90 Net:- (5f) Good AJrene )scu'ull fPT. 23 rfx OCT. 21 i&l ,4-65-60-83 SCORPIO OCT- 3 X7V, n vvi 1 ,4 CAKON DIC 23 JAN 20 2-13-24-35C- U5-567 AOUAIIUS 10-21-32-43 (Q. U3-64-75 y- MAJt 21 11.15-36-37 Afi 59 87 ff5" ly troublesome between meals, it may help to take a little cooking oil in your mouth and use the tongue to coat all the inner sur faces. Cold cream should be ap plied to the lips. Also, there are various stick preparations which are helpful. Q I understand myelitis is a degeneration of the spinal nerves. Is recovery possible? what treat ment is used? A There are several kinds of myelitis or inflammation of the spinal cord. Poliomyelitis or in fantile paralysis which is due to a virus is one form. In all forms a wasting of the muscles sup plied by the involved nerves us ually results. Massage and move ment ihoth voluntary and assist ed by a nurse or physiotherapy aid I may help lo limit the disease but complete recovery is rare. No curative drug or other treatment is known. Q t am 35 years old. My doc tor tells me 1 have chorioretini tis caused by toxoplasmosis. Can anything be done for this? I am almost blind. A Toxoplasmosis is a general infection caused by a unicellular animal parasite, the toxoplasma In many persons the infection causes no symptoms but if it does cause disease, the symptoms are usually severe. It is sometime acquired by eating raw or under cooked pork but this is not the only way il is spread. Details on the mode of transmission are not yet fully understood. The parasite frequently attacks the retina. A combination of sul fa drugs and pyrimethamine is of value in halting the course of the disease, but cannot be expected to restore tissues, such as the ret ina, after they have been severe ly damaged. Q Are Knovid pills safe to lake? What are ihe side elfects? A Enovid is a powerful syn thetic steroid hormone. After some exhaustive studies the American Medical Assn. has re ported that it is safe. Earlier re ports that it caused clotting of, Ihe blood in Ihe veins have not lieen substantiated. Possible side effects include headache and nausea. This valuable drug has several udes. For the proper dos- in your case consult your doctor. Premier Renews Indonesia Warning 'Keep Your Hands Off Malaysia' ommuni ifi 9 to say. keep your hands off Ma laysia." Expresses Regrets During the 30-minute interview the tengku (prince' repeatedly expressed his concern in what ap peared to be genuine sorrow and amazement at recent Indonesian statements. The statements included Indo nesian support for the Brunei re bellion, opposition to Malaysia and finally a declaration by For eign Minister. Subandrin of "con frontation" against Malaya. The tengku said confrontation was a term commonly used ny Ihe Communist countries ... we don't know exactly what it means." The Indonesians later said that confrontation would be economic and social and not military. But the tengku pointed out there very little trade between the twoi countries and that if it were slopped completely it would bel more adverse to Indonesia than to Malaya. Fears War's Spread What we're worried about that if there is a war it would not be just between Malaya and Indonesians but would spread out all over the world." he said. la enaar FRIDAY M E R R Y M I X E R S, 8 p.m. square dance, Pelican City Hall Bring doughnuts. MEETING, lo organize grange,1 7:30 p.m., potluck, Williamson River Community BIdg. Everyone invited. VFW POTM'CK. 6:30 p.m. VFW Hall. r.IRI- SCOUTS. 7 p.m., picture story of round-up, Roosevelt School gym. Bring cushions. Par ents invited. EAGLES AUXILIARY. 8 p.m. meeting, initiation. Eagles Hall SATURDAY DORRIS GRANGE, 8 p.m., card party, pinochle and whist, Dorris City Hall. Prizes and refresh ments. STEWART - LENOX FIRE BELLES. 7:30 p.m., public card party, Fairhaven cafeteria. Prizes and refreshments. Y-NE-MA TWIRLERS, 8 p.m square dance, St. Paul's education building, Jefferson Street. Bring salad or pie. DEGREE OF HONOR, 2 p.m. installation practice, new K.C Hall. DANCE, 8 p.m. to 12 midnight, L.D.S. Church. Home and Martin. Members and friends. l.l'CILE O'NEILL, 5 lo 7 p.m., turkey noodle dinner, school. MOTHERS CLUB, Fort Klam ath School. 8 p.m., benefit card nartv. bridge and pinochle. For Chiloquin Volunteer Hre Dept MONDAY ORDER OF RAINBOW GIRI.S, No. 57, 7:30 p.m.. regular meet ing, Scottish Rite Temple. E W A IN A TOASTM 1STR ESS, 7:30 p.m., meeting, W'incma Ho tel. G R E A T BOOKS DISCI'S- SION GROUP, 7:30 p m., "No vum Organum." city library. had ships he Noting that Indonesia very powerful army . . . and planes from Russia whereas we have nothing said: "We never expected to have had to fight anyone. But today a result we have got lo strengthen our army a little more. "We have a defense treaty with Great Britain. They will have to help us if we were allocked by a foreign power." HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Friday, January 25, 1963 PAGE 7-A Smog Denied By Russians LOS ANGELES lUPD-One thing the Russians don't claim to have invented is smog. They don't have any air pollu tion to a serious degree in the Soviet Union and they have taken steps to avert this plague which afflicts numerous U.S. cities, ac cording to a touring team of Rus sian health officials. The Russian team of three men and one woman was headed by Nikolai Fcdotovich Izmerov, chief deputy in the foreign relations de partment of the Ministry of Health, who presided at a press conference Wednesday at head quarters of the Los Angeles Air Pollution Control District. Izmerov chuckled as ho gazed at the dozen newsmen waiting to question him and said through an interpreter, "We are outnumber ed." Questions of a political nature were Banned Dy prior agree ment. Izmerov fielded most of the questions suavely while his col leagues looked on silently and the interpreter, Leo Markoff-Mog- hadam of the U.S. State Depart ment, translated in halting Eng lish. First question fired at Izmerov was w hether smog existed In Rus sia. An emphatic "nyel" was de tectable in his reply and the In terpreter said with finality, "They don't have smog in Die Soviet Un- n." Izmerov was asked whether In creased production and use of au tomobiles would bring smog to Russia and he replied, "That's why we are studying smog in or der to avoid it." In connection with air pollution by factories, he said that as far back as 1935, tlie Soviet Union look steps lo disperse heavy in dustries with zoning regulations. N. J. Rotenboum INCOME TAX CONSULTANT Commerce BIdg. 1111 Wolnut Ave. Ph. TU 4-5903 or TU 4-5863 Mondiys In .Milln Ibre Trb. II Song Word Author Dies NEW YORK (UPD-Otto A. Harbach, 89. dean of Broadway librettists who penned "The Fire fly," "No, No, Nanelle," "Desert Song," and "Roberta," died at his Manhattan home today after a long illness. Harbach was an all-round the ater author, achieving success as a light opera and musical come dy librettist, playwright, and mov ing picture scenarist. He had more llian 1.0(H) songs lo his credit. many of them as familiar to three generations of Americans as the National Anthem. Just a sampling of Harbach's enduring works include "Cuddle Up A Litlle Closer, Lovey Mine," Giamnna Mia, "I Won't Dance," "Indian Love Call," "The Night Was Made for Love," "One Alone," "Riff Song," "Rose Ma rie," "Sympathy," "Who," and one ol the greatest torch songs ever written, "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes." Harbach backed into show busi ncss from the academic world Born in Salt Lake City, he went on to Knox College to earn a bachelor and master of arts de grees, and for six years was pro fessor of English at Whitman Col lege, at Walla Walla, Wash. In 1!K2, Harbach responded to the lure of New York and came here to take a newspaper job. Later he worked for several advertising agencies. While in advertising. Harbach wrote a musical show, "Three Twins," which was produced suc cessfully. After that he devoted himself to writing for the stage and collaborated with most of the composing groatj. including Jo rome Kern, Sigmund Romberg and Victor Herbert. lit ii , pw in n i jwei. hiwiuw u ii.iiu ii iii )i.immi.i.Mm.iiniiii,., I,,. v , , , l V , v1 &t m Castro Support Lacking Cuban Refugees Report STUDY OF STUDIES HARTFORD. Conn. UI -House Speaker .1. Tyler Patter son Thursday called for establish ing a lecislative study commission to study studies made by other study groups. ENROLLMENTS mnnlh Fir an IntrrrMinf, r'Mai Itif tarrrr in ( mMolof j' . C all IT t-1411 Klamath Beauty College J Big Savings Now During Final January Charge Now - Pay In March Th booki ore clojed. All charge purchosei mode balance of thit month will not be due un til Morch 10th. it Eliminates scraping and rinsing because water is constantly filtered Don't be a Dishwasher BUY ONE! Saftguord your family's health and your wife's disposition! Hove this dtthwaiher delivered to morrow. Wothes twice, rinses four times with water thot's too hot for hands. PF7 I A WEEK N lintlllion ntry Moctfl SKP iO ncludmg the city end county libraries in of 300 new scouting books Drovided for from trust fund monies set aside in memory of Dr. F. C. Adams, president of -the Mo doc Area Council, Boy Scouts of Americe in 1948, 1949, 1950 end 1951. Mrs. Ad die Mae Nixon, city librarian, accepts some of the scout literature from James Pat terson, trust fund chairman. 1 1 NEW SCOUT BOOKS Eight libraries, Klamath Falls, recently received a total MLUII (UPIl - The first of about 1,200 refugees due to leave Cuba by this weekend arrived Wednesday and reported that Fi del Castro is faced with growing' economic problems and dwindling support for his regime. They also said that resentment rising over the Russians in Cuba. A Pan American World Air ways DC6B brought 98 Cubans and Cuban-Americans here, along with four Red Cross officials, West German diplomat Johannes Hcllmuth and his daughter. A cargo vessel, the Shirley Lykes, was due at Port Ever glades north of here tonight or Thursday with up to 1,000 more refugees, another Pan American plane was In fly to Havana Thurs day with a load of ransom sup plies and return with still more refugees. A Red Cross spokesman said Hie sailing of the Shirley Lykes was delayed due to "necessary clearances by the Cuban govern This week's arrivals will in crease lo more than 3,000 the number of refugees the Castro regime has permitted to leave Cuba since just before Christmas, including the 1,113 Cuban inva sion prisoners for whose freedom the United Stales is paying $33 million in ransom. Wednesday's Pan American plane, donated to the Red Cross, brought the refugees here after carrying a load of ransom sup plies to Cuba along with cots, blankets and a medical team to attend the refugees sailing aboard the Shirley Lykes. LIQUORS Oprn Smtdsri d-.Oft ta 1:00 Weekdtra S:0o to SlOO Jock's Super Market Tul.lakt, Calif. f ? T ? ? ? ? ? ? t Speculation with other people's money is not limited to J tht bonker or promoter. In other words, o merchont who Is not soundly informed as to his merchandise can only A. SPECULATE WITH HIS CUSTOMER'S MONEY, for he is J never sure of the true quality of his product. As the DOLLAR VALUE of a diomond Is determined by the qualities of Color, Cutting, Perfection ond carat J weight, Instead of tha commonly used single quality of perfection alone, you have the right to expect only a trained Jeweler with full knowledge and the necessary Gem X testing Instruments to give you this vital protection. LEARN BEFORE YOU BUY!!! I J. C. REHIE JEWELERS ment of the people scheduled tol. A Trusted Jeweler It Your Best Adviser J leave, and internal transportation ' Mo,n Tu -&6 problems in Cuba." I ;mJmJ-JJm$m. Diamond... Speculation... HOW GOOD IS PLYMOUTH'S NEW WARRANTY? Facts about our 5-year or 50,000-mile warranty DOES IT INCLUDE THE COST OF LABOR? Yes. There is absolutely no charge for labor and parts. For the entire life of the warranty, nhould. any defect in material or workmanship occur on the part covered by the warranty, it will not cost you one cent to have it corrected. DOES IT COVER EXPENSIVE PARTS? Absolutely! It covers the major power train components the en gine block and its in ternal parts, the auto matic transmission and it internal parts, the rear axle parts that would cost plenty to re place or repair. IS IT TRANSFER ABLE WHEN YOU SELL THE CAR? Yes. As long as the car has been serviced at rea sonable intervals accord ing to the Plymouth Valiant Certified Car Care schedules, the war ranty can be passed on to the new owner. Think what that will mean to resale value of your carl MUST YOU SPEND MORE FOR MAINTENANCE? No. All that is required is the normal care that most car owners would usually give their car. Only one chassis lubri cation is required for th entire life of the warran ty. Other maintenance consists of inspections at reasonable intervals. evnuf Authored Plymoulh VlHnt Dn.lert Werrenty eealmt rtetorte In material and workmanahle on 19M can hat bean a panned lo .ntluda oarta replacement or repair, without char,a lor reouirad parte or labor, lor S years or 50.000 mtn. whichever tomaa lint on tha an,,na blf k. haert and Internal parta: tranamUnon caae and Internal parts (aadudln, manual clutch); torque converter drive shaft, universal Kinta (a.cludin, dust cover.), rear ..la end d.lteront.al. and rear wheel bearlnge, provtdea the vehicle haa been serviced at reasonable Intervela eccordm, to the Ptymouth-Vellant Certified Cer Cere echedulea. JIM OLSON MOTORS 522 So. 6th St. Klamath Falls, Or.