Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 25, 1963, Page 5, Image 5

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    F riday, Jan. 25, usj p, ...
Berald & News Klamath Fall
Honor Roll
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The president's office at Ore
gon Technical Iastitute announced
65 students were placed on the
President's Honor Roll or the
fall term in special icognition of
their superior academic achieve
ment at the college.
The honor roll is (or students
who achieve a 3.5 or higher
grade average for the term's
Students with a straight 4.0 1 A
average were Sandra A. Benson
Klamath Falls: Jovce Elaine
Carlson, Willamina; Thomas L
Day, Klamath Kails; .lohn D. Do
ran, The Dalles; Charles J. Good
man, Medford; William ft. Lan
der, Springfield; Harry D. Metke
,Bend; James D. Newkirk. Wolf
Creek; Charles ft. .N'idever
Klamath Kails, and Karen A
Nickel), McMinnvillc.
Others with a 4.0 average were
Richard G. Rupp, Fresno: Carole
E. Saunders, Klamath Kails; Sue
Searles, Pendleton; Harvey Sha
fer, Forest Orove: John D. Stell
ner, Sunland, Calif.; Jerry H
Swanson, Klamath Kails; Nancv
n. Tiller, Klamath Kails; John J
Tolten, Portland; Frank P. Tun
no, Portland, and Steplien D. Wil
cox, Hood River.
Achieving an average between
a .1.5 and .1.947 were Gene M
Piercy. Gresham: Lynn' D. Zir
kle, Klamath Kails: Richard E.
Gobcli, Cascade Locks; Dennis
Weber, Myrtle Creek; Robert T.
Blair. Lakeview; Burrell Claw
son, St. Helens: Patricia D. Lo
gan, Talent, and Alan D. Schur
man. Ridgefield. Wash.
Others were Theodore R. Mar
tinson. Mount Hood; David A. El
rod. Medford: Genevieve J. Mont
pomcry. Myrtle Point; William V.
Ott. Clackamas; Harold A.. Le
gard, Silverton. and John B. An
derson, Medford.
Also included were Earl M.
Raehurn, Baker; Barbara A. Kar
nosh. Scio; William A. Olson Jr..
Cottage Grove; Jerome J. Egner.
-Mount Angel; Richard C. Taylor.
Corvallis: John H. Rea Jr.. Tou
chel; W. Morton Gordon, Elgin;
Jerry D. Nussbaum. Portland;
Krick Jergenson, The Dalles;
Dennis D. Ponse: John C. Kells.
Nampa, Idaho; Billy D. Johnson.
Klamath Falls, and Wilford Lee.
Myrtle Creek.
Henry J. H a 1 1 m a n. Dorris;
George A. Hunt Jr., Klamath
Kalis; Gwendolyn A. lop, Piine
villc; Henry V. lsenhail. Lang
lois; Norman L. Shalte. Astoria.
Daniel N. Kolk. Klamath Kails;
Krank E. Scharman, Ridgefield;
Lee A. Bull Builts. lakeview;
William A. Hendrix, Bly; Wesley
E. Allen. Toledo: John E. Lip
pold, Salem, and Jarard G. Rich
ardson. Revs Creek.
Donald D. McKeteis. Shady
Cove; Dclores A. Westgaard. Ash
land; Yvonne L. Cox, Klamalh
Kails; Harold Roy Kleiman, El
Paso. Tex : William L. l-a-Knrce.
Toledo, and William E.
Vacenblast, The Dalles.
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J 11 J 1 11 ii 11 11 11 h y
i-ni ujyjuriruH nun
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i i minis iif
- v U Drive By These Sites
r-.. . This Weekend!
j- Available
1 ,-j.?-T Soon!
i-,-. : '?-! ''TVtty-''' - "'".'. '' fe. Construction starting
( .3'vK..'- -;V , '." yf. immediately!
DUNSMl'IR - A request of heV.'y.:.; JiX.''"'' Wtll "
DunsmuirCy Council to 1" lV lJiry fcsjvM ""Yv
prove formation of a southern j5fri!tWr .'OT I' - X
Siskivnu public utility district to VWi i VVW '.A
support a television 1,an5la,,or V - Sg
svstem was turned don by the if , - JSSi i J'-
council a. Monday nighf, coun. ,1 Wfr's j i fM
The Mount Shasta City Council fVZ ffi-'l W vAii V
voted .0 favor formation of thefiZ J--fC ' -T CS3S?-V -Vs V Jail ' .
district at its last meeting. Ttoifo;fSgs'' -t?- V0iVJ . '
also :- : V. vA? ri. Pi"' ' l
Most Beautiful, Desirable Home
Location in Klamath County!
Now ready for the home of your choice ... all exclusive family home
locations, limited to Better Homes of
1 ,200 square feet or more!
11:1 I'll! I II HOME PUS
available in Our Office ... or bring in your own plans
TV District
Turned Down
Just Drive Up
Eldorado Blvd.!
made bv the Dun
muir Kev Club which has raised f.
funds for the translator instal
ialion and sponsored its erection. .yvy
At Monday night's meeting. '.jtc'A
large neiegauon 01 f iurn.- "-:..
srmblrd to discuss the proposa' ';jC i ''r'-
John Burgess, ownrr of the Duns- V
muir Television Cable system. ijTvrOsA
U3 BnvncT the oiitsiwiken oooo- rT
nrnts of the utility district which
he said would enmpele wilh pri
vate enterprise. Burgess' attor
ney, Ross Bigler of Vrcka
J.' I UA nmnnc-i!
David Otis, attorney (or the gi'JjS-1?
Key Club, slated council action -Zjc
favoring the district wnu.d mere- .xvv
ly set machinery in motion for a
district election
ers would ha
He said most
jou County i
service reach
f strm.
In other business, the council.
rcepled STRIT (nr cable fran-iTj,'
:i:.e reneua
resolution was passed oprms- T -.
ing partisan politic labels by m i
nuipal office candidate.
ery in motion for a 'r-TrSiZ - j i'-.-s. - v S' v i-v"
in wherehv the vnt- "'jii - - - - "Sfc , ku
se the final choice. iSq--sg-. r. r,,' ' :r 'l
of southern Siski--9Un 'mrtC-y "-O -"i"' " -s.SxV
s not within cable ff---- .---- - - ' v"' Vt iwy W
and could not he,rSW- f-Zr V N W'
served bv a cable S--L.,. - - v VJfi
S20.0C0 HOME
$1,000 DOWN
$145 per month including
Principal, Interest, Taxes
and Insurance!
Large Lots - Every
One With a View!
Each lot has of least 70-ft. frontage
and Is at least 110 tect deep. Many
are larger. This beautiful area will
have oil poved streets and city water
and sewer. No extra assessments. All
in Roosevelt School district and close
to new OTI compus. They're the most
desirable home sites left near down
town Klamath Falls.
)l l( KKST W AV IIOMt:
I.VKKttOOD. Calif L"PI' A yj?
found the most direct ssay hark
to her O A net s.
The Boxer Jumied mm a patrol
far and refused to bue unt
r!f:.-er drove her to a police ub
s'ation for the reunion.
.... '
,. ':"Wj)l
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339 E. Main
Evelyn McAtct
Art Movrttin
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Ph. TU J-52JJ
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