Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 25, 1963, Page 3, Image 3

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    HERALD AND NTffS, Klamath Falls. Ore.
Friday, January "5, l3
On Bndge
A 6
A1083 2
A10875 K J04 3
3 V 5 J
KQ102 J978J
North and South vulnerable
South Weal North E.at
I 1 3. 3
J?" t Pss Pass
4N.T. Pass SV 5 4
Pass Pass Double Pass
OV Pass Pass Pass
Opening lead K
Europe-American Unity
Plea Aimed At De Gaulle
Play Passed
Written for
Newspaper Enterprise Assn.
When jour opponents hold the
spade suit and are not vulner
able you can expect them to take
a game or a slam contract away
. from you by the simple expedi
ent of bidding against you.
- One way to stop this is to
convince your opponents with
that spade suit that you are
gambling desperately and that
thev don't need to sacrifice.
At his second turn to bid South
could have u:-ed Blackwood and
hid a heart slam once his part
ner showed him two aces. If he
had used those elementary lac
tics. East or West could have as.
sumed that South would make his
slam and would have gone to six
spades. Perfect defensive play by
North and South would set that
four tricks, but South wanted to
find some way to play that heart
He started proceedings hy pass
ing East's three spades. West co
operated by going to four. For all
West knew th hand belonged to
his side.
North and East passed. Now
South tried a four no-trump bid.
North responded to show two
aces and after East went to live
spades South passed again. He
was sure North would do some
thing and North came through
with a double. Now South went
to his slam and evervone was
kind enough to pass.
Maybe East and West should
not have been fooled by South s
tactics, but they were, and South
chalked up his slam.
Q The bidding has been:
South . Vest North East
1 Pass J t Pass
2 A rass 3 Pass
3 V Pass 4 Pass
You, South, hold:
AAK107 VA97S KQ10 4!
What do you do?
A Bid four diamonds only.
Yob plan to bid more later.
Your partner continues with
four hearts. What do you do
Answer Tomorrow
India Slated
For Air Aid
NEW DELHI ilTI'-U. S. and
British air force will take over
the air defense of India if tlwrr
are any signs of Communist China
preparing bomhor strikes, inlorm
ed sources said tiKlay.
The British and Americans al
ready have agreed to rush fighter
squadrons here in the event of
lied air raids, the source said.
A joint I'.S.-commnnwealth mil
itary mission is due here nest
Wednesday to hcuin a three or
Inur week study of air field, ra
dar installations and communica
tions equipment
Australian and Canadian air
men will participate in the study
but theie was no indication et
whether their air forces also
would fly in defene of Ind a.
The sources said India has
a:reed to m.-ike improemei'its
where needed for foreign air op
erations The Amei icans an1 com
monwealth nations will pro irlc
planes, pilots and possibly some
needed radar equipment and op
erators. The sources empha-ued that
foreign airmen would play strict
ly a defensive role as interceptor
forces within India's borders
India's present air force would
take over the job of supporting
front line troops with lomhir
and ground supiort mis,stons
dent Kennedy, in a statement ap
parently aimed at French Presi
dent Charles de Gaulle, appealed
today for continued American
European unity as the greatest
defense against the menace of
world communism.
The chief executive opened his
news conference with the brief but
pointed statement. He said it was
"well to remind all concerned of
the hard and fast realities" re
specting the relationship between
the Old and New Worlds and the
dangers confronting them.
"Acting alone, neither the Unit
ed States nor Eurue could be
certain of survival," the Prcsi
dent declared.
The President made no mention
of De Gaulle or of recent differ
ences between him and other
Western allies over issues includ
ing nuclear power and Britain's
entry into the European Common
Other highlights of the news
Kennedy said the first priority
was to get action this year on his
tax cut program. He said it was
"very important" to have action
on both the tax reduction and re-
lorm, but he assigned greatest im-
portance to rapid action. He said
he would hope that both reform
and reduction could be accepted
tins year. It would be unwise he,
said, to accept tax cuts without
either picking up new revenue
somewhere else or reducing the
size of the cuts.
He said disarmament negotia
tions now going on in Washington
should continue to "see if we can
make a breakthrough" on a nu
clear test ban. He said the recent
exchange of letters w ith Russian
Premier Nikita Khrushchev was
"very important" because Khrush
chev had agreed to the principle
of on-site inspections in Russia.
He said that if the United
States, Britain and Russia agrees
on a nuclear test ban treaty
"Then I'd hope other countries
would be willing to sign it." If
other countries did not sign it and
start testing, he said "then we'd
have to make a judgment w hether
that destroyed the purpose of the
He said he did 'not think the
United States was placing too
much reliance on the submarine-
carried Polaris nuclear missile as
a deterrent weapon. He said this
country also maintains Minute-
man and Titan land-based mis
siles and still .has bombers and
planes based in Europe. These.
along with the Polaris, give the
Free World "very adequate as
surance" of protection against any-
possible enemy attack, he said.
The President was asked if
there were any return considera
tions on the U.S. move to with
draw land-based missiles from
aly and Turkey. The presence
of U.S. bases in these countries
has long been a bone of conten
tion with Khrushchev.
Clerks Install
Local Officer
Dt'NSMUIR The Brother
hood of Railway Clerks, Moss
brae Lodge, No. 1I47, installed
W. L. Ridgcway as local chair
man at a dinner meeting at the
Travelers Hotel Saturday night.
Grace Pickthorn. Dunsmuir,
was installed as president and
Ralph Burke. Klamath Falls,
vice president. Ronald Christi
snn, Dunsmuir. will serve as secretary-treasurer
of the local unit.
Mrs. Pickthorn will he the Cal
ifornia legislative representative
and Frank Pevton. Klamath
Falls, will be the Oregon legisla
tive representative.
Sockless Teen Fad
Unsanitary, Silly
Dear Ann Landers: For the last
couple of weeks I noticed there
were very few socks in the wash.
I checked and
found that my
two teen age
sons have n o I
been wearing
socks to school
They just p u t
their feet into
their shoes and
I asked them about this and
they said it was the fad. I had
never heard of this fad so 1
asked a few friends who are also
the mothers of teen-agers. They
sav it's the same at their house
and they can't do anything about
One of my sons has had ath
lete's foot off and on. I don't
think going without socks is a good
idea lor him. What shall I do'.'
Keep quiet and hope the fad fades
soon? DR.
Dear D.R.: Fad shmad. Tell
your boys they are not leaving
the house without socks and make
It final. This practice is unsani
tary, unhealthy and silly.
Dear Ann Landers- My husband
is a college student and I am
the only employed member of the
Answer to Previous Purcla
. ACROSS .10 Fluff
lRMitlrssh J??""
41 Land parcel
4 BreaWaal items 'pioniinjr
8 Breakfast 45 Masculine
1! Masculine
13 Canal
14 Brawn (Scot .1
15 BrythoQic lea
ivelr dances
18 Imprisonment
term (Hang)
20 Fixed courses
21 Exist
22 Friable soli
24 Ripped
2 Harveat
27 Adult stripling
30 Each
32 Ebb
34 Haphanrd
35 Eata away '
36 Pronoun
411 Reatrawed
SI Cravat
12 Exude
6.1 Hoitelries
54 Mlaa Tanguay
5s Optlmiatic
54 Harem rooms
67 Onental coin
1 Mound
2 Scope
3 Bread spread
4 Weird
5 Broad smile
Silly laugh
17 Dealer In dry 38 Puerto Rico for
goods instance
IB Cupidity 40 Unoccupied
23 Rower- 41 Geological
24 Captains Abab deposit
and Bligh 42 One who
25 Fish (sufflxl
7 Mediterranean 26 Tangle again 43 Blood (comb.
for instance 27 cogitates form!
3 Fluah 2fl Arabian gulf 44 French friends
fl Tumult 29 Arboreal home 46 Sicilian volcano
10 Finnish 31 Beverage 47 lacerate
appellation 33 Seaport in 46 College official
1 12 F" 4- 5 6 7 8 9 110 111
T2 ft I?
rs rs 17
rs 19 ! s
1 j.i "a-23 1
24 125 j 26 ""I 27 128 129
33 sT- r - 32 Ir
3 3S "
35 "J 57 W 33
?5 50 51
bl 33 54
55 35 57
Date Slated
In Dunsmuir
DUNSMUIR - Railroad Davs,
Dunsmuir's annual civic celebra
tion, will be held on Saturday
and Sunday. June 22-23. this year.
The date was set at the Cham
ber of Commerce breakfast meet
ing Wednesday morning, and the
ofler of Gary Girdler, insurance
agency owner, and Harry Arnold
theater owner, to co-chairman
the event was accepted by the
Leslie Lenlon. chamber presi
dent, suggested that each service
club undertake a Railroad Days
project as they did last year.
Chamber members were asked
to be prepared to take a stand
on tlx? proposed legislation known
as the lliwav Users Tax. Ijenlon
said funds' were needed to aug
ment city and county road sys
tems. Carl Clement, Dunsmuir
publisher, spoke in opposition
saying it was one step closer to
tolls for freeway use.
Endorsement of proposed fish
and game legislation will also he
voted upon at the Feb. 6 break
fast meeting. Lenton said resolu
lions on both highway and fish
and game legislation would lie
acted uxn at the next meeting
of the Inter-County Chamber of
Commerce of Northern Cahlornia
in Redding in mid-February, and
t h c Dunsmuir chambers views
should be made known.
.1. "Bud'' Lachenmycr. Gary
Girdler. and Peggy Walsh were
appointed to make inquiries from
the U S. Forest Service about use
of a forest service building in
north Dunsmuir as a tourist in
lormatum center.
Jan. 31 was set as the deadline
for material to be distributed at
the San Francisco Boat Show.
Is lipnton will he Dunsmuir's
representative and take with
him brochures and other data.
family. I make $57.50 a week and
tins must pay for everything in
cluding his tuition and books. I'm
not complaining. I Iccl one das-
it wil) be worth the sacrifices we
are making now, but I do need
some advice.
My husband joined a volunteer
rescue squad and spends every
Sundav. hohdav and spare mill
ute at the squad house. He never
does anything around home, we
can't go to church together and
we have no social life. I am
awakened at all hours of the
night by emergency calls and oft
en go to work at 8 a m., half dead
from lack of sleep.
He gets no pay for this. I've
had to buy him two white uni
forms and white shoes.
He says he'd like to be a doc
tor hut we can't swing it financial
ly so he is studying psychology
I know the rescue squad is im
portant work, but is he being fair
to me'.' CAROL T.
Dear Carol: Tell your husband
that the most important rescue
job right now- Is at home saving
his marriage.
Since lie seems to he so en
thusiastic about rushing to the
scene of accidents tell him to get
paid job with an ambulance
service. He can donate his time
to the (yinimunity when he's
wage earner.
Dear Ann: I could write a book
but I'll try to be briei. Our daugh
ter is 22. She was always wild
and wouldn't listen to anybody.
Two years ago she had a baby
out of wedlock.
We took her and the baby in.
tried to be kind and helpful and
dlicouraged her to make a respec
table life for herself.
She is up to her old cl icks again.
running around with married men.
She has a job but doesn't pay
us one cent for room and board.
ane won 1 wasii a dish or a diaper
says she works all day at a
store and that's enough.
Wo are so fed up we'd like to
throw her out but we love our
little granddaughter and I'm
afraid she'd he neglected if we
didn't keep her here.
I pray our daughter will meet
decent man and get married but
the way she runs around no de
cent man would want her. Please
tell us what to do W.P.K.
Dear W.P.K.: Under the pres
ent setup It's easy for this girl
to he a tramp. She has no respon
sibilities. Lay down the law and
tell her what Is expected or out
she goes. You could easilv prove
she is an unfit mother and pre
vent her from taking the child,
Let her know It,
To Irani the knack of feeling
comfortable with the opposite se.x,
send lor Ann Landers' booklet.
"How To Be Dale Bait." en
closing with your request 20 cents
in coin and a long, self-addressed
stamped envelope.
Ann Landers will be glad to
help you with your problems.
Send them to her in care of this
newspaper enclosing a stamped,
self-addressed envcloie.
Kennedy Denies Air Cover Promised
dent Kennedy said today there
never was any plan to use U.S.
air cover for the-Bay of Pigs in
vasion of Cuba.
At his news conference, the
President supported the state
ments of his brother, Ally. Gen.
Robert t. Kennedy, who denied
earlier this week that U.S. Air
Force cover had been promised
and then withdrawn.
The President's statement came
shortly after a Cuban exile, Man
uel Penabaz. told a news confer
once that "all our brigade leaders
and fighters believed that air cov
er would be furnished. . . by U S
air and naval forces."
It was Penabaz. a participant
in the invasion, who lirsl claimed,
following release of the invasion
prisoners, that the United States
left the invaders w ithout promised
air support. The attorney general
later said no support was pledged.
and the President barked him up
The President said no U.S. air
over was planned and that the
ittorncy general's statement was
If the U.S. government were
going to provide air cover (or the
Cuban exile invaders, he said, this
nation might as well have under
taken the invasion itself.
What was talked about, the
President said, was the use of B2(i
planes w hich were not manned by
U.S. pilots or flown from U.S.
territory. He said a strike by
those planes was postponed on
the day of the invasion.
The President expressed the be
lief that members of the Cuban
exile brigade must have had the
impression that the B26s would
provide air cover (or the invasion
lorce and that this mistaken be
lie! was the cause of confusion.
Kennedy reiterated that the in
vasion was a failure and said
ugain that the responsibility rest
ed with the While House.
Kennedy also was asked about
reiwrt.s that there has liecn an in
intensified Soviet arms build up
in Cuba since settlement of the
missile crisis. He said continual
surveillance by the United States
of the island has shown "no in
flux" of Russian offensive weap
ons there.
Atomic War
Plan Okayed
ROMK lUPD The government
today gave its approval to a new
atomic strategy believed to be the
withdrawal of land-based U.S. Ju
piter missiles from Italy and their
replacement with Polaris missile
The decision was contained in
a communique which said Premier
Amintore Fanlani's government
had approved "the proposed cri
teria for the modernization of the
11ms of the (NATO! alliance."
The communioue was issued
following a cabinet session. It did
not go into further detail.
But il was clear it referred to
the long-speculated withdrawal of
Jupiter missiles from Italian soil
and their replacement with the
sea-based Polaris missiles.
Fanfani is expected to make an
official announcement to this cf-
lect to Parliament sometime Saturday.
By that time, he is expected to
have won a vote of approval over
a Communist-submitted motion of
no confidence.
Parliament is debating the issue
now. with Communist leader Pal-
miro Togliatli calling on the
Chamber ol DeputicR to overthrow
Fanlani's badly split centcr-lclt
coalition government.
The Hods are threatening mass
demonstrations against the Polaris
if it comes here.
Now for only T"'; ' ' ' A
Huge Nealy purehHHit.fr power plus
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Easy terms
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HINCKLEY. KnRland 'l'Pl -Businessmen
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to their offices.
"It's wizard. You (eel so lit
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Equipped, Licensed, finished with Blue
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ready for the road!
When you buy Cadillac, you don't have to pay for ac
cessories you don't want. You pay ONLY for the equip
ment you DO want on your cor. You can customize your
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7th and Klamath
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Mr. Ncwhaiuf. left .
gave bnul JO minulM
of hi Mm for th
Hirlow fr hir n1
r-p ronitiltiltnn nd
r-rcw hit hair.
,. H.ll-r. TKM.. It- ' '
hf r rult hy
tti Hirlnw horn
tnM'rnrnl ltn.
Coast to Coast Home Treatment System
If ymm r Mr h6, Ihfrf
li fiAihinr Hrlw ran U r
iu Hrlw r n "laW tr1-
Rl'tl In"" ( f kB'IH 1 -
trt.it htlr I mlf
1-rn hilflnxi Nlthr f lh
prrin hn ihut- tHlicrrn
ntl.r, Hirl tmnHm
pollf of r'f"l" M hp1
f.rt B lrlt.ru l l ind ra4
lit I, rn in h ml (mrnn
If rtii nl'fr frnpri dnrtri''f.
cnfiv hair fill. Ihinninf hi r
xrr nihnt or rtrvn, or
Mchy rlp, ot if 'ur wlp in
lij rretMvt hir, w urgr you
in lah ffw rotnnU of jour
tirti to th Harlow rnrwul
Unl nr finrl rail Hhut von ran
rlo for irair ptliruir hair anrl
iM-airt prohktT
nMtll ii fiiarantcrl hv thr
Harinw rrtmpanv Y"u rlofi t hv
m taa our wr.td vrw will h
iion a nttn riaranta from
)h tint
hal4nra- Tralmr
nf mir trt-
throiifh ila romplation on
a pm-raffd haH
fur t " ntanv ttioufmurt
from roat in roat ha r
rcivtvl rotnpll aatufarlinn
fiom th nw Hailnw Homt
mathod Ymi, tm.
hnvp heailhv hair and
Why not maha it a point
now 1o p tht Harlow conaiil-
tnl and find out how thou
nrt nf nthrra hav ben htlpo:
Ihrnufh lhi outiUnrlmg nr-w
of rintlfir aralp treal
that you apply In th
y of your hnmt
I lh Pnny P Maul
tlti t lit. Ilrnfifi, n
, Janairy hlwa
M s ia P M an aid
h rtffc far i. ! Hil.hi
ill not t obhitr Of
mbarrat1 In any av Con
uitation f fru and rivn In
pfwat "don't ri T it orr
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