PAGE S-B HERALD AND NEWS, Klamalh Falls, Wr. Friday, January 25, 1963 School Signs Frank Chasm LAKEVIEW Jolin Orr, super intendent of the Lakeview schools, announced this week that Frank Chasm has been signed to teach junior class English at the Lakeview High School, replacing Lillian D. Tuska, who resigned last week (or personal reasons. Chasm, a retired Army captain, is a graduate of Southern Ore gon College and has taught in Texas. In Oregon he lias taught in Douglas, Riddle, and comes here from Winston. He and his family have spent the summer and fall months in Florida, and he has not signed a contract for teaching this year. His family, a wife and four children, will move to Lakeview later in the year. LOST POUND LOST diamond atuddtd Udv'i platinum wrht watch, rawa'd. TU is. GENERAL NOTICES ... MEETING NOTICES 1 Klomoth Lodge No. 77 AF & AMj SPECIAL COMMUNICATION Fridoy, Jon. 25, 7:30 p.m. Work in the MM Degree. All Master Masons cordially in. viled. Refreshments. Gene R Byrnts, W.M. SCHOOL AGE LEGAL NOTICE No. J-M p NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OP OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH tn ttie Matter of The Estate Of CASSIE BALL PARAZOO, Deceased, Notice ( hereby oiven that tha mlnlstrator of tha above entitled estate has filed Its Final Account and Report nl Administrator, and that tha Coort has sal the 24th day of February 1963, at the hour of 10:00 A.M.. at the time lor hear I rig of objections to said Final Account In settlement thereof, said hearing to bt In Circuit Court, Department No. 1. Klam ath counly Court House, Kiamatn Fens, Oraoon. Da lad this ?2nd day of January lf3- LLOYD A. DOMA5CHOFSKY Attorney for Administrator NO. MS, Jan. 25, Fab. I, 1, 15. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that tha under algned haft been appointed as Administra trix of tha Ester of MERWIN M. OON ELSON, also known as MERWIN MIL TON DON L SON, deceased, by Order of the circuit Court of tna county of Klam ath, and all persons having claims gainst said estate are required to pre sent tha aamt to L. OftTH SISEMORE, , Attorney for Administratrix, duly veri fied and with proper vouchers attached, at 731 Main Street, Klamath Falls, Ore gon, within six monlhs from tha del ol first publication of this notice. JUNE M. OONELSON I Administratrix No. 198, Jan. II. 35. Feb. 1, I. BOYS! , EARN Vacation Money by selling the Herald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Herald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4-8111 WOMEN needed, Merrill, Mslin, Bonanza, Tuleleke, and Lakeview. Earn while you learn, career development program, eludes Interior decoration and floral de sign. Write Box 4J0C Herald & News pr pnona iu e-caaa aner i p.m. HELP WANTED, MALE No. St NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH tn tha Matter of tha Estate of MANUEL MOSES, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that tha Exerutor of the above-entitled estate has fllet Its Final Account and Report of Executor, and that tha Court hat sal the 11th day of February, 193 at the hour of :30 A M., as the time tor hearing of ob jections to said Final Account in settle ment thereof, said hearing to ba In Cir cuit Court, Department No. 7, Klamath1 County Court House, Klamath Falls, Ore gon. Dated this )i day of January, 193. ! Philip J. Engelgau Attorney for Eeculor No. 194, Jan. II, ?S, Feb. 1, NO. AJ-9 PROBATE NOTICE OF DATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY , In the Matter or the Estate of FRANK OBENCHAIN, Deceased. Notice Is hereby give.) that we have mao our final account or the adminis tration of the above entlllad estate and that the Court has appointed February 11, 163, at 10 A. M. as the time lor hear Ing objections to such final account and the settlement thereof. Frank Obenchaln and Matthew Obenchelfl Executors , Ganong k Ganong Attorneys for Eiecutors Legal No. MS. Jen. II. II. . Feb 1, Ifel NO. AM; PROBATE NOTICE OF DATE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate fll JOHN CARROLL HARTfl E R. Deceased Notice Is hereby given thai I have filed my final account of the admlni' tratlon of the above an'ltim estate anrj that the Court hat aptotnted February 11. 193, at to AM. as the time for hearing eb lections to such final account and tha seti lament thereof Anna Hartiler, Administratrix Ganong I Ganong Attorneys for Administratrix No. 177, Jan 4. 11, II. JV To Place Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 I am. to 4:M p.m. weekdays am. to noon Saturday Count five words par line. Ada under 3 Unas count same at 1 lines. 3 6 10 1 Line TlmM Tlm.s Timet fVanth1 I 17 Vt U nfl ho tfltl 1 3 J1 1 nfl a l II Mi 4 on fon ion nwi I 4 7$ 7 00 t uso Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT per advertisement, it pe'd In advance. A hove rates are foe consecutive Inser tions, without chanoe of tVy, for prl. vate Individuals. Advertising must be t leer and understandable to be prortuc-. live All words must be eraiied out i A 'nt offered tor ita by private lneT- vidua' cash with copy. I PFAOLINF 4 5ft p m. day tM'i pvh"- cation Niort Soturday for Sunday and ft" noey. CANCEl LATIONS & CORRECTION' On same imeduie. eitept on Monday . lese era taken 'in jg a m. Please read first Insertion of vnur ad. The Haraid 1 Newt will give ent eire run w typographical error. "Business Builder" WANT ADS 1 column Inch. ill per month with W Discount for payment pn or before the 10th mch, 9 wm i jn discount tor payment en or before te Based ni one copy change per month POX IF RVir E o ceiM oar ad C.RD OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAM U M PHONE TU 4-8111 fOR COMMERCIAL RATES HAVE YOU any of these things TO SELL? They'll bring you EXTRA CASH! ft GUNS ft BOATS ft TENTS ft STOVES ft RADIOS ft PIANOS ft BOOKS sir TOOLS ft SKATES ft TRUNKS ft PLANTS ft JEWELRY ft LIVESTOCK ft FISH POLES ft TV SETS . ft BICYCLES ft CLOTHING Or, 1,001 other items too numerous to mention! LET PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT IT. PUT YOUR AD WHERE THEY CAN SEE IT! Call Herald & News WANT ADS TU 4-81 1 1 URVICIS I DENTAL PLATES Raealrad whllt you watt. Naw Plataa Mada From Your Olrf PERSONAL DENTURE SERVICE 103 Main TU 4-JJM Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring alterations for men, women, children. All work guaranteed. Reason able prices. Gene's Wens Wear 5V Wain HELP WANTED, FEMALE 14 PERMANENT child care needed. home, adult only, part or full time, write P.O. Box 564, Klamath Falls. PERMANENT POSITION For ambitious, hard working man Inter ested In selling, who desires to Increase over present Income. We will furnish transportation, salary and commission, 2 week) paid vacation 1st year, retirement plan, Insurance and many opportunities lor advancement. Must be neat and have pleasing personality. APPLY TO MR. RONALD RAMSEY, MGR. After 11 a.m. SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Moin TU 2 2513 HELP WANTED 17 APARTMENT house manager wanted write Herald and News Box 44 C. NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS All help wanted adi published In the Herald & News are accepted In good faith that the jobs offered are as staled m the advertising copy. We are no re- sponsible for the Integrity of our adver tisers, put we me ice every ettort to dis cover ana reiect an misleading advents ing. Anyone ens'vtrlng a help wanted o ana finamg ir to be misleading asked to report it to the Classified Ad vertising Department of the Haraid News. SITUATIONS WANTED 18 PART-TIME work wanted, small cafe, tavern, store, motel, contact Wanda Ham rner, TU 4-6406. HOUSEWORK or Ironing, your home or mine, transportation needed tor short time. Husky high .school lunlor would line wortc also, you name it, TU 2-364S. WILL do typing or bookkeeping In my rornn. experienced! iu 7-ft. WOMAN wants work. What-Have-You, Days. TU 4-Ulf. LICENSED CHILO CARE" by hour, dav, week Monday through Friday, l a.m. to i p.m. uvo tar ison Drive, TU MBM IRONING, Washing, Pickup, Deliver, Ex perienced, Reasonable) TU 4-94 34. CHILD care, your home or TU 7-1778, TU 7-27U. ROOMS FOR RENT .22 COMFORTABLE room, bath, entrance, parking, 114 N. 3rd. APARTMENTS FOR RENT $47 M FURNISHED large close In, TU 3-0318. CONSTRUCTION workers welcomel Near new OTI site, furnished, TV available, weekly rates. Pelican Motel, TU 2-WS4. THREE room furnished apartment. Walk ing distance, bat water heal. TU 2-0660. NEAT, comfortable (niche lor apartment, close In, utilities paid. 124 N. Jrd. t AROF on bedroom unlumished duplex l ii (place, Mills Addition. TU 4(263. NICELY furnished, three rooms and bath, uar ape, private entrance, TU 2-1214. i FURNISHED apt, all utilities paid ex- capt electricity, adults only. Jit . Main, Lincoln Apts , Apt 5. APARTMENTS FOR R ! NT FURNISHED i rooms. Clo-.e In, adults only, no pels, laundry facilities. 10 coin. 24 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ..30 NICE clean furnished eperlment, close In, IU Z-2SJI, TU 4-4966. 7 BEDROOMS furnished apls., carport, iu anytime, tij 4 j2t,i attar 7, THREE room completely furnished Dart menf, til Walnut, TU 4-5472. FURNISHED large 3 rooms, clean, warm. rug, 14$, Inquire 1424 D' vision. COMPLETELY furnished ties, 1411 Main. DUPLEX ' block oft highway, Weyer haeuser junction, all electric. TU 2-3129. FURNISHED, heat free, outside entrance. batn. 1421 Esplanade, TU 2-2770. WARM, CLEAN, COMFORTABLE motel s with kitchens. Low winter weekly S. IW bf,pnnjrje . HOUSES FOR RENT 26 UNFURNISHED 2 bedrotm home, Mills Addition. Fenced yard, TU 4-W94. LARGE two bedroom house, 177. SO, 5JI0 Miller', TU 2-124J. CLEAN 1 bedroom, i50. Stoves, retng retor. 714 St. Francis, TU 2-0643. URNISHED clean 2 room cabin, elec ricity, water paid, 132.50. TU 2-4547, TU -124!. WO bedroom furnished house. Mills Ad ition, 6i. TU 4-4571. FOR rent or sale 1 bedroom house. In-! quire 470C Shasta Way, IU 2-1140. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom triplex. Elec trie heat, carport. Near Town and Coun try. M0, 441S Crosby, TU 4-4266. ONE bedroom, TU 4-6265. stoves Included, phone UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom duplex In Mills Addition, electric heat, washer-dry. r hookup, garage, 185, TU 4-5561 eve ings or weekends. FOUR room houie. paved street, neai school, u.ioo, small den, balance like rent, call mornings or evenings, TU THREE bedroom house, oarage, outbuild ings, IU 4-982S. 2 BEDROOM home. Mills, electric heat, garage, storage. 14.500. Can be financed. TU 4-8154 days, TU 4-5207 eves. THREE bedroom home for sale. 4103 Sum mers Lane. TU 4-4539. NEW HOME Just finished, i level blocks from high school. Built for lasting quahty and ecom- fort by local builder. Carpeted living room, hall, and two bedrooms. Chermin? birch kitchen with builtin aooiiances. Full wall height fireplace with cobbled party nearin. you can't beat me tow, low price Ot 5)7,500. Please ca'l TU 2-3)01 anytime REAL ESTATE FOR SALE .39 VIEW PROPERTY FOR SALE. 1 lofs. ap proximately 94 ft. by 100 ft. ivtyjfMn area, TU 7-1054. OLDER 3 bedroom Hot Sprinos home. Dishwasher, basement. Pi baths, double garage. m,q. tu 4-3W. FOR sale or rent two bedroom home on l acre, barn, garage, other outbuildings. win iraoe equny tor oioer pickup in run mug congiiion, or wnai nave you. 2-3122. NEAR Peterson School, three bedroom, wall to wall carpet, fireplace, electric heat, large fenced back yard, cement patio, 4445 BiStol Ave. TU 2-3137. HOT SPRING. Family tvpe home. wter heat, priced to sell. TU 4-798 J. NEW HOME Beautiful 3 bedroom, hardwood floors, fireplace, ceramic tile bath, forced air heat, patio, dmmg room. Exclusive Ois tnct. 115,000. TU 2-24)0. ONE bedroom suburban, stoves included. garage, paved street, 550- TU 4-3570. FURNISHED 1 bedroom, gas or oil, 1 Or Children o.k. TU 2-3702. NICELY furnished one bedroom home, acre. Close In. TU 4-5058. ONE bedroom furnished home near base. TU 4-4693 evenings. iNE bedroom furnished, gas heat. Phone U 2-3363. TWO bedroom house, partly furnished, S6S. Hilltop Station, 3031 Greensprlngs. TWO bedroom duplex, stove, refrlgera- -, washer, water furnisred, garage. Irt 3475 Homedala before f a.m., alter p.m. TU 4-8944. , FOR lease 1o permanent tennant, two bedroom home at 414 Conger Ave. Fire' lace, basement, oil furnace, garage. At- ractive yard witn trees, tiowers, snruDs. Available latter part of Fob. Si 1 5 per mo, TU 2-3461, days; i U 4-458), evenings. UNFURNISHED duplex, fireplace, full basement, call TU 4-6597 after 5 p.m. CLEAN three room furnished cabin, also house, 4006 South Sixth. . ONE bedroom furnished duplex. Wa ter paid, S40. TU 4-9307. UNFURNISHED 3 bedroom house, paid. Inquire at 1544 Etna. FURNISHED 1 bedroom. Water, garbage. Wocus, no pets, TU 4-9497. NEAT and clean 3 year old 2 bedroom unfurnished duplex, New stove and re'rig- ator. Mills Addition, 585. TU 2-4664. Eves. TU 4-5544. BEDROOM duple. Water, garbage paid. Stove, refrigerator, $40. TU 4-4915. ONE bedroom furnished duplex, water Nice neighborhood. TU 2-1454. NORTH SIDE An excellent home and Income. Five apartments bringing in a fine red Hardwood floors, oil heat. Only 2 blocks to Main. Only S14,W. This Is truly a good stmenr. owner win carry con' tract. OTHER GOOD BUYS $4,750 - I1 j Bedrooms Completely fur nished - North Side. 55,500 - 2 Bedrooms - Ideal tor Weyer haeuser Employe. $7,500 - 3 Bedrooms - Owner will carry contract. $11,400 - Charming 2 Bedroom - Picture windows - Mills Add'n. $14,000 - Appro. 5 Acres - 3 Bedroom Home - Outbuildings South. Schroeder Realty Co. REALTORS - 434 MAIN TU 4-9254 Anytime TU 2-0168 READY FOR IMMEDIATE POSSESSION This beautiful new 3 bedroom home li south suburbs. Two full baths, wall to wall carpet throughout, circulating f i place. Alder wood cabinets, built In ao pliances, forced air gas perimeter heat, A real buyl $525 down plus closing. TOTAL PRICE $15,275 PAUL McATEE ' end ASSOCIATES, REALTORS 339 E. Mam , TU 2-4444 Sales Staff Eves. Evelyn McAfee TU 2-5935 Eleanor Mahan TU 2-5255 Art Moorman TU 2-1238 HOT SPRINGS 2 bedroom upstairs, un furnished duplex, garage. Adults only, $65, T U 4-4850. TWO unfurnished two bedroom south suburban, $45, TU 2-3923. TWO bedroom 6023. unlumished house. TU TWO bedroom unfurnished houe, 545. Children, pets, o.k. References required. U 2-4590. ICE 7 bedroom furnished house. U 2-3857. LARGE 1 bedroom, garage, qas furnace, ange, $40, Inquire 1502 California. NICE two bedroom trailer for rent, phone U 2-1350. LEAN three bedroom unfurnished, t miles nortn of Kiamatn Falls, children, pets O.k. $65, TU 2-6590 CLEAN 9754. one bedroom furnished $J5, 1235 Adams, TU 4-0154, TU i i I f Multiple MLS as Trailer House and Lot 1954 Pan American eastern 40x8 ft. two bedroom, furnished trailer house. Attached building with fireplace, wall to wail car peting. Wired for washer and dryer. On lot 70 x 260 it. Redwood fencing, pato, south suburban sewer connected. Garage, store room, in flood location. Full once, j 15,950, or owner will sell lot and build ings oniy tor terms avauaDie. 3 BEDROOM Home, large livlnq room, separate dining room, breakfast area In kitchen, fireplace. South suburban sewer connect ed. Approximately l 1-3 acres, fenced. immediate possession. $17,000, terms, o( course. SOUTH SUBURBAN Three bedroom home tn good condition. Approximately one acre of ground. On paved street. Tnis you should see if you are looking for a good buy. Only $10,000, terms. I "WILL" CEDARLEAF I REALTOR 1 J927 S 4th TU 4 5151 Anytime UNFURNISHED two bedroom duplex apt. California Ave. WW, TU 4 1191. AVAILABLE Feb 1. Unfurnished apart menl, All electric heat. Washer, dryer, stove, refrigerator. TU 2-4153. FURNISHED downtown apartment. IU 4 6JT10 or TU 4 134. duplex, 423 Martin, TU NEAT, roomy apartment, 2 blocks ol town. Heat furnished, $55. 1 4-9JS4. CLFAN ngie, i 4;n. tludio. rinwntown, Hitles, $S5. Greer NEWLY decorated, dean, and 550, Gun Store. close In, adults MODE RN 3 rooms and bath, 949 and up. brick court, garages. 721 Spring. MODERN 2 bwjroom furnished apls. $ per month, TU 4 592. A P ART V E NT nea t Weyerhaeuser " f u mhed. Utilities, steam heat, $40, TU 4 I3. ONE bedroom furnished duplex. Adults, I no dogs, $45. TU 4-4281. ONE bedroom unfurnlshe J, electric range, builfin oven, extra bedroom and storage space attached to garage, 3 acres. Grape, TU 4-J309. 280 ACRES Irrigated, now in alfalfa, grain, grass. 3 bedroom modern home, machine shed, extra shed 700 ft. X 20 ft. 35 miles from Klamath Falls on paved road. Should carry 125 cows year around. Reasonaoly priced at U4,Ci00. Approximately 1-3 down. 520 ACRES e Dairy or stock ranch. 396 acres Irrigated, now In grass, hay and grain, Balance spring pasture. Fenced and cross fenced. Two 2 bedroom modern homes. Price $120,000. Approximately 1-3 down. 23 ACRES Close In adjacent to Lost River. All Im gated, in alfalfa and pasture. Newly built modern home, barn and hay shed Only miles from ton. Price $31,600. down. STILES REALTY MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRAOERS CLUB 133 South 9th Phone TU 2-4740 Ralph Vaden Lorella 763-4163 Fred Tucker TU 4-9742 Homer Stiles TU 4-9904! MLS Multiple Listing Service BRAND SPANKING ft NEW Enloy the companionship of vour chil dren and fnends in this very attractive, spacious home in Klamath Falls' newest addition. Three bedrooms, living room ith fireplace, 2 baths. Complete buiit-ii k iter en and family room with barbecue. Attached double garage. One ot the best building contractors has combined many desirable features into f his home. ce $19,500. 10 per cent down to quali fied buyer. Owner will accept trade. JUST A LITTLE BIT ft BETTER See If this 2 bedroom home in the south suburban area isn't ust a little bit neat er, a little nicer landscaped and In just the right neighborhood. With almost 1 washer, dryer and range included For the low, low price of $11. 500. Would consider trading lor 3 bedroom BRUCE OWENS Realtor 134 No. 7th TU 4-3129' Rav Worden ' TU 4-9267: Lucille Anderson TU 2-0518 Multiple Listing Service MLS UNIQUE IMMACULATE SMALL FARM Two bedroom, completely redecorated in tide and painted outside. Barn, fenced pasture, garden area, fruit trees, cooler house, storage building, new double de- ached garage and workshop. 2,000 sq. ft 1: blacktop. This is really a sparklerl!!! Jrice $10,900 or will trade. WRIGHT REAL ESTATE IL ISTATt re SLI 31 CORNER en Shaila Way. hauia. 9ragt., u w, iu 2-1324. MLS Multiple Listing Service SUNDAY DRIVE BY Nimrod "tver Park. 't miles east ef iprague River. Big lots ail front on grav el road. 2,909 ft. of river to play on. $10 dOtvn, HO per montn. Total $1,200. ANDY SILANI REALTOR 3'4 So. 7th TU 2-4444 Salesmen; Wilene Welch TU 2-4837 Ed Mitchell TU 2-1683 Anoy Siiani TU 4-5544 STILWELL & CO. Presents: BEDROOM HOME on acre. Excel lent neighborhood. Large living room wim rirepiace, aining room, natural wood kitchen with built-in equipment, 2 baths, attached garage. A good family home. Reduced to 1)1.500. PACIFIC TERRACE - 4 bedroom home. 1 block to Roosevelt School. Double garage, corner view location, good hot well. Price $21,500. Shown anytime. $8,500 FULL PRICE on this solid, clean, 3 bedroom North side ot town. Would lease lor $75 per month. FOR LEASE - Modern 3 bedroom home. good location, sno per month. STILWELL & CO. Realtors I 519 Main Street TU 4-3134 After 5 00 call 1 Ron Van Orman TU 2-3492 Bruce Binkiey ni nniwe' c HOUtlHOLB 600 PS FURNITURE APPLIANCES HOUSEWARES BUY THEM TODAVI AT THE MERCHANDISE MART, 2964 So. 6th TU 4-6660 3T t Pi Ui - Ha. '44 GIBSON Double Oven $ I AA RANGE I Guaranteed. Excellent; condition. KIRKPATRICK'S East Side Appliances 132 So. 7th TU 4-8886 2'i-vear-eld black standard male Ptodla that gen't want to be tied up. Mutt go to soma outlying town. Good pheisafit dog. clippers included. $60. ph. TU 2-3310 AKC registered toy btack poodle, female. TU 2-0245. BLACK ml blood lines. fi. noodle puppies, excellent $1W-$125. Terms. TU 2-4052. BEAUTIFUL, registered Brittany spaniel puppies. See at382l Crest. WELSH Terrier pups, champion aired, AKC registered. TU 2-1913 RADIO - TV - MUSIC 41 FUEL - HEATING 31 FIRST quality red fir body wood, any linnlh. tit rail Til 1.171 attar A ttr nyirmB wecKenas. ORY lodgepole pine and pine body wood any lengths, TU 2-3705. FUEL Oil, Furnaces. Heaters Western Oil & Burner, TU 4-3173 GOOD red fir body wood. $15 cord, livered. TU 4-7671, TU 2-4212. CALL CLIFF YADEN For Presto Logs l Heating Oils Metered Prepare Sales S & H Green Stamps Open 24 hours 2540 South Sixth TU 4-3681 and TU 2-9260 COLD DAYS AHEAD!!! STANDARD HEATING OILS WOOD COAL Finest Oil & Wood Stoves "FOR ALL YOUR FUEL NEEDS" Frankford Fuel Co. 39 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 32 9 BEEF, PORK, wholesale, custom butch ering, cutting, curing, Sramrock Meats. 432" Shasta Way, TU 2-4218. TU 2-0678 NOTICE TO PUBLIC Please Investigate thoroughly any ;v"T'BooU - Petf - Sport. - Hobbtei 40 enterprises or business opportunities be-1 DOG and cat boarding. Training, groom fore investlna vour capital. The Herald ing, bathing. Dogs and puppies for sale. and News makes every effort to reject SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS, oast all fraudulent or misleading advertising, IMerrlll-Lakeview Jncln. off Merrill Hwy however, we are not responsible for the, on Booth Road. Rte. 2 Box 504E, TL ntegrily of the firms or individuals who! 4-5078. in our puDitcai.on. nyj TNy p.kingese pUPpieS; also Pekingese ----- T" ' ..."j," siuo service, iu i-ivw. should be reported to me ciassitiea 8' verising Department of the Herald and News. TEXACO Service Station for least, 3340 So. 6th and Altamrjnl. LOANS 34 FINANCIAL OR sale Real Estate contracts secured Daal Drnnarlu In amnnnt nl fl rtftn. idrewlng six per cent Interest. Excellent, pay. payments snu per mo. write o 444C Herald and News. HEDGE YOURSELF against inflation! See about REAL ES TATE investments anywnere west 01 the Rockies, at DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member International Traders dub Licensed-Ore., Cel., Ida., Wash 1037 Mam St. TU 4-4127 PUPPIES. Poodles, Pekingese. Poms, Stud service, poodle clipping. TU 4-7525. THE PRIM POODLE, custom grooming, for appointment, TU 4-4239. FOR sale: .22 Colt action Buntline Scout Jr. Ph. TU 4-8586. NEW GUNS New Winchester line of .22 rifles can be seen now at the Northwest Gun Shop. 813 E. Main. SPECIAL WILD BIRD FEEDER & 5 LBS. OF FEED SI. 49 PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM & GARDEN STORE 4A2I So 6th TU 2--555 5nE Whitney direct blow Spinet piano. Mechanically perfect, mehogany finish. A steal at &3?5. Oerby's Music Co. 124 NO. 7th, TU 4-5121. MUST sell almost new piano because of illness in family, see at 5307 Slurdtvanl, TU 4-4254. RENT a new Baldwin piano, S10 a month. No delivery charge. Bowden Music Co. 830 Main, TU 2-4883. fxpfrisncED oiano teacher, beoinn- ers, advanced, Blanche Mapes. TU 4-304. CASH FOR USED PIANOS DERBY'S MUSIC, TU 4-5121 ORGAN SPECIAL TRADE - INS 2 HAMMONDS LOWREY - THOMAS BALDWIN DEMONSTRATOR Save up to $400. TERMS AVAILABLE BOWDEN MUSIC CO. 830 Moin TU 2-4883 ft MUSIC Lessons & Sales Guild & Eplphone Guitars - Sonola Ac cordions and Lowrey Organs. "Rent Ap plies to Purchase." Klamath Music Center - 515 E. Moin TU 4-3360 ' Television Service HOUSE CALLS . $4.75 DERBY'S MUSIC CO. "28 Years on 7th St." 126 No. 7th TU 4-5121 LIVESTOCK l POULTKV 42 KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. offers you EFFICIENCY ECONOMY TOP PRICE CONSIGN NOW! oil "Woody" Gueck, Owner-Mgr. TU 4-4103 SALE EVERY MONDAY ot 1 p.m. shorp Rte. 3, Box 44 306 S- 'h Mildred Halt (Van) VenSlcHe TU 2-2774 TU 4-8S74 TU 2-4173 ONE bedroom furnished house, call TU 4 437. LARGE two bedroom unfurnished duplex, ike new. 185. 1BI3 Siskiyou, TU 4-7584. ONE bedroom unfurnished house, 15f, 2139 Main. Phone TU 2-284. MILLS, three room. Stoves end refrlqer- Washer, dryer hookup. TU 2-J852. UNFURNISHED two bedroom duplex, qa- age, fireplace. 3011 Boardman, TU 2 0990 OUTSTANDING 1 bdroom dupif on Laverne. electric heal, garage, fireplace, TU 2-42. FURNISHED I bedroom, north side. TU 4MI alter 4 30 p.m. and weekends LOOK Two bedroom, furnished, two hM- ishwi. and three room, fur- nithed Mills Addition. TU 4.9 14 home, un'urnisritjd. STROUT REALTY 542? S F. vev Boh s Stm Oehiinger Hank HQlman Ph. TU 4-52H TU 1-501 TU 2-5048 Two bedroom home completely remod eled. Oil heal. 14.450 Low down, or take as down payment. Suburban acre, three bedroom home. ecellent cognition Wall to wall carpet Take any type linancing. 113,750. 160 aces Sorague R'ver through prop- . uood location. 113.000 WARM, CLEAN, COMFORTABLE- tel Units with kitchens, low winter weekly rates, TU 4-j;j furnished, laundry, excellent 160. IU DUPLEX, 4 roo location, eerege, 4-34. CLEAN, quiet. fumihfrt, bil. steam heat, near tourlhome. t$ Walnut ONE bedroom furrmhed apartment. JJJ Sn IMh 112 Riverside FURNISHED apartment. 7I1J Gary, lii washing facilities, t U 2 AC 34 ATTRACTIVE 7th A Pint, furnished" tree heat. Adults, tit 10, Alpha Apis , 1 U 4 4s;; 115 TO 170 weekly r hit. Johnny's Motel. EWAUNa". DOWNTOWN ;iamlh s most modern, furnished 211 So. 11th. TU 2-102 ft DROOM delue unfurnished apart- I ment. immediate occuDaixy. TU 2-610 BACHFIOR apartment. U7 heat, wa ter. garpeQt service included, inquire ;;j No ath. Apt 102 FURNiHEO 1 room apt, V0, utilif pvd ait No 10th PIRSONALS a GRAHAM'S licensed home Inr the eaed t room or we'd rere. ikh i.i diet, personal -Merest assured. TU 2-Jtaj OVERTURE TRF NfT1 aj"piainrt curtino Vosir hair nt tenmtno tn von1 You Should be comma to Mm nd tnnm Studio Of Beauty, TU 4 MSI KLAMATH til 'Cfihffbcs AnonyrnfXis TU SIRVICIS .... 10 ruAvrttRs hisrvoiNw"T(.t.-ida. lions, If.eimg. iu ;ii nr TU J tda rMOPEL1NC.and "rtpatriai"ti(nds reasonahie. references, ru 2-53M OOL LS repaired, mvii7ade"Tril.e Reasonable prices Ltvna'i Doit Hospi- Tu"'. '4.14 Lakeview TRff loppmo pruning, insured tTVa grooming Lakeshce Nursery, TU 4 rms. HOUSE remedeMg, cebiretiVur peoa.' y piease tievk eLr (ere-ences Tu 4 (" TREE li 'fle'v six as rem, l pr.ifv topping 0'(vwsi,.sg tU ? CUSTOM ilnTCMfpiNi Wir p'are, ntnvc tn (wess m S'o'l. Tu TU 4 Mil. Ca'l COMPLETELY furnished' ment all u'ili'es pa-d. 1 available by trie month. Vina .Mar nuts Anartmeni ma'iatiement 1.1.10 Ham or TU 4 'CI Hti studm apat i a week or washer dryer, 1 Hinder new 1 U 4 VS before fUNERAL HOMIS .. 0 WApfl 5 Klamath funeral Horn. f2S H Oh fcfrttt. pnont TU 2 404 Jess' Tree Service free topping, remivini a"v fc,tvj pt lean vf work f re e'.fiiTti TU HMi Dnn t Gyats Cell Jasst Fuller Brush TU 2-5972 REX ARMS 1 OR 1 BEDROOM APARTMENTS CLOSE IN HEAT. WAT L Q, GARBAGE PAID :."4 BR 0P - 1 J J .'17 $36 to $53.50 COMFORTABLE UVINC. 1 1 1 b-aCrpo-ss fi? ft . fu'i n ied Pe-nsnnen ma n Mersoav throng SHASTA VIEW APARTMP NTS lilt W AlHRuRN WAV TU AMTt 0"c hours a m, te p m. MISC. PROPERTY TO LET 27 FOR tease 140 acres level ground unler irrigation, Mat doe I area. 70 arre good spud ground. Or will sell or trade. TU REAL ISTATI WANTED 28 TWO 0 117,500 and Nr three bedroom In cfy under 1 jive details. Bo 41 AC. Herald1 UAL ESTATE EXCHANGE if 'TRADE" o id SAVE" T A XL For intorrr-atton on to F-RtE Trotlr-.. coll DEANE SACHER Reaitpr Vfmber International traders Club Licensed Ore , Cat, Ida, Wash TU 4 41?T LOW INTEREST RATE On this larqe 3 bedroom home (t vf' old! tn Woyma Heiqhts. Esceilent floor plan Circulating, tireolace b'ass doors 0 patio Snrepmg view of iMt. Shas'a A steal at Hi ?i0 Assume four oer cnt loan appro- llJ.noO. payable IU 00 pe mo. or refinance. DON SLOAN ReaMc 7lh Jf. TU 4-SR Anytime INCOME T'aie ynur two bedroom home in on thts dun'e tn oood rental dis trict Scaoous. weil-arranqed. nr. cuffing garages Pro vides a good home tor owner w tn mtome to make payment. I' J. TO Ten per cent down. Dye Insurance Agency 1610 PATTERSON IMMEDIATE POSSESSION on this un usual 3 bedroom home. Circulating fire place, etra large glassed In play room are, garane. Needs painting but pneed right. Brick and tile construction. $13,000 TERV5 LEONARD REALTY (Mam TU 4-7521 or TU 4-W03 Jot Perry TU 4-S3J2 Audrey Kefini TU 4-4jg5 Joe Leonard TU 2-0527 GOLD BEACH PROPERTY NEED MONEY for PAYING BILLS? If naaqina bills become 0 nui iance, aet rid of them! Check out! courteous, confidential, cosh Icon plan. You'll be glod you did. FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Finance New & Used Cars Furniture Note Automobile 9 Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Privote Auto Soles Financed Locally Owned for 33 Years Motor Investment Co. 13 5-i nth Ttl 4-. 7783 USED CARS AND TRUCKS SS JANUARY CLEARANCE HOUSEHOLD GOODS 37 Dugan O.K. ON and Mest GUARANTEED USED CARS These Prices Effective Only Until Jon. 31 1963 EceHenf rrtiremenl property. One bedroom home or rental unit and one 1-329. ; -bed room home with large fireplace s north of Gold Beich, overlook ocean. DELUXE electric range, ciiiim, best oiler over U clean, too con . Evenings. TU Call TU 4-4112 davs. or TU 2-7404 Eves. LAPGE cify office writing dkt. Bindi drvr"-. $35 Frlqidair washer, Botn in good condition. TU 2-S3I7, 4 i?2 '62 Chev. impaia Soort Sp lan Loaded. Sharp Wa. . . . $2798 MLS Tj Va TRADING CENTER'! H room hn. In ru'h uburh 411 .SCO U 0OC equ'tv to on !0 to JO aire. 3 badronm. so'if leei rvrrom T . Vt batns P'n-e S.M.SW. vVHI smait home to it AS) as dvn ment A E Dvf. J0 South Jth Peaitnr, Virginia 'ov 4 ?JSi Or TU 4-4JJ7 Multiple Listing Service Newer Suburban MLS .1 bedr,- mcvler r .t'. iew p'ver'v ief".trrv vtm. r sma'l heme le-s of riu.itifM. e r oo . na'nMond tacked g'se Ei .ain'fd. Iivt"8 f (M epiace. kitchen w h nmg area. th-ea bed- fici' throughout. it in.nv. Multiple Listing Service HOMEDALE AREA idea' sca'tf home located on 1-3 acre. SSiS4 tt 1 bedroom house on paved street Lot reaches to another raved street to provide another building site or trailer site Houe was recently painted on in side and the all channel TV antenna that wa, blown down on tne rool is Included m the low pnte of Se 000 PEYTON '62 Chev POP sale or trade for calf one nev roM-j impale Snort awav bed, bas coil springs, innerprlng CouDe. 5'ande"1 mattress, cover complete, TU 4-649C trans Wite with nteriC. Vas. '61 Chev. Corve'r Wnnia 4 Or. j-soeed R lio. heater. Was $1998 '61 Ford D'. hare $2898 $2865 l'ernational Evenings 'erle- C'uh j TU 4-J'4l MLS Multiple Listing Service STILES REALTY I VEVBf. INM RSATIONAL T H APE ss cum J3 So th St, Phcna TU I4'4d Suburban doitiia g'nae P U'Oe livng ranoe and ample stn-aqe, a' H LOW COSTt sed or i-nur. incWued PROVANCL" TREE SERVICE Ltf eenert Insured p'"evviei ti Trees forced nr rammed rMONI TU 4 RICKFALLS APARTMENTS and MOTEL 2660 Shasta Wav 0 od Tiao Pa.-lffv rpM $69 50 to SS9 50- (, Wf,klv Moral Rotfi TLI J-SS77 KLAMATH FALLS FINEST JK( Un'tM 1 f "'! t unturH'l) ) M'fn ii-'i 'thaj Snarinrt (aonni Tas'e'wiiy ee'a'e 'Veil te Malt C ' S"" "g r-oo' v,ias an ii'vtH reoi feerflne end eK'-cv r-eaa hean Tu - RCAL ISTATI FOR SAL! NORTH le-rje. trno'ae : 'enaie. fenl(i rav e A-y tvpa icn'i li BEnPOOV b'tf TU 2i It aer 1 p r m drepiace uded Fe-icei (hop. !7 S00 COMPACT, fi'miy K-'f b( 'vm. toncrt'e foundattpn, aarane tiettric rd'-qt A ( vded fcr eniv .'C. ! r r-t-e pn he,i naved street cm heatfr in. ikv d. North Side . 39 Pl QK' tvemet has nm iy rorT thr(k(i fred'Ovnn. ta'ge i-vg 'Wim lets nf built. os it (enven'et k'tchfi. dining -e to 'fpiai.e'.. fwn b ha-d- , "J t-ws t-i-ovgnout Anafed 9'3f TU i50 Terms. E Andy Silani REALTOR TOP Thf E bed'pom Niimmf, Le-e TU OLPr P .1 bM'rvm 1 v tVf- PETT pt NNiS. Rt AL TU 4 it Of TU 4 4J"I heme for sa'e. 1 'i t - tu 4 Mi; AC Bl S VI rU''0 " 14 V" TU -ee red-rxf It Art VMtm- Ce-i-ni Pft,it tAvfy A-3 .k in f(Vm ' t.-f Lflvefv rhe-v in a lepie Tu j-t."-i L I I Nl S.rj bed'oom nmt oa'age pii bjn mt'a la-a ,vn; J I lei , fiHi St orai a-1 ai'a'a w - (-!- -,m tMn T'ee. 'vn r w 1 ,1(Vd II f'-te II vo V'S A1 m ';e .i.V1 r- 4 V) 'n hej-v"' .;''r- ' a r aiT'-antes P"ced a I o Midland Empire RI.ALTY CLIS LCSUtUR. B'" t'. HOT SPRINGS DIGNIFIED EAILV RESIDENCE 'ea'unnq soi-d h-icii contructon and 5 e,lT0"'S SpecinvS living a'd d-nmrj .Vims anj J roomy bedrooms prt mn 'OO' Te tull baemfcif .j almost CPm neieiy tin."ed -ilditinnal mtnn ages, including p a.n tionai bed'onms. ;nd ba'h den, ia jO ft pa'tv room La-ge doub:e garane Gc-g or ? " v,.'h r-Jimnim ir-tsn. WILL TPApr C0 SMALLER MOVE. GOOO LOCATION. i'i HARD TO FIND! i BEDIOPWi GUARANTEED USED RANGFS - REFRIGERATORS WASHFPS DRYERS WATER HEATERS Cascade Home Furn. I vain TU I SEWINGMACHINE I '62 Chev. II Tune Ud ft SPECIAL DE-LINT OIL ADJUST ON ALL MAKES Reg $6 95 For $2 95 LIMITED OFFtFt' SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Mom TU 2 2513 $2598jr $1898 $1698 '61 Willys rjs jeep rab. $1898 "60 Rambler I Onnr Smi Ov "anve. r d I O. -tea'er Was . . . : $1498 SOLID. OLDFR J-5TORV MOVE- lust j lave' bux and t lose to A ademy and K Uhs a Nea - v 1 hif-. ,lrr Qn-nge GOING NOW FOR sewi-g JUS J'OCX) i DOWN F HA 4 NO Cett. OOAN Gl, nm,njl clOS-nr) C0' QUICKLY MERE 1 1 h-oe AUCTION FRIDAY, 7 P.M. 3899 So. 6th v A'. L f nVF SFF T.i f o. Ric,f SELECTION O VEB C M AN D I SF t-P TMS WEEK S S A 1 1 T ME DIPFFRENT AND DISTINCTIVE AS WELL AS THE PURELY PRACTICAL! '59 Chev. i Ton PicKuO cuMy eau'Dped, $1598 $1398 '59 G M C T To- P ekitp y. Bed tre"STi!SS en. "$1498 "As- '54 Ford Tnn P,cVi.n serfect meci-am .any Was . . , $598 '53 .Chev. $.498 '51 Chev i(M S'aro wai $398 $448 SPECIALS aNlv.,. 4. Doer SfJSn nfr '1rJ,,a U.k'a' cavpd O'.ef tl-.1 la)'Q Iftt fil F"hl b'efa-.t se's. Twin bd set JC54 OuCiVCB'Lt 1 MOVE IN NOWf Drive Bv . . . bookca'e feaooa'd bed and V' ana I .-. chrtt ocmffti-el thles and can-s i Ctt bl.mce d n.nq ft f e"rj'tor I 3 nj eet- c 'a-ae. TV se : pte te'io-'ai jn ,r. irinn e beas n NPEPFNHENCE AVE A terf ,,c : matt-ees '.ntjer d-d iLfrmi i ash v at ' '50 Weii-bui't J bed'oom fs. to floup'e comcar.ment treeiers -"P nea Ff-gmon Vonl Hug j CheitS O' d'vers. O'C'epr'pne. rygs ae AP'Uhnp l-fl (On'-ect dcn lamos m.r-p-i. tf,n ce- Unr-n W'lL TRAOE FOR f.COD mo'- tahie saw. ce TfR 1 OR t FU DRitOSV HOVE ' eoa's. fY CR SOUTH SUBURBS. ! WM rf AVE . ON f ASV cost SfV pQ.VN S ST -SP 9 1 s,-" t be e ftp r t'a). ? A N PAV'.-tNT CTNTRACj Jt't s vv1 I T h - POfcT ? CORNF R T -e veai'er i i.e Tn tree t-i-3( hL.-r. THfc RESALE HCJSE' Hfl-dfp 195J FCRO Wj: Chrysler OnvprtiH 195: PCT1AC : D-'r 1951 f CRD r Wns $193 SUA N0W s298 248 J 78 SI48 s 98 J 48 s 48 YOUR COURTEOUS SALESMEN Chilcote and SMITH ' LL TV FS'I t N-i Puv-"J THE 1 KEALT. v SEE. L S fO! a 1 TOO - RESALE HOUSE You're Po.rg Ti Wuch Trn Pfn0tr .. TIJ 4.(,"0 p li Doe .... TLI 4-9PSI C3V Ft -1 Wah. .... Tu 2-4219 -3. ' Hoo Tu 3.10- 9 Drcp In Today Prove To Yourself That N'C-Jr- I Jh.rt TJ 4.44vg TU 4 Cbl CK., V DUGAN & MEST TRADE BEST! TU 4-3101 fnf rh tft 7th en Pii 'I C'-