WOW! COINWORD HITS yP BUBBLE (0 All Taylor Thermometers 5 BATH jf j, i FOR KIDS Choose Irom tuch handy !hermome!trt 01 M" ITT in ?V 9, '' window, oven, frccter-rt frigerotor F I D Q lIH P W$ 'llVrn me0' !hrmomtltr. Reo. 2. 3 indoor. Jfjf fV Or 4iv II H Eal flM tt 4ft 7 NJO outdoor thermomeleu ond Reg. 3.98 jelly Jff Jl B W if U H W t I II I 5 1 1 .I I !hermome!en. All going o! 2i'o oil lot VWJ bmlfj Jf Qf Q H JJ I mM Ol J. I Ihii weekend only. Remember, Toylor meant mKimm K- j7""',! Speciol This Week Only! 8 S?iSfcirj Plus Tax Nestle'i King Size 934-ox. Candy PNSSW,,. P A PC lu$P0 $ tSf4K3 4Jr 1 Mr SPECIAL! SHAKE 'N SPRAY Ff, Reg. 2.98 Little Miss Muffet Story Book ll PjISJT Si- Hlrfl 1 (T $99 ff Our re9ular 98c 16-or. .pray en- lllBlB B II om!l ond lacquers. No brmh .. . if BJriHEflBi? D m. no mcss- 'U5f hake ond py f' M 3k professional job every lime. Color .J'-v Everyone Can Play Try Your Skill Right PRIZE GOES UP $25. WEEKLY Plus Your Chance To WIN UP TO $50 BONUS Check The Ads At Right, See How You Can Win Up to $50.00 Extra In This Big Contest! coin9R9D PRIZE '2025 00 'cTol n cl e Tfs .fFl ff ! , 1 1 1 H P T! I lG T I ! ill Im' p S N lie nx rn T ZbEE hi m lto . ZLcE "a1 l fR ot JL rRLj I j C l I I A! I . hfplEA iR' I r lAlDiElD. IT NAME - ADDRISS CITY STAT I ( ) Jterl th. HpM I Nevt Imwe.i.lely! C.mpl.l. pui.U. bo. ot SUBURBAN DRUG OR WAGGONER DRUG CO. . . . ' P" 0 e p., cord and moil lo H.rold ond Newt. P.O. Boi 941. CLUES ACROSS I. m.i muvcol enj.nated obrood. (Concepts. Concerts) 4. This could r dcnqerous to o penon with o hear! oil men! . iFot, Fit) 6. Almost onyonf in 0 difficult ,ne eosv QV out. (Spot, Spot) 7. I" digging tor precious stones, would in dicate where miners shiM dig. (Lamps, Lump-,) 8 A student rriht e?l uncomfortob1? v-ith o be hind, his ear Pen, We") 10. A mort hnuvewif ?M bot'e o . 'th car . COINWORD CONTEST RULES 1. Solve COINWORD as you would any other cross word puizle. 2. Anyone is eligible to enter the contest except em ployes ot the Herald and News and their families, and em ployes ot Suburbon Drug and Waggoner Drug Co., and their families, 3. A contestant may submit as many entries as he wishes, using the entry blank printed in this paper, or enact siied, hand-drawn facsimiles ot the puzzle made without use of carbon paper or other duplicating means, 4. To submit an entry a contestant may deposit hit completed puzzlie along with his nome and address in the COINWORD contest box at Waggoner Drug Co., 639 Main St., or Suburban Drug Co., 3930 So. 6th, or attach the com pleted puzzle along with his nome and address or a 4c post card and mail it to the COINWORD Editor, Herald ond News, P.O. Boi 941. Mail entries must be postmarked not later than 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, and entries must be deposited in the COINWORD contest boxes by 12:00 noon Wednesday. 5. The Herald ond News will oword a prize of $100.00 to the winner of each week's COINWORD contest. If mere than one winning answer is received, the prize will be di vided equally among the winners. If no correct solution is received, the o mount of the weekly priza will be increased S25.O0 each week the puzzle is not solved. 6. Thtre is only one correct solution to each COIN WORD puzile and only that correct answer can win. Deci sion of the judges is final ond all contestants agree to obide by the official answer supplied by the COINWORD editor. All entries become the property of the paper. Only one prize will be awarded to a family unit. 7. Entries must be mailed or delivered by hand before cloiing deadlines. No entries can be returned. The eniwer will be published in the Herald and News. CLUES DOWN 2 A hotel e,hf might profit ftim an (Ouster, 0fer) 3. Confident oguotic skiers should know how to , iSkim, Swirn) 4. Wfathr chonges hove o pronounced effect upon (Figs, FgsJ 5 Eod companions the innocent. (Taint, Taunt) 9 Without some , o honker ccuM not epect adequate protection. (Police, Policy) 10 A cnurtsh-p would he detrimental to on en- goged couple. 'Harried, Hurried) t 11. A pnyver w,hmg to escape might vOit for the right . 'Mood. M.-sn )3 An empty c'v '"t m'gM induce a (R.rt, Root" to spread. 12 A h-t Too is bound to give O driver trouble. (Cor, 4 problem-, would hnvt a TV performance (Rociol. Radian 1 7. A woman's ddeo'. Ideas' 19 A . could be pomful to h-r husband. 15. Workers do not produce satisfactorily when their thought cf ... Afar, Aar) 16. A child ho a mischievous ded might wivh to share it. (Did, Hid) romance has l.ttle lusier. (raded, Jaded) )g Short fnr destroyer e'.cort (U S N ) Deposit Your Entries At Either COINWORD Sponsors Suburban Drug Co or - Waggoner Drug Co. 3950 So. 6th 839 Main St. Or Mail to: Coinword Editor P.O. I.i 941 Extra Coinword Papers Available At Waggoner Drug, Suburban Drug and The Herald nd News Prices Effective Friday 25th Through Sunday 27th vx- jy fit m All Boxed STATIONERY Vz PRICE Olympic 9-Pc. Elec. HAIR CUTTING SET - . 6 Famout Anchor tett of B. Just . New ceramic-looking snack sets In modern design. U for snocks or trayi. Set of regularly 1.49, now . . TUMBLERS SNACK SET COINWORD 25 BONUS ... if you correctly work the COINWORD puztle and have a cash register receipt of one dollar or more from the Suburban Drug dated within 7 days prior to the winning an nouncement. Bonus split in cose of ties! Open 365 days a vear . . . 366 on Isqd vea. Open 9 till 10 ... 9 to 9 on Sundays & Holidavs Diuggiit On Duty ot All Timet Current charge customers may charge anything except Camera Dept. MdseN in the Suburban Drug Bldg. at the prescription counter. McKesson g A3, ITEMS ilMTUM-Mu. Rf' J3 2fr ,79 AICOhIiL RUBBING COMPOUNO-Pint....- - J9 2 for .59 BACITRACIN OINTMENT !t er. tubs Reg. 1.25 2 for 1 .25 HeTS pftf "t n if'tttwn in ntinef cuts and ibrit ions. BEEF. IRON I WINE Pint Reg. 1.9S 2 for 1 .98 Ion'" (0 h D llitluUtt JpWt'tt. BENZOIN, Compound Tincture 2 flz. Reg. .65 2 for .65 An iPfjiint 'or u in wponrert, BURNTONE IMPROVED 1 ittolir.'.r' Reg. 100 2 for 1 .00 lor minor burnt ind tunbum, CAMPHORATED OIL 2 oz. ; '.H for .45 CAMPHOR, SPIRIT OF 2 ot Pee- 2 for .75 CUT 'n SCRATCH CREAM 1 ot tub Reg. .69 2 for .69 For fi-il . f'omotes heoline. co DENTURE ADHESIVE Vt tl. lube .-..-.. Feg. .W Tor .oj !T!,wl.r.'.'ll!tl''"Ol,l'r. DENTURE CLEANSER BVi or. jar Ml 2Tor OJ Mi'fi;rL'e'M,', GLYCERIN 2 oz -J GLYCERIN t ROSE WATER B oz. Rej. V 2 for .79 IBATH 6 oz. J9 2 for .79 o. i. . ion nrm tut oittiomKi. Q IODINE TINCTURE 1 OZ R 2 for.. 39 LANOLIN COMPOUND 1 OZ. tube Rig. .45 2 for .45 MERTHIOLATE. Tincture 1 01 2 for .49 MILK OF MAGNESIA - Pint N- 2 f or .3 NEOMYCIN SULFATE OINTMENT Vi Ot Reg-125 2 for 1 .25 fir,t d for r "r cull mil twn. w e PINOTOL-Pint Rf lJ9 2 for 1.29 (,.,nl,".;i.'.l!t!l'IOIVlll'0Hl"1l!. SACCHARIN TABLETS V4 grain 100 $ Reg. .33 2 for .33 SPECIAL FORMULA lor UPSET STOMACH 4 oz. .... Reg. .59 2 for .59 C'iti iff'tltM itfMii M'i K.tft ww)ihm rt0itllt0tl. Mlipi li tfil'rhii, SUPER HIGH POTENCY VITAMINS 92 l .... Reg. 9.00 2 for 9.00 M'W Sl,0'' CLYCERIN SUPPOSITORIES Adults or Infant Reg. .49 2 for .49 jr of U. urri (S h' pitf. TARTAN LIP POMADE For fever tores, chapped Dpt. Ree. .35 2 for .35 THIAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE TABLETS 25 miMOffl Reg. 1.50 2 for 1 . 50 (v.u-mI-11 SOmg.-IOO'i Reg 2 50 2for2.50 100 mg.-100't Ree. 4.25 2for4.25 WITCH HAZEL Pint R'g. .W 2 for .69 YEAST TABLETS Brimtr's) 250 s Reg. .98 2 for .98 Rich lovfit of r n. AXON COLD 24 s Reg. .98 ea. 2 for .98 TABLETS-Aduiu 50 Reg. 1.69 ea. 2 for 1.69 AXON COLD TABLETS 24't Reg. .69 ea. 2 for .69 lor Children AXON NASAL 1t , SPRAY-Ch.idrer, '69m- 2,or M .l AXON NASAL ,., f QS i McKesson ZCCX-l y"'N. -I hurry I ;: SALE SOON! , McKesson CUT 'n SCRATCH SPRAY 3 02. aerosol ltitv(i fnintw pf Promotu Mil'!. McKeuon Pfll n prjriu . uulu untMffl Reg. 72.00 Itlvtt it n inf. I Hor-jir McKeuon AXON THROAT SPRAY Irtkurjttf, fMtttlltrC, JfttlblOlrC I CC MfWttJ bS Reg.J1.69 AP.C. TABLETS lOO'i -..... Rig. .73 .59 for tju-a r ntl f timo :t htiejiehv, ntutiK, itc. ASCORBIC ACID TWINS 100 mt,2!00'l 250 mg.-2IOO's SO0mg.-25O'( Vol. 4. ASPIRIN TWINS for CHILDREN (2 bottlat of 50'l) Vol. .74 fccurill 1 fr. ot(l. Slllty ur. Llmt titvortl Val.2.58 1.29 Vol. 4.98 2.49 2.49 .49 McKesson COLOGNE FrlrM!.,.rtfrHMic caelHtf. luultlolttt Irptpiaiie. Rfg.J2.00 Get Prl$j00 I ' MiKeison BUBBLE BATH 1 nninnN5U9 LIUUIU a Quart f Pun.ll. AAA CMK.M1 III IV AXON COUCH MEDICINE Adurti 4k.. AXON COUGH MEDICINE for CHILDREN 4 ot Ho. nercelie. nentet ItKifV. Reg.lJ9 Reg. Si COD LIVER OIL Plata, Riot Reg. S SS DOUCHE POWDER for Famlnlne Hjrglino, 4 ot jir Reg. i9 LIQUID SWEETENER TWINS 2 botthlt 25 VlL L30 Mtil Itr Ml er tele tr feel .89 .63 .79 .49 .65 Sl.ll'tit HEATING. PAD McKetton ROOM DEODORANT & AIR SANITIZER TMt ItlfrilltH. r Ktimu. Ufa ALARM J ptnrvi nein "1 WnMble cover r nPlf r &, T M RecUSS S25 $25 COINWORD BONUS if you correctly work the coinword puxxle and have a coin receipt of one dollar or mere within 7 dayi prior to the winning announce ment. Bonus split in caie of ties! All These and More .TX3i ' MJ- JJT, ijlfGmn Stamps