Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 25, 1963, Page 10, Image 10

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    PAGE 2-B
HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore.
Friday, January 25, 1963
Won - Conference Games
Jam Coast Team Slates
wwwwunm wwiwwiiniir "'! immmmmmmf mmmhhhmmi
ini mii'a ilia -...Jl jhmtnA i" ,r" f usJ'fai '11 mi
EVERYONE IN ACT Seemt liks everyone gets a hand in the act as the University
of Houston's Eddie Winch 121) and University of Miami's Jack Spisak (31) and Ken
Allen (23) all reach for the ball. The halftime score at Miami Beach had Miami in
front, 33-32. UPI Telephoto
Sitting Too Meat Woods
Blurs Sports Visions
: UPI Sports Writer
(UPI) It must De recognized
today that sometimes a man ac
tually does sit so close to the
woods he can't see the trees.
Like in the case of Fearless
"How," demanded the lady of
the house Impatiently, "can any
body sit In front of a typewriter
for six hours and not have one
single word on the paper"
Well, you might say, it ain't
easy. First of all, what you're
sitting on gets to feeling like it
did when you squirmed through
one of those endless doublehead
ers the Mets put on at the Folo
"There's so much going on In
sports," the voice goes on as you
empty the ash tray for the fourth
time. "Baseball, football, fishing,
horse racing, jai alai, golf and
ncavens Knows wnai eise.
Well, you think,-grinding your
molars aimosi sounaiessiy, me
V......U..11 r.ln.,r. Dr hnm. fn. t.
change, toothall is over lor a
while, the fishing folks are sus
piciously quiet and you've done
just about everything else until
you feel like a bricklayer fresh
out of Irish confetti.
"What's the matter with this
here Cassius Clay?" demands the
voire from the kitchen. "It seems
to me that him discussing his
own fight between rounds is rath
er unusual."
Well, you could explain, the lo
quacious one is some miles away,
in Pittsburgh; the fact that he
would comment on his own great
ness between rounds is merely
airing what he tells his own sec
onds, and a real gimmick would
be to wire him for sound during
the bout so that public could hear
it when somebody finally clams
him up with a mouthful of
"Ilnw about this?" suggests the
voice from the palio. "It says
here in the paper that a 10-year-
old boy collects snakes and his
mother actually approves. Why, I
tell you. I'd just faint dead away
w ith snakes crawling all over the
Well, a man courageous enough
to fipht lions maybe would tell
his spouse, at least makes don't
go around making a lot of noisc-
Warriors, Celtics Victors
in nun Luuuirjiirjauci jci
Itv 1'nited Press International
Fans in the widely separated
ritM's of Bakcr(icld. Calif., and
Providence. R I., Thursttay night
wiUu'ssiM tuo st.tr attractions of
the National ftiskethall A-.socU!-tion
hirh-senrutg Wilt Chamber
l.un and Boston Celtics heroics.
Chamberlain's devalatuig fall
nw;iy shots to the side enabled
him to run up 5B points for Hie
S-in Francisco Warriors as they
('..fe.ited Die Detroit Pistons m
114 at RnkersfieM College gym
The St. loins Hawks, aided by
40 points from Hob Pellil. matched
tlie Celtics point tor point until
the final minutes of play when
Tiinimv Tljvnsrtlin mil n,i.tnn in
front WV1U5 and rookie John H.iv-
Jicck clinched the victory with two
'im shots.
! The HaksCeltJcs game wa
played at tlie Rhode Island Audi
torium in ProvidcrK-e before 7.2.W.
For Dromatk Story
See Pag 3 of Section A
while a man is trying to think.
Make a memo, son, we just
might go shopping for snakes.
"And there's another story
about a 14-year-old boy who is
studying falconry by training his
own hawk," the little lady busts
in as helpfully as a calliope at
a wedding. "But seems to me
that might be interesting but I
don't know if I approve, hawks
killing chickens, pigeons and
other things."
Well, a desperate man might
inquire as to what "other things.'
But such a question, as any hus
band knows, wouldn't be likely to
promote peace and quiet for the
thinking man. You'd get more
noise than they had In Chicago
when Sonny Liston flattened
Floyd Patterson.
"What about Mickey Mantle?"
the voice rattles on like a freight
train in the night. "Just imagine
getting $90,000 for hitting a little
old ball and playing a game. I
can t understand It, myself.
Well, a husband might say if
Bums Get
In Redleg
IPI Sports Writer
The Los Angeles Dodgers made
good on a three-year-old promise
today with the acquisition of "the
little man with the big heart."
Don Zimnw, traded away in
l0, was reacquired from tlic
Cincinnati Rls Thursday as Gen.
eral Manager F.. J. (Buzzyl Ra
ves! sought utility infield help and
un aggressive, fiery "leader type."
Bavasi told Zimmer in IflfiO tluit
titers always would be a place in
the Dodger organization for him
because "lie's the kind of spirited
guy you like to have on n ball
club." Zimmor is equally rft home
at second or third base and can
fill in acceptably for short periods
at shortstop.
Zimmer, whose courage in ov
ercoming tlie- eltects of two near-
fatal beanings makes him highly
respected in all haseliall quarters.
hit only .213 in 77 games for Hie
Reds last season. To get him. the
Dodws sit minor league pitch
er Scott Breodon to Cincinnati in
tlie largest attendance at a bas
ketball game in the auditorium.
Other high scorers in Ue only
two games pl.iyed Thui-MLiy nicht
in tlie MIA wore Siim Jones with
37 for Boston and Bailey Howell
topping Piston efforts with .12.
Onvrts (rem rftrit to QMr
dnt in 9 mtnutfs or Ic
Pir cost comtructipn for Iopj
I. re
Cull Ifvrl witn Q'OuPir
CuK in erv paiitK-" e,i
A. H. Stewart Co.
(21 Sprint
TU 4-751
men still wore suits of armor,
it's a good thing for some women
whose husbands are sports writ
ers that people play games or
there might be a shocking short
age of permanent waves and
other vital necessities. And pri
vately you wonder what size bat
Mantle uses in so effectively si
lencing pitchers.
"I'm not going to help you any
more, because I still don't hear
any noise out of that typewriter,'
concludes the voice with finality.
'But you might be interested in
this story on a new automatic,
self-cleaning swimming pool. Ap
parently it's the only way ours
will ever get cleaned when a man
sits in front of a typewriter (or
six hours and doesn't have one
single word on the paper."
Well, a man has to Uunk as he
abandons that virgin piece of
copy paper and goes out to vac
uum the swimming pool, I won
der how much they'd charge forj
desk space in a nice quiet boiler
a straiglit player deal In which
no cash was involved.
Tlie Reds alto announced tlie
signing of pitclier Jim Maloney,
22, who had a 9-7 record for them
last season. It was the seventh
contract received by General Man
ager Bui DeWitt. who sent out
Cincinnati contracts only a week
Tltc Detroit Tigers signed seven
players, including pitcher Phil
Regan and second-baseman Jake
Wood. Regan had on 11-9 record
willi tlie Tigers last season while
Wood hit 22l and led the team
with 30 stolen bases.
Others signed by the Tigers
were Vk- Vortz, wlx batted .324
as- a utility infielder and pinch
hitter; Buhlta .Motion, who batted
2'2; Mike Roarke, a promising
catcher with a .213 batting aver
age; Mike Chnslino. lfl-yoar-old
first baseman drafted from Balti
more, and Doug Gallagtier, who
had a !5 pitching record with
Denver last season
Tlie Chic.icn Cubs were left
with only four luisicned pl.iyers
-Boh Buhl. Phil Murdnck. IVn
Prince and Cuno Barragan wlien
tliey received three more con
trasts in Thursday's, mail. .The
new additions to tlie Cubs' satis
fied list were outfielder Don luv
drum and pitchera Dave Gerard
ami George Goi herman. ljindinm.
26, was acquired from the St
Iouis Cardinals in June ami hit
285 in 115 games for tlie season.
Tokt you ntt out-of-town trip
in nw Ctiins. Bunnrit or
pltatur. yoit'H find yeunclt irh
heurt of tr tm at your dti
tmation, titr I i m to call en
ditntt, or tttr time for fun.
Coiti or low, too. You Itovo and
r turn whin vou wont to. You'll
orrtvo refrained, not road-wtarv
from hour bthmd tho wheel of
your cor. Coll firit rhino, tomor
row for complete information on
tfia trip you want to make.
Located in th So.
So. Oregon Aviation, Inc.
Klomoth Foils Airport
By United Press International
Semester finals have shaken up
the Western cage schedule to pro
duce a strange kaleidoscope of
non-conference tussles this week
For Instance, USC, a team that
has been tough in non-conference
battles but lackluster In the Big
Six. meets Loyola in Los Angeles
tonight. The Lions are one of the
few teams given no chance in the
West Coast Athletic Conference
(WCAC) tussle.
UCLA, still a threat in the Big
Six and 11-4 overall, is at Texas
Tech for a couple of games this
weekend. Although winning in the
enemy gym is always a problem.
Texas Tech's 1-10 record gives the
Bruins optimism.
A third Big Six contender,
Washington, tries its luck against
Oregon foes. The Huskies are at
Oregon tonight and then battle
Oregon State Saturday. The Beav
ers are trying to fight their way
hack into the nation's top 10 and
should go all out against Wash
A few other contests tonight in
clude Pacific, another WCAC
doormat, at Alameda State; small
college powerhouse Chapman at
Sacramento State; Chico State at
Humboldt State in one that does
not go into the Far West Confer
ence standings; CCAA leader San
Diego State at San Fernando
John Uelses
Joins Pole
Vault Group
Uelses, formally reinstated as an
amateur Thursday, has joined a
strong field of pole vaulters for
tlie Millrose AA track and field
meet at Madison Square Garden
Feb. 1.
Uelses was suspended by the
Amateur Athletic Union (AAU)
last year for accepting excessive
expenses to compete in a meet
in Honda. Ho later returned the
money amounting to $130 and was
reinstated by tho Florida associ
ation of the AAU.
Wlien Capt. Stephen Archer, tlie
AAU secretary, lormally an
nounced Uelses' reinstatement
Thursday tlie former world rec
ord holder immediately entered
the Millrose Games.
Sunday Night Games Slated
For Major Leagues This Year
the first time in major league
history, Sunday night games were
included in the official 13 Na
tional League schedule which was
released today.
Bowing to the Intense day-time
heat in Houston during the sum
mer, league officials granted the
Colts permission to play seven
Sunday night games at home this
year in a special ruhnc
Some Sunday afternoon g.imcs
have been finished under the
hchts for one reason or anoihcr
but this will mark the first time
in major league history that a
team actually will start a game
on Sunday nicht.
Tlie Colls are scheduled to play
tlicir first Sunday niclit cans"
against the San Francisco Giants
on June 9.
All told, the to National league
clubs are scheduled to play a to
tal of 419 inclit games, two less
than lat year.
Houston has scheduled the most
. . . charter a
new Cessna
corner of the big hangar
Air Terminal Bidg.
State; San Diego at the Cal Ag
gies. Los Angeles State at Cal
Poly of San Luis Obispo; and
Long Beach State at Santa Bar
bara. A couple of the more interest-!
ing Saturday night battles will pit
USF, -co-leader of the WCAC,
against USC, while Santa Clara
meets Loyola of Chicago as part
of a Windy City twin bill expect
ed to draw more than 20.000 fans.
In Thursday night's action, Gon-
City's Bowling
Tournament Set
The 19th annual Klamath Falls
Men's Bowling Association cham
pionship Tournament and the 23rd
annual women's tournament are
being established for the middle
of February according to Bob
The women's tournament will
be held Feb. 21-24. The men's
tournament is slated to begin im
mediately after the women's on
Feb. 25-March 2.
Entry blanks for both t h e wom
en's and men's city tournament
have been distributed and entries
are pouring into the secretaries.
It is anticipated there will be a
record number of entries in both
the men's and women's tourna
ments and those wishing preferred
schedule times should get entries
in as soon as possible.
The distribution of trophies and
prizes for both the men's and
women s tournaments will be
made at the annual bowling dinner
banquet to be held at the Officers
Oregon Food,
Pirates Victors
Oregon Food and the Pirates
garnered City Men's Basketball
League victories Thursday night:
in O'Neill School Gym.
Oregon Food stopped Idella's.
0-61, w ith Jack Kemp hitting 27
points and Jim Johnson another
24. Bob Dealing hit for 13 and
Schulcr 11 for the losers
The Pirates downed Drumstick
in a close game, 58-5-1, with Ncw
bert hitting for 14 points and
Burnett for IB for the Pirates
Ramp collected lfi and Kurtz 12
for the losers.
night games. B9. the bis Angeles
Dodgers follow with 59 and then
come the Cincinnati Beds with 52,
Philadelphia Phillies. 50, Pitts
burgh Pirates, 48. St. Louis Car
dinals. 4ii. Milwaukee Braves. 42.
New York Mets. 28. and Giants
Willi 25.
Maintaining their unique tradi
tion, the Chicago Cubs will play
all their home games during tlie
The Reds officially col the M.
season underway, April 8 one
day earlier than last season
when they play host to the Pi
rates. All tlie other clubs in the Ic.tmie
swing mil) action on April 9. with
the Cardinals owning against the
Mets in New York; the Braves
acunst the Pirates in Pittsburgh;
the lYxIcors acainsl l!:e Cuhs in
Chicaco. tlie Giants ai-ainst the
Colts in Houston, and tne Phillies
acainst tlie Beds in a nicht came
at Philadelphia.
For the harcain-minded.
to the left of the
Phor,. TU 2.4643
. the
f . 3
zaga bombed Montana State 61-52
at Spokane as slim Jim Dixon
dumped 22 points and hauled
down 15 rebounds.
Northwest Nazarene took care of
Whitman, 69-51.
University of California was
idle this weekend, but its fans
had great news, The Bears' out
standing guard, Dick Smith, won;
his battle with the books and is
eligible for the rest of the Bear
Club at Kingsley Field on April
The schedule for the women's
tournament will have the team
events at Lucky Lanes on Thurs
day and Friday the 21st and 22nd.
The doubles and singles will be
held the -Mrd and 24th at Holi
day Bowl.
The men's team events will be
held at Holiday Bowl Feb. 25,
26 and 27. The doubles and singles
arc slated for Lucky Lanes Feb.
28, March 1 and 2.
To Decide
Fight Title
cessor to Italy's Duilio Loi, just
retired junior welterweight cham
pion, will be produced soon by
an elimination. Emile Bruneau of
tlie World Boxing Association
(WBA) announced today.
Bruneau of New Orleans, chair
man of the WBA's World Cham
pionship Committee, said the four
men who may participate in tlie
elimination are ex-champion Ed
die Perkins of Chicago, Battling
Torres of Mexico, Joe Stable of
Cuba and Ben Medina of Fresno.
Loi, 33, tearfully gave up his
world HOpound crown Thursday
night at a press conference in
Milan, Italy, because "the old
spark is gone." At the same time
his retirement left vacant his
European welterweight (147
pound title.
Mets have scheduled the most
dotiblchcadiTS, 12. The Phillies
are listed for in twin-hills; the
Cardinals and Reds eight apiece:
the Dodgers. Giants and Pirates,
live each; the Colts and Cubs.
three apiece, and Ihr Brav
Inlike last year, there will be
only one All-Slnr game instead of
two. It will be played at Cleve
land on July 9
I lie annual Hall ol l-anie game
at Cooperstown. NY., is sched
uled for Aug. 5. with the Braves
meeting the Boston Red Sox.
The regular season ends Sun
day. Sept. 29.
Get to know your son ... he moy
hove enough money to poy for his
own Pina.
Phone TU
272S S. 6th Net
life :
number 12 in the first period
Arena in Los Angeles.
Killer Auto Service & Partj
Pioneer Tobacco Co. SV 1 2?' g
Spud nut No. 7
Lauras Beauty Pair
Pacific Supply Cooperative
Park Cabinet 43' i JO' i
Sunris safety centar 37 47
ideiias Grocery 35 49
CWA 34 50
Spudnut 30 54
HRP 30 54
Veriti Service Supply 26 58
Results Merits Service supply 3, Sun
rise Safety Center I; Pacific Supply Coop
2, Pioneer Tobacco Co. 2; Spudnut No. 7
Kalers Auto Service & Paris 2; Lauras
Beauty Fair 3. HRP 1; Park Cabinet 4,
CWA 0; Idellas Grocery 3, Spudnut 1.
High team game. Pioneer Tobacco Co.
ij hlqh team series, Pioneer Tobacco
Co. 2750; high Ind. game, Les Bieber 223;
high ind, series, Lts Bieber 626.
Holiday Bowl Coffee Shop Sl'i 24' i
Morrlicrt & Knudsen 45''? 30' 1
Spar Spotters 4i'i 34' 1
Economy Cash Grocery 4o 1
Cox Grocery 3
Lovely Lady Beauty Salon 30
Sierra Gun Shop 29
Automatic Transmission 27
Jan. 23 results: Holiday Bowl Coffee
Shop 3, Spare Spotters I ; Sierra Gun
Shoo 2, Co Grocery I; Mormon & Knud
sen 3. Lovely Lady Beauty Salon I; Auto
matic Transmission 7, Economy Cash
Grocery 2.
High team gme. Lovely Lady Beauty
Salon 746; high team series, Morrison &
Knudsen 2707; high fnd. game. Ruby
Wicks 21Ti high Ind. series. Lor rain Con
ger 524.
Sarqes Trailer Estates
Suburban Finance
Mouldingcrelt Inc.
Superior Troy Laundry
Klamath Auto Wreckers
Pacific Power & Light
43' 1
39' i
39 37
3S' i 37'
35' 1 40',
Renninrjton Steel Bidg. Co. 34 42
Pine Arts 30 4A
M&AA Grocery 30 44
Jan. 23 results: Bennington Steel Bidg.
a. 3, Mouldlngcraft Inc. 1; Superior Troy
Laundry 3, Klamath Auto Wreckers 1
Pine Arts 2, M&M Grocery 7; Suburban
Finance 4, BRC of A 0; Pacific Power
Light 3. Sarges Trailer Estates I.
High team game. Suburban F inane
1005; high team series. Suburban Finance
J755) hiqti Ind. game, Jim McDermott
331; high Ind. series, Jim Crapo 573.
Ducks Hope
To Even Mark
By I'nlted Press International
The Oregon Ducks hoping to
push their basketball season's rec
ord to the .501) point entertain
Washington at Eugene tonight.
The Huskies meet Oregon Stale
at Corvallis Saturday night.
Oregon, which has six victories
in 1.1 starts, defeated Washington
59-57 at Seattle earlier this sea
son. Tlie Beavers, wrio nave col
lected 10 wins in 14 games, won
over tlie Huskies 57-45 at Seattle
in an earlier season contest.
Dale Easlov. an improving fi-7
center, and fi-6 forward Ed Corrcll
lead Washington'!! attack.
Orecon probably will ovn with
center Glenn Monre. forwards
Sieve .lones and .Mm Johnson and
cuards John Mack and Elliott
to Tower Theatre
Jack McCartan of the Los Angeles Blades makes sava
as the Blades meet the Spokane Comets at- the Sports
UPI Telephoto
SF Seals, Blades
Remain In WH Tie
Ry 1'nHed Press International
Southern Division
Portland 28 13 1 57 172 10!)
Los Angeles 24 14 0 48 140 109
San Francisco 24 IB 0 48 165 125
Spokane 18 21 1 37 119 139
Northern Division
Vancouver 20 17 2 42 132 127
Seattle 20 21 1 41 140 153
Edmonton lfi 31 0 32 146 209
Calgary 13 30 1 27 131 174
Thursday's Results
San Francisco fi Calgary 2
Los Angeles 6 Spokane 3
Friday's Schedule
Calgary at Seattle
Edmonton at Vancouver
The San Francisco Seals and
Los Angeles Blades, streaking
along on the same flight path,
have one day to contemplate to
getherness before they shatter it
Each of the California dele
gates in the Western Hockey
league r e g i s t e r ed its fifth
straight win Thursday night, as
the Seals and Blades remained m
a second-place tic in tlie Southern
All that will change Saturday
when the uneasy rivals collide at
the Los Angeles Sports Arena.
Ask the man
ttl j- r
It' ?tiidfl)akfr" new Champ iiknp call. Come
in and fee it up clow. You'll know vhy its callrd
lh lrst-aiioiiitfl, most comfortable truck cab.
irlax on the foam padded, Hp coil spring seal.
t"re tbe slide-open rear window option that gives
superior ventilation the exchiMve vou can't pet
on any other truck! Look at all the standard
equipment feature Champ offers at no extra cot.
And surpri-e . . . Champ has the bipcest payload
of any pirkup and the lowest price lap, too!
Immediate delivery.
-1 """
6 Cyl. Vi
Delivered in Klamath
Foils. Heater and de
froster, deluxe cab, di
rectional signals, electric
wipers, anti-freeic, li
cense . . .
! 2 to 21 2 Ton Studcbakcrs - Diesel & Gas
Klamath Motors
120 E. Main See Wolly
! umi minisnwwwis in. ' j
l "I W'HI I l-IIHIM Ill I
Something's got to give, you
might say.
Thursday night tlie Seals con
tinued their season-long humilia
tion of the Calgary Stampeders.
racking up their sixth straight
win over tlie Stampeders. 6-2. At
Los Angeles 'i tight battle ended
when rookie Harley Hodgson
scored and the Blades rolled to
a 6-3 decision over Spokane.
San Francisco's Ed Panagabko
collected a hat trick in the Seal
victory. His three' goals came aft
er Nick Mickoski had put tlie
Seals ahead 3 in the second
Panagabko got sneaky (or one
of his goals. He moseyed around
the back of the net and slipped
the puck past the startled Calgary
goalie. Roy Edwards.
Hodgson's tie-breaking goal for
Los Angeles was a 40-footer at
10:08 of the final period. Bruce
Carmichael followed with two
more tallies in the period. Bob
Solinger of the Blades was hos
pitalized after breaking a tooth
ina collision with Spokane's Bill
Tonight it's Calgary at Seattle
and Edmonton at Vancouver.
Aik about daily
"Business Card"
TU 4-8111
who owns one
p- .r 'i,- m
Ton Pickup
for o Real Dcol TU 2-5544