Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 24, 1963, Page 9, Image 9

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    " m
I MEMORABLE DAY Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Lahoda are
I pictured with the elegant cake served to more than 200
: guests, who honored the couple Sunday, Jan. 20, on the
; occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. Mr. and
Mrs. Lahoda are long-time residents of Malin.
." Photo by Bob Anderson
HKKALD AND NEWS, Klamath Kails, Ore.
Thursday. January 24, 1963
Im mmmtwm"u,"i l'i.rirn-iiin f .inn .rnniiinn-TtiriiiiirT-r-nrr t'i m "i I I I ipinmir wmi niniMiiriiiipywiwiMWiwM
FAMILY GROUP An open house Sunday, Jan. 20, at the Malin Community Hall
was arranged by the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Lahoda to honor their parents'
? olden wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Lahoda, seated, are shown with their
amily. Standing, left to right, are Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lahoda, Mrs. Joe Lahoda
and Joe Lahoda, standing on either side of their son, Wayne, and Paul Lahoda.
, Photo by Bob Anderson
TO WED The betrothal
of Sharen Louise Spicer
and John Warren Flournoy
is announced by her par
; ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bertie
: :W. Spicer Jr. of Alturas.
He is the son of Mr. and
,;ly. The popular young peo
jMrs. Don Flournoy of Like-;-ple
are both graduates of
'Modoc Union High School.
'.-CShe is now attending Reno
'.Business College end her
'-'fiance is a student at Uni
versity of Nevada. He is
; affiliated with Lambda Chi
Alpha fraternity. No date
; has been set for the wedding.
Reno Rites
Unite Couple
LAKEVnSYV Cheri Irene Fan
ning became the bride of Daniel
William Roush at a double ring
ceremony performed at 4 o'clock
Saturday afternoon, Jan. 12, at
the Mt. Rose Wedding Chapel in
Reno. The bride Is the daugh
tcr of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R,
Fanning and the bridegroom is
the grandson of Mr. and Mrs,
John Roush, all of Lakeview.
The allar was banked by bas
kets of pink - and white roses
where the ceremony was per
formed by the Rev. William H.
The bride s ballerina length
dress of while chiffon featured a
fitted bodice and full skirt. Her
over-thc-face veil of illusion was
fastened to a satin tiara studded
with rhinestones, and she car
ried a white orchid and stcphano-lis.
The maid of honor, Charlotte
lliggins, wore a pink lace dress,
and Uie bridesmaid, Linda Fan
ning, sister of the bride, wore a
pale green chiffon dress. Their
lieadpieces of satin rosebuds and
the nosegay bouquets
Mrs. Fanning wore a two-piece
shantung dress of burnt orange,
with a corsage of gardenias.
Best man was Elmo Eugene
Angele of Lakeview.
For the wedding dinner at the
Prima Donna the bride changed
to a white sheath dress with gold
accessories, and her bouquet or
Attending the wedding were the
bride's parents; her maternal
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter Harvey; her aunt and uncle,
Mr. and Mrs. Hank Kucmpcl;
Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Eugene An
gele, all of Lakeview, and Blake
Jones of Klamath Falls.
The newlyweds will make their
home in Lakeview.
(Do you
their frocks.
A new sewing machine with a
'fine-tuning" device, enables the
operator to sew the most delicate
or the most rugged fabrics with
precision. A large, round design
selector dial on the face of the
machine shows the various de-
matched signs which can be made by the
Emmett Lahodas Note
Golden Wedding Date
Early American Norgo DdVCMO &
Braided eIu , Chs
m WnChPr Nylon daveno and club
Charr Pads t ,, S"e'' TrcH.:
, . Ful V utomohe. Loaded verlible oam cushion
Bntliont erroy of colors, with oitra features. pcg 269 95 Save $100
eg I49 24995 16995
No-Mar Zenith Efhan Allen
Virtue Console American
Dinette Set Stereo Stoo,s
1 w Hondrubbcd oil walnut cob- Finely Nnithed. 18 inches
TobU with leo f, 4 choirs jnet, famous Zenith tea- high (choir height),
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Reg. 69.95 .ui. Reg. 13.95
49955995 y5
Designed tor long wear Twin SlZQ
Bronze Legs nw 0n GUP
Danish Style c . Table
Chair SPr,n9s Lamps
fomout Vik brand, durable 3 0"l' T"1" 'cm Values to 12.95
vinyl covor, cbolce of colon. ,w0 ," only Now Only
1595 -1988 295
r- i -i . 3-Picce ,
Final Cloicout n J c x Deluxe
Platform HBed?0bm,Set Recliners
Here s the beauty you
ROCKfr dream in 'J'oom: Hr leother like cover-
wwnwi a doubla dresser, tilting bevel. in9- Hovo TV positioning.
u mirror, bookcato bed n nn nr
Hvy nylon .r,. Only (nJ 4.dl(1,r tn, , Reg. 99.95
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Save on Many Other Closeouts in the Store!
No Money Down Green Stamps
f ARKINO 10T DMCINrj to tbi itort
12th & Moin Open Fri. Till 9;00 Phono TU 4-8858
MALIN Thermometers reg
istered 22 degrees below zero
and two feet of snow covered the
ground on Jan. 22, 1913, when at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Zumpfe in Malin, their daughter,
Anna, exchanged wedding vows
with Emmett Lahoda. Because
there was no minister nearby in
those early days of the commu
nity, the marriage ceremony was
officiated by Justice of the Peace
Walt Adams. The wedding recep
tion and dance were held following
the service in the Bohemian Hall.
Attendants for the bridal
pair were tne nnac s sisters,
Helen, now Mrs. Helen Meyer of
Gregory, S.D., and Marie, Mrs.
Fred Drewelow, The uailcs, ana
brother, Joe Zumpfe, now residing
Fifty years later, on Sunday.
fan. 20, a day considerably warm-l
cr than the wedding day and
without a trace of snow on the
ground, Mr. and Mrs. Lahoda re
ceived Uie best wishes of their
friends on the anniversary of then-marriage.
Approximately 200 guests were
present at the reception in the
Mulin Community Hall, arranged
bv the couple's sons and daufth-
tcrs-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Joe La
hoda, Sprague ftivor, Paul Laho
da, Malin, and Mr. and Mrs. Leon
ard Lahoda. Walker AFB, Hos
wcll. N.M.
Among the special guests for the
affair were Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Zumpfe of Harbor. Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Drcwelow of The Dalles,
Frank Nclik. Talent, and Mrs.
Mamie Giacomini of Merrill, who
was the organist for the La
hodn's wedding.
The hall was unusually deco
rated for the open house by
Mrs. J. Walter Browning, who
used the decor of the early lfloo's
as her theme. One side of the
room was transformed into an
"a n t i n u e center" with chairs.
lamps, tables nnd other items of
the early era.
Mr. and Mrs. I.ihoda were seat
ed in lovely old chairs as they
greeted Ihcir guests. A back
ground was a while arch made
by Paul Lahoda, which was
Irimmed with red roses and bore
Ihe full names of the honored
pair and the date. hn.
The refreshment table. I .-shaped
and covered with gold tulle over
white, caught at Ihe corners with
gold rosettes, was centered with
a gold tree surrounded with an ar
rangement of gold rose, bells
and gold wood forms. In the L of
tile table, lacing the hall, four
gold bells and gold ribbon were
table covering.
The wedding cake was topped
with gold numerals 50 in a heart
sha(cd of gold roses. From four
heart-shapen' cakes forming the
base of the elaborate contcction
were gold colonnades suporling
three more tiers, each dcvoiatcd
w i t h golden butlertlics. swans.
Ilowers and bells tiold l.ivrs and
holders completed the t;iblc set
ting The cake was served by Mrs.
Fred llreuelow, Mrs, l.ahoda's
sister, and Mrs. Bill (iasscr. a
niece. Presiding at the coffee
service was Mrs. Hnv Kucera
Mrs. Lahoda's sister and sisler-in
law, Mrs. Robert Petrik of Mer
rill and Mrs. Joe Zumpfe, poured
Merrill Women of the Moose
were in charge of refreshments
Mrs. Joe Lahoda and Mrs.' Leon
ard Lahoda attended the guest
book, which was placed on a ta
ble covered with an heirloom
hand-crocheted cloth. With the
book was a money tree and wed
ding pictures of the honored cou
During the reception Mrs. Jim
Bunnell played incidental organ
selections. For a program, Mrs.
Halbert Wilson composed and
read a poem, "When Anna and
Emmett Were Married." Another
original poem, "History of the
Couple," was presented by- Mrs.
J. Waller Browning. Mrs. Brown
ing also introduced the Lahoda's
sons and gave a bouquet of
gold chrysanthemums and white
carnations to Wayne Lahoda.
who in turn presented them to his
grandmother. The couple has
three other grandsons.
The families of both Mr. and
Mrs. Lahoda were among the
Hist settlers in the Malin are?. He
came from Lindsey, Neb., in lilll.
1'ollowing their marriage Ibev re
sided in Malm until 1918 when
they moved to Gregory, S.D., to
reside until 1KB. Sons, Paul and
Joe, were born in Malin and Leon
ard in South Dakota.
Emmett Lahoda has been asso
ciated with lumber. crnin
ann larming operations during his
lifetime. Both are active mem
bers of the CZIU Ixlgc and Com
munity Church. Mrs. Lahoda is
also a member of the American
Legion Auxiliary, Women of the
Moose. Malin Unit of Home Exten
sion and Hoyal Neighbors of
By Helen Bechen
Beauty Note
If you apply a face cream and
massage belore going to bed--and
it's a good idea to keep your
skin supple and help it retain
moisture easy does it. A light
helping of cream and a light
massage are all you need.
But, there is no reason to re
tire with a film of cream covering
your face. In 20 minutes, your
skin will absorb all of the cream
it needs. The benefit of 20 min
utes is just as great to your skin
as is 10 hours of cream. So, after
20 minutes or so, tissue off your
skin. It'll eliminate that greased-
pig look and save your sheets and
Romantic belle hair fashions
will add the crowning element ol
grace and case to Uie smart you
look in the fashion picture for
spring and summer, according to
the official hair committee of the
National Hairdressers and Cosme
tologists Association. The new
fashions have a free and easy
down line of bouncing waves and
curls for daytime wear. For eve
ning, the waves can be brushed
Lodges Seat
New Officers
liclH'kah Uxlge No. (i and Sis
kiyou Unlsc No. '170. IOOF, held
recent joint installation ceremon
ies in tlx- Shasta Arcade liuild
ing. Attending the allair was Mrs
Clara Henderson of Vrrka, district
Mrs Delia Barlow is the new
noble grand lor the liebck.ihs Olh
er oftuers ate Barb.ira Simcov
vice grand. Mrs Thclma Beck
ham, .secretary, and Mrs, Maude
Mcl'aniels. treasurer.
Odd Fcilow olluers are Karl
KirkMlruk. noble grand: Wallace
Harlow, vice grand; William Heck
ham, treasurer, and William
Hupp, tica.suter. ,
Of 1962 G-E Appliances
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Replace shocks every 25,000 miles
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