1 Farm Life ACROvSS 1 Plant Kcd 4 Farm iiumal SFinn pet 12 Finn drink . 13 Ftnn product 14 Palm leaf 15 firythouc M Rod 16 Drop of m fluid HUwt of reluctance 18 Farm holiday 20 Burrow 22 Farm boy'i name 24 Observe 25 AntagoDtftic 29 Palanquin 33 King (Ft.) 34 Reverential fear 36 Corapui point 37 Indonesian of, Mindanao 38 Sheepfold 39 Greek letter Ana war to Prtvloot Pimlo 40 Par Tiny fruit 43 Pullman 46 Total 48 Farm pen 49 Bullfighter 82 Lofty residence 66 Era 57 Postal adhesive 60 Feminine appellation 61 Lover Anglo-lr.) 62 Weird 63 Heart Unit ) 64 Indian weight 65 Asterisks 66 Cloth measure DOWN 1 Seasoning 2 European tream 3 Have existed 4 More torrid 5 Number 6 Narrow inlet 7 Kinds S Followi after 8 Firm gram 10 Nautical term 11 High in suture 19 Malt milk 21 Born 23Ejker 25 Ancient country m unvei 27 Small gUn bottle 26 Female sheep 30 Profound 31 Poker stake 32 Approach 35 Congers 41 Chemical suffix 42 Physician' assistants 44 Storehousee 45 Sight organ 47 Musical term 49 Libels 50 Monster 51 Erect 63 Oriental firm product 54 False god 55 Nobleman 58 Constellation 69 Chief (Persia) 1 2 13 I 14 15 16 17 18 19 110 111 12 13 hH 15 16 17 T IT w.v'n 20 zT 22 23 t - 24 J 25 262T 2Bj29 30 37" 32 37 ' ,'! 38 I ."' 3 " AO 41 42"Vt43 44 45 46 4T"b"148 1 L J 49- 50" 51 I' iin'-j52 61 T 62 63 64 G5 66 '. I I I I I I I Crime Prevention Meet Slated At Courthouse The Klamath County Laymen's Crime Prevention group which be came established with a study of the local crime situation last year will put that study into use at the courthouse, 7:30 p.m., Thurs day, when it will meet to discuss projects the group will under take during the year. The session w ill be trie second orRanizational meeting held by the group this month. Temporary officers to serve include George Anderson, chair man; Norbert Dey, vice chair man: .lack Churchill, secretary. Salem Sewer Wins Award LAS VEGAS. Ncv. (LTD - Sandra Kay Olson, Salem, Ore., won an award in the nationil "Make- It- Yourself- With- Wool" contest here Monday. Miss Olson won the senior divi sion "best in construction" award. The contest is held in conjunc tion w ith the National Wool Grow ers Association convention. Marriage Counselor Advised For Battlers By ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: I'm 21, been married less than a year, and I'm ready to give my bride back to her father Things I once considered cute now get on my nerves. When she used to get mad at me and pout I thought it was darling Now I'd like to paste her one in the mush and put her lower lip back where it belongs. Last night we were watching TV. I sal through two hours of real junk because she wanted to watch certain shows. Then I said "O.K., now I want to see Las sie." She said, "That's not a real dog. It's a person in an animal outfit and I don't want to see it." I insisted on getting, the chan ncl so she pulled the plug out of the wall and said, "All right, then let's both read." I have never hit a woman In my life but I came close that night. Should I talk to her par cnts?-DUTCH Dear Dutch: No. Talk to a mar rlage counselor together. If you two have ben married less than a year you're still in the adjust ment period. Maybe you dp a few things which irritate her and she retaliates via the boob tube. A professional counselor can pro vide you with unbiased and use ful advice. Dear Ann Landers: Are you on vacation or what? Who gave that rotten advice blaming the par ents of young boys who get into trouble? And that idiotic phrase from your reader ahout "robbing a young girl of her maidenhood." He's got to be kidding. In most cases this could scarcely be called a robbery. During tlie II years I've been a juvenile court officer I've seen do2ens of these "innocent little shrinking violets." Most of them at 16 have been with so many boys that they can't remember half their names. When they get into trouble they point a finger at some dumb yokel who had too much to drink so the court takes her word against his. And what about the tramps who get pregnant intentionally so they can wring a nice settlement out of a young guy who has rich parents, or a married man Vho can't afford the publicity? Since you frequently boast that you print all shades of opinions I'd like to see you print this. SEEN IT ALL Dear Seen: Having a bahy out of wedlock Is a tough way to make money. This maneuver (ex treme, you must agree) Is not a favorite of the experienced tramp. Only a young and stupid girl would try it. Incidentally, Bub. vacation or not, every word that appears In this column is written by me. When I do take a vaca tion the work Is done before I leave. Dear Ann Landers: I'm a w idow 50 years of age who is dating a fine man whose wife died in 1959. He has three children under 15. The man has asked me to mar ry him and I have said yes. I'm not sure now that I can go through with it. The deceased woman's clothes are hanging in the closet. Her personal belongings are still in the dresser drawers. The fur niture Is exactly as she left it. There are pictures ot her in ev ery room. I love the man and want to mar ry him but will I feel as if I am living with a ghost? I hesitate to express my feelings (or fear of appealing disrespectful to her memory. Please, help. KATHE- R1NE Dear Katherine: No second wife should move Into a home under the conditions you describe. Have a frank talk with your cler gyman and ask him to speak to your fiance. Of course you should leave the pictures and furniture as they are (for a while) but the clothing and personal belongings of hii first wife should be disposed of be fore you move In. Are you going steady? Making marriage plans? If so, send for Ann Landers' booklet. "Before You Marry Is It Love Or Sex?" enclosing with your reiiucst 20 I cents in coin and a long, self- addressed, stamped envelope. Ann Landers wiil be glad to help you with your problems. Send them to her in care of this newspaper enclosing a stamped,! self-addressed envelope. I ' t - .1 JMP I BOOKS APPROVED Despite vigorous protests by par ents such as Mrs. Sigard Hanson, above, at a meeting of the Board of Education In Edgerton, Wis., books such as "Catcher in the Rye," "1984," "The Ugly American" and "Brave New World" were given the green light for an advanced English literature class. The parents termed such books "vulgar" end "demoralizing." UPI Tolephoto irl Scout Tells Story Of Roundup A picture, "Story of tlie Girl Scout Roundup." w ill be presented in the Roosevelt School girl's gym on Friday, Jan. 25, at 7 p.m. Kathy Cooper, one of the two Senior Scouts from the Juniper Girl Scout Councd selected to at tend tlie national conclave in But ton Bay, Vt., will relate her ex periences through the use of slides taken at the roundup. A camp atmospliere will pre vail at the program as all Brown ies, Girl Scouts, parents, and guest will be seated on tlie floor to sing camp songs before the presentation. It is recommended that everyone attending the event bring a cushion or sit-upon regit lar equipment in Girl Scouting for camp functions. The one-hour story of tlie round up is open to the public without charge. GUARANTEED REPAIR SERVICE AT WARDS Hl-ll phono, radio. TV, appllanca . . . i Wards technician Is lust a phona call awavl You'll Ilka tha servlca . . . and tha prlcal Call today I MONTOOMEEY WAEO SERVICE DEPARTMENT TU 4-3111 tin 4 Una Thursday, January 24, 19U PAGE 7 A HEEALD AND NEWS, Klamatk Path, Or. DOLLAR DAYS ami Final Clearance Check Our 4 Big SI-TABLES You'll find Values to 11.98 31 any Oilier Items Marked Down fur Final Clearance! Exclusively For Children 619 Main FLANNEL PJ's & GOWNS 3.98 ond 4.50 Values l$H m Long ond shortie gowns, too jj 'j U 'i 1 Worm ond cozy, easy to core for kffi'j !' jlihi Save $1 to $1.50 , I Zki;. j ; A yA NYLON SLIPS Vh SLIPS M if 3.98 ond 4.98 Values 'SSs Choose from lace trims orvd ill -j-fs embroidery 7 i Mony different styles ' , ' S S?- White ond lovely colors S V ' ' J Sove $1 to $1.99 Ij y MaaaBBiiuaL' txl 'u "' '"''"" ' wnmt-a . iia-u i umi mini i m ,-ia. , .mi ...v. ,,15 L... W t no II ff Tic BAR & "SI I ir I I I 1 1 !I II U CUFF LINK Set B VL f M MONEY mi Rca.3.95 frJA tr II II 1 11 . nlAfKI t l tosoo OlUUr l II II 11 11 II II II 1 ri I! necKiace & lUriiriw.iriiiiiiMutuniiif.u'ii'ifPiiMnumimfi m TP W. I 10Cn DINNERWARE TABLEWARE GLASSWARE ' I " 5M ryj IfcUlrCDItlMERVARE EIISELIBLE im THREESOME tm ' p.,.ns1oo MP W L SE5,sr JU mKmmm aTfffIfaT F W W W W 9 t I -lW,. V1 VJ u tfri'i I ?r?" :,'? irsyyyywji mailt ?&zz2ixxbm 11 5 OFF muMmmMSmm MATChTnG 14K mf?M. WEDDING BANDS Friday and QQ 88 Smtm Saturday Simple Elegance in 14K Gold AvaR:e' 19.00 7 Diamond f 1 A 88 Bridal Set All Other Diamonds i ommm rum tov raih huo i lumti of tutti CUM I U IK lit 1VOAI lOWl COVH CIIAMM OVtU MUT fUU nt vtoftAtu an Tyiof, ttli $ TtrlM1 Ji'i trU mQhf Otinf roeft lift flirt 4 fit I CfMtnl, CKkiOf. (0rripare tliWublewar I nttrONt t MMMtt INTVH DWNU ous tAMUrOOMI fnttufftturtrt In m" hl1 t tew mm usm f tum. 4 Ml OKI fHAlMl I UUS tmimtuurKU Ptfttctry tfhH t tM eln Nrwm, ftrftct u etMpiitt Ih nit lmmW tiki TMVt ft irt. Ail In pfrfMt Hilt. LOOK! Shock Resistant, Water Res ii Ml t. 4 I I nen s, nomen s 1 1 jewel 4 WATCH DORMEYER PERCOLATOR Lew Dollar AAA UU With Epamion Band $ Day Special nn mmfi m rnn nft tm mtiaf f HI AL1 Nl TonsTMRTErr TOASTER Dollar if A 00 Dey Special 12 -!sw ur m ixu v ke. w v m 7m I r y SrrD MY H I V2 Gal. Insulated ILSI I si'iL. 4300 I picNIC 100 Entire Stock Hamilton WATCHES Men'i, Womtn'i 1 A off 717 Main Ph. TU 4-4663 Klamath Falls, Oregon