HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath Falls, Or. Thursday, January 24, 19S3 PACE J-A New Inferior Regulations Stymie Swindlers Of Aged Swindlers who cheat elderly easterners out ot tncir savinqs with land-selling frauds in the cst will find it tougher to pull off their racket under terms ol new regulations announced by Sec retary of the Interior Stewart L. Wall. The changes permit automatic rejection of applications for small tracts of federal land unless the land has been opened to applica tion. The. regulation removes one of the major selling points which illegitimate promoteis have used to defraud victims. Secretary L'dall said the change is the latest step taken by the department over the past 20 months to safeguard applicants for public lands. "Now that Congress has turned the spotlight of publicity on a vi cious racket in private lands in the West we hope the public will also wake up to the tricks some promoters are using to fool the public about federal public lands," Secretary Wall said. Chairman Pat McNamara's spe cial senate subcommittee on ag inS is investigating widespread complaints of quacks and crooks preying on aged Americans. Charges of mail-order frauds in palming off useless private land Jacoby On Bridge NORTH 24 AQ108542 75 984 J2 WEST (D) EAST A A3 AS VKJ843 VAQ109S K Q 10 2 J 7 5 3 94. West 1 Pass 1083 SOCTH AKJ76 2 AS AKQ765 Both vulnerable . North East South Pass 4 V 1 Pass Pass Opening lead K Luck Seen In Spades , By OSWALD JACOBY Written tor rwsnaner Knlrrnrise Assn. The tale P. Hal Sims claimed spades were his lucky suit. This was a sensible superstition. Spades should be everyone's lucky suil. Hal had a definite allergy about being shut out of bidding hi spade suits, but at the same time he was one of the first bricl; 'players to realize that you should '.nil open the bidding with a four :card spade suit any time you ; could start proceedings with a ; minor. On the other hand, Hal was not afraid to bid a four laid spade suit at a high level if it seemed that his partner was .likely to have spades with him .' Hal held the South hand in a rubber bridge game and 1 was his fortunate partner. Obviously Kast's jump to (our hearts would not shut that fine South hand out of the bidding, hut I rather fear that most players would make the apparently proper bid of live clubs. Not Hal! He bid four spades! Kast sure 'ly was short in spades. Maybe Iwest would also. In that cac : North would hold enough spades . to make Hal's venture a success r Of course, if West had doubled : four spades the chances arc that '. Hal would have run to his club :uit. but West elected to pass ; and open the king of diamonds. 4 Hal had to lose the ace of spades and one trick in c;ivh red mil. but that lell enough tricks .for game and rubber. 14 Q The bidding bus been: . South West North tut i Pass i r 2 Ps 3 p,ss t You, South, hold: AAK101 VA9T6 KQ104 : What do you do? A Bid three hearts. Tour hearts is close second choice. TODAY'S QUESTION You bid three hearts and your partner bids four ciubs. What do you do now? Answer Tomorrow were among the first accusations aired by the inquiry. "No federal land is involved in these cases." Secretary U d a 1 1 said, "but we want people to be aware there are also sharp deal ers who charge sizable fees for filing useless applications for pub lie land which the victims don't have any chance whatsoever of obtaining. He said he believes the con gressional inquiry will help to warn prospective customers of these pitfalls as well as those directly involved in the investi gation of private sales. "We have been issuing warning after warning." Secretary Udall said, "but Senator McNamara's subcommittee has done more to publicize the entire field of phony come-ons in western land than we have been able to accomplish. The exposes by the senators have alerted newspapers in the East where so many of the victims have lived." Virtually all of the land fraud testimony before the senate sub committee has concerned private ly owned real estate w hose owners arc accused of misrepresenting it in mail-order sales advertise ments. Although federal land is not in volved the publicity should prove very , helpful in waking up pros pective customers to the need to check carefully into any pro- motor's sale pitch about acquir ing a bargain-rate retirement par adise on any type of land in the nest, Secretary Ldall said. The Interior Department's Bu reau of Land Management has small tracts available for sale from time to time in the western public land states." Socretary Udall said. "They are parcels of up to five acres suitable for residential business or community sites. Prnmotors with an eye out lor a fast buck have talked peo ple into paying them for filing applications for the land. Thousands of gullible people have thought they were putting down payments on the lands when in fact they were only pavang a promoter to do what they can do free for themselves or have the government do for them free or lor practically nothing. "There have been floods of these applications and the innocent peo ple who paid their hard-earned savings never had a chance to get the land because it never could qualify for "the purposes spelled out by the law." Secretary Udall said unscrupu lous promoters use the same lies in describing federal land which they cannot sell as they use in describing private land which they can sell claiming that it has a ter and other utilities, easy access and has been laid out for occupan cy whereas the land is usually raw desert miles from the nearest water and lacking in developments that would make it habitable. Secretary Udall said the new order authorized the department's Bureau of Land Management to reject small tract applications out of hand if the land his not already been found to be valuable for such disposal. And even if the land has been so classified it will normally be sold at public auc tion so there will be no reason to file an application, he said. As the senale subcommittee in vestigation has pointed out rnanv of the violations are outside fed eral jurisdiction. Secretary Udall said. He added that he agreed completely with the witnesses who have emphasized that most real estate operators are legitimate. "I am sure they are as an xious as we are to stop the illegit imate operations," he said. "So arc newspapers and magazines who are cracking down on mis leading advertising schemes. The Better Business bureas are doing a fine job too but all of us know that more publicity is needed and that is why the Senate inquiry is so helpful. Secretary Udall said there is bipartisan support ot efforts to modernize the antiquated public land laws. "But there is no single simple cure lor crooked land promotion." he said. "The best defense is still the old one let the buyer beware." WEISFIELD'S WATCHE Bulova & Waltham Bath Scale r .'""""T-'-'T I "i, J"-, iT-gT 111 "Mi I'Pi """" '"1 . ... , .i - .,,, imrmn.. r-. - ... - . ' H ill MHIS g S ft tl Hv" Wlfc U A H Cl M DIAMOND RING ll. WWW arpeggio" M g H 7 wCQt ' GENERAL ELECTRIC f f WATCHES MgEsSgF NHB&J . 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