PAGE 4-D HERALD AND MOWS. Klamath Fall. Ore. Thursday, January 24, 1963 Henley, lokevievj In fop Rogue B Owl Wrestlers To Meet Linfield, Portland State The OrcRon Tech wrestling learn, undefeated in three meets thus far this season, will take on Linfield's very tough team in Mc Minnvillc Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock and then truvel to Port land for its lirst league match o( the season against defending champion Portland State Satur- day evening. The Owls open this weekend with only three matches under their belt since the season opened Nov. 30. They had a 41-day lay ( Y, ft I : .... " 1 p f fl h'. c et' off over the holidays. Rut it didn't seem to hamper them as they defeated Humboldt State- for the second lime last weekend, 27-5, by winning every match except forfeit in the heavyweight division where the Owls have r.o wrestler presently. Coach Howard Morris' crew has been outstanding thus far but the real tests come this weekend against the Wildcats and very tough Vikings of Portland Slate The Vikings beat Oregon State recently. The Owls have lost only three matches in the three meets which shows a definite strength and enough there, if they can get a good heavyweight soon, to de throne the defending Vikings. The Owls have scored Kl points while having only 15 scored against them. The OTI grapplers have scored 15 wins against those throe loss- nd have won 10 of the 15 matches by pins. Morris has six undefeated wrestlers going into this weekend's slate. Thev arc Milo Crumrinc, Dennis Salher, Hank Isenhart, John Norton, Ver yl Miller and KH Appleman. Mil ler has won all three matches by pins while Isenhart and Nor ton have a pair of pins each Portland State is real strong again and the OCC race this year is pegged to be a vicious one. PSC has beaten Oregon State, Southern Oregon 1 15-141, Utah. Eastern Oregon and came real lose to University of Washing ton. If the Owls survive these two matches and one with Southern Oregon during the week, the OTI wrestling slock should rise considerably. The Owls have been especially strong in the takedown depart ment which has helped them to their decisive victories. They felled 1.1 Lumberjacks in the meet last week and didn't suffer a takedown themselves. ED APPLEMAN Owli' Mat Captain Twins Ink Pascual To $35,000 Pact Wittenberg Garners First Spot In Small Team Polls NEW YOMK lUPH Once beaten Wittenberg today received the most popular acclaim so far this season when 24 of the .15 members of the United Press In ternational hoard of coaches named the Ohio Tigers the na tion s No. I small college basket ball team. Wittenberg, which replaced Westminster of Pennsylvania as the top team a week ago, lost its only game of the season to major school Eastern Kentucky on Dec. 17. bince then, the Tigers have swept over four opponents, includ ing Dayton last week, for a 9-1 overall record. Grambling of l,oiiisiana, beaten only once in 16 games, made the biggest advance of the week vaulting from fourth to second past Tennessee State and West minster, which slipped from sec ond to fifth. The Louisiana Tigers received three first-place votes this week and enough support for second, third and fourth to take a 16-point lead over Tennessee State Evansville ( 1 1-3 advanced one position to fourth behind Tennes see State (13-3); Westminster 16-3 was fifth: Southeast Missouri witn a perlect 13 0 record, was sixth; Southern Illinois !)-5) was seventh; Prairie View A&M (12-31 By Cnltrd Trent International Camilo Pascual believes he has several more 20-victory seasons! in his arm and the Minnesota. Twins apparently think so too. Onre known as a very stubborn! fellow around contract time, the 2!) yen-old right hander from Ha vana, signed a $.15,000 pact with the Twins Wednesday. Both club ollicinls and Pascual said il was "a nice raise" and Camilo said he's confident he'll be as ef tiM'tive in ltfvl as he was in V'l. The Twins may very well be an American 1Mgnn pennant con tender if he is because Pascual pasted a 20-11 record and a 3.31 earned run average last season He had 2nK Mnkroots, tfl com plete camcs and lip shutouts Tlie Twins also siuned Dick M Ionian, who bad a 12-5 record, pitcher (Iniy liolrr and nul fielder Joe Nnssrk Veteran shortstop WihkIio Hrld and inlieldcis Mike De l.a H flnrl Max Ah is agreed to terms with the Cleveland Indians, Held batted 2t'l with V homers anil M runs hatted in last season anil may Uttv strong np(.osition fur a regular nb Irnm Tuny Martinez, up from Jacksonville ot the In Irrnalional league. De l-a llor npivaied in only 12 games for the Indians last season while Alvn. former University of Texas football plover, halted .31!) lor Salt 1-ike Citv TAKKS NEW .1011 SALT LAKE CITY. l.'lnh UPI John Nikcevich, who served as ine coach at the University of lab lor the last live years, re signed Wednesday to liocome an issi.stant football coach at the t'niversilv of California. Coaching Shakeup On Coast Complete SAN FRANCISCO (UPD When the football season rolls around on Hie West Coast, you not only won t be able to tell the play ers without a scorecard, you won't lie able lo tell the coaches. In a lot of places during the past year, w ins were as scarce as spare tires on Miss America and the result has been a wholesale turnover in the coaching profes sion. Some places the head coach wai held blameless and the aides were ordered lo walk the plank. In nth- places, the house cleaning started at the top. Stanford, for instance, unloaded lack Curlice ami hired John Ral--ton. who immediately retained Curtice's old aide. Ieon Mclaughlin. Shakeup At Cal On the other hand, at Califor nia, which had a 1-9 record against Curtice's 5-5 at Stanford, head coach Marv U'vv was re tained and a couple of his assist ants told to see they could make a living elsewhere. Now U''V has hired Dick Stan Id and John Nik'-evich as his coachini; aides. "And I think I have two of the best in the business to help me," says I-cvy. without hinting that the two departed men weren'l also the best in the business Coach Red Hickcy, who watched the San Francisco Forty Ninersl go down to a 6-8 season, has come up with the two men he thinks he needed most: Moose Meyers and Dick Voris. Iliekey Has Hopes "I can't guarantee that they' cure our ills," says Hickcy. "Bui they arc the two men I wanted and we got them both." The I-os Angeles Rams, who won only one game all year, have named Harlan Svare as the head coach. And he's busy filling out a staff that he hopes will make winner out of a club that has l)cen the league palsy for the last few campaigns. The Oakland Raiders, who also won only one game, fired I wo head coaches and named Al Da vis as not only head coach hut as general manager. This, of course, isn't going to help much, either, unless they get some good football pl.ners to help out. was eighth; Hofstra (11-51 was ninth, and Southeastern Oklahoma U2-3I was 10th. With points awarded on a basis of 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 for votes from first through 10th, Witten berg, coached by Eldon Miller, drew 311, only 12 below Westmin ster's season high; Grambling had 238; Tennessee State 222; Ev ansville 198, and Westminster 197 among the first five. Tennessee State, Evansville and Southeast Missouri each received two first-place votes while West minster and Augsburg were named No. 1 by on? coach each. Completing the second 10 this week behind Akron were Fresno State," Orange State, Santa Bar bara. Lamar Tech, Augsburg, Austin Peay, Northeastern, Gan non and Kentucky Wesleyan. NEW YORK (UPD The Unit ed Press International small col lege basketball ratings (with first- place votes and won-lost records in parentheses I: Team ' Points 1. Wittenberg 124) (9-) 311 2. Grambling (31 (15-1) 233 3. Tenn. State (2) (13-31 222 4. Evansville (21 (ll-3 198 5. Westminster (U (6-3) 197 6. S.E. Missouri (2) (13-01 175 7. Southern Illinois (9-5) 132 8. Prairie View A&M ( 12-31 128 9. Hofstra (11-5) 52 10. S.E. Oklahoma (12-3) 47 Second 10 11, Akron 38; 12, Fresno Slate 27; 13 (tie), Orange Stale and Santa Barbara 17 each; 15, Lamar Tech lfi; 16, Augsburg 13; 17 (tic). Austin Peay and Northeastern (Okla.l Stale 9 each; 19 (tic), Gannon and Kentucky Wesleyan 8 each. Loop-Leading Hornets Picked To Defeat Surprising Honkers One of the biggest games of the. young Rogue League season will take place Friday night in Lake- view when the surprising Honkers are home in their new gymnasium to entertain the state's second ranked Henley Hornets in an important game for both clubs. Sacred Heart's winless Trojans will be at home against also win less Rogue River in a game which has the two teams battling to stay out of the cellar. Eagle Point, the defending champion, is at St. Mary's Friday night. The league-leading Hornets will have their hands full with the fighting Honkers of Lakeview. The Honkers have been the big sur prise in the league thus far, hav ing fallen only one time and that was a one-point loss to defending champion Eagle Point on the Ea gles' home floor. Henley, likewise, downed the Eagles by one point. But still, comparative scores place the Hornets as a decided favorite. The Honkers had to stave off a last half rally by St. Mary's last Friday night to grab a 56-55 victory. Henley did it with a lit tle more ease, 61-49, although they had to stage a second half rally to do it. This also will be a. battle be tween a couple of rivals who like to go at each other. The game will be played in the new con fines of the Lakeview gym which was only recently opened and seats about 1,400 people. The house is expected to be jammed lo capacity for this meeting. Rex Hunsaker, former Oregon Tech football coach and now in the Lakeview system as princi pal, says that Lakeview is justly proud to have a fine team like Henley coming to play in the new gym. He knows that the Honkers FIGHTS Ry United Press International PUERSOS. X.J. i UPD -Joe Williams. 152. Monlclair, X.J.. nutiminteri Stefan Redl, 148 jclillon. X.J. 10. will give the Hornets a real bat tie and thinks the fans will see an excellent game, which they un doubtedly will. Coach Jearold Johnson proba bly will go with his usual starling five. He will open with b i g 6-7 Kent Gooding at the center spot. Gooding is the leading scor cr in the league with an average of 28.2 points per league game. Earl Allbntton and Mike Bcymer, a pair of polished players who also score well, will be at the forward spots. The guards will be Steve Reiling, a good defen sive man, and LeVoy Young, a fine ball handler and adequate outside shot. Alternates who could see action will be Charley Thomp son, Tom Sanders, Elton Schiro Steve Rand and Terry Beilby. Beymer is the third leading scorer in the league presently and Allbritlon ranks sixth. But Lake- view has ils share of fine scorers, also. The Honkers probably will open with Larry Samples. Dennis War ren, Dan Leahy, Fred Williams and Vern Plato. Samples is the fourth leading scorer in the league with 85 points and a 17.0 aver age. Leahy is ninth with 66 and 13.2 average. Warren ranks 14th with an 11.8 mean. He picked up Die slack last week against the Crusaders and tallied his sea son's high of 21 points. Myron Steward also will see action for the Honkers. The Trojans of Sacred Heart will be looking for their first vic tory of the season in league play. They have lost four games and Rogue River is 0-5 in league. The Trojans will have the home court advantage. Probable starters for the Tro jans are Elmo LeBeau, Dick Mil ler, Pete Krok. Marv Davis and Jim Korsen with Chuck Milani, Mike Martinez, and Dick Van Camp getting into the fray. LeBeau is the 21st top scorer with 42 points in four games for a 10.5 average. He has been held down considerably in the past three games. Pete Krok is 22nd with 39 points and a 9 8 mean. Rogue River is led by Tom Davidson who ranks 12th with 62 points and a 12.4 average. Mike O'Brien is 19th with 47 points and a 9.4 average. Joe Salter has 38 points and a 7.6 average. Frantz and Palmerlon are the oth er two possible starters. Sprague River Tops Klamath The Sprague River Ducs copped another victory Wednes day night with a 66-56 victory over the Klamath Gas team of ths City Men's League. DeMerle Lytle led the Ducks with a 29-point splurge and Bob David added 18 to the winners' total. Jerry Johnson collected 19 and Jim Roberts 12 for the losers. The Ducks are now 7-2 for the season. Bobby Horn Will Meet Hernandez PORTLAND (UPD Springfield middleweight Bobby Horn will fight Ramon Hernandez of Tia juana, Mexico, in a 10-rounrlcr Feb. 7 at the Armory here. Pro moter Vearl Sherman said today. Nationwide Consumer Testing Institute Report: Al Jackson, lithe lefthander whose 8-20 record was misleading in 1962, became the sixth mem her of the New York Mots to sign. Jackson pitched 12 complete games and impressed National league rivals as a pitcher wilh a bright future. The Chicago White Sox brought Iheir total of satisfied players lo 19 with the signing of inficlders Pete Ward, Al Was and Sam F.spnsilo. Weis. who appears lo be a leading candidate to replace the traded Luis Apancio at shortstop. lole 31 bases and halted .2 (or the lndiannKiis Indians in l'.it2. Pitcher Cal Koonco. 10 in ss a rookie last season, agreed to a contract with Ihe Chicago Cubs. who now have .12 plavirs under ntt act. Koonco inclnih-d a one hitter among his victories last season and three of Ins deleats were bv 2-1 scores lofielih-r Marv Breeding, oh lamed in a trade with the Haiti more Orioles, sicned with the Washington Senators along with inheldcr John Kenncdv. rookie Oktllioldor I. ou Piniclla and pitch Roy Hrisrr The have II (.lasers undi Ihe M units I animals signed an. til si basrman l Cosyiovr and r . .led Umg and pitchers lo ry .las- p J ler. Clint Stalk and Hill Wake 'A held while Ihe Icacue champion San Francisco Giants signed pitchers Dan liivas and Dick Hid den and inliclilrr Ijirrv F.dmund son. PLYMOUTH BEATS FORD AND CHEVROLET IN 8 OUT OF 10 OFFICIAL TESTS Plymouth once again proves all-around superiority against Its competition. Handling, safety, performance, economy all ot these were measured In the second meeting of Ford, Chevrolet and Plymouth early In December at the Riverside, Cal., test course. In a "Showdown" ashed for by Plymouth, a 1962 Plymouth Fury V-8 whipped a com parably equipped Chevrolet Impala V-8 and Ford Calaxie "500" V-8 in eight out of ten official tests. Nationwide Consumer Testing Institute bought the cars, hired the drivers, supplied the officials, made and enforced the rules. The chart at right leaves no question about the re sults. Plymouth excelled in all-around performance and economy. Add in Plymouth's good looks and 5-year50,000-mile warranty1. See your dealer. Plymouth's on the move. ZCRO-TO-SIXTV riVMOIITH I 1 .99 sue. CHlVROUr I.1.M Mr. FORD IB 01 lac. QUARTER-MIL! ri VMOtlTH IB 04 c. CHfVROLIT IB 11 III. fORD 20. bJ MC. KILOMETER RUN ri YMOUTH .1.1.43 MC. r.HlVROLlT.....J4.44 Mr. IORD 3;. 59 MC. ECONOMY RUN Tl YMOUTH IB 77 nine CMIVROLLT.... I 7 04 mnt. IORD 16.14 nipj. HILL CLIMI rxrvROi ir is oo m PLYMOUTH 1 5.14 MC. IOHI1 16.00 MC. tncon'plSlM Itind twat CITV PASSING PLYMOUTH ?7B fl. CHEVROltT ?79 It. FORD 305 It. HIGHWAY PASSING PLYMOUTH 462 II. CHEVROLET 516 fl. FORD 554 fl. EMERGENCY STOP FORO 120 fl. PLYMOUTH 125 II. CHLVROLET 133 ft. CO-STOP-PARK PLYMOUTH 2:32 mm. FORO 2:44 mm. CHLVROLET 2.57 mm. HAL'S SPECIALS FOR Ski Styles! All New Models now f ? T'f'? TTTVrtl s. ,wr This Week's SPECIALS Mahogany Paneling 4'x8V4" Sheets $3.75 each MMBBMHHHMMilililMHiilHI Tempered Hardbocrd 4'x8V4" Sheets SI. 95 each Plywood Blows 4'x8'x38" Sheets S2.03 each ZONOLITE & FIBERGLASS INSULATION Washable Ceiling Tile r-s th t-v-M -vi -iiV' lir.Ti SWEATERS m 1 irrTI H.-MILE CLAHIC fcffl, n) I seasss 1 1 La s i , ... $fl L si., .,. ,., M i m ? ,q5vowc m to 19.95 II EI II I I n.-rf"?: ...i. Vftur ft Ski Stretch Pants c-:::.... . --'Ha m-Sw: :.. ... , --1 S$ SHWTS I After Sl:i Boots . :': " fM SS-' I SWEATERS -. zM 1 ss. $1W if" . "v.:-' jl 1 oo. f) M Vo,u" . Vim,. i.,.. w-sV..... ... . in n n i n m Wr k v .1 ""! or inj-r nilN1 , r,. ... M, , rv..f . v loi .jn rtr i lilt nn .i. -.. -SW. I J nAMV t W" 1 II PJ kV Jl I I M M I I WW"". T pn,r A 00 J 1 JACKETS Mcn'i Famous Brand Assorted Styles 31 1J1 J m r t. M 15.95 I ! Vo,ucs m ij lvi hjd r 1 imrit it iliioni sssskhSssHS sasaaa - vm yy shop m. JIM OLSON MOTORS I S32 Main Pk Til Amo P 11 Swan Lake Moulding Co. ivhItXI tn vd'n 522 So. 6th St 3226 South 6th TU 4-SN Klomoth Fall. f C"J : vr ' - - - -r. m t