Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, January 24, 1963, Page 22, Image 22

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This Weekend
Herald ind Nwa Sports Editor
The league-leading Oregon Tech
Owls can all but officially sew
up the Oregon Collegiate Confer
ence championship at home this
weekend when the undefeated
Owls host the second place Ore
Hon College of Education Wolves
Friday and Saturday nights
Owl Gym.
" This will be the first meeting
between the two clubs this sea
cin. The Owls have marched
through six OCC games without a
Joss and have compiled a 10-5
record for the season. OCE's
' '
OTI Fans
To Fete
Oregon Tech basketball fans
will be offered something new
this Friday night immediately fol
lowing the Owl . Oregon College
'ftisketball game on the Mile High
They'll hear the inside story of
the Oregon Collegiate Conference
defending championship basket
ball team as told by its coach
Jim Fartlow and his plavers.
The occasion is a special Owl
fan get-together to be held in the
Order of "0" lounge immediately
following the Friday night game.
The fanfest. which will include
coffee and refreshments, is being
sponsored by the Owl Hoots, the
OTI backers' association, and is
open to all Owl basketball fans
Oregon Tech alumni, and the Owl
Hoot membership, their wives
and friends.
There will be no admission
Included on the program,
addition to the appearance of
Partlow and his players, will be
a brief message from Bill Hall,
president of the Owl Hoots; com
ments from Bill Glodowski. presi
dent of the alumni association;
and a special feature. "The Owls
Krom the Inside" as seen by
Jerry Wacgoner, sports editor of
the Herald and News.
Owl athletic director, Ron Phei
ster, will serve in a dual role.
that of program emcee and head
waiter in charge of dispensing
the free coffee and refreshments.
The weekend basketball slate
for the Owls includes a two-game
visitation by the OCC's number
two team, the Oregon College
Wolves. Game lime both Friday
and Saturday nighls will be 8
p.m. The Friday night game, how
ever, will be preceded by a pre
liminary pairing coach Larry Bur
leson's basketball-playing font
bailers and a crack Indian team,
the Sprague River Ducks.
Alcorn Leading
Northwest Loop
of Pacific leads the Northwest
Conference in scoring with
points in five games.
iwi and Clark's Jim Boutin
and Bob Woodle of Willamette
rank second and third in scoring
with RR and 82 points in four and
six games, p'red Earwood of Lin
field and Ieon Johnson of Pacific
round out the top five scorers
with 76 and 74 in five contests
Sieve Van Ocker of Cnlleee of
Idaho leads in rebounding with S3
rebounds in three games lor a
17 7 average.
Ask the Man Who Owns One
5 Speeds in 'l to 2Vi Ton Trucks
STUDEBAKER Gos or Diesel
Vi Ton Champ Pickup
Equipped with S-ipcd
tronsmiaiion, delui
cab, V-S motor, htot
tr and detrosrrt d
rctieral nanoU, ltc
Irtc wtort, onti-frtcit
tnd iKtnM.
ISO (ml Mam - S Wallr for
Wolves have dropped a pair of
games in league, one to Southern
Oregon and the other to Portland
A pair of victories over the1
Wolves here would all but sew
up the third straight league cham
pionship for the Owls. These two
games finish the first round for
the league and the Owls would
have to fall flat on their faces
the second half to lose the
title and that isn't likely. The
Wolves or whichever team could
would virtually have to w in all its
games and OTI lose all its final
To Fight
Powell, who forsook all other ath
letic endeavors to make one final
push ui the boxing game, gets his
big chance tonight when he meets
third-ranked heavyweight Cassius
A record local indoor crowd is
expected to view the fight, sched
uled for 10 rounds or less.
Both Clay and Powell predict it
will be for less.
The 29-ycar-old Powell, who has
had only 32 fights since turning
pi-o nine years ago, sees a vic
tory in five. Clay has forecast a
three-round kayo.
Powell, who has seen duty as
a professional football and base
hall player, has declared himself
to be in the "greatest shape ol
my career." He prepared for the
fight by sparring 78 rounds during
a two-month training period.
Clay, who turned pro after w in
ning the Olympic title in 1!)60, is
undefeated in 16 fights, including
13 kayoes. He paraded through 10
fights last year and won seven
of those by knockouts.
Powell, conversely, fought only
three times in 12. He stopped
Jerry Gaines in two rounds, was
counted out in three against John
Riggins and decisioncd Dave
Furch in 10. His overall record
is 23-6-3. He has won 17 by knock
outs and has been knocked out
live times.
Clay's biggest victory to dale
has been a four-round kavo of
Archie Moore. Powell's most note
worthy win came when he flat
tened Nino Valdez in eight rounds
in 10."8. Valdez at that time was
the No. 2 ranked contender.
The Pittsburgh Dapper Dan
Club co-promoter of the fight at
the Civic Arena, said it may draw
9.000 spectators and a gale of
5,10.000. The indoor high here
8.400 and $41.nnn for the Sugar
Ray Robinon-Wilf Greaves mid
dloweight match in
BOULDER. Colo. il'PI' - Pole
vaulter Don Meyers and runners
Rill Toomey and Ralph Morris of
the University of Colorado
comete Saturday in the AAU-ap-proved
international Meet of
Champions at Winnipeg. Man. II
will be tlie lirst meet lor Meyers
since he set an unofficial world
indoor record of 16 feet. 1
inches in the vault.
Rtol Dial TU 2 SS4
slale to lose the title.
Coach Jim Partlow was very
well pleased w ith the siiowing the
Owls made last Tuesday night in
Ashland against the Southern Ore
gon Red Haiders. It w-as t h c
second straight w in over the rival
club. 87-78. Sam Smith took scor
ing honors in Ihe game with 31
and now has 12b points in six
league games for a fine 21.0 aw
Willie Anderson is just a step
behind the big center with 120
points and a 20.0 average
league plav. "Sweet" Sam also
Starting at
At t'j
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t - " : . ''-:'iJ '' f i i i.ii ii
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; . ti.ix.
I Hit I
Imu,wmi i iwiMi ii i i mummmmmmm
Lucky Golf Meet
Beginning Today
I PI Spurts Writer
nold Palmer. Gary Player and
Rill Casier led Ihe hirdie brigade
off Ihe tee in the first round of
Ihe $."0.000 Ijicky International
golf tournament today.
But before teeing off. Palmer
look a good look at the rules.
Last week the king of Ihe golf
ers was penalized lor a rules in
fraction. "And this lime I wanl to make
Ye, now you cm hav your
Stjdebafcr ChuTD w.lh a 5-Srrot)
Tmntmnion. Hcro'i a Stua Dstr
ercuuve that oie truck uf ver
t sillily tor off-road, aoft-grounrf
CD'ai'Ort, as we'l a high-iped
h'Ohway hauling t ovrdnva fual
livmji and hulky parfoimanca,
tool Coma in todayl
leads the team with 101 rebounds
in the six contests (or a 168
average and again Willie is right
on his heels with S2 grabs and n
15.3 average per game. The
league scoring and rebounding!
results hadn't come out yet when
this story was written but it is
believed that Anderson and Smith
lead the league in both scoring
and rebounding.
Hewlett Nash, the spark plug
guard of the Owls, has had two
bad games in succession but still
has tallied 82 points for a 13.7
average in league games. Van
sure I know what I'm doing."
said Palmer.
He was kidding, of course. Be
cause he already knows enough
about the game to have become
the greatest money-winner of all
Palmer figures to do a come
back from last week. He was well
in contention for two rounds al
Pebble Beach. Then he skied to a
big 77 on the third round. To lop
that off. he took nine on the 18th
Ih.Ir of the final round before
finding out that he should have
heen disqualified for his rule in
fraclion during the third IR holes
But he'll have the bitet gal'
lery all through this tournament
no mailer what he does.
However. Casper may capture
ome of the crowd. He won Ihr
Croshy last week and he warmed
up for this one Wednesday by
shooting a foor-undcr-par fi7 lo lie
with Dave Bacan for low honors
That tittle worknut was worth
fl'8 V) each
The big problem wiih playing
at toe municipally-owned Hardinu
Park course is the greenv. Tlw
are rough. And bumpy.
Player. Palmer and Camper
ach has won a golf tournament
this year, and they are the Ihiee
leading money winners on too
I'M circuit.
.lack Nickiatis. the National
Ojien champion, indicated he is
ready to corral a Idle. tfio. when
he finished one-slroke off the
pare at tl'o Crosby missing a
he by thn-e-putting the tnal
iK'lending champion time Lit
Her has been way off his game,
(ml in practice rounds here he
has mHuaied that he mav lie re
1 1 1 in , ri c to tiie foTn thai made
him one of the top money-win
nrrs 1.I-.I car
Dr Stnti
Hit Heiman
leJr Chamhewlti
tVftvir Dafifl
Trrv Aim
lanny Ouyr
ttf Mnora
Re MM mat
V)vt ftakfr
Oof P'B
Kharfl Mrt
Jfc Biuar
n -
J 1
7-itck has fallen off some in league
scoring but has 76 points tor a
12 7 average. N,orm Johns is the
only starter among Ihe "iron-man
five" that isn't in double figures
but he is breathing ouwu the
neck with 59 points and a ! 8
mark. He vows to get into the
double figure average this week
end. The "iron-man five" has been
just about that. Coach Partlow
uses subs only when he has a
comfortable lead and feels safe
or when one of his live fouls
out. Ron Wilkerson, the 610 fresh
ass m
For Loss Revenge
Cavemen Looking
The Klamath Union Pelicans go
to Grants Pass Friday night for
a game with the Southern Oregon
Conference league-leading Cave
men and return home Saturday
night for another tough match
against the Medford quintet in a
pair of must games for the Peli
cans. The Pelicans are presently in
third place in Uie league with a
3-2 record. The Whitebirds hold
the only victory over the Cavemen
and they will likely be out for
blood to revenge their only league
loss. The Pelicans whipped the
Cavemen on Telican Court, 43
37. (rants Pass leads the league
with a 4-1 record while Craler is
in second with a 3-1 mark, hav
ing played one less game. Med
ford trails the Pelicans in fourth
place w ith a 2-3 record and Ash
land is winless in five games.
The Pelicans lost In an overtime
to Craler, 59-57. and lo Medford.
The Grants Pass game should
be a thriller. The Cavemen prob
ably haven't forgotten the defeat
they suffered here. Tile t avemen.
defending slate champions, have
improved since the last contest
and have dropped bolh Medford
and Crater in big games.
The Pelicans need both these
weekend victories to gel back into
serious contention for the cham
pionship. The Pels have a 9-2
record for the season and Grants
Pass an 8 3, mark
Die Al Keck-coached learn of
Whitebirds has Ihe best defensive
mark in the league, having al
lowed only 220 points in the five
games for an averace of 44 points
tier game. But the Pelicans also
have the nevl to last poorest offen
ivo record in the books with
nnlv 21'fi scorci lor an average
of 4.'i 2 per scullle
The Pelicans si ill have four
avers in tne top in scoring col
umn nut lliev nave laiien on
some. Fred Kelley as 110 pninls in
Ihe 11 games for a inn average
He fell from fillh spot to eighth
Dick Scott is loth with 1(12 point
and a !l 3 average.
Hal Ilnlman follows Scotl in
11th spot with 117 points and an
88 average and Wayne Cham
berland is only a point behind
with ins and an 87 mean. This
is good balance but they need
some added scoring strength.
Guard Grovor Dahn has started
to supply some of thai. The senior
guard tallied 11 and 12 pninls re
soctivcly in the last two games
and has come alive on defense
and has started In show the lead
ership ability out front. His im
provement was sorely needed
and this has given Ihe learn a lift.
The above five mentioned play
ers probably will start. Terry
rt WW PA
9 Wl AM
K'umafU Fail; 7 .' 11 $i
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Aihiand 0 ! JK J
W PI A Pf Tp Avf
Jt FVf1, A
M TrtfTiin'Vi.
I on AWt'rr.
rV'fce? ,' '
Jim P.0fin. Ci
Jim HHt, M
40 7ft- J 1 SO H fl
iy U 141 H 1
? II ; 17 U? ti ?
41 W 3f 1M W 1
4a ii 3 n lu n
(10 Qfnii
Sf U it 7? 113 10 7
nun rVii. W VI
Jim I mh, A .It
D'f-K Volt. KF .V
Hal Mnlmn. If rt
H hamrsrlai. KP M
U It 17 37 no in
ys 4fys; 71 no inn
17 ? 47 1 1ft? t T
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11 94 fl 4
7S M 7 J
It 7 7
(4 HI 7 1
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Tom SpaMm
14 17 IS
3 7 7 41
V 13 ?4
Date Trcipor, A
Vit lr-Ami
77 Ifl 47 14 71 1
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AA'ty Hail', &P
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'lie-in mmht w iT n 4ii i
man, and junior Wayne Oennis
have been taking up the slack
there in fine shape.
The Owls will he meeting the
smallest team in the league and
one which likes to run and does
it very well. The Wolves are small
but they are also very quick and
very accurate. The Oregon Tech
defense will be put to a still
tesl this week against the Wolves
The Wolves were one o! the hot
test small college teams in the
Pacific Northwest early in the
season in surprising some in the
N.MA Tip-Olf Tournament.
Ash, a tough reliounder. may get
Ihe nod in place of Scott this
week Lanny Ciuver, Bob Moore
and Don Piper also may see ac
tion for the Pelicans.
The Cavemen have four players
i the top 20 also. Jim Pippin
heads the Cavemen with 136
xints for a 12.3 average and is
in fifth spot among the league's
best. Tom Sparlin is next but far
dow n the line with 85 points and a
7.7 mean. Bob Shepard and Mar
ly Bauer round out the top 20
with 73 and 71 points respective
ly for 6.6 and 6 4 averages.
Pippin was held to nine points
in the last outing against the Peli
cans. Hon snepard was high lor
the Cavemen with to. Scott led
the Pelicans with 14 markers.
By United Press International
Army 61 Williams 34
Florida 9 Florida SI. 86
Penn Wt Edinboro St. 66
Oklalioma St. HI Oklahoma 62
Denver 71 Air Force 58
Avanl of Los Angeles, Gene John
son of the University of Califor
nia, tiob Gardner of the New
York AC, and U.S. indoor and
outdoor champion John Thomas
of the Boston AA will compete
igainst Hussion world record
holder Valery Brumel. Feb. I, in
Ihe Millrose Gomes al Madison
Square Garden.
if i
Coach Boh McCullough's midg
ets have sped past four league
opponents while splitting w i t h
Southern Oregon and Portland
Slate. Coach McCullough prob-
ihly will go with a unit of Lloyd
Cole, Dariell Brandt, Steve Ran
kin, Tobv Wolf and Bob Marr.
Wolf and Brandt have heen the
big gunners for the Wolves and
Wolf the top rehnunder for the vis
HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore.
If Family Finances Have You Over
A Barrel You'll Find
Real Budget Help In the Low, Low
Prices Advertised Daily In
Tha leile Afatitina Medium al tht KlamaHi Icila
itors along with Rankin. Thel The Ducks were the national In
Wolves will be to a distinct height dian champions in '962. They will
advantage and Owls will hold'have Don Dexter. Alan LaPlante,
the favorite's role for the Fri
day game.
There will be a preliminary
game this week with the l.ucky
l.ane Owlers, football players
from OTI competing in the cityi
men's league, playing the Sprague
River Ducks, beginning at 6 p.m.
Is the small car going
out of the picture?
They'ro growing th new ears much bigger
Ibis season.
And to think that only a year or two ago, II
was just the other way around.
For a while there, you could buy a ear thot you
could actually park on the first try. And that didn't
need power this and power that lo get around
the block.
We're going lo miss them. And we think a lol
of other people will, too.
Because we think there are people who still
wool lo put a sensible amount of money into o
sensible amount of car.
So prepare yourself: the 1963 Volkswagen It
Hill exactly the same site.
And it looks exactly Ihe same.
Volkswagen dealers still have parts to fit any
VW ever made.
And Ihe people who bought 1962 Volkswagens
don't feel as though they're driving last year't
Maybe most small cars are going out of Ihe
picture. But there's one small exception.
Foreign Cars
So. 6th
Boh David, Chuck Ruff, Pat Bar
ney. Fred Woods, Bert Lawyer
and Merle I.ytel playing. Lytel
is 6-5 and was the most valuable
player in Ihe Yakima Indian Tour
ney and the Hoopa Indian Tour
ney last year. They are coached
by Don Sntphin and Jim Coburn.
January 24, 196