r PAGE 10-C HKRAI.D AND NEWS. Klamath Falls. Ore. Thursday, January 24, IMS BASIN BRIEFS llcr. SUMMKR LAKE MRS. GEORGE CARLON, with bronchitis, and Bobby Honor, 7- year-old son of llio Jim Ropers, with appendicitis, were admitted to Lakeview Hospital Thursday. MRS. JEREMIAH O'LEARY and two children were in Lake vicw overnight Friday (or treat ment of bronchitis. MELVA JEFFRIES, Paisley, -visited her sister, Zilla Elder, last " Wednesday. -,,'- . r.ORA CARLON, Gen Withers, jind Edyth Withers attended Fre- ;iiont Club at the home of Gerry ; Showers. - SOIL CONSERVATION WORK - SHOP on fertilizers held in Sil- vor Lake Jan. 18 provided valu able information according to ' Glenn Harvey. Boyd ClagRctt, Er -nest Shufficld, George Carlon, and . F. Elna, who attended from here. ; -; BONANZA ERNEST STRUNK, who spent '; several weeks in the veterans hos- ': iiital In Portland, was at home in 'I.jtnftpl! Vallpv for a week .-' turning to the hospital for more -treatment on Jan. 17. He is em - ployed on the Horton Ranch. , MRS. GERALD WATSON will be honored with a baby shower Jan. 30, 8 p.m., at the Bonanza Library. Everyone Is Invited to attend. MR. AND MRS. HAROLD WIL- - MAMS are in Oroville. Mrs. I; Williams' father, E. V. Barnes, Relied Jan. 20. He was 81 years old. :-: WALTER CASEBEUR and Sic .' vie spent the weekend at Medford with his mother, Mrs. Ida Case beer. Mrs. Eva Arthur Is at Medford with Mrs. Cascbcer. GEORGE LANTZ, brother of . Mrs. Walter Smith Sr., spent a Iweek In San Francisco. John Hill : slid Elmo Harris brought him '. . liome. Iintz is visiting the i Smiths and another sister, Mrs. Kffle Gilman, Merrill, from his home in Cadada. V MR. AND MRS. BARNEY BROWN and three 6ons spent Sunday at Medford where they attended the wedding of t h e4 r niece, Virginia Brown, to Doug ' West. REV. EUGENE WILLIS, his . wife, and two children spent a , few days In Bed Bluff. He spoke at funeral services for Bill Baker ;-on Jan. 17. Bob Caliill of Langell T Valley was one of t h e pall ;'bearers. Reverend Willis is the ;;minisler of Lorella Full Gospel ;.' Church. -: - MRS. JOHN BROWN had as re cent visitors, Diane Gotirlcy of Seattle, and Mrs. Charlie Gour ley and Mrs. Norma Carls, both of Klamath Falls. MR. AND MRS. ORB I'RITCII. ARD and son havo moved from: Langell Valley to Lakeview where he Is employed. DOROTHY PETERSON and' Alice Nork are giving a public j card party for the benefit of the Bonanza Library at the library ! on Jan. 2H. 8 p.m. Prizes and refreshment!!. NEW PINE CHEEK ARTIIl'R REAMER received word that his brother, Henry Rea mer, 72. of Prescotl, Wash., died early Monday morning. He was born in Weston, Ore., in W.n. MR. AND MRS. O. K. JOHN STON spent three days last week in Hod Bluff and vicinity visit ing with Mr. and .Mrs. Louis Smith. They wero accompanied by George Convene and returned Friday, The men enjoyed salmon fishing on the Sacramento River. DOREN SI TTON, Green Gar den Tavern, left Wednesday on a Ini'iness trip to Los Angeles. He will be gone for approximately a week, and Cliff Scrivner will take are of his business during his ab sence. MR. A MILS. I. IK Cl .ON moved to Alturas on Saturday. Tliry slill have their property here and will return periodically to at tend club meetings, visit, and check on their property. MRS. JANICE BISHOP will be honored at a pink and blue show er at the Grange Hall on Thurs day afternoon. Fob. 7. It will be f.insorcd by the Home Econom ics Club and the public Is invited. HOME ECONOMICS CI.I'B met Jan. 17 In the Grange Hall with 14 memliers and one guest. Mrs. Toni Markstrom of Willow Ranch, present. Final plans were made lor the grange pinochle parly which will he held Jan. 20 at 7 TO p.m. Mrs. Neva Morton served refreshments, and the next hostess will be Mrs. Maude But-' NEW PINE CREEK NEEDLE CLCB met Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Kathryn Dick. Sixteen members and one guest. Mrs, Bet ly Aldridge, Redding, attended Officers elected for the new year are Mrs. Neva Morton, president Mrs. Ruth Clark, vice president and Mrs. Clara Cloud, secretary- treasurer. Mrs. Thelma Butler will host the February meeting. RALPH RAWLINS suffered an accident during a physical educa tion class at Lakeview High School Monday. His mother brought him home, and the dis aster car had to be called later that afternoon. MR. AND MILS. OLIN ALD RIDGE and family of Redding were weekend visiters with Mr. and Airs. Maury Morton at Wil low Ranch. They were former residents and members of t h e Eastside Grange, and attended the grange social hour Saturdayl evening to see old friends. ,f TAURUS 0 m. a I MAY 21 H x. ? M-3l-2 "STAR. GAZER -j. AMI yOl MAK.22 4-17-38 39 750-69-78 CIMJN1 MAY 22 fcp 5-16-77-40 fjV51-728 CANCII r.VON2J 2-13-54-35 546-61-82 901 ffl JULY 24 r-S .AUtt 23 ,f) 1-12 23-34 4M7-8C8d &k$Horr.22 8-19-30-41 52-57-68 -B CLAY R. POLLAN- JK Your Daily Activity Gui JM According to Ifia Stan. To develop messogs for Fridoy, read words corresponding to numbers of your Zodioc birth sign. 1 TheiVH 7 Plon 3 You Penoool 5 Don't 6Thr.lt.rvj 7 Prerv 8 Evwiing 9 Thirv IODoo'1 11 A 12 Be v.i yifip UHov 1 5 Activity IAMi !7Nrw IS Your 19Br.gi 20 Will 21 Olfrv 22 Heort'i 23 Etro 24L'p 25 Trv 26 And 27 With 31 Conckxt 32 tnetjy 33 Dr 3i CKonct 35 Wetl 27Socjl 3K Long 39 Romance 40 Eerv 41 Char 61 Rwreivi 67 Ao-tt 64 Meetings 65Cw 66 hm 67 Vati 69 Mory 70 Co 71 Ncn UNA SEPT.: OCT. 3-14-25-36 U7-59-70 . V SCOIflO OCT. 24 MOV. M 4-15-26-37Ty 48-56-79 87VSJ 43 And 73 Mow 44 Con 74 BenetiCror 4bJo 75$ll 46 AM 76 Yoiif 4 Light 7ldeos 4R trvjo'Kmenti 78 Arrivet 49 Someone 79 In b0 Or P-0 Fort 51 Tom fll Bjirt 52 lo 53 !f 54 You 55 B 54A' 57 Help 21? Concerning 5fl You 30 You 60 Realized (8) Good Adrme 2Fr.enJry B1 Youf 64 And 85 Hatty S7 Limelight 4 Early F9 Answer 905jporrt NeuuaJ SAGITTARIUS NOV 23 Vt 7-l8-32-43? 15463-73 umcom JAN. 20 11-22 33-441- 155-40-71 AOUAtlUS JAN. 21 FEB. 19 a21-29 384 U9-62 83-89 S PISCIi MAR. 2t c- 645-66-74 1 75-6- MISS MARILYN MATIIKNY, lower grades instructor at Kelly Creek School, took her third and fourth grade students on a tour of the post office last Wednesday. Postmaster Buna Fans spent 40 minutes explaining the postal op oration and answering questions. MAI.IN MR. AND MRS. PAUL HESS- I.KR. Naomi and Edward of Brookings visited his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Morris Kessler. last weekend. Edward remained with his grandparents for several weeks. MALIN MARINERS will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ger ry Brown Wednesday, Jan. 30, it 6:.10 p.m. The Leonard Wills ire tlie dinner co-hosts. Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Howard, Merrill, will lie special guests. They have re cently returned from a trip to South America and will show slides. Lack Of Snow Forces Modoc Skiers To Skafe ALTL'KAS More than ljO skiersigo a long way lo keep the club of the Modoc Ski Club moved to the ice on Dorrls Heservoir Sun day for ice skating and a good old- fashioned get together. In spite of. the no snow conditions on the local ski hill, skiers paid up their year ly dues to help keep the Modoc Club financially solvent. Morel than $:!00 in dues were paid by the members to meet the out standing bills. Though we have no skiing to date, we have to meet our cur rent expenses," Mary Woodward, club treasurer, pointed out. "This tremendous turnout and support by club members will certainly ROOT OF ALL EVIL SAN PEDHO. Calif. (UPI) Police today had six bills totalling $120 and an unsigned note saying the money was found in a wallet. "1 was tempted, but since then I've had nothing but bad luck and my conscience hurls," the nolo added. solvent until snow arrives. The club, with a defunct treas ury, sponsored a ski movie last week that realized $50. and at that time requested members to pay their dues to keep the club going. The Forest Service permit of $30 musl tie paid, plus a $300 insurance bill, and a bill for gas for Uie tow motor. The skiers skated from 1 to 4 p.m. with hot chocolate furnished by the ski club for all. At the recent board of directors' meeting, Lynn Siglcr was voted president of the club; Gerry llox- ey, vice president; and Mary Woodward, secretary - treasurer. Other board members are D. Lloyd Shannon and Ed Beryessa. INCOME TAXES See Your Reliable Income TAX CONSULTANT CHAS. HATHAWAY Auditing - Bookkeeping 120 N. 10th TU 4-5473 36 Inch Width SPECIAL mm mm mmss I JUST ARRIVED! New Shipment of Printed TERRY CLOTH S29 Per Yard COTTON SPORTS MATERIAL Mix or Match. 36" to 45" Widths 9g f. $189 yd Slill a Good Selection of SALE YARDAGE SSj Greatly Reduced Prices! Last Big Week of Our WHITE SALE SHEETS & PILLOW CASES AT REAL SAVINGS! LIQUORS Opn ffmriat HIM I Nfrkdft) n IM Is R oe Jock' Super Market Tulelok., Calif. DECORATOR THRflw Pi! I fiWv , VII I IL.L.V II J roam mica 69 SWEAT SHIRTS MEN'S BOYS' T T' '2 99' V00DBURY W 1.CX VALUE 49 CAKE STANDS Toll Crv.tol. Rrg. Jl J GLEEM TOOTH PASTE br With 2 Freo Pol Clroncn Reg. 83c JUST . . . Steri-Life Trays Lutlcry & Utility Styles Reg. 89c I A C Now Only 59 VALENTINES 5 - $1 Real Good Selection. Single Cards or Boxed tor The Kiddies. Low, Low Prices Plus Green Stamps 4480 South 6th m ) 6h W flj ) W ill III) (ill aull 1 Next to Oregon Food fS I l 3? if sr x v i LfU n n r n wuu j at- ,tw..t,, rij PAY DAY SPECIAL! Take Your Choice For Only RC-3100 G-E Console Stereo Dual channel stereo amplifier, 4 speed changer, diamond stylus. Record storage, all wood cabinetry in rich mahogany finish. f '' PAM-202 J299X TAKE YOUR PICK! G-E 30" RANGE Full width oven, removable oven door, no-drip cook top. Push button con trols and high speed Cal-Rod surface units. t i I G-E DRYER High-Speed Drying! High and low hear settings Fluff dry setting for wash 'n weor Full 12-pound capacity Porcelain drum - won't snag $14095 DA-420X YM J Even Loss With Trade G-E 19" TV With $14.95 Roll-around Stand FREE While they last! Less than the usual price of a 16" or 17" TV! Daylight Blue Screen Extra light, extra compact, ex tra portable Built-in telescoping antenna Tap controls for convenience 2-Speed, 2-Cycle G-E WASHER Jst A niyd! New GfCOLOH Only With Trade Filtcr-flo 12-Pound Capacity Porcelain top and drum Pre-sct water level Safety lid switch Wlik T . Controls fo, I Quick r GST 260 s' ,"' oSutem 'un,nq . , nf S'mD,f.j v'cwin 0I front -.i .blck anHP. u'ed Confro(, . 9 01 ond We C'e0r "ound. Front 't "dEL ' ace Just Arrived! Brand New $ A A 95 8" Portable TV Clcorcst picture ever! Built-in antenna ear phone attachment, light weight! 95 Only 6-Transistor Radio With case, earphone, battery. Pocket size. G-E Table Radios S-Tube S 11 14 95 Reg. B9.95 2 Only! G-E Portable Stereo-Phonos 4 Speed Changer Exceptional tonal quality! Now 75 KENMORE AUTOMATIC WASHER RADIO-PHONO. COMBINATION j water tempi, 2 voter level,. Montgomery Ward, Completely reconditioned CROSLEY REFRIGERATOR Top freeier; excellent $ condition KITCHEN AID DISHWASHER Porto bio, like $ new USED APPLIANCES kSHER levli. J-7C J 100 maheqany RCA 17" TV Tablt Model RCA CONSOLE TV Beautiful cabinet 50 s40 s45 HOT POINT RANGE Aportmcnt Siie REMEMBER . . . VVt havt complete itmc facilities tor all G E Applioncci and all makes of TV. (Credit, gladly). Pork iuit acroit tHe ttrt t 10th A Mam i in .1 G-E 2-DOOR COMBINATION y MIMm 11.2 Cu. Ft. Big, top freezer holds 70 lbs. Sclf-dcfrosting refrigerator Takes up only 28 in. of space 329 95 For fomilys with frcciers who need more refrigerator )2.t Even Less With Trodc! 2-Yr. Worronty Come in and sea our new 12.6 ALL REFRIGERATOR :u. ft $369'5 iSilP (S (Q) 1001 Main Store Hours: 8:30 A.M. to S:30 P.M. Phont TU 4-8183 i l