r PACK t-C HKRALD AM) NKWS, Klamalh Falls, Ore. Thursday, January 24, 19I13 LEGAL NOTICE No. a 74 NOTICf OP FINAL ACCOUNT , IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OP OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of tha Estata of CLEO MAE NORCUTT, alio known at Clao May Norcutt. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the unflenlgned bai tiled hli final account ana report at admmutrator of Above entitled estate, and that the Court hat fixed Tuesday. February 19, 1963, at 10 a.m.. In circuit Court Room No. t of the Courthouse. Klamath Fftlis. Ora gon, as the time and piece for hear ing oh lections, if any, to the tame and lor the settlement of said estate. - James A, Woodhouse Administrator No. I, Jan. 17, 24, 31, Feb. 7. NOTICE OP SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, Administrator of the Eitete n' Vard Thaddeus McNalr, Deceased, will from end after the 15m day of Feb ruary, 193, t 10:00 A. M. at the office ot Glenn D. Ramirez, Attorney at Law, stnte 203, i oof euiioing, 437 Main street. Klamath Falls, Oregon, proceed to tell to the highest bidder the real properly ot sata estate as tonows: Beginning at a point ot the Southerly line of Front street 131 feet westerly from the Intersection ot the Southerly line of Front Street and the Westerly line ot California Avenue. Thence south 263'. eet, more or less to the shore line of Upper Klamath Lake; thence southeast er! along said shore line 172 feet, more or lass to the Southwesterly corner of that certain tract of land heretofore con veyed to Donald J. Olvens and M. Manei Divens, by deed recorded In Vol. 233, page 134, Deed Records of Klamath Coun ty, Oregon, which said point Is ?H feet LEGAL NOTICE Bonk Purchases Veteran Bonds SALEM (UPI) - The Oregon Department of Veterans Affairs to day announced the sale of $25 million in self-liquidating vol or- erans' farm and home loan bond; to the First National Bank of Ore gon and associates. The department said the effec tive interest, rale of 2.78 per cent was the best bid since March, He maid the sale will take care of the department's needs for th rest of this year. ' Northwesterly from the Intersection of said shore line and the Westerly line at the West Side Highway, thence North IS deg. 03 '.j min. East Ml feet, moie or less, to the point ot beginning, and being a portion ot Lot 8, Section 30 Township 31, S. R. 9 E-, W.M. SUBJt-'CT TO: Ease ment and release granted to Calif. Ore. Power Company, a Corporation, by In strument recorded In Vol. 133, at page 701, Oeed Records of Kin math County, Oregon; Reservations In deed recorded In Vol. 133 at page Iff, Deed Records ot Klamath County, Oregon, other ease ments and rights of way of record and those apparent on the land, It any, ALSO SUBJECT TO that ctrla-i mortgaqe, in cluding the terms and provisions thereof, executed by the grantors here in to Albert M. Hattan and Ruth E. Hat tan, husband and wife, dated Jan. 20, 1959, recorded Jan. 21, 1959, In Vol. 1S7, at page 507, Mortgage Records of Klamath County, Oregon, which said mortgage the grantee herein hereby expressly as sumes and agrees to pay according to the tenor thereof as the same becomes due and payable, and the note accom panying II. The terms of the sale will be cash, or i for part cash and part credit, and. It for part cash and part credit, the otter of purchase must state the terms ot such credit; all sales made subject to con firmatlort by the above entitled court The right ii reserved to reject any and II bids. Bids in writing may he left with the undersigned at the of lire ot oienn Ramirez, 203 ioof Building, n Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, any time from tha dale hereof until the property it sold. This sale Is made pursuant to orner of the Circuit Court dated tha 8th day January, 1963. DALE MCNAIR Administrator of the Estate ot Vard Thaddeus McNalr, ceased. No. 89$, Jan. 17, 7t, 31, Feb. 7. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed as Executrix of the Estate of LINDSAY POMPEY, de ceased, by Order of tha Circuit Court of the County of Klamath, and ell persons having claims against said estate are re quired to present tha same to L. ORTH SISEMORE, Attorney for Executrix, duly verified and with proper vouchers at tached, at 731 Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from the data of first publication of this no Ilea, JOANNE VIGIL Executrix No. 193 Jan. 17, 74, 31, Feb. 7. EQUITY NO. -2W AMENDED SUMMONS FOR -PUBLICATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH. CITY OF CHILOQUIN, OREGON, A MU NICIPAL CORPORATION, PLAINTIFF VS, JAMFS L. CHIPMAN AND CLAR ICE CHIPMAN. HUSBAND AND WIFE; LORENA ARTHUR JACKSON WRIGHT, ALSO KNOWN AS, LORENA HILL AND LORENA E. HILL; CARL DAWSON AND CHRISTINE DAWSON, HUSBAND AND WIFE; CALVIN BARNEY AND WINO NA BARNEY, HUSBAND AND WIFE; ROSE MARIE LANG, ALSO KNOWN AS, ROSE MARIE JACKSON, ROSE MARIE HILL, ROSE MARIE HERRERA, R05E MARIE LONG, MARIE LANG HERRE RA, ROSE MARIE MOORS NU RUifc MARIE LAON; LEO HERRERA; LEO FRANK; C. R. SCHIFF BAUE R AND ETHEL SCHIFFBAUER, HUSBAND AND WIFE; HUGH COWEN; EDNA COWEN ALSO KNOWN AS EDNA COWEN STAN TON; HUGH WALLACE COWEN; BANK OF CALIFORNIA IN TRUST FOR HIir.H WALLACE COWEN; C. C. HED RICK; LEONARD D. JONES- DOING nilllNFSS AS BASIN CREDIT SERV ICE; M. A. CARTER, DOING BUSINESS AS. CARTERS COLLECTION AGENCY ATLFE CARMICHAEL AND LYMAN SLACK, A COPARTNERSHIP, DOING BUSINESS AS CARMICHAEL MOTORS; TOGETHER WITH THE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND-OR SUCCESSORS OF EACH OF SAID DEFENDANTS, IF ANY OF SAID DEFENDANTS ARE DECEASED; ALSO ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PAR- TIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING AN Y RIGHT, TITLE. ESTATE, LIEN OR IN TEREST IN OR TO THE REAL PROP ERTY, OR ANY PART OR PARCEL THEREOF, DESCRIBED IN THE COM PLAINT HEREIN; DEFENDANTS. TO: CALVIN BARNEY, WINONA BAR NEY, LEO HERRERA, LEO FRANK, C. R. SCHIFFBAUER, ETHEL SCHIFF BAUER, HUGH COWEN, HUGH WA1. LACE COWEN, EDNA COWEN ALSO KNOWN AS EDNA COWEN STANTON, AND C. C. HEDRICK, of THE DE FENDANTS, THE DEFENDANTS STYLED, "UNKNOWN HEIRS OR SUC CESSORS IN INTEREST OF EACH OF SAID DEFENDANTS IF ANY OF SAID DEFENDANTS ARE DECEASEO," AND DEFENDANTS STYLED AS, "all OTH- PERSONS OR PART1E5 UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ES TATE, LIEN OR INTEREST IN OR TO THE REAL PROPERTY. OR ANY PART PARCEL THEREOF, DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN FILED; OF DEFENDANTS AND TO EACH OF YOU. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON; you, and each and every one ot you, are hereby summoned to appeal and answer the Complaint tiled against you In the above entitled suit, on or be fore the 8th. day of February, 1943, and set forth the nature ot his, or her, or its claim, riqht, title or Interest In the prem ises described In plaintiff's complaint, which are located In Klamath County, Oregon, In the City ol Chlloquln and described as inllows, lo-wit: Lot , Block 3. South Chlloquln Addi tion; Lot 7, Block .1, South Chlloquln Addition; Lot 7, Block , South Chlloquln Addition; Lot 15, Block ft, South Chilo- Andiljnn; Lot 16, Block 8, South Chlloquln Addition; Lot 3, Block S, West I Chiloquin Addition; Lot I, Block 9, West LEGAL NOTICE Chlloquln Addition; Lot i, Block 11, West Chiloquin Addition; Lot 1, Block 12, West Chlloquln Addition; and. East Chlloquln Unplatted; beginning at a point 16 feel Southeast and parallel to Schonchln street from Southeast corner nl Lot 3, Block 7. Original Town ot Chiloquin; thence Southwesterly parallel to Third Ave , HO ft . thence Southeasterly parallel to Schon chln Street 110 ft.; thence northeasterly parallel to Third Ave. 80 feet, mence Northwesterly parallel to Schonchin Street no feet: to Doint of heainninq. And you will please fake notice that if you fail to appear and answer plaintiff's Complaint, or otherwise plead within the said time, the plaintiff, lor want thereof, will apply to the above entitled Court tor Ihe relief demanded In its Complaint filed In this suit, as follows: That it be de creed and adjudged that defendant and each of them have no estate, claim or interest in or to said premises; thai plaintiff be declared the sole owner of all said real property; and that defendants and each of them oe torever enioineo from assert no anv claim wnatevei said reel property, or any part thereof. adverse to that of plaintiff; and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem lust and equitable. This Summons is published and served upon you pursuant to an order ol the above entitled Court made ot the 7'h day of January, 1963; the first publica tion hereof being on January 10. 1963. and the last day of publication being on Ihe 7th day ol February, 1963, anrt f-en- 1963, is the lasl day fixed by the Court for the defendants herein or either thereof to appear herein or answer plaintl'I's Complaint. Done this 10h day Of January, 1963. Henry E. Perkins Atiorney tor Plaintiff, Address 731 Main St . Klamath Falls, Oregon. No. 857, Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31, Feb. 7, T9A3 LOST I FOUND .3 LOST diimeod studded lady's platinum wrist watcn, rewarg. t u 4-naz. GENERAL NOTICES SCHOOL AGE BOYS! EARN Vacation Money by selling the He: aid & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Herald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4-8111 PERSONALS OVERTURE TREND, 1963 shaping and curllno. Vour hair not becoming to you? You should be coming to Kim and Anona, Studio of Beauty, TU i-7151. KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonymous. TU 4-3591, TU 4-8704. Friendly help anytime. SERVICES 10 REMODELING, competent, reliable. timates, terms. TU 2-6207. MOVING, founda 1816 or TU 2-1014. FUNERAL HOMES WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home. High Street. Phone TU 2-44Q4 MEETING NOTICES SPECIAL COMMUNICATION, Croter Lake Lodge No, 2 1 I , AF & AM, Thurs day, Jan. 24th, 7:30 p.m. Work in F.C. De arte. Masons wet- Thomos Barnes, W.M Klomalh Lodge No. 77 AF & AM SPECIAL COMMUNICATION Friday, Jan. 25, 7:30 p.m. Work in the MM Degree. All Mosler Masons cordiolly in vited. Refreshments CHAMBERS HOUSE lions, leveling, TU 2-i THE PRIM POODLE, custom Brooming, tor appoinimeni, i u a-auv. tttVICIS .... it "" 'CUjTflM" BUTCHERING At your place, deliver to processing plant or leave at your plica. Al Sioll, TU 4-412. I Jess' Tree Service Tree topping, removing, any kind of' clean-up work. Free estimates. TU 4411 Don't Gutss Call Jess I APARTMENTS FOR RENT 24 I BEDkOOM unfurnished, ground floor, auto, wesnar hookup, fenced, ix, TU 4-561. SPARKLING, uptown, furnished. Large oearoom, exire oatn, neai tree, adults it:. Alpha Apartments, TU 4-4527. Fuller Brush TU 2-5972 PROVANCE TREE SERVICE Licensed Insured professional se Trees topped or removed. PHONE TU 4 9(81 HELP WANTED. FEMALE BABY sitter for four smalt children In my home, days or nights, cafl TU 4-4249. WOMEN needed, Merrill, Malln, Bonanza, Tulelake, and Lakevlew. Earn while you (earn, career development program, in. ludes Interior decoration and floral de ign. Wrila Box 440C Herald 6. News or phone tu 4-5M alter l r-.m. NURSE to manage office and assist doc- write Herald and News Box 4B3C. HELP WANTED. MALE EXPERIENCED barber wanted. Good lo cation. TU 4-7161, TU 2-3726. WANTED, young man who Is neat and cheerlut, married, about 25 years old, mechanical aDiiny. oood chance for growth in new industry. Service station experience helpful. Starting salary, J80. Reply Box 442C, care of Herald and HELP WANTED 17 APARTMENT house manager wanted. Write Herald and News Box 443 C. REMODELING and repairs, all kinds. reasonable, references, i u 2-5388. DOLLS repaired, modern and antique Reasonable prices. Lorna'a Doll Hospi tal, TU 4-6992, 1434 Lakevlew. TREE topping, pruning. Insured tree grooming. Lakeshore Nursery, TU 4-6955. C UsTo"MWEA V I NGHandwoven r g rugs, S3 up; tola bags, (2 50, Mrs. E. C. Murphy, TU 2-1357. HOUSE remodeling, cablrels our special ty, please check our references. TU 4-4079. TREE surgery, such as removal, prun ing, topping, grooming, iu 2-ivti. DENTAL' PLATES"" Repaired while you wait. New Plates Made From Vour Old PERSONAL DENTURE SERVICE 1013 Main TU 4-32B4 NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS All help wanted ads published in the Herald ft News are accepted In good leilh that the jobs offered are as slated in the advertising copy. We r m re sponsible for the Integrity ot our adver tisers, but we make every effort to dis cover and reject all misleading advertis ing. Anyone answering a help wanted ad and finding It to be misleading is asked to report It to the Classified Ad vertising Department of tha Herald News. HOUSES FOR RENT .24 UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom duplex Ir Mills Addition, electric heat, wsher-dry er hookup, garage, US, TU 4-5iT eve nings or weekends. ONE bedroom suburban, stoves Included, garage, paved street, 150, TU 4-3570. FURNISHED 1 bedroom, gas or oil, 1 or 2 children o.k. TU 2-3702. NICELY furnished one bedroom home, acre, close in. TU 4-5058. ONE bedroom furnished home near base. US. TU 4-4693 evenings. ONE bedroom furnished, gas heat. Phone TU 2-3363. TWO bedroom house, partly furnished, 55. Hilltop Station, 3021 Greensprlngs. TWO bedroom duplex, stove, refrigera tor, washer, water furntsted, oaraae. In quire 3475 Homedale before 9 a.m., after 6 p.m. TU 4-8944. 2820 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE . 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE . 30 NEW HOME LOVELY 3 bedroom heme In god loci- Just finished. 5 level block from high Hon near new OTI site. Beth and helf. school. Built lor lasting quality and ecom-! Ilreolace, covered patio, tencod back tort by local builder. Carpeted living yard. Double garage. Price 117,500. Call room, hall, and two bedrooms. Charming birch kitchen with buiitln appliances. wall height fireplace with cobbled party hearth. You can't beat the low, low price ot $12,500. Please call TU 3-3101 anytime NEAR Peterson School, three bedroom. wall to wall carpet, fireplace, eiecti heat, large fenced back yard, cement patio, 4645 Bristol Ave. TU 2-3137. CORNER on Shasta Way, large house, garage, workshop, M.500, TU 2-1326. FOR sale or rent two bedroom home on 1 acre, barn, garage, other outbuildings. Will trade eauilv for older Dickuo in run condition, or what nave you u 2-3822 MOVING? FOR lease to permanent tennant, two bedroom home at 614 Conger Ave. Fire' place, basement, oil furnace, garage. At- will "TRADE" vour property an where west of tha Rockies! Call DEANE SACHER Realtor Member International Traders Club Licensed - Ore. Cel. Ida. Wash. NORTH SIDE An excellent home and Income. Five apartments bringing In a fine return. narawooa floors, oit neat, oniy i diocks ractlve yard with trees, (lowers, shrubs. )n .,n nniv ha s. Thi.' i. nnnw Available latter part of Feb. 1115 per mo. inveslmint. Owner' will carrv con- u i-jaoi, oays, iu 4-4301, evenings. UNFURNISHED duplex, fireplace, basement, call TU 4-6597 alter 5 p.m CLEAN three room furnished cabin, also house, 4806 South Sixth. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom house, watet paid. Inquire at 1544 Etna. FURNISHED 1 bedroom. Water, garbage, Wocus, no pels, TU 4-9497. NEAT and clean 3 year old 2 bedroom unfurnished duplex. New stove and retng- ator. Ml s Addition, 185. TU 2-4664. Eves. TU 4-5544. SITUATIONS WANTED 18 WANTED carpenter work, remodeling, large or small, tree estimates, TU 2-0262 WILL do typing or bookkeeping " in home. Experienced! TU 2-4984. Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring - alterations lor men, women, I children, All work guaranteed. Reason- WOMAN wants work. What-Heve-You. Days. TU 4-8537. LICENSED CHILD CARE by hour, day, week Monday through Friday. It a.m. to 6 p.m, ijzb Larison Drive, tu 2-1844 RON1NG, Washing, Pickup, Deliver, Ex perienced, Reasonable! TU 4-9434. CHILD care, your hom or mine any lime. TU 2-1778, TU 2-2711. EXPERIENCED care, Reasonable, TU 4-1346 housekeeping or child references! TU 2-3521, ROOMS FOR RENT CLEAN, comfortable rooms. 2 blocks from Main, S5 & up. TU 4-4?59. TWO bedroom 4-4379. FURNISHED apt., all utilities paid ex cept electricity, adults only, 319 E. Main, Lincoln Apts., Apt. 5. IEDROOM duplex. Water, garbage paid, siove, refrigerator, o. TU 4-4915. REMODELEO 2 bedroom duplex, furnish S65. Inquire 111 Pine. ONE bedroom furnished duplex, watei paid. Nice neighborhood. TU 2-1456. HOT SPRINGS 2 bedroom upstairs, tin furnished duplex, garage. Adults only, US, TU 4-4850. TWO unfurnished two bedroom houses, south suburban. S65, TU 2-3923. TWO bedroom 4-6023. unfurnished house. TU TWO bedroom Children, pets, TU 2-6590. urnlshed house, 565. References required. LARGE 1 bedroom, garage, gas furnace, range, $40, inquire 1502 California. NICE two bedroom trail TU 2-1350. tor rent, phone CLEAN three bedroom unfurnished, I miles north of Klamath Fails, children. pets O.k; 565, TU 2-6590. 1235 Adams, TU 4-3854, TU 4-9754. Owner Tract. OTHER GOOD BUYS 14,750 - Hi Bedrooms - Completely fur nished Norfh Side. $5,500 - 2 Bedrooms - Ideal lor Weyar haeuser Employ. S7.500 - 3 Bedrooms - Owner will carry contract. 111,400 - Charming 2 Bedroom Picture Windows - Mills Add'n. 116,000 Approx. 5 Acres - 3 Bedroom Home Outbuildings - South. Schroeder Realty Co. REALTORS - 434 MAIN TU 4-9254 Anytime TU 2-0168 TU 2-1422, VIEW PROPERTY FOR SALE, 7 lot, ap proximately 96 ft. by 300 ft. suburban area, TU 2-1056. HOT SPRING. Family type home, hot wter heat, priced to sell. TU 4-7985. 1610 PATTERSON IMMEDIATE POSSESSION on this un. usual 3 bedroom homo. Circulating tire place, extra larne glassed in play room area, garage. Needs painting but priced right, Brick and Hie construction. $13,000 TERMS LEONARD REALTY 1212 Mam TU 4-7521 or TU 4-905 Joe Perry TU 4-5332 Audrey Keer.ns TU 4-4285 Joe Leonard TU 2-0527 GOLD BEACH PROPERTY Excellent retirement properly. One t bedroom home or rental unit and one 2-bedroom home with large fireplace. H :s north ot Gold Beech, overlooking ocean. Call TU 4-6812 days, or TU 2-2404 Eves. MLS STROUT REALTY Bob ft Stella Dehlinger Hank Holman Ph. TU 4-5281 TU 2-5601 TU 2-5048 ONE bedroom furnished duplex. Adults, no dogs, $45. TU 4-4281. ONE bedroom unfurnlshel, electric range. bulltin oven, extra bedroom and storage space attached to garage, 3 acres, 2330 Grape, TU 4-3309. ONE bedroom furnished house, call TU 4-4379. LARGE two bedroom unfurnished duplex, ke new, $85. 1813 Siskiyou, TU 4-7584. ONE bedroom unlurnished house. 2139 Main. Phone TU 2-2866. MILLS, three room. Stoves and refriger ator. Washer, dryer hookup. TU 2-3852. UN FUR N I SHED twbedroom duplex qa- rage, fireplace, 3011 Boardman, TUJ 2-0990. SUBURBAN ESTATE 15 acres, 10 Irrigated. South Suburbs Excellent view on elevated knoll. Three bedroom, play room, full daylight base. ment, wall to wall carpel, two fireplaces, two baths, circular staircase with wrought iron railing, built in oven and stove, amoow rock fireplace and planter boxes. sun deck. S3 7, 500. Will se!1 home with one acre $27,500. Shown by appointment only 280 ACRES irrigated, now in alfalfa, grain, grass 3 bedroom modern home, machine shed, extra shed 200 It. X 20 ft. 35 miles from Klamath Falls on paved road. Should carry 125 cows year around. Reasonably priced at S64,uou. Approximately 1-3 down. 520 ACRES Dairy or stock ranch. 396 acres irrigated, now In grass, hay and grain. Balance spring pasture. Fenced and cross fenced. Two 2 bfdroom modern homes, Price S120.0O0. Approximately 1-3 down. 23 ACRES Close In adjacent to Lost River. All Irri gated, in alfalfa and pasture. Newly built modern hnme, bam and hay shed Only, 5 miles from town. Price $31,800. down. STILES REALTY MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 133 South 9th Phono TU I-,7,0 Ralph Vd,n Lord, A 7A2-.I63 Fred Tucker TU Homer Stile TU 4-9904 Multiple Listing Service HOMEDALE AREA Ideal starter home located on 1-3 acre, 58x254 ft. 2 bedroom house on paved street. Lot reaches to another raved street to provide another building site or trailer site. House was recently painted on in side and the all channel TV antenna that was blown dnwn on the root is included In the low price of $6,000. PEYTON Memhe-r International 304 So. 7th St. OUTSTANDING fc II bedroom duplex cn Laverne, electric K A I C eet. garage, fireplace, TU i-47Si. l I ljRNISHEDlbcdroom. north tide. Tu I T, LaJ Multiple Listing Service BRAND SPANKING NEW Enloy the companionship nt yotjr chil dren and frlfnds In this very attractive, spacious home in Klamath Falls' newtv.t anoirion. Three bedrooms, living room with fireplace, 2 baths. Complete built-in kitcren and family room with barbecue. Attached double garage. One of the best building contractors has combined many .irahlp features i n In this h o m p Price S19.SO0. 10 per cent down to quali fied buyer. Owner will accept trade. JUST A LITTLE BIT BETTER Sre If this 2 bedroom home in th toulh suhurhan area isn't lust a liMle b't neat rr. a littli nicer landscaped a"d in iusl the right neighborhend. With almost new washer, dryer end range Included Par the low, low price nt SU.SW. Would Consider trading tor 3 hedroon BRUCE OWENS Realtor 134 No 7th 1(j 4 H7 Kav woraen tu 4-93ft7 Lucille Andef vnr TU 2-05! 9 STUKEL MT 1ST atras twrtered hy Ln River. This ranch is a cattle set-up with a entice anrl hay balance lor year round oppraiion All pasture and hav produc tion under irrigation One 3 bedroom rartcn iDtis". large bunir house and co'js mofal machine shrd Also a potato ceiiar ins ranch selling lor only $50,000, 19 per cent down, balance easy terms. Ill N 9th St Chilcole Rabbit! Chilcole, uene r. Dyrnejs, vv .rvi.i Gene's Mens Wear 537 Main ' STEAM heated, nulet 310 South Filth - TU : Jrj0'J jf APARTMENTS MR RENT 24 J tfiiiiiV ' 1 UNFURNISHED two bedroom duplex apt. J on California Ave. $69.50, TU 4-9264. f.jT : V 1 ,AVAILABLE"F'eh "Unfurnished apart- l-v jFm' Em ment. All electric heat. Washer, dryer, r.';i M stove, refrigerator. TU 2-4153. Mill' " ' Wlj wXrmCLEAN, COMFOR TABLE "motel ZtHtmaifJyFy units with kitchens. Low winter weekly 9 rales. 1605 Esplanade, jp'J FURNISHED downtown apartment, caM yv'"-' ',' " ' V -'wAj1 ; tl'iiHn, heeum (unction all eleclricWTU 20129. ' 4F ' S"""T. 'f ' '"''-'' ' 9rC. . ' Hi. 4(L ONE bdomduplei7423""Martin. T U JF eAaW" ..V jm . ' . 'W'llam, Mf NEAT, roomy apartment, ? blocks In II ;. -...:?.. . - yjir '.' 6r,' ,.. nluri.tthe. nd Htm room. ur- W' ; '.'.?-: ! ' -' dished. Villi Addition, TU 4-9784. 1 . ' - '' S ' ' ' ' ' NEWLY ri,corated. clean. cloe In, adults, Zi'rc: ntT-i, hm -,,,......, , .' ir itn ttn i-..- ...... NICE two bedroom home, unfurnished. 1 I ' ' f I ill its TU ; S days. TU tltn ..vey 2 I r"1!" PARK APTS.. $10 uD, bachelor, natural I j'i '. , li"MI hot water, TU 4.9754. TU 4-JI14. MliC. PROPIBTY TO LET 27 I I ;':.'.''! j til iflT MODERN 3 rooms and bath, fib and UD. FOR lease 140 acre's-level around under i'; - -- '.'t- " f hr,c court, oarages. 121 Spring. Irrigation. Mecdoel area. 70 acres good I ' r.1 ' ' 4 MODERN : bedroom furnished aptl. 145 sout) ground. Or will sell or trade. TU f f.'T-' I f" month, TU 4-5S92. f .'-" '"' ' " 1 APARTMENT near Weyerhaeuser fur. otAI ICT1TI WAtJTIrt. S)J I . ', i' - 1 ,mhrd. Utilities, iteam beat. 140. Tu wtu hiah a 4-8313 TWO or three bedroom In city under I ''''.,-.. "'r';, I WARM. CLEAN. COMFORTABLE. 0I"' '''. C. Herald 1 ..'-,' '.'.-,'. -j. I ,fl Uri't w',h kitchens, low wlni.r son- News aT i ofe ee iev iu 4.3? ual istate ixcHANat 2i jt . . "" -1 wm kkkLkktm rtOfit, near courthouse. 4IS Walnut. why sell when you can Irarte. Call m 'Xir'-"" f RIM bedroom furnished apartment. DEANJE SACHER i f'C'v.'w' 1 1111 FT f 1 Ii ti VaT 1 J Bjl FUrNISHED.Ba7tm"el 142 RirTide" RE ALTO" i .'-'.. f I AM mm 1311 J XX Ji EfflT1 fU 7i7M Member International Traders Club I :-K.Jr ,' . .. m a n attrativf 7.h i pw. ,rnish.d. TRADING CENTER!! i f I If. . M. '' ' fl EWAilNA. DOWNTOWN , hedroom, .out level, Dl.voom, , I,.,. eMlJw f J AT - I 1 Klamath', most modern, furn.shed. lit ih.ms Price ui.soo W. II con- miMat" M ' M ' W 1 Jtjrfc SB A" J1MJ s'oer small home to 14.000 as down pay. If. VTtjP" -1 'f-AT 1 1 fl B J BEDROOM delue unfurnished" irart" nsanl. m JW MT ' ww m ' "j1 T ment. Immediate occupancy. Tu 7-6400. XIRJ wX ' AY m '.; I ffa - 3 bedroom, modernistic, v.rw property JkW .11 - lT AT Iff II BACHELOR apartment. 47 W. hr.t, ... ,., Rric front, rle.e.lory w.n. Jp-;-;'i-? . a ' '. "k I J',J,ro tionCnC m. ui.mh. REALTY "'' TSot""' '"' Tl"' " ' "' ' ' M ' 'Ar tt ' 1 . CLEAN, (urn, shed or unlurmshtd. CaTl MEMBER INTERNATIONAL j K 4 1 J I -rJ Cm-..-. 4gerr- . m- tr So ut on Co the HemlH nnri isiw n mn i.n tu m. .nt s traders club iviiaidna empire tlla -tBMm ' " I . I I joiunon. aii rnc ncraia ana News .fu.iw-si.r-i--- , ,t Phoo, Tu , Mjm Bj. " Hitv rmmm ' - h'h Esplanade. TU 2-2170 P'trt Tucker Tu 4 -974? REALTY Jl iitpiV m. T,,JS " m 1 J H. t- A l A J a. I I COVP"lETELY runted itidiooaTr Mwn"" TU o-fl irv wlin TlJ j li71 2&i H-.. ' 4Vir ' v p wo for you- K'",s ro,h"Uhe'r':;ve"r, estate n $ali 39 , c-.Em lesueur. Sir ,' . mt li'"! v'" Warquit Apartments (under new NOBTH$rnE Jim O Donahue Evet, tu M ' mm0$l li ' kW ' Wtv T. I .1 UDkl Tl 'f J II .1 manaoemenll 1330 Oak. TU 4W before riean, tarr,-, cnmMrtahie 2 hedronm " p'iiiLlI lJ7gVILU : . S.f m, i i Lcr natlN wlossihcd sell the many " .m-or Tu 8-8 "r 7 om bme F tA . .roc i it Multiple JP W 49lL 1 '1 -' IK Mmm V PUftNISHED 3 rocmv Cioe In. aduili Wl" 1l 'VRe loan TU 2-01, TUj K A I I . . . f M -, . 'jtoSr , ftfS aftw, WvLr M 0,,'v no D',,' ,uM,v 'tciline. mi Lin- J"7n l I I L-ISTIng f I"'' '- S - 1HS W nnrtA ifmc fhf umi n Ia... L.. - Bv ownfr. i'i; iti' "omV nVn I V I 1 -sj Service I i y m?w xk. A gooa irems rnor you no longer use bur 0nf oTTTeTroom tumped nUtr, h connection, mca-cn om f M ' ' AmW?mmm. . fL Mldtstjfvttbfw.'f f' water paid. :S Grant. TU 2-471 Ua-'dinq v.rw ' acre m e,tv ,m,u 7: I 1 K I I S I I f mM .-. WkmW mm'4mf4miWLtW mW4W i m - - - - hedmofri, I1, h'lh. Sarr.fice. I?S.C0 I I I ) H lt WW .i ' II . I . i NICE ctan turn.hed arartment, cio w, Athiand 4B2-1W? iv J?0et I N I W lJ I h, rpi fl H take up storogc spocc. In no time at ol ,u . .. older- s.rT-rv i IVVAritlt ;. ' . ' " ' M ' BEDROOMS turnished apt., carport. Osh.asher. hasement. f, bath., double . "-'MACULATF . SMALL M P'v f tiS. ' '. .. ,. fcl IU 7-49Ji aoylime. TU 4-j;t.9 aller 7. oaraoe. (It. 750. TU 4-77AI I bedroom, compl.'eiy rrdernrat.d In. JICH,., I .''.".: ..; ;'v'' - M you will have cosh in hand ond storaqc ciouV.,? Ti.i?.'.; ' ""r, "l,i"l,;rr"" r"u"t- """n lru" 'H Mm -viiv 1'eiAj ' " n iinen ' 7, ?T,, ' e ' d-ver. itove Inciutl-d fenced vad. hou-,e, tto'age hmia.ne, -ew dnuhie 1 f.' ' .. II weeMyttPei.canVcel.TU 2-2H ' covered pt.n l-,?tf ,hop. $17,500. Can tacned g-Moe hi 2 S ,Q m 1 '-'"'.' ' K 1 ,, THREE room completely furnished aoart- ,u J-WJ "er 5pm ' rt' b'c k f-'1p Th' ' '""V utiartt ir " : I 1 : ; ' ' ' I V SpQCC OS WCll. ment. til Walnut. TU 4 547J. TMRtE room mMm K-ut wth ca' Pr'ct ,1W ar 'df. I rv'i'.' , V ' v '' ' . ' T' FUPNISHED tarqe 3 roonn. clean, warm, Prrt- '"or. tracer irace. can, I ft -. :.':. -" ' fr'I ru. 45ulnquirej24 D-wtlon. tmerldSt Ju 2 1.-v WRIGHT 1 1 ' ' - I J tOVPLETELVtyrnirMlr1uijTnqTt COMPACT, f.'mty built h0r"e. Ore tr- , DCAI FQTATC .";,', - 13 Min room, concrete foundation, paved -.t'eat . ICI L j I r I f. t ft. m Vl M gf m taj m - gar-iae. KletMnc r aerie nil Sfator uv ' VCVltrp J V'V ,'; 1 tV' M 11 III 41. M I 1 1 FNJOVAHLE. 1I0.I0o tumi.heo .1.1 C,UM ,r only II tlf. t. W rM,n. ; IN T E R VAI ,PN AL IRAPtRS (III V ' - -'v-iv, , . . t I U t'O I I I ee Adults. MS. A.oha Apartments. 7 u ,.0 irey,thi, EVERETT Dt-NNIS REAL- . V"- ' ' lV fi i'f 'OR. Oh. Til 414I Or TU ,.7 "' ' M" W wli Ii fl rfx arms tmrrT-te,-.,-. "rir,.. ii . ' VI i,if . 1 OR I BEDROOM APARTWE NTJ. "" . . - Ji!jL W. 1 f'-ty J lT..a.f V . close 'n ovph ) trovoom wtm.M. hw Bum SI ILWELL & CO Presents- TM ' 1 f" W 4I1PrJllll yill flAlttt- MFAI, V,A7FR. garkai-.E PAIO (arpet.no,, ja, ana. vsail lot ...,. . 1 1Mt - J ' "L I V. I I JO 'O : I bui'.Hnj .Men -thooi O.stntt, n..,,l ,, .,th,, .." M,m 11'- -If If ' f - - Vt '' "" "" """ lV- - A sent l.w, h,n, tM,H 11 1 if ..-ii 'zzrzr"-! new home i i Il-fl 11 H "'il SHASTA VIEW 7''" I 1 J Ii '. 11 I n fl id? ihun wv tu 4nnrK' H5 0pfl tu 2-j4i-o r"r ; jy ,nv I Iff - 11 I ft If 11 &I 0ice how a m ! m ' . . t 000m00if. H 11 If VI 11 APARTMENTS "ZTTV 'Zri. i..r, 1 J j- Z-J'-, fi If motel w- : -"tl 1 "" li II I-:'I I O-s. nod To Nkw ".V" JnL"iLI- tt - 'Mote i ir 1 11 " ii.aif - 11 II V. Tkw i.o cn . eon tn bm-oom bon-e t.renace i-,raoi! ' ' " " OAS ' fj M MM . OT JU TO 5f?y IJ ',oe-s aarag, pi.,. ca'Dort. Jit ar,a AM, S 00 r.. llnt -e- - r'tilTmmmK KLAMATH FALLS FINEST ;;!, MAKE ANOFFEff if.'".' "'"l"l"'M,i1nllli "a I t e'il'i" 'r - '"Rf f "be"-"- -ouse "a-aoe e, 'f. o 5" '"" J" ." ' b-e al -s , II I I t'a ,......aeo "! 1 U 4 't; ? ?" . J "' A,"vl u w "uei... tf t ( e-vc St'A"""Vl-'.e'y'e rw-- 'u''?e i. t-,e' DON SLOAN ! e.fet iM.nit ad e-ecit' r of' i howai flav-o-t !- t 1 ....... , . , i ' f.tia N'a TU Mm rr r"'v Tu J;'? !..-. 'ik k m .,. . ratier Cluh TU 4-SUt TU TU 2-C836 SIX BEDROOMS THE FINEST IN HOT SPRINGS. Huoa llvinr. room. Big dining room Old style (amily kitchen, 20 x 20- bright and sunny. Separate party room with plumbed bar and massive tireplac. Ynu can qet Inst In the maiter bed room. Storriac space? You nvr saw so much. And a tu" hasemtnt, too. Shown by appointment only. No drive bys. S45.000. DON SLOAN Realtor TU 4-S659 Anyti- MLS Multiple Listing Service . .'.'HOT SPRINGS A DIGNIFIED FAMILY RESIDENCE , leaturinij solid brick conMruction and 5 bedrooms. Spac'out living and dininq ronms and 3 roomy bedrooms on mm floor. The full basement is almor-t com pletely limshed with additional advan lanes, including 2 additional bedrooms, 2nd ba'h, den, IS x 30 It. party room. Large doubit garage. Going tor tjunn. with maximum loan, WILL TRADE POR SMALLER HOME, GOOD LOCATION. HARD TO FIND! SOLID. OLDER 2-STORY 4 BEDROOM HOME, iusl 2 level blocks to -Vain St , and clftse to Academy and KUHS H v, ? h-Mhs, 3-car aarricip. going now r-OR JUST in. GOO. (.ISO DOWN F MA K NO DOWN Gl; nominal dosing costs. AC! QUICKLY HERE!! r'MOVE IN NOW! Drive By . . . $W INDEPENDENCE AVE A HrrH.r. buy at S7.750 Weil-built ? bedroom hnme, near Ferguson Sfhoil Huip oaraae-work shoo 100 CONTRACT DOWN PA WE NT . WHITE AVE .ONLY D0 DOWfl ON EASY CONTRACT to- thi neat 2 bedroom home, gping at tha tear price nt S'.SO. I4C2 DAYTON ST Solid ? story, i bi-t-rnnm home on cloe-in Irrigated trat. LOW DOWN PAYMENT CONTRACT TERMS. Just SP.tYfl. Chilcote and SMITH REALTORS SINCff lOP SEE LS FOR INSURANCE, TOO phont ru 4-rm TU Evi r Broker BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 32 NOTICETO PUBLIC Please Investigate thoroughly j.ny Invsf ment ot moneys in merchandise, varioi "erpr ise or bu'ines opportunities ne lore investing your capital Th HeraH ana News makes every etfort to reict ad trnduie nt nr mi. leading adver-tisir-3, iowejer, nvt fl't not responsible tor th inieqnty nt the firms nr individuals w"o R'ae advertising in our publication. An dvertf-inq Ol business optortumties ar pearmg 10 he t'eudulent or m'slea,li--q should he reno'tpd l the naisi'iei An ver'ning Department ot tha He'Bld ad TEXACO Service Slalion lor le-v:e. 33ffl FINANCIAL - LOANS unt fit rsi. E i 34 tutI NEED MONEY for PAYING BILLS' nrnasng hilK bejcprri" o nut sjnee. act fir) of thrm! Cffk Oiif couf ip-'ij-. contidr ntiol, caH I .-an pi-n Ynu it hr a nd v.-u 1id FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER Furniture Nrle Automobile Cvenient L-ot,n f-n -nipnt p ,frw l'ivrite A.,'i Slips P r.-vv, Ix:'!, Cne, (-- 3.3 ,,.., Invcstmrnt Co Ti i i -.'-SI l,f l-iuuJtnuLg bOOOa 4 'i'l i a 9-1 cp-,i r 3? 'S'FPO u-i-D v:-r DVES vviu HE'ts Cascade Home Furn ?! f : i " 1 "