mm m-ir mMm iimwpinD r Thursday, January U, 1363 PAGE A-B IIKR.UD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. S?op 5g-V and .fae our savings home In actual cash. Compare the prices the Regular shelf prices as well as ihe specials Service News Airman Banc Charles L. Slid Ion. II), son of .Mr. and Mrs. Leon S.Sgl. Adrian L. Hunter of Klamalh Falls is being reassigned to Walker AFB. N.M., following his graduation from the Air Force technical training course for mil itary procurement specialists at Amarillo AFB, Tex. Sergeant Hunter was trained in the policies and procedures for procuring supplies ajid services (or the Ail- Force. A graduate of Harrisburg f 111 Township High Scliool, he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hunter Sr., 1811 Oregon Avenue. Army Pvt. Terry M. Cory, 2D, son of Walter M. Cory. Lake view, recently completed the 12 week engineer equipment me chanic course at The Engineer School, Fort Belvoir. Cory entered the Army in .June. 19H2, and received basic trainuig at Fort Ord. He is a 19M graduate of Lake-, view High School and a 1962 grad uate of Oregon Tech. Aviation T.2.C. Fred Shellev." arcl L. Sholton, Kkm Park Place and see just how much you can actually save. No stamps to lick (that yoU pay for anyway) or tapes to save . . . jus.t good old American Cash that you can spend any where! Yrcka. is being reassigned to Ft Belvoir, Va., lor technical train ing as an Air Korce communica tions analysis specialist. Shellon, who completed the first phase of his military train ing at Lackland AFB. Tex., was selected for the specialized course on Ihe basis of his interests and aptitudes. A 1961 graduate of Vreka Un ion High School, he attended the College of the Siskiyous in Weed. "Waiter! Could you bring us a mop? I spilled a glass of wa - - - never mind!" Crater Lake History Group Names Van Dyke Frank J. Van Dyke, Mcdford attorney, was reelected president of the Crater we isaiurai nis tory Association at the associa lion's Board of Directors meet- ina recently. Van Dyke has been president o( (lie association for the past two years. The association s main function according to Van Dyke is "the advancing of the historical, scientific educational On The Record KLAMATH PAIL! IRTHS BOYS filAf OMELLI Born to Mr. and Mrl. Pmlllo A. Gleenmelll In Klarrtetrt Vllev Hospital Jan. 21 a Doy waianinp a ipi., 15 BF FN Born to Mr. and Mrl. Ray. mono) Bean In Klamath Valley Hojpllal Jan. ?l a boy weionmg a idi.. a on. HODNETT Born to Mr. and Mrl. Thomal Hodnett In Klamem Vallay Hoi eilel Jan. 21 boy weighing I Iba., 4'.i on. LINDENBUROCR Born to Mr. and Mrs. cntford Llndanhurqar In Klamath Valley Hospital Jan. 22 twin hoyi welflh inri 7 lb , 4 on. and a lb.. 12 oia. COLLINS Born to Mr. and Mrl. Tar rv H. Collins In Klamath Valley Hosoi tal Jan. 22 a boy welshing 1 lbs., 3 ois. GIRLS MrNEARY Born to Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. McNaary In Klamalh Valley Hospital Jan. 21 a girl weighing 4 lbs.. a on, PADtLLA Born to Mr. and Mrs, Oreriory perlllla in Klamath Valley Hns Jan. 21 a girl weighing i lbs., 3'i o;s. ALORIDOF Bnrn tn Mr. and Mrs, Harry Alrjndga In Klamalh Valley Hos pital Jan n a gin weiqning a iov, n om DIC KEY -Born 10 Mr. and Mrv O'Ckey In Klamath Vallay Hospital Jai 71 a oirl wetohlna 7 lbs., 4 oil. SOBOTA Born to Mr, and Mrl. Rhll hp snbota In Klamath Vallay Hoiplla Jan. n a girl welorlnii a Ipl.r 15 oil IttJ SUMMARY oys: 21 Clrll: and land acquislion program of Crater Lake National Park and Oregon Caves National Monu ment. The Board of Directors met in the Crater Lake park superintend ent's office at Crater Lake. Oth er action by the board included a review of the highlights of 19112 and the announcement of the publishing of four publications for sale this summer at the park. The publications are "Shrubs of Cra tcr Lake," "Along Crater Lake Roads," "Climate of Crater Lake National Park," and "The Under world of Oregon Caves." All the work of the association is financed by sale of these books and pamphlets. The association Board of Direc tors include Van Dyke, Frieda Varnum and Thomas J. Adams, Crater Lake; Cecil Lake and J. D. Vertices, Klamath Kails; J. El don Dunn, Herb Partridge and Bob Robinson, Mcdford, and Ncal Guse, assislanl park superintend ent, and W. Ward Yeager, park superintendent. Powers Park Land Accepted SALEM tUPI) - The Stale Highway Commission today ac cepted a t.Vacre tract of land on the Powers secondary highway in Coos County and will develop it as the Albert H. Powers Memorial Park. The land was donated to the Mate by Powers' widow. Mrs Ruth M. Powers of Portland. The park contains a growth of mjrllc trees. I ItKNCHMAN HONORED NKW YORK (I'PIt - French slalrsman .lean Monnet. "Father nl the Common Market," will re teive the 12 "Freedom Award" toniphi. ' 'I he bronze plaque, awarded by Freedom House, is inscribed: .lean Monnel, statesman of vis ion, who widened the horizon of Free World unity." Minor Theft iTold Police Two thefts of goods valued at $-10 and lite loss of a youngster's music books and lessons were re tried to the Klamalh Falls Po lice Department Tuesday. An electric grill worth WO was reported stolen from the basement of Roll's Hardware, 528 Main Street, last weekend. There were no signs of a break-in at the store and the police surmise the grill was shnplilled. Mrs. Sally Hailand, 420 Pacific errace, reported a set of tire chains and some gasoline were taken from a vehicle parked in a carport in back of her home. The Ihelt occurred late Monday ight or early Tuesday morning Mrs. Hailand said lh loss totaled 10. A package containing music hooks and lessons belonging to Donald Adkins. in. 204 Fast Street, was apparently puked up by mistake at 4:.10 p.m. Tuesday at the F.lcventh Street Grocery. The youth's falhrr said he is just interested in the return of the books and not who took them He asks lhat the person who has Ihem call Til 4-4ti! or just leave the hooks at the Fairvicw School. 'OT 'p m fSnlfel I SWIFT- I f j I WESSON c in aT 7 W f mm 1 um g flour oiL t ;sc 1 Irt IMUMVI . . , I, 2 3-Lb. 4 Reg. 9,c NOW 69c . V IIL. h T ISSUES 4 S I I W fll mm. f W Tin$ m W Or Use Coupon or, 41 k W Reg. 89c 48-OZ. I M I m IU TSd- M M CI ff Page 1-C and Pay .. f l MO C.,nt i . m mm mm m m u. mmmm P'1 11 -Hw -u. . .m. a,j i i. iwmi a "2 mw w i artp mm I W " Vi I Jr j"ai.A W On V W rumiiy f I It f 3fc IW'u 14 I .i f5 fP ffS (7S Klamath "A A" CR rC fi " javl.,,,l,n.,,mraro OldllUUlJ IJJJIUJ Fresh Do,ll J -rA .-S WM-NAME THE RECIPE" F MiQU PaCOH I Uth77 CONTEST B Famous Flav-R-Pac y) L $CTlOO I li tW JB jm M IJ I tJ fA. AH; H n a . Tl H B -X. M I 1 W tliHlajaj.-T 1:1 Swifr's Candlelight If II 1 1 C I I 7 a 5s$100 Frozen Pinners 311 t ajja gk m m Swift'i Premium n 4S r Flav-R-Pae Frozen ,;: l AiAH Srin orange Juice i Crispics 8" Frozen Ffiuli Pigs chBojiMbirry r y JVT - z-m I 5 - .13 .fL!l! Haley's Western Style ff tlllll 40-oz. family size fflQ Giant Choc Bars '31 Detergent Bi9Y 39c Peas Cottage Green, 303 tins Cottage Cut Green eans 303 - J. W. Kerns 714 So. 6th TfN FRIDAY & SATURDAY YOUR CHOICE Toys - Tools Hose Reels Lufkin 8-Ft. Pocket Tape Eveready Flashlights Pkg. of 8 Flashlight Batteries Lawn $1100 J. W. KERNS Clippers And Many Other Items Vals, to 3.00 734 Se. 6th TU 4-4197 1054 PRIZES! Pick Up Free Entry Blank At BiG-Y Fancy, 46-oz. Tins Tomato Juice Pineapple-Grapefruit Juice Drink Tomatoes Solid Pock 303 tins 6:T Cose of 24 3.79 TUNA Chunk Style V Tins o$100 if R 12 Tins 2.95 Mandarin Oranges Fancy diioo mP R U 12 Tins 2.35 PINEAPPLE No. 2 lint, sliced or chunk PRUNE JUICE ,40, GRAPE JUICE APPLE JUICE J4-Oi. 24. Oi. 1 0 R 12 for 3.95 QO RED KIDNEY BEANS 3a FANCY SAUERKRAUT GOLDEN HOMINY WHITE HOMINY 30j CAMrV CDIMATU I MM Vrf I j J03 Tim U I i n 0 R CO A L(IYPr VFf.PTARIPC '?fs FLAV-R-PAC - I'll ALU 11.ULiHiv1.Lj toy roiS DC AC BEANS bT" Vmi, 3 " rcAj 10.... OPEAS & CARROTS UHWIVLI Jl LHIIJ ONION RINGS CAULIFLOWER ?:zrJ 9 BRUSSFLS 5PR0UT rr"A 1 f m O SPINACH Ltaf;; O CUT CORN o gr. beans cFu:,:;h s. aaaaanM at vW r F t 1 . 'jf jf r Bv U I (Q: U Stock Up For Rising Citrus Prices MINUTE MAID FROZEN Choose from Orange-Grapefruit Juice, Limeade or Grapefruit Juice. Magic Freeze Half Gallon Bar Soap Cuke Chips " Banquet Dills " Corn al Req. 2 for 43c ath Size Deodorant ... 8n.oo 31.00 61.00 39c 39c mm Peaches SA""-- 4?1.00 alley's Reg. 47c - 22-oz. alley's eg. 43c. 22-oz. Cottage 303 tins Gold Hill Freestones 22 tins Crater Lake Bartlett Halves 2Vl tins 5?89c 4n.oo leeuers Cutlets Fryers Lamb Shoulder FeotEierbones olcxgna Jack Cheese led Snapper Steak or Roasts Like spare ribs only meatier Buy it by the chunk for only or Mild Cheddar Ocean Fresh 3i100 3 Sib. 3 5 ii. Peaches Pears Margarine 51.00 Suoar Sp'"k'! 10 89c Milk -8?1;00 Instant Dry Milk "tir.-,, 69c Prell Shampoo 77c Baby Pants --BSnp 0" 29c Bath Mats 66c IT "" ' 1 ,1 Crisp, Solid Head LETTUCE 2k9 Case of 24 2.98 6:$1 00 Coso of 24, 3.95 Fancy Catsup u... Cream Style Corn Z Wh. Kernel Corn J0) ttm ICal J03 tin 4 shoo Case of 24, 5.95 Cr. Pineapple No. 1 tin Bartlett Pears H;'r;,n, Apricots U,H,WM, J R B Case of 24, 4.75 R.S.P. Cherries Green Beans Ton Fruit Cocktail J0J tint Grapefruit I Ami FLAV-R-PAC Lemonade 12-oz. tins W R 5 $100 FLAV-R-PAC Grape Juice 4S$1oo 12-oz. tins USE FIRST NATIONAL BANK MONEY ORDERS UP TO $300 20c Wh. Sra,"irn'e )0) t'i 10) tml Gorton's 10-oz. pkg. Fish Sticks I $100 Booth's Breaded Round Shrimp Right Reserved to Limit Closed Sundays 4710 So. 6th Big Barrel Shaped Striped MUGS ONIONS LEMONS AVOCADOS GRAPES U.S. No. 1 Yellow Dry Fresh Medium Thin Skinned Med. Size Fuertet TURNIPS RUTABAGAS PARSNIPS CARROTS Snoboy Emperors Your Choice 3.10' 15fb. 3529 2129' These and all other in-season product! Satisfaction Guaranteed! E4 ; J eU , ''f CHARLES SHELTON 2015 Herbert St., who recently' reenlisted in the Naw. has been assigned to live Electronics Re serve Unit at hingsley Field. Shelley is working as a recruit er at the base. Ho is a 1958 graduate of Klamath Union High Scliool. Goldwater Asks Probe Of Cuba Invasion Try WASHINGTON UP1 - Sen. cans to investigate the Bay of Barry Goldwater, R-Ariz., intro duced a resolution today calling or a "full and impartial", investi gation of the Bay of Pigs Cuban invasion fiasco. Goldwatcr's resolution calls for an inquiry by the Senate Armed Services Committee headed by Sen. Richard Russell, D-Ga. The Arizona Republican to'.d the Senate that such an investigation was the only means by w h I c h the American people would be ful ly informed abou the ill-fated in vasion attempt in April, 11. He said a congressional investi gation became mandatory when Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy re cently stated that the U.S. govern ment never planned air cover lor the invasion group seeking lo topple Fidel Castro. Goldwater suggested that Gen Lyman L. Lemnitzer, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Allen W. Dulles, for mcr head of the Central Intelli gence Agency, be called to testify. Cnn Waxmo iMniU iJ.ftrfl.. chairman of the Senate foreign F-OUIld IfinOCfSflt relations subcommittee on Latin J America, rose to say that before PORTLAND (UPI) Royal.' Pigs fiasco brought cries of "poli tics" from some Democrats. And even Sen. Kenneth B. Keat ing, R-N.Y., a critic of past ad ministration policies on Cuba, warned against the GOP letting the Cuban crisis get mixed up m its politics. Morse told reporters it was most unfortunate that Repuili- can leaders are talking about playing partisan politics with for eign policy by conducting a Re publican - motivated investigation of the unfortunate Bay of Pigs in vasion. Morse made the statement af ter Senate GOP Leader Everett Dirkscn, 111., proposed a Re publican inquiry to get the "en tire story" historically accurate. Dirksen made his proposal at a meeting of the Senate GOP Poli cy Committee, but he did not seek or receive the committee s en dorsement of the move. Ex-Collegian any "partisan speccnes weie made on tlie subject, senators should read secret testimony tak en by the Foreign Relations Com mittee. He said statements by both Lemnitzer and Dulles were in tlie transcript. Goldwater retorted he had read that testimony, but that in his opinion it was inconclusive. Morse answered he wanted a jury of tlie Senate" to decide whcllier it was inconclusive. The move by Senate Rcpubli- Kenneth Hayes, 24, former col lege student, was found innocent of a charge of first degree mur der Tuesday by reason of insanity. He went on trial on a charge of shooting to death Theodore Ross, a security guard at the Journal building, last Feb. 12. Circuit Judge Alan F. Davis found Hayes innocent and ordered him committed to the State Hos pital, following testimony by psychiatrists. SPECIALS Long and Short Sleeve M Sport Shirts Reg. 5.00 to 8.45 $3 Plus . . . Dozens of Other Fine Values On SUITS-SPORT COATS TOPCOATS -JACKETS MENSTORE 6th & Main