"JSupreme Court Affirms Lane County Judgment I DON'T I'M LIKE WQAOXrMP. 'STALiBH.M US Community. Qalsndak THURSDAY KLAMATH COUNTY TAXPAY ERS' LEAGUE, 7::i0 p.m., court house. Speaker. William Sweet land, hospital. Public invited. KLAMATH COUNTY TAXPAY ERS' LEAGUE, 7:30 p.m., meet ing, courthouse. WSCS First Methodist Church general meeting, noon luncheon. Speaker at 10 a.m. FRIDAY M E R R Y M I X E R S, 8 p.m., square dance, Pelican City Hall. Bring doughnuts. MEETING, to organize grange. 7:30 p.m., potluck, Williamson River Community Bldg. Everyone invited. , VFW POTLUCK, 6:30 p.m., VKW Hall. ALOHA PAST MATRONS CLUB, 12 noon, no host luncheon. Molatore's. GIRL SCOUTS, 7 p.m., picture story of round-up, Roosevelt School gym. Bring cushions. Par ents invited. EAGLES AUXILIARY, 8 p.m., meeting, initiation, Eagles Hall. SATURDAY DORRIS GRANGE, 8 p.m., card party, pinochle and whist, Dorris City Hall. Prizes and refresh ments. STEWART - LENOX FIRE BELLES. 7:30 p.m., public card party, Kairhaven cafeteria. Prizes and refreshments. Y-NE-MA TWIRLERS. 8 p.m., square dance. St. Paul's education building, Jefferson Street. Bring salad or pie. DEGREE OF HONOR, 2 p.m., installation practice, new K.C. Hall. DANCE. 8 p.m. to' 12 midnight, L.D.S. Church, Home and Martin. Members and friends. LUCILE O'NEILL, 5 to 7 p.m.. turkey noodle dinner, school. SALEM (ITU A $17,000 judg ment awarded by Lane County Judge Roland K. Rodman was af firmed today by the Oregon Su preme Court. Stuart G. Barrett, 77, Eugene, was killed when struck by a car driven by Cornelia W. Mishler as she was driving out of her drive way. The award was made to Edith Life Thought On Planets NEW YORK (UPIi-There may be 600 million planets bearing in telligent life in the Milky Way alone, the institute of Aerospace Sciences was told today. Prof. Lloyd Motz of Columbia University explained to an audi ence of scientists and engineers his theory that each of 200 million stars in our galaxy is similar to our sun and may be the center system as great or greater than ours. Motz said that while the Earth is the only planet in our own system proven to have a highly developed form of life, botli Venus and Mars could support intelligent life under slightly altered condi tions. He said most scientists now take it for granted that life exists be yond our solar system even though we have no direct evidence of it. Dr. Bernard M. Oliver of Hew lett-Packard Co., Palo Alto, Calif.,! discussed ways of using radio codes to probe deep into space seeking intelligent life on other planets. He said such probes might have to be kept up for centuries before a res)onso could be hoped for. That s because some planets are hundreds of light years away. Barrett Durkoop, administratrix of Barrett's estate. The defendant denied negli gence. There were no witnesses to Uie accident. Physical evidence on Barrett's clothing and on the un dercarriage of the auto indicated the car had passed over Barrett. The Supreme Court said that direct evidence is not required to prove a fact, but it may be es tablished by circumstantial evi dence, and in this case the jury could find that the defendant's car passed over the deceased. A judgment of involuntary non suit against Calvin J. Palmer fol lowing an auto crash in Eugene was reversed and remanded for a new trial. Judgment against Palmer was handed down bv 1-ane County Circuit Judge Wil liam S. Fort. An a p p e a I from the court of Linn County Judge Fred Mellon- ry was aftirmed. The action in volved a suit to set aside a sale of real estate because of a di vorce action ruling. Kenneth G. Thompson disagreed with a $15,- 000 settlement offered by his for mer spouse. The high court up held the settlement. Also affirmed was an order of Lane County Circuit Judge Ed ward Lcavy denying Donnie Ray Gardner's motion for dismissal of a burglary indictment. Gardner alleged an unreasonable delay in bringing him to trial. Knife Wound The Klamath Falls police were called to Klamath Valley Hospital nbout 9; 15 p.m. Tuesday to ques tion a man who was in the emer gency room being treated for a deep knife wound on his arm. The victim, Joe Wall!, 46, 200 Market Street, refused to tell po lice how or where he received the two-inch long wound. Wahl would not sign a complaint. HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls. Ore. Thursday, January U, 1963 PAGE 1 -B " " : " s r 1 TV" READY TO LEAVE James Meredith, whose appearance on fhe Univeriitv of Mis sissippi campus last fall touched off riots that left two dead, prepared to leave the campus for what many think is the last time Tuesday. An unidentified man holds Meredith's suitcase. ' UPI Telephoto Checks Ready For Veterans WASHINGTON lUPIl The Vet erans Administration said today it has entered the final phase of an accelerated distribution of $27 lion in veterans' insurance div- dends. Administrator John S. Gleeson '. said final dividend checks are expected to lie mailed out by the first of next week. This would mean that distribution of dividends to five million veterans will have required only four weeks. Annual dividend payments on Gl insurance usually are made on the anniversary dale of each policy. But in line with a request by President Kennedy to advance payments as a means of boosting the economy, the VA started mail ing out 1963 dividends Jan. 2. Dwindling Fuel Supply Adds To Cold Miseries LONDON (UI'Ii-Dwindlingfuel supplies today added to Europe's cold wave misery and caused power shortages so severe that in lxindon electricity to Buckingham Palace was cut off temporarily. The fuel situation was approach ing the critical -point in some countries. A state of emergency was de clared in Bulgaria because of devastating snowfalls which have blocked all main road and thor oughfares. Radio Sofia said today. I lie radio said committees are being formed over Bulgaria to clear roads and highways to pre vent ground transportation from coming to a complete halt. A fuel shortage in many coun tries threatened to pile new mis. erics on w inter-weary Europeans. Even the British royal family, felt the shortages. All electric; supplies to Buckingham Palace were cut off for eight minutes to-; day. A spokesman for the London Electricity Board said the "cut was just one of a number wo had to make as part of this morning's reduction." Princess Anne. II, was the on ly member of the family in the palace. Queen Elizabeth and other members of the royal family are at Sandringham Castle. It was so cold in London that dicsel fuel in 200 buses turned to "jelly" and many runs were can celled or delayed. the EAGLE CAFE 625 Main NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Fine Foods At Reasonable Prices! JIM COBURN, Manager Help Us Help Others Shop . . . The SALVATION ARMY THRIFT STORE 4th t Klamoth 6' SALE REPEAT OF A SELLOUT WHILE QUANTITIES LAST. We Reserve the Right To Limit Quantities. PLASTIC FLOWERS I OVER 20 DIFFERENT KINDS DISH CLOTHS ALL COTTON ' WASH CLOTHS COTTON - STRIPE DESIGN i PKG. CLOTHES PINS 36 PINS - 7 COIL SPRING ICE CUBE TRAY PLASTIC - MAKES 16 PERFECT CUBES GRAVY LADLE POLISHED CHROME FINISH SERVING FORK POLISHED CHROME FINISH THERMOMETERS OUTDOOR OR INDOOR 5"x7" MIRRORS METAL FRAME & STAND PAINT BRUSHES PURE BRISTLE - l"-1'j".2" SIZES SCREW DRIVERS SHOCKPROOF PHILLIPS I PLAIN HEADS REFRIGERATOR C0NTA,NE ' j GAL. PLASTIC NAIL & HAND BRUSH PLASTIC BRISTLES PLASTIC SOAP BOX HINGES - SNAPS SHUT ASSORTED CERAMICS PLATES . FIGURINES, ETC. CUP & SAUCER CERAMIC . WITH DESIGN COFFEE MUGS CERAMIC STRIPE DESIGN EGG TIMERS FRYING PAN DESIGN COIN PURSE PLASTIC SEE-THROUGH SIDE KEY CASE COWHIDE - ZIPS SHUT GIFT WRAPPING ASST. DESIGNS . 20"30" SHEETS SAFETY PINS BRASS 20 PINS TO CARD ASSORTED BUTTONS CARDS ASSORTED SIZES 1 STYLES EARRINGS PASTELS . ASSORTED STYLES REMEMBER SALE STARTS FRIDAY MORNING AT 9-BE EARLY! 31 SAVE NOW on famous Westinghouse Washers! Tefti prove . . . Weiring, fioui wathei clothes cleoner . . . gi'vei better woihing remits thon you ever dreamed possible! WESTINGHOUSE LAUNDROMAT Multi-Cycle Washer With More Washing Power! Was $299.95 Now a THE TOWN SHOP'S FINAL STORE WIDE $M995 fl-i?CT U Mm Qualified Trada So simple, to outomofic Every washing cycle you wont or need including cold water wash and rinse Automatic lint ejector . . , completely self cleaning Matching Dryer Now Only Buy The Matching Pair For Only Other Westinghouse WASHERS d'." o?only $ 209 95 $450 189 95 CLEARANCE ON USED APPLIANCES! Westinghouse Dryer Go0d condition S65 Westinghouse Range owcrM.dci.Good $75 REFRIGERATOR - iy 563 NEW DISHWASHER Family Site Westinghouse, Floor Demonstrator. Only S175 Save Even More With S&H Green Stamps' oa! Sids apptlianaiA 7th and Klamath "S&H" Green Stamps Ph. TU 4-8886 l" ISL AND SPECIALS FOR 51 IT i..fkni Ml lJ HII II 111! " Dresses Sensational halt-price sav ings on all-season dresses taken from regular stock. Many styles, all sizes. Reg. $ 2.98 f Fluffy Nylon it Babv Dollz-V foOO U '7 soo (TV Nylon Fancy Re, fl 00 Baby Dolls N.wSfyl.. V O V J BLOUSES Short ond long sleeve styles by fam ous makers. Stock up now! Reg. S to 4.98 Famous brand all-wool cardigans Many colors. All sizes. A sma group, so hurry! Reg. 18.98 Corduroy or Furry Scuff Slippers Siiei S, M, L, XL $200 $300 SWEATERS ; 1 a. . ll u 'Wv 1 .a ,i X ' i ... 11 ivj spfc L...r Nylon and Cotton f LfHATS SLIPS gk i XV $ TABLE Vs. NrJ"!-lc" I i gi,v"' ",,um litiir 3IU5 J ivi t $joo jj Si $200 ivy L '3 1 mm I 'I 1 5th and Main Fret Parking Sth & Klamath .l!.,,.!,..!.. ir,',l..riiiiii."lii..liiilu n Zm