Wednesday, January Z3, 1963 PAGE 9-A HERALD AND .NEWS, KlaJnalh FaUs, Ore. OUR ANCESTORS "by Quincy jWood-Carving Maoris Share 'Sister City Land" With Europeans The Maoris, a section of the cal organization above tribal lev-l The Maoris, though Ignorant oflin carving and tattooing distin-lorized and handed down by wordli-olonizalion led to war betueenlto improve the status "Of course It's a bar, ol" boy what did you think it'd ho-?" ' BASIN BRIEFS BONANZA MIKI WESTCOTT, Bonanza High senior, is in Sacred Heart Hospital at Eugene (or observa tion. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Westcott, are with her. KENNETH STALNAKER visit ed recently with Mr. and Mrs., Dick Smith. He is in the Navy and had been stationed in Mary land. He now is on his way to Okinawa. MR. AND MRS. ERNEST CJV. A.N le(t Jan. 17 to spend a month with their two daughters and a ton and their families in Sutter and Santa Barbara. MR. AND MRS. HOB CA1IH.L Visited relatives at Red Bluff and Redding and attended funeral services Jan. 17 at Red Bluff for Hill Baker, Langell Valley resi dent. MR. AND MRS. RALPH WO MACK and sons have returned from Waldren. Colo., where they visited her sister and brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Scofield, and daughters. Temperatures dropped to 60 below zero (here. Hospital in Eugene on Jan. 17 for medical care. His son, Paul, Freitag, Malin, and son Joe of Dairy spent the weekend there. MRS. DON RALPH spent a few days in Langell Valley at the Bob Cahill home and took care of the children while their parents were away. bron skinned Polynesian race. have lived in .New Zealand for more than 600 years. Today, 159,- 0O0 Maoris share New Zealand with 2.212.000 Europeans or "pa kehas." Most Maoris live in the North Island, principally on its eastern and northern districts. A striking feature of the Maori pop ulation today is its youth: ouing to the high birthrate, only a quar ter of the Maoris are over 30 years of age. In the past, Maoris worked mainly in rural industries: in sea sonal occupations such as harvest ing, meat processing, sheep shear ing and the cutting of flax and in manual work on road construc tion, bridges, railways and hydro electric projects. In the' last 20 years, however, there has been an increasing movement to towns and cities and into skilled urban occupations and the professions. Wherever possible Maori and European children are educated together. Special Maori schools arc provided only in remote and predominantly Maori districts. Ap prenticeship training schemes or ganized by government and em ployers, and youth hostels, estab lished by church and welfare or ganizations and subsidized by government, help young Maoris to adapt themselves to city and European life. European immigrants in the 19th Century found a distinctive Maori culture and a well ordered tribal society led by hereditary warrior chiefs and a powerful priesthood, but lacking any politi- el. Within the tribe every free man could speak on all matters affecting it. Maori religion includ ed beliefs in immortality of the soul and an all - prevailing Su preme Being. A few sharks inhabit tropical freshwater lakes and rivers. RICHARD HOEFFLER of Dai is with him. Daughter, Mrs. Gary, ry was taken to Sncred Heart Pinochle Party NEW PINE CREEK A benefit pinochle party will be held at the lOOF Hall in Lakeview on Fri day. Feb. I. at 7:30 p.m. Irvin Faris and John Richardson were appointed to head the arrange ment committee, and the Pros, pcrily Rebekah Lodge will fur nifh refreshments. Proceeds will go to the Old Folks Home in Portland, where the installation of a new elevator is necessary. The public is invited. Modern freeways are designed to carry 1.500 vehicles per lane per hour. daniel's Big 3-Day v , v XTt by x v. - The Tonga Trim Tred Here's your favorite cushioned casual in black, bone or white. Narrow to cxtra-wido widths, sixes to 11. Three days only, so hurry! Terrific Savings During Our Vi Yearly Shoe Sale Save on Shoes for Every Member of the Family A Small Deposit Will S Hold In Lay Away! rial's m ha wooers Nfej.,rnJ 527 Main the use of metals, were highly skilled in the crafts of wood carting with stone tools, weaving and the design and construction of houses. The free use of curves guished them from other Polyne sians. They were and arc fine singers and dancers. 'Oratory was an important art. The Maoris had no written language, so their history and traditions vcro mem lof mouth. The Treaty of Wailangi granted the rights of Britisn subjects to the Maoris. Unfortunately, confu sion over land sales and other misunderstandings incidental to the Maori and European in Maori health was already declin ing and thereafter Maori morale fell until about the turn of the century a number of able young Maoris formed a political party improve the status of thqr race. Encouraged by a new and enlightened official policy and the establislunent of universal free education, they did much to cause a renaissance of the Maori people. p J Y JUST ARRIVED! New Shipment Of "Paquette" PROPORTIONED LENGTH For The Tall . . . The Average . . . The Short! A Wonderful Color Selection In A Good Size Range CAPRIS - j FROM 98 BLOUSES TO MATCH from Low, 'Low Prices Plus "S&H" Green Stamps Buy on Revolving Charge or Lay -Aw ay Ml if IMS!' 4480 Soufh 6th Next to Oreqon Food tell II I l IWill ln)JI" nni"H' ! f I 111 ! 1 I' '-" tmm- c - MMNIrfMliMk' iWMlwt 1 - ma MAMCV hAWMiC IV On Sears Easy Payment Plan jjP' v W l!!BlWMMHrt11lff' .'mum inn r 1 is ifv- JU Oi MULTI-COIL MATTRESS SAVE Vi Hundreds of resilient steel coils Well padded; sturdy ticking Roll edge Box Spring Some Low Price Twin Sire 19.88 Ea. Pc. I U L Mortrtll Box Spring Full Slr.ft NO MONEY DOWN ECONOMY MATTRESS BUY THE SET SAVE $30 Comfort packed 220 coil mattrtis to full size Better quality unit Box Spring Same Low Price Twin Size 24.88 Ea. Pc. 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DON'T MISS THIS BIG SALE! HURRY VE HAVE ON HAND 300 PIECES PRICE CUT FOR A SELL OUT! Shop at Sears and Save Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back SEARS Shop 9:30 till 5:30 Fridays till 9 133 So. 8th Ph. TU 2-4481 K X BP fc. t