V Mnesday, January 23, 1963 PAGE -A HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Orf. 'Sure, I guess I can go a little faster, Mac, but 1 hate to get out of the cab and leave you here!" Henley High Notes By MARTHA RAGLA.ND Reporter The present and future aspects of space exploration were pre sented lo the Henley High School students Jan. 11 by Allan Strie. Mr. Strei, a graduate of the University of Wisconsin, has been associated with several missile bases where he obtained much of his information. By using missile models and cross - sectional diagrams, Mr. Strei showed the students how the country's space program is oper ated. The ballistic capsule, which is usedby the astronauts now. the Gemini capsule, which will carry two astronauts, and the Apollo - lunar craft, which will be used to send men to the moon within the next few years were explained by the scientist. He pointed out how much safer the spacecrafts of the United States are compared to those of Russia, which has lost at least six astronauts in their trials. A brief timetable of future space advancements was also pre sented by Mr. Strei. He reported that a new series of communica tion satellites would be in space by the end of the year and at the end of two years, air mail letters would be sent in seconds by these satellites. A machine would open the letter, photograph it, send the image bv satellite to another machine which would print the image and seal it. The w hole process would be untouched by human hands and the price for sending a letter anywhere in the world would be less than 25 cents Franco - German A ccord Seen Major Step In Tatherlana" Plan PARIS lUPli-Tlie "truly his toric" Franco - German accord which Chancellor Konrad Adenau er came to Paris to negotiate represenis a major step forward in President Charles de Gaulle s two-year-old proposal for a "Eu rope of Fatherlands." De Gaulle himself originally presented the project to France's five Common Market partners as his own view of the best way towards closer political unity in Western Europe. Basically, the project calls for consultation between key minis ters of each European country at intervals to be laid down by for mal agreement. Ever since De Gaulle first pro posed the plan it has run into opposition from some of France's Common Market partners for two main reasons: The European Confederation of Independent States which it aims at runs against the idea of federal Europe under supra-na tional control which many others favor. Common Market members Holland and Belgium, and later Italy, rejected the De Gaulle proj ect because Britain was not in cluded and they feared it would lead to their domination by the Franco-German partnership and in particular by France. Adenauer and most of his min-1 islers also have been wary of the Gaullist project because of the opposition of the other Common Market members. Following De Gaulle's triumph ant tour of Germany in Septem her, the French president decided to push ahead with the project on a Franco-German basis. He clear ly hoped the other Common Mar ket partners would be drawn in before long. But when the French Foreign! Ministry sent a meorandum on the project to the Bonn Govern-! ment shortly after De Gaulle s September visit, Adenauer kept the French wailing two months! More giving his formal reply. The German reply further disap pointed the French government by answering in general terms without answering specific points put forward by the French. Since November, Paris-Bonn ne gotiations on the proposed agree ment have continued strictly be hind the scenes. They have been largely swamped by the headlines over Britain's bid to join the Com mon Market, climaxing with De Gaulle s slam-the-door press conference on Monday. first time today that the over riding purpose of his three-day visit to Paris was to sign the "truly historic" Franco-German, accord on Wednesday. Under the terms of the agree ment predicted by French politi cal press experts: French and German heads of government will meet twice per year. Ministers of foreign aflairs, defense, finance and education irepresenled in the German gov ernment by the minister of youth and family I would met every three months. Military chiefs of general staff Adenauer made it clear for thelwould meet every two months and high officials of the foreign min-. istry every month. The essential point of the pro jected schedule of official contacts under the De Gaulle Plan is that they should be held at rigidly maintained intervals. It was this feature that made the project of a historic nature and gave it the possibility of de velopment into a political confed cration for the whole of Europe. In view of the emphasis laid by Adenauer on the project, political observers doubted that the three days of meetings would do more than touch upon the Com mon Market situation created by De Gaulle s press conference. Informed sources said Ade nauer was likely to go along with. De Gaulle's thesis that Britain is not yet "ripe" for Common, Market membership. OPPOSES MERGER WASHINGTON (UP1) - North-! west Orient Airlines asked the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) Tuesday to dismiss the merger application of Pan American World Airways and Trans World Airlines. Northwest said that if the ap plication is not dismissed, the CAB should defer all procedural steps until stockholders of both airlines have approved the merger. At the same time, the sources said, the chancellor was like y to press for an enlargement of De Gaulle's statement that admission of Britain could be considered at some later date when the British situation has sufficiently evolved." Don't Neglect Slipping FALSE TEETH Do false teeth drop, slip or wobble when you ulk, eat, laugh or sneeze? Don't be annoyed and embarrassed by such handicaps. PASTEETH, an alkatlne(non-acld) powder to sprin kle on your plates, keeps false teeth more firmly set. Gives confident feel ing of security and added comfort. No gummv. gooey, pasty taste or feel ing. Oet FA&TEETH today at drug counters everywhere. Hazing Hit By Hemming Arthur S. Flemming, president of the University of Oregon, Sun day released the following state ment relative to alleged hazing of freshmen on the part of mem bers of fraternities: "Any fraternity that has en gaged in hazing activities in con nection with its initiation cere monies has violated a policy of the University of Oregon. This policy is an outgrowth of the university's concern for the dig nity, worth and well-being of each individual who is a member of the university community. "I have requested the dean of students lo arrange for the clos ing of any fraternity or fraternities found to be in violation of the university's policy for a period of one, year effective March 25, 1W3. Any fraternity closed on March 23 w ill be permitted to re open at the beginning of the spring, l!Xi4, term only if the uni versity has definite assurances from all who arc responsible for the operation of the group that there will be compliance with the policy against hazing and all other university policies related lo the operation of fraternities." yip Efv mmmmm mm bbw couldn't sleep with nagging backache Now! You can set the fast relief you need from nagging backache, headache and muscular aches and pains that often cause restless nights and miserable tircd-out feelings. When these discom forts come on with over-exertion or stress and strain you want relief want it fast! Another disturbance may be mild bladder irritation following wrong food and drink often selling up a restless uncomfortable feeling. 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