WVB P A HEART TO REMEMBER Start early to male an un usual, amusing and lasting Valentin. This ceramic-like "Heart of Stone" is made of kitchen corn starch and salt. Ceramic Hearts Are Unusual Valentines Hearts of stone? Well, not real ly. They look more like ceramic hearts. Actually they're simply and easily made from kitchen Cu?n starch and salt. A heart with a message tnakesl an amusing and attractive paper weight. It could also be shaped as an ashtray. Best of all, any one can model a heart. 11 doesn't take artistic skill but it is an un usual Valentine and will surely be appreciated. Message are best when short. Try "You're Mine." "Be Mine," "I'm Yours," "Do You?", or even' "Drop Dead." in addition to ''Heart of Stone." To make the hearts, make up a batch of Craft Base (recipe be low i. Each batch will make from (ix to eight hearts alwul four inch es long. Tink off a handful and mold with fingers into a heart shape approximately one inch thick. Then, with any sharp point ed instrument, inscribe the mes sage and set aside to dry. Drying time depends on the hu midity and the size of the hearts. Allow from three days to as much as a week. When thoroughly dry. the hearts fAdiviii&A UJcmsinA By Helen Becher. POLLY'S POINTERS Make A Ladder Stay Put POLLY CRAMER Newspaper Enttrpnst Asm. DEAR POLLY To prevent your stepladdcr frum slipping while do ing repair jobs around the house put the ladder legs in old gym shoes. mks. j. DEAR POLLY-The next time hubby changes wiper blades, save an old one to use when your wind- hield fogs on the inside. You can wine the fog away without streak ing or smearing tne glass, u. w. DEAR POLLY When you find it is necessary to put two card tables together for extra company hold the tables together with trong rubber bands on adjoining may be painted with rejular wa ter colors, dried again, then cov ered with several coats of clear shellac for the ceramic effect. CRAFT BASE 1 cup corn starch t cup cold water 2 cups table salt 2-3 cup water Mix salt and 2-3 cup water in saucepan; place over low heat, stirring constantly 3 to 4 minutes until mixture is heated. Remove pan from heat. Immediately mix corn starch and 'i cup cold water and add all at once to hot salt water mixture. Stir quickly. The mixture should thicken to about tlie consistency of stiff dough. If mixture does not thicken, place pan over low heat again and stir about 1 minute or until mixture starts to thicken. Turn out on work surface and knead as you would dough. Use base immediate ly or store in a tightly closed con tainer. Makes l1 lb. Recipe may be doubled if directions above are followed w ith this exception. Keep saucepan over heat when the corn starch and water are added to the hot salt and water mixture. y, . g).t pr" ni legs. This eliminates danger of spills because the tables can't slip aDart. MRS. J. E. L. DEAR POLLY' Since manv of the sweaters we teen-agers wear are made of animal hairs. 1 ex- rtrimnntpH whilp launderinc mv fur hlend sweaters. To the rinse water, I added one bottlecap of cremc hair rinse for each swea ter and was thrilled with the soft new lookinc results. KRIS DEAR POLLY I love contour sheets but sheet sorting and bed making days were making two For Professional TREE SERVICE Baker's Nursery Call TU 2-5553 nightmare days a week, since the manufacturer's elusive little cor ner lain- had to be folded out. W ith outh beds, twin beds and a dou ble in the house, the problem be came horrendous. 1 had some inhns nf textile oaint i available at dime stores, ball-point tubes in all. and fast cool's) which 1 had been using to name-tag per sonal be nnuinns. I now marK all (nur sheet corners with near, one- fourth inch hich initials YB for 'youth bottom-DT for double top and so on. using a dilleicnl color (or each size. I IptiercH tuner strins twin bed, double bed. etc. and taped these strips to the front of the linen closet shelves. No more chugging to the master bedroom only to discover 1 have a youth bed bottom sheet and a twin top-i Pcr' I a. n. nKn poi.i.V To make a parly-size relish tray, a good idea is to secure a small bowl with florists' clay in the middle of a large chop dish. Place dip or spread in the bowl and arrange :your other appetizers around the edge of the platter. Share your favorite homemaking ideas . . . send them to Polly in care of Herald and News. You'll receive a bright, new silver dol lar if Polly uses your ideas in Polly's Pointers. in 1'ifji 73.895.274 motor ve hicles were registered in the United Slates. Many Attend Library Club A large crowd of members and guests of the Woman's Library Club of Klamath Falls enjoyed I lie Monday. Jan. II meeting at which Lefly Wild Eagle spoke on Our Indian Heritage" and showed interesting Indian arti- lads. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Davenport ang three duets accompanied by Marie Obcnchain. The meeting was closed with Charlene McNoise. Indian girl at tending Sacred Heart Academy. iving the Twenty Third Psalm in Indian sign language. At the social which followed the program, Mrs. ticne Favell and Mrs. R. P. Ellingson Sr. presid ed at the coflee and tea services. Mrs. Frank Kahl was tea chair man, assisted bv Mrs. Martin Adams. Mrs. George Blanas, Mr Warren Bonnet, Mrs. J. C. O'Neill and Mrs. John West. Hostesses greeting uucsls at the door were Mrs. Walter Brown and Mrs. Arch Proctor. On Saturday, Feb. 2. the Worn an s Library Club w ill stage Its annual benefit bridge tea at the Willard Hotel at 1 p.m. Mrs, George Blanas is general chair man and work is now under way on plans for this lovely affair Lee Y'odcr is bridge chairman. There will be a style show by Fashion Villa and Bon Bazaar. Prizes will be given each table in addition to two interesting spe cial awards. Those persons not wanting to play bridge are invited to Ihc tea and fashion show. This annual event is the club's only money raising project and the proceeds will be used to help the library as usual. In addition. this year, the club has taken on the new project of furnishing a room at the proposed Intercom munity Hospital. Women of the Klamath Basin ;ue urged to attend and support this worthwhile projects. Reservations may be made by calling Mrs. O. E. Carter, TU 4-3881, or Mrs. L. D. Leslie, TU 4-8R1C. HtrtALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Waduetday. January 23, 1963 PAGE t-A Past Matrons Club Meets Aloha Past Matrons met in De cember at Molalorc's. Mrs. W. R. Pierson was hostess for the day and presented the special gift to Mrs. Louise O'Brien. The president, Mrs. 0. K. Pow ell, thanked the members for their generous contributions for the guests of Ihc Masonic and East ern Star Home, and extended a special welcome to Mrs. Arthur Dickson. After a short business meeting. Mrs. J. I. Beard gave a very in teresting report on her recent trip to Australia and Israel, and Mrs. James Hunter gave a talk on her visit to the Eisenhower Museum and other points of interest while visiting in the southern states. The next meeting will also be held at Molalorc's Friday. Jan. 25. at 12 p.m. Mrs. Lawrence Phelps and Mrs. Herbert Hane line will be the hostesses, and Mrs. Will Wood will present the special gift. KNEESY IIWT U you're planning alterations for the bathroom, add one of those low shower heads in the shower stall, placed just high enough on the wall to shower you from the knees down. It't a quick way to achieve a relaxing foot bath. THE BRl'SII-OFF Takes seconds pays big divi dends in appearance a quick brushing of suit or coat just be fore you leave the house. ENJOY A CLEAN CAR ALL WINTER Call Sparkle Car Wash 4023 S. 6th Ph. TU 4-5543 DO YOU LIKE BROILED LOBSTER AND DELICIOUS PRIME RIB ...? if you do, treat yourself to the very tin it ... do it tonight. Bring th entire family in for dinner. Besides the lob tier and prime rib, there is a com plete menu with something on it to satisfy everyone. Restaurant and Lounge 100 Main St. Ph. TU 4-6298 ENROLLMENTS rrtpUd at hailnnlni ny month, f or n Internllnr reward Irtf carr In Coimelolof? . rii tu t-mi Klamath Beauty Cellf,e uild Yoar usiness WITH HERALD & NEWS Daily 111 usiness Ads 50 One Inch One Month, 32 (Daily per month without copy change, $35.00 less $2.50 discount for pymt by the 10th) YOUR CHOICE: "Business Builder" Want Ads Business Builder Wf M wll eooaar each ty h the ri)lM'M Wnt A0 SMtlOfl tf the Moral-J and Naws utwjar proper c1atiatlon in fhs nit for a net c.t 137 50 Br n-oth. The CMt ii bated on ant eoov ;hjnoe pr month. Grots (tilling is $15 An ar month ryj there') d'eunf Ot S? M 'rv oavment n or hetwe the iffh. ft TU 4111 tor further inform at ton. Bust p. duiHar art build buVnm. -USINF'S UU.0E3 Want A4i wilt -rr aarh ajav in thi tut for net c y li i.Stt per month One Coov chnea. pr yryith fVrM Charga l tUnfl. law $1 tf payment on ar ha'ere the 10th t the ttK Cad Want A. TU 4-1111. "Business Card" Spot Ads Paopla Read SPOT ADS you are now. "Buiintit Car"' Srat Ad will paaar aaeh day an advarftiina. aagas at random, ar may ba ithtdulcd an aaaai of particular irittrair atthar far man ar waman ar yauaf tolkt. For information on "Business" ads or any ad vertising call the Herald and News Ad Depart ment, TU 4-8111, or stop at 1301 Esplanade. Tht Baiic AeJvtrtitihg Mf4:um of th Klamath latin PENNEY'S 60" ANNIVERSARY M r1 ill! I LOOK! INFANTS' HARD WOOD PLAY YARD BUY! Sensotionol value! Full 42x42" size . . . infants' ploy yard that folds flat for easy storing. Rugged hardwood construction with raised masonile floor and center leg brace. Plastic teething roils. 10 88 OPEN DAILY 9:30 TO 5:30 mm ll SECOND FLOOR Xr Chooie Now From PENNEY'S GIANT DIAPER SELECTION ' Flonnel . 27x27 n 49 Medium weight a Birdieye 27 x 27 75 Heavyweight JL Birdieye 21 x 40 98 Heavyweight a Gome 21 x 40 J 98 Heavyweight Mm Curity Stretch i 29 Heavyweight 5 SECOND FLOOR SPECIAL BUY! SLEEPWEAR COTTON PRINTS 31 yardi . I Just $1, your time ond skill sews nighties, robes, p.J.'s! C o 1 1 o n flonnel, crepe da s o I r e, plisse' Magic Crepe, batiste! BALCONY 1 iS5P BLANKET SPECIAL! WRAP BABY UP IN A SATIN BOUND HEAVYWEIGHT 1 88 That's right . . . only 1.88 for a rayon ond acry lic crib blanket bound with nylon satin. Perfect gift in white, maize, pink, blue. SECOND FLOOR NURSERY SPECIAL! PRINTED COTTON RECEIVING BLANKETS 2 for 88 Stretch Playsuits of cotton and nylort ter ry ... so easy to snap on. For Vi to 2. 88 SECOND FLOOR Terrific value ... a full 30 by 40 inch size keeps baby snug. Stock up from a wide variety of pat terns. Practical gift idea! SECOND FLOOR SPECIAL FOR NEW BABIES . . . FRESH, FULL OF SUPPORT CRIB MATTRESS y88 36 coil Innerspring unit Is smooth ond tuftless. Water repellent vinyl laminated to woven cotton with nursery design on white. SECOND FLOOR LAST WEEK OF WHITE GOODS EVENT! for THRIFTY FOAM RUBBER PILLOW, ZIP-COVERED! $6 Buoyant non-ollergenic foam cradles your head gently, bounces right bock to its neot trim shone without fluffing! White cotton covers zip off easily for washing, zip back on quickly. Big 1 7"x25" size. BALCONY 2 SPECIAL BUY! SHEER WHITE DACRONSj panel Misty Dacron Polyester looks lovely olone, per fect with heovier over dropes! Wrinkle - rcsist ont! Easy-core, too. 72", 81", or 90" long 88 c DOWNSTAIRS BIG 3' 4 POUND BLANKET BUY . . . SPECIAL VALUE! 72" x 90" for QO twin or full bed Our famous winterweight is soft, cozy royon rein forced with nylon, bound in sturdy nylon. So long lasting, durable it even machine washes in luke warm woter! Peacock, red, beige, pink, yellow, blue, green, lilac. DOWNSTAIRS CHARGE IT. . . It's easier to Pick, easier to Plan, easier to Payl