HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath Falls, Ore. Wednesday, January 23, 1963 PAGE S-A Bi-Partisan Support Seen For Tax Bill SALEM (LTD - Gov. Mark Hatfield's score lax bill, designed to raise at least $1 million new revenues, arrived in the House Tuesday with bi-partisan support. ..The "net receipts" state income tax bill was turned in by R e p. victor Auyeh, R-Beaverton. Its key feature is a one per cent tax to be levied on all income without any deductions of exemp tions. In addition, a graduated tax tanging from two to five per cent would be levied, replacing t h e current three to nine and one-half per cent range. The bill is the central part of the governor's program to reform Uie income tax structure and to fjftance a proposed $405 million general fund budget. 'The other main source of new eevenue would be a four-cent cig arette tax. Although rates in the new pro posal are lower, more money would be raised by picking up low- bracket earners and by eliminat ing deductions such as olher tax ("..charitable contributions, medi el. expenses, interest, and losses . Business expense deductions still would be allowed. The current $600 exemption also would be eliminated. In its place. a $20 credit for each dependent would be subtracted from the fi nal graduated tax bill. Husbands and wives living to gether would be required to file joint returns. The State Tax Commission esti mated under the new proposal a man earning $2,000 a year and having two dependency credits would pay 3 per cent more in overall federal-state income taxes A man earning $4,000 would pay 4.1 per cent more; a man earning $6,000 would pay 3.5 per cent more; a man earning $8,000 would pay 2.9 per cent more; and a man earning $10,000, 3 per cent more Above $10,000 the increase would be less than 1 per cent. JFK Starts State Trend SALEM lUPI) "If a tax cut Is good enough for Kennedy, it'si good enough for me. The comment came from Republican Sen. John Hare of Hillsboro today as he dropped a bill calling for a 10 per cent flat cut in the slate income tax into the midst of the legislature's .money woes. He said such a cut should be followed by "a cut in spending tax dollars and not by deficit spending." "Tax spenders have lain awake nights trying to find new sources of revenue," he said, "But no at tention has been given to light ening the tax load of our peo ple." Hare's proposal for a tax cut landed in a legislature that has been asked to raise $23 million in new revenues for the next bi ennium by broadening the state income tax base with what the governor calls a net receipts tax. "Oregon has the highest income tax of any state in the Union." Hare replied. "Reduction is in order." j "Waste and extravagance must be eliminated, and sound business practices should be used," he said, "and this statement also ap plies to institutions of higher education." STAR GAZER? &) 1- 3-14 21 TAUtUJ APR. 21 MAY 21 2- 6-37-411 46-55-dO-ea 3 MAY 2! JUNE 39-52-1 72-76-86-901 CANCII H 111-2228-4M 5662-41 uo fS JULY 24 SI, AUG. 23 913-27-34 d VltCO AUG. 24 Stff 2! 815-18-20-44 r-U?-64-6$ -Br CLAY R. POLLAN- 64 Good 65 CourHl 36 Aspects 66 Highlighted 37 for 67 Ytxtr 38 Dcpndnts 68 Behovior 39For 69Affoir 40 ExrcMion 70 Ph vl ICO I Your Daily Activity Gvid According to Start. To develop message for Thursday, read words corresponding to numbers of your Zodioc birth sign. 1 Don't 31 Thot'v 61 Or 2 Good 32 FoofObl t2 Of 3 A.gut 33 Sl AC'ton 34 III 5 Up 35 Br 6 Day 7 You'll SGtr 9 Motferj 10 New 1 I Modernii 41 Inltrvi 71 Pt 120id 42 Chonqs 7? Social I3V,,i 43Ritw 73 Today 14 Of 44 Today 74 In 15Relw 4b To 75T.d 16 Smilf 46 Promotiritj 76 Or 17 Matter 47G, 77 Welfare 18 Upon 48 Now 7ft Need 19Cireula! 49 For 79 Your 20 Ofhtrj EO TliouaM 80 W .rmng 21 Moke 51 Neglected 81 And 22 Your 2 Private SUCla.m 23Rod.cal S3 At 8? Finances 24 That ' 54 AM 840 25 Your 55 Sole 85 Det 26 Relating 56 StondoHs 86 Rvrantie 27Someor 57 Ffiendihip 87 Time 2fl Viewpoints 58 H-jri 83 Conresvcnj 29 Popularity 'i 59 To 89 Attention 30 To 0Or 0 Relation UUA 'frr.2 r OCT. JJJj,l I6-1M5-39? 133-58-73 SCOtfrO OCT. ZAtJU. Sagittarius S-59-67 70-77-8 iJJitJ CAPIKOaN DCC 23 1AM M C4. 7. tLHMr. I32-4S-79-83VS AOUAMUS B1-35-51 .1 mar 2i tj; P3-40-J4-57O 163-66-73 University Room, Board Boosted $40 Per Year PORTLAND IUPH - The State Board of Hither Education Tues day boosted tlie cost of room and board at its campus dormitories by about $40 a year, starting next fall. Chancellor Roy Lieuallen said the increase would hike the typi cal rate for multiple occupancy to about $720 per student for a school year. Lieuallen said the new rates were required "to meet increased food, labor and other dormitory operating costs. The added income also will be used for more dor mitories, he said. About 50 students at 0 r e g o n State last week demonstrated against the proposed increase About 9,000 students live in dor mitories throughout the state sys tem. Most students live two to a room, with some living singly or three to a room. The board also adopted Lieu- alien's recommendations that "if student withdraws from tlie jdormilory but does not withdraw (rom the institution, he must pay all board and room charges (or the entire year during which the withdrawal occurs, unless he pro vides a substitute occupant suit able to the dormitory director." On another matter, Lieuallen eporled that dicrimination by fraternities and sororities because STILL IN CONTACT MOSCOW (UPI). -Soviet scien tists had regular tadio contact with their Mais-1 space slatjon all through last week, the official Tass News Agency said today. Tass said the Mars-1 is more than 25 million miles from earth. of race or religion "appears" to have been eliminated at Oregon and Oregon State. He conceded national charters of "two groups on each campus" contain such re strictions but said each has grant ed waivers of the restrictions to its Oregon chapters. State Lists Campus Jobs PORTLAND IUPI1 - Tile State Board of Higher Education Mon day listed several campus build ing projects it would like to start in 1963 should the legislature in crease its bonding capacity. The legislature will be asked to i n c r e a s e the bonding capacity from $34 to $62 million with half of the increase, or $14 million, planned for use this year. Projects for 1963 would include! a swimming pool, dining hall and dormitory for Southern Oregon College; 150-student dormitory at Oregon College of Education; a 280 student dorm including stu dent activity quarters at Oregon Technical Institute: a portion of I the cost of a swimming pool at. Portland State; an addition to Col-1 lege Center, air conditioning of the I College Center building. Two dormitories with total ca pacity of 750 students at Oregon State; a 170 woman dorm for the University Medical and Dental Schools; and two dormitories, central food service, married stu dent housing and land for future dormitories at the University of Oregon. Fire Center Postponed SALEM it'Pl' Plans to es tablish a statewide fire training center on the east side of Salem were temporarily delayed today by the State Board of Control. The Council of Governments asked the board to make 10 acres nf land east of the state prison and west of the Salem freeway available for the center cither throuph sale or lease. The board announced it favored a lease of the land. It suggested the council redraft its application on a lease basis, and include guarantees the facility will be available to state agencies and equipment at the center may be used to fight fires at slate insti tutions. Gov. Mark Hatfield said he wa "enthusiastic" over the program, and added "the state ha a chance tn encourage local initiative through inch program"." In another action, the board unanimously approved transler in! Clackamas County patients to Uammasch state hospital LIQUORS Jock's Super Market Tultlk, CM. v'- F0AMTP1LL0WS - JSt"' V?T3 S jr HI'. IHn- IM III vilcknl 11 (i taiiini ti neill Itlrictiri licitim tuns. 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