MAL ESTATI FOR SAII ... ..3t BY OWNER, lint AihUnfl homr Romn brick construct ion, bit location. Out slnding vliw. a icrt In city limit. 2 bJroomi, 17 baths. Sacrifice, 136,300, Alhland 411-1067 or 417-3969. J BEDROOM brick home, fireplace. Wash- r, oryer, ifOvt Included. Ftncad yard, covered patio. H'20J shop. 117,100. Call 7U 2-0224 atitr S p.m. OLDER 3 bedroom Hot Springs home. Dithwaiher, basement, I'i bat hi, double garage. J II, 7 50. TU 4-3791. LOVELY 3 bedroom home in good Iocs lion near new OTI site. Bath and i half. Itrepiace. covered patio, fenced back yard. Double garage. Price (17,500. Call tu 2-1422. VIEW PROPERTY FOR SALE, 7 lots, ap proximately 96 ft. by 300 ft. suburban area, TU 2-1056. HOT SPRING. Family type home, hoi wter heat, priced to sell. TU 4-7985. SELL or trade (or Klamath Falls prop erty, 1 year eld Central Point beauty. Three bedrooms, large living room with fireplace, all drapes Included. Lovely dining room and kitchen. Double car port, lawn and shrubbery In. Available March 1st. Art Moorman TU 2-1231. THREE bedroom home for sale. 4103 Sum mers Lane, TU 4-4539. LIKE NEW Suburban extra large two bedroom home, fireplace, hardwood floors, garage, plus carport, 2-3 acre, garden spot, 1103 Hope. FOUR room house, paved street, near school, $4,800, small down, balance like rent, call mornings or evenings, TU 2-3560, THREE bedroom house, garage, outbuild ings, TU 4-9628. 2 BEDROOM home. Mills, electric heat, garage, storage. S6.500. Can be financed. TU 4-1856 days, TU 4-5207 eves. NEW, laroe view home. Large lot, close to new OTI and hospital, daylight base ment. Appointment only. TU 2-0570. PAC I F I C TERRACE You save money right from fhe start in this immaculate 3 bedroom home with large family room - living room - sep crate dining roam and breakfast area. One of the finest and1 most healthful fea tures is an excellent hot water well. Just a hop, skip, 8. lump to Roosevelt and KU. Has double garage and beautifully landscaped. This is a terrific buy at 11 9,000 and you may assume present loan. Do let us show you this today. OTHER GOOD BUYS $4,750 - I'i Bedrooms - Completely fur nished North Side. 15,500 2 Bedrooms Ideal for Weyer haeuser Employe. 17,500 - 3 Bedrooms Owner will carry contract. 111,400 Charming 2 Bedroom - Picture Windows - Mills Add n. 116,000 Appox. 5 Acres - 3 Bedroom Home Outbuildings - South. Schroeder Realty Co. REALTORS - 434 MAIN TU 4-9254 Anytime TU 2-0168 OREGON Avenue. Pumice block build ing 20x70. Suitable for repair or plumbing shop. Also two bedroom house on same tot. Suitable as living auarters or rental. All this for 1)2,000. Terms can be ar ranged. FREE CABIN with purchase of lots e, 7 and 0 of Block 20 Chelsea Addition. Selling for only 13.500. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker too Main Jim O'Donetiue TU 7-3471 Eves. 1U 4-9693 DUPLEX CLOSE TO High School on level ground Eech side ti one bedroom, Iwq room, kitchen and dining area, bath, Both apart ments turnitnod. Good sohd construction throughout, dotrtie garage. 111,000. Terms. LEONARD REALTY TU 4-7521 Or TU 4-9005 Joe Leonard Jee Perry Audrey Ketc ns TU 2-0527 TU 4-5317 TU 4-4285 Multiple Listing Service MLS CLOSE IN Walk i no dl.tance to town. Comfortable 2 bedroom home, solid construction. Let furnished b.tsemenl apartment help make the paymerts on this one, or have four bedrooms. 3 baths. Price 110,000. TERRIFIC VIEW New restricted area. Four years, old three bedroom ranch style home. This place has everything, double gartoe, irn 100 ft lot. Owner says let It oo for 91M15! wants fo retire. Any type fi nancing. ' BRUCE OWENS 134 No Lucille Aroerson Ray Wordn TU 4-3119 TU 2-OS'l TU -W STROUT ' REALTY 5a 1. lh Ph. TU S!1I Evev Mi 1 llella Dewiroer TU ! Wl Ha HOKnai . , TU ) ! SUBURBAN ESTATE is irri. 10 trnoafed. South Suburbs t'cetient v'ew on elevated fcrwii Three bedroom. P'V room, iu'i (Myirgni Dase mm. well to wan carpet, two firepuces two baths, circutar at it Ire with wrought Iron railing, built m oven and stove, rainbow rock fireplace and planter bo sun deck S37.50O. Will sei1 home with one acre 127,500. Shown by appoimmem oniy 280ACRES riotf(l. now in atta'ta, gram, grass. 3 bedroom modern heme, machine shed. tr id ?00 It I 20 It 35 miles from Klamath FaH on paved road. Should caT t?l cow, year around ReesonaMy pr-ced t So OQO. Aop'0'mteiv 1-3 down 520 ACRES Dry or SlT ranch 34 acres 1'r oVed. now in g-ass. hav ad gram Bic wirm cashjre Fenced and C'OiS fenW Two I bedroom rr;wiern homes. Pr.ce $120000. Aocoiimate'v M down. 23 ACRES fated, in a'falta ad pasture. Newt moot'n nom, o-'n inii "t v miles from town. Price- til. 100. I ""'STILES REALTY VEWUFR INTERNATIONAL . TRADERS CLUB 111 Su"' pivye TU 7 -iW RHn Varten Livena f'ed T.o' TU -"? Hor St .TU WI IARGE bOd'nom Ad OLfSf hovjS th i 't bn enrverty to tno coMit'On with new roi, n e te'tor Mint. 1 II HC'H Of Trriged pas ture. Full P" i i'.y) ST MANOS PARK f.celifit th'M bdfnyn home win Storm dOOM. storm mdOw nd en tccwn'CI' frying as tern, f MA or 01 terms 0"7 U'. MOMf tUlNFS$ on Suth nih V Eceite'l neot to bd'oom nomf tV'KO WtVt'OO. rfyyn L'0 S-VK) ejiti, s'ofo s'-e'icn 'rfc ents. l n tt. f'On'aS- On I :j.0OC 'h h-jy rT-'r SALES V CtvfW 1SF DURANT tLTr t '' Tu hij e Tu i-at' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE . ..30 NORTH SIDE Clean, large, comfortable I bedroom home. Fireplace, fenced backyard. 19,000 Will take any typt loan. TU 2-0552, TU 2-6225. GOLD BEACH PROPERTY Excellent retirement property. One 1 bedroom home or rental unit and one 2-oeoroom home with large tireolace. muts north of Gold Bech. overlooking Calf TU 4-412 days, or TU 2-2404 Eves. i i I Multiple MLS sS Tro iler House and Lot 1954 Pan American eastern 408 ft. two bedroom, furnished trailer house. Attached building with fireplace, wall to wait car peting. Wired for washer and dryer. On lot 70 x 260 ft. Reowood fencing, patio. south suburban sewer connected oarage store room. In good location. Full price, 15.950, or owner will sell lot and build ings only tor 13,950. Terms available. 3 BEDROOM Home, large living room, separate dining room, breakfast area In kitchen. fireplace. South suburban sewer connect ed. Approximately 1 1-3 acres, fenced. Immediate possession. 112,000, terms, ot course. SOUTH SUBURBAN Three bedroom home In good condition. Approximately one acre of ground. On paved street. This you should see H vou are looking for a good buy. Only 110,000, terms. "WILL" CEDARLEAF ! REALTOR 3727 S. 61 h TU 4-5151 Anytime Sales; Peggy Peebler Ken Allison TU MJ?! TU 4-M46 Multiple Listing Service MLS HOMEDALE AREA ideal sljrter home located on 1-3 acre, 58(254 ft 2 bedroom house on paved street. Lot reaches to another paved street to provide another building site or trailer sire. House was recently sainted on in side and the all channel TV antenna that! DOG and cat boarding. Training, groom was blown down on the root is Included' Ing, bathing. Dogs and puppies for sale, in the low price of S6.000. PEYTON Member International Traders Club 35 Market TU 4-5149 Evenings Harold M. Rush TU 2-4173 "Pat" Palone TU 2-0836 READY FOR IMMEDIATE POSSESSION This beautiful new 3 bedroom home in south suburbs. Two full baths, wall fo Weill carpel throughout. Circulating tire- place, Alderwood cabinets, built In a p. pliances. torcrd air gas perimeter neat. A real buy! SS25 down glut closing. TOTAL PRICE $15,275 PAUL McATEE and ASSOCIATES, REALTORS 339 E. Main TU 2-4646 Sales Staff Eves. Evelvn McAtee TU 2-5935 Eleanor Marian TU 2-52551 Art Voorman TU 2-1238' SIX BEDROOMS THE FINEST IN HOT SPRINGS. Huge, living room. Biq dining room. Old style tamily kitchen, 20 x 20, bright and sunny. Separate party room with! plumbed bur and massive fireplace. You can qet lost in the master bed room. Storage space? You never sawi so much. And a lull basement, too Shown by appointment only. No drive bys. 445,000. DON SLOAN Realtor jrn Sn 7th TU i-SfM Anytime BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 32 NOTICE TO PUBLIC Pleese Investigate thoroughly any Invest ment of moneys in merchandise, various enterprises or business opportunities be fore investing your capital. The Herald ano News makes every effort to reiect all fraudulent or misleading advertising, however, we are not responsible lor the integrity ot the firms or individuals who placj advertising in our publication. Any advertising of business ODoortunitles ap pearing to be fraudulent or misleading should be reported to the Classified Ad ver'iilng Department of the Herald and News. 1uol4 TEXACO Service Station for lease. So 6th and AltamonV FINANCIAL - LOANS 34 secured! cor i. a I Real Estate contracts hv Rri Prooertv in amount of 11,000. drawing si per cent mieresf. Euenrm pay. Payments mo Pr mo. wr.n do 44C Herald and News. HEDGE YOURSELF oamst inflation1 Sea eoout REAL TATE INVfeSi virN anywrwr ntn m the Rockies, at- DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member international Traders Club L 'earned -Ore., Cel., Ida., rttsh 1037 Va-n St TU NEED MONEY for PAYING BILLS? If naqainq bills becom o nul iatic. net f'd of thm! Check out rtfous, confidential, cash loon plan. Ynu ll be glad you did. FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Finance New & Used Carl Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Poy Private Auto Sales Fmonccd Locolly Owned for 33 Yenri Motor Investment Co. 511 TU 4-77S3 HOUSEHOLD GOOOS WESTINGHOUSE h utcmotic C'cthcs D'yer $65 Excellent KIRKPATRICK'S Eo.t Side Apphonffi 132 So th TU 4-8886 SINCER FLOOR MODEL CABINET CHINE SEDUCED to. Si 14. MA - n j VS a rr.Vn SINGER SIWING CENTER FURNITURE APPLIANCES HOUSEWARES BUY THEM TODAY! AT THE 'CCUANDISE AART 2?44 S" 6'h TU 4-6660 HOUSEHOLD GOOOS GUARANTEED USED RANGES - REFRIGERATORS WASHERS ORYERS - WATER HEATERS Cascade Home Furn 417 Vein TU 4-1365 FUEL - HEATING .38 FIRST auahty red fir body wood, any length, lis, call TU 3-157) alter 4 or anytime weekends. DRY lodgepole pine and pine body wood, any lengths. TU 2-3705. FUEL Oil, Furnaces. Heaters Western OH ! Burner, TU 4-3173 CALL CLIFF YADEN For Presto Logs 1 Heating Oils Metered Propane Sales S ! H Green Stamps Open t hours 2560 South Sixth TU 4-3681 and TU 2-9260 COLD DAYS AHEAD!!!' STANDARD HEATING OILS WOOD COAL Finest Oil & Wood Stoves "FOR ALL YOUR FUEL NFEOS" Frankford Fuel Co. o. Biehn St. TU 2-4444 WE GIVE GOLD BOND STAMPS NEW FRANKLIN HEATERS The' RESALE HOUSE 3899 So. Sixth GOOD THINGS TO IAT 3 BEEF, PORK, wholesale, custom butch ering, cutting, curing. Shamrock Meals. ' Shasia way, tu 21B. TU ?-wl Boot! Pert . Sports Hokkite 4 NEW GUNS New Winchester line of .22 rifles can be(734 seen now ai ine normwii? nun anop, 813 E. Main. V i-vear-old black standard male Poodle that don't want to be tied up. Must go to some outlying town. Good pheasant dog. Cllooeri included. S60. ph. TU 2-5310 BEAUTIFUL, registered spaniel puppies. See at 3121 Crest. WELSH Terrier pups, champion sired, AKC registered. TU 2-1913. t TINY Pekingese; also Pekingese Stud service, TU 2-2030. SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS, past Merrill-Lakevlew Jnctn. olf Merrill Hwy. on Booth Road. Rte. 2 Box 504 E, TU 4-5071. AKC registered toy black poodle, female. TU 2-0245. BLACK mln.' noodle puppies, excellent blood lines, S1M-S125. Terms. TU 2-4052. PUPPIES, Poodles, Pekingese, Poms. Stud service, noodle clipping. TU 4-7525. RADIO - TV - MUSIC MUST sell almost new piano because of illness in family, tee at 5307 Sturdevant, TU 4-0254. TTZZ rTTTTr MrivJtne Blanch. Mines. TU 4-3049. ... z. , rent a new baiawin piano. iu a monin, No delivery charge. Bowden Music Co. 830 Main, TU 2-4883. CASH FOR USED PIANOS DERBY'S MUSIC, TU 4-5121 ORGAN SPECIAL trade - INS 2 HAMMONDS LOWREY - THOMAS BALDWIN DEMONSTRATOR Savl UP to WOO. TERMS AVAILABLE BOWDEN MUSIC CO. 830 Mom TU 2-4883 ft MUSIC ft Lessons & Sales Guild i, EoiOhont Guitar! Sonala Af coraiont and Lowrey Organs. "Rent Ap- plitt to Purchase. Klamath Music Center 515 E. Main TU 4-3360 Television Service HOUSE CALLS $4.75 DERBY'S MUSIC CO. "28 Years on 7th St." 126 No. 7th TU 4-5121 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY 42 ONE registered bay mare, one filly two-year-old, and two kids' horses, TU 4-7B35. BONANZA artificial Insemination service. TU 2-0741, Bonania 545-2381. BABY calves for sale or trade. TU - 360J, 2312 Autumn. BABY calves for sale, 145 Gary, phone TU 2 "uiWath PBOVE SIRE SERVICE TU 4-44C0. TU 2-1185, TU 4-45SI, TU'2-41W KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. offers you EFFICIENCY ECONOMY TOP PRICE CONSIGN NOW! oil "Woody" Gufck, Owner-Mgr.1 TU 4-4103 SALE EVERY MONDAY of I pin. ihorp Rte. 3. Box 44 KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S Commission Company, Inc. Midland Rood Sale TUESDAY - 1 p.m. The BEST of SERVICE To CONSIGNORS & BUYERS Mote Your Plon Now to to the Stockmeni Market. Tucsdoy is sale day in the Klamath Basin. VERN HOWARD, Mgr. Offire 4-9667 Hom 4-9436 MIDWAY AUCTION YARD MEDFORD, ORE. FRI., JAN. 25 SALE 40 t' D ojol'ty, I ron herct -ird cow j, p'eg. tcer). 25 Wf3"r co'vCi frnm above cows If) Angui sprtnq?r C0w !25 Hereford steer calve 5 block Whiteoce heier 10 Herc'rd c-s o"d coes a,".nt PLUS O'tr uuol nf 300 to 400 heod of sicker ond slough u J I1) tar cotllf. Need Stock? Try Midway! W. J "Bill' Rroy, Auctioneer Ph. 664-2213 Doys, 446-3874 Eves. 37LIVKTOCK t POULTBY 42 FOR SALE or trade for beet stock Jer sey heifer to freshen In June, TU 4-4094, or see at 2964 Hope. BABY CHICKS Babcock W. L-. Cornish Crosses. Free folder. Wilson's Hatchery, Lyons, Ore. Ph, 859-2533. PROTEIN BLOCKS CATTLE & SHEEP 40 lb. Blocks 40e Protein 15,000 units vitamin A per lb. S2 15 per block. (10 or more) PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM & GARDEN STORE 4621 So. 6th TU 2-4555 MACHINERY 44 DOZER BLADES for TD6's - TD9's - D4's HD5's - D6's TD6 Angle Dozer - $2,500 J. C. Equipment Co. 6th & Hilyord TU 2-2051 SEE J.W. KERNS FOR ONAN LIGHT PLANTS (SALES & SERVICE) CLINTON ENGINES AIR COMPRESSORS WRIGHT SAWS REMINGTON CHAIN SAWS So. 6th TU 4-4197 We hove the following equipment for lease, by the coy, month or year. 'John Deere 2010 Wheel Loader with or without backhoe John Deere 1010 oncd 440 Crawl ers with dozers John Deere 1010 Crowler Looder John Deere 435 Diesel with Trencher will trench 5 ft. deep 12 ft. wide Cotcrpillar D2 with dozer Call or see us at Klamath Falls or Tulelake. Don Potter Machinery Co. Phone TU 2-5571 7376 South Sixth St. Tulelofce Ph. 667-5213 USED CARS AND JANUARY CLEARANCE Dugan O.K. These Prices Effective '62 Chev. Soort Si inn. Laidid, &hro. Wtii - . $2798 '62 Chev. Imp! SH" Coupt. StAndflfd $2598 Irani. Whitl with red Interior W. $2898 '62 Chev. II i Doo' Sln. Utft cternonjtri- tor. Wits . . . $2865 60 Rambler 4-Door SJao. Ov rrrtnvt. radio. r.eatar. was . . . $1498 '59 Chev. TOO P'C-tUp $1398 fully equipped was . . . $1598 '59 G M C. ' T-yi P.rkup J .Pd IransmiMtoo. rVai - . $1498 "As-ls" Wos 1955 DODGE 4. Door Sfdon "'8 1954 OLDSMOBII.E 2-Dw Hordttp U 1953 FORD 2-Df Sedon 1952 CHRYSLER Cmveriibtt 1952 PONTIAC 7-rxnr '98 1951 FCRO 4. Dot Sedan j. $148 1943 FORD 2-Dcwr $M8 YOUR COURTEOUS SALESMEN Tom Bender TU 4-6770 Dale Rowland .... TU 4-9881 Femon Mohrt .... TU 2-4219 "Churk" Rarr.p Drop In Today Prove To Yourself That DUGAN & MEST TRADE BEST! Chevy Center 6'h to 7th on Von Goroqe 410 So. 6th St. 45 FOR RENT, American floor sender and eager, swift and easy to operate, send? papers and Bruce floor finishes. Klam ath Valley Lumber Co. 1940 So. eth. TU 4 4816. FOR RENT screw lack and hydraulic lacks, Klamath Valley Lumper Co., 140 S 6n TU 4-4H. MISC. WANTCD WANTEO antiques! anything odl Tu ? 4'H aavs c tu 4 9CS0 eves. MISC. FOR SALE 51 FOR sale 1 91 BSA motorcycle, see 3 75 Altamonf Drlvt or ph. TU 4-t239. SPECIAL purchase! t to 34 cup coffee makers. Stltl. Valley Rental, 1003 E. Main, TU 4-6112. USEO"lumber, 4 to 1x12 including 24 Also box shook firewood, TU Modoc Point, 5 a ton, TU INK BARRELS, 12 SO Press Room Herald and News. DRAIN rock, gravel. I no roadway ma teriaL TU 4-3S6J, GEO. R. STACY CO. TOPSOlu concrete aggregate driveway material, drain rock. 3. M. Barnes, TU 4-7659. MASON sand, fill dirt, sandy fill. Cin ders. Pelican Sand. TU 4-4317. , USED CLOTHING NEW METHOD CLEAN E S IS ROLL TOFDESK Excellent condition, beautiful solid oak. ONLY $95.00 The RESALE HOUSE 3899 So. Sixth r SPECIAL OFFER FREE FLOWER SEEDS TAKE YOUR PICK Yours For Thi Asking STOP IN TODAY! GOODYEAR STORE 301 So. inn TU i-IUI SPECIAL ICE SALE OUT OF PAWN DIAMONDS GUARANTEED Quality Plus Lowest prices m town at COFER'S EXCHANGE 625 Klamath TU 4-mo FISH EGGS (Bulk Skeins) NIGHT CRAWLERS & FLY TYING Materials FRANK'S ft V7 TACKLE ft GRINDING SERVICE t?r f MAIN TRAILERS ..32 WARM, economical 19S4 Eastern Built 8 x 45. storms, bunking, washer, dryer. Colonial, S3.000, Robert Schmeichel. Box: 493. Merrill. Orenon TRUCKS SS MISC. FOR RENT ON and Mest GUARANTEED USED CARS Only Until Jan. 31, 1963 '61 Corvair Chev. petti. Ra 3 io, heater. Wm $1998 .'61 Ford $1698 Ftr(anf 4 - Or. edrtn. i h l r p. Wat . . $1898 '61 Willys CJS J. Cab. hutn, likt nc. Was . . . $1898 '54 Ford '? Tori Pickup, detect mecham .ally. Wai . . . $598 '53 Chev. .t Ton P'eMifl HMd. Irar.irt.n--tton. Wi . . . $498 $398 51 Chev. TOO PitttUp. tpeed Sharp. Wat $448 ' SPECIALS NOW $000 78 43 Bob N.codcmus TU 4-4498 Roy Gehterich Tulelole 667-2789 Cove Shirk TU 4-8051 .. TU 2-4958 TU 4-3 101 Plum 52 50t0 NEtrV Voon, 3, nurted, reasonable. TU 4 i- H FT. vacation trailer, like new. 1700. 30J4 Laverne, TU 4-1. FOR rent large trailer space. Ill month, phone TU 4-5042. HOUSE TRAILER REPAIR, Erv Can 4423 Winter Ave. TU 2-IU3. FOR sale two-wheel trailer, all steel, TU 7-7042. I'S; MODEL 73 i ft Kenskill trillti hose. Will sell or trade on late mode 30' or 35' frailer. Ph. TU 2 0331 after i P.m. FOR sale 451, two becroom, eastern bunt, fully equipped, best oiler, 150 Sum mers Lane. FACTORY trained Coleman ft Intemat'l mobile furnace service, parts, TU 4-143. TRAILERS WANTED Up to 35 tt. any age or make, tic. CASH waiting, trade up or down) SELL YOUR TRAILER DON'T GIVE IT AWAY See Dole or "Shine." DALE'S USED CAR LOT 333 So. 6th TU 2-4980 AUTO MISCtLLANIOUS .. IS MOTORCYCLES NEW ft USED LARGE SELECTION Ray's Harley Davidson Sales 9 North TU 1-6370 Cecil Cox Garage Motor Overhaul or valve Grind Tune Up is Specialty 2151 Attamont Call TU 4-9033 "OVER 30 YEARS FxPE RIENCff USJD CARS 4ND TRUCKS ...53 pickup. m Dodge ' ton. full m. Pacific Finance, tit So. fth. 153 JEEP pickup, good condition. 70S Lewis, TU 4-6490. S3 JEEP station wagon for sale, phone TU 2-3181. DRIVE MORE MOTORS Will pay cash tor can. TU 4-3579, 956 FORD 2 door Ranch Won, V-8, straight stick. Motor nd trnnsmlsslon lust overhauled. $450. TU 2-5581 ext. 50 dflys, TU 2-6355 evenings. REAL sharp 1962 Tempest TeMai Soorts Coupe. 4-speed transmission, buck I seats. Fully equipped! 42300. TU 1-4897. TU 2-4411 Cxi. 514. JEEP! '51 WILLYS JEEP STATION WAGOty 4-wheel drive, Warn hubs, good. tires, new clutch, Better than averoge condition throughout. $643 Dick B. Miller Co. 4-4154 7lh & Klamaih TU Top Value FURY SPECIAL '59 PLYMOUTH SPORTS FURY 2-DOOR HARDTOP Power steering, power brakes, low mileage, white sidcwaUs. $1695 JIM OLSON MOTORS Used Car Lot 7lh & Commcrciol TU 2-5644 TRAILERS ECCLES MOTOR CO. THESE FINE w Select MUST GO . We've CUT PRICES to the bone. 1962 PONTIAC ( 1962 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX COUPE TEMPEST 4-DOOR SEDAN Rodio, heoter, power steering ond Radio, heater, two-tone moroon brakes, bucket veats with door ond while exterior finish, with, hitt Hydro. "Popular block wifhlmatching Morrokide interior.! ted Morrokide interior. Was Standard transmission. Was iJ97 REDUCED 74Q7 TO ONLY J i'' I960 PONTIAC CATALINA 4-DR. STN. WAGON Rodio, heater, Hydramatic, power steering, power brakes, 6 way power seot. Lots of room here Was S2297 . REDUCED J I QQ7 TO ONLY I '7 1961 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4 DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, Power-Glide, V-8 engine, one locol owner, shorp. Was $1797. REDUCED $ I rQ7 TO ONLY 137 1962 MERC. MONTEREY CUSTOM 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater. Multi-drive, power sleering, low miles. Mevoon ond while finish Wos $2897. REDUCED $9iQ7 TO ONLY 07 13' LntVKULtl ilU 4-UUUK 5tUAM s.70jRad'0, heoter, Automolic (rans j.q 'mission. V-8 ehgme. Excellent 4-TUiWOS yvr. REDUCED $Q07 TO ONLY 07 US 1958 VOLKSWAGEN J SUN ROOF 2-DOOR SEDAN Y2 Radio, heoier, 4-speed transmis ston, Good dependable economy. 48wl0,;- TO ONLY 7 7 Call one of our SALESMEN You'll be GLAD you did! Floyd TU 2-5859 Dean Howell TU 2-3596 II Cunningham TU 4-7177 Bill Hotchkin ECCLES MOTOR CO. 1606 So- 6,h St- HERALD AVD NEWS, Klaniath Vf ?. CARS AND TRUCKS 33 WANTED 'J7 ft older cars. Central Auto Sales, TU 2-U30, TU 2-3204. m CMC V, ton truck, s-ioted tr.nimlt. ion, 3-ptd tlf, tlHO. St at Bob Crttyn rtncri or wrltt Box It. Mfcdotl Caul. CASH lor Ctrl ond Pickupl. Corlirtd'i not E. M,m. TU W ml VOLKSWAGEN 2 ltir, t pi Itngtr p.ckup. $S. TU SAVE SAVE SAVE 13 Ford Gtloxl 300 4 Dr. HdtoO .115 ,1 CImv. ImD.I 3 Dr. HdtD. Std...3?S II Ford V I G.lolf I D'. Mdip IJM! ,1 Ford Rinchlro R fc H. Std. . Mj '60 Ford V-t li Ton pickup t ipaed IUI3 DEAL RITE MOTORS Mil So. Mh TU Erv Dowly 'U .-r'Jy JOE FISHER'S ALL OUT Clearance SALE! LOOK at these new LOW PRICES! Sole Priccl 55 Ford Wagon Was $697 $397 '54 Ford 2-Dr. Stn. Wgn. 197 Wos $297 '57 Ford 4-Dr. Sedan Was $797 '54 Ford 4-Dr. Sedan Was $297 '54 Ford Sin. Wagon . Wos $297 '55 Mercury 2-Dr. Was $397 '55 Mercury 2-Dr. Hdtp. Was $597 52 Mercury 2-Dr. Hdtp. Was $197 56 Mercury 4-Dr. Was $697 .... 56 Olds 4-Dr. Hdtp. Was $597 54 Buick 4-Dr. Was $297 $597 .JI97 M97 I97 297 97 $597 H97 J 97 '56 Olds 2-Dr. Hdlp. 397 Wos $597 '56 Willys Jeep 4x4 Pckp. s897 Wos $1097 '61 Willys CJ5 Jeep Full canvas top. $ I QQ7 Wos $2197 I 07 '51 Ford 2 Ton Flatbed Truck Was . $-Q7 $597 I SALESMEN Dole Sechrlst TU 2-5720 Roy Rinehart TU 4-9541 Joe Padgett TU 2-0637! Jim Ehreth TU 2-0149 Martin Arnold TU 4-571 1 Elnathon Davis TU 2-3957 JOE FISHER LINCOLN MERCURY COMET JEEP 677 So. 7th TU 4-8104 USED CARS II :S997 REDUCED $ I Q07 TO ONLY '07 1961 RAMBLER CUSTOM 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio, healer, overdrive, power steering, individual reclining seats with heod rests. I owner. lLow miles. Was $2097. REDUCED $ QQ7 TO ONLY 107 1960 FORD FAIRLANE 2-DOOR SEDAN Rodio. heoter, standard tronsmls mi. v-B engine, one owner, was SI497. REDUCED $ I "5Q7 TO ONLY I J 7 1959 MERC. MONTEREY 4-DOOR SEDAN Rodio. hcolcr, MercomatIC, pow er stcenna. power brakes. A real sharp car. Wo $1497. REDUCED 907 TO ONLY '' 1956 OLDSMOBILE '88' TWO-DOOR SEDAN Healer, automatic transmission Here's a good value. Wos $597. REDUCED $OQ7 TO ONLY J'' 1954 OLDSMOBILE SUPER 88 2-DR. SEDAN Rodio, heoter, Hydromotic Irons, mission. Was $497. REDUCED $")Q7 TO ONLY J' Pen Stride TU 2-0491 Russ Cotter TU 2-1403 Bus Thompson .... TU 4-6618 TU 4-4551 TU 4-8124 Falls. Ore. Wrdnttday, USED CARS AND TRUCKS 55 60 VOLKS. 1 Dr. Sedan, motor over- hag ltd, new dutch, battery tiret. Good paint ! Interior. Sacrifice SI 195, no tredet, prlvftte parly, TU 4-4141. PAY LITTLE . . . . . . SAVE LOTS WILEY'S '58 OPEL 2-DOOR Standard transmission, radio, heater. Excellent car, locally owned, low s595 mileage '58 MORRIS MINOR 2-DOOR. Heoter, 4-speed, itick, excel' lent interior, bucket seats,1 good rubber, low mileage s495 Wilson WILEY BUICK Main Garage 1330 Mom TU 4-3141 Cor Lot No. 2 4 29 So. 7th TU 4-9203 ii BALSIGER MOTOR CO. The Trade -Winds Are BLOWING a hurricane of values YOUR WAY!!!' : We've been selling oh, so many lovely, live ly 1963 Fords -and taking in many, many fine late model trade-ins. SEE A-1 Most 'One are 1961 FORD FALCON 4 -DOOR SEDAN Deluxe trim, radio, heater. Fordo- niatic, one owner. DOWN PAYMENT $465 $1395 1961 FORD FALCON SEDAN Radio, heater, one previous owner. DOWN PAYMENT $465 $1395 1961 FORD FALCON 4-DR. STATION WAGON Radio, heater, one owner, sharp. DOWN PAYMENT $600 $1795 1961 FORD FALCON 2-DOOR SEDAN Rodio, heater. A fine car at a fair price. DOWN PAYMENT $455 $1365 1961 FORD FALCON 2-DR. STATION WAGON Heater. One owner. Lots of room ,ln this one. . DOWN PAYMENT $535 $1595 1960 FORD V-8 9-PASSENGER COUNTRY SDN. Rodto, heater, Cruise o - matlc, power steering, one owner. DOWN PAYMENT $600 $1595 1960 FORD FALCON SEDAN Heoter, deluxe trim, low miles, one owner. DOWN PAYMENT $450 $1345 1959 FORD V-8 RETRACTABLE HARDTOP Shorp, radio, heater, Cruise-O- matlc, power steering. DOWN PAYMENT $485 $1445 1959 -FORD V-8 CUSTOM 300 SEDAN Radto, heater, standard tranimli- ision with overdrive. DOWN PAYMENT $350 $1045 1958 CHEVROLET V-8 4-DR. STATION WAGON Radio, heater, Power-Glide, power Met ring. DOWN PAYMENT $335 $995 LOT NO. 1 TOWN & COUNTRY SHOPPING CENTER TU 2-3866 BALSIGER'S REPRESENTATIVES . .TU J AMS ,.TtJ4-t4'X ..TU J-AATS ,.tu 4-4301 fWttr C'tmtnt mkh rrr Jack Miller .... Al AWrfch BALSIGER MOTOR COMPANY Alwoy fhe Fairest Deal Main & Esplanade PAGE -B USED CARS AND TRUCKS SI 1954 FORD V Ranch Wagon, TU 4-7I3J. FOR SALE 1(47 Chtvroltt panl, 4132 Summtri Lant. TOM TIMMONS;: :; AUTO SALES , '. We'll buy your car or I equity for cosh Come In Today! 7th & Plum TU 2-4784 PERFECT Trailer Puller! '57 FORD 1 Yi Ton Short Wheelbase ' $1075 JUCKELAND MOTORS, 1 1th & Klamath NC. TU 2-2581 THESE LATE MODEL USED CARS - Owner" Cars! I960 VOLKSWAGEN 2-DOOR SEDAN Radio, heater, sharp, one owner. DOWN PAYMENT $465 $1395 1961 CHEV. CORVAIR 2-DOOR SEDAN Heater, 31,000 miles, one owner, shorn. January 23, 1963 DOWN PAYMENT $500 $1495, 1961 CHEVROLET V-8 . IMPALA HARDTOP SEDAN. Like new. Radio, heater, power. steering, power teat. DOWN PAYMENT $735' $2195 1960 CHEVROLET V-8 BISCAYNESEDAN Radio, heater, overdrive, one owner. DOWN PAYMENT $435 $1295 . I960 FORD V-8 4-DR. RANCH WAGON Heoter, standard trans., . -. with overdrive. DOWN PAYMENT $465: $1395 I960 FORD V-8 GALAXIE SEDAN heater, Fordomatic one Rodio, owner. DOWN PAYMENT $500 $1495 1959 FORD V-8 GALAX IE SEDAN Radio, heoter, Fordomotic trans mission. m DOWN PAYMENT $450 $1345 1959 FORD FAIRLANE 500 2-DR. SEDAN Rodio, heater, Fordomatic trans mission. DOWN PAYMENT $385 $1 145 1958 PONTIAC V-8 SUPER CHIEF SEDAN Shorp, rodio, heater, Hydramotic transmission. DOWN PAYMENT $335 $995 1958 FORD V-8 4-DR. RANCH WAGON ,One owner, rodio, heater, Fordo matic, power steering, DOWN PAYMENT $350 $1045 LOT NO. 2 2152 SOUTH SIXTH TU 4-4354 - VAnr1fwl TU 4W1 Uovd OiWtttf TU 4-44 TJ Kiehatrd Oirlr . TU un "Rome" Wwf Merrill m-sm TU 74U , . , The Finest Product f TU 4-3121 (