HKRALO AND Drop Noted In Klamath Unemployed . Hie seasonal increase In unem ployment during December was less during any December of the last four years, according to the slate employment office. Total un employment in Klamath County was also less than during compar alive periods of the last several years. However, the percentage of! the labor force covered by unem ployment insurance, wnich was unemployed during the week end ing Dec. 27 was higher in KUnv ath County than over the state as a whole. , The number of jobs for which workers were requested from the Klamath Kails olfice of the Ore' son State Employment Service: during December was 33.3 per! cent higher than December 1961 Unemployment is expected to increase during January but the increase is expected to stop sub sUintially below the comparative eriod of last year. Weather con ditions will have an effect on em ployment throughout the winter months, and will be a factor in determining the peak period of unemployment. The lowest level of employment this winter is expected to fall in late January or February. From (hat point, employment can be ex pected to rise gradually to a peak during the summer and early fall. At the end of December the Klamalh Falls office had 1,145 ap plicants registered who were heeking employment. This repre rents the largest source of quail lied applicants in Klamalh Coun Conservative Policy Eyed NEW PINE CREEK - Carmen P. Fleming of New Pine Creek, chairman of the Republican Cen tral Committee of Modoc County, indicated Monday that he will at tempt to introduce a nine-point proRram of conservative policy through the Association of Repub lican County Central Committee Chairmen at the state Republican Central Committee meeting in San Francisco, Jan. 26-27. Fleming said he had just con. ducted a survey of both Repub lican and liemoeralic voters in the stale of California and the results of the questionnaires con lirm his conviction that the Re publican Parly can be unilied and win elections if conservative, con Milulion.-il policies are adopted and followed unwaveringly. His survey sliowed that almost all of the Republicans end alxiut half of the Democrats were in favor of conservative govern ment. "If conservative govern mental policies are not adopted, we will soon find ourselves living in a socialistic slate, absolutely contrary to the original intent of our const Million." Fleming staled INCOME TAXES So Your Reliable Income TAX CONSULTANT CHAS. HATHAWAY Auditing - Bookkeeping 120 N. )0lh TU 4. 5473 PAGE -B NKW'S, Klamath Falls, Ore. Schooltime ACROSS I unit choolhouM 4 Report Teacher fruit center 12 Before IS Mountain (comb, form) 14 School poet 15 Abstract belnf 16 Beloved on 18 Pretended 30 Himlet and others 31 Aeriform fuel 22 Wicked 24Curee 28 Singtnf (roup S7Fre nation, (lb.) MVerbaUr 92 Spelllni bet aecond-placer (with up) 84 Savory eauce) as Practicable 37 Unite of reluctance St French dances 40 DemKod 41 Mountain pees 42 Rah 43 Of Hdal proof (leal) 40 Pardon 51 Negative word 52 Oriental potentate 53 Grafted (her.) 54 Aminit 53 Mental powers 56 Periods of time 51 Guido'f note DOWN 1 Shoal 2 Sea eaulfa 3 Specify 4 Mints 3 Flnnlih appellation ' 6 School book 7 Cathedra church 36 Brew t Sea skeleton i IS 13 I U IS IS I? I li ji 114 111 IS 13 U " re re 17 re IT r- 53 a i25 pr jHsrp" 33 31 ""32 13 B 35 35 37 38 j 35 40 41 42 iu iu n5" W 5 ST -51 52 3 5j 55 gg 57 23 Juvenile Members Visit East side Grange Meet NEW PINE CREEK The East- side Grange met in regular ses sion Jan. 19 with 25 members, several Juvenile Grange mem hers, and two gnosis present. Hie visitors were Bill Moser, Lake County farm agent, and Mrs, Mo scr, who are members of t h c Thomas Creek Grange. During the business meeting, two new members, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McElwain of Willow Ranch, received the obligation. A petition, protesting the Ore gon Game Department s annual doe seasons, from Hebron, Ore., was tabled Indefinitely. The con census of opinion was that since officials are appointed collective ly to the game department upon their merits and capabilities, they should have a broadei understand ing of the deer situation through nut the slate and therefore not act according to the wishes of a group in any given locality. The proposition of entering the Community Service Program Con test at the present lime was Intro duced by the master and tabled Indefinitely. A practice for the newly elect ed oflicers was suggested, and the date was set for Wednesday, Jan. 2.1, at 7:30 p m. All officers are expected to attend, and other members are invited. Bill Moser was the sieaker on lccturcr Velma Newcomb's pro gram lollciwing the meeting. He defended the use of chemicals as a slabilizcr to farm production He said there was some rather caustic criticism of the wide use of pesticides making the round A Bank of America checkbook is the safest and most convenient way to carry your money with you. For easy identification, we print your name and address on every check. And, each time you pay a bill, your canceled check is positive proof of payment (a biff help at tax time!). These and many other benefits are available with a checking account at Bank of America. Why not open one today? N( OraiICa,ettiriOMl.Te.i)T ANOISVINGI MSOCUTtOK Kill ftDIOL BIPOJIT INtURANCC CORfOeATION TULELAKE BRANCH, Main and C Streets, Tulelake, California Wfdnpscla.v, January 23, MM miiwif 10 rrevioue ruzit EI? 9 Arabian gulf 10 Scold - 11 Aes 17 Hateful IB Highlanders 23 Disease contagium 24 Harbor entrance (Sp.) 25 Ailauc sea 26 Marker (textile mf.) 27 Derangement 28 Vend 31 Entlcers 33 Mogul governor 38 Moving with an easy Kilt 40 Inheritors 41 Ice cream containers . 42 Retinue 43 Unilateral (prefix.) 44 Exude 46 Surf noise 47 Implement 48 Heating device ooMooy oiwsier which in a few cases were found ed on fact where poisons were used without the proper prccau lions. But he added it would be practically impossible to feed the nation without the use of sprays and pesticides. He pointed out, however, thai some good has come out of the criticism, because the importance of using extreme precaution and following the exact directions giv en for each specific use is be ing emphasized to a greater de gree. Moser then showed slides dem onstrating conditions of poison ous weed infestations heforc and alter spraying, and again stressed the importance of keeping such infestations under control, par ticularly lor the salely of live stock. On The Record MARRIAGI LICKNSIS Rohhy J. George, 70. K l not lev Field and Brenda Mary Wesley, I, Klamath fans. E, E. Bland, Bon n re, and Lauren Fave Thrash, Klamath Falls (legal age), , Five Escapees Recaptured WOODBUHN H!Plt-Kivp boys who csrawH from Mm'taron school for boys here Monday morning were waplured later in the any. Sup.. Amos Reed s.tiH the hoys wore returned hv members of the staff. WHIMS Folding money. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO AUL PERSONS IN TE REST ED AS CREDITORS OR BENE FICIARIES IN THE ESTATE OF VOL LETTE JENNINGS, also known SI Mol Ittle Reames Jennings, deceased, a pend Ing probate proceeding in the Superior Court ol the State of Calllornla In and lor the City and County ol San Francisco. Pursuant to the provisions ol Chapter 417. Oregon Laws mi, Or. Rev. Stat tle.lle 13) lei. notice Is hereby given to all persons Interested as creditors or beneflclerles In the above enfillers es late that the undersigned foreign execu tri. duly appointed and Qualified by the above entitled Court as such for dece dent's will, will, upon the expiration ol ninety 1901 days from the dale of first publication hereof, request payment and delivery from First Federal savings and Loan Association of Klamath Falls, a Federal corporation, ol the sum of ISIOO. 00, which moneys are on deposit with and In the possession of said association In Its account No. 3714 in Ihe name ot decedent. Any person oblectlng to said payment and delivery Is hereby directed to give written notice to his oblectlons thereto to said First Federal savings and Loan Association of Klamath Falls. 540 main Street. Klamalh Falls, Oregon, on or be fore the exolratlon of ninety (901 days from the date ol first publication hereof. Verona M. Jennings. Executrix No. (01, Jan. 23. 30, Feb. t. 13. EQUITY NO. 2-147 SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY MILIA BELLE 4ATTINEN, Plaintiff, i. -HENRY 0. MATTINEN, Defendant. 0: HENRY 0. MATTINEN. Defendant IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby required to appear and answer tne complain? men against vou In the 'above-entitled suit tor divorce on or before the litre day of February, 19 J, and If you fall to so appear and answer, for want tnereor plaintiff will apply fo the Court for the renet prayed tor in ner como-ainr meo herein, to-wlt: for a decree ot absolute divorce of and from you on the grounds of cruel and Inhuman treatment, tor custody ot Janice Marlene Maltlnen and Teresa Ann Metlinen, tor child support n the amount of 1 100.00 per month during the minority ot said children and tor at- lornev fees In the amount of ww.oo. This summons Is servd upon you by oublicatlon pursuant to an order of tne Honorable Donald A. w. riper, juage ot he above-entitled Court, said order be Ina deled the Hlh day of January, 1943, and by publication hereof lor a period ol four consecutive and successive weens The date ol the first publication is Janu' ary 16, 196 J, and the date of the last publication Is February 13, 1963. 5MITH AND CARD Attorneys lor Plaintiff 538 Main Street Klamalh Falls, Oregon No, 191, Jan. 1 6, 33, 30, Feb. f, 13, 196). Court Records DISTRICT COURT January 16, 1961 TRAFFIC Willie Farral Reed, no Oregon opera tor's license, guilty plea, 115 fine paid Dave Albert Hiikey, no vehicle license. guilty oiea, lis fine paid. f-reo Ray not, failure to orive rigni side of highway, guilty plea, sio fine paid. Donald Robert Bailey, parking on high way, gullly plea, SIO fine paid. Oscar Theodore sandberg, disobeyed Slop sign, guilty piea, sis fine paid. Janice S. wardweil, no operator license (Oregon), guilty plea, $5 line paid. Kenneth Arnold Sales, failure to dim headlights, guilty plea, SIS fine paid. January 17, 196) Quint on Duana Million, disobeyed stop Ign, guilty pie. HO fine paid. , Clyde Junior cnew, failure to Transfer i He, guilty plea, IS fine paid. Donn Sheridan, violate basic rule, guilty plee, SIO line paid. Jerry Ellon Edmondson, no operator license, guilty plea, SS line paid. Clifford wilmer Engie, no clearance lights, gullly plea, SIO tine paid. E mora Johnson, disobeyed stop sign. guilty plea. SIO fine paid. William Paul Frenrel, disohevefl traffic signal, guilty plea, 110 fine paid. Joseph Romao Marcon Jr., excessive noise, guilty plea, 17, SO fine paid John Eric Anderson, driving white un der influence of intoxicating liquor, ury trial. Verdict of not guilty. FELONIES Donald Hull! Swill Ik, assault with a dangerous weapon, arraignment continued to Jan. 31, imj, to consul! an airorney and advise court with regard to a pre liminary hearing. Henry Col whose true name Is Henry Luther Cole, assault with a dangerous weapon, ba II reduced from S3, soo to S3. WO. Undertaking of bail of S3. 500 ap proved, preliminary hearing set for Jan., 35, 193. I DISTRICT COURT January II, 1963 TRAFFIC ' Sammie Roosevell McKnighl, violate ba lie rule, guilty plea, S7S tine paid. Calvin Bragg, rem less driving, Trie) Jury, found guilty, WO fine paid. Samuel John Pool, disobeyed stop sign, gullly plea. SIO fine paid. Ruby Marie tampoeii, Tenure to vie.n ight of way. Intersection, guilty plea, HO tint paid. Sharon Marie Owens, no vehicle li cence leiplred), guilty plea, SS fine paid. Harold Allan Tompkins, eicesilve noise. guilty plea, sr 50 fine paid oatina nee trice spears, disobeyed stop ign. gullly plea. SIO fine pe'd. Carl Joseph Williams, excessive noise, guilty plea. V 50 fine paid AHin Lee-Rich, disobeyed traffic signal, triad without ury, changed plea to guilty. S75 tine or S days in county ti in lieu ot fin Clarence Paige Westwood Sr.. Inade quate toot brakes, not gutiiy plea, trial without (ury set tor Jan. II. l.l. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In thi Mailer of the Estate ol BEA TRICE HOUSE GUTIERREZ, Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That th undersigned hai betn appointed Adminis trator 01 we fcsrett ot btefrtct nouse Gutierrez, Deceased, b ma Circuit Court of Iht Stalt of Oregon for the County of Klamath. All parsons having claims against ihe Ettata arc hereby required 10 presem irvem to i nt United Stales National Bank of Portland (Oregon) Trust Department. K I am a l h Fails Branch, Klamalh Fans. Oregon, with proper vouchers within sl (it months from the date ol this notice, DATED this 1Sth day of January, mi. The UNITED STATES NA TIONAL BANK OF PORT LAND (OREGON, ADMINIS TRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF BEATRICE HOUSE GU TIERREZ, DECEASED W. R. BRADSHAW 631 Main Street Klamath Falls. Oreaon. No. 193, Jan. It, 33 and 30, Feb. 0, 1463 NOTICE TO MINING CLAIMANTS Published pursuant to section S of the Act Of JUlV 33, 1955 lf Stat. Mt To whomever It may concern: PRO CEEDING NO. FS 67-20 (Oregon 01I3il) Notice Is hereby given In pursuance of a proper request for publication here tofore tiled In accordance with section 5 of the Act of July 73, 1955 9 Stat. 367), and the regulations thereunder (43 CFR 115. 123-115. 137). 1. That on February '3, 1962, Ihe Chief, Forest Service, Department of Agricul ture, whose address is Washington 75, 0. C. tiled In ihe Land Office of the Bureau of Land Management, Depart ment of the Interior, at HO N. E. Holla- day, Portland 17, Oregon, a request for publication of notice to all mineral loca lors or any person claiming under them Involving a mining claim or claims lo cated on lands owned by the United Slates and under the jurisdiction of the Forest Service in the County of Klamath, Stale of Oregon, described its follows, to wit: Oregon 017331 (F 67-201, the Sugar Pine Area, 6-SR-70-I, Winema and Fre mont Netional Forests, Klamalh County, Oregon. Willamette Meridian, Oregon T. 24 S.. R. 11 E: Sec. 31 j SE' Sec. 33 V'a Sec. 34; SE' Sec. 35; Sec. 34. . 25 S, R. f E: Sees. 24 to 37 Incl.; Secs. 33 to 36 Incl. T. 25 S.( R. 10 E: Sees. 13 lo 36 Incl. T. 25 S., R. 11 E Sacs. I, 7; W'7, SE'e- Sec. 3; Sees. to 15 incl j Sees. II to 35 Incl. T. 26 S R. 9 E: Sees. 1 to S Incl.; Sacs. 7 to M incl. T. 26 5., R. 10 E: Sees. t to 15 Incl.; Sees. 17 to 36 Incl. T. 36 S , 11 E: Sees. 1 to 15 incl.; Sees. 17 to 33 Incl.; Sees. 35, 36. T. 27 S-, R. E: Sees. 1 lo 15 incl.; Sees. 17 fo 34 Incl. 37 5.. R. 10 E: Sees. 1 to 3 incl 27 S., R. 11 E: Sec. 1; Sees. 4 to 14 incl.; Sees. 17 to 22 Incl.; Sect to 35 Incl. T. 31 S R. 9 E: 5ecs. 1 to 36 incl. T. 31 5 , R. 10 F- Sees. 1 to 34 Incl. 31 $., R. 11 E: Sees. 3 to 6 incl.: Sees. I, 9, 10, 14, 15. 17, II; Sees. 20 lo 31 incl.; Sees. 34, 35. T. 2? 5., R. e : Sees. 1 to 6 Incl. T. 29 $., R. 10 E: Sees. 1 to 6 Incl. T. 39 $., R. II E: Sees. 2 to 5 incl. 3. That If any person claiming or sertlng under, or by virtue of any un patented mining claim located prior to Juiy 23, tv, any ngnr, Tine, or inter est in tne vegetative surface resources and other surface resources, under such mining claim, contrary to or in conflict with the limitations or restrictions speci fied In section 4 of said act, as to the above-described lands or any part there of, shall fall fo tile In the Land Office of the Bureeu of Land Management at no n. t. Motiaoay, Portland is, Oregon, and within ISO days from the below stated date of first publication of this Notice, a verified statement which shall set forth as to such mining claims: (1) Tht data of location; (J) The book and page ot recordation of the notice or certificate of location; (3) The section or sections of the pub ic land surveys which embrace such mining claim; or If such lands are un surveyed either the section or sections which would probably embrace such mln- ng claim when tne public land surveys are extended to such lands or a tie by courses and distances to an approved United Stales mineral monument; (4) Whether such claimant Is a loca tor or purchaser under such location ; and (5) The name and address of such claimant and names and addresses so far as known to the claimant of any other person or persons claiming any interest or interests in or under such un patented mining claim; such failure shall ba conclusively deemed in to constitute waiver and relinquishment by such mining claimant ot any right, title, or interest under such mining claim con trary to or in conflict with the limitations lor restrictions specified In section 4 ot tht Act Of Juiy 23, 1955 (69 Stat. 347), as to unpatented claims located after that date, and (lit to constitute a consent by such mining claimant that such unpatent ed mining claim shall be subject to said limitations and restrictions, and (ill) to preclude thereafter, prior to It- suance of patent, any assertion by suchi mining claimant ot any right or title to or Interest in or under such mining claim contrary to or In conflict with said imitations or restriction. Section 4 pro vides, generally, that unpatented mining claims located after July 33, 19S5 shall be used for purposes other than prospecting, mining, rw processlni operations, or uses reasonably Incident thereto; that such claims will be sublecl to the right of the United States to man age and dispose of the vegetative sur face resources thereof and to man age other surface resources thereof; and thai, except to the ele"t required 'or mining operations and uses reasonably incident thereto or to provide clearance tor such operations or uses, claimants of such c'aims shall not uie or dispose nf vegetative or other surface resource, thereof; and tht. exceot for clearance for such purposes, any permitted severance LEGAL NOTICE or removal of timber must be (n ac cordanct with sound principles of forest. management. Said section a aiso pro vides that any use ot Ihe surface of any such mining claim by the United Stales, its permittees or licensees, shall be such as not to endanger or materially inlerlert with tht prospecting, mining, processing or reasonably Incident uses by the mining claimant. Tht dale ot first publication of this Notice shall be Jan. 9, 1943. Dated: Dec. 5, 1942 D. B. Leightner Chief, Minerals Section Bureau of Land Management Department of Interior Portland, Oregon First publication: January 9, 1963. No. 137, Jan. 9, 14, 33, 30, Feb. 4, 13, 20, 27, March 6, 1963. To Place Your WANT- AD Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD , NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 I a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays I a.m. to noon Saturday Count five words per line. Ads under 3 lines count same as i lines. 3 6 10 1 Lines Times Tlmis Times Wanth 1 S3 50 14 CO 15 00 t 9.00 3 3.75 5 00 4.50 11.50 4 4 00 4 00 a.W 14.00 I 4.75 7.:3 9.50 14.50 Minimum Charge 1.50 50c DISCOUNT per advertisement, if paid In advance. Above rates art for consecutive Inser tions, without change of copy, for pri vate Individuals. Advertising must be uear and understandable to bt produc tive. All words must be spentd out. A'jtos ottered for sale by private mdl vlduats cash with copy. DEADLINE-4:30 p.m. day belora publi cation. Noon Saturday for Sunday and Monday. CANCELLATIONS l CORRECTIONS On same schedule, except on Monday ..test are taken 'III 9: a.m. Please read first Insertion ot your ad. The Herald 4 News will give one extra run tor typographical error. "Business Builder" WANT ADS t column Inch, 135 per month with tt 50 discount tor payment on or belora tht lOlh. Vt Inch, $19 with SI. 50 discount for payment on or before the 10th. Based on one copy entngt per montn. BOX SERVICE 50 cents per ad. CARD OF THANKS, and IN ME MORI AM U.HI PHONE TU 4-8111 FOR COMMERCIAL RATES FUNERAL HOMIS WARD'S Klamatfl Funeral Home. 925 High Streef. Phone TU MEETING NOTICES 1 MANZANITA CHAPTER No. 172 OES meets 2nd end 4th Wednesdoy, 8 5?pZ. P m. Scottish Rite W- Temple. All OES V members cordially In- rited. Verdo Scribner, W.M.! William Anderson, W.P, LOST eV FOUND .2 LOST diamond studded lady's platinum st watch, reward, tu t mi. GENERAL NOTICES BOYS! SCSE0L EARN Vacation Money by selling the He: aid & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contoct Herald & News, Circulotion Depf , 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4-8111 ..4 CASH far farm eupment yeu waat sell comet fast when yeu ust law Ot even Ads Oiai tu 4-1111. HAVE YOU any of these things TO SELL? .They'll bring you EXTRA CASH! fr GUNS & BOATS & TENTS ir STOVES & RADIOS & PIANOS it BOOKS fr TOOLS & SKATES & TRUNKS ft PLANTS fr JEWELRY & LIVESTOCK & FISH POLES ft TV SETS & BICYCLES & CLOTHING Or, 1,001 other items too numerous to mention! LET PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT IT. PUT YOUR AD WHERE THEY CAN SEE IT! Coll Herald & News WANT ADS TU 4-81 1 1 PERSONALS OVEHTURE TREND, 163 shaping and curling. Your hair wt becoming to you' Yau ihould be coming to Kim and Anon. Stuflto of Bfeutv. TU 4 7151 KLAMATH AlcohoMCt Anonvmouv Tlj el-351. TU J-tUrj. Fnfnrltv h'D anytime si Ry ices REVOOELING, competent, reliable, TU 24107. limalBJ, termi. CHAMBERS HOUSE MOVING, lounda 'tons, leveling, TU MMi or TU 3-1014. the PRIM POODLE." ciTterV "grooming", or appointment, iu 4-4i: SPEEDY IS tht rflr0 advertisers ua to aesenbt Want Ad results. O-ai TU 4-8111. REMODELING and repairs, an kinds. reasonable, references, ru 3-5388. CUSTOMiUTc1TEVlNS At vrHir place, deliver to processing . A I StOM, TU DOLLS repaired, modern and tntioue Reasonable price Lome's Dell Hospi tal. TU 4-693. 1434 Lekevtw. TREE topping, pruning, insured tree grooming. Lae shore Nursery. TU 4-6955 CUSTOM WEAVING. Handwoven rtt rugs, 13 up; tote hags. $2 50, Mrs. E. C Murphy, TU 3-13S7. HOUSE remodeling, cabtrets our soecial y, please check our references. TU 4-407?. TREE luroery. .uch as removal, prun ing, topping. Brooming. TU 2-1968 DENT ALT PLATES- eeeirtd wHt vou wait. New Plates Male From Vour Old PERSONAL DkNTURE SERVICE 1033 Main TU 4-J2I4 Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring alterations tnt men, women children. Ait work guaranteed. Reason an prtcev Genes Mens Wear 537 Main Jess' Tree Service Tret topping, removing my kind of ciean-up work, f -ee enmatte. TU 4-6418 Don't Gutis Call Jesst Fuller Brush TlJ25972 ioucational NEW '63 World pifvj Frvvcloced a, SfMe- TU iflii b'ce 9 m IS HILP WANTIO. FIMALI U BAHY it!er t(K four smalt ch:'3ren In my horn, fluvs r nights, call Tu 4-4249 WOVEN- needed." Vrni tTv -a . nT B one in ja . Tulelake, a Leevew tarn wie you am Career development prog-am, in. etudes nermr decoration and floral d. i. Write Bo tfT. Heraid e. News or phone TU 4-7514 at'er 1 ( m f'URSE to menaoe office and eimt doc- HI LP WANTID. MALI U EXPERIENCED tM-ber .nied Good to ta'-pn TU -7i1. Tu 2-3?2e JCMf R NF v V Nr ec 'C'i (.bf nIv f Medforfl. writf f3t- 4jec, MfrW ro News W eWTt'O. v(s-a mn mho i rft n.j ree-iyi. rwarf ifd, atwf IS veat r-n. -we i ar.i ty C-oed chance f e ' tj'tvutm it new tnovsfn, 5ere sfe'Kv five hej'ptvi. starf,g Mfrv sar Rer'v Bo 4;c. ca-e o Ne'ttd GENERAL NOTICES 17 apart VENT house manager wanltd. Write Herald and News Box 443 C. NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS All help wanted tdt published In the Herald & Newi are accepted in good faith that the sb offered are ai iiated m tht advertising copy. We art nor re sponsible for tht Integrity ot our adver tisers, but we make every effort to dlv cover and refect all misleading advertis ing. Anyone ens string a help wanted ad and finding It to bt misleading n asked to report It to tht Classified Ad vertising Department of tht Herald News. PAROLE OFFICER Salary SS.280 lo U.600, Parole and Pro bation work In various locations In Ore gon. Must bt between 2S and 59, College Graduate and have 1 year's experience as Parole OMker, or in related social service work or teaching Apply Immed iately! Oregon Civil Service Commission, Public Service Building, Salem, Oregon., SITUATIONS WANTED- 18 WANTED carpenter work, remodeling, large or small, tree estimates, TU 2-02 62. WILL do typing or bookkeeping In my homt. Experienced! TU 2-4984. WOMAN wants work. Days. TU 4-8537. Whaf-Have-You. LICENSED CHILD CARE by hour, day, week Monday through Friday. V a.m. to 6 p.m. 1338 Carlson Drive, TU 2-)44 IRONING7"washlngTPlckup, Dellvtr, Ex ptritneed, Reasonable! TU 4-9434. CHILD care, your homn or mint any time. TU 2-1771, TU 3-2711. EXPERIENCED housekeeping or child cart. Reasonable, references! TU 2-3521, TU 4-3346. ROOMS FOR RENT ...22 STEAM heated, quiel, sleeping rooms. 310 South Fifth TU 3-0214. CLEAN, comlortable rooms. 2 blocks from Main, IS & up. TU 4-4259. APARTMENTS fOR RENT 24 DUPLEX V": block off highway, Weyer haeuser junction, all electric. TU 2-3139. ONE bedroom duplex, 433MartlnTU 4-4702. NEAT, roomy apartment, 2 blocks fo center ot lown. Heal furnished, 155. TU 4-9354. CLEAN studio, downtown, couple or sinqle. utilities, 555, Greer Apts., TU 4-4670. NEWLY decorated, clean, close in, adults, U0 and 550, Gun Store. PARK APTS., 530 up, bachelor, natural hot water, TU 4-9754, T'J 4-3B54. MODERN 3 rooms and bath, 540 and up, brick court, garages. 321 Spring. MODERN 3 bedroom furnished apts. $45 per month, TU 4-5692. APARTMENT near" Weyerhaeuser I u r- nished. Utilities, steam, heal, $40, TU 4-8313. WARM, CLEAN, COMFORTABLE, Mo tel Unit's with kitchens, low winter weely rates, TU 4-3236 DUPLEX, 4 room furnished, excellent location, garage, laundry, 160, TU 4-3659. CLEAN, quiet, furnished, bath, steam heat, near courthouse, 415 Walnut. ONE bedroom furnished apartment. 333 So. Uth FURNISHED apartments 143 Riverside ru 2-4736. FURNISHED apartment, 3113 Gary, $45, washing facilities, TU 2-6034. ATTRACTIVE 7th & Pine, furnished, fret heat. Adult), 159.50, Alpha Apis., i U 4-4532. $15 TO $30 weekly rates, kitchens avail able, johnny's Motel, 200i Bithn. EWAUNA DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, furnished. 219 So. 11th. TU 2-1062. 2 BEDROOM deluxe unfurnished apart ment. Immediate occupancy. TU 2-6500. BACHELOR apartment, $47 50, heat, wa- itr, garbage service Included, inquire 223 No. Ath, Apt. 102. FURNISHED 1 room apt., $40. utilities paid. 4)9 No. 10th. CLEAN, furnished or unfurnished. Call TU 4-7151. Call TU 2-0206 alter 5. FURNISHED, heat free, outside entrance, bath. 1431 Espionage. TU 2-2770. COM PLET-E L Y l urnlsned""stud obdbtU ment, all utilities paid, $15. a week or available by tne month, washer-dryer. Villa Marquis Apartments (under new management) 1330 Oak. 1U 4-5995 before 1 1 a.m. or TU 4-7858 alter 7 p.m. FURNISHED 3 rooms. Close In, adults only, no pets, laundry facilities. 802 Lin coln. ONE or bedroom furnished. Heat, wafer paid. 825 Grant, TU 2-4719. NICE clean furnished apartment, close in. TU 3-2531, TU 4-6966. BEDROOMS furnished apts., carport. TU 3-4935 anytime, TU 4-3369 after 7. CONSTRUCTION workers welcome! Near new OTI site, furnished. TV available, weekly rates. Pelican Motel, Tu 3-9256. THREE room completely furnished apart ment, M Walnut. TU 4-5472. FURNISHED large 3 rooms, clean, warm. rug, $45, inquire 1624 Division. COMPLETELY furnished Including util ities i4M Main. ENJOYABLE, downtown furnished, heat fret. Adults, $65, Alpha Apartments, TU 4-4522. 3 BEDROOM unfurnished, ground floor. auto washer hookup, fenced, $50, T U 4-5686 SP ARKLI NG. uptown. ' furnished! UtVqt bedroom, etra bath, heat free, adults, $85. Alpha Apartments, TU 4-4577. REX ARMS 1 OR 2 BEDROOM APARTMEN1S. CLOSE IN HEAT, WATER, GARBAGE PAID 224 BROaO - T-J 2-9217. $36lo$5850 COMFORTABLE LIVING AT LOW COTI 1-3-3 et)t., fvmiihed Or unfur nished. Permanent memtenance included. Monday through Frtday SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS 1637 WASHBURN WAY TU 4-77 Office hours I a m. to 5 p m RICKFALLS APARTMENTS and MOTEU 2660 Shosto Woy Ort ond Two Bedroom opf$. Furnished ond Unfurnihed $69.50 to $89.50 Daily, Weekly Motel Rolej VJ2H77 KLAMATH FALLS FINEST 34 Union 1 BeKS'Oom ufuriVei J BM'nom uvr-'jhd Spec 'Out Rooms Taste'uiiy Decfe'en .Vail to Watt Camel ing Swimming Pool Rental "teiixfes an services treot ttfphone and eieOrtcity tN e'eta, Nrl T(t Vl 26 HOUSES FOR RNT UNFURN'SHEO 3 bedroom di-rie in Mill Addition, electric heat. w"r-drv-1 er hoctHup. garege. 183. TU 4SMI fvt-i ngs or weeufnds ONE bedroom suburban, stoves Included, garaot. paved sfeet, SV), Tu 4-3S'0 NICE, clean unfurnished 2 bedroom. Mills Addition. TU 2-C2I alter S p m FURNISHED 1 bed'OOm, mi or oil. 1 O' 3 Children o k. Tu J-37C3 NICELY furnished one bed'oom heme, 'i acre e'ese in TU -bCS4 OE bedroom fym itn home near be TU 4-3 evenings one bwoom turn shed, gas heat phone tu i-jjaj ONE becoom hnue. large Mving ronm ly pa"ttd Irsidt and ntit. aarjta. ' liO. call a'tfr 8pm Tij 4t I TWO bedroom house. oa'Mv fun;ivi i Mi M.iltpp $'at.on. 3031 Gre?nor.ngs I TWO bed'Oom tfvptei, sovt. e':gtra ipr. was-er. water turnied oa'eaa l-: ou't JM Mo-Maif before t a m a'te-' p v TU 4 fr NE ) h'pom hpm )ty Ud'son, cam t u 3-JJ80 OR leae to permanent tennant.,twn i hM'OOm ivmf at t14 CdW' A ve F i'f , fir, baMamejnt. p.l fijrn(, Otr1Q At-; 'rect've va-ff With lrfe, llowe-S. Shrub Avi;arT 'e'' p-t t Feb. nj mo Tu 7 i'. davf.. Tu 4-45.', if r3 UN URN-SHED duci f-'ifliact. Ml IMa-ffff tail j 4T t.tfr j B m HELP WANTED 24 UNFURNISHED 3 bedroam house. Water paid. Inquire at 1544 Etrta. F U RnTsheD t bedroom. Walar, garbage. Wocus. no pets. T U 4-9 49? NEAT and clean 3 year old 3 bedroom unfurnished duplex. New stove and retng. tor. Mills Addition, MS. TU 3-4U4. Eves. TU 4-5S44. I BEDROOM duplex. Water, garbage paid. Stove, refrigerator, 50. TU 4-4915. REMODELED 2 bedroom duplex, furnish US. Inquire 111 Pine. ONE bedroom furnished duplex, water paid. Nice neighborhood. TU 3-1456. HOT SPRINGS 2 bedroom upstairs, un furnished duplex, garage. Adults only, ta5, TU 4-4850. TWO unfurnished two bedroom houses, south suburban, MS, TU 2-3923. TWO bedroom unfurnished house. TU 4-A023. TWO bedroom unfurnished house, 165. Children, pets, ok. References required. TU 3-590. NICE 2 bedroom furnished house. 575. TU 2-3153. LARGE 1 bedroom, garage, gas furnace, range, $40, Inquire 1502 California. NICE two bedroom trailer for rent, phone TU2-1350. CLEAN three bedroom unfurnished, 3 miles north of Klamath Falls, children, pets O.k. $65, TU 2-590: CLEAN one bedroom furnished cabin, $35, 1235 Adams, TU 4-3854, TU 4-9 7 54. TWO bedroom unfurnished house. TU 4-4379. UNFURNISHED two bedroom house. East Main, one child, $55. TU 4-9106. ONE bedroom furnished duplex. Adults, no dogs, $45. TU 4-428K ONE bedroom unturnlshef, electric range, built In oven, extra bedroom and storaae space attached to garage, 3 acres, 2330 Grape, TU 4-3309. ONE bedroom furnished house, call TU 4-4379. LARGE two bedroom unfurnished duplex, like new, $15. 1813 Siskiyou, TU 4-7S64. ONE bedroom unfurnished house, $59, 2139 Main. Phone TU 2-2666. MILLS, three room. Stoves and refriaer ator. Washer, dryer hookup. TU 2-3B52. UNFURNISHED two bedroom duplex, ga rage, fireplace, 30)1 Boardman, TU 3-0990. OUTSTANDING 2 bedroom dunlex on Laverne, electric heat, garage, fireplace, TU 3-4753. 1 FURNISHED 1 bedroom, north side. TU 4-4268 alter 4:30 p.m. and weekends. LOOK Two bedroom, furnished; two bed room, unfumlsHed, and three room, fur nished. Mills Addition, TU 4-9784. NICE two bedroom home, unfurnished, S85 TU 2-3597 days, TU 4 -984J tvM MISC. PROPERTY TO LET 27 FOR lease 140 acres level ground under Irrigation, Macdotl area. 70 acres good spud ground. Or will sen or trade. TU 3-4137 REAL ESTATE WANTED 28 TWO or three bedroom In city under $17,500. Give details. Box 429C, Herald and News. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE .. 2f "TRADE" and SAVE TAXES For Information on tox FREE Trodes, coll DEANE SACKER Realtor Member International Traders Club l itemed -Ore., Cat., Ida., Wash. 1017 Mam ru 4-4 7 TRADING CENTER!! 6 room home In south suburbs. Price S11.SOO 14.000 oultv tn trd nn rri. agt 20 to 30 acres. 3 bedroom, split level, playroom. 2 fire places, l1 1 baths. Price S?l,SO0. Will con sider small home to $4,000 as down pay ment. 3 bedroom, modernistic, view proper ly, l'l baths. Brick front, clerestory win dows. $16,000. WIN consider small home in trade. STILES REALTY MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB 133 So. 9th St. , Phone TU 2-4740 Fred Tucker TU 4-974? Homer Sti'ct TU 4-W14 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE .30 THREE room modern house with car. port, storage, trailer space, $B50 cash, 3103 Emerald St. TU 2-1 j.o. COMPACT, firmly built home, one bed room, concrete foundation, paved street, garage. Electric range A, oil heater in cluded for only $3,950, terms $400 down, $50 monthly, EVERETT DENNIS, REAL TOR, ph. TU 4-8491 or TU 4-4578. THREE bedroom home for sale. 1749 Summers Lane, TU 4-4539. OLDER 3 bedroom suburban home. Built in kitchen, carpeting, gaiaqe. small lot. $9,000. TU 4-7312 15 ACRES, unimproved, paved road, beau tiful building site, Henley school District, $45O0. TU 4-7814. NEW HOME Beautiful 3 bedroom, hardwood floors, fireplace, ceramic hie bath, forced a-r het, patio, d'ning room. Exclusive D'S trtct SU.0O0. TU 3-2410. STILWELL & CO. Presents: NEAR CONGER SCHOOL - plenty nf room lor lh family in thi corn'o't- Ahie 3 fredroom home. L'ie living room with fireplace, dining room, tjrod utility area with plenty of tnr aoe. shop, double lot with lerqe pve-1 Br,, tor children's play. HO. 000 Good terms. WEYERHAEUSER EMPLOYES can live cioe fo work in this comlprtab'e J hd'oom home In West Klamath Home has leroe g'asted in prrrh and pftiement, oood gareae A shm. garden spce sa.soo ii price Sy) down ISO oer month S4.3O0 FULL PRICE on this ClMn 1 h-'l-room home In good fire North vde nf town This is a good starter home. Can te bouqht with only JMW down. STILWELL & CO. I Realtors , Si9 Main street TU 4-3138 Aiier 5 00 call n uce Biitue tu t-M't Pen Van Of man tu 2 ; if no anwer call TU 4 JVf, fir TU 3-0414 Multiple Listing Service MLS i i Qualify? Yes'! A FASCINATING WORLl. OP Bf AUTY AD COMFORT elites you e. vny t tr this SUDei-tjIV desiflnev vrlueVly nr l'aer 3 bedroom modernnt.c south su uroan homt. Etr-irge family room w'h circulating fireplace. 2 ("mit mm ',ihs. built-in range aM o.fn. Crea-Oast Lr. Lage attached douStt ga'aqe. eju- we landscaping. Chotce M0 Hi M. view si'e in heauMui rp.trictd ntw tome area you can t go wrong at eJf,K0; ust 10 per cent oown. i The Very Best .N TM VtDIUM FRH F RANf-E At I att-vt aid weil-bu'1' nwtr 2 bedrno-n Nwe. near tcwv Ou'Cev tc V ' i Sc oot Firecacf. f'aoTd "oc-s throughout, over-sued .mqie aachevj g. rage. Reasonably priced at it j r-o. -.a W.y pnv mor(i STl DOWN Fh A NO DOWN Glj nominal dosing. PHONE RiljHT NOWI r i Northside Special jnV 18 for this fully mMjlatr-fj t-l. nlv built J bedroom homr w 11 iun trt Cete baemnf tirp.ce. hijo sul Cfth, possible 3rd ben-pom m baiemait hcfiE'S VALUE PLUS at fh-j toM p'ict Viaimum financing. -'. QUICK ACTION ,V " ON LISTINGS'! Chilcote ond SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO it N ih Sf Sri'es Pe-ioei Phor-.a ij a.T' HOUSES FOR REN1 om Ra?e Ph tu :M8J EvfS. f J Ch.cce. Atux i'i B-okfr ft- Ch iccte. B-oer