7b PAGE( 10-A Wednesday, January 13, 1963 ; ; HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Fall j, Orr. Bell Seeks Authority In Foreign Aid Effort WASHINGTON (UPI)-Forelgn aid chief David E. Bell said today a lack of clear-cut authority was tampering the foreign aid pro gram when he took over recently lie said he is acting to correct the situation. ;Bcll, President Kennedy's for mer budget director, told the Sen gCa Foreign Relations Committee :yiat field personnel were not clear about their responsibilities and those of their superiors in Wash ington. This "led to unnecessary delays," he said. Bell also painted an encourag ing picture of Korea's improved economic prospects, and said the! outlook in strife-torn South Viet Nam is more encouraging. "The battle has just started" in South Vict Nam and will be a long struggle. Bell said, "but most Competent observers believe we may have turned the tide." I Meantime, Christian A. Herter, Kennedy's new trade negotiator, said it might take some time to work out better relations with Common Market nations regard, ing tariffs on American agricul tural products. But "I am hope ful something can be done," the former secretary of state said. "We are negotiating that matter at the moment." Bell, Herter and the latter's deputy, William Cossett, former Ford Motor Co, executive, were questioned at a public hearing on their recent nominations. Herter said the United States is particularly interested in the Unit ed Kingdom joining the European Common Market because ' "it would be in the interests of the whole Free World." Like Ireland, free of snakes. Newfoundland is GO ON A SAVING SPREE lffiS. nnnrirnT rcsenTlriF lUJIUL J O LIU J Swift's Coral Brand Fresh . .7 ' " mJ(, Frozen, Broad Breasted Birds X j 4 ' " ' " 0 9)(olS. A ;W r 'v.., V '. if l It. ..mi - . S ' mi k, WfA, u, "I'll bet if Pop had seen you like this BEFORE you were married, I wouldn't be here TODAY!" I USDA Grade Good T-Bone Steaks Supermarket Frozen PEAS 10-ox. pkgs. Mb. I pi I USDA Grade Good AA. Sirloin 5 tea les wen trimmed ib. yc s 11 USDA Good and Choice f"0 Chuck Roasts a.. . 5yc Ground Beef Si 3 b.. Y9 Piilsbury FLOUR 10-lb. Bog SYRUPV " n 1 1 ButMrad or Regular 1 1 Snoboy fVl 11 ii Winciapl n b. ii lyiw V 49c J) 3 "9 I King Size 1 Enter Snoboy's big "Draw the Snoboy" Contest. Have fun, win prizes! Get full details in our pro duce department! Garden Fresh Golden, Crisp CATSUP Del Monte Big 20-oz, Family Sorry We Son Out Lost Week! Ml' Broccoli -25c Carrots Mb."i..10 Fresh Roosted Snoboy Emperors Peanuts 3 1" Grapes 229 Graham Crackers 59c Chocolate Morsels 39e Grapefruit Sections r5?$1 Red Kidnev Beans 7?$1 Mayonnaise Cottage Brand Full Quart 49 Mild or Hot Nalley's Chili IS-oi. tint Fishor't Mixed NUTS 13'i-oz, tint 79' For Salads or Cooking Wesson OIL 24-oi. Bottle c 39' Crater Lake ICE CREAM All Flovort - ! i Gal. IC 89' ML Downtown Malin, Oregon Prices Effective Thurt. thru Sat. Right Reserved to Limit Tourist Office Proposed In California SACARAMENTO (UPI - A state-operated tourist development office to bring foreign and out-of-state money to California was pro posed in the Legislature today. Assemblyman Robert W. Crown, the bill's author, described the state's present tourist promotion system as a "jigsaw puzzle. "California is the only state in our nation which does not directly aid a state tourist program," said Crown. "All promotion currently is handled by local and regional organizations. In a year-long study of tourists! in California, Crown s subcommit tee on tourist trade discovered that the visitor represents a ma jor source of income in the state Unfortunately, there are no sources of reliable figures on the numbers o( visitors or their ex penditures," said Crown's commit tee report. From available information, the subcommittee estimated that visi tors spend a little more than $1 billion annually in California of which more than $300 million is in room sales by hotels and mo tels. "We have learned that tourism is very big business in California, Crown said. "Bui we have also discovered that no one in our state Demos Seek GOP Support In Tax Cut WASHINGTON (UPI) Demo cratic congressional leaders said after meeting wiUi President Ken nedy today that they hoped Re publicans would join Democrats in supporting the administration's tax cut program as a means of strengthening the economy. Speaker John W. McCormack, D-Mass., told newsmen following the White House session: This should be a bipartisan matter because everyone is in terested in developing, within the spirit of individual initiative, an expanding economy. Senate Democratic Leader Mike! Mansfield, Mont., chimed in: What we are trying to do in effect is to forestall further depression." Manslield and McCormack said the President's proposal for a net tax reduction of $10 billion over three years was the main topic of discussion at Kennedy's weekly breakfast meeting with his party's leaders of the House and Senate knows just how big or how import ant this business really is. Under the present arrangement, all information on the number of tourists and their expenditures is collected by the Bureau of Plant Quarantine of the Department of Agriculture, which makes its in formation available to local and regional tourist promotion organ izations. Crown caid that during subcom mittee hearings leaders in trans portation, hotel, motel and relat ed industries repeatedly asked the state to assume its "proper func tion in tourist promotion. 'We have been asked to meet the increasing competition from the other 49 states," said Crown. 'The bill which I have introduced will help meet this competition and will provide the vital billion dollar tourist business with the facts and figures they need to plan for orderly growth. The office would be adminis tered by a director and get ad- and visitor facilities where need- vice from a 15-member advisory commission comprised of repre sentatives of industries affected by tourism. Its major functions would be re search, development ot material to promote California for use abroad and in other states, plan ning for establishment of border stations to welcome visitors, en courage preservation of natural tourist attractions and roadside rests, and encourage private de velopment of improved tourist ed. Other developments in the Leg islature: Death penalty Assemblyman Lester XI. McMillan, D-Los Ange-i les, postponed for at least a week introduction of his bill to establish! a limited four-year moratorium on the death penalty. He did so at the request of Gov. Edmund G. Brown. Poll tax The Senate ap proved by a vote of 32-0 a resolu tion ratifying a proposed consti tutional amendment to forbid a poll tax in national elections. The measure now goes to the Assem bly, where similar resolutions al ready have been introduced. iFHEE-dclicious j I.IIAUT IlECIPES II VI" Dept. K P.O. Box 2589, Portland 3, Ore. WE'VE MOVED . . . right next door to a bigger and better location. Visit us now at 205 Riverside. Gas Co. NOW AT 205 RIVERSIDE Indonesia Action Urged MANILA 'UPD Political ana military leaders, concerned over the build up of Soviet arms in In donesia, today urged action to bolster the defenses of the south ern Philippines. Sen. Eulogio Ralao, chairman of the upper house's Defense Committee, asked military author ities to give Congress detailed plans for the establishment of modern air and naval bases in the southern islands. "From the looks of it, Russia is out to build another Cuba," Balao said. Philippine concern over the sit uation was deepened by the agi tation of Communists in Indo nesia for "a greater role in the government." Retired Navy Capl. Carlos Al bert, former Philippine military intelligence chief, said the Rus sians are pouring military equip ment into Indonesia, including jet fighters and bombers and modern destroyers. Albert said a Communist seiz ure of power in Indonesia would endanger the Philippines Thai and and Ma ava. p ECONO-CLEAN DRY CLEANING PROFESSIONALLY cleaned and spotted V 4 10 LBS, 1 $0 L It y brifif In n4 pickup. Pick-up tnti t livery Scrvkt 50c pr urair txttm. QUICK SERVICE! Any Garment beautifully finished out of the above service at rejvlor charge. CASCADE Laundry 1 Ctaenert Or Pit. Ollit m. 4-sni t l ia l BROADWAY CLEANERS 41 S U. tih PV 4 4401 NEW METHOD CLEANERS MS! t..l..tJ. Pli 4.44T1 No money down on credit at Wards-just say "Charge IH" j Riverside wVja 4-SQUARE GUARANTEE YvV L WV'y 1. 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